The Winning Streak

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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During some downtime at a pokemon porn studio, four members of the cast and crew take part in the monthly contest to see who can cum the furthest.

This vignette was written for Gamerfox as their Patreon flash fiction reward for May. It contains M/Solo masturbation involving multiple consenting adults. :3

The Winning Streak

The studio's staff looked on in a mixture of anticipation, amusement and excitement as Donny, Ace, Jun and Nathan stood in a line and pumped their cocks within their grasp. The crowd chatted openly as the four men masturbated just as brazenly before them, each of the anthro pokemon varying slightly in their technique but all clearly holding nothing back. Donny grinned as he heard a member of the video editing team place a ten dollar bet on him, and winked in the jolteon's direction, grinning as she blushed crimson and licked her lips as she let her gaze fall shamelessly to his erection. His attention soon returned fully to the matter at hand though as he heard Ace grunt and curse under his breath, and looked around to see the taller, more muscular typhlosion frantically squeezing and stroking his cock in one hand while the other, resting by his side until recently, began to massage and squeeze his heavy balls.


Ace growled, only for all eyes in the crowd to turn to a blushing treeko sitting off to one side of the main group with one hand on a stopwatch and the other gently massaging the bulging crotch of his jeans.

"Four minutes, fifty two seconds left."

The timekeeper answered, blushing brighter still as the response provoked another, louder groan of ecstasy from Ace.

"A-ahh... fuck it. I can't wait. I've already gone three days without cumming waiting for this. Four minutes isn't gonna make a-aahhh... aahhhhgod... fuck. Fuck, yes. Ah! God. Cumming!"

The fire pokemon thrust his hips forward, tilted his cock upward, and snarled savagely in delight as he pumped his erection one more time before more forcefully squeezing his balls and watching as thick ribbons of seed erupted forth across the stone floor upon which the four of them were standing. His legs shook. His eyes rolled back. His head fell slack upon his shoulders as his cum launched out a good two metres from him, falling only half that distance or so again short of the nearest members of the crowd. Several people cheered. Others moaned. He just gasped and panted his way through the rest of his orgasm, before finally letting go of his cock and stepping forward to examine the likelihood of his victory.


He growled softly as he stepped up to judge the distance he'd shot from the white chalk line drawn across the floor just in front of the three remaining men's feet.

"Should've waited. Pushed myself another minute. But... fuck, I was horny."

Walking over to the timekeeper, Ace plucked the piece of chalk from a small table beside where the treeko was sitting and then returned to his cum, marking a circle around the furthest streak of his seed and drawing a large 'A' next to it. Before he could step away though, or return the chalk from where he had picked it up, a fresh cry of unbridled ecstasy from the remaining line-up caught his attention.

"Gonna do it. I'm gonna win this. I'm... ohh... ohhhgod, yes. Yeah!"

Nathan wailed in triumphant pleasure as he let loose, but the raichu was so caught up in the ecstasy of his own orgasm that he kept on pumping himself, kept on urgently squeezing and rubbing his cock right through his peak. In doing so of course all the other men knew his would probably feel the best of all, but this wasn't about feeling. This little contest they'd set themselves was about distance, and thanks to his lack of precision and making the most of the angles of his orgasmic release, Nathan's cum came up a good half metre short of Ace's furthest streak.

"Better luck next time, Nate."

Ace chuckled as he wandered over to the raichu and offered him the chalk as Nathan finally began to come down off his high. Nathan didn't immediately take the chalk though. In fact, quite honestly he seemed so zoned out and satisfied that he didn't even care about how far he'd cum any more, just glad that after saving up for three days just for this activity, he didn't have to deal with that constant needy ache in the back of his mind any more.

With the raichu and the typhlosion spent, that just left two competitors. As Nathan finally stepped away, marked his orgasmic distance on the ground and padded off to one side to chat with Ace and be commiserated by the onlookers who had been rooting for him, Donny and Jun stepped closer to one another until they were side by side. The burly dragonite glanced down at the much smaller, skinnier vaporeon, and murmured to him playfully as he jerked off his huge, thick cock with two hands simultaneously.

"Y-you close?"

Donny moaned loudly in answer, and raised a teasing eyebrow back at the dragonite a moment later.

"What do you think? Aahh... I had two dates planned this weekend. Two nights planned."

Jun chuckled.

"Yeah? Called 'em off just so you'd have a chance?"

The vaporeon grinned and shook his head.

"Fuck no. They both would have killed me. I just spent both nights getting them off. You have no idea how hard it was to listen to that cute growlithe beg me to fuck him and not do it. Or to feel that lapras' pussy gushing over my face and knowing I wasn't gonna get to feel her do that over my cock."

A violent tremor ran through Jun's body, and as he moaned and a thick ribbon of pre-cum drooled from his cock, he actually faltered in his rhythm for a moment before glaring down at Donny.

"Nice try. But you know I'm not gonna cum till the last second. You're not gonna end my winning streak today. Just like you didn't last month, or the month before that, or..."

Clearing his throat, the timekeeper cut in from where he was seated close by.

"One minute remaining. Remember guys, you have to have started cumming before ten minutes is up, or you forfeit."

Jun growled and returned his focus to his cock, at least for a brief while. Soon though he glanced back down at the smaller pokemon beside him, and frowned as he realised that Donny was no longer checking him out, no longer talking, and in fact not really doing anything other than stroking his cock one handed as though this was any other jerk-off session. The vaporeon's eyes were closed, and though he was quiet, Jun could hear rapid, ragged breathing escaping his lips as he watched the smooth, sleek man's chest begin to rise and fall a little more noticeably than before.

"You think some hot fantasy is gonna get you cumming harder than me?"

He teased, only to growl softly as Donny didn't respond and in fact acted as though he hadn't heard a single word. His eyes remained closed, his chest rose and fell faster, and Jun huffed in frustration as he saw the vaporeon's toes curl down against the floor below.

"Thirty seconds."

The timekeeper spoke up once again, and Jun stopped holding back. He went all out not just pumping his cock between both hands, but thrusting his hips sharply against his hands, full-on fucking the air in front of him as he too began to grunt and pant openly, though far more loudly than Donny.

"Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six..."

A soft whimper escaped Donny's lips.

"Five. Four. Three..."

Jun bellowed, the dragonite beginning to cum and watching as his cock launched forth its first fountains of seed in a perfect curve that carried it almost to the very edge of the crowd, with the second and third spurts that followed going all the way, people cheering and whooping as several members of the audience laughed and moaned as their toes were streaked with the cum of the studio's biggest star.

"Two. One..."

It was only at the very last second though that Donny's eyes sprang open, and under his breath, almost totally unnoticed as Jun's roars of pleasure continued to ring out far, far louder, he whispered a few desperate, mindlessly happy words.

He squeezed his cock one last time, and...


A split-second after time was called, the vaporeon's cum launched forth like a rocket. A lithe charizard standing in the front row of the audience shrieked in surprise and laughter as cum splattered across the front of her shirt, and a sturdy machoke standing behind her grunted in disbelief and arousal as the second shot from Donny's cock launched clean over the woman's shoulder and hit him square in the face.

He might have been a second late, he might have been disqualified technically speaking, but as Donny broke the studio record held by Jun not just by a centimetre or two but by a good thirty or forty, no-one cared. The studio erupted into cheers, and even Jun patted Donny on the ass as they kept on cumming, kept on standing there next to each other and jerking themselves off to the conclusion of their climaxes even after they were no longer beating any records with their remaining releases.

It was only after they were done though, as Donny practically collapsed down onto his knees before falling back on his rear into a sitting position and as Jun knelt down next to him while members of the audience rushed forward to crowd around them and congratulate them on their respective technical and disqualified but otherwise obvious victories, that Jun asked what he had been thinking about from the very moment he saw Donny's eyes fall shut and that look of focused concentration cross the vaporeon's face. He laid a hand on Donny's shoulder and a moment later leaned in to give the smaller man a congratulatory hug, recognising his achievement even if the rules of the game said that his own streak was going to go on for at least another month. Only then did he whisper curiously to the vaporeon, genuine intrigue ringing in his voice.

"Dude. What the hell were you fantasising about to shoot like that? Who the hell were you thinking about?"

Donny's cheeks flushed hotter than they already were, and as he met Jun's gaze a few moments later, his vision finally starting to snap back into focus in the wake of the orgasm from which he was still reeling, he grinned bashfully at the handsome dragonite.

"I shouldn't give away my winning strategy, but, let me give you a clue. They've got a huge cock. They can cum almost as hard as I can when they're worked up enough. And... now that the contest is over, they can take me back to their dressing room, and fuck me, and cum in me as hard and often as they want to until they make me paint the walls. Just like I was imagining."

By Jeeves

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