Worthy Purchases Pt. 5

Story by runneroo on SoFurry

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#5 of YCH Commission: Worthy Purchases

Once all four slaves have been sold, it's up to their masters to decide how best they should serve. Àzuen's master is an alchemist who's made a remarkable discovery to magically separate body parts without causing harm. All that Galos the ram needs now is a willing (or maybe not so willing) test subject to explore the applications of his findings.

Part 5 of a multi-spot YCH story commission I wrote--thanks to wolfynumz on FA for purchasing this spot!

Part 1 is the setup, nothing too sexy in here unless you get off on auctions ;)

Part 2 includes hypnosis and soft vore

Part 3 focuses more on the sex slave/toy aspect of this story

Part 4 has some feral fun along with a dose of impregnation and watersports

Part 5 showcases the potential of magically modular portals

Àzuen followed Galos from the market square and into the town, defiantly holding his head high while being led by the rope leash attached to his still-bound wrists. The ram led the wolf farther and farther until they reached a secluded alley off one of the less active streets. Galos guided his slave to one of the alley walls, where he snapped his fingers and a large door shimmered out of thin air against the wall. Galos opened the door to reveal a black void that yawned before them. "Alright, in we go," Galos said, firmly gripping Àzuen's shoulder and walking with him over the threshold.

Àzuen closed his eyes, expecting to fall into the void, but to his surprise he felt himself pass through a warm, fluid barrier--almost like a thin waterfall--and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that he and Galos now stood in a brightly lit laboratory. The space was cluttered with chalked-up blackboards, desks that bore glass flasks and tubes connected to mechanical devices, cauldrons of various bubbling potions, more mortars and pestles than he could count, shelves of powders, tinctures, and ingredient jars, and stacks upon stacks of books. When he looked behind him, he saw that he was on the other side of the doorway, which faced out onto the alley--there was no sign of the void at all.

"Ah, just a little security precaution," Galos said. "I like to keep my lab well hidden from prying eyes. But this is it--welcome to my workspace," he announced, drawing Àzuen's attention back to the room they stood in. "This is...literally where the magic happens."

Àzuen rolled his eyes at the joke while the ram led him past the desks. "Now, ordinarily I'd have my assistant help with my work, but I'm at a delicate juncture in my pursuits. I've been trying to develop the right mix of viamancy and potion crafting to create portals that can instantly send you anywhere you need to go--just think of it! One minute you're here, and the next you could be clear on the side of the continent."

Àzuen's ears perked up at the concept of instant travel--maybe he could help the ram and find some way to disappear through one of the portals he could create, escaping to someplace sunny and warm.

"The tricky part is getting the ciphers right for the doorway," Galos continued. His robes swept past a sheaf of papers lying haphazardly on a desk and the documents fell to the floor, but the ram paid them no mind, instead steering Àzuen towards the back of the room where another chalkboard stood next to a lab bench buried under alchemical supplies. "I mistakenly transcribed the cipher for silver instead of the one for platinum, which is what I meant to use. Now, you'd think I would have noted my error, corrected it, and continued with testing my work, but through my mistake, I discovered something...intriguing."

Galos and Àzuen came to stand over the lab bench, where Àzuen saw a small cauldron of viscous silver liquid and an apple sitting in a cleared space on the tabletop. "Observe," Galos ordered.

Àzuen watched Galos dip a finger into the cauldron, then he picked up the apple and used his silver-tipped digit to draw a line horizontally around the fruit. Galos then drew a silver circle on the tabletop, placed the apple within the circle, and marked four sigils just outside of the circle at the top, bottom, and right and left sides. The ram snapped his fingers, and the silver potion lines and symbols glowed softly. He smiled and looked at Àzuen, who stared back at him, confused.

Galos's eyebrows rose in realization as he muttered, "Ah! I forgot!" He clapped his hands, and Àzuen felt a cold shiver run up his spine before the ropes around his wrists and muzzle disappeared, freeing him. The wolf took a suspicious step backward and spread his arms, testing just how much he could move.

"I've removed your ability to speak, but you're free to do as you please so long as you follow my orders. Furthermore, my spell won't allow you to damage me or my possessions, nor can you leave here unless I permit it," Galos explained matter-of-factly.

Startled by the implications of what the ram was saying, Àzuen opened his mouth to speak, but not a single sound came out.

"You'll earn your voice privileges one day, provided you cooperate and work hard," Galos told him dismissively. "You can start by picking up the top of the apple."

Àzuen mutely grumbled to himself, but the ram's magic compelled him to do as he was told, plucking the top of the apple by its stem--he did a double take when he saw that it was as if the apple had been cleanly sliced in half, with the bottom remaining on the desk. Instead of the insides of the apple, he saw that a glowing silver barrier adorned each exposed half of the fruit.

"And put it back down," Galos instructed.

Àzuen replaced the top of the apple on the bottom half, and Galos wiped away the silver line that he had drawn on the apple. He then picked the fruit up by the stem, and Àzuen saw that it was whole again.

"Now you see what I'm working with. I can put my transportation pursuits aside, and focus on this new discovery. Naturally the next step is to test these...modular portals on a living subject," Galos said as he set the apple back on the tabletop. "But I can't use it on myself, and I don't want my assistant to see this just yet. I need a test subject I can use repeatedly and swear to silence until I'm ready to share my work with my colleagues. Hence, why I bought you at the market."

Àzuen's eyes widened when he realized what his master was getting at.

"Now, there's no time to get started like the present, so hold still right where you are," Galos ordered.

Before he could even think of running out of the lab, Àzuen froze where he stood, his master's magic forcing him not to move from his spot next to the ram. The alchemist, in the meantime, hummed to himself as he lazily pulled off his robe, showing that he was shirtless under the thick purple fabric, but wore a pair of loose blue cotton pants; Galos took his time to hang up his robe and rummage through a desk drawer before he returned to Àzuen bearing a pair of shears. With a snip, he cut through the loincloth around the wolf's waist, letting it drop to the floor. Àzuen seethed inside, indignant at the way he was so casually undressed, but Galos nonchalantly picked up the ruined garment and tossed it aside.

"There, nothing to get in the way," the ram observed as he patted Àzuen's naked waist. Galos then turned his attention to his work, first dipping his finger in the cauldron of silver potion and then taking the next few minutes to painstakingly draw smooth rings of silver around Àzuen's neck, shoulders and armpits, elbows, waist, pelvic joints, genitals, knees, ankles, and wrists. From there, he drew another circle on the floor, and then added the same symbols he had used in the spell for the apple. When he at last snapped his fingers and the silver lines on the floor and Àzuen's body began to glow, the wolf felt a warm, tingling sensation dancing under his fur, as if something was gently shocking his system.

"Hmm, interesting, you're still intact," Galos noted, picking up a quill, ink, and parchment scroll. He jotted down his notes, muttering to himself. All Àzuen could do was watch the ram scribble his findings before he looked at the wolf contemplatively. "Let's see about changing that..."

Àzuen mentally braced himself--Galos approached the wolf and held the sides of his face and neck, just above where he'd drawn the silver line around his throat. He felt Galos tug upwards, and then suddenly he was lifted from his shoulders.

"Fascinating," Galos grunted, hefting Àzuen's head in his hands--the wolf silently gasped in shock when Galos turned him around to see his headless body, a cap of shining silver on the exposed stump of his neck. "Complex organisms seem to be able to function as hypothesized..." Galos mused while he deposited Àzuen's head on his desk and took up his quill again.

While the ram took his notes, Àzuen took stock of his current situation. Somehow he was still alive, he could breathe, he could think, he could still feel his body even though his head wasn't attached to it, and yet he could feel the tabletop he rested on. How was this possible?

"Now let's see how much control you still have," Galos at last smirked down at Àzuen. "Move your right arm."

At his master's words, Àzuen lifted his right arm over where his head should have been, then lowered it again to his side.

"And your left leg."

Àzuen raised his left leg up, balancing on his right, then stomped his raised foot on the floor.

"Hmm...let's do this," Galos said--his fingertip glowed orange and he pressed under Àzuen's chin. "There, you have enough speaking privileges to only answer my questions. Now, can you feel this?" the ram asked, rubbing Àzuen's chest.

"Yes master," Àzuen responded flatly.

"And this?" Galos gently patted Àzuen's balls, making the wolf wince.

"Mmf...yes master."

"Intriguing...very intriguing," Galos muttered. He returned to the desk and jotted down more of his notes before he requested, "Tell me a tongue twister."

"Titus toiled terribly in trenches to take ten tons of tin to town," Àzuen rattled off.

"Very good." The alchemist filled the front of the scroll with his writing before flipping it over to add notes to the backside. After another minute of writing, he strode back over to Àzuen's headless body, where he conducted more tests with the wolf. First, he pulled off the wolf's left arm and had Àzuen flex his bicep before he directed his slave to pick up a wine-filled goblet with his dismbodied arm. After Galos observed Àzuen successfully drink from the goblet without spilling a drop of wine from his detached head and throat, the ram reattached his arm. He then took off both of Àzuen's hands, which he placed in opposite corners of the room for the wolf to drum his fingers and knock over a glass beaker. From there, the alchemist removed Àzuen's feet, dancing his fingers over the paw pads to tickle them and test his slave's sensitivity; Àzuen couldn't stop himself from mutely laughing and gasping at the sensation, but he couldn't beg for the ram to stop. Mercifully, Galos tickled his feet for only a minute before he reattached them, allowing Àzuen to catch his breath.

When Galos had finished that round of testing, he mused, "So, regular bodily functions continue to work, as the spell maintains the connection between separated parts, and extremities can be reattached with no detriment to function, too..."

Galos spent another 15 minutes taking notes while Àzuen waited, his head still resting on the table. Eventually, the ram put down his quill and approached the headless body again. "So that's normal functions...now I'm curious about sexual functions."

Without waiting for the wolf to react, Galos reached for Àzuen's genitals and pulled--the slave grunted silently when he felt his sheath, cock, and testicles rest in his master's hand. The ram brought the whole package over to the table and held it right in front of the slave's head. Àzuen could smell his own musk, and it was both mildly disturbing and oddly arousing to see his equipment from such a different and intimate angle.

He mutely groaned when Galos began rolling his testicles between his fingers and kneading his sheath with his hand. Àzuen bit his lip as he felt himself start to plump up and swell in the confines of his detached flesh and fur.

"I take it you're feeling and enjoying this?" Galos prompted, squeezing the wolf's nuts and dipping three fingers into his sheath--the slave started when he felt the ram's fingertips brush against the tip of his cock within.

"Y-yes...master," Àzuen replied.

"And how about this?" Galos began pulsing his grasp on the wolf's sheath, contracting and relaxing his fingers to stimulate the sensitive member.

"That feels so good, Master," Àzuen huffed. He groaned in wordless silence and watched his cock start to spill out of his sheath, the light blue pointed tip and bulbous shaft ballooning past the opening as it emerged.

"It certainly looks like you're enjoying yourself," Galos noted, now languidly pumping the member that had sprouted out of the sheath in his hands. While he pumped, he cupped Àzuen's balls, coaxing another silent moan from the slave, and in another minute the wolf's knot had inflated--the ram used his fingers to push down on the opening of Àzuen's sheath, and the wolf mutely yelped when his knot popped out and a bead of pre welled up from his urethra.

"Now then, this is something I've been curious to try out. Open your mouth." Galos stepped closer to Àzuen as the wolf did as instructed, and the ram slid the erect cock into his slave's open maw.

Àzuen, caught up in the lust of having been so stimulated, couldn't stop himself from relishing the hefty weight of his own cock on his tongue, his own hot breath and saliva washing over his throbbing manhood, and the texture of his tongue against his shaft. He instinctively began to suckle without even being told to, lapping over the tip of his cock exactly the way he loved others to do for him and earning a dollop of his own pre in the process. Galos, entranced by this development, began to slowly push Àzuen's cock in and out of his mouth, while the wolf lightly bobbed his disembodied head over his member. They continued on like this for another few minutes, with Àzuen bobbing faster and faster, teasing himself with his tongue and teeth in a manner he'd never imagined before, too wrapped up in his own growing need for release to even consider stopping.

"I think you might be a little closer to earning all of your voice privileges back," Galos teased. "But you still have some work to do. Let's try"--he pushed Àzuen's cock forward, flattening the blue tongue that had been licking over the shaft and forcing the tip into the back of the wolf's throat to make his slave silently gag--"a little more"--he pushed further, now getting the head past the tonsils and into Àzuen's esophagus while the knot rammed against his lips--"like this!"

Galos pushed once more, forcing Àzuen to stretch his jaw as wide as he could, and his knot popped into his mouth, forming a bulge in his cheeks and lips. In a daze, Àzuen flicked his tongue over the pulsing ball of flesh and nerves, and he couldn't help but clamp his teeth down on the root of his cock, silently moaning as he tied with his own mouth. He could feel his orgasm rushing up to meet him, and it didn't take long for his cock to spasm and spurt his hot seed down his throat while he jolted and continued suckling, nibbling, and huffing on his detached member.

All while Àzuen was climaxing, Galos had settled down on a stool to watch and take more notes. As he observed Àzuen swallowing his cum and stimulating himself for more--his mouth gagged by his own swollen knot--the ram laid his free hand on his own groin and rubbed himself through his trousers.

"I've got plenty more ideas to try out with that new spell," Galos mused, watching the wolf hungrily devour his seed and noisily slurp his cock for more. "You're quite the test subject...a most worthy purchase, I must say."

Worthy Purchases Pt. 4

Cepheus sat obediently next to Paleer, jostling alongside the beefy boar as the two donkeys they were hitched to pulled their wagon to his farm. The ride from the market had been uneventful--the farmer had been singing absently to himself for the last...

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Worthy Purchases Pt. 3

"Alright, out you get," a deer butler said curtly. He pulled on the length of rope connected to Wolf's wrist restraints, tugging the slave out of the supply-laden wagon he'd ridden in from the market. His owner had ridden ahead of the wagon and...

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Worthy Purchases Pt. 2

Pilar grimaced from the pressure digging in on his sides while the wind whipped past his face--Akino held his slave roughly in his massive claws as he flew from the town and towards the mountains. To prevent any chance of escape as they traveled, the...

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