Food For Thought

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#2 of Slime Rancher

4236 Words

After turning into a slime cat hybrid, Daniel has to keep his work going on the Ranch. He found out quite a bit about himself and his connection to his gooey friends, but these just open up whole new avenues of feeling for himself.

A sequel to yesterday's story ( ) because I have been loving playing through the game again. I can't wait for Slime Rancher 2 to come out. Oh, and yes, I know I called phosphor slimes lantern slimes. I never liked phosphor as their name and kept thinking of lanternflies.

Story Contains: Feeding, intimate connections, finding out about yourself, cumming in your pants, and anatomical surprises. Enjoy!

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Daniel walked from his pod house on shaky legs, but feeling incredibly energized. While he wasn't at all used to the idea of being part tabby slime, he did find it amazing. No strange aches in his back, no dragging his feet and being super tired, and with all the sights and smells and sounds his new senses gave him, the world seemed so much more vibrant. Heck, he even had gooey whiskers on his face feeling the air direction and letting him instinctually know his size, and he felt so confident in his lithe, wiggly body. It might just have been the best change he could've made.

But work never stopped on the Far, Far Range, and so he dumped all the plorts Samantha and him had been making that morning into the market, then got into his ranching gear. As he hefted his vacpack, he got a note of a new message. Apparently there was a Range Exchange to talk to and make deals with other ranchers on the planet, and his had just been fixed. He could see it from the front porch, so it was little more than a hop, skip and a pounce and he was on the platform, hitting the button to accept the incoming request.

An older lady's face popped up on the screen, and she smiled and waved into her camera. "Hey there! Name's Thora West. Old hand out here, but... Wait, you're Daniel, right?"

Daniel nodded, smiling brightly and feeling happy to be talking to another human. "Yup! I'm new here. How can I help?"

She tilted her head, then poked at a few buttons on her terminal. "Huh... didn't know you could do the filters on these things. I definitely wouldn't be an old lady if I had the option."

Daniel's eyes went wide, his ears folding back, while he smiled nervously, his tail twitching behind him. "Yes... A filter. I had it installed on my end. Super, um... Shy about my face. Anyway, what do you need?"

She looked at his feline features and pouted. "So lifelike... Anyway, I ran out of carrots and could use a couple tabby plorts. Think you can help out? I'll pay ya for them. Even send over a couple stone hens if ya want to start up a coop for them."

"Yes, gladly!" he said immediately at the mention of the chickens, his mouth watering for a moment. He managed to shake himself out of that, standing and looking more calm. "I mean, sure! Post your request and I'll help out how I can." On the screen above the terminal her request popped up, along with what she'd be sending in return.

In just a few minutes he'd returned, able to gather everything she was looking for from his already set up corral and farms. As he sent them through, she looked surprised. "Damn, Daniel, you're a good one to have there. Hope we can help each other out in the future." She then plugged her vacpack in on her side and the materials transferred, dropping out of the machine in a crate that immediately burst on the ground. As he went to say something to her, her video shut off, leaving him to clean up the coins and vacuum up the chickens. He did hesitate at that, though, feeling his mouth watering as he looked at the three hens clucking and rolling around. He'd only need two, right? Maybe even one... He felt his rump begin to wiggle, his body crouching slightly to pounce...

He stopped himself, closing his eyes and turning on the vacpack until the sound of clucking was replaced with the three pops of them being safely stored. He wiped the sweat from his brow, sighing and leaning against the Exchange. "Okay... Do you really want to know what happens if you eat one of those? Putting stuff from this planet into your mouth has gotten you into enough trouble, mister. Just keep your teeth to yourself."

He heard a mewl at his side, turning to see Samantha there looking at him curiously. She had the small pearl held between her ears, though she seemed to wonder why he was talking to himself so angrily. Daniel straightened himself up, fixing his shirt. "Humans are complicated. Don't mind me Samantha. But you? You don't get to go into the coop. I'm going to make sure of that." He then looked at his display and realized what he was missing. "I'm gonna need a Roostro for them too... Ah well. To the Reef!"

After about an hour of scouring the area around his ranch, he was stumped. There were plenty of hens and plenty of chickadoos rolling around, but no roostros. In the process of looking, though, he noticed a strange stone formation with what looked like a pathway behind it near the far edge of the island. He climbed up a few rocks, readied to pounce, then remembered his jet pack and jumped and hovered his way up to the area. Once there he found a wooden bridge, clearly constructed by the last worker, Hobson Twiligers, as another note was sitting on the other side in front of a strange circular rock carving. He walked along the bridge, looking down as he did to see a network of ravines filled with ravenous, feral slimes lurching up at him and snapping and growling. "Ah... note to self, do not let slimes get hungry." He made a note to bring food with him if he'd ever cross this bridge again, then continued to the other side.

Once there he found what he was looking for, a small nest of hens with a single roostro ruling it. Looking at the derpy chickens, he sucked up the rooster, then kicked the hens into the ravine, where the snarling sounds were silenced, then replaced with the sounds of happy slimes. He tried very hard not to think about that part, though, as he looked at the circular carving. Strange lines and symbols were on it, their purpose unknown, but in the center was something much more clear: a circular indent above a key hole. He ran his gloved hand over the stone, tilting his head in curiosity before he went to the note.

"Hey there Daniel!" it read on the holographic display. This was the first to mention him by name, but apparently Hobson had gotten his name while he was setting these up. Probably in the last year. "There's a few of these here structures around the Reef and its nearby islands. No idea who built them, but they're ancient, I can tell you that much. You can open them up if you find a key, but they close up after a while. And don't try going around them or flying over, they project some kind of force field better than even the 7Zee stuff. I tried to stash some keys, but they always seem to wind up in gordos... if you find one, you know what to do! - H"

Daniel looked at the door, feeling himself getting antsy at the idea of a mystery, especially an ancient one. And he did, in fact, know where to find a gordo with a key. But popping it? That still seemed rude. He thought about his options, then crossed back along the bridge, making sure to map this place mentally for once he had the key.

On his way back to the ranch he saw the pink gordo in question happily sitting on the small nearby island. He hovered over, landing in front of it and looking up at the big, smiling lump of slime. It opened its mouth, almost like it was hoping for food to just make its way in, and inside it he could see the key and a couple boxes of supplies floating, trapped beyond his reach. Nearby there was a pogofruit tree, and he picked one of the small, round, red fruits, holding it up to the gordo. But unlike the slimes back on the farm, it seemed to big and solid to move, and so didn't take it from Daniel's hand.

Daniel looked at the fruit, getting ready to throw it at the gordo's mouth before he stopped, looking at the gloved hand holding the fruit. When he'd touched Samantha skin to skin, or slime to slime, or whatever it was, he could feel her emotions. If he did that here...? He took off one of his work gloves, able to feel the smooth skin of the pogofruit and having no issue with it, though he could almost taste the sweet scent it gave off now that he was touching it. Ignoring that and focusing on his new, large friend, he booped where its nose would be with one of the pads on his fingers.

There was a rush of consciousness that flowed into his mind, making him reel for a moment. Not just one slime, but at least ten, all singing happily together in unison. However, they all had a need, a yawning hunger that asked the mind they touched to feed them. He removed his hand, panting and catching his breath as he looked at the huge, serene face of the giant slime before him. "You guys want food, huh? Alright. I can do that." He braced himself mentally, then touched the slime once more, before lifting the fruit up and tilting it into the gordo's mouth.

It chomped down on the fruit, and with the juice entering its mouth there was a rush of pleasure sparked tenfold through its body. Unable to move, bounce, or even open its eyes, all of its focus was on the one orifice it had: its mouth. And in its mouth, this sudden burst of flavor was like sex, pleasure seeping into each of the slimes that made up this creature rebounding through each of them. It was only a moment, the single fruit not nearly enough, but the sensation had Daniel moaning and very hard when he pulled free. He looked at the amalgamation of slimes with awe, impressed with the purity with which they used their sense. Maybe he could learn a lot from his slimy side.

He didn't know how much food would be enough to fill a gordo, but he was definitely ready to make it happen now that he knew how great that felt. He ran back to the farm, stopping only to deposit his hens and the rooster in a newly built coop, give them some grass and bugs to feed on, and build up the walls so Samantha couldn't hop in. He then looked around the ranch, wondering what he could bring to feed his new friend.

It was a pink slime, and they were the easiest to feed, though the hardest to make a profit off of. They didn't have any favorites of their own, but they could eat anything, making them easy to hybridize with another slime that was harder to feed. Really, though, if Daniel was going to farm them, he'd mix them with something that really liked the food he had on hand. But that wasn't here nor there when it came to the gordo friend. This big guy would eat everything, and so Daniel wanted to give him everything he could.

Carrots, heart beets, cuberries, pogofruit, and hends of both breeds were quickly collected into his vacpack, and in large numbers. During this, he accidentally got caught in the stream of his own pack, the suction pulling his ungloved hand right to the muzzle of the vacuum. He panicked, wondering if his slimy form would slip inside, but even with how wiggly he was, he appeared to be too solid for that. Perhaps because he was human enough, or perhaps just because he'd be a largo, and thus too big to fit, but either way he discovered he was safe from the confines of the device: a fantastic discovery.

He checked his list against his portable dictionary, but it seemed that was all that slimes ate that he had found so far. There were a lot of empty slots, though, suggesting that there was probably more out there, but he'd have to find it. He smirked, thinking of the rush of pleasure that had jolted through him from feeding the gordo. If he found any more, he was going to give them a feast of all the options. He wanted to experience it all. It was getting a little late when he finished collecting everything, and his stomach was growling, but he held off on that. He could synthesize something up when he got home.

Getting back to the island took him until nightfall, and under the twinkling stars he met his date for the evening. The large slime hardly reacted, only opening its mouth, but Daniel watched the way the moonlight glinted off of it. He placed his vacpack to the side and caressed the gordo with his hand, feeling the giggling of the apparently ticklish slimes that made it up. He wiggled his rump with excitement, then hit the button on his pack, spitting out the first piece of food: a simple carrot.

The tabby rancher reached up with the carrot, placing the tip at the gordo's lips to see if it would chew its food, but that wasn't the slime's way. Instead, he dropped it inside, watching the mouth snap shut and hearing the crunch of it being pulped in one go. Immediately the rush of earthy flavor sparked an streak of orange through the gordo's mind, the slimes burbling in glee as they savored the taste. It was different from the pogofruit, this one sending a chill up Daniel's spine that shuddered through his tail, though it still felt amazing.

Next he got the heart beet, aiming up a hook shot that landed right in the pink blob's mouth. Once more it crushed down on it, the texture sparking a rush, followed by the deep earthy juices flowing into its body. The relatively neutral flavor still sparked across their mind, building anticipation for more; a swelling feeling that Daniel felt as well through the connection. Not wanting to disappoint, he moved to the cuberry, taking the square red fruit with the exterior seeds and gently popping it into the gordo's mouth.

The explosion of sweetness sang like an angel's voice upon his senses, with the rush of juices being met with Daniel collapsing to his knees, his cock throbbing between his legs and pre leaking out. He groaned, making a mental note about that, before he reached for the last two untried options. These ones had his mouth watering, his instinct kicking in strong, but he fought back, bringing up the first, more common hen and slowly feeding it to his date.

The crunch as it disappeared was met with a powerful surge of energy, not quite as strong as from the fruit, but laced with far more satisfaction, like the hole in its stomach was starting to fill. Excitement burbled through them along with eagerness, but it didn't have the same sensual bliss to it, which disappointed Daniel. Then again, food itself wasn't always such a sensual act, but... Well, it was such a power play. To control what someone ate, and to feed them whatever he wished.... it was a kick he hadn't known he had in him.

He grabbed the final test for the day: a stone hen, and stopped for a moment. His blue eyes looked at its dopey, unfocused face, the hunger welling up inside him. Would it do to tease the gordo? To make it see his bliss? Should he indulge the hunger he was feeling? He shook his head, looking to his fine, flabby friend. There was some experimentation to be done, and he was going to do it properly. He teased the giant slime's mouth though, running the rock hard hen around its lips a few times, then placing in just the head, only to pull it free. He could feel the want, the anxiousness, the slimes practically begging for it... And only then did he drop this delicacy into their mouth.

The crunch awakened something in him, his own body wiggling with anticipation... But the gordo's reaction was underwhelming at best. Much like the normal hen, but somehow more dull, with the meat having a more subtle flavor that the pink slime didn't particularly react to. Daniel's wiggly side felt incredibly offended, while the side analyzing the response found itself blue balled. "Fine, if you don't like those, more for me and the ranch." He unchecked that box on his pack, saving the rest of his hens while he went through the other foods and kept feeding his date.

It was a delicate dance he was playing with the slime, one it was both frustrated by and adoring every step of the way. In its more feral mind all it wanted was to eat, wishing for quantity of food and wanting to fill the hole in its stomach. But Daniel moved slowly, varying flavors to tease the slime and edge his own reactions. A few pogofruit to push things, each thrusting pleasure into him in rhythmic glee, followed by some carrots and beets to slow things down, building up another rush. Then a hen, sparking the delight to push into another cuberry, leaving him panting and moaning as he reached for the pogofruit once more. Every morsel was like sex, each thrust and movement, each change in timing and position, all working towards a beautiful climax to rock their world.

As his stores began to dwindle he could feel the gordo getting full, and he changed tacks here. He wanted the last bite to be orgasmic, to send the gordo exploding with joy, but he had to build up to it just right. He alternated carrots and pogos, going faster and faster as he did, while his body wiggled in pleasure, his knees starting to buckle. His cock throbbed and bounced, leaking into his pants as though he was mid coitus, each fruit a juicy thrust towards climax and each carrot dragging back and preparing for the next push. He could sense the gordo getting full, the slimes bouncing against each other excitedly, making its body quiver and grow from the sheer amount of energy.

At both their brinks, he picked up what he knew would be the final push, watching in slow motion as the cuberry was tossed into the air, arcing and gleaming in the moonlight, before disappearing deep into the gordo's mouth. It bit down, flavor exploding through its mouth and pushing the slimes within to their limit. Its eyes opened, its body quivering as it held back, while the rush of feelings had Daniel quivering, his tail fully extended and vibrating on the edge of the breakthrough. A moment later, as the feeling pushed onward, both moonlit partners exploded. Pink slimes sailed through the air in every direction while Daniel yowled out to the moon, his hips thrusting at nothing while the rubber barbs of his cock gripped at his underwear. A wet spot formed in his pants, cum splashing within them and drooling out, saturating the fabric with every shot.

Pink slimes nuzzled him enthusiastically, their joy and pleasure rushing through him when they touched his hand, and with their blissful kisses he fired off one last shot, the string of white shooting through his soaked pants and splashing on one of the multitude of pink slimes' face. It made a surprised sound, then licked up the cream, forming a plort from it a moment later with a contented sigh. Daniel was sighing too, gazing up at the moon as his body twitched and quivered, recovering from the onslaught of sensations that threatened to turn him into a cuddle puddle right there on the rocks.

As he looked over the moon, whose craters even seemed to form the face of a smiling slime, he felt something cold be nudged against his hand. He looked over at it, finding the key, the whole point of this venture, being placed in his fingers by one of the pink slimes. Smiling at it, he patted it on the head, finding it incredibly thankful for all he'd done. There was almost an intelligent level of understanding there, but before he could think about it too hard the pink slime rolled off, joining its friends in exploring the island they'd been stuck together on for who knows how long. The disk key was large, but he sucked it into his vacpack, then used the pack to smash the boxes of supplies and see what was inside. Nothing too special, just some veggies and plorts that had been packed away and so the gordo hadn't eaten it, but it was better than nothing. Taking his spoils he headed for home, though he walked a bit awkwardly due to the mess in his pants just being uncomfortable.

The key he'd use in the morning, but he deposited everything else and tossed his clothes in the laundry, where drones would clean them by morning. As he flopped down onto the bed, though, he heard his stomach growl. He looked at the food synthesizer, contemplating it for a moment, before he remembered the stony hens sitting in his vacpack, unfed to his date for the evening. He licked his lips, feeling his sharp teeth with his tongue, almost like they were yearning to be used. And after all he had done to himself with plots already, what was the worst that could happen by eating something that was actually supposed to be eaten? Granted, usually it would be fried or prepared, but he didn't have time for that.

He popped out one of the chickens, holding it in his hands and looking right into its derpy, focusless eyes. Honestly, he didn't feel too bad about these things being eaten, even before his craving for them hit, but eating one alive? That somehow seemed a step too far. And yet he licked his lips, opening his mouth full of sharp, carnivore teeth...

He didn't know how he managed it, but the entire chicken was in his mouth in one bite, its confused clucking silenced as he chomped down on it. There was something strangely satisfying about the crunch of its soft, flexible bones, and this was the first time he realized that, indeed, these things had blood in them, though it was far sweeter than the iron smelling substance he was used to. The flavor of the meat, basted in this sweet living sauce, danced on his tongue, filling him with energy beyond anything he'd expected. It was a heavy weight, right in the pit of his stomach, but his body seemed to squeeze down, compressing it away.

A second later he felt something pushing its way through him, a jolt of pleasure spiking up his spine as the energy condensed, then made its way south. He grit his teeth, then panted and moaned as he fell to the floor, his wiggly butt up in the air and his cock throbbing against his stomach. Something hard, but flexible and squishy pushed its way down his colon, the thin tip quickly spreading to a wide middle that ground against his prostate, making him shudder from the feeling. He groaned as it sped lower, spreading his ass rapidly as his body worked to push it out. His ring gaped, his tail twitching above him as he clamped against the presence in his ass. Then, with one final push it was free, making way for the second one that had formed to take its place.

He cried out, feeling it push against his prostate, then spread him wide once more, his eyes rolling back in his head. He'd never tried anything like this, expecting anal to a) hurt and b) go the other direction, but as he was spread to his limit once more he found his heart pounding and how whole form writhing in this sudden pleasure. As the second object popped free his cock fired a puddle of cum onto the ground, an orgasm crashing over him in the seconds this whole ordeal had taken. His legs gave out, flopping to the ground and landing him in the sticky puddle, panting and moaning as he felt his ass quickly bounce back to its normal self.

Groaning he looked back behind him, curious what could've given him so much pleasure, only to see the very familiar shape of two tabby plorts sitting behind him. He groaned, then buried his face in his hands. "I am never going to consider those the same again... and I ate and drank so many of them. But fuck that felt so good..." He heard purring, feeling Samantha nuzzling his cheek, and as he looked at her he saw her playing with the crystals he'd just created, her smile wide and no expected smell for something that just came out of his ass. Still, he felt weird about those two... He'd have to sell them quickly, and that made him feel even weirder about them. He could contemplate that in the morning. For now, he dragged himself to the showers to clean himself up and head off to bed after a very productive day.

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