Measuring Up

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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With two guys vying for the attention and affection of a mutual friend, there's only one way to decide who should get the reward they crave at the end of the night. ^^

This vignette was written for HandofBlades as part of my Patreon request days for April 2019. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

Measuring Up

"I have platinum trophies on more than a hundred PS4 games."

"Like that means anything. I've completed every officially released North American NES and SNES game, without codes, and I can speedrun Sonic 3 and Knuckles within six seconds of the world record time."

"Oh, yeah? Well, I beat Genichiro first time on my blind Sekiro playthrough."

"Ugh, you wasted your money on that game? Please. From peaked with Bloodborne. We deserve a Bloodborne 2, and I won't pay any attention to anything else they do until we get it."

Shelton sat across the coffee table from the other two men, now just glancing down at his phone every so often to see just how long they were going to keep up this attempted oneupsmanship. He had already gone through frustration, anger and simple resignation before reaching this point, and now he could feel his brain shifting gears again, the antelope glancing between the bickering coyote and collie with a growing sense of resolute certainty.

"You're such a fake hipster. I'll bet you say you hate Undertale too."

"Shut up. I don't hate it, it's just way too derivative of games like Mother 2 to be worthy of any real attention!"

"Holy shit, Mother 2? Just call it EarthBound like everyone el-..."

Before the collie could finish what he was saying though, Shelton rose suddenly and sharply enough to his feet to draw both the other men's attention. They looked at the man they'd both eagerly agreed to hang out with tonight, the man whom both of them were so intensely attracted to and who after tonight they both desperately wanted to agree to go on a proper date with just the one of them. They watched in confusion as he hurriedly and stiffly strode out of the room, watched after him with furrowed brows, glaring at each other in anger as he had clearly been pissed off by the other man's pathetic attempts at an argument, only to find themselves wide eyed as Shelton returned a short while later holding something between his two outstretched hands.

"Alright, stand up and let's just get it over with."

He told them firmly, glaring from one of the canines to the other as though daring either one of them to disagree. They stared back at him in total dumbfounded curiosity, both tilting their heads as they looked at what appeared to be the measuring tape he was holding up towards them.

"Uh, s-sorry, Shelton... what are we meant to be doing?"

Frankie asked, before glaring at the collie beside him triumphantly for getting to ask the question first. He scowled however when, not to be defeated, Darren simply piggy-backed off the coyote's own comment with one of his own.

"Yeah, like Frank said. What ever you need, just ask and I'll get it done."

The antelope rolled his eyes, and gestured towards both of them with the measuring tape.

"I'm glad to hear it. So, take off your trousers, and we'll stop beating around the bush and just get it over with. You wanna spend all night trying to prove who has the biggest dick? Might as well save my time by just finding out directly."

Both Frankie and Darren stared at Shelton, then at one another in confusion and building red faced embarrassment. The collie spoke up shakily on both their behalf.

"Uh... what?"

Shelton didn't back down though, simply shrugging as he spoke up again without a shred of bashfulness from his own point of view.

"Well, it's that or we can just call it a night right now. Coz, sorry boys, but I'm not gonna sit back here and watch you two try and out gamer-cred each other like it matters to me in the slightest."

Once again Darren cleared his throat, and spoke up questioningly before Frankie had any chance this time around.

"So... wait, if we don't, tonight's over? For us both? Then... what if we do? I mean, w-what if I do, but, what if both of us do it?"

The antelope smiled slightly, and raised an eyebrow as he saw Frankie and Darren look at one another once again, half questioning the other man's capacity to do what had been suggested, and half asking one another whether Shelton meant it at all or if this was just his way of trying to make them bail. To avoid any further doubt, Shelton chuckled and answered Darren as honestly as he could.

"If you do it? If either or both of you have the balls to do it, and put your money where your muzzles are... well, I mean, it's gotta be worth something I guess. Wouldn't be right of me to just have you do it, then toss you both out of the house anyway. So... I dunno, since you guys clearly feel like being the biggest and the best at something is a measure of worth, I guess the bigger of the two of you gets to do the fucking, and the smaller one gets fucked."

Once more the two canine's eyes bulged. The idea that both of them would get to sleep with Shelton had sincerely not crossed either of their minds, and their immediate response was to glare at one another jealously. After a moment or two of that instinctive response though, both men questioned whether they really, honestly cared about an exclusive relationship with this man. Or, if what had led them back to his place was the hope of one wild, passionate night together, with little thought to what might follow on from that.

Swallowing thickly as he came to a conclusion, Frankie's hands reached for the belt of his jeans as he rose up to his feet from the couch. Whether or not he had reached the same outcome himself, Darren clearly feared letting the coyote get too far ahead of him in whatever was about to happen, thus he too bounded to his feet and started to unfasten his slacks. From that point onward, momentum carried them, and adrenaline fuelled their passions almost as well as more genuinely elicited lust may well have done in its place. After belt and buttons and zippers were undone, trousers fell, and soon there was no choice but to let two sets of boxer shorts do the same. Both men whined audibly as their sheaths were exposed, nothing more than a pink tip protruding from each by that stage. Nevertheless, neither one of them mocked the other for their lack of readiness, and to their immense relief Shelton seemed not to judge them for it either. In fact he seemed almost pleased, and to their absolute elation however unexpected the way they had come to that moment, both Darren and Frankie saw the antelope start to unbuckle his own jeans as he issued a simple request to both men.

"Now... get yourselves hard. As big and as hard as you can get, if you want the measurement to be on your side."

Again momentum carried the coyote and collie forward even though five minutes ago had one of them suggested to the other that they jerk off side by side, there probably would have been an even bigger yelling match than before. Nervously, trying to focus on Shelton and not on the figure beside them as the antelope removed his jeans and began to rub and squeeze himself teasingly through the fabric of his own underwear, the two canines began to pleasure their own sheaths and the slowly awakening cocks within. It didn't take long before there was no longer anything slow or sluggish about their growth though, the combined nervous energy and genuine arousal now surging through the pair swiftly propelling them to erection. Even more enticing and stimulating than their own cock in hand however was the sight of Shelton before them, and the knowledge by the bulge developing in his boxer-briefs that if he joined in the impending measuring contest, he would be winning by an absolute landslide against them both.

"Are you ready yet?"

The antelope teased, raising an eyebrow as both other men, obviously fully hard, continued to stare at his bulging underwear and jerk themselves off without pause. They both nodded, blushing as they even found themselves glancing at one another to confirm that fact before intensifying their mutual response. Still though their hands continued to move on their cocks as though certain they could tease another fraction of an inch of hardness from themselves by pushing just that little bit more with the pleasure surging through them. Pre-cum glistened. Muzzles panted. Eyes darted from the antelope's bulge to that of the other man beside them with increasing regularity, and when Shelton spoke up again with a single word, it drew a strangled, simultaneous yelp from both his potential partners.


Shelton murmured, holding up the measuring tape in one hand while practically masturbating himself still through the fabric of his underwear.

"...if you can both agree that trying to figure out your value based on just one single aspect of who you are is dumb, and that you can see that both of you might have something of value to contribute to a night with me, something I'd enjoy from anyone kind and magnanimous enough to put aside petty squabbles for a chance at something fun, and something pretty damn hot... a threesome, for example..."

Glancing from the collie to the coyote and back again, Shelton tilted his head questioningly to them both before abruptly tugging down the front of his underwear, hefting his eight inch cock in one palm and lowering the measuring tape to rest in his other palm beside it. He jiggled both hands in a clear 'weighing' motion, unabashedly showing Frankie and Darren their two options, but saying nothing more.

"H-hey... Frankie?"

The collie moaned, Frankie turning his head to regard the other man with a soft, pleading, hopeful moan of curiosity.

"Yeah, a-ahh... Darren?"

The dog licked his lips, and nodded to the coyote.

"Have you ever sucked a guy's cock with another man helping?"

Frankie blushed and shook his head with a heady moan at the suggestion. Darren's face burned crimson in return, but he nodded back reassuringly.

"Me neither. Do you... ooh god, do you wanna?"

The coyote's eyes bulged. His head practically bounced off his shoulders with the force of his nodding, and as he and Darren looked up to Shelton once more in pleading unison, the antelope grinned, moaned, and dropped the measuring tape carelessly to the floor. After all, he didn't need it any more. He'd gotten the only measure of these two guys that he needed, and though he hadn't been sure at first, now he believed that even if just for tonight... these two were exactly what he had been looking for.

By Jeeves

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