One Memorable Journey Pg.3

Story by Silver Lace on SoFurry


#3 of One Memorable Journey

The flight would take a bit even after they entered warp, the soldiers simply sitting in silence as time went by before a scientist asked a question. "Um, mis Silver, is it true you've never been rejacked?"

Alex snapped out of a bit of deep thought when she was addressed. "that is true, yes. I've yet to need a rejack in my time served so far." she replied as she looked to the scientist who spoke. "My medic, Julie, here got rejacked before though."

"I've administered a couple to others too."

"What was it like? dying before getting rejacked?" The scientist asked the badger.

"Well in my experience... Cold, really cold. everything just slowed down, way down. you know that 'my life flashed before my eyes' thing? that happened. After that it all went black next thing I know my eyes are open, I have a stim needle in my chest and nanites are closing my wounds." Julie explained as she lightly rubbed the spot where the rejack was used on her in the past.

"Aren't there new rejack stims? I heard they're putting out multi-use ones." The panther on Jackie's squad said.

"yeah, I have them with me now actually." Julie replied and pulled out a single stim with a capped end, a white and red casing that had a small line meter on the side showing a charge level and little dial on the end showing a level of serum inside.. "Gotta love nano-tech and all. they are a bit bigger but they can recharge and refill themselves. less space taken, more lives saved and easier to administer too. don't have to get a specific spot now, just inject in the chest." One of the two cheetahs on Jackie's squad who was their medic showed he was carrying the same stims.

"One thing we can all agree on is how nice the gear is getting." The lion said, sitting opposite of Robert, the snow leopard on Alex's squad.

"Yeah, like these replicator things. I don't care about a delay as long as I have ammo for my sidearm. I've ran dry on ammo a few times before, had to be rejacked once too because of that. thank god a friendly squad got there when they did." Robert was holding his replicator in his hands as he spoke, putting it back on a rear socket in tactical armor he had on. He was the anti-vehicle man and engineer of the squad. Alex's whole squad was wearing the same base armor and tactical gear, having modifications to it all depending on their role on the battlefield. "how did you techies make this kinda thing anyway? I'm pretty sure infinite ammo for even just a small handgun was hell to make." he was addressing the scientists

"Well it's technically not infinite but I also don't know how they made it. We mainly work on Sorian energy research and planetary diagnostics." the scientist responded. The shuttle shook and exited warp as he finished speaking, the pilot letting them know they were at the planet and about to enter the atmosphere.

"Eyes sharp guys and lenses on when we land. it's nighttime here and we don't want to get caught off guard." Alex stated as her and all the other soldiers including Jackie tapped the sides of their helmets, nanites forming clear visors in front of their eyes as the comms units built into their helmets crackled to life.

One Memorable Journey Pg.4

Just a minute more and the shuttle would land with the landing gear locking, the lights going out and the bay door opening as the soldiers were already getting up and out. First out was Alex and her squad as they checked the perimeter of the ship,...

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