TMF-Ep6-Test run-

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#6 of The Magic Fighters

Time for Fire practice

So Thomas had told his uncle about his discovery about his powers. "So... You want me to train you then?" "Y-yeah Uncle Kevin" "Very Well I'll teach you what I know but keep in mind i'm not your father or Uncle Dan" It's revealed that Thomas's father Hugo has two younger brothers Kevin the middle brother and Dan the youngest brother, that are 52, 42 and 40 respectively. It was also revealed that members of the Lionheart are able to use fire based abilities and use magic not with spell circles but by channeling the magic through their hands. Hugo's fighting style uses more hand to hand combat moves, Kevin's style was more so a long distance fighter, while Dan's was more blunt and in your face. Thomas had picked up the style where he uses fire from a distance and learned how to do the lionheart roar a fire blast that comes from their mouth's basically. Thomas had a long way to go before becoming a professional with his fire, but is taking it one step at a time.

TMF-Ep7-Other Magic users-

Thomas was wandering around the working class town where he discovered that Johnny and Harry were magic users as they were practicing in a heavily forested area. "Wait... Johnny?Harry? Is it you?" Thomas had peeked out from behind the bushes as the...

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TMF-Ep5-Dreamy Awakenings-

Similar to the case with Thomas awakening to his powers, Harry and Johnny had woken up during the middle of the night to discover their own powers. Johnny had discovered he had water powers in which he could control it easily. Harry Discovered he had...

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TMF-Ep4-New Classmates-

In the next few days Thomas would become Acquainted with two new people, a golden retriever named Johnny and a dark colored rat named Harry. Johnny Willams is the leader of the video game club at school, and he is a 5'10 blue eyed golden retriever with...

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