Put It on My Tab [COM]

Story by Darknevoir on SoFurry

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#22 of Commissions

And now for something completely different. Well, not entirely, but I'm wading into new waters with this one. It's my first time dealing with this kinda subject matter, and I'm not really sure how I feel about it as a whole, but I think I did a good job here, and I hope that you enjoy!FA: getfur was at a bar one night and happened upon a certain otter, only to find out that the slinky caught the eye of another shifty patron. Bam had a bad feeling about it and went to check up on the otter after he was followed into the washroom, only to have his suspicions proven right.

5585 words

Otter - FA: Dandin

Bam and commissioner - FA: getfur ORIGINAL POST

Acrid whisky poured down the back of Bam's throat as he downed the last of the auburn-coloured liquid in his tumbler. The brown-furred wolf had had a bit of a stressful week and came to the bar to relax, though he knew that it'd take more than a single glass of booze to loosen him up. He was a big boy, after all.

The canine stood at an intimidating two-metres tall and was decked out with several hundred pounds of muscle on his frame. He was, by no means, petite, and one good look at him was enough to deter would-be assailants from ever trying anything against him. It wasn't like he couldn't defend himself, though; he just had better things to do.

Bam huffed as he set the glass back down on the counter, feeling the burning aftertaste dissipate after a few seconds. "I'll take another." He called out once he got the bartender's attention. While enjoyable, the drink did make him feel a bit warm as a result of vasoconstriction, so much so that he needed to tug at the neck of his A-shirt to cool down his fluffy, barreled chest.

While waiting for his drink he spun around on his chair, leaning his elbows onto the counter and having a look around. Some people side-eyed him as the motion caught their attention, though a couple let their gaze linger; whether it was because of his tremendous size or the sleek, black leather jacket that he wore was anyone's guess.

That was when Bam saw him - a river otter sitting alone at a table, wearing a fairly similar getup to his own. The mustelid was also rather built himself, which excited the wolf's ample package. He could feel his cock stir in the confines of his denim jeans, the hefty outline leaving nothing to the imagination as it throbbed to life.

And then the otter's eyes met his. Bam silently gasped as he realized that he'd just been caught by the guy that he'd been checking out, but it seemed like the slinky didn't mind. In fact, as the quick glance that he gave to the canine's junk signaled, the other man was very interested. Perhaps he oughta say hello.

A quick nudge to his elbow broke his concentration, and he peered back at the counter to see what was up. Faster than he anticipated, his glass had been topped up and served. "Oh, thanks." He spun back around.

Well, he figured that he might as well finish this before heading over. Bam gave the whisky aroma a brief inhale before downing it entirely, though this time it hit him harder. Maybe it'd been too long since his last drink.

He looked over his shoulder back to where the otter was sitting, only to see that the other stud had gotten up and was heading to the washroom. As miffed as he was that he'd just missed the guy, he knew that the mustelid was likely just hitting the can or freshening up. It wasn't a big deal.

What _was_a big deal was the fact that the slinky had been followed into the washroom by some shifty-looking guy. Bam didn't pay it too much mind when he saw the beefy polar bear looking at the otter earlier, but now it made sense. This might actually be a problem.

Pushing himself onto his feet, he hastily straightened his jacket, letting his sumptuous arms bulge out the sleeves with a simple flex. Time to see what was going on.

With a confident stride, Bam ambled over to the restroom door, though he wasn't prepared for what he was about to see on the other side.

Held against his will on the wall was the otter, struggling to escape the clutches of the bear. His worried expression explained everything, save for what was happening to his body.

The brawny pectorals that he used to possess had been leveled off, now leaving his chest entirely flush. Abs that he worked his ass off to get were now replaced by a flat tummy. Quads that fought for space between his legs now resembled a balloon that someone had let the air out of. His mountainous back looked as if it had been bulldozed, now not even big enough to be called a hill. His musculature seemed to evaporate off of his frame as his clothing now looked several sizes too big for him. While not every last bit of muscle had been taken from him, enough had; he looked like a completely different person now! But that wasn't all.

Little by little his body shrunk, first in thickness, now in the rest of his dimensions. Formerly broad shoulders had been pulled inward, heralding the rest of his width to go with it. Inches continued to be pulled from his appendages, leaving them shorter than they'd ever been in his adult life. The hands used to pull the stronger ursine one away from him were growing daintier by the second, though they matched the slender appearance of the limbs that they were attached to. One wouldn't even consider him half the man that he used to be.

On the other hand, the white-furred bear had the complete opposite experience. All the height taken from the mustelid surged his point of view higher and higher, putting him one metre taller than he used to be, for a total of four. His already huge cannonball-like shoulders bulged outward and took up even more space in the soon-to-be-cramped room. There was a very good possibility that he could touch the opposite sides of the bathroom if he stuck his arms out.

His growth didn't stop there either. The muscle siphoned from the slinky was added almost immediately onto his frame, bulking him up more than decades at the gym ever could. Instantly his chest pushed out more than double the distance that they did before, those slabs of pectoral beef popping off the buttons from his shirt before his burgeoning mountain range of a back could shred the fabric into pieces. His arms bunched up with sinewy brawn, gaining split-peak biceps and triceps that made steel cable look as strong as a blade of grass; in fact, he could probably now bend steel I-beams like a straw.

Traps that gave him a threateningly masculine aura before only grew larger as seconds rolled by, rising to the point where the ursine might have difficulties moving his head when paired with his prodigious chest. His abs tightened until they resembled a solid packed brick wall, the speed of which like watching a timelapse happen in real time. Those lats of his widened to give him a wingspan that rivaled birds. All of this torso growth culminated in his pelvis taking on a similarly shredded appearance, though the gain train still kept going.

Like other muscle groups, his quads bloated outward in a grotesque display of power swallowing up the space between his legs. His ass also simultaneously surged larger, becoming taut, dimpled globes that could crush whatever he sat on. His calves followed suit, swelling into the perfect teardrop shape that so many coveted, while also tearing the rest of his attire to ribbons. This was capped off with his cock throbbing to full mast, absolutely pulsating with stolen masculinity as it grew into a monstrous pillar, complete with a pair of churning wrecking balls to go along with it.

Were this to happen almost any other time, Bam might've thought it erotic. In the washroom of a sleazy bar? It was downright disturbing, just like the grimacing sneer that he received from the polar bear when his presence was finally noticed.

"You got a fucking problem or something?" The ursine barked at the wolf.

Bam's hackles raised in response to the snarling titan ready to rip his head off. "Hell yeah, I do." He closed the door behind him and locked it, not intending to leave until this matter was settled.

The bear scoffed. "Not the smartest, are ya?" He pounded on his meaty chest with one hand. "You can't possibly think that you can take me on."

"You'd be surprised at what I can do." Bam's outward confidence belied his true thoughts - he couldn't help but think that maybe he walked into something that he wouldn't be walking out of. Nevertheless, the sight of the unconscious otter lying against the wall, looking like he was swimming in the clothes that used to fit him, sent a fire throughout his body that ignited his soul. He knew that he had to beat this clown; he just had to figure out how first.

The polar bear drew the first punch, swinging his fist in the direction of the smaller canine, only missing an ear by scant centimetres. This further enraged him, sending another fist in the direction of the lupine, only to get lodged in the concrete wall of the room. Luckily for him he barely felt it, pulling his unscathed fist out of the hole it created.

Bam felt disadvantaged barely seconds into the fight. The first punch wasn't taken badly as he'd ducked out of the way in time. But that second punch? That wasn't a promising sight in the slightest. He tried, and failed, to not imagine his head where the impact crater was.

Seeing the wolf's minor hesitation only riled the bear up even more. Another punch was thrown, this time cleaving through the metal divider of one of the stalls. The fourth broke through a mirror without so much as the shards of glass affecting him. How no one else in the establishment noticed the ruckus was a mystery.

The behemoth looked unbeatable at first glance, but there was one ace up Bam's sleeve that he could use against the hulking brute - he was much faster than the polar bear. It didn't take much effort to dodge the incoming fists but getting close would prove to be a bit difficult. Still, he somehow managed to get within striking distance, and with one, substantial punch to the gut... he only succeeded in pissing the bear off. "Oh crap." He exhaled in defeat as he shook his hand, his fingers a bit tingly from jabbing what felt like a brick wall.

The ursine's mouth contorted into an ugly grin. "Heh, that tickled." He taunted the smaller man, knowing that he could get under the canine's skin.

Bam hated to admit it, but this guy might be more than he initially thought that he could handle. He landed one the hardest blows that he'd ever thrown out and it legitimately didn't do any damage whatsoever. In terms of strength, he was entirely outclassed. But the bear's gloating burned him. He wasn't about to let this asshole get the better of him, especially after taking advantage of another patron. Victory could still be attained, he was sure of it, but he had to be smart about it. That was clearly something that the giant couldn't match him in.

The polar bear laughed as he saw the lupine waffle in his assuredness, the gulp he saw the smaller man involuntarily make sealed the deal that he currently had the upper hand in this situation. Time to finish this.

Bam yelped as another shot came his way, only just avoiding it, watching the sink that he was standing in front of take the hit instead. A quick glance to the beast revealed just how much he was reveling in the destruction of the restroom, as the polar bear's turgid endowment was leaking like a broken faucet onto the floor beneath them. While positively gross, it did make him wonder if he could use that to his advantage.

"Give it up, pup. I'm gonna knock you out and drain you too!" The ursine bellowed, cock throbbing from the idea of getting even bigger. He figured that this guy wasn't a problem and that he could take the size of everyone else soon after. The thought made him want to bust a nut then and there, but he needed to seal the deal first.

While there was a drain in the middle of the floor that could deal with fluid poured onto it, the giant's sticky cum was proving a tad too difficult to strain. Bam knew that time was running out for him. He scanned every possible nook and cranny of the room, hoping that he could find something that could help him, until he stumbled across it - the divider that got bent out of shape earlier from the force of the brute's punch.

The polar bear watched in confusion as he saw the canine clamber onto the jagged, metal wall that he broke earlier, but didn't pay it any mind. "Dunno what game you're playing, but you're gonna lose!"

Bam only had seconds to comprehend what was going on, but that was all that he needed to avoid a punch coming his way. In an instant, he launched himself off of the stall wall just as the blow was coming in, landing on the beast's overly swollen back. He was swaying back and forth as he struggled to stay on but managed to cling to the ursine's traps. This had the effect of the hulk trying to rip him off, only to slip on his own cum and punch the ceiling instead.

Luckily for the bear, he stayed on his feet. Unluckily for the bear, the washrooms in this joint were built like a bunker. Not only were the walls made of concrete, but also the ceiling, and in his haste to turn the wolf into a pulpy mess he accidentally dislodged a sizable chunk of rubble directly above him that hit his head and immediately knocked him out.

Bam only had a fraction of a moment to react, but he jumped off at just the right time to avoid being crushed by the enormous titan. That was it - he'd finally won! He was relieved, sure, but it took everything out of him just to accomplish it. The only thing was that he wasn't quite finished yet.

Unbeknownst to the bear, and basically everyone else currently in the bar, Bam had a secret - he was actually capable of the same size draining ability that his adversary possessed. It wasn't something he did often, but times like these called for him to use it. Oh yeah, he was going to enjoy this.

A guy the size of the leviathan polar bear on the floor definitely required the use of two hands. While it would've been most fun to feel those colossal pecs deflate like balloons, the ursine's back was just as exciting an option to take from.

Kneeling down with one hand on a swollen lat and the other on a bulging trap, Bam began the process of knocking this asshole down a peg or seven. The results were immediate; masculine essence began pouring into him at an incredible rate. He'd describe the sensation as if a blanket of lava was washing over him, though it was a feeling that he looked forward to.

The bear began shrinking, just like the otter did earlier. Muscle mass was stripped from his body as if it were being suctioned off. His pectorals depressed back into his chest, now no longer keeping him propped up. Bis, tris, and quads all shrank down, leaving his limbs looking thin and gangly. His neck returned once his traps dissipated. Abs? Flattened. Ass? Receded. Back? Razed. Everything but the bare minimum of musculature needed to move around was taken. All in all, he looked like someone that grew like a weed during puberty only to never try and tack on any more mass onto his body. That was about to change, however.

Like the mustelid that he took advantage of, he, too, was losing his size. His height was the most obvious victim, shrinking down until he was closer to one-and-a-half metres tall. This had the added effect of shortening his limbs, as what good would it be to have arms that went past your knees? The clothes that he wore into the bar - and then stupidly shredded in his display of overconfidence - would never fit now, even if they were whole. He now looked like the runt of his family and might nearly be the smallest guy in the building.

Of course, Bam was having the opposite experience. As the bear in his grasp shrank, he grew, eventually only needing one hand to do the job as there was less of the dipshit to hold onto. He got to find out what the bear's view was like during the fight, only he didn't stop there as he'd siphoned off more size than what the ursine started with. A quick glance upward revealed that he might actually not be able to stand up fully without ducking. He licked his lips at the thought.

Then came the fun part - the muscle growth. It started from the hand that contacted the polar bear, traveling up his arm and bloating it out along the way. Muscle fibres wove together before tearing and repairing themselves, giving the appendage a diameter that might actually rival the width of one of the washroom stalls. This was repeated in his other arm, leaving him a bit disproportional for the time being.

The warm sensation then migrated between the limbs to his chest, where his pectorals surged outward in an instant, stuffed with so much bulk that he could shove his nose in between them if he wanted to. Though, that might start to be difficult to do as his traps grew in, rising high enough to tickle his ears.

Bam's back swelled up with beef, each muscle group outlined with tremendously detailed peaks and valleys between them. This extended to his lats, which bulged out wide, making him look broad like a mobile wall. His abdomen then tensed up as the feeling moved downward, leaving him with a set of tightly packed abs that resembled a walkway made from the largest cobblestones on earth. It was a good thing that he was on his knees as his now-top-heavy frame would make staying sturdy a nightmare.

That all changed when the warmth concentrated below the belt, starting to enlarge his quads to an obscene degree. They flexed as heft was pumped into them, making them touch even though his legs were spread apart. His calves, while not quite as impressive, were still molded into rock-hard specimens of dense muscle mass.

Then his ass joined in on the fun, embiggening themselves with stolen musculature until they became thick cheeks that could crush anything put between them. To top it all off was his pride and joy; he watched in glee as his crotch pillar evolved into a crotch rocket, long enough to shove it into his pecs and perhaps as thick as a person's leg. Of course, he couldn't forget about his gargantuan cum tanks, which blew up into roiling orbs that easily hung past his knees when he was standing up.

The feeling was orgasmic to Bam, who had to huff when the euphoric sensation finally came to an end. He found it a bit sad that it was over, but one look at the size difference between them made it feel worth it. At least he was going to put these muscles to better use than this jerk.

Speaking of the polar bear, he started sputtering himself awake, feeling like he'd been run over by a steamroller. Weakly he pushed himself up, only to have his arms buckle a few times before eventually getting it. He blinked and rubbed his eyes to regain his vision, only to immediately realize that something was wrong. His pecs, his arms, his legs, his massive cock - he was small, smaller than before! How could this be?! Angrily, he stood up, fists clenched, trying to figure out what had happened to him, only to end up seeing what was likely the largest wolf the world over.

Bam smirked when he saw the little bear glare and snarl at him, going to cross his arms along his chest and then realizing that he couldn't. "Oh look, he's awake."

"Fuck you, asshole!" The polar bear seethed at the sight of the canine. Fury boiled through his system, yet there wasn't anything that he could do. He was far too small to really affect anyone, especially at a bar like this. He lost, and that only pissed him off more.

Bam scoffed. "Yeah, you wish you could."

The ursine scowled indignantly at the ultra buff wolf. "You'll fucking pay for this!"

"Put it on my tab." Bam smirked as he kicked what was left of the other man's clothes at him, the bear falling on his ass from the force alone. "Do this again and I'll take even more of your size away." His voice took on a somber tone. "Now get out!" He boomed through the tiny room; no doubt the other patrons were able to hear him.

The polar bear cursed as he tried in vain to get the tattered remnants of his clothes on, struggling to keep them from falling to the ground. Without saying a word, he exited the room, though he glared daggers at the other two before leaving.

Satisfied, Bam felt ready to jerk himself off as a reward for stopping that guy before he could do some serious damage but resisted the urge when he remembered that he wasn't the only guy in the room. He looked back at the far wall where the otter was laying in his clothes, relieved that the little guy was coming to.

The mustelid clumsily pushed himself up against the wall in an attempt to right himself. "Ooh, my head..." He clutched the side of his face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Bam asked as he bent down as much as he could.

The slinky wasn't sure who was talking to him at the moment as he was still recovering from his lack of energy. Blearily, he rubbed his eyes with the ball of his palm, only to see the gigantic form of the lupine right in front of his face. "Holy shit!" He shrieked, scrambling to get as far away from him as he could.

"Woah, it's okay." Bam held up his hands to show that he wasn't a threat. "I'm not gonna hurt ya."

That relieved the otter for the time being, but it didn't answer all of his questions. "Wait, where'd the bear go?"

Bam lowly chuckled, his prodigious pectorals jumping with every laugh. "He ran outta here in embarrassment. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

"So did you..." The mustelid eyed over the behemothian body that the canine possessed, staring longingly at the rippling muscles that flexed every so slightly. "Did you take his size then?"

"Yeah, left him smaller than you, actually." Bam then held out his hand in front of the slinky. "Here."

Hesitantly, the otter accepted, daintily gripping onto the significantly larger grabber. The force he was then subjected to brought him entirely out of his clothes, jerking him to his feet. "Woah!" He clumsily stumbled, having to use his rudder-like tail for stability. This is where he really got the wolf's attention - unlike the ursine after him, the mustelid didn't shrink down in quite the same way.

The slinky was shapely, a slender torso rounding into wide hips that supported an incredibly voluptuous booty. The burly man from the bar somehow turned into a lithe femboy when his size was taken away.

"Oh..." Bam uttered with great interest, cocking a brow as he checked out the otter.

"Oh?" The mustelid suddenly felt really small, especially as the much, much larger man was scrutinizing him.

Bam gave the little guy a warm smile. "Here I'd thought you'd slim down like the other guy."

The rudderbutt offered up a wry grin in return. "Guess we're just both full of surprises."

"I don't think I got your name." Bam tried to bend down even lower so as to try and get more eye level with the slinky. "Mine's Bam."

"Friday." Friday answered. "For the record, I thought you were hot the moment I laid eyes on you. I totally thought that we were gonna have some fun today."

"I still think that could happen. I took most of that guy's size, ya know." Bam guided his finger along the other man's slender jawline. "Maybe I could leave you with a bit of a parting gift." He brought his muzzle in close to the mustelid's ear, eliciting a breathy huff from the little slinky. "How's about testing how stretchy your clothes are when they're shoved onto an even more massive otter body?"

"I _do_like the sound of that," Friday purred, trailing his hand through the wolf's colossal pectoral valley, "but I got another idea I wanna do first." With a speed that not even he knew that he possessed, he pulled the canine's chest fur in towards him, now putting his snout in the larger man's ear. "I want you to fuck me." Despite his diminished stature, he oozed confidence.

That caught Bam off-guard. "Are you sure about that?" He backed off so that the otter could get a better look at his gargantuan form. "My dick's bigger than you are!"

"Listen," Friday chuckled, his comparatively small cock achingly hard, "things like this don't happen often. I don't think I'm gonna get this experience again. I wanna know what it's like, man!" He bit his lower lip as he eyed up the canine's turgid endowment. "I want that monster inside me."

That was all Bam needed to hear. "If you say so." He responded in a mischievous growl, a wry smirk contorting his mouth.

Friday replied with a playful snicker - he didn't need to say anything else. Wordlessly, he grasped the turgid fuckstick pointing at him in the face and lovingly slathered his tongue all over it. Salty preseed pulsed from the heavily pierced tip, which he swallowed with gusto. Every lick with his tongue, every rub of his hands, all of it contributed to lubing that schlong up. He was going to need every inch of cockflesh greased up if wanted to feel his legs in the morning.

Bam was highly receptive to the service that he was receiving, though he couldn't help the churning in his balls increasing from the sensitive touch of the otter. "Oof, that might be all the prep we can do. These babies can't wait much longer."

"Then let's not waste any more time, stud." Friday impishly gave one last stroke up the length of that pole, teasing the wolf by tracing the outline of a thick cock vein throbbing in sync with his heartbeat. He then turned the pair of them around where there was more room to move and knelt down in front of the canine, flagging his tail in the air. "Come and take me." He giggled, wiggling his ample rump in an attempt to rile the larger man up.

The display proved effective as Bam snorted through his nose in response. Muscles flexed to the max as he bent down, his pierced cock poked at one of the fat ass cheeks before finding its way between them. It might've taken some effort to make sure that his shaft was thoroughly lubricated, but with the amount of pre that his balls were belching up the rudderbutt's hole was entirely coated and then some.

Friday was on cloud nine as he melted from the stimulation that his overly sensitive pucker was getting. The delicate ring of muscle winked with need as he felt the tip poke into him, causing his arms to buckle beneath him.

As much as Bam wanted to get off, he had to take it slow for the moment just to ensure that the slinky's asshole could swallow all of his dick. His partner's moaning didn't seem to change to wails of pain, only increasing in intensity the further that he sunk his rod into that plush rear. The tight walls of the otter's anal cavity were doing a number on him though, with how much they caressed his member coaxing a moan to escape his throat.

Friday's moaning grew absolutely whorish with how much he craved having all this meat stuffed into him. It was like an itch was getting scratched deep inside him, but he knew that it was going to get a whole lot better.

Finally, Bam felt his shredded pelvis run flush with the mustelid's curvy booty. He had to hand it to the little guy, he took every inch of that endowment like a champ. That being said, he actually had the goal of blowing his load in mind and wanted to commence with that. His hands shot out for stability as he started pumping his cock into the smaller man, one hand on a slender otter shoulder and the other hanging onto a sink... only for the sink to crumble in his grip. Guess he didn't know his own strength now!

Feeling dozens, if not hundreds, of pounds of wolfhood slamming into him coaxed Friday's tongue to loll out of his mouth. The jackhammering that his prostate got shot the pleasure centre of his brain repeatedly, to the point where he could feel the fucking in his soul. It got his own cock throbbing something fierce, and his orbs to ache with the need of release. He was a total mess of emotions and he loved it.

Bam, meanwhile, was also feeling his body light up in pleasure. An errant kick of his leg smashed the sides of a stall together and broke a toilet, but he paid it no mind. The urge to breed dominated everything else.

Every single one of Friday's senses were currently alive and on fire. He still tasted_the precum that oozed from the tip of that dick, he could _feel his ass getting pounded, he saw stars from how hard he was clenched around that pole, he could hear the grunts as the wolf forced that thick log of lupine fuckmeat inside him, and he could unquestionably smell how powerful his partner was. He inhaled all the masculine musk that wafted from the canine's thick, fluffy fur, letting his mind go haywire from the heady scent. This was a fuck that he'd remember for a lifetime.

Bam felt his heart flutter in his barrel chest as he regarded the otter that he was plowing. The little mustelid - the David to his Goliath - was taking his entire length without complaint. He'd done the deed many times with other guys but a few of them would complain that he's just too big for them. But not this guy, he's a trooper, and he'd be getting his reward real soon.

Friday was starting to feel his own body seize up with the need to blow his load, his lower half wracked with pressure building in his prostate. As much as he wanted to, he couldn't hold on any longer and shot out a comparatively meager load than what his balls normally produced. Even then, it came out a lot harder than any other time that he can remember.

Bam felt it nearly impossible to hold himself together. His bucking had slowed dramatically, and he held the rudderbutt in close, his enormous pectorals squished against the svelte back of the otter. He gritted his teeth as his eyes screwed shut, his churning testosterone factories pulling up to his groin indicating that it was time. With a low, needy howl, he let his cum tanks erupt, shooting virile wolfbatter out of his cocktip and into the awaiting bowels of the mustelid.

The feeling of having his anal cavity flooded with potent spunk short-circuited Friday's brain, eliciting a long, loud moan of approval. His insides getting painted with creamy, white, hot seed was akin to having a full body orgasm. It wasn't long before his gut began to take in all the cum, bloating out in order to try and contain everything getting pumped into him. He placed a hand on his tummy and felt it swell, getting instantly hard again. Despite knowing that it'd take quite some time to even deal with the load of jizz he was stuffed with, his body still wanted more.

Release brought Bam half-lidded, his arms and legs nearly buckling from giving every ounce of energy that he had into this rutting. He completely drained his balls into the little man underneath him, but, as a consequence of his size, he could feel them active again, beginning the process of producing more cum. Seemed like his downtime had drastically been reduced, which he'd need to get used to. His new size made him one hell of a breeder.

"That was... amazing!" Friday wheezed up cum as he slid off the monster schlong inside of him, feeling an enormous wave of seed pour from his gaping tailhole. "I haven't been stretched like that... ever, really." He chuckled through his panting breaths. "I feel like I could go for another round, in all honesty."

Bam laughed as well, then scanned the room with his eyes, surveying all the damage that was caused both before and during their sexual encounter. "Heh, that might cost us quite a bit."

Friday shrugged his shoulders. "Eh, put it on my tab."

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