Hypnovember Day 17 - Frozen

Story by limewah on SoFurry

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He was going to make everyone very very rich once they found the right buyer.

Sponsored by nickylion

17 - Frozen (Nickylion)

The cold was getting sharper and bitterer with each step the lion took. The layers Nicky wore were keeping him from freezing to death - at least for now. He would have perished by this point if not for it. As he pushed through the crunching snow, the lion had to take bigger and bigger strides just to clear the previous holes he made. The snow and wind bit into his face, even though it was completely covered by his goggles and his wrapped layers of protective clothing. He would be able to get to shelter before the next storm, he was sure of it. Then he would be able to make his way towards the...

The temple. He could see it just ahead. The stone archways, weathered and worn by the storm but still standing. The angular, cavernous entrance, leading into deep darkness. The pedestal and altar standing just in front of the entrance. At first he thought it might have been a mirage, a trick that his frozen brain was playing on him. But he rushed ahead regardless, his body desperately wanting it to be true.

When his gloved hand met the smooth stone of the first archway, his heart soared with relief. It almost felt warm compared to the freezing cold around. As Nicky continued up towards the entrance, he almost swore he could feel heat emanating from inside as well. His pilgrimage was at an end, at long last. All that was left to do was set up camp inside, explore and marvel at the ancient, wonderful art from some long forgotten civilisation, make notes of what they could carry out, then return to camp to arrange a transport. He couldn't wait to brag about his success to his fellow smugglers down at the base camp; he'd found the temple, and he was going to make everyone very very rich once they'd found the right buyer for the pilfered treasures. The years he'd spent bribing officials, breaking legs and ruining lives had all come to this. He would be able to retire and live like a king for the rest of his days. It was definitely going to be somewhere sunny. Nicky was never going to subject himself to a temperature lower than 65 degrees for the rest of his life.

He could have gone back to get the others now, but where was the fun in that? He wanted to make sure he could call dibs on as many artifacts in here as he could. Maybe he could palm some stuff ahead of time too, so no one else in the entourage could get a cut.

The cave's interior was mild. Not comfortable, but at least milder than the raging winds outside. He took off his constraining gloves, at least, and the kiss of the cold air was pleasantly bracing. He took out his flashlight, along with a pistol from inside his layered jackets; just in case there were any beasts taking shelter up here.

The deeper he traversed into the dark temple, the more the roaring wind became a distant hiss. The harsh, cold light of his torch illuminated beautifully intricate carvings and whittlings, leading deeper into the caves like knotted roots. It was a shame that he couldn't remove those so easily. They'd probably make a fortune. Maybe if he brought a hammer and chisel with him..

The hiss grew louder and sharper, making Nicky's hair stand on end. He stiffened instinctually, wheeling around to point his weapon behind him. It must have been the wind intensifying. He might end up having to camp out in this temple for the night. How horrible. Even more time to collect some riches for himself.

The hiss intensified again. This time from behind him once more. Nicky wheeled around again, and his eyes widened with shock.

There was light ahead of him. Torch-light. It illuminated a huge chamber just ahead of him, like an amphitheatre. Figures cast shadows all through the chamber, angled towards a stage and an altar at the back. As Nicky stepped inside to examine more closely, he could see those figures were all life-sized statues, seemingly hewn from the same rock that made the arches outside. They were incredibly well defined, too, from their musculature to their clothing, to the expressions of joy on their faces. They all looked to be dressed in very old clothing, too. Terracotta warriors, maybe? The altar on the stage did look a little like a tomb. Each statue would be worth a fortune for sure.... Shame he couldn't stow any of them in his jacket.

Another loud hiss came from just behind him. Too close. He turned with a shriek and fired. The bullet pinged harmlessly off a sheet of stone. The sheet crumpled and sloughed away, off of a scaled arm festooned with brightly coloured feathers. The arm lowered, and a feathered, winged serpent stared down at him. Their eyes were a deep red, their scales a brilliant green, their plumage all the colours of the rainbow.

Nicky would have taken another shot, if he weren't so awe-struck by this being's majesty. Especially its eyes. Those gleaming eyes were so beautiful. Like rubies. Priceless ones. He couldn't take their eyes off their glittering glow.

The snake glided towards him, and past him. They had no difficulty keeping eye contact with him. The bangles on the tip of their tail jingled a sweet, seductive chord as it beckoned to him. He dropped his flashlight and his pistol, and followed.

The eyes flashed more brightly, and he felt heavy and sluggish. Pleasantly so. His fingers and toes felt so slightly numb.

He was lead down the aisle, then guided around a few of the other statues, all in varying placating positions.

Flash flash. His hands and feet felt numb now. It was a nice numbness, a sleepy, easy one.

The snake held their arms out and cupped their hands, nodding their head slowly as their eyes flashed.

Smiling, Nicky copied the gesture. His arms and legs felt pleasantly numb.

The snake lowered their head. Nicky got on his knees. The eyes flashed. His shoulders and hips felt pleasantly numb.

The flashes continued. Nicky felt sleepier and sleepier, the numbness spreading out from the centre of his brain. His vision got numb. His mouth tasted dry and stony. His nose tingled. His heart slowed. His whole body slowed.

The eyes flashed and flashed and gleamed like a strobe light, solidifying his obedience, and his new role.

Eventually, the lion ceased to move entirely, encased inside and out in stone. Only one thought remained in the statue's solid rock head, locked in for eternity. A sense of joy, of being able to worship for all eternity.

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