Curling Up With A Good Book

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#4 of Pokemon

4561 Words

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So I missed Halloween proper, but I had an idea for something fun to do utilizing my fakemon Tomen and with some nerdy librarian fun. A little bit our of my normal comfort zone, but I hope you enjoy!

Story contains: Hypnosis, guardian spirits, size difference, virginity, and dorkiness. Enjoy!

Suzette was a beautiful woman, though nobody around seemed to see it. The small rabbit was an exceedingly charming librarian, caring for the tastes of readers interested in any subject. From folklore to romance, children's tales to adult thrillers, historical tomes to the latest manga releases, Suzette was the one to talk to to find anything the heart desired. Due to the chill, dry air the library was kept in and the coming winter months, she was often bundled up in turtleneck sweaters, her large, floppy ears held back with a tie and her brown hair kept up in a bun. And between her naturally bucked bunny teeth and her large, round, black reading glasses, it was easy to look her over as a dumpy little nerd of a librarian.

And perhaps she was, even down to the slightly rounded, bottom-heavy body with the tiny poofy tail, though the sweater didn't do much to flatter her figure. Between the turtleneck, the scarf, and the loose pants she wore to stay comfortable and keep in the heat, it might have been hard to imagine the librarian as more than a fixture of the library itself, but she was so very much more. Between reading to children, helping the elderly with accessing things on the internet, aiding homeless people in job searches, and meticulously making sure every book was taken care of and properly shelved, that dumpy little bunny had a heart of gold beating in her chest, more beautiful than her form could ever reveal.

And Thomas saw that, though she'd never notice him. Granted, that was by design. Tomen weren't known for being brash or obvious, hiding in libraries and reading the stories around them. But Thomas had a keen interest in Suzette, often following her from aisle to aisle as she worked and tending to look into the books she was reading when she was on break. Currently he was inhabiting one of her favorites, a steamy little romance novel where a plain but loving teacher was swept up in a whirlwind romance by a billionaire noble who helps change her life so she can change those of the children around her.

It was Suzette's darkest secret, one that had her constantly blushing and hiding in the back aisles of the library long after everyone else had left and the doors had been locked, but she adored trashy romance novels. Sappy stories and whirlwind romances got her heart pounding and her head all aflutter, but she was so embarrassed by it that she didn't ever check out the books, just reading them in the library after hours when she knew she was alone. Or, at least, when she thought she was alone. Even buying them to have at home would show her shame, and with the library a second home for her, why waste the money when she could read the book for free?

She'd set out two books on the table, knowing she was near the end of one and preparing to read its sequel, but she had some work to do first. The doors had closed after Halloween night, her witch hat sitting on the table while she went up and down the ladder to remove the bunting and spooky decorations. As she did every year, she'd volunteered to be the one to hand out candy to kids at the door, and much like every other year, the others hadn't even bothered to offer to help clean up. But that was fine. It just meant she'd have more time for herself.

She ran the images of the story up to where she was in her head, biting her lip as her fingers worked their way around the string tying up a large paper spider. The daring Count, a dashing vampire dragon of a bygone age, had just brought Esmeralda up to his chambers. Silhouetted in the moonlight, his mane blowing in the breeze, he confessed both his love for her, and how it could never be. He was immortal, cursed to wander this earth forever, and he didn't want to saddle her with this curse, even as she had taught him how to love and made his heart beat with emotion again. She had walked up to him, her lips so close to his she could feel the lack of breath as he spoke, the chill of his undead hands on her skin making her shiver...

Suzette purred to herself as she stepped down the ladder and moved it to the next decoration, feeling the heat of anticipation rushing through her body and settling in her mound. To be swept up in something like that, to feel that kind of passion from a loving soul... It was a dream of hers, wet more often than not, and more than once she'd found herself with a hand down her pants while reading at work, though she always made sure to pick a hard wood chair that could easily be wiped clean if things got too... intense. And over the years, it had happened quite a few times.

Thomas had witnessed this too, and he yearned to help her with those feelings. Those moans of lust, those sighs of loneliness, the dreamy gaze she'd give visitors but was always too afraid or too kind to act on... He had no arms to hold her in, but a passion burned within him. Every word of the book he was inhabiting was inscribed on his heart, knowing it was her favorite. He saw how she acted, how she treated visitors, but more importantly, how she treated the books. He wanted her to see him, to be more than a trick of the light to her... And tonight he was going to be bold about it.

Finally getting the last of the bunting down, Suzette ran to the table eagerly. Her face was flushed with preemptive arousal and anticipation on what steamy encounter might await between the Count and Esmeralda. However as she pulled out her chair, she realized something was wrong. There were three books sitting at the table instead of two. "Blood Tinged Desires" and "Blood Emerald: The Count's Treasure" were both there as expected (the title of the sequel and the reviews making Suzette all excited for the conclusion of the first book), but also there was a cover she could never forget. She made it a point to pick up "To Tutor A Tudor In Matters Of Love" at LEAST every other year since she was 14, and the foxy prince on the cover was her most recurring character in all wet dreams... but she KNEW she hadn't set it out.

"Louisa? Janice? Yoriko?" She called out for the other librarians, sure this had to be a prank or something. But a thorough search of the area proved she was alone. "Huh... maybe it just fell off a shelf." She knew that also wasn't the case, considering her proclivity for keeping the books well kept and safely shelved, but with that spooky Halloween vibe still in the air, she didn't want to let her mind wander. Instead, she approached the book on the table, picking it up and walking back towards where it belonged. Surely just placing it away would solve the problem and she could go on to the more important matters at hand. However, as she had the corner of the book on the shelf, she looked at the cover.

It was a flicker of movement, out of the corner of her eye, but she swore the cover fox had winked at her. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, then looked at it again. No movement, nothing strange... Frowning at the strange book in her hands, she flipped it open, trying to find the page number she knew by heart. Hours of reading and rereading that scene with her hand buried between her legs was more than enough to have it seared into her memory.

And there Thomas waited, thanking the book for helping lure her in. As she flipped to the page his small, indistinct form swirled outward, emanating from the book and causing her to step back with a shriek of fear. But he had practiced, hearing her enjoyment, reading it over and over himself... and he wanted to write a scene just as passionate. He offered her a hand, waiting for her to make the move.

Her heart was pounding in her chest at the sudden appearance of the mists that poured from between the pages, frozen in fear and curiosity as they coalesced into a central shape. It was soft and fuzzy, but unmistakable in color and poise. Her foxy prince in pastel pink fur, the light cyan chest fluff swirling in the fog that slowly filled the area immediately around the novel. It looked her in the eyes, though there was no form, more a feeling, then extended a hand towards her. Legs quivering and heart pounding, she rubbed her eyes once more, sure this had to be a joke. But when it wasn't, her sandy furred hand reached out, taking a few tentative steps into the mist as she grasped his hand.

In that moment the mist surrounded her, swirling and obscuring the entire library, leaving only her and... him. Her knees wobbled and she let out a dreamy sigh as she looked upon him: Thomas Tudor, the beautiful foxy billionaire and noble. His full lips and long eyelashes were dashing, his eyes were full of love, lust, and confidence. And, just like in that scene, as he slicked back his wavy hair, he was wearing nothing but the fur he was born in.

He purred at her softly, looking directly into her eyes like one might look simultaneously upon a lover and a meal, her heart fluttering as she felt the nervousness of Jane Booker, the nervous virgin teacher unsure if his advances were from a place of love or simply using her to satiate his lusts. She quivered as she felt him pull her gently closer, his hand playing through her hair. "My dear Suzette," he said in a tone like liquid chocolate pouring into her ears, making her whole body shudder. It was exactly as she'd pictured in her head, and so much better as his face got so close to hers, his whole presence mere inches away. "Please, make yourself comfortable. You have taught me so much. It's time I taught you a few things in return."

"Thomas~" she said in an airy gasp, remembering the next few words of the book by heart... and knowing they were, sadly, true right now. "It is improper... My first time, and should somebody find out..."

"Let them gossip. Let these walls crumble around me. I would give it all away for just one evening with you." He pressed closer, the feeling of an almost cold mist wafting over her, her glasses fogging, but in a moment it was cleared as he gently took them off and placed them aside. "Please, Suzette, let me make you a woman."

She swallowed nervously, her mind racing, mostly as a fangirl sure this must be a crazy dream. Either that or she'd died and gone to heaven. Either way, she wasn't going to ruin the moment and go against the book. She leaned forward, kissing him passionately as his arms wrapped around her, one moving down her loose pants and squeezing just under her fluffy tail, the other removing her scrunchie and running through her hair as it cascaded down past her shoulders.

Thomas was having a slightly more trying time keeping up the illusion, but she was fully hypnotized by his ethereal mists. The small spirit was mostly incorporeal, only able to focus on one or two locations at a time, mostly using her balance and imagination to fill in the blanks. Still, he moved swiftly, letting her hair down and beginning to lift up her sweater and toss it aside, letting it flop right next to the book. He could only affect so far a distance from the book, and he had more important uses of his energy than shifting it around.

She gasped at the fox's deft hands as they tossed her sweater aside, the deep black fabric disappearing in the swirling mists that surrounded her. Beneath it she wore nothing but her bra, as the cool air didn't need any layers. The cream fur that ran down her front and over her breasts shuddered in the cool breeze of the castle, and she moved back, pressed against one of the bookshelves he kept in his bedroom. After all, Thomas was a well read noble. A soft lick up her neck made her shudder, the breath hot on her throat, the sharp teeth mere inches from her body before it clamped down surprisingly gently, but made her squeak with delight, her toes curling and a moan escaping her lips.

Careful fingers worked at the latch of her bra, then moved aside, letting her slip the undergarment free with ease. Once free of the loose clothing and the bra holding them tight, her modest breasts bounced with her every heaving breath, her nipples hard as diamonds in the cold night air. He growled lustily into her neck. "I see the attention you give me, Suzette. The due care you give my book. I know your dreams, those wishes you mutter in the silence of the empty library. Just relax and let me make them real."

Her eyes went wide and her face flushed red, turning a deep crimson as his hands began massaging her breasts one at a time, every inch of the soft, supple flesh being kneaded and sparking with energy. Then, finally, a soft pinch on her nipples made her squeak, her voice coming in a stammer past her teeth. "Y-y-you could hear me? You finally heard my wish?" This was all too much, her heart soaring at this magical moment.

Thomas slipped up between her breasts, nuzzling one, then the other with his small ghostly face before he spoke, the pale image looking into her eyes the place the voice actually came from. "Think of me as a guardian spirit. One who rewards you for your care and your beautiful heart, if you will have me." He slid lower, the shimmering misty fox following, placing kiss after kiss on her slightly curvy stomach, then the fox's teeth latching onto the top of her pants as his small hands tugged suggestively.

"Of course, Thomas! It's everything I've dreamed. Make me a woman. Show me what I've been missing!" Her legs spread slightly, her cotton tail behind her wiggling against the bookshelf. A moment later her prince tugged down hard, clothes rushing past her fur, the wet gleam of her arousal practically steaming in the cold air as it clung in an obvious wet stain on her frilly panties. Her hips were wide, a little bit of weight on them leading to curvy thighs and her hidden feet. She always tried to hide her ankles, thinking them ugly, but now every inch of her was exposed for her guardian angel, her wish come true.

The spirit gently slid up her left leg, then licked along the fabric of her underwear, moaning passionately with the taste. First of all, alive, warm, and dripping, but more than that, uniquely hers. Her musk suffused the mist, one he'd smelled on the chairs and on her fingers as she walked past to return books to their spots, and now... He practically seeped through her clothes, wanting to become one with her, before realizing how odd it would seem to the illusion in her mind. He quickly pulled himself free, grasping at the fabric on her hips and slowly lowering it from its home.

She watched the prince eagerly strip off her underwear, and she stepped up and out of it, leaning against the bookshelf with her legs spread and her virgin flower on display, her cherry blossom as she sometimes joked. Soon it would just be a blossom... she bit her finger as he moved closer, his breath on her lower lips, then jolted at the sensation of the lick. His tongue was cool from the air, but wet and bringing an alien, but oh so pleasurable sensation. Someone other than herself touching her there... her first book crush, her beautiful Thomas. She gasped as she pictured his full lips on hers, tongue rolling and gliding into her, while she looked down at his eyes: focused, lusty, determined, loving...

It took all his focus to give the energy to touch her, drawing from her own lust to help warm himself and keep going. The small wisp of a ghost plunged fully into her, his head gliding through her folds, his small hands massaging her inner walls, feeling her life surrounding him. A part of him felt like he could glide all the way in, just curling up inside her and becoming her child... but that wasn't where his passions lay. He wanted to give her the time of her life, and he knew where the scene needed to go. Focusing himself he slid out of her, letting her arousal drip off of him and steep into the mists, her own lust helping build the fantasy she'd always dreamed of.

Her prince slowly stood, his form surrounding her as he looked down into her eyes. "Are you ready, my beauty? To feel the joy you bring into people's hearts each day?" His hand was wet as it caressed her cheek, his fingers glistening from where they'd joined in playing with her. She nodded, a hand going down to her pussy lips and holding them wide.

"Please. Fill me. Make me yours, my guardian spirit~." She pulled him closer, then felt his cock glide along her pussy, throbbing and warm. She gasped, her fingers curling deep into his fur, then kissed those lips as a signal for him to go.

Caressing her cheek had been wonderful, but with her permission, there was only one place for him to dive back into. He had to focus all his energy, making the presence around her a vague embrace as he sank into her folds head-first, not stopping at the front but pushing deeper, deeper, her heartbeat all around him as he pressed against that final barrier, then pushed past. He separated it with a ghost's touch, her virgin blood dripping, then immediately being healed.

It was only a moment of pain, followed by a rush of pleasure, and with a gentleness she never would've expected. She squeaked for a moment at the feeling, but was soon a moaning mess as his cock seemed to swell with vigor, throbbing inside her. She could feel his warmth between her legs, their combined heat radiating into the mist. He pressed against her, her breasts sinking into his soft, fuzzy fur, the spines of the books pressing against her back. But any discomfort was long gone as she braced herself for everything he had to offer her.

Her supernatural lover thrilled at the feeling of her life force, her precious gift she had given, and it spurred him forward. Whether he'd been mortal before passing on or been coalesced this way, Thomas seemed to find instincts he'd never known he could have. His body shaped to fill her contours, throbbing with pulses of lust as he pressed deep, then pulled back coated in her arousal. He moaned at the warmth, at the pleasurable sensation, at the life he couldn't feel as he delved back in, his whole body gathering the required energy to be the rock hard cock she was craving.

It wasn't quite as wild as she had imagined it would be. No strange poses or crazy lifts performed by her prince, just a tender, steady, powerful persistence in his thrusts. Every motion filled her to the brim, her whole body trembling as if he was made for her, and every thrust out had her pussy clenching with need at the lack within it. Eventually, though, her legs were sore, and she slumped down to the ground, keeping her legs spread for his ease of access. She thought he might slip free from the sudden movement, but he didn't even lose pace, falling with her and looking lovingly into her eyes.

If she was paying full attention, she might have noticed this was a position impossible by anatomy, but the tentacle-esque shape of Thomas's true form let him continue to delve deep within her while she was in this more comfortable position. He was short on words, as was she, sensations neither had felt before swelling and rushing through them as they connected as intimately as they could. For all her fingering, her dreaming, her moaning to herself and wishing it could happen, this blew it all out of the water, her toes curling and her pussy clenching along his whole form, milking him for what he had to offer.

At first, he thought that was nothing. He was sure he'd sate his passion, feel her cum, and slink back into the book to await his next chance. However, as he moved and massaged her inner walls, surrounded entirely by her lively, full, fecund form, he felt something building. It started at his base, in the book, then slowly rolled up and up, charging slowly but steadily, like a hand-crank emergency torch. He found his focus waning, his motions and thrusts getting awkward as the sensation rose up him. One word shone in his mind, one he'd read so much, but had no point of reference on, and he realized what was happening. He moved faster, pounding towards the back of her passage, witnessing that small opening nearby that he'd flood in just a moment's time. He was about to cum, whatever that entailed for the ectoplasmic entity.

Her body squeezed as he thrusts grew more awkward, her legs moving around his form to pull him in tighter, only to barely catch onto his body. She groaned, her fingers sliding down to where his cock entered her, feeling it sliding against his clit, as she shuddered and gasped. "T-thomas! I'm gonna cum~. Are you?"

"Yes... where do you-?"

"Inside! Fill me!" There wasn't a moment of hesitation on either of their ends, as the next motion his hips slammed against hers, her whole body seeming to rock from the inside as warmth bloomed within her. It triggered her own orgasm, her muscles spasming and pulling, clenching tight around his cock and locking every drop he had to give into her.

The poor Tomen making love to her had no idea what it was in for as the rush of cum surged from his very form. Warm, gooey, and full of a life the ghost didn't know he had in him, it erupted from his mouth, painting his intimate surroundings the most wondrous shade of white. While lost in this orgasmic bliss, his whole form was crushed, her muscles squeezing around him, pussy juice clinging to his face, his body, his massaging hands, and covering him in all he had just released. Pulse after pulse he fired as deep as he could, his whole body shaking and rippling to massage her tunnel as she gave him the ride of his afterlife. For a minute he thought he'd slip free, but he held strong, ensuring every drop of his love made it where it needed to be in his giant lovely bunny.

Slowly, though, he did leave her warmth, watching the cum follow him, then drip free of her passage to stain the library floor. He quivered at the sight with pride, feeling chills running through him at what he'd accomplished as he heard her gasp and moan, her fingers gliding to her dripping pussy and teasing over his slick head. He slid into her grip, just to be held for a moment, and she giggled. "Mmm... Thomas, that was wonderful~. But... this won't be the only time, will it?"

She looked into his eyes, feeling his cock slide free of her hands as he closed them, then sighed. A moment later his eyes were even more full of life and lust, and while she gripped her dripping mound, he leaned forward, kissing her. She could feel his heat, as well as taste their combined lust as his tongue danced in her mouth, before he pulled back and smiled sweetly. "Even if you can't see me, I am always with you. But, when the time is right, or when you truly need me... I am but a breath away." He smiled softly, kissing her gently on her nose, then began to back up, the mists swirling around him.

Try as he might, Thomas the Tomen was running out of energy. He'd need at least a nap before he could do anything more, and he slid into the pages of his book, grabbing just one thing before it snapped shut on the floor.

Slowly her vision returned to her and Suzette realized she was alone in the library, not the castle she'd just seen. It all felt so real and vivid, and yet... it couldn't have possibly been, right? And yet, she could feel the cum draining slowly from her, the warmth of what was still in her making her smile. And her clothes were everywhere, including her panties, which were now sticking out of the book's center fold. She blushed as she saw them, standing up and gathering her things. "This... is going to need a fair bit of cleanup." She then picked up the book, looking at her underwear in them. They'd been so wet, they might leave a stain. Carefully she opened it up, finding no damage to the book, luckily, though the scent seemed to linger on that page. She'd have to give it extra attention later... but if Thomas was happy, she smiled. "Totally worth it, though."

Cleaning herself up and getting the stains out of the carpet was tough, but doable. Her hair remained down and wild, and every so often she'd feel more cum absorbing into her panties, but it just made her beam with pride as she put away the books and locked up for the evening. She had an early morning the next day, one she'd be very tired for, but with a weight she didn't even know she'd been carrying off her shoulders at the pure pleasure she'd felt.

Thomas visited her from time to time after that, always when she was alone, but not every day. And even during the day, she could feel his eyes on her, his presence keeping her safe even in the weirdest of encounters with the craziest inhabitants of the area. When she started gaining weight and having stomach problems, though, his presence became much greater. And when Easter rolled around, well, she made for a wonderful Easter bunny as she went into labor and lay the egg in the middle of the reading circle. None of the children seemed to notice, nor the adults, as Thomas had appeared to distract them with the story she'd been reading, all the while beaming with pride and holding her hand as their offspring entered the world.

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