Quarantine Quirks (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#18 of Commissions

Quarantine has been tough on all of us (and we all seek to escape it). For one couple, they've found another way to stave off cabin fever.

Commissioned by Elberik. Characters belong to their respective owners.

Caleb sipped from her glass of water, herself leaning lazily into her computer chair as she watched the computer screen. With a yawn and a stretch of her arms, she let her head flop as she delved into her thoughts. It had been a year, and signs didn't show it'd be ending any time soon. She wasn't unused to working from home before the quarantine, Caleb did enough website management that she didn't need to leave the house. But even she had to agree that cabin fever was a danger.

If she didn't have Audrey...Caleb smiled. A lot of things would be different if she didn't have Audrey, and many of them would be worse off. They'd been living together long enough that she had no fear of getting irritable around her. No more than usual. And her job provided enough that they could get by even as the squirrel lost hers. Sure, they needed to rebudget, but some new changes to their lifestyle fixed it.

"Comfy?" She asked the squirrel kneeling beside her. Audrey didn't answer. Caleb knew she could hear her underneath all that latex, unless of course, she had the program running. Did she? The fox minimized her current window to double-check, finding the mirrored screen she had opened up to play in Audrey's lenses. The special drone/gas mask had cost her a pretty penny, as did all the other suit upgrades, but Audrey wanted to dive deeper.

"There it is," Caleb said softly. As of this moment, the squirrel encased in latex was watching simple commands, with rhythms pulsing throughout the electrodes to help keep her docile and rewarded for staying such. The only thing to strain the tight suit was her wife's careful and patterned breathing.

It started just with a hood. With no job, and boredom seeping in, the squirrel suggested that they could try some more long-term play. Caleb was never one to turn it away, and she had a kick for turning Audrey into an object. To be fair, so did Audrey. Behind those shy eyes and timid words was the kinkiest bitch she had the luck of locking a ring with.

A day in a hood turned to a day in a suit. A day turned to a week, then two, then three. Caleb had given every opportunity to let Audrey speak her safeword, but it never came and she got more intense. The fox never considered dronification before, but research had her edging to try it. The real treat, however, wasn't the faceless gasmask with an adjustable mouth slot. No, that came from the system of electrodes Caleb had stuck all across her wife's body underneath the suit.

With a simple input command, a varying level shock would surge at the squirrel. Caleb could decide it wherever she wanted, from the most sensitive parts to even someplace like the back of the neck. It took a little doing...ok, a lot of doing and nights of coding in her free time, but she'd soon created a system where she could direct her personal drone anywhere in the house with nothing but a button press. And it wasn't just by her keyboard.

The ding of their doorbell echoed through the house. As programmed, a small shock nipped between the gimp squirrel's crotch, letting the latex squeak with her movements. With robotic precision, Audrey stood up and made her way to the front door. Caleb checked the time and stretched her arms before signing off. She hadn't even considered herself to be hungry.

"You can come in!" She called out when the door opened. Lounging against the leather couch, she smiled as a familiar rabbit carrying a DoorDash bag followed closely behind the latex squirrel. She remembered his first time seeing their situation, how flustered he'd been at the appearance.

Now he made sure to be their main delivery boy.

"How's work so far, Rodney?" Caleb asked, crossing her legs and petting her wife's encased head as the squirrel kneeled beside her. "Got any other deliveries to make?"

"I'll probably get on in thirty minutes, so I got time." The grey rabbit pulled out a bag of noodles from his pouch, "Thanks for the tip by the way."

"Not at all. You've been a great delivery boy. In fact," Caleb crossed her legs and pulled out a small remote, "I think Audrey should treat you to something special. If you're up for it." With a quick little grin, Rodney nodded and sat down next to her. One little click and a tiny moan escaped from the squirrel before crawling over to his lap. Gloved hands slowly grounded against his crotch, teasing and toying with the budding erection before letting the beast out. As far as guys went, Rodney was average, and Audrey had played with enough dicks to work with average.

He shuddered as her masked face slowly swallowed his cock. The special hole worked like a suction tube for him. "Yeah. Good girl."

"She can't hear you." Caleb pulled out the noodles and chopsticks. "She doesn't even know it's the delivery boy's cock she's sucking."

"Really? H-How's that?" His hand clasped between the latex-covered ears.

"Bit of engineering on my part. Audrey wanted to go deeper. Right now she's watching a simulation of our house in those lenses, like the oculus. Took a lot of mapping to get that right. I also have her ears plugged with small speakers that play some white noise at a low volume. That combined with the latex makes us mainly muffled." Caleb turned the wheel up on her remote, high enough that she could hear the buzzing between the squirrel's legs. "You could be anyone right now."

"And she's ok with it?" I...fuck that's good..." His head hung back at the slurping of his cock, "I mean, that's all pretty intense."

"She hasn't uttered her safety command yet," She explained, taking a quick bite of her orange chicken. "And I know you're not feeling a ring gag around your dick."

The rabbit nodded absentmindedly. Caleb's eyes never wavered from Audrey's movements. She watched and listened, with every squeak and moan from above and between her legs. How long could she go without orgasm? Caleb had no desire to issue permissions, not yet at least.

The question rattled around her mind, sending her own tiny itch between her legs as the rabbit made use of her wife's mouth. Rodney's breath tightened, his teeth clenched and his hands held her tight with a shudder escaping his lips. "Fuck..." one long strand of cum hung between them when he pulled her off, breaking just a second after.

"You're a quiet one," Caleb said after swallowing some noodles. "Did you live with thin walls as a kid?"

"Something like that." Rodney smiled and zipped himself back up. "Say, how come you only order enough for one? She's gotta eat, right?" Caleb nodded, heading back to the kitchen to grab one from a set of unlabeled bottles in her fridge. "When we started doing this, we quickly learned that while food doesn't stain the suit, it can be a bit messy. So I found a shake recipe." She shook the brown liquid bottle quickly before tossing it to the rabbit. "You could almost think of it like fueling a robot."

"Aren't most robots supposed to be battery powered?"

"I never said it was the perfect analogy." With another quick press of her remote, Audrey straightened in the kneeling position. Her head raised back for consumption. "Go ahead and feed her."

Apprehensive at first, the delivery boy twisted off the shake cap and shoved the bottle into the very same hole his dick had been in. They both saw Audrey's throat move with every swallow, the tight latex and collar twitching until the bottle finished. "So...how's she-" His phone rang. "Oh, shit. I got another delivery."

"Don't let us keep you." Caleb kicked back and returned to her seat, legs raised and commands issued to have her drone laid out before her as a proper footrest. He wished them goodbye, leaving them alone with their thoughts. If Audrey had any thoughts that is.

With how long her wife had been under, part of Caleb feared the squirrel was too far gone. That even if she removed the clothing, Audrey would require the remote to function. She knew that wasn't the case, but it was a lingering fear. And, to her worry, arousal. The fox had dreams of holding a harem when she was younger. A cavalcade of pretty girls to do her bidding and pleasure her. Turning them to drones weren't out of the question. And now..."Fuck..."

Caleb pulled her legs off and had Audrey crawl up between her legs. If she had one complaint of the new mask, it was that it wasn't designed to go down on a lady. But that's not why she had her sit this way. Caleb tilted her wife's chin so the lenses could face her, the opaque glass hiding her beautiful eyes. She twisted the knob on her remote, high enough to hear the whirring between the squirrel's legs.

Her breathing stiffened inside the suit. Body twitched against every reflex to stay still. How much pleasure was building inside her, Caleb wondered. How much could she take before orgasming? Audrey had held out before, but now she couldn't hear Caleb's words of encouragement, and the fox wouldn't offer any to a drone.

Biting her lip, Caleb pulled her pants down and pushed the masked head against her crotch. The whirring grew louder, but every whine was muffled between her thighs. What she wouldn't give to have Audrey's tongue working her cunt. Instead, she'd just have to settle for her wife's torment, smelling Caleb's lust while her own built up.

"Yes," She breathed deep. "That's it, struggle for me." Her legs locked around the squirrel's head. God how she wanted to see her face, to get lost in those tormented eyes as the squirrel struggled to stop the flood. Latex squeaked with her tiny struggles, her breathing tensed. How much of Caleb was she inhaling? Enough to break her out of the drone state? Or was it enough to keep her in?

She counted it out. Even covered, Audrey gave plenty of hints about her upcoming orgasm. One hand ground between her latex ears, the other on the remote at the ready. "Ten, nine, eight," So close. So ready. So wanting. At the last second, she turned the vibes off. "One."

The squirrel balked, too far gone to stop the twitching. Her agonizing moans escaped the suit, but no pleasure did. The spasms and convulsions for sure, but the pleasure? Just out of reach for the drone.

It wasn't enough. Caleb turned off the feed in the lenses, letting Audrey see the fox's wet snatch before her. With two fingers, she started toying with herself before her, furiously fucking her moist cunt as her wife stewed in ruin. "God I miss your tongue," She muttered with gritted teeth. "We need to find a new mask. I can't fucking stand it."

The drone didn't look away, her eyes locked onto the first of many orgasms Caleb carried to herself on the couch. By the end, the mask had drops trailing down its side and lenses, fogging up anything she could have seen. With her remote, she set Audrey to head toward the bathroom while she watched the ceiling, letting her arousal come down just long enough to get up and meet the gimp there, kneeling at the shower.

It proved difficult to remove. Latex had a funny way of sticking to things with enough time and sweat. The mask had to come off first, freeing the squirrel from those frustrating nasal tubes they'd installed. Caleb kissed those lips the moment they were free, tasting her wife and some leftovers of the delivery boy. "You haven't even left, and yet it's like you just got home."

"That ruined orgasm was cruel."

Caleb laughed softly, "I know. You loved it didn't you?"

"Yeah..." Audrey blushed, "Still cruel."

"What's cruel is me only getting to play with you. I think I need to attach a strap-on to this suit or something." After a quick and, in Audrey's words, intense shower, the two ladies settled down to watch TV as the night rolled in. Cuddled up with drinks close at hand. As the evening came to its end, Caleb brought out the cleaned suit and locked her wife back inside. Suited up and returned to drone status, the fox pulled her squirrel up beside her, underneath the covers.

"Sweet dreams, love," She whispered into the system's speakers, right as she turned out the lights.

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