A Lunchtime Workout - Kinktober 2021, Day 5

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#6 of Kinktober 2021

Martha is meant to be meeting up with a friend for some exercise at a local park. Instead, she finds the friend and the friend's husband engaged in a very personal meeting of their very own. ^^

This story was written for Ferretfyre as Day #5 of Kinktober 2021! Today's theme was Voyeurism, and the story contains M/F sex and F/Solo masturbation involving consenting adults. ^^ Also, this is one of TWO Kinktober pieces for today. I was a dummy and gave out two slots for day 5 without realising it, so I just wrote a piece for both the folks I gave it to. :D

A Lunchtime Workout

Realising that she was going to be late, Martha broke into a jog as she headed for the far side of the park. Given that she was already dressed in workout gear, a vest top over a sports bra with baggy runner's shorts to complete the look, it wasn't all that much effort for the passenger pigeon to run a little further than she already planned on doing after meeting up with Alexa. But still, having gone to that extra effort the pigeon cooed to herself in frustration when a few minutes later the park bench where the two of them always met up slipped into view, and she saw that there was no sign of her thylacine friend anywhere to be found.

"Get it together, girl..."

The avian woman murmured to herself as she slowed down to a walk and gradually approached the bench, more than happy to be able to take a seat for a little while until Alexa did show up.

"She's your best friend. She wouldn't have cared if you were a couple of minutes late, just like you don't care that you got here before her."

All things considered, Martha was a pretty confident and outgoing woman. But if there was any time she felt a little insecure, it was when she thought about Alexa. Not because she felt intimidated by or at all at risk of being chided by her dear friend, but because she thought so highly of the Tazmanian tiger that the idea of doing anything to upset her in the slightest caused a lump to form in the pigeon's throat. Now though, knowing that she hadn't kept her friend waiting, Martha flopped down onto the bench and stretched her winged forearms along the length of its back support. She tilted her head back to enjoy the warmth of the late summer sun upon her brown feathers, and closed her eyes, listening to the rustle of the trees in a small copse behind her and...


The pigeon's eyes snapped open, and her head turned towards those trees. Towards the sound, what seemed to have been a sound of pleasure, emanating from within them. Sure enough just seconds later the pigeon heard another muffled exclamation of bliss, then another, and finally a wordless yelp, but one whose tone made Martha sit bolt upright as a curious grin spread over the corners of her beaked muzzle.

"No shit."

She giggled as she rose to her feet hurriedly, certain that she recognised the voice from that last moan. As quietly as she could Martha circled around the bench, noticed two sets of footprints crossing the dirt between two neatly trimmed and leafy bushes, and followed in their wake as she slipped through to the first line of tall trees. It wasn't a huge space, but it was a big enough area of cover to ensure that whoever was fooling around in here was well out of sight of the path, and still hidden even from the eyes of the pigeon as she peeked around one of the first trees she encountered. It only took a handful more steps however before Martha saw movement at what must have been the very centre of the copse, and as she circled around to find a tree she could peek out from behind that would both hide her from people walking past and let her observe the two figures hidden away amidst the trunks, the pigeon could hear what she now had no doubt were the moans and giggling gasps of her best friend.

"Yeah. Yeaaahh, just like that. R-right there. Oh. Ohh fuck, baby. Harder. More. Karl, give me more."

If the pigeon had possessed lips she would have bit down on her bottom one as she heard Alexa announce who she was with just as their entwined bodies were revealed to her. It shouldn't have surprised her really, but the other person was none other than Alexa's husband. The hyena was dressed for work, at least partially so, his jacket cast aside atop what looked like a rucksack which probably held his lunch and his belt unbuckled, pants unfastened and pulled open to free his cock. Alexa meanwhile, dressed pretty similarly to Martha herself, had her shorts and panties around her ankles, bending forward almost ninety degrees with one cheek pressed up against a tree trunk which both her hands were grappling fiercely. Karl had his hands on her hips, and he was fucking her exactly how she'd asked him to. Harder and harder with every passing moment.

"You gonna cum for me?"

Martha's thighs squeezed together as she heard the hyena growl to his wife. She and Alexa talked pretty openly and unabashedly about a lot of stuff, sex included. For that reason it didn't come as all that much of a surprise to the pigeon to see how successful Karl was at pleasuring the woman he loved. Alexa had been pretty explicit about how much she loved sex with her husband during a conversation where Martha had asked if they'd ever considered an open relationship. Alexa's response had been that yeah, they had. But it really wasn't that much of a priority for her, because it was hard to think about wanting to fuck many other people when your husband could make you squirt your brains out two or three times before bed every day.

The pigeon barely held back a groan of lust of her very own as Alexa shrieked in response to her husband's query, raked her claws down the tree trunk... a trunk which now Martha looked a little more closely was already scored with what looked like many, older sets of claw-marks, and began to convulse and shudder from head to toe as she did indeed begin to cum hard just a second or two later. Her legs gave way and only her husband's strong hands grasping her hips kept her upright as he continued to plough her. The thylacine yelped and gurgled and threw back her head, eyes half open and a string of drool trickling visibly from one corner of her mouth. Even when she came down from that wild orgasm, her mouth stayed agape as Karl simply picked up the pace and fucked her more forcefully still. Her tail twitched, her eyes bulged, and a broken, gloriously elated cry followed as no sooner had her legs stabilised beneath her the hyena pulled back one hand and sharply, swiftly spanked Alexa across one quivering buttock.

By that point in proceedings, Martha found her shorts and underwear around her knees and a feathered fingertip dragging back and forth over her clit. She wasn't exactly sure at what point she'd started to masturbate, but now that she was more coherently aware of it the pigeon was glad she had. This was the hottest thing she'd seen all month, including the naked bodies of the two people she'd slept with in the last few weeks, and that was in no way an insult to them. Alexa and Karl was just that hot, and Martha knew that if she didn't get off to the sight of them fucking now, she'd be a trembling, horny wreck if after their quickie Alexa actually did try to keep the rest of her lunchtime jog appointment with her avian friend.

Pulling her vest and sports bra up, the passenger pigeon rubbed her clitoris harder as she used her other hand to tweak at one of her nipples. Her large breasts jiggled as she shook with near-silent pleasure, delighted to be so unexpectedly set free in the middle of the day when they were normally more constricted than ever. Ecstasy surged through her in wave after wave as she watched Karl reach out with one hand, grab his wife around the neck, and pull her head back around to face him as he leaned forward and roughly kissed her while still rutting her hard. Without realising it, Martha leaned forward to assume a position more like Alexa, and had to abandon her nipple-play to cover her beak with one hand as she stuffed two fingers inside herself and began to jam them in and out as fast as her wrist would allow. She trembled as she realised that she was imitating her best friend, not just indulging in the sight of her and Karl's pleasure, but actually trying to put herself in Alexa's shoes. To imagine how good her friend must have been feeling, and to imagine how incredible it must have felt to get fucked by Karl's amply sized and seemingly skilfully wielded cock.

"You want my cum, Lexie? Wanna go meet Martha with me oozing out of you as you jog around the park?"

The hyena growled barely loud enough for the pigeon to hear, but god she was glad she heard it. A streak of juices splashed over her fingers as she wondered how many times they'd done this before. How many times Alexa had gone out and done something with her socially with a pair of panties wet with her arousal and her husband's overflowing seed.

"God, yessssss... please. Please, baby... cum in me."

Alexa sounded drunk as she gurgled back. Drunk on her husband's cock. On her own pleasure. Fuck, it was hot. Martha cooed loudly into her hand, tensing up in embarrassment but relaxing again a second later as neither of the mammals before her made any indication they'd heard a thing. They were too focused on one another. Too focused on fucking harder, faster, Alexa slamming her hips back against her husband's thrusts and yelping, wordlessly begging for his cum over and over again. Martha tried to match their pace. To finger-fuck herself as fast as Karl was fucking his wife. She screamed in pleasure. Not a chirp, not a coo, barely muffled at all and yet too worked up to care. She was so close. On the verge of cumming herself. On the brink of squirting, and totally unable to hold back when Karl snarled, thrust forward with such force that his hips lifted Alexa's feet off the ground by a few inches, and held himself there with an open mouthed, ragged gasp of pure pleasure as he began to flood his wife's spasming, gushing pussy.

Legs flailing, fingers dug deep into the tree-trunk before her, Alexa screamed as an orgasm that dwarfed the last one wracked her mind, body and soul all at once. She convulsed, she thrashed and kicked and flailed as best she could with Karl impaling her and pinning her body against the tree. Her screams of unrestrained euphoria echoed through the copse, and all but matched the volume of Martha's own sonorous, trilling cry as she dragged her fingers out of herself, set the sodden feathers to work against her clit once more, and felt her vision blur to the point where she was concerned she might pass out as a drumming surge of ejaculate sprayed out and struck the leaf-litter on the floor a good metre behind her. The pigeon gasped and chirped and moaned in ecstasy not just through her own peak but without pause until she saw Karl lower his wife to the ground and their own shuddering, shared climax begin to abate. Much as a part of her wanted to see how they would treat each other post-climax though, much as she wanted to witness the conclusion of that passionate act to re-live as a fantasy later on probably that very same day, Martha knew that if she wanted to act like everything was normal, she should be at the bench waiting for Alexa when the thylacine was done.

Thus, with the last aftershocks of her pleasure still washing over her, Martha dragged up her underwear and shorts once again. She wiped her wet fingers off on her vest before pulling it and her bra down over her breasts, and after taking just a moment to straighten up and steal one last glimpse at Karl's glistening, still rigid cock easing itself out of his wife, the pigeon stumbled her way back through the trees and out towards the park bench.


"So... do you think she enjoyed the show?"

Karl chuckled as he pulled his boxers up over his slowly softening cock and began to zip and belt his trousers closed once more. He listened to his wife giggle as she leaned back against their tree, tugging her shorts up over her shapely rear and looking at him with satisfied adoration mingled with a playful grin.

"You heard her cum. What do you think?"

The hyena licked his lips, stepped forward, and pulled his wife into his arms. He growled happily as she looped her arms around his neck, rose up on the tips of her toes, and kissed him passionately for a few moments before drawing back, eyes sparkling with glee.

"Okay then, second question..."

He murmured to the gorgeous thylacine as she pulled out her phone, giggled, and showed him a text from Martha asking Alexa if she was on her way. Good cover, and it would probably have worked too had they not been actively trying to get her to catch them every jogging day for the last week.

"...do you think she enjoyed the show enough that next time she 'catches' us, we could get her to join in? Or, do we wanna just let her watch a few more times, first?"

By Jeeves

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