Psionic Investigations Unit 1

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of PIU

The PIU stories continue with Agent D and Special Agent M, arriving at a mental hospital and penitentiary for the Psions.

Commissioned by DuskCypher

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Psionic Investigations Unit

Chapter 1

For DuskCypher

By Draconicon

Agent D and Special Agent M pulled up outside Pandora's Penitentiary and Mental Ward. It was theoretically something that was meant for the betterment and safety of those that were mentally touched, usually those that had come in contact with Psions and had been damaged for their trouble. However, there were many others that called the Penitentiary home, and most of them were not so friendly.

Agent D looked out the driver's side window at the multi-story mental hospital, shaking his head. The cat's ears were pulled back against the rear of his skull, and his tail twitched idly as he pulled his coat a bit tighter around his shoulders and chest.

"Something's up..."

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't," Special Agent M said, the lioness brushing her fur back. "And besides, it's been a while since this one checked in. Probably just a glitch in the system."

"Mmm...I don't think so."

"Well, if it's not, that's why I'm here, isn't it?"

He looked back at the lioness just as she passed a few sparks between her fingers. Electro-kinesis was her particular talent, though thankfully not one that worked on him. She was a Class 5 Psionic, and he was classified up to low-level Class 6s. They worked well together...most of the time.

Still. He couldn't shake the feeling of something being off about this particular Pandora's Penitentiary. The air crackled, and more than it should for a place that should have been limited to Class 2s and 3s, at most.

They got out of the car together, walking up to the large, cold-iron gates that sealed the place off from the rest of the world. A quick twenty-digit code opened the gate, and they stepped through one after the other. Agent D closed it behind him - making sure that his trench coat came through first, of course - and then looked at the building.

"No security on the grounds," he said. "Still think that it's just a glitch?"

"Hmm, now that you mention it..."

"It's going to be chaos in there, isn't it?"

"I can check."

"Let's not give ourselves away just yet."

Agent D pulled the edges of his long coat back, exposing the pistol hanging off one hip and the silver knife that he kept as a just-in-case on the other. There were some occasions where a big gun did fuck-all against the things that the Psions made, and it was better to have a back-up when that happened. Silver tended to be a hit-and-miss thing as well, but that was the way of options: sometimes they worked, sometimes they didn't.

Special Agent M adjusted her coat, as well. Hers was a shorter thing, less functional and more fashionable. That was just the lioness's style, though, much like the fact that she was wearing high-heeled shoes on the job. That would have gotten her fired in any other law enforcement agency, but when the bosses back at headquarters had gotten on her case about it...

Well, the smell of roasted flesh had been rather strong for nearly a week, and nobody bothered to tell her off about it and risk getting blasted with lightning themselves. When it came down to it, a Psion that could fly and shoot lightning was good enough to more or less write her own check for the usefulness that she brought to the PIU.

One cat in a long coat, one lioness in a shorter one, and both dressed to kill walked up to the front door of the Penitentiary. They looked into the windows, and saw none of the usual security guards that would have been guarding the main entrance, nor anyone that should have been standing at the various checkpoints further in. They fixed each other with a knowing gaze, and Special Agent M groaned.

"Well, there goes the vacation."

"You planned a vacation?"

"Dinner out, at least. Looks like that's cancelled."

"We'll see."

Agent D pressed his hand to the door. No reality-warping crackling waiting on the other side, so nothing that might have fucked with the entrance. That hopefully meant that whatever was going off was still sealed further back in the facility. Nobody trying to get out just yet, which meant that they had time to fix this.

He pushed in, half-expecting something he'd missed to go off. It didn't.

"Come on. Let's get to security."

"Right behind you, 'Detective.'"

He chuckled. There were no detectives in the PIU. You were an agent, a special agent, or one of the officers that worked with the Commissioner. Other than that, there were no ranks. However, due to the fact that his designation was 'Agent D', and the way that he tended to dress, he'd gotten the nickname from the force.

He rather liked it, actually. One of the better things that he had gotten from the job.

The tiled floor was quiet, dry, and it clicked under their boots as they walked along. M's high heels were louder than his boots, clicking along. If there'd been anyone out there waiting for them, there'd be no sneaking up on them.

The first security checkpoint was unmanned. The lioness tapped the metal bars with her finger, a single electrical discharge enough to open them. The usual klaxon sounded to allow them through, and D shut the door behind them. It clicked into place, and held tight.

Further down the straight hall, they found the security checkpoint. They stepped inside, finding the machines still running. Whoever had been here had obviously either abandoned their post or run back as reinforcements to whatever was happening in the back of the facility. D leaned down, tapping a few keys. The camera feeds cycled through, going from showing the outside to showing the inside -

"Well, fuck..."

It didn't take long to find the source of the commotion. Two large Psions had gotten free of their cells, and while there was no indication whether they had allowed the other prisoners out or some other internal issue had opened more of the cells, the cells on D and E block were completely unlocked, and the prisoners were running rampant. Bodies were all over the place, touched by different supernatural effects, and it was clear that there was no slowing this down without extra reinforcements.

"Recognize anyone?" D asked.

"I recognize her," M said, pointing at one of the side screens. "Minotaur. Been a while since I've seen her in action."

D whistled as he watched the titular Minotaur in action. A massive bovine female with a shaggier than average lower half, the Psion had been labeled as a Class 3 in the past. From what he was seeing on the screen, she'd grown to a Class 4, at the very least, pulling the building apart and rearranging hallways with ease. Random prisoners would run from her, only to find the hallway turning into a dead end. The fact that she'd gotten loose from whatever cell had been holding her in containment meant that there was someone responsible for letting that one loose; nobody got out of those cells easily.

"You?" M asked.


"You recognize anyone?"

"Yeah." D nodded, pointing at a different screen. "Dean Smitt. Well, Polypus, now."


"He's got MPD. Flip that switch, and he turns into someone else."


"Well, to be fair, he makes the dying fun. Kinda."

The horse was on-screen again, showing off his body to the camera and to those prisoners that had managed to get loose from his grip. Not an easy thing, considering that he had tentacles coming out of his spine, the walls, and the floor around him. Not the harshest of powers, but definitely a hard one to escape once he got his eyes on you.

And hard to deal with once he had them get a good grip on you, too. The sheer tightness of them was a hug that was nearly impossible to escape, something that D had come to realize a little too well. If he hadn't been as well-trained with the Nullifying skills as he was, he might have been well and truly fucked. And once that started, Polypus was almost like an incubus, sucking away the life force that he fucked out of someone.

That was probably what had happened to a number of the gooey-er bodies that they were seeing in Cell Block D, while Minotaur was the one responsible for all the stuff happening in Cell Block E.

"Looks like they're both on the verge of running out of victims," he muttered.

"No chance to take them one at a time, huh?"

"Not if we want anyone still alive in the other one."

"Flip you for it."

He sighed.

"What? You know that it's the only fair way," she said.

"You're not a Nullifier, remember?"

"Lightning, dear. I can take them down from a distance."

"And if they get close?"

"I can be lightning, near enough. I dare them to try."

He shook his head. He didn't like it; the fact that they were facing off against two rather powerful Psions wasn't something that was part of protocol. Agents were to limit their fights to one rogue Psion per team, with at least one Nullifier as part of the team. Going off, splitting up...It was just asking for something to go wrong, particularly when there was obviously still someone unaccounted for.

Who let those two out...

It was a question that, thus far, had no answer. D shook his head, pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Oh, you're not," M muttered.

"Afraid I am."

"He's going to be full of hot air and nothing else."

"Keeps us from taking the fall for this bullshit," D muttered under his breath, holding the phone to his ear. "Commissioner says we go, we go. If not..."

"Fucking asshole."

He nodded in agreement, but considering that the both of them were on thin ice for different reasons, all the better to make sure that they were in the clear for breaking protocol and doing it their way.

The phone rang four times, almost going to voicemail before it finally picked up. The annoyed, prissy voice of Commissioner Kenny answered on the other end.

"Hello? What is it? What do you want?"

"There's a snag."

"Oh? Why aren't you dealing with it?"

"Two loose Psions, both causing problems, in different cell-blocks. We can only get to one at a time as a team."

"Then split up and take care of it. Keep me in the loop."

"...You're the boss."

He clicked the phone shut, shaking his head as he put it away. The lioness chuckled.

"Told you, nothing but hot air."

"You're getting your wish. I thought you'd be smug about that."

"He gave it to me. That makes it worse."

"Eh, take what you can get."

"I guess."

Pulling his weapon from its holster, he gave the revolver a quick chamber spin. Every bullet looked about right, and he shoved it back where it belonged. He kept his coat back, making sure that he had everything in easy reach.

"Got a plan when you find Minotaur?" he asked.

"No. You?"

"Same thing as always. Fuck him into submission."

"...Pardon me, what?"

"Dean and Polypus are stallions. They fight until they're brought low, reminded that they're not the chief stallion." He shrugged. "Easiest way to do that is fuck him instead of letting him fuck me."

"...Take pictures."

He laughed, and so did she. After checking the map to make sure that they were both on the right track, the pair of them ducked back out and ran down the hall. They were together for two more security checkpoints, then split at a T-junction. He was on his way to Cell Block D, while she was on her way to Cell Block E.

As soon as he picked the lock to Cell Block D, he was greeted to the smell of sex. Not the sort of smell that you got when you walked into a hotel room with a hooker and her John, not the smell of rubber and latex that made things a little uncomfortable and made you want to open the window. Not the smell of two guys hanging out in the dorm room, either, not the smell of sweat and hot maleness that had gotten the chance to get aired out.

No, this was something different. Bitter, metallic, and filled with the scent of hot cum.

It was the scent of someone that wasn't just rutting, but marking territory. He shook his head. It seemed Polypus might have gotten a bit stronger since the last time that they met. Maybe advanced a Class or something. At the very least, he wouldn't just be dispelled when D got close to him, not this time.

He's probably more insane, too. Better keep an eye on that.

He stepped over a large puddle that all but blocked off the hallway, taking extra care not to step in it when he saw the sheer number of slippery, moving things in it. Probably a tentacle trap, something that the horse had left behind during his escape, something that was meant to stop any guards coming down the tunnel. If there were any left, he supposed.

Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen any prison guards coming down the hall, nor had he spotted the bodies of any. Whatever PIU employees had been on-site had obviously either gone to one of the other cell blocks, or...

Or are dealing with something else.

That wasn't a happy thought in the slightest, but D put it in the back of his mind and locked it there. The last thing that they needed was to worry about something that wasn't necessarily in play. Whatever had managed to release Polypus and Minotaur had obviously done it for a reason, but they hadn't capitalized on it just yet. As long as he and M could deal with them and lock them up once more, he was pretty sure that the whole thing would, if not blow over, then be handled without much further ado.

Ring ring.


He flicked his phone open, holding it to his ear with one hand while hovering the other over his revolver. The cat poked his head around the corner, saw nothing, and proceed down the hall.

"This is Agent D," he muttered.

"D, this is the Commissioner. I, ahem, have just been made aware that you have no back-up in the area."

"That's correct."

"You didn't split up yet, did you?"

"Afraid we did."

"Goddammit. New orders; get back together."

"No can do."

"No, this is an order. Get back together and follow procedure."

"We can't. We're in entirely different cell blocks with locked doors between us, and major threats both in front and behind us," he muttered as he paused at the next intersection. Another slimy chunk on the ground, not something that he liked seeing. An unconscious prisoner lay beside it, too, and - oh, there was a tentacle, alright. It had slipped right up the prisoner's uniform, going up the leg and into the antelope's ass. He winced, shaking his head. "I'm going to have to call you back."

"Now you listen here. I want you to follow orders and -"


"What was that?"

"I'll call you back later."

While Cell Blocks A-C were more like the traditional mental wards for patients, Cell Blocks D-F were more specialized. The one he was in, D, was more like high-security, with the various cells blocked off by large steel doors - or other materials, depending on the affected Psions that were locked down in them - which lifted and lowered based on hydraulics, and were not dissimilar from large garage doors. There were rows upon rows of them back here, and no open gathering area. The patients of Block D were not allowed that sort of social time; there were too many possibilities for bad incidents.

Walking on top of the antelope and using him as a boost to get across the larger pile of goo, he found himself at another turn, and this time, there was definitely someone on the other end of it. He leaned around the corner, then winced.

Polypus was a larger stallion, someone that clocked in at just past six and a half feet tall, and almost seven if you counted the ears when they flicked all the way up, and the mohawk. The tentacles that ran out of his back were all but sentient, almost possessing their own awareness of the world around them. They were blind, thankfully, but reports said that they had a hive mind to other stimuli, allowing the nest of them to react to what they felt through that hive mind.

He glanced over his shoulder. The ooze on the ground was the same pink-ish color as the tentacles that were coming out of the horse's back, which probably meant that they were similar in consistency. The cat popped a bullet from his belt and unscrewed it, then rolled it back to allow the various 'special' ingredients to come free.

The results were almost instantaneous. Polypus stiffened, a massive pink explosion following as the various tentacles on his back spontaneously orgasmed as the stallion did the same to his unfortunate victim. An orca tumbled forward, hitting the ground with a groan, slimed up and shivering from head to toe. The stallion, on the other hand, turned back towards the turning.

D had managed to pull himself back at the last second, and dragged himself around the corner, hopping over the antelope once more. He had one chance to make this a surprise attack, one chance to get around the tentacles and make sure that he was the one that did the fucking, not the one getting fucked.

The horse was warping reality as he walked, too. D could feel it, could all but taste the slime in the air as the walls started bending and warping, the tiles themselves liquifying to create more tentacles as the horse came closer and closer. D shook his head, focusing on his own task.

He emptied the contents of four more bullets into his palms, rubbing his hands together and spreading the unique combination of gunpowder and various other chemicals and igniting agents together. They were harmless without being struck, at least to normal flesh, but to the goo tentacles that were all over the place, they were definitely...effective. Once he had a good coating on his palms and fingers, he kicked his shoes off and pulled down his pants.

Can't believe I'm doing this again...

The last time that he had talked to Polypus - well, talked was a bit of an exaggeration - he'd still been half Dean. Dean and Polypus, Polypus and Dean: the two of them were different personalities of the same body, though D had his suspicions that Polypus was the expression of the various hive mind entities that the tentacles created. Regardless, it had been more of a simple thing back then; get Polypus to bend over and take it, and just fuck the stallion into submission. He had the feeling that, with Dean further back, the stallion wasn't going to just go along with it this time.

Naked from the waist down, D waited. The stallion walked into the ooze, and D managed to keep just out of sight, standing two feet back. The big horse's bare ass was just exciting enough to get the cat's cock rising, and as soon as he was hard enough, he struck.

He leaped for the stallion, grabbing for the two biggest tentacles, the ones that were sticking out just over the stallion's shoulders. He squeezed them hard, and Polypus howled, falling over and stumbling to his hands and knees. Explosive cumshots went everywhere, landing on the walls, the floor, and some on his shirt. D ignored them, following the stallion down and spreading his ass cheeks.

Cannot BELIEVE I am doing this again...

"What...who," the stallion groaned. "Who did that?"


"What - you?! You insolent little - Nnngh!"

D hadn't even thrust in at that point, merely brushed the head of his cock against the other guy's hole. Yet, the stallion grunted out loud, thrusting his hips back and huffing under his breath. That big ass filled his hands, too, reminding him of just how large the stallion's ass actually was. Big enough for a good squeeze.

Was a nice view, too, which kept his cock good and stiff, something that he rather needed with the absurd situation. He pulled one hand back, then brought it down hard, the satisfying 'crack' splitting the air and leaving the stallion gasping again.


"Kind of hard to take you seriously when you're the one with your ass up for my cock," D admitted.

"Nnnngh...I'm going to...I'm going to put you in your place this time...rut you right into the ground..."

The growl in the stallion's voice was definitely Polypus speaking, not Dean. Dean was more of an affable bitch, someone that was rather enjoyable to be around, and while he talked a good game, he clearly enjoyed being on the bottom more than the top. Polypus was more of a demon that had to be reminded where he belonged.

And quickly, considering those tentacles were starting to move a little more. Some of them were sliding over his toes and along his ankles, working towards his calves, and others were starting to slide around his hips.

"Oh, no you don't."

Before they could rise any further, D pushed forward. There was a hint of resistance, a little bit of pressure against his shaft, but it ended almost immediately, the slime that the tentacles put out providing more than sufficient lube.



The sensation of sliding into that pucker was a slimy mess, but there was just enough tightness and heat to offset that and make it a little bit more pleasurable. He groaned under his breath, and the stallion gasped for breath, too. Polypus moaned, the tendrils shaking like nervous beasts all up and down the horse's spine.


"Yes, yes, insolent this, insolent that," he said, shaking his head as he worked his hips forward, burying his cock a bit further, then a bit further still. The shivering extended to the inner walls, it seemed, leaving them almost vibrating up and down his shaft. Every inch that he buried between the stallion's thick cheeks brought another tremor of pleasure, too, making him feel more secure where he was.

It didn't take long for all the tentacles to go limp, either, particularly as he added in a spank, or a grope, or a hissing reminder of just who was on top. The stallion's thick muscles didn't mean a damn thing as he was pushed down into his own slime, half-trapped by it despite being its creator.

" can' this!"

"I'd say that I already am."

And he had to keep going. The instant that he allowed the stallion to get his metaphorical hooves under him again would be the moment that the tables turned. The more that Polypus was pushed down, held in a submissive sort of headspace, the less that he could control the tentacles around him. The various different tendrils would rut anyone that they caught if he believed that he was in charge, but if he could be rutted hard enough -

Thrust. Squelch. D grunted as he felt the tightness of that hole around him, and kept moving his hips, forcing himself to never slow down, to always keep going. In, out, in, out, his cock punching into the depths of that hole, feeling the stallion shivering, arching his back and pushing his hole back against the cat's thrusts.

That's it...that's it...

He leaned forward, resting his hips against the other male's ass cheeks, feeling how deep he was. If he reached around, he imagined that he might actually felt a belly bulge from how big he was and how far in he'd gone. His balls churned, resting against the horse's sack. Polypus's balls were rising up, on the verge of blowing their load.

D pulled back, dragging his cock out slowly, making it clear that he was still in charge by the slow motion. All the way out, feeling that hole grabbing him, trying to pull him back in despite the conscious thoughts of the stallion. Those tentacles were trembling, shivering, trying to move but too oversensitive to be able to do it.

Then another thrust, all the way up to the hilt, slamming the stallion into the ground, sliding through the slime that coated the floor. The various tendrils went limp again, oozing, spitting along the sides of the big horse.

"," D grunted between thrusts, using the stallion as his personal play-thing. "You are not...the top...male..."

Polypus groaned under him, but didn't argue. Not this time, at least. He did, however, moan, thrusting back with more and more regularity until they were in proper rhythm, thrusting together, bouncing off each other. That muscled rump squeezed down hard on his cock, keeping him thrusting away, keeping him filling and flooding that hole with his cock and pre-cum. His own juices were slowly replacing the slime that had been his lube from the start, and it made it all the easier to feel safe.

He knew that it was a potential trap, but he was on the watch for anything. As he pinned the equine Psion down, he watched as the tentacles gradually started retreating, getting sucked back into the stallion's spine. He breathed a little easier, but didn't quite relax completely. There was always the chance of a reversal, and no agent worth their salt believed that they had won until the Psion in question was locked up.

A lesser agent would have been in trouble already, considering that the slime was trying to warp his personal reality, trying to change his cock, trying to get through to him and make him a bitch. Yet, his Nullifier training was doing the job. The tentacles were no more than fingers, nothing more than tactile stimulation that he enjoyed, yes, but were not enough to get him to go over the edge with a mere touch.

Not even the ones that remained just around the stallion's sack that rubbed at his balls. He smiled as they rubbed along his body, teasing him, trying to get him to blow his load. That was what Polypus was reduced to, trying to get him to cum first in hopes of getting one over on him.

Not going to happen...

With a grunt, he wrapped his arms around the horse's middle, dragging him back from the slime. There was a brief pause in the thrusting, only for him to throw the horse against a nearby wall. He leaned forward, using his upper body weight to pin the big guy in place, and then slowly started to move his hips again.


"Not easy to control everything when I'm inside you, is it?" D muttered.


"Much easier to focus on my cock...on what it's doing to you..."


The moaning was getting louder and louder, and most of the tentacles sprouting from Polypus's back were gone. The slight glow in the equine's eyes was fading, too, which meant that he'd be calmed down soon. Dean might actually reassert himself, which would be all for the better. He might not have to cum in the bitch at all.

Just make it easy on me, please?

Yet, whenever he slowed down, the stallion started squirming, and the tentacles started coming back to life. D rolled his eyes. Polypus just didn't want to stay down without being rutted properly, it seemed. Maybe it was a stallion thing, maybe it was just the fact that he was a bitch on the inside and didn't want to go without a proper rut, but either way, it seemed that D didn't have a choice.

"Well, you asked for it."

With the next thrust, he pulled back further and slammed in harder. The sheer force of his hips was enough to knock the air right out of the stubborn stallion, leaving him gasping, his head leaning back. D reached up and grabbed him by the mane, pulling it back like a leash, and the horse moaned out loud before he could stop himself.


"Yeah, you like that?"

"Mmmmph...I...I will..."

"You'll take it all and cum all over the wall before I'm done with you."

"I'd to see you...Nnngh..."

"You'll see me try, and you'll see me succeed."

With one hand through the stallion's mane and the other wrapped around his waist, D went at it hard. In, out, in, out, using every muscle he had to really pound that hole for all he was worth. It took less than a minute to get the stallion huffing and puffing under him, and barely a minute after that before Polypus was cumming hard, that fat horse cock spewing seed all over the wall.

However, even as that trembling pucker clenched down on him, D didn't stop. He just kept going. In, out, in, out, his cock slipping past that trembling hole and using it like the sex toy that it obviously wanted to be. In, out, in, out, each time feeling his balls swing forward and slap those shrinking stallion balls, teaching them where they belonged, teaching that big ass where he needed to be: on the end of a cat cock.

Three minutes later, the equine Psion had another orgasm, this time a little bit less than the first, but no less messy, no less musky. It painted the wall white, and then dripped down slowly. Polypus screamed with pleasure, then with pleasured pain as D reached around and grabbed the horse's cock, pumping it in time with his hard rut.

"Nnnngh! What are you doing?!"

"Making you learn your place..."

"I can't - AGH! So sensitive!"

"It's going to get more sensitive by the time I'm done."

"Stop! MERCY!"

There was no mercy. He knew that the second that he let up, the stallion would turn around and try and visit this same fate on him. If he was going to do this, he was going to do this right.

He just hoped his partner was having better luck wherever she was.

The End

Summary: The PIU stories continue with Agent D and Special Agent M, arriving at a mental hospital and penitentiary for the Psions.

Tags: M/M, Horse, Cat, Tentacles, Supernatural, Psionics, Agents, Anal, Orgasm, Cum, Domination, Series,

Psionic Investigations Unit 2

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The Devil May Care 53

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The Devil May Care 52

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