Enya's Day Off

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Enya, an Anthropomorphic Whitetail deer is married, happily, to the love of her life, but on her only day off, he has to work - it just happens to coincide with a rather awkward time of year for both male and female deer...

Enya's Day Off

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18th September, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

Enya sprawled, her beautiful snow white pelt warmed by the early morning sunlight that streamed through her shared bedroom window. Idly, her blunt hooflets rubbed across the still slightly warm section where her beloved had laid.

"Urf..." Enya murmured, fighting the deep, exhaustive sleep that tried to drag her back down again. "Get up..."

Yawning, Enya squirmed and twisted experimentally, flexing her body that protested and ached from the over exertion. Her foggy mind recalled _some_of what she and Roland had done last night... some of it and the pleasures it'd brought - had just turned her mind completely off...

"Damn stud." Enya growled, as fond memories washed over her. "Alright you lazy doe...

Enya commanded her body - in its exhausted, weakened state, it refused her mental demands.

For a few moments, Enya battled with herself, finally, almost reluctantly, one cloven hoof twitched and with what felt like a monumental effort, slid over the edge of the bed, followed by the other.

"Mmm... that's a start..."

Dragging herself upright, Enya sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her eyes with her paws as she yawned with a wide, jaw-cracking yawn that made her wince and squirm. Parts of her ached and protested, as she sat there for a few moments then wrinkled her nose at the overpowering mixtures of scents that filled the bed.

"I need a shower...and coffee...maybe just coffee..."

Taking another breath, Enya twitched and giggled, before scratching at the back of her nape, her hooflets parting the tangled, matted white hair.

"Nope..definitely shower..."


In the shower, Enya tilted her head up and felt the hot water blast her from all four sides, easing tired and sore muscles and giving her a thorough cleaning from head to hoof. Her hooflets rubbed and scratched, coated in a thick lather of the special soap wash she and her partner used. Idly, her mind turned to the pleasures last night, and almost as if they had a will of their own, one paw cupped and caressed her firm breasts, whilst the other one slid downwards and the fingers fluttered across her folds.

"Uh...." Enya gurgled, as she tilted her head back and squirmed, her tail snapping upright and flagging against the shower glass.

Her left paw slapped against the glass, as she squirmed and moaned as her right one tickled, caressed and began to press inwards, before Enya grunted and forced herself back under control.

"No..." Enya murmured. "I got too much too do, my libido can wait!"

With a sigh, Enya continued washing herself, whilst her stimulated mind kept replaying memories of the night before, reaffirming her love for her beloved equine partner.


Refreshed and showered, Enya's naked form walked down the hallway and she paused, leaning against the hallway door that overlooked the kitchen. It looked like a herd of horses had been in here, there were pots, pans, plates and bowls, spilt sugar and even a few sprinkles of oat and bran flakes left on the table.

"Someone was late this morning - " Enya snickered to herself, before she just shook her head and prepared her own breakfast.

After Enya cleared away the morning dishes and set things right, peeling the bed sheets off and bundling them up before carrying them to the laundry. Her nose inhaled the scents off them, and pleasant memories filled her mind as she momentarily daydreamed of her beloved equine husband again. Loading the washing machine, she set it and wandered out to the kitchen. Taking a carrot from the fridge Enya nibbled on it as her tail flagged slowly from side to side as she retrieved a vegetable juice from the fridge and walked out onto the back patio.

Sprawling in a comfortable chair, Enya sipped her vegetable drink and let the warmth of the sun relax her - or at least try - with a sigh, she rolled onto her left side, then her right, even turned over so her naked rump was skywards...

"Urgh, these damn hormones - " Enya sighed as she rolled back over and stood up, then ran her paws down her naked body. "I hate them, surely our Vet should be able to prescribe something..."

Snatching up her glass, Enya returned back inside, restless and aroused. Draining her drink in two quick swallows, Enya set it down on the kitchen table and scratched at the back of her head again. Shaking it, making her black tipped ears slap from side to side, Enya grumbled and made her way to the bedroom again.

Pausing at the cupboard, Enya stepped from one cloven hoof to the other in frustration and exasperation. Indecisive, she reached towards the cupboard door, her hooflets clattering against the handle as she paused and took several breaths - which utterly failed to calm her mentally or physically.

"You're not a wild beast Enya - " She told herself, as she squeezed her eyes closed and fought to control her emotions and body. "You should have better self-control!"

Even this failed to work on her, as the urges grew within her and Enya rolled her eyes, groaned theatrically and pulled the door open. Inside, hung an interesting array of harnesses, reins, bridles and other equine related riding equipment. As a cover, they both owned horses, but if anyone had of examined these a little closer - well - the fact they were sized accordingly for Enya's slender, feminine form...

With a shy giggle, Enya pushed the leather-work aside as she knelt down and opened the large teak trunk down the bottom. Opening it, Enya's eyes fell on some of her more - interesting - equipment...

Inside, carefully placed, well cared for and protected, Enya's hooflets trailed over the silicone toys that were hidden beneath the heavy black cloth. Everything from the mundane and human-like, through to something her husband had bought her a few years ago - that made_him_ look small - and Enya knew from experience, he wasn't exactly a small stallion...

Her heart settling on one that looked like a realistic life cast from a paint stallion, Enya carefully pulled it from the box and clutched it tight to her belly, before giggling like a fawn caught at mischief. Whilst not as large as her beloved, Enya knew from many years experience, it'd be just the ticket to punch _her_ticket...at least until her beloved returned.


Carefully, Enya positioned the well-lubed toy, then wriggled it to ensure it was stable and stuck in place.

"Nothing worse - " Enya winced and triple checked the position and the suction on the toy. "Then when in the heat of pleasure...it moves the wrong way..."

Awkwardly, Enya straddled the toy, her fingers splayed against it as she carefully pushed downwards and felt its tip pushed against her labial folds. Imagining she was about to mount her stallion, Enya squirmed and lowered herself down, her knees quivering as she slid the toy slightly deeper.

"Oh...that feels so..."

Her urges compelling her, Enya giggled and relaxed her taught leg muscles, letting herself downwards. Eagerly, the toy slid deeper and deeper as Enya squirmed and panted in a mixture of desire and lust. As her trembling intensified and she pulled herself back off it with a loud slurp, Enya gasped and shivered.

Carefully, she mounted it again, her paws splaying out against the desk as she leaned backwards and felt the medial ring slip inside her. Enya's muzzle flew open and she squealed with a lung-emptying moan as she slid it home, her rump slapping the floor.

"Urgh - " Enya gurgled, head thrown back and her breath coming in rapid-fire panting.

Eagerly, she pulled herself forwards again, her hooflets gripping the edge of the desk before she dismounted and paused a moment, feeling her body trembling with expectation and longing Enya wasted little time in mounting the toy again and again, each time with more enthusiasm and force. Her tail was upright, frizzled out to twice its normal size and her body trembled from ears to hooves as she pleasured herself with the toy.

As her orgasm began to form, Enya squealed again and she quivered in pleasure as she rutted the toy like a feral stag would a doe. It squirmed, probed and plunged - each movement making Enya's willing, eager body react with powerful vaginal spasms and clenching.

"So..." Enya gurgled. "Close..."

A large puddle had formed under her, soaking into the carpet as Enya groaned and panted - her heart galloping in her furred chest, eyes squeezed closed and just as she started to surrender to it completely - her left paw slapped the table...

A screen flickered into view, and a young male equine's head appeared, before his eyes narrowed and he looked down his muzzle.

"Enya?" Come his rich, masculine voice. "Is everything alright my beloved? Why are you calling me at work and..."

"Oh...oh..." Enya shrieked, as her orgasm made her convulse, her hooflets scratching and gouging at the table, oblivious to what they'd done.

Hurriedly, the horse looked around, then zoomed the screen in on Enya's muzzle as he snickered and shook his head.

"Obviously you're a bit...preoccupied - honey? You really should be more careful about who you call and...really? You couldn't wait?"

Enya squealed again and he snorted, then instantly slapped the mute button on the call and chuckled.


Shaking his head, he touched the END CALL button and the screen on his end went blank.

"What...is Enya alright?" Someone asked, concern in their voice. "You need to go home?"

With a quiet snort, the equine chuckled again and shook his head. "I think for the moment, dear Enya has things well in paw...but I'll let her know you were concerned for her well-being. She's just...a bit under the weather this week, poor girl..."


~ Willows Downfall ~

~ Willows Downfall ~ © Cederwyn Whitefurr 17thSeptember, 2021 All Rights Reserved Willow sprawled on her belly, her cloven hooves tucked in close against her. With a sigh of contentment. Idly, one ear flicking, she cast her gaze over the grove....

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A Price Too Deer - Chapter One -

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Spring Break - Prequel 2 - First Christmas -

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