In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 14

Story by Wolf_359 on SoFurry

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#14 of In the Shadow of Moonlight

A young woman becomes a werewolf and finds she strongly identifies with her wolf side. Eventually she must choose between the human world and the wild.

Sophia's finds her changes are more extensive than the first moon.

Feel free to leave constructive criticism, ideas or other comments! I welcome and appreciate any feedback given!

Chapter 14

Sophia was too stunned to move. Then, very slowly, she began moving her hand around the strange bump, disturbing the light cover of stiff hairs that now covered her lower back. The bump felt bony and maybe protruded half an inch from her rear. Faintly, she could feel muscles just above her butt reflexively trying to move the bump.

Is that a... tail? A thrill of excitement went through her as she immersed herself in the strange new feelings coming from her behind. It's a short tail, but it's a tail!

She probed at it for a moment longer before realizing she had been using the back of her hand in her exploration. Flipping it over, she brushed her back with her fingertips and jolted in surprise from the unexpected feeling of something pointy and hard rubbing her skin. While she could feel her fingers on her back, there was no sensation from her fingertips.

They can't be that cold already..? Bringing her hand to where she could see it, she gasped.

Her fingertips each had what looked like slightly darkened calluses covering them and, rather than the short claws of her first transformation, thick, sharply pointed claws protruded from the ends of her fingers. Following the contour of the upper part of her palm, just below where her fingers attached, was the same hard material found on her fingers. The pad formed a rough triangle on her hand. Further down, in the middle of the underside of her wrist, was a small, ovular pad.

Aside from the pads and claws, my hands look human, she experimentally closed her hand, finding the claws prevented her from making a full fist.

It was then she realized she wasn't on her knees, but balancing on the balls of her feet. Her legs were still proportioned and shaped for bipedal movement, which meant her knees were folded awkwardly under her, barely clearing the snow. Looking back, she saw her feet had a fine covering of short, white fur. Similar to her hands, large, dark claws now grew from the ends of her toes. Despite sinking into the snow, she felt no discomfort where her feet contacted the ground.

Her hands were a different matter entirely. Unlike her feet, they were still furless and couldn't bend in such a way that the pads made most of the contact with the snow. Taking a deep breath, she pushed off the ground and went into a crouch. The thin layer of fur on her legs tickled the bare parts of her palms and fingers as she placed them on top of her upper legs in an attempt to warm them. Her ankles wobbled unsteadily as she adjusted to the new position and her new lupine instincts were telling her to get back on all fours, like a proper wolf.

As she crouched in the small depression she had transformed in, she regarded her surroundings. How she perceived the world felt different, like it had a new dimension to it... The night was far brighter than it had been with human eyes, but vision seemed so much less important somehow. Closing her eyes, she raised her head and took in a long intake of breath through her nose and gasped in astonishment. A sort of picture of the world around her formed in her mind, made not of light, but the chemicals carried by the air itself.

I never knew..! She inhaled through her nose again, reveling in the experience.

Immediately, her brain took note of her own scents, both the lupine musks she emitted now and the human scent with a hint of wolf she had carried just an hour before. Particularly strong emanations drew her to her hands. Curiously, she sniffed her hands and found there were concentrations of her scent between each of her fingers. As she lowered her hand, she became aware of even stronger smells originating from her body. It didn't take long to figure out where they were coming from.

I can't believe I have scent glands in my ass now, she giggled and sniffed the air again. And wow, my snatch!

Despite the human Sophia's fascination, Sophia the wolf was losing interest in her own scent and quickly directed her to focus on the other information now flooding her brain. To her amazement, each scent was made up of a tapestry of different chemical threads, each strand carrying unique information about the source. It was thrilling to untangle and examine each thread, but the meaning of each eluded the new and inexperienced wolf.

I could spend all night learning what everything means! Forgetting her earlier discomfort, Sophia went back to all fours and began sniffing her belongings.

"Chuff!" she instinctively exhaled sharply onto her backpack through her nose and then inhaled the odors her breath dislodged.

Her brain immediately seized upon one combination of scents above all others and directed her straight to the backpack's main compartment. All else faded into irrelevance as she became fixated on getting what was in the pack. Luckily, she had not fully zipped it in her hasty departure from her home and it had opened fully when she had flung it off. Simply grabbing what she could smell with her hands never crossed her mind as she stuck her entire head into the bag, nose first. Her olfactory organ led her to a plastic ziplock at the bottom of the compartment and she latched onto it with her front-most premolars, which had lengthened into sharp pointed canines.

Pulling the bag out with her teeth, she let go of it in the snow. Inside were the sausages she had thrown in, and the scent that was driving her into a frenzy was from the residue on her fingers when she had sealed it. Without stopping to think, she placed a clawed hand onto the bag before biting down on the bulge of the sausages. Her sharp teeth easily penetrated the bag, and she pulled while holding the bag down, tearing the plastic. No longer held at bay by the plastic, the meat's full scent flooded her nose.

Mine! She thought as she comped down on the meat and pulled it out of the bag.

Tearing into the sausage, she messily chewed it with her other premolars which had also become sharper, although they retained their human size. Throwing her head back, she swallowed the meat before lowering her head and tearing off another large chunk. Within seconds all that was left was the shredded bag.

I wish I had brought more food, she sniffed around the bag, licking up any remaining juice with her tongue. That wasn't nearly enough.

With no other food immediately available, she returned to exploring the other smells on her backpack. The dyes and materials each had their own unique tapestry she found, and she caught faint traces of what her brain somehow automatically identified as other humans on her backpack. She spent some time exploring these and a few she found oddly familiar, though she couldn't identify their owners. Mixed in with the human scents were an overwhelming array of aromas her backpack had picked up from the environment she couldn't even begin to classify.

Excitedly, she moved onto her clothes and was immediately repelled by several utterly repugnant odors. Her recently laundered sweatshirt especially reeked with them.

"Is that laundry detergent?" she said aloud, her brain tying the various threads into something she was familiar with. "It's awful!"

Momentarily jolted from her investigations, she realized her hands hurt... a lot. Looking down, she saw her hands were buried in the snow again. A light breeze carried freezing air across her exposed skin and she realized she was shivering violently. Aside from her upper back and shoulders, what fur she now had wasn't nearly enough to keep out the chill of the night air. Another breeze blew across her feminine folds and breasts, reminding her she was completely naked, and not within the privacy of her room.

I'm a wolf, why should being without clothes embarrass me?

Briefly, the image of Shadow coming across her flashed through her imagination. The vivid image of the big, strong wolf sent her heart racing and she felt a thrill of excitement run through her spine. Then her cheeks warmed and she was pushing the thoughts away as fast as she could.

I need to keep better control of the wolf instincts. Distantly, with the way the cold air now felt against her nether region and how much her smell had intensified, she knew she must have become wet down there. I'm definitely not interested in... that.

Forcing her mind back on the task of getting dressed, she bent over to grab her pants. Clamping her mouth gently around the waistband, she pushed herself back to a crouch.

Uh, how do I put this on again? Sweats dangling from her mouth, Sophia stared at her hands in confusion. I think I'm supposed to use my... paws?

The idea of using her paws to pull the clothes on seemed strange, but they weren't quite paws, were they? Concentrating, she recalled how to use her hands to hold and manipulate objects and then awkwardly grabbed the pants from her mouth. Immediately, she discovered she had grasped it a little too tightly.

"Damn it," she swore, examining the four punctures in the leg of her sweatpants.

Sighing, she carefully clamped onto her panties with her teeth and separated them from the sweats. Again, she had to remember how to use her hands before carefully threading a leg through, followed by the other. She paused pulling them up when she noticed her pubic hair had been replaced by a thick coat of soft, white fur which covered her lower pelvis, the insides of her legs and formed a rough triangle connected to her navel by a line of fur. Above her belly button, the line of fur continued up her stomach, between her breasts and then merged with a thick pelt of short, white fur on her upper chest. The rest of her stomach, breasts and chest were covered by a sparse covering of short fur. Then her eyes widened and breath caught as she noticed something else.

Running from below her breasts to her crotch, parallel with the line of fur, were two lines of three discolored bumps. Each was the size and shape of one of her human nipples and felt similarly sensitive to the cold air. Tentatively, she brushed one and reflexively inhaled as a jolt went through her.

Teats? For... pups? She self-consciously cupped her hand over several bumps. What else is different?

The video of the wolves mating popped into her mind and she quickly blocked it. Now apprehensive, she spread her legs and angled it towards the moonlight. She let out a sigh of relief when she examined her sex. Aside from the fur, her womanhood remained human; at least it still looked human. Hastily, she finished pulling up her panties, which noticeably bulged from the fur. The rear band of the panties slipped over the top of her tail nub, prompting the strange sensation of muscles flexing.

Her nostrils flared as it detected the faint scent of what she instinctively knew to be an animal and her wolf instincts asserted themselves. Reflexively, she turned towards it, and it took considerable force of will to keep herself from following it. With a burst of determination, her human side took back control and she was able to don her sweatpants without difficulty.

The sensation of her ears moving in response to a faint scritching sound startled her. Despite desiring to investigate the noise, the sheer alienness of the experience kept her focused on her ears. Reaching her right hand up, she was surprised to discover her ears were no longer rounded projections of skin and cartilage that lay close to her head, nor were they the softly pointed versions of her first transformation. Instead, her ears were large, rounded triangles that flared from the sides of her head. Any trace of her earlobes had disappeared, and fur covered the backs and outer edges.

Oh man, I have wolf ears! I wish I had thought to bring a mirror!

To her delight, she found the lupine protrusions came with fully functional lupine musculature and she could flex them at will. She could even swivel them some, although their positions on the sides of her head prevented her from rotating them. For a minute, she lost herself in the strange, but wonderful experience of moving her own ears. Figuring out how to flick them was especially fun.

I have to be the first wolf to be entertained by her own body, she mused as the novelty started to wear off and she remembered how cold she still was. I had better get going if I'm going to find Shadow and not freeze.

Redirecting her attention back to getting dressed, she was able to keep herself focused long enough to slip her exercise bra over her head. Try as she might, she could not adjust it to be comfortable. The rear and bottom bands pressed against the fur on her back and the front's bottom elastic band lay directly on the top row of teats.

I guess I don't need it for tonight, she conceded and pulled it back off.

Her stomach rumbled and she again had to keep herself from running towards the scent of an animal. Every fiber in her body yearned to explore, to hunt and find her pack.

I can't yet, almost done, she told herself firmly and grabbed her shirt with her teeth, doing her best to ignore the stench of the laundry detergent. I have to act like a human for a little longer.

After separating the shirt from the sweatshirt, she flattened her ears and carefully worked it over them. It felt strange to have her breasts loose under the shirt and it felt like her stomach twitched every time the fabric brushed one of her new teats, but blocking the wind from touching her exposed skin easily made up for it. Wrinkling her nose, she threw the sweatshirt on her backpack and put on her coat. The zipper was a struggle, but she managed to pinch it in between two fingers and pull it up. Her head was plenty warm and she decided against the hat, not that it would have fit with her changed ears.

It's a good thing I don't need my boots, she eyed her boots and the long claws on her feet. I do wish I had something for the underside of my feet and ankles though. Maybe I should have brought a pair of socks after all. For that matter, gloves aren't going to work either.

Letting out a soft whine, she looked longingly towards the mountains and rotated her shoulders in an attempt to get her shirt and coat to stop chafing against the fur on her back. The clothes interacted uncomfortably with her changed body and she felt confined, but the warmth they provided was enough to make up for it. Looking back down, towards her remaining belongings, she wondered what to do with them before dropping onto all fours with them directly behind her.

This should keep my stuff hidden until morning at least. She awkwardly used her hands to dig up snow and toss it behind her, burying her backpack, coat and boots.Now I need to do something so I can find it again.

The wolf side knew what to do, and she backed up until her rear was over the mound of snow. She raised her leg, but something in the back of her mind stopped her.

Oh, right, that would suck. She reached behind her and pulled her sweats and underwear down her legs. There we go.

Again, she raised her leg, at least as far as the panties and sweats allowed. This time, she flexed the muscles around her bladder and a spray of urine soaked the snow. Immediately, the strong scent that identified this spot as hers wafted into her nose, pleasing her. Finished, she crawled forward.

I should have found that disgusting, she mused as she pulled her pants back up. Why though? How else would I identify this as my territory?

Shrugging, she dismissed the strange thought from her mind and stood, rising on the balls of her feet.

Well, it's not quite what I envisioned, she thought as she took off running towards the mountains. But at least I'm the best dressed wolf out here.

In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 15

### Chapter 15 ### After only a few hundred yards, Sophia's muscles and lungs began to burn. While the thick, leathery pads on her feet provided excellent shock absorption and insulation, they could not make up for the fact that the rest of her feet...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 13

### Chapter 13 - November 30 Can the clock go any slower? Sophia fretted impatiently in her desk in Environmental Science, her stomach starting to hurt. If Shadow showed up with a rabbit right now, I wouldn't say no. The uncomfortable sensation of an...

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - Ch. 12

### Chapter 12 A rustling sound prompted Sophia to look up towards the opening to her den, ready to fight. Thankfully, a familiar scent reached her nose before the cause of the disturbance appeared and she relaxed, her tail wagging gently. Her stomach...

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