Just a little release (Applesandwich commission)

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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#6 of Perfectly Descriptive: Side Stories

Another commission by the wonderful Applesandwich, this time featuring their character Arimar, who is just the cutest snake man who can't help but to get in trouble with his unique abilities. Arumbi'aji and Arimar are Applesandwich's characters; Ray and Bullet are mine.

If you want to commission something for your character, I'm open! Prices on my profile page. Or, if you just want to support me and the things I do, check out my Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/siberdrac) where you can vote on topics of the month and my Ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/siberdrac) where you can keep me fully caffeinated and creating weird, kinky vore stuff for you to enjoy. I also love hearing from you, either here on Twitter @DarkDooks or! come hang out at the Gilded Chasm and the Lily Boutique themselves on my Discord (https://discord.gg/epU8yzzeu4)! Enjoy.

That was all he needed. A little release from the puffed up, pulsing sensation that rode with him every day, every hour. It felt like there was a cloud inside him that pushed out against his skin, elongated his tail, engorged him, and it had only been getting worse these last few weeks. There was only one way to let it out that he knew, so, as he always did, Arimar the anthropomorphic snake headed to the gym to find a target.

Ari himself was no slouch. At a little over six feet tall and, once one factored in the massive tail characteristic of his species, two hundred and sixty pounds, he cut an intimidating figure. It wasn't always comfortable to walk around feeling like an overinflated balloon, but he had to admit that he was a piece of eye candy, himself. All the same, the moment he stepped into Off-the-Cuff Exercise, a small but clean business with a dozen treadmills, some yoga mats, and a modest collection of free weights and machines, he hopped on a treadmill, curled his tail around a railing, and started running to clear his mind and burn off the pressure that kept building inside him.

What made him feel pumped up and overfull was that Arimar was a hell of a special boy: he had a connection to someone else - a literal demigod of debts and sacrifice - and every time that demigod acquired more of his peculiar currency, some of it got offloaded through an ancient, magical bond to Arimar. It wasn't physical, for the most part. The mass and energy and whatever else came through were held in a liminal space that Arimar felt simultaneously apart from and a part of. Inescapable, expanding, roiling with the uncountable collected debts and prey... but contained by Arimar.

The snake man was not, however, young. He was accustomed to this curse and had managed by a quirk of psychology to turn it into something pleasurable. So, while he ran, he scanned the reflection in the windows for other patrons. He couldn't personally take command of the arcane forces that were bound to him, because if he could, he would've turned into a city-sized behemoth and challenged his patron for supremacy decades ago. His real source of simultaneous leverage and purpose, he had learned, was to offload_just_ enough, siphon just enough, that his unwanted patron's acquisitions would be harder to trace back by magic cops or virtuous vigilantes.

His eyes passed over the reflection of an older Afghan hound woman. Five-foot-three, 136 pounds. She was hardly the kind of target Ari needed. In the early days of his relationship with the demigod, a demonic, crocodilian saurian named Arumbi'aji, anyone had been a potential recipient. That had nearly ended in disaster when in a fit of recalcitrant temper, Arimar had coiled himself through crowds, bestowing each individual with power fit for trained magi, draining all the work Rumbi had done into random citizens in the street. So, Rumbi had applied... conditions.

A pair of big cats walked in next. One was a (six-foot-three, two-twelve) panther jaguar who stood quite tall and was broad, but not overly so, and one was a (five-foot-ten, one-sixty) non-panther jaguar who was considerably shorter and seemed almost frail. Both wore standard workout attire, but seeing the thinner one made triggered something in Arimar. He flicked his tongue out across gold-scaled lips. His sky blue eyes flashed with some combination of need and concern and he nearly stumbled in his run. The zigzagging orange scattered across his body and cracking the symmetry of his unique, plated tail flushed slightly brighter, despite his ectothermic nature. Warmth suffused him like an unbidden inhalation. The pressure rose. The need to release it applied a dull headache across the entirety of his skull.

Ari decided he would have to introduce himself.

He was not inexperienced. He timed his workout with theirs, which wasn't long. The goldenrod-hued jaguar finished in no time at all, having gotten winded and frustrated within twenty minutes or so of starting. The moment he retreated to the locker room, Ari followed.

The serpentine master of mass didn't need to do much. Really, a touch, as long as it was someone who wanted the growth. Generally speaking, more touch, more mass transfer. And, that big cat had that dour, jealous look on his face that meant he really, really wanted it. Ari hissed despite himself in excitement. He stepped into the locker room. He wiggled his fingers in anticipation. Finally, an ounce of relief.

"HEY. Ray. You've got two more sets!" The panther barged in after Ari. Completely naturally, he laid a hand across Ari's shoulders just to move him aside. It wasn't a mean or rude motion. It was just confident. He even smiled a half-apology at Ari and gave him a pat.

And grew two inches taller.

The sudden growth spurt sent the panther stumbling into his sullen brother. He caught himself on a locker that gave a metallic groan of protest. "What the hell?"

Ari would have sweat if snakes could sweat. Instead, he had the distinct urge to slither down under one of the benches. He felt his breath quicken. His tongue flickered between his lips. The only way his power worked was if he wanted someone to grow and that person wanted it in turn, so this panther, even as big as he already was... and Ari had been taken so much by surprise that way more of his pent up pressure had gone into the panther than he had intended. But the transfer wasn't equal, or at least didn't look it. For the inches the panther had gained, Ari had lost a millimeter.

"Ow, yeow, what just happened?" The big cat winced in pain as his taut clothing bit into his new size.

"I told you! I fucking told you!" the other cat, apparently named Ray, accused as he stood up, pointing a finger at his brother. "There's shape-changing... transmutive... whatever-the-fuck magic out there, and someone used it on me, and that's why you still look like you did in college and I look like a damned twig!"

"No, damn things shrunk in the wash. No one's done that sort of thing in years - no one can. Read a newspaper. But not before you get back out there and finish your sets." The six-foot-five, two-twenty-six-pound panther looked like he was about to scruff his younger brother.

"You." Ray changed targets with his finger to Ari, who had been, despite his bright coloration, attempting to be unnoticeable. "You saw that, right?"

"Uh, I sssssssaw what? Nothing to ssssssssee but two-" he gulped and tried to tamp down on the serpentine stutter. His eyes riveted on the bulge Bullet's hidden jockstrap couldn't quite contain that pressed in stark relief against his silky athletic shorts. "Good-looking guys."

Ray's eyes narrowed. "Touch him again, Bullet." He was either the quicker of the two, or just the one more willing to believe what had happened.

Bullet, the panther, rolled his eyes. "This is dumb. Sorry you got involved, dude." He turned slightly towards Ari. His pectorals had swollen outward and seemed to hang just slightly with their own weight. What if they were bigger, though. What if they just kept growing. Then, Ari's face was suddenly pressed between them. Ray had shoved his brother into the smaller male. The two slabs of meat squeezed around the snake's triangular face and then they were sliding up and away and broader. There was a pained yowl, followed by another ripping sound as the waistband of Bullet's jockstrap snapped beneath his shorts.

Bullet pushed himself away. Ari's perception of size and mass let him instantly see: seven-foot-one, two-seventy-one. The hems of his sleeves gripped desperately to his workout-pumped shoulders. Just in the course of raising one arm to look at it, the wicking fabric scrunched up over the bump of his deltoids and bunched to look more like a tank top. His loose athletic shorts strained around his upper thighs. All three components of a very large package were uncomfortably cramped above them. The big cat stared down at his groin in bewilderment and grimaced. "Fuck," he commented through a groan. He grunted and crossed his arms to tug off his top. The back of it shredded as his lats bunched up from the motion.

"What are you?" Ray asked, his hungry gaze fixed on Arimar. Ari flattened himself back against a row of lockers. He tried to watch the cat confronting him, but he couldn't keep his eyes off the massive man who was prompting his personal powerfully pitched tent.

A conduit for a demigod. "Ju_sssssssst_ Ari. It wasn't suppos_sssssed_ to be that much."

"What's that mean?" A smirk came across Ray's face and he stepped closer. As he did, he stripped off his own shirt. Whoever he was, he seemed experienced with shape changes, and greedy for one of his own.

Ari tried to shrink back even further, but couldn't. He also couldn't keep wanton lust off his face. This had always been a problem. He wanted relief so badly, but he knew he wasn't supposed to make things this obvious, but both of these men would look so good if they were, oh, titans.

"I can't always control it," he said in a rush. He shouldn't have said anything, he knew. He should keep his mouth shut and leave. "It just happens when I touch someone."

"Uh-huh." Ray advanced. He wasn't exactly gaunt, but he moved as though he were used to being much more solid, with heavy strides and a square posture. He got himself nose to nose with Ari. The snake's own hefty shaft prodded against the smaller man's thigh through their clothes. "Hit me with some of i-"

Without meaning to, Ari flicked his tongue out across the jaguar's face. As his dick retreated fractionally, muscle blossomed across Ray's body. Abdominal grooves that had existed just by dint of being too thin deepened. The feline body grew and as it did, dragged itself against Ari's groin. "Oh, fuck..." the cat murmured between hot chuffs of breath. "And you," he said through a gluttonous smile, "are really enjoying this, aren't you?"

Yes. Yes, he was. He tried not to nod. He didn't succeed.

"How long does this last?"

"A, a day, usually, if it were permanent, I couldn't keep doing it, I'd get arrested, or something."

"Ray, cut it out - I can't even go home as it is." Bullet had finally lumbered back up to his feet.

"Who would stop us?" Ray kept his gaze on Ari and, with no ceremony, shoved his hand down the snake's pants to grab his cock. In the space of seconds, ten, twenty, forty pounds of mass flowed into the man while Ari whimpered with bliss. "There's no one else here." The snake was getting better at keeping the transfer from being too much at once, but he was struggling. He had been about to protest, but the paw doing its best to encircle his girth - and getting gradually more able to do so - convinced him otherwise. What could it hurt? Just a day... just a day with these two.

"He's not doing it on purpose - give the guy a break." Bullet was still several dozen pounds heavier and stronger than his brother. He easily displaced Ray with his commanding grip and when he did, got a look at the massive erection bobbing over Ari's half-shirked shorts. "Oh." He met the snake's gaze. Something hopeful and eager flashed over his face. "You into this, dude?"

Ari wasn't supposed to be. He nodded his head, though.

"Well, then." The black cat flashed a wide, toothy smile. "Ray, been a while since we double-teamed someone. Last one was that little rabbit guy, right?"

He needed to leave before this got out of control. He needed to tell them to stop. He could finally feel the effects on his body making him shrink. But finally, finally, he was getting his much-needed relief. "The showers are communal here," he mumbled. Seconds after he said it, he'd been tucked under Bullet's arm like a bundle of wood for transport into the wide open shower room with its cool, blue tile and complete lack of any kind of privacy.

"Mouth or tail?" Bullet asked over his shoulder.

"I wanna watch that jaw stretch," Ray responded.

A shudder worked its way through Ari's body. He was strong, but that strength was being leeched, second by second, into Bullet's already massive form. The cat stripped off his shorts and nearly tore them in the process, then set Ari on the floor on his back. Belly-up, his smooth dorsal scales unable to find purchase, Ari felt wonderfully helpless. Ray was nude by the time he walked in behind them, with eight inches of eager cat cock hanging from his groin. He knelt over Ari's head and grinned down at him.

"Pump me up." He slapped his cock across Ari's muzzle. "Make me stretch you like a condom."

Ari trembled again. He let his tongue flick out across the fat cock on his face. It plumped up half an inch while its owner swelled. Finally, Ray pressed his hand down on the snake's shoulders and groaned as the contact made him grow another three inches. Seven feet tall, easily. He worked his paws up, to Ari's jaws, and finding no protest from the snake, pulled them open and filled the flexible maw with his cock. "Fuck... it's like I'm squeezing it out of him..." He kneaded his broad paws over Ari's chest and neck. His dick grew while he did, and without his moving, it slowly started working its way down the snake's throat. Ari gagged at first, but he was practically made of rubber - he opened wide and took the ten-inch cock smoothly into him while its eight-foot-tall owner purred.

At the other end, Bullet was enjoying the benefits having testosterone-producing organs suddenly many times their previous size. He tugged Ari's shorts the rest of the way off and lined up a drooling, fourteen-inch cock with the snake's hole. Ari squirmed, but his tail coiled around Bullet's thigh and his ankles crossed behind the cat's hips, and all three appendages tugged urgently. He wanted to be filled and had no worries about Bullet's huge and growing size. Each time Bullet pushed in two inches, he grew half an inch. Ari was stroked, caressed, kneaded, squeezed like silly putty on both ends by curious, hungry cat paws, and the two brothers kept growing until they were both well beyond usual mortal proportions.

Strain creased both their faces as the spaces they invaded got tighter, and tighter, but even though Ari writhed, his lithe body curling and bending sensually with each new touch, he was never desperate, he never tried to kick them away. They stole dozens, hundreds of pounds of mass from him, and he realized - several minutes too late - that he couldn't stop them anymore. The realization relaxed any trace of inhibition he had left. It was a blissful release from care, from worry, from responsibility. It sent a wave of hedonic pleasure through him that was itself half an orgasm and made his dick release a jet of precum across his bright scales.

With every moment, there was more of them and less of him. His jaw dislocated easily, as snake jaws do, and his eyes rolled back as Ray continued stretching him with eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-four inches of cock. Cat dick was visibly swelling his throat and thrusting in his flexible belly while his now-modest six inches pumped precum freely onto the outline of the panther's pillar of an erection. The broad, warm, soft paws pressing down on his chest and thighs and hips and ribs were strong, then heavy like polar bears, then like rhinoceros pads, while size was squeezed out of him and into them, and then finally-

"Oh, fuck...!"


The brothers reached their peaks at the same time and blasted cum into Ari from both ends, but it wasn't any normal orgasm. Every part of them was growing at the same time. While shoulders and biceps bunched up and got pushed aside by accessory muscles that suddenly had enough bulk to outclass other men's torsos, testicles inflated and churned to produce more and more seed. Ari's belly filled, then started to swell, and as minutes of orgasm passed, it grew roundly outward and outward with their climax, despite the squirts of it that escaped both his stretched entrances.

"Will it stop? Do we juh, just, keep, cumming, fuck..." Even on his knees, Bullet's head pushed against a shower faucet. His hips thrust continuously. From the sizes of their thighs, both he and Ray had lifted Ari's comparatively small body into their laps.

Ray had to walk backwards on his knees to withdraw himself from the snake. The turgidness of Bullet's erection lifted Ari up and made him sway like he was part of that mammoth cock. The jaguar, who was no less than four times Ari's height by now, had a predatory brightness in his eyes. "Whatever. I want to try something." Ari sucked in a deep breath of air. He didn't need to breathe, kept alive as he was by his patron's will, but it still felt nice. He looked up at the jaguar. Ray would have stood twenty feet if he could stand in the cramped space. He needed his weight measured on truck stop scales. He was an Atlas of a man. And Ari was still shrinking, now just barely five feet tall. While his bigger brother kept pumping his hips into Ari's rear end, Ray gaped his enormous feline maw open over the snake's head, lunged forward, and opened his throat.

"Oh, FUCK!" Bullet roared as the tightness of Ray's gullet clamped down to amplify what Ari's serpentine, shrinking form was already doing. Ari thrashed with shock as he was engulfed. This hadn't happened before. This wasn't supposed to happen.

Ray championed onward even as his eyes clenched and his neck bulged out with the man and the cock he was deep-throating. In so much contact with Ari, he didn't stop cumming, his bare cock pumping jizz across the floor to splash over Bullet's knees the entire time. His jaws claimed Ari's shoulders, squeezed his belly - sending cat semen pouring down his own throat out of Ari's while simultaneously gathering another foot of height for himself - and then his hips, which he grabbed semi-gently with his jaws to start relieving his brother of the scaled cock sock.

For his part, Bullet sat back and watched in awe while he tried to settle the top of his head against the ceiling. Ray rolled over onto his back - able to span the entire distance of the shower room by now - and almost lazily gulped down the rest of Ari to suck in the snake's tail like a thick strand of spaghetti. He swallowed hard and looked down at the bulge in himself where Arimar, conduit to the demigod Arumbi'aji, was forced to curl up. "Ooooh... oooohhhhhh..."

Ray's form expanded faster than Bullet could react to. The jaguar bunched his shoulders as they rammed into the walls, looked up with a terrifying grin, and bench pressed the ceiling. Biceps like compact cars, triceps like minivans, and most importantly, pectorals like two slabs of bedrock, strained, thickened, went alive with corded muscles and throbbing veins, and lifted a quarter of the roof off the room. As though he'd been born to be this size, he nonchalantly picked up Bullet in both hands, stood to his new, towering height, and set his brother on his shoulder.

"Someone, uh. Someone's gonna notice." The panther gulped. He was finally coming down from orgasm, but aftershocks sprayed wantonly onto the roof. "And is... is the snake okay?"

Ray felt a little squirming sensation in his belly. "Oh yeah. Yes and yes."

He stepped out of the ruins of the little gym. Gallons on gallons of his cum pumped out from his fuel tanker of a cock to drench the nearby street. His eyes were hazy with the continued, impossible, unending climax. He wasn't sure if it could stop while the little snake was still in him. He wasn't sure if it would. He had some sense that Ari wasn't the kind of creature to just vanish into nothingness. All he knew was that at even the size he was, this was the bare beginning of what was left. And that he wanted all of it.

For his part, in the lightless confines of the predator's belly, Arimar let out a slow, contented sigh. Someone would have to clean this up, and at some point he'd need to figure a way out, but for the first time in years, he finally, finally, felt relaxed.

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