He Who Would be Master: Chapter 8

Story by Kaard on SoFurry

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#9 of Spirit Lord Chronicles (REDUX)

Chapter 8

Angel drove. He'd left his Man and his Collar behind. He wasn't paying much attention to where he was going, but wasn't surprised to end up pulling into the parking lot of Be Tempted.

Upon entering the club, the music washed over him. The smells of sweat, and booze and heightened sensations filled his lungs. He shoved his way past them all, making for the basement, utterly ignoring boi-Henrique's confused greeting..

he paid for his locker and room, stashed his clothes, and wrapped himself in a towel. Listening to the sticky chorus of moans and heated cries, he picked through his own emotions.

Othello was in trouble. Angel couldn't help.

He doesn't need me anymore. I'm just in his way now...

He knelt outside of his room and pondered his situation. He was barely aware of the first cock as he took it in his lips. So hard. So thick. No reach, though.

"He's" bigger than this... Angel tried to swallow it into his throat, but it could only just tickle his uvula. He coughed and tried to pull away. A large hand grabbed his hair and a gruff voice demanded more of him. He allowed the stranger to use him further, ignoring the slime that bubbled up from his emptied gut. The man filled his mouth with cum, and Angel gulped it down. Sweet. Delicious, really...

Too soon, and not enough of it...

"Thank you, Sir..." Angel had already forgotten the man's face.

The next one came, and he sucked it off. At least this one was brown. Angel could almost pretend it was Him, if the man attached had any idea what he was doing. Still, he submitted himself. It tested every skill he'd cultivated to patiently endure the fumbling thrusts of this one. He milked it in his throat between breaths and gladly swallowed what came of his efforts.

Already soft... Please give me more...

"Thank you, Sir..."

The next one had another sub in tow, some traditionally twinkish type. Master called slim, young guys like that "under-ripe". He turned around and gave Angel his ass. Angel pressed his face in and gorged himself on that musky hole. He craned his head back to avoid the man's thrusting tailbone. The other sub was presumably gobbling his Man's cock. When the other had earned his reward, Angel felt each throb on his tongue.

"Thank you, Sir..." he said as the two moved on without acknowledging him whatsoever.

There was no telling how long he was there, or how many dicks he sucked after that. He didn't care. He felt hollowed out. Gutted. Hungry. Any cock would do, because no cock could be His cock.

"You smell like Othello," A soft voice said. "Is he here? Are you his?"

Angel for the first time raised his eyes, to meet those of James. "No... I'm un-owned."

"But you were his. You reek of him," Angel saw the deep disapproval on his face.

That look spoke to him. That outrage was exactly what a disgraced sub deserved. Angel couldn't take it; he smoothed hands up to grip James' furry thighs. "Use me. Use me the way He does, please... I haven't been good. But I'll be good from now on, I swear..." He wiped his sticky, sweaty face on the front of James' jock, and felt the man's body respond. He had begun to suck on the big man's bulge when James pulled him away by his hair. A gesture that woudb't disrupt Angel's submissive safe-place. Like scruffing a cat to much the same effect. Smart. Dragging him up out of his sub-space too quickly would be unproductively jarring. Finally, an experienced Daddy!

"Where is he, son?" James asked gently. "Why aren't you with him now? Why aren't you protecting him?"

That look was bringing him from sub-space slowly. The Big Man wasn't going to allow him to remain there, Angel could see that now. Angel tried to hold on to it, if only because his regular mind couldn't face himself as he was now: Covered in just as much cum as he was full of. Pleasuring other men he didn't consider worthy.

And now, this near-stranger had unraveled every hurt and laid it out for him... Yet, it was calling him "son" that brought down the dam.

"I can't protect him," He let slip. "I can't protect him from those things, so he took my collar, Daddy..." He couldn't resist, couldn't rebel against this man's pull from sub-space. It was starting to crumble and let grief pour through him. He felt himself start to tremble, felt his breath hitch. He was going to cry, and he couldn't stop it.

James wrapped himself around the younger man, and Angel clung on for dear life. He didn't even want this man to see him like this. These weren't good tears.

"Alright, son, alright... come..." He led Angel into the room and simply rocked with him while Angel purged his sorrows. It was different from Othello, who expected the status quo to be established afterwards. This was a father comforting a young son. Not lovers, or bros. An elder tending a fallen child.

It was wrong. It shouldn't feel so pure.

"Fuck me, Daddy!" Angel, still sobbing, pleaded. "I want you to use me!"

"No, son, you don't..." James tightened his grip. "Just hurt for awhile..."

"But this isn't right!" Angel objected. "I don't want to hurt like this! I want YOU to hurt me! PLEASE!"

James was immovable. No matter how Angel struggled or begged or molested, James wouldn't be swayed. "Shh... shh..." He held Angel until he was out of steam.

The two then sat in silence, sweaty and worn out.

"Where is he, son..?"

Angel sighed, defeated. "The Maw. Chasing wolves..."

"Are you okay now?"

"No," Angel whimpered. "I hate him... I hate him because I can't protect him from monsters... Because I can't help him."

"Get up." James rose. "Get dressed. We're leaving."

"Where are we going?" Angel was ready to go anywhere with this man.

"To tell him what you just told me."

* * *

"What are they?" Angel asked, buckled into the front of the pickup. "Those things that haunt him...?"

He had recounted the events of the evening. James had kept silent. When he realized that this man was too comfortable believing all of this, he had to ask. "Who are you..."

"I'm one of the Wolves," James stated.

Angel didn't know how to respond, so James continued.

"Everything you see, feel, or encounter has a driving force. Sometimes several. Intelligent and selfish beings who affect the world just by existing. These are spirits. Yokai. Demons. Fairies. Different names. Same phenomena."

"Only normal people are completely unaware?"

"Not completely. Think back to your favorite stuffed toy, or the love you lavish on this truck," James said. "These things really do appreciate your care and love. And they likely formed something of a barrier around you and those you share them with."

"So... So, I was protecting him?" Angel asked, using hope to unravel all this.

"Yes," James said. "Yes you were. And when he walked away from you, he walked away from that protection as well."

"He's in danger now?!" Angel sat up, making his headache upgrade into a splitting one.

"Yes," James growled, revealing his own frustration. "This is where you dropped him off?"

"Yes, Sir--" He adjusted himself. The word Sir never tasted the same to a leather-man, Dom or sub, when used in normal parlance. "Yeah. Right here."

They parked and James hurriedly stripped nude. He was better developed than Angel, torso nearly perfectly round with dense muscle and fat. Angel knew Othello would have approved, as "ripened" as this man was... And he wouldn't mind welcoming this guy into the family himself. They had discussed seeking out a third.

That notion died screaming after James crouched down to his hands and the balls of his feet and began to stretch and flex, hard enough to herniate muscle and pop joints, reshaping them and adding mass. The skin stretched taut, then split gorily. Everything about this transformation evoked pain and turned Angel's stomach, yet he couldn't look away.

He needed to look away. It was like seeing that third arm attached to his Man. Hideous. Maddening. Terrifying. Far more than it should have been. Angel felt something twist inside his skull as the world made less and less sense by the moment.

He was curled into a ball by the time the massive russet wolf made its first step towards him. Angel had enough. He screamed, the scream of cornered prey. High and shrill. But the wolf made calm, slow movements until the two were face to face. The wolf licked the shrieking man's cheek and Angel fell silent.

Angel wanted to faint. He wanted to go home to his Man, and fuck until the universe was okay again.

But his Man wasn't there. His Man needed help. His Man needed him to get up, and be brave. He placed shaking hands on the wolf's face. "D-Daddy-James...?"

There was a flash of fangs, the sensation of meat being yanked free from Angel's throat, and hot blood splashing him all over...

But outside of Angel's fevered terror, in reality, was the musty, wild smell of fur as the Daddy-Wolf nuzzled him.

"I'm... I'm okay, Daddy..." Leaning on the wolf, he got to shaky feet. "Let's go. I'll get my feet under me soon, promise."

The wolf started off at a pace which allowed for Angel to keep leaning on him to support his wobbly legs.

A few times stumbling, though, and Angel determined that he had to move forward under his own power. He let go, and the wolf began immediately rooting through the underbrush. Angel kept a distance, but began scanning for any sign of a campsite, or other people... Or, he guessed, wolves.

"Master is strong. I am his power. Master is King. I am his Knight..." It was a soft prayer. Everything he hoped they could be again. A promise of everything he'd be to his Man when he saw him... "Master is an idiot! I'm gonna hit him!"

He stopped as Daddy-Wolf was joined by three others who, upon noticing him, dashed to surround them.

There was an exchange of barks and snarls. One wolf challenged James with barred fangs, James' retort caused hackles to raise. He fell back carefully to take a defensive position in front of Angel. Angel understood:

He wasn't supposed to be here.

"I... I need to see my Master!" his voice shook. "I can't leave without Othello! Where is he!?"

"No." Came a voice a bit beyond the immediate circle of woods. An elderly man stepped forward. Slender with worn, corded muscle, covered in matted hair. This may as well have been the wild man of the forest. Yellow eyes looked unkindly at him. "You are his old life, lad. We will help him in this new one."

"I want to be with him! I have so much to say to him," Angel was tired of begging the world to have his lover back. "So tell me where he is!"

"The path he walks, the creatures he walks with now, will tear you limb from limb," the Old Man said through pointed teeth. "Do you not know the grief that will put him through? He was wise to spare you that. If you care about him, more than your own happiness, leave."

"I won't! I can't! I HAVE to try!" Angel demanded. The argument made him sound selfish. Stupid beast. That was the point!

"I don't care." The Old Man stated coolly. Abandoning further emotional appeal. "Take one more step, and die."

James hunched, humanly slack-jawed and barked something.

Angel thought for a moment, but unable to figure out the right thing to do, desperate to see his Master, thinking only of him, he stepped forward.

The wolves fell on him.

James howled, and the forest was suddenly alive. Squirrels erupted from every tree and began harrying the wolves, or stuffed themselves into their mouths to keep them from biting Angel.

The Old Man looked horrified. He barked once, and all motion ceased. "James... is this what you want?" He growled. "You are not Alpha. You had your opportunity, and when you refused, Elizabeth -- YOUR PUP -- took up the mantle... Are you finally prepared to complete your betrayal, despite the leniency I've shown you?!"

James-wolf gulped. Then gulped again. Literally swallowing his wolf aspects a little at a time until he stood there, sweat-soaked and panting.

"You said before..." James heaved out each word, "That what affects him... affects us all... He needs to see what's become of Angel... He needs to make this decision... for himself!" Red-faced, he roared back at the wild-man. "I DOUBT HE WOULD CHOOSE TO HAVE THIS BOY KILLED!!!"

The Wild-Man snorted at that, and Angel saw a coldness to the calculations running behind his eyes. These things cared for Othello only slightly more than they cared for Angel! If they didn't need him, his Master would just be another prey-animal to these monsters, and Othello was relying on THEM for teaching and protection? Did he know that??

The Old Man finally spoke. "He may leave, you will go with him. Neither of you are to return. Get the hell off my lawn." With that, he and the other wolves all moved to leave.

"Please!" Angel gasped, clawing himself up into a kneeling position. "Please tell me where he is..."

There was no answer. The beasts wouldn't bother sparing another word to this human.

"DAD!" James snarled. "Tell him we were here!"

The Old Man left without another word.

Angel, about out of courage, sighed in relief as James turned and led him back to the truck.

He Who Would be Master: Chapter 7(.5)

Othello watched Angel drive away from his position at the edge of the woods, fist wrapped tightly around Angel's collar. As the red leer of the tail-lights receded with no sign of hesitance from their driver, Othello had to ask himself if that was one...

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 The therapist listened to Othello's story, sans certain geographical details, with a blank mask and cool almond-shaped eyes. Her flared bobbed hairdo kept perfectly aligned but for at the ends framed her pale and delicate features...

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He Who Would be Master: 5

Chapter 5 The Wolves dropped Othello off in the hospital parking lot. With plans to think on things and meet up in two days. He was given his first mission: to "Manifest". Make something of the Spirit exist in the Material. Tangible and visible...

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