((Backlog)) The Punishment of Tsumi

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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"Moooom, he's doing it again..." whined Tsumi, who found himself once more held firmly by shoulders by the quite larger Mana Dragon who was to be his babysitter. Ear and head pushed firmly to a big ol' fuzzy gut, even nudged under his T-shirt, forced to listen to it gurgle in hunger.

Alas, Mom was a bit too busy in her rush to leave for the night, "Now feel free to have anything in the house you'd like for dinner, and do be nice to little Tsumi there."

"Oh, I already know exactly what I want for dinner" replied Max, the mana dragon as he pushed his rotund gut against Tsumi's big ears some more with a greedy sounding belly growl. Tsumi wasn't sure what made him more nervous, the obvious hints of being gobbled up as mom ignored him, or the lewd bulge pushed firm to his back by the crotch of the dragon's pants.

Tsumi's anxiety was easily explained by the dragon's teasing earlier of how delicious his strawberry scented fur would be with whipped cream. And it didn't help those two sets of big wings had a habit of 'accidentally' brushing the teen moogle's shorts, front and back every time he had to pass by. As Mom was walking out the door he let out a little whine, his pom pom flashing his helpless fear as the dragon grabbed him closer in an 'affectionate' hug.

Max's rumbling gut was soon drowned out by his rumbling purr, "well now, we should try a few games perhaps before dinner time. Something to burn some time..."

"Uh... I got playstation..." Tsumi helpfully offered, anything to encourage the blatant teasing to end. "we could do something on there..."

Max shook his head, "oh, I think you've been playing far too many video games lately." he stretched himself out, "we should do something that doesn't involve you sitting on a couch."

"Er... like..." Tsumi had an idea where he was heading at the rate max had teased him, making him try to nervously squirm away.

Max's grip on Tsumi's shoulders started to push the moogle boy down some. The teen squeaking as he felt that bulged lap nudge his cheek, but he kept being lead downwards towards the dragon's big black boots. "I've heard you haven't been keeping your room clean enough, so I figure perhaps you need practice in cleaning things. So I'll let you start on my boots."

Tsumi blinked upwards curiously, but found the other boot soon pushing him nose first against the leather. Musky from sweat and dirt, he whined softly, "but, don't I need a towel or somethign...?"

"Oh no, you got everything you need right in that cute muzzle of yours. Now start licking." Max rumbled, pleased with himself as he laid a hand on the wall. Letting him move his other foot to push on Tsumi's back, watching those tiny wings flutter in fear.

Tsumi whined, his pompom flashing urgently. But the pressure on his back increased, making it hard to breath. Finally he had to lean in, and give a first curious lick. Eyes closed with a whimper, starting to lick more as the pressure eased off his back and chest. Max encouraging him with a deep purr, "that's right, get every inch and maybe I'll just see what's in the fridge tonight."

Twumi kept his eyes tightly closed as he licked and groomed the earthy tasting boot. Working over it steadily as the other foot pushed between his wings, forcing him against the sweaty smelling boot he was cleaning. The weight on his back making it hard to breath, along with the strong scents of the Mana Dragon's feet made the little Moogle whine helplessly. He struggled and kicked instinctively while he tried to keep licking to sate Max's desires and get him to stop.

"Oh, such a squirmy little thing you are, not going to get every inch like that... " Max hummed as he watched the younger male writhe when his boot pushed at the small of the Moogle's back. Max grinned his broad snout, fangs peeking out, "oh, let me help you then..."

Tsumi gasped in a deep breath when that boot lifted from tormenting his back, to gasping it out when it pushed him over onto his back with a rough shove. Blinking at the bright lights before one big, rubbery sole covered it briefly. Settling on his chest to push down with breath taking weight. The other foot nudged his lips with the dirty, rubbery sole, all he can see as he's forced to kiss it. His pom blinked wildly as he struggles to just breath with that massive foot and it's equally massive weight on his chest and gut.

The Moogle soon saw little flickers and flashes, kicking wildly as his head pounded. He mouthed for air, making him kiss that boot steadily, drooling on it as his little wings beat upon the carpet with a steady patting sound. He could barely hear Max's laughter as the world spun and darkened.

A few moments passed as that weight on his chest ceased, but all the teen could do was pant for breath, slumped beneath the overhanging gut of the laughing Mana Dragon. Watching Max laugh as his fat tail slapped the floor contently. "Oh, such a good little boy you are, let me give you a hug in thanks for shining my boots"

Tsumi found himself lifted up, still striving for breath. Whining with fear as those massive arms wrapped around his back. And then squeezed. A gasp of breath making his whine sharp for a moment. Then quiet as he's grasped in massive, fuzzy arms, crushing his chest to the mana dragon's fat gut. While he feels the older boy's groin, lewdly tented and thrusting against his own pudgy belly. His legs jerking in the air as he mouthed silently against the dragon's chest, smothered in the sweaty scent of the tshirt his nose was ground against.

Those spots and sparkles danced wildly in Tsumi's vision as he drooled onto that sweaty Tshirt Max was wearing. His spine creaking as those powerful arms crushed their chests together. He looked up, vision tunnelling as dizziness overcame the Moogle. His feet kicking in a spasm of desperation as his head began to slump on the sweat stained shirt of the dragon, soon to fade out.

Fortunately for a Tsumi the squeezing stopped. Alas though it was replaced with those big hands groping his butt. Lifting him up towards gaping jaws as he gawked in confusion. Then as wet, hot breath engulfed his face, along with those long toothy jaws he squeaked in shock. Muffled into that fat neck as he was shoved muzzle first into it. Slimy soft throat engulfing his cheeks as the Moogle kicked, whined, and began to writhe. But the abuse he had taken left him already weakened to fend off the groping paws shoving him down that fat maw.

Tsumi could do little but stare into darkness, rhythmic pulsing of the dragon's heart growing louder, marking time with the steady ripples and tugs shoving him down towards the acrid scent of his gut below. His little feet wiggling helpless in the cool air. While his arms and wings were soon pinned by a very bulged maw and throat. Wrapped in slimy heat as he wormed and struggled in the taut embrace. He could feel his shorts tugged free, a sharp whine as paws wandered over his sheath and exposed butt. And then that thick tongue dragged over his lap, Tsumi whining in embarrassment even as he sunk down Max's chest towards his soon to be very fat gut.

The poor tormented teen would not have too long to squirm. The molestation ending once his lap was kissed by that snug throat... and then wrapped in that slimy embrace. Tsumi soon forced to 'kiss' the taut ring of the entrance to his final resting spot. His wriggling doing nothing but helping him slide downwards, firmer against it. While the heat, slick flesh and pulsing rubs made other parts of him stiff. Making him whimper at the humiliation even as he realizes he's soon to become mana dragon fat. The pressure building a moment, then he pushes through, nose first into that heavy gut.

The wriggling mass of Moogle only had one way to go. Down into that fat gut of Max's. His wriggles bulging here and there as he soon landed nose first int he pooling slime. A squeal of shock at the tingling burning, he rolls to try and avoid it. But of course, there's only so far a Moogle can go in the dark heat of a Mana Dragon stomach. The rest of him soon following, leaving that tight ring to close as Tsumi tries to find it. The slime rising as the heat grows worse. His blinking pom faintly illuminating the slimy, clenching walls as he noses fitfully at the tight ring of flesh. "Help, hey, wait, I don't wanna be fooood!" he cries out, muffled against all those layers of fat he'll join soon enough.

The only response was a rough rubbing of the bulge he made, rocking him about as he coughed and panted. It was so hot, acrid, and he could feel his paws tingle sharply. The faint light soon flickering with sparkles in his vision, accenting by the desperate flicker of his pom as he asphyxiated. And the snug embrace growing abruptly tighter wit a sudden squeezing. Faintly, he could hear the celebratory belch above him as Max hugged his gut tight. making the Moogle wheeze out. His body slumping, weakening as he panted against that slippery flesh. Feeling the burning goo rising... but thankful for the growing darkness, numbing his body. He shuddered, cursed his mom's choice of baby sitters, and soon felt that darkness lull him to sleep. Drifting off to unconsciousness as that belly massaged him, working to melt him down into Mana Dragon fat.

But he did finally get to sleep before his bed time for once.

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