Sucking Up to the Gang

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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For most, the idea of joining a gang is ridiculous or even dangerous. But for this hamster, it's a dream come true. Well, the initiation is at least...


Posted using PostyBirb

Deep within an alley stood three males, all wearing matching jackets. They surrounded and loomed over a much shorter male.

"He's not much to look at."

"A small thing, isn't he?"

"The squirt's got guts though."

Their gazes were on a short and slightly chubby hamster. And he looked up at them with a pair of big brown eyes and a pink twitching nose. He had been following the group for a while now and he finally worked up the courage to approach them. After telling the wolf, badger, and panther that he wanted to join them, the three sneered and led him to where they stood now.

"So you wanna be one of us?" The badger leaned down and pressed a claw against the smaller mammal's bouncing nose.

The hamster nodded, feeling his heart race from the tiny prick against his nose.

The badger chuckled and pulled his paw back. "Hmm, I don't know. You gotta be willing to prove you got what it takes. Think you can do that?"

The hamster nodded again, an eager look now on his face.

"You don't talk much do you?" The wolf now spoke, resting a paw on his hip.

The hamster shook his head, frowning a bit.

"Hmm, I kinda like that."

"Alright, tell you what. You can ride with us if you can do one little thing..." The wolf chuckled darkly and traced his paws over the front of his tight jeans, slowly pulling down the zipper.

The hamster's eyes widened at the sight before him. The wolf continued pulling down his pants, exposing the already peaking tip of his red cock. It was steadily slinking from the sheath, reaching a full five and a half inches before the arrival of his knot added another inch.

"You still wanna join?"

To the surprise of the gang members, the hamster smiled and nodded again.

"Well, then I guess it's about time you put your money where your mouth is."

This time the hamster was surprised; the back of his head was gripped and pulled in towards the lupine erect dick. The smaller male didn't resist, instead he opened his mouth wide and welcomed the rigid flesh as it slipped past his lips.

The other two watched as the wolf sighed before pushing each and every inch of his shaft inside of the wannabe's mouth. His knot bumped against the small mammal's lips before he pulled the hamster's head back. He shivered against the hot tongue and warm lips that ran up his cock. He couldn't resist the urge to slam them back down on his dick, engulfing it in wet heat.

"Mmm, fuck... So you want it that bad, huh?"

The hamster made no sound and didn't move his head outside of what the wolf made him do. Instead, he worked alongside the pushing and pulling of his head, teasing the surface with the length of his tongue. He took in the wolf's moans and gasps as mini rewards and a sign that he was doing exactly what the lupine wanted.

"G-gotta hand it to you..." The wolf said before hissing from a tongue flick to his cocktip. "You got some skills with this mouth."

Picking up his pace, the wolf rocked the hamster's head in time with his own sudden thrusting. His tip jammed against the hamster's throat but the sucking mammal held firm, not even giving a single gag or cough. Even as the pace increased and a few inches forced themselves into his throat, the hamster focused on swirling and curling his tongue against.

"S-shit... Y-yup... I'm about to cum." The wolf grit his fangs and shoved himself in further, raising his voice as the knot ending his dick was shoved past those lips.

Holding the hamster close with both paws, the lupine groaned and shuddered while his cock spewed against the hot tongue that continued to swirl and lap at his cock. The sucking male drank down the salty substance, taking soft gulps and enjoying the feeling as it slid down his throat.

Panting heavy and his tail swaying in satisfaction, the wolf pulled back, yanking his deflating knot from the hamster's mouth. The quick motion flung strings of his own spit and wolf's spunk against his lips and down his chin. Another gulp came and the last of the lupine's load was swallowed down.

Watching the whole thing rather closely, the panther pushed the wolf aside and quickly undid his belt, soon showing off his own pink length for the hamster to see. Much like the one before him, the panther placed a large paw behind the hamster's head. But instead of forcing the smaller mammal's head forwards, the panther was much more content to simply roll his hips, pumping his cock back and forth within the wet warm mouth as his own leisure.

Deep purrs rumbled from his chest while his lower half slipped back and forth. Within the hamster's mouth, the feline's dick rubbed against the texture of his tongue. He could taste the remnants of sweat and when the humping male pressed himself close, the hamster got a quick whiff of the predator's light musk. It excited him and made his mouth water even more, those fluids dripped from the corners of his mouth, wetting the fur along his muzzle.

The pleasured sounds coming from the panther excited him, and his heart started to race. He knew that there was going to be some kind of initiation but this was all more than he expected. Despite that, the hamster was absolutely thrilled, still trying to wrap his head around what he was doing.

The feelings, sensations, and taste on his tongue made him tingle heavily. Every deep sound the feline made urged him to suckle and slurp harder. He wanted them to be even deeper and all the more frequent. So every time the predator slammed his pelvis against it was met with a bout of heavy lickings and even a few swallows when the tip breached his throat.

"Holy shit... Fuck your mouth is good..." The panther growled deeply as he shoved himself inside of the hamster with extra force. His legs shuddered heavily as his cock was swallowed down the newbie's throat. The speed of his bucking slowed down; the moment the panther felt that tight, clenching hold around his shaft he focused on slinking his cock back and forth within it.

Just like before, the hamster stood firm against the stretching of his throat, working his tongue along the rest of the panther's dick. He could feel the feline's shaft steadily pulsing harder and harder. The growls from the feline grew deeper and louder.

"Just a little warning."

Holding the hamster's head steady, the panther humped harder and faster, thrusting his cock deep within the chubby male's throat, his motions growing steadily stronger and faster. That tight throat, curling tongue and soft lips... It was all too much for him to stand any longer.

"Ooh, son of a-"

The panther's cock throbbed and his balls drew tight as he came within the hamster's mouth, filling the space with his seed. Intense bliss scored through his body, reducing him to a moaning mess as he stood pressed against the newbie. He could hardly keep himself from drooling and his tail stood out straight as the hard bolts of pleasure still surged through his body.

"Best fucking blow I've had in a long time"

"...F-fuuucck..." The panther slowly reeled his cock from the hamster's mouth. It was now extremely sensitive as it dragged against the hot tongue and popped from his lips.

His mind still hazed a bit from the pleasure, the panther took a few steps back, his cock still dribbling thick drips of spunk onto the alley's concrete.

"It's your turn now." The wolf and panther focused on the last member of their crew. The badger looked back at them with a reluctant look on his face.

"Ah, I... N-no," the badger said, crossing his thick arms.

"Come on, bro. It's an initiation. It doesn't mean anything if we don't all do it."

The panther and wolf's leers drilled into the badger until he finally caved.

"Fine. But this is only for initiation."

The badger huffed and approached the awaiting hamster. Despite his words, the tent in his pants could be easily seen by the other males. With another sound of both embarrassment and reluctance, the badger gripped the top of his pants and pulled them down.

Springing from his jeans was a sizable cock in both length and thickness. The hamster's eyes widened but not out of fear or intimidation. Rather the chubby mammal was instantly enthralled by the sight before him. It was so close to his face and just a simple whiff picked up heavy doses of the badger's musk. The cock itself was covered by thick, veiny foreskin that only pulled back enough to expose the thick tip. The entire length of the cock was already giving rhythmic pulses in time with the badger's heartbeat, only leaving the hamster all the more entranced.

The sight of the soon-to-be new member just staring straight at his cock felt weird to the badger himself. But he took a deep breath and told himself that this wasn't about him right now...

Biting the bullet and swallowing his pride, the badger pressed his cock within the hamster's mouth, keeping down the moan that threatened to rise from his throat. He was so focused on keeping his breathing under control that his paws did nothing unlike the others before him. The hamster took it upon himself to bob his head, slipping the more and more of the tasty cock into his mouth.

There was so much for him to lick and suckle on. It filled his mouth well and the light amount of sweat beading the foreskin added an extra rugged flavor. As he took the flavors and smells of the badger's loins, the hamster shuddered and actually drooled around the shaft.

"W-whoa..." The badger again fought with himself to not let out any moans or any other sign that he was actually enjoying this. But not even a minute in, the striped mammal learned it was easier said than done. He had never met someone who could just dive on his dick without issue. Not only that, the hamster was going to town on him, rocking his head back and forth, pressing his mouth up and down on his inches and against his pelvis.

After a few bobs, the badger's crotch fur felt damp from both the smaller mammal's heavy breathing and the hot drool that would sprawl out in lines of saliva upon his muzzle bashing into the muscled pubic area.

Even with the hamster working on his own, the badger's paws still just hung at his sides, occasionally clenching from a burst of feelings. It was becoming harder and harder to keep a straight face against the flicking tongue, hot spit coating his entire cock, and the smooth walls of the hamster's puffy cheeks massaging his shaft every time his cock was pressed inside. Even with heavy breathing and the balling of his fists, it was now a real challenge to contain himself.

And then something else happened. The hamster was already leading by pushing and pulling his own head and mouth against the long, thick cock but now his paws were added to the scenario. They rose up and cupped the badger's warm, fur covered balls. Both of them stroked along the fur, rubbing the twin orbs in just the right way. Now there was the added pleasure of some good ball stroking alongside the impressive blowjob.

The badger's lip trembled and his hips gave the slightest jerk. His breathing deepened and the claws along his toes curled and scratched against the alley's concrete. His climax was barreling towards him much faster than expected.

It was then that the badger finally cried out and shoved his dick past the tongue and squishy cheeks, pressing it against and down the hamster's even hotter and tighter throat.

But right before he could blow his load, the badger snatched his cock from the tight hold. In just the nick of time the striped mammal popped his tip from the hamster's skilled mouth. His cock jumped several times before it spit thick ropes all over the newbie's face, leaving it coated in a heavy layer of musky badger spunk.

"Bro, why the hell did you pull out?"

The badger growled and turned his glare on the onlooking wolf and panther.

"I'm not cumming down another guy's throat. Ugh, that it's even gayer than letting him blow me..."

"And shooting your load on his face isn't gay either?"

"...Shut up..."

The badger stepped back and quickly tucked his wet cock into his pants, muttering to himself as the other guys just chuckled.

The wolf stepped forwards and outstretched his paw, helping the hamster onto his feet. Once the small mammal was standing alongside the rest, the lupine reached into the pocket of his jacket and handed the hamster a rag of sorts.

With a grateful look on his face, the chubby male took the rag and used it to clean himself as best as he could. He managed to get most of the badger's seed up but some of it was left smeared against his pelt. Once he was finished, he handed back to the wolf who just gave another chuckle.

"Eh, you can keep it."

"Guess that's it for the initiation." The panther crossed his arms as he smirked. "And it looks like he passed."

"You got a name, bro?"

The hamster nodded and finally spoke in a voice a little deeper than expected. "They call me Vennie."

"Well, Vennie. You can call me T.T." The speaking wolf pointed a clawed finger at the panther.

The panther cleared his throat and introduced himself. "Name's Keon."

"And over there is Roal."

The hamster turned his gaze to the badger, who had now calmed down and wore a smile like his fellow members.

"Congratulations, Vennie. You're one of us now. Come on. We'll take you to the boss. See what he thinks."

The hamster nodded and followed behind the bigger males, eager to meet the one above them all.

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