Friends Like These Chapter6 - Moving Day

Story by NSnowball on SoFurry

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#6 of Friends Like THese

Its moing day for Naomi but will she like her new pad?

The nigh went off smppth as they laid there in his bed kissing and Z giggling all the time evertime she kissed Snowball; He stopped and asked "Why are you laughting. Is it me?" Sort of i'm giggling because kdding you causes butterflies in my stomach and I love that feeling". "Okay I'll buy that" and he went back to the giggiling bunny. It wouldnt be long before the fell asleep in each ohters arms. But the desire for sex wasnt there. She was content to lay in his arms her breathing matching the rhythm of his. Sehe was in a world all their own.

In the Morning all four of them stmbled out of their bedrooms Snowball starting the coffee as usual. "So you too...."Ace asked being prodded in the arm by Naomi "Ace dont pry" "We snuggled all night if you must know." said Zella "Wait" Ace said " Yuu spent years chasing him to just snuggle?!" Ace looked shocked "Wjat can I say man we didnt cross that bridge she was content in my arms" Snowball said. "Surprised" Shemoni said jining them in the kitchen "I would think years have built up sexual frustation but I can you trying to take this slow and not make mistakes." "We'll be fine Shemoni let us figue it out on our own please." Smowball said. "Okay moving day we need both vehicles and all hands on deck" Ace said "I'd help" came Shemonis response "but I really dont want to."

They all shruggedand took their turns in the shower getting ready for the big move. Ace's challeger srt8 demon hellcat as he called it followed behind snowballs trac to Naomi's apartment. THe trace was fill with carboard boxes; He also had a u-haul traileer behind him. getting to the parking lot they got out and Naomi said "I rented a shed for the furniutre we'll start with that and than start boxing up everthing else. As they climbed the stairs and entered her apartment. The first thing they did was haul her couch out and as they rounded the corner Ace shouted "PIVOT!" Bt rhe afternoon mosto f the furniture was loaded onto the trailer. They took a break eating lunch and buillding the boxes. "Excited Naomi? fFinally no longer a bacherlors pad." exclaimed Zella. "I am sad but happy at the same time. I Finally have a house." "we all do. You me Snowball Shemoni. Four people thatll cut bills down hugely." Ace said as he started packing clothing into a box. It took most of the afternoon to load the trailer and after the furnture was in her storage shed they headed for home as the sun began to set.It took all of them to haul the remaining boxes up, Snowball going one at a time due to his arm crutch. The all sets box after box down and on top of each other in the living romm with wAce panting "I am never doing that again. I Dont plan on moveing again after this.: "Sorry i wasnt much help." Snowball said, "Naw its fine you pulled the U-Haul trasiler good enough for me. Besides we knew you coulkdnt do much." Naomi said. "Well I suppose we better start um[packing what made it to the house." Naomi said.

Other than dinner it took Naomi a while to settle in.But a few pizzas later and she was all moved in with Shemoni lazing on the couch. Snowball and Zella couldnt keep their hands off each other. Naomi and Ace retired to their room. But the other two were content to just snuggle up together in bed, talking. "So if you had this crush for so long why wait to de=o something about it?" Snowball asked. "Nerves and like you I was afraid of fucking our friendship up;" Zella said "When you came to stay with us while your grandparents were moving to tak custody I began to feel something." she continued. "And now that I have you I want to go on an actual date date. say to the county fait or something." "I think I can make that happen. But this scares me you brough my feelings to the surface but Im still afraid of losing you if I fuck up." Snowball said. He kissed her passioinately regardless the two of them in ther PJs.

To br in love yet still afraid. Deep down even Zella was afraid though she wasn't going to admit it. They were just beginning to test the limits of their relationship. The night was quiet as everyone feell asleep til morning came.

Come morning the usual routine up and make coffee. "How was your first night at home Naomi? Sleep well?" Snowball said. "Great. Slept like a baby. I think ill enjoy livving here. All of us is cheapter rent than where I Was." she said "Welcome home Naomi" the other thee said. and so four friends came to live together.

Friends Like These Chapter7 - The First Time

Somehow Zella talked Snowballl got talked into a date and the county fair was just beginning its week long event so the two of them agreed to go on a first date. For the last few nighs Zella spent them with Snowball cuddling up rather than sleeping...

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Friends LIke These Chapter 5 - The Karoke Party

It wasa cool evening for once aftera heat wavepummeled the midwest. all six of them were on the bus heading to their favorite watering hole for karaoke night. It was karaoke night, Snowballls favorite night of the month. "Gonna do it tonight Naomi?"...

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Friends Like These Chapter 4 - The Date

One can only imagine what Ace and Naomi got into ;last night. Or perhaps one didnt But todat Z was refreshed nd renewed Snowball found some time off tonight, but sadle he planned to ask this girl Tanya on a date. his first since high school....

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