Hide 'n Grow.

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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This is a request for mysteryman01 (FurAffinity).

Disclaimer: Digimon is copyrighted to Toei, Bandai, whoever, not by me. Good for them.

Warning: This contains Growth, Breast Expansion, Muscle-Growth, Transformation and Macro.

Karla the Guilmon and Riya the Terriermon are copyrighted to theman01.

Hide 'n Grow, by DragonMasterX.

"I'm gonna catch you, Riya!" a tall Guilmon female said as her paws kicked the dust off the ground, "As soon as you... stop running so fast..." she panted. It was an innocent game of tag.

Riya, the hornless female Terriermon laughed as she hopped while running. Her long ears served to glide, which always gave her an impulse when she needed, so she was able to keep her distance with her friend quite easily, "Maybe if you worked out a bit more you wouldn't be so sluggish, Karla!" she grinned, making the Guilmon femme to fume through her nostrils.

"Oh, you didn't!" Karla snorted, suddenly picking up the pace, hunching forwards and running like a dinosaur raptor hunting its prey. Riya sweat-dropped, thinking that maybe she had sounded unnecessarily harsh, "Come here!"

"Heh! C'mon Karla! No need to bare your fangs like that!" Riya nervously laughed as she pumped her tiny feet to alternate between dashing and gliding even more now. She felt her smaller feet getting tired fast now however, her speed beginning to fall. Karla's fierce look turned into a big grin.

"Got'cha!" the red and white reptilian laughed, resuming a calmed pursuit now that Riya's speed had considerably dropped. She was about to pounce her friend, but all of a sudden something made both of them skid to a halt. A small object had suddenly dropped from the sky and was now in their way.

There was a box, an inconspicuous everyday cardboard box, sitting in the middle of their path. It was closed, and as Riya carefully edged to inspect it she found it had been sealed with conventional duct-tape. Karla caught up, long forgotten about their game, and inspected the box from Riya's side, "Wow. I wonder who threw that. What could be inside?" she asked, her curiosity also spiking. Riya frowned as she reminded Karla of the duct-tape, but then smiled as she pointed at Karla's white claws. "Oooh, gotcha!" she giggled, bonking herself in the face for her own clumsiness, playfully rasped and reached forwards to carefully dig one of her big claws from the far side to the opposite in order to open it, making sure she wouldn't carelessly break anything inside.

After the box was opened, the girls didn't make themselves wait to peer inside. They blinked together in surprise as they found two fruits and a piece of paper resting on a pile of protective foamy bits. They each grabbed one berry, the fruits looking round like an orange but dark green with purple splotches unlike one.

Karla put the rim of her paw in front of her muzzle in contemplation as she read the note which had been written on the white sheet, it read: "To play the ultimate game of hide 'n seek eat these berries and meet me at Pointbreak City. Signed, Ashi." Riya looked up at Karla in wonder, but as their eyes connected their thoughts became clear.

"I wanna play that ultimate game of Hide 'n seek!" Riya exclaimed as if searching for compassion in her partner, and a smile was what Karla gave her in return.

"Well, so do I! And these berries look tasty! Let's eat!" the dinosaur's smile widened. Riya happily cheered and brought the fruit to her mouth, with Karla doing the same. The fruits were no match for their hungry maws, not even for little Riya and her smaller body. They enjoyed the juicy treat until they were gone, save for a few crumbs left on their lips. Riya seemed to brush the crumbs off, but Karla had enjoyed the taste of the berries so much that she hadn't been able to help herself from lapping her own snout to catch any leftover flavor on her scaly face as if she was a canine.

Riya giggled at the sight of her unmannered friend, "Geesh, and I thought I was hungry! Maybe they should've sent more, right?" she laughed, suddenly stopping as she felt a rough tingle spread inside of her as if several microscopic ants had just seeped into her pores at the same time. "Ugh, what was that...?" she asked, holding her hand to her own head, resting her long black-nailed fingers on her forehead.

Wait, something was wrong in that picture, and Karla immediately saw it: "Riya! Look! You have... fingers!" she exasperatedly said, blinking in surprise. Riya blinked as well as she looked to see what Karla was trying to tell her; she had always had fingers, but...

"Wow! What...? These are loooong fingers! Like a human's!" she said, suddenly feeling the tingle again although it focused on her head and below. Feeling the base of her head with the hand she wasn't inspecting and realized her neck had elongated a couple of inches if not more. It wasn't only on her hands and neck now, her legs, feet and arms were starting to grow longer and bigger too, she was transforming! Her arms and legs added bulk to compensate the newly gained girth of her limbs, her waist curving in a feminine manner and being complemented by wide, womanly hips accentuated by large, worked-out thighs. "I can't believe it! Look!" Riya suddenly and excitedly shouted.

The female Terriermon's eyes went down as two lumps had formed on her former flat chest, rising into what seemed to be mounds of significant volume and size. They didn't look larger than B-cups at present but they definitely made her look even more like a female human adult now!

Riya tried saying something else but she noticed Karla had been silent ever since mentioning her fingers. After taking a gander to her friend's side, she widened her eyes realizing that the Guilmon hadn't been spared from changes at all.

While Riya had shot up from a standard roughly two feet tall Terriermon to an impressive full eight feet anthropomorphic bunny girl, Karla had gone beyond that and had torn through the ten foot mark with her equally if not larger Amazonian-build. "I know, look here too!" Karla finally squealed as she put her arms down on her muscle-ripped thighs, purposely causing her double E cups squeeze together like a pair of basketballs for emphasis. Riya's breasts had also developed more and were relatively the same shape and size as Karla, but the anthropomorphic reptilian had grown even taller! The changes hadn't just produced muscles and a humanoid shape on them only, but they were so fixated with their new assets that they hardly had paid attention to the long strands of hair, blonde for Riya and brown for Karla, that now beautifully flowed from their heads down their backs and to their perfect rumps, resulting in wild, supple manes that complimented their extremely powerful feminine looks.

While Riya had been mildly disappointed at her inferior growth spurt, she put on a mellow as she crossed her arms under her larger bust and inspected the pink nipples at the tip of her mounds. Losing her eyes into their bright and natural color, she blushed as she started having naughty thoughts; thoughts that she had never expected to have about herself. Karla was about to make a comment about what was going on but noticed a dark blush in Riya's face. Her friend looked awfully fixated in her new girl parts, and that made her snicker a bit.

"Do you think this might be a dream?" Karla suddenly asked, and without waiting for any answer gingerly reached forwards, filling her right paw with a handful of Riya's left tit, making Riya moan and blush brighter, "You felt that, and I think I'm very real. I doubt we're dreaming..." she said with a seductive smile, making Riya's blush to intensify.

"Hey, c'mon, you're sounding naughty!" Riya accused, but she couldn't deny that she wasn't feeling the intense pleasure this 'innocent' touch was giving her. She betrayed her own comment with a louder, hornier moan as Karla suddenly squeezed with her paw.

"Ooh, they are so soft!" she playfully rasped, subtracting the former sensuality and replacing it with an expression of gingerliness.

"Aren't you having a lot of fun with them?" Riya giggled, "Here, it's my turn to try yours!"

"Sure, go ahead!" Karla eagerly said, moving her arms behind her to stick her prominent chest out to Riya, who already had her paw on her right boob. The bunny digimorph carefully leaned in to feel it more and more until she was quite literally face to face with Karla's massive set of teats. "So... ahhh... do they feel soft too?"

"They feel great! They're like cushions, wheee!" Riya excitedly shouted, jumping on Karla who barely budged, her chest having absorbed most of the impact caused by the staggering weight of the bunny girl's bulk. Riya smiled like a little girl as her pale green arms wrapped around the Guilmon morph's right tit to squeeze it like a cute stuffed animal.

"Mmm, okay, okay! You don't have to squeeze so hard though! Hee hee, you're gonna pop it!" Karla laughed, although she had to admit that Riya's grip was growing harder and harder.

"Oh, sorry! Teehee, I don't know my own," but her phrase stopped right there, Riya cranking her head to the side as she caught sight of her tingly and shaking right arm, "Strength...?" she completed. Letting out a gasp of surprise and pleasure, Riya stared as her already round biceps suddenly began escalating in both power and size, veins starting to pop out everywhere despite her not being putting anymore tension in her muscles. Riya stared wide-eyed as her triceps followed the ballooning without pause and in mere seconds her arm doubled in size. The new spurt however, did not stop there.

A warm feeling in her mid-section caused Riya to stop hugging and look down at her abdomen. Unfortunately, the sheer size of her massive chest didn't allow her to look at the source of the pleasurable feeling so she had to use her paws to feel. Riya's eyes became as wide as plates as she felt the uncanny hardness that her belly now represented: She had developed large, hard packs of abdominals that quickly formed into rows to show off a six pack beginning at the upper line of her massive hips and ending just under her bust line, covering her belly with bulging muscle.

And her body wasn't even half done.

Karla's eyes weren't as wide with surprise, but she was surprised alright. Riya seemed to be getting bigger again; Karla was eye-level with Riya's neck now, she guessed Riya was nearly 13 feet tall at that point if not larger. "Hey, Riya, you're, oof!" Karla tried, but without warning Riya's body suddenly exploded with growth, her boobs enlarging to bigger proportions than before, pushing the reptilian's snout back... along with the rest of her body.

Regardless of the gigantic mounds Riya now had, her body had decided to continue growing larger, beefier. It was bulking up again, her legs thickened more than ever, but her arms never fell behind and in fact were as thick, if not more so, bulging with powerful vascular bunny girl muscles. Riya found herself moaning throughout the entire ordeal and beyond, her body itself seeming to cry out in pleasure as it became larger and larger without a set goal. It was so surreal and fantastic in fact, that Riya was completely absorbed into her growth, unable to hear Karla underneath, who was being smothered by the growing breasts of the now 15 feet tall amazon.

Karla had observed her friend's growth all along in silence, but not by choice. Every time she would try to edge backwards to give Riya's body space, those large boobs would come her way and push her snout up by the chin, making Karla wonder when Riya's spurt would end. Her question never got answered at that point, but a question she had yet to ask herself responded itself in the blink of an eye. Riya seemed to be bursting with expansion and growth, but where had Karla's gone?

The moment it hit, Karla's pupils shrank and her eyes suddenly sharpened as several sections of her body began to tingle at once, sending jolts of orgasmic bliss up to her brain. Karla let out a playful growl as her arms bulged biceps the size of basketballs and, much like her friend, she didn't even have to flex the mighty logs of veiny might. The rest of her body caught up quickly and grew larger and larger, quicker than Riya.

At 18 feet, Riya was pretty much lost into a world of bodily pleasure, but the familiar sight of brown alerted her, making her gasp in surprise as Karla's snout was suddenly laying on her vast bosom once again, "K-Karla...!" Riya finally said, having snapped out of her bliss, "You're growing again!" she smiled, but then mellowed and raised her eyebrows in wonder as the titaness of a Guilmon began surging ahead and over her own growing form. Their eyes briefly met for a split second where they both caught sight of each other's pleased but agitated expressions, Karla's head rising beyond Riya's now 20 feet tall body. The girls continued growing together, but Karla had gained the upper 'hand', her boobs now being sprawled over Riya's, making them both whimper loudly as the sensitiveness of the giant mammaries finally registered; they were absolutely massive, and each of the breasts could easily be compared in shape and form to an over-inflated beach ball.

Karla's accelerated growth took a chill pill by the point she reached 28 feet with Riya still behind at 22. "By Yggdrasil, just look at us!" Karla boomed as they grew, "This strong and pretty and we're not even done!" she giggled, her tail wagging above her round ass, plump and big as her tits but hard and firm as her biceps. They happily moaned together as a sudden surge pushed all of their beautiful body parts outwards at once, making them ten feet taller instantaneously, then twenty, then thirty, there being a difference in the final height of both by 8 feet in favor of Karla.

Riya seemed not to mind it now, their bodies were hot, they kept getting hotter AND bigger, plus she already had had the pleasure of being larger than Karla for a brief moment earlier anyway. She was now just happy that they could keep experiencing this awesome sensation just by breathing. Riya and Karla seemed to have slowed down by 60 and 70 feet, and were currently staring at each other quite admiringly.

Karla was a true titaness of power. Her every scale brimmed with raw physical strength, but her extremely wide hips, large chest and perfectly curvy waist maintained a certain air of femenity. It was hard not to notice 70 foot tall and several tons worth of lizard muscle though, and Karla couldn't have it any other way. She had always been conscious about herself and her body looks before, and now that her new body not only represented fitness but also sheer power and beauty she was ecstatic and proud. She wasn't sure of what to do, if to flash her curves to her friend by posing with her clawed paws on her hips or by simply stretching. Karla had to admit that Riya looked awfully tempting, as ripped as she was but just slightly smaller than she was.

Riya felt her biceps, unable to believe the hardness but also the control she had over their form. She was dumbstruck and excited at the same time, like a child with her new toy. The Terriermon morph dumbly grinned as she flexed as if she was a body-builder, trying various poses to flash her muscles to Karla, "Look, I'm so strong! I've always been so small, but I'm so big right now! I Love it, Karla!" she cheered, doing a side-chest to bulge her pectorals and push her bust out to an even more prominent sight as her biceps and thighs bulged and popped veins everywhere, "Mmmmngh..." she moaned ecstatically, "Whoever sent this must really like us!!" she laughed, suddenly yipping, "Eeek! Hey!" she moaned, closing an eye as Karla's paws once again found their way to grope her ballooning chest.

"Hehe. Sorry, I couldn't help it!" Karla giggled, "And here I thought I was the one who'd be doing the posing. Mrrr, you sure look good yourself when you show off a bit, you know?" she murred contently, squeezing the car-sized mounds with her appallingly large claws, making Riya groan in pleasure.

The Terriermon moaned louder and added "Mmngh, you're such a perv, you knew that? Hmm, but so am I, I think!" With a snicker, she reached under Karla's massive boobs and groped them from underneath, causing the scaly to grind her muscled legs together and whimper in pleasure. "Hee! They're so sensitive...!" she grinned happily, but moaned as Karla gave her another tight squeeze. They groped each other for a good while, unaware that they had kept on growing larger, adding feet after feet to their already staggering forms, their paws starting to overtake the terrain under their giant toes, the box they had taken the berries from earlier now smaller than a marble to them.

A hundred feet for Karla quickly doubled and then tripled, with her humongous form reaching a monstrous six hundred, with Riya always closely behind at only thirty feet shorter, the plains they had been using to play their innocent tag game now overrun by their clawed feet and their girlish moans from their playful gropes.

Several moments of bodily exploration, rump-comparison contests and displays of brute force later, the girls found themselves sitting across the emptiness of the plains, laughing to each other at their naughty games. "I never thought being a giant could be this fun, Riya!" Karla admitted, her tail razing the grassy surroundings with quaking might as Riya's ears twitched.

"I know! This has to be the funniest day of my life! Too bad that we didn't grow bigger, huh? I was scared when I realized we had really gone gigantic, but..." Riya blushed, briefly stopping as she smiled to her friend, "I'm glad I was with you. I feel like I don't have anything to be afraid of, not even spontaneously berry-based growth spurts like these!" she laughed.

Karla blushed but smiled, "Riya..." she then grinned, "Well, let's make this day even funnier! You remember the note, right?"

Riya thought for a bit, but then she recalled and went on her knees, leaning forwards excitedly, causing her mammaries to swing with her, "Are we gonna to go look for Ashi?!"

"Yeah! She invited us for the ultimate hide 'n seek game, remember?" Karla explained, standing up, her own chest conspicuously bouncing and jiggling with even the slightest of the movements, "We gotta thank her, too!"

Riya happily bounced to her feet and then looked around, her ears twitching a bit as she seemed to be orientating herself. "Pointbreak City, right? This way, Karla!" she grinned.

"We're going to have a lot of fun!" Karla said, putting her hand on Riya's shoulder.

The Fall of a Heroine.

This is a request for tigerlily (DigiArtistsDomain.org forums). Warning: This contains bukkake, breast expansion and lactation. Kaze and Linvar are copyrighted to tigerlily. -------------------------------------- The Fall of a Heroine, by...

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This is a request for Kyosan (DigiArtistsDomain.org forums). Non-heard, unofficial warning: If you are bothered by adult themed material or do not wish to read about two fictional characters having an intercourse together, then I suggest you go away...

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The Project.

Warning, this story contains giga mega macro growth, masturbation and lots and lots of text. The Project, by DragonMasterX. From the main entrance to its elevated platform, the Dome of Discovery and Progress was a gigantic and extensive place with...

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