Krystal in: Rebellions end

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#15 of Star Fox: Rebellion

years later Krystal meets with there friends and sees how a rebellion changed things for them.

A distant finale for this series hope you enjoy it as well as the others in it. i may add more tales to this later but for now it's finished.

Krystal woke up with a start as the building AC unit kicking into high gear had tied to a point in her nightmare of a fully charged laser closing on her. Brushing her hair out of her face as she got out of bed Krystal sighed. It had been nearly a decade since Starfox's rebellion and she was still having dreams of her death in a fight that had been won long ago. Stepping around the hotel bed she started gathering her things. Starfox had disbanded not long after the fighting had ended. Mercenaries didn't make a ton of sense in a galaxy that had had it's criminal elements totally purged... one way or another.

The blue vixen caught sight of herself in the mirror and couldn't help but compare herself now to herself then. Krystal tended to wear her hair longer these days; it hung down her back flat and silken it framed her face in the front. Carmelita was jealous at how well Krystal had kept her color and to be fair Carmelita's hair had gone white with shocking speed. Krystal's breasts were a fair bit bigger, her hips wider and she bore the unmistakable marks of childbirth in her pudgy belly. Krystal thought she looked fairly good for a mother of three. Well truthfully she was a mother of ten, she had only given birth to three however. As she lamented that her ass had never fully regained it's tone she thought of her children.

Sly's son was named Orion since he was the raccoon's third born. He had his mothers color and that was about it. Orion was his father's son through and through. a charming rogue of a raccoon who couldn't wait to become a master thief just like his dad. Orion had been her third child and had been the point where she decided enough was enough. Before Orion was Fara's daughter Alex. Both of the children Fara had fathered were natural born hermaphrodites. It had made for rather interesting times at the hospital. A half sedated Krystal had nearly killed a doctor who was insisting they should try to remove one set of sex organs. Her first child Marcus McCloud was Fox's boy. The oldest child in her family by all of one day. Krystal was greatly amused that all of her children had inherited her bright blue fur. For the most part they looked like their fathers had been shrunken down and dyed blue.

Krystal broke from her reminiscence and picked up her bag heading out of the hotel. Waiting downstairs was a car that whisked her away. Staring out the window as the city streets whizzed by her thoughts went back to her family.

Sly had suffered an injury to his leg during the final stage of the battle. While the physical injury had been healed just fine Sly still treated the leg gingerly even now. Krystal suspected that the injury had been much more severe than he had let on at the time. Regardless, Sly had swapped his family cane for a walking cane and left the thief's life behind. Reynard -his first born son- had no interest in his fathers lineage of master thieves. The grey furred fox -Carmelita's first child- wanted to be an agent of the law much to Sly's lament. His daughter June also took after her mother and followed Fara around asking how the vixen made this or that or the other. Sly was convinced June would change her mind eventually.

Fara had four children admittedly she had only been pregnant twice but it still blew Krystal's mind sometimes. Pregnancy had been fairly rough on Fara but not in the same way it had been for Carmelita or Krystal. Krystal had suffered headaches, dizzy spells and violent mood swings and Carmelita had been prone to sudden fainting and weird food cravings. Fara took the cake though her pregnancies had come with her having to eat near constantly to avoid starving due to some complication and on top of that the pressure of her growing womb turned the vixen on giving near constant stimulation to her cock. Fara's extreme horniness faded a bit after she gave birth but as a result of her diet during them Fara was the most mom bodded of the the three vixens, Not that any of them minded. Carmelita's second child Justin was Fara's first attempt at getting one of them pregnant. Fara had succeeded just days after she started to show from her first pregnancy and hours before she discovered the side effects of said pregnancy. Justin was quietest of their children and showed a flair for art as well as a bit of talent at singing when he thought no one was looking.

Fox McCloud had definitely gotten the Dad bod but as they all assured him it looked good on him. The weird part was that the change had just sprung out of nowhere, his diet hadn't changed, he hadn't stopped exercising. Out of nowhere his gut swelled out, his muscles fused into solid slabs and the fur on his chin kept growing out thicker. The best they could figure was it was some sort of hormone crash that ran in his family. Which was a solid enough theory but for the one hole that was his sex drive being even greater than before. Fox was the one that brought them all together and Krystal would always be grateful to have him in her life. Even if seeing The golden furred angel child hat he had given Fara had nearly drove her to murder him in her defense she was very pregnant when it happened. Halo was a Daddy's girl and even her mother didn't have the skill to manipulate Fox like Halo did. Not that the girl ever did anything wrong with it.

Carmelita Montoya Fox... it had taken Krystal a long time to warm up to other vixen but once they had connected oh there was some heat there. The vixen had become a lover to her with almost as much intensity as Krystal had to Fox. Not only that the red vixen had proven surprisingly daring at times and had helped Krystal open up to group activities. Krystal in reflective moments like this was sure that if she'd never fallen for Carmelita their family would have fallen apart. Carmelita's hair going white was about the only sign of aging or motherhood that the vixen had suffered. The only one she suffered because everyone in the family who would notice such a thing agreed her increased bust and swelled bottom made her much more attractive.

The car came to a halt and Krystal exited looking on at the palatial estate before her.

"Krystal!" An excited voice shouted before a small green and black figure burst through the doors running towards the vixen at full speed as her parents tried to stop her. Krystal put her hand up and caught the girl who had launched her whole body at her like a missile with her telekinesis. "Aww ya caught me!" Gwen the sarutoad said as she was lowered to the ground. The hybrid child took after her father most. A short round body with almost stubby limbs. Her hands, feet and teeth were closer to her mothers though making her a little ball of sharp. Slippy and Sarah finally got down the stairs to meet with Krystal.

"Sorry she was watching the door while we were cleaning a mess." Sarah said, pulling her daughter back towards her. "Speaking of which... go back inside and clean your room."

"Aw but mom!" the child protested. Putting on the biggest frown she could manage and considering she had a mouth nearly as big as her fathers that was saying something.

"Do you know why I don't have any sisters?" Sarah asked, leaning down to look her daughter in the eye.

"No." Gwen replied, eyeing her mother skeptically.

"Because my mother ate them for talking back." Sarah said and laughed as the hybrid child bolted inside.

Slippy shook his head. "You shouldn't tell her things like that."

"Why not? It's true..."Sarah said looking contemplative. "It's been a while since we last talked, let's sit inside and chat." The saurian said heading inside and beckoning to be followed.

Once inside Krystal sat and swapped the details of life with her old crew-mates. Bentley and Viper were due to have another child soon. Which if Krystal was keeping count right put the turtle and snake at fifteen successful births. Krystal was happy to hear that but noted to herself that Gwen was still the only child in this house, she wisely avoided broaching the topic of the couple's last attempt at a second child. The pair themselves were quite happy Slippy was making a fortune selling stripped back versions of the Bio forge to various hospitals. It was about an hour before the couple excused themself to check on Gwen and Krystal took her leave back to the car.

It was a good thirty minute drive before she arrived at her next stop. Robie Clank Ratchet and Kat had taken the Neo Great Fox and converted it into a rather luxurious set of apartment buildings. An apartment that had quickly become the Lombax Resurrection Committee as Ratchet and Kat had turned a not insignificant amount of the "reformed criminals" of Starwolf into Lombaxes after the fighting had ended. And thanks to a modified Gadgetron gizmo they had more than a few willing volunteers to the cause. Krystal didn't stick around long; the two didn't have a lot of time to spare since they were trying to save a whole species. Krystal didn't miss the roundness of Kat's belly and when she caught the feline's eye Krystal received a shush with an indication that Kat had a litter of four coming. Krystal wished the pair good luck (and they would need it; those four would mark the twenty second through twenty fifth children.) before heading on down the road.

It was about an hour before the next stop.The structure was apparently a style popular in Crane's old homeland though modified with a bit of Lylat aesthetic. A large five story structure that had balconies wrapping around each level giving it about as much width as height Falco came out, her belly big and round as another round of eggs was due. Krystal could not think of a time when she had seen the pheasant happier. Crane was busy preparing the nest for the next clutch. Falco admitted that she had too many kids already (seven and counting) but that she just couldn't convince Crane to use a condom or say no to him when he got horny. Krystal left as Falco let out a squawk and waddled inside. As a passing thought Krystal concluded that motherhood looked very well up on Falco

It was a half hour drive to the Woodlands where a large-ish wooden cabin marked her next meet up. Peppy and Tigress at first seemed not to be home until Krystal had made the mistake of using her Telekinesis to let herself in, She found the couple in an upstairs bedroom and became aware of two things. The first that Tigress was very pregnant and the second that she was hermaphrodite now. The former was obvious just looking at her, the latter was because Peppy was fellating her when Krystal walked in. The visit was short and awkward. Peppy was flustered about being seen in such a position, Tigress was frustrated about being interrupted and Krystal was wondering just how long Tigress had been packing. Krystal congratulated the pair on their coming child and left as soon as she could manage. There are some things you just don't need to know about your in-laws.

The sun was climbing high as she arrived in the small field Fay and Starla had picked as a meeting point. The couple were enjoying a long tour of the world doing medical work on the side. Krystal was relieved to see Fay looked more like his old self. The spaniel had swapped the dark blue fur and green lines of his initial transformation for white fur and softer blue lines. Starla looked to have gotten some in enhancements herself if the hot pink lines visible beneath her wool and her expanded bust were any clues. The two informed her they had actually bought a house not far off and they were planning to have a child soon. Krystal wished them luck and headed out.

About twenty minutes later she stopped at a building that was built for durability over style.Po and Murray were sparring in the yard when Krystal arrived. They had two or three dedicated arenas. Murray apologized about not inviting her in but things were a mess inside. Po let her know that the pair were enjoying a very active love life despite their new jobs as kung-fu instructors and professional driving instructor respectively. As Krystal was leaving the vixen learned from the duo that Lucy and Penelope were not going to be able to meet up with her as the pair were either adopting a child or making one somehow. Murray and Po disagreed on what was going on there but the result was the same. Krystal gave a shrug wished the couple well and moved on.

Krystal was about halfway to her meet up with Miyu and Panther when she spotted a familiar face. Well a recognizable face at any rate. Out on the streets was Leon Powalski or rather the person that Leon had been turned into. The chameleon had been destroyed and killed in every way that mattered. Starfox had erased the lizard's mind, changed him into a her and then turned the chameleon into a squirrel just to be sure. But there on the street dancing in a skimpy dress for a crowd of men who were throwing her stacks of cash was the squirrel with the distinctive Star pattern in her fur.

It was only after arriving in Miyu's stylish two level home that Krystal found out what was going on with the former criminal. Miyu had the dirt on Leon or as she was known of late Chi. Apparently the squirrel was a naturally flirtatious sort with a gift for talking folks into giving up their money and a love of showing bare fur. As for news on the lynx herself... Miyu had found a "suitable" sperm donor at long last and her belly was big and round. She was ready to pop and by the cat's own estimation she had about two days left before the big day. Panther slunk down the stairs as Krystal left and the fox wondered if Panther was the father despite having been reduced to that feral form. She shrugged it off, this was as her friends from Starlink would say not her circus.

Lastly came her brother. Saber had dragged his feet on moving off Sauria for the longest time. It had taken the shutting down of the prison and his favorite plaything getting pregnant to get him to move somewhere where the hospitals had consistent access to cleaning supplies. The building was nothing special, a three story house with a veritable jungle as a front yard. Krystal nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw not her brother open the door but a large grey wolf in nothing but a speedo. It was then she remembered her brother had a type, Well not really a type but a very specific fetish. She walked in and found her brother (a self professed modern caveman) lounging in a chair in nothing but a loin cloth as six grey female wolves differentiated only by the color of their nails,hair and lips lay naked around him. The one in purple (presently breast feeding two pups) she knew was Wolf O'Donnell other than that she had no clue who these people were. Her brother had taken a liking to picking out tough guy wolves like O'Donnell and slowly stripping their masculinity from them until they were obedient girls. It had nearly started a fight between the two of them but Saber had laid out some rules about how he did it that she found hard to argue with. The man at the door was on strike one the worst that had happened to him was a bit of lost muscle. Krystal didn't linger long at her brother's home, staying just long enough to learn that she was now an aunt to twelve children.

Finally Krystal went home. She was the only one part of her family there for the moment. The children were at school and everyone else was out for a moment dealing with being the rulers of Corneria and all of Lylat. The fighting had gotten really nasty but Strafox had known that numbers weren't going to work on General Sheer Doverman and his army of drones from the start. So they'd rigged the game. A strain of nanites released into the upper atmosphere spreading everywhere on the planet affecting every living creature with a fairly simple mental conditioning "Obey StarFox." Sheer had been affected before he knew it; he'd shut down his drone army and surrendered. Krystal took off her clothes and collapsed onto her bed and wondered which of her lovers would get home first. She stroked her her breasts and her sex and she wondered if it her life could be any better. She knew regardless of which one of her lovers got home first she would have a delightful evening as she shared the news with them.


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