Spring Breeding

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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With the lusts of spring in the air, two randy lady-furs can't resist the lure of some spring breeding from a stud of a stag!

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Story © Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe

Characters © respective owners

Breeding YCH

Spring Breeding

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

A YCH commissioned by LunarPearl10, Aura Wolf, thatonefurr

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"Have you called him yet?"

Oni hissed, the black and red vixen rocking and grinding, her sex stuffed with a thick dildo, though it was not enough. The sofa was already soaked with her juices as she licked her lips and howled out her pleasure, though the rod of her cock was not something that could soothe the edge of her need in a moment like that.

The phone pressed to the side of the hermaphrodite's face crackled with static and she swore, cunt ablaze, seemingly with the kind of lust that she could not sate for herself.

"Yeah..." Her friend, Squishy, on the other end of the line, was just as bad as her, though the feline surely rang through with a deeper, even more feral need. "You can come over... He's...unff...getting here...soon..."

That was all Oni needed to know, leaping up, breath caught in her throat, a ragged moan tearing itself from her maw. Out and up - that was all she had to do. It could be easy, so easy, but it never was that easy, grunting thickly in the back of her throat, tense and unyielding, scrabbling for clothes that were strewn, well...pretty much all over the place. It was a credit to her that she was able to get any manner of clothes on at all, though she skipped out on underwear, her cock tenting out the front of her shorts. Well, that didn't feel like anything she could control, smirking before the hallway mirror, keys jingling in her paw.

There was no time to dally.

It was time to get her pussy bred.


The stag, a god of the forest and land over which he gently ruled, could not have expected to find not one but two femfurs on entering the home of a friend of his. She was a strange sort of wildcat, Squishy, not the type that he was used to, but something in her feral nature, a little rough around the edges and striking into modern society with the flash of her pink hair and curved horns, appealed to him. Akurah grunted softly, his soft nose quivering, but Squishy did not seem obliged to explain to him what was going on, sprawled out on the living room floor with Oni next to her.

"We've been waiting," Oni murmured, trying to stagger upright, though the fox's knees were weak with breeding need. "What took you so long...Ak...Akur...Akur..."


The stag smiled, eyes dark and soft, drawing her in, though it was what lay under his belly, close to the join of his hind legs to his body, that a lady in need, even if she had a shaft too, that Oni desired. The stag's head raised proudly high, a thick ruff of moss and foliage spilling proudly down and around his neck to his chest, though the garb of nature was just one of many things that crowned him the absolute king of the forest.

"Why don't you fuck me and show me what you can do, deer?" Oni goaded him, licking her lips even as the feline beside her grunted and sprawled, her pussy flushed and lightly swollen with heat. "You're wasting time!"

Yet a lord such as Akurah did not have to raise his voice to prove his dominance, all coming softly and naturally to him. It was the way of it, after all, as he advanced, cloven hooves pressing down lightly into the carpet and finding the needed amount of purchase there.

"I think it is you that should please me first."

His deep voice sent a shiver down Oni's spine, yet it was Squishy, the feline with a hide patterned like that of a lynx, brown struck through with darker slashes of markings, that advanced first. It was too much for her, though she liked to think that she was the one in charge, a low growl pulling from her lips.

"Not my fault you took so long."

Her eyes flashed fiercely and anything other than the lord that Akurah was would have been intimidated by her approach, how she hunkered down close to the ground, her form almost quadruped in the way that she crawled. The stag, however, tipped his head up high, proudly, his shaft slipping out of the sheath under his belly, a thick, tapered length that was designed for a doe - though would do more than well on any other female too. The thick length was girthy, wide, thicker than anyone could have expected from him without seeing it before, the type of cock that would stretch out a partner and, to the uninitiated, even hyperphallic.

Squishy knew and expected that, however, panting heavily, greedy lust coursing through her. It was not like her to be weak, thus she took on the semblance of power, trying to take control, even when that control was not hers to take. It didn't matter, however, what she thought she was doing and how she was doing it as long as all there got what they needed, purring thickly in her throat as she lapped down his cock, savouring the length. The raspy length of her tongue took a while to sweep down the entire shaft, his cock swelling even more up against her tongue as if he had not reached his full size, though it was the light rocking of his hips that ground it against her.

Oni frowned, her paw between her thighs, her cock forgotten. What was he doing paying attention to the feline? Jealousy flared up within her, a burning feeling deep in her gut, clawing at the pit of her stomach.

"Hey! You know there's two of us here, right?"

She would have stalked proudly to him in all her naked glory, the black and red of her fur erotic enough as it was, but her legs trembled too desperately with need for that, dropping to her knees, growling. She could have been a monster, crawling and whining with a desperate edge of need that snarled up deep inside her. Oni could not call halt to it, kneeling opposite the feline, not to be outdone, though she challenged her with her eyes.

Back off.

_ _

Squishy was not deterred, claws pricking out, too caught up in lust to pause. No, she could not, would not, pressing in, nuzzling into the stag's balls, the huge, heaving orbs that were so much bigger and rounder than anything that she had naturally experienced before. They were beyond the realm of natural possibility and yet Squishy knew, intimately so, that what one thought was possible could often transcend, become even more.

The stag did not care, rumbling throatily, the moss quivering as it draped luxuriously over his antlers. Akurah may have been a creature and a lord of the forest itself but he was not immune to such delights, the fleshy length of his cock throbbing as they yearned for him. He rolled his hips forward gently, demanding more that they were more than ready to give, a grunt in the back of his throat dragging them on, pre-cum oozing forth.

"Yes... All of it."

A little direction, just a little, had them sharing his cock like the old friends that they were, growling and grumbling, tempering down their lust only enough so that they could better serve him. And just who would not have wanted to feel the tense embrace of his shaft as he thrust against Oni's lips, teasing her with the threat of penetration, even if his cock was too large even for her slutty muzzle without the aid of magic. Oni, of course, could have had that at her disposal if the inclination took her at any time, but she had not prepared any potions from her shop, much to her dismay.

That would come, however, as she suckled salaciously on the tip, taking it as deep as she could, though her jaws could only strain so wide. She grunted around him, tail flicking up, hips grinding back, her shaft spilling more and more pre-cum, even though it would be a part of her that would prove to be forgotten int eh course of lust. For it was her tight cunt that yearned for more, twitching and clenching down on nothing at all, needing something, a breeding rod like the stag's, to stuff her full above the need of all else.

Akurah's groans rose but that only drove Squishy on even more, battling Oni for precedence over his thickly dripping cock. The spill of pre-cum had her need even higher, purring and moaning, one sound after the other that had not been heard for so long pouring from her lips.

More, she needed more. And the shudder that ran through the stag's body told her that she would get it.

"Oni... Get on all fours."

The fox hastened to obey, moaning out loud, using a footstool to put herself at a better height for the deer, though she would not have cared one bit if it had not been padded. Sometimes that added edge of pain was all that was needed, the tease and flicker of something more that had her moaning, groaning, lusting for the peak of orgasm like never before.

"Oh, yesss... Fuck me, breed me."

Yet she still demanded everything that she thought she wanted, her mind running rampant, pussy slick with her juices. It was the only part of her that mattered as the stag stepped imperiously over her, hide quivering, his cock ready and firm.

"Squishy..." He had something for the fox that would bring her down a notch, remind her of her place in spring breeding lust. "Bind her paws. Ankles apart. Do you still have the equipment?"

Oni's eyes widened. How could he be so formal when there was so much going on? Yet she could not pause, not as the stag's shaft ground up between her rear cheeks, the soft flesh of her arse covering firm muscle as she grunted in the back of her throat, passion rising. The cat worked swiftly, though Oni had not even known that she had such tools in her home - was she kinkier than even the fox knew? She shuddered. Maybe she and Squishy would have to have some fun on their own when breeding lust was satisfied...

Her hind paws were yanked apart, tail flipping up, a spreader bar and metal cuffs locking into place, holding her in place. The weight of her body and that of Akurah pressing down over her pinned her in place and yet Squishy did not take anything lightly, obeying him completely as the fox's paws were tied, wrist to wrist, behind her back. It was light bondage, for Oni, but enough to send a delicious shiver through her body, fading and slipping, her eyes glazing over with a more submissive teasing of glee.

Yet the thrust of his cock took her away to another place, deep in submission, his cock pushing and pulling at her, catching in the folds of her pussy. Her sex welcomed him in as he thrust smoothly, striking home, parting her sex as if all was meant to be, her body easing him inside. Yet the fox did not take any of it easily, moaning and grunting, her jaws hanging open as her tongue spilt out.

Words were lost to Oni as Akurah thrust and thrust, marvelling at how easily her body took him. Though that only meant that he did not need to worry one bit about going gently as he powered in, letting the natural rhythm and pace of his body ease through it all, a low rumble rising from the back of his throat.

"Mmm... You were ready for this."

The lord of the forest gave the statement imperiously, flanks shuddering, though he could not forget, of course, the other femfur in the room. A kind look from him had the rather hot and bothered cat lying back on the sofa before him, positioned close enough so that all three of them could enjoy each other's bodies without getting in each other's way. Of course, he still had to bend his head and neck down to her as she lay back, hitching her hips up as much as possible as her toes curled around the edge of the sofa cushions, but that was a small price to pay for such passion.

Akurah moaned into her sex, grunting softly, leaning into it as his tongue swirled up deep inside her. He needed it as much as they did, so much to distract him, everything coming together all at once, even though there was too much to focus on. But that was fine, for one breeding round would not be all that he took from the two females, a hot sex rippling around his cock as Oni took him deep, inch after inch of his huge length disappearing into her. Squishy whimpered and bucked up against him, though she only wanted it more, shakily reaching for him, even if she did not dare cling to his antlers in her current state of mind.

No... No, that was not for her, not in a moment like that. She didn't know how the stag managed to make her so weak at the knees each time they came together, but he managed it all the same. Some questions did not have easy answers attached to them and that was all well and good, as long as the pleasure came all the same. It warmed them through, both Oni and Squishy, the cat moaning and mewling, sounding more like a weak kitten than the strong warrior that she was, who she knew she was.

Yet it was better to be in her place, all the same, his strong tongue curling into her, flicking up deep inside. It stroked her G-spot, the stag knowing exactly where to go, what it needed to do, her lips suckling softly around him, though he had no doubt in his mind that she would be far tighter than Oni. That would be fine, however, not something that would hold any of them back, the cat clinging to his muzzle shyly as the flaring heat and need in her loins blossomed.

Still, he had more than one femfur to please and his thrusts drove more and more powerfully into the fox, feeling out the shape of her, just how passionately he could drive in all for their mutual pleasure. Her body accepted him so readily that he even gave a throaty grunt as he powered in, the slap of his flesh on hers as his nuts swung something to be marvelled at. Had he ever managed to get his cock that deeply inside an anthro before? It was not something to be lingered on, however, as passion rose, powering in, thrusting and grinding, stretching her out, the fox whimpering and drooling under him.

"Yes... Oh, harder - harder!"

Oni was insatiable, lust bubbling up within her, crying out for more even through her first orgasm. As if one would ever be enough for her! She was not the kind of fox that could satisfy herself with only that, and yet the tight seal her _cunt_made around his cock, for her mind was apt to go for cruder, harsher language, was all she craved. More, always more, the ramming, driving thrusts of the stag sending her spiralling in the best of ways, putting her in her place. She needed his cum, of course, to soothe the spring breeding need in her soul, yet the thrusts helped, at least a little, telling her body that everything she needed and then some was coming to her.

She would have ground back onto his cock if she had been in a position to do so, but her bondage held her fast, treated to the feel of his thick fur pressing down over her. She was pinned and kept right where the powerful stag in rut and his rolling, swollen nuts needed her to be, thrusting and grinding, hammering in over and over again. Her sex pulled around him as if her body hated the mere notion of releasing his thick length when he drew back, moaning out for him, though all that came from Oni's lips was complete and utter gibberish.

It didn't matter, Akurah's smirk pressed into the feline's pussy as he lapped and swirled his tongue up deep inside, trying to feel out her G-spot, though it was not so easy to target. A male like him, a breeding stud, knew where to target, however, moaning into her sex, slurping and grunting pressing his nose in against her clit. Squishy's hips thrust up against him as he panted hotly against her, though neither could stop when the heat of the moment swamped them, taking them up and away to another time, a better place, a place where lust above all else pressed into them.

Her juices drooled thickly onto his tongue as the fox under him climaxed a second time on his cock, thrusting and driving, pummelling into her. He thought that it might have been too rough for her, but Oni drank it all in as if it was the life substance to which she fuelled herself, panting and whining, her jaw constantly slack. Yet the cat clung to him, murmuring shy adoration, so different to the fur he knew in everyday life, despite them not coming together all that often.

Breeding lust, much less spring heat, did that to a fur. And that was just what the stag was there to help with, lashing her clit with his tongue at just the right moment to bring her to climax, swirling his tongue around and around, suckling lightly. He grunted softly, pulling her right along with him, though such delight could not be held back, not in a moment like that, not as his hips ground and thrust, pushing and pumping.

He had to fuck, had to breed, but Squishy yowled like a feral creature, lips parted, the black of them showing even as they pulled back from her sharp, white teeth. The flash of such fangs may have made a lesser creature baulk, a stag trapped between two predators, though there was no doubt in anyone's mind, not then and not ever, as to who was in control. The forest god lapped deeply up into the feline's sex, allowing her to ride out her orgasm, paws digging into the sofa, cutting up the cushions, though such a minor detail was nothing that any of them cared about in a moment like that.

He still had his own need, thrusts driving, grinding, even as Squishy soaked his muzzle with her sexual fluids, the heady slop of them laden with a thick aroma that made him want to pound Oni all the harder. Akurah was not one to lose his mind amid passion, yet it was tempting to let everything else go at a moment like that, forgetting who he was, everything. All that he needed to consider was how tight her pussy was around him, the fox's cries bouncing off the walls of the room as yet another rippling, pulsing orgasm swept through her as if there was no controlling it.

She milked his cock as if there was nothing at all left for her in the world, lost to lust, moaning out loud, breasts swaying under the rise of her body. She grunted heavily but there was more to come, the stag thrusting, humping, even tucking his back end a little more for a scootch extra depth.

Yet she had to take it as he finally bellowed and stomped, muzzle slathered in the feline's juices, moaning out loud as he shot his load into her. There was no stopping his lust as splatters of cum poured into her, his back end working furiously, spilling more and more, deep inside. No more would her heat bother her, as breeding session after session brought her down to a simmering ebb and flow of lust, though she would always be randy, the kind of vixen that needed to be taken again and again to truly gain every last bit of passion that her body needed.

His thick length stretched her out perfectly, however, as she howled out her lust, orgasm after orgasm blasting through her body. Akurah was not done with her yet, grunting like a feral beast and not a lord as he ground in, deepening his strokes, using every increment of her pussy while the tip of his throbbing cock ground up into light softening of space beside her cervix. It gave him a delicious iota extra of depth, Squishy clinging to him, bucking against his muzzle as he brought her to yet another orgasm.

A stud like him, however, would not soften after a single climax, those massive nuts of his aching and churning, lust rising. The bound fox would have to wait to get his cock rammed into her again, her bondage rendering her immobile for all that was required. Cum dripped thickly from his cock even as he drew back, the last few spurts splattering her backside, marking her in his seed, the fox drooling and panting. Her head spun with passion, pussy stretched wonderfully, though she needed more, twisting her head back and forth, the strain in her neck aching after such fervent breeding. And yet she was not destined to take his cock into her previously tight snatch immediately as the stag turned his attention to Squishy, whimpering and drawing her paws up to her chest, under her chin, eyes wide and plaintive.

The feline quivered, the stag's lips stained with her juices, though there was more still to come as he kissed her passionately, sharing the taste of her between them. Squishy moaned, holding his muzzle, heart pounding, stroking down and around the thick foliage of his ruff, berries dotting it, though she could not say that she knew what they were. There were flowers there too but none as beautiful as the stag as he mounted her, panting heavily as he broke the kiss, cock slapping up against his own stomach.

His balls ached and churned with the throbbing need to cum and everything he could have ever wanted was right there before him. Akurah didn't even notice the fox whimpering behind him, a slut forced to turn lustful voyeur in the heat of the moment, pushing into the feline, inch by agonisingly delicious inch. His cock stretched her out with a deal more difficulty than it had done for Oni, though he was willing to take a time, his huge, swollen nuts more desperate than his mind was.

Squishy yowled, fingers fluttering, not knowing what to do with her paws. Her head spun, her body weak from orgasm and her legs shaking, though there was nothing she needed to do. He had her and he dominated her easily, not needing to be rough to do so, thrusting gently, spreading and stretching her open a little more with each thrust. Akurah took his time with her, letting her cling to him, her anchor in a storm of lust, her claws digging lightly into his thicker fur, even though there was no threat to the two of them.

"Yes..." Akurah breathed, grunting deeply, eyes alight. "Sweet one..."

He crooned to her, caring for his mate of the moment, cock thrusting, shuddering, penetrating her deeply. There was nothing more that he needed other than the tightness of her sex, the cat's folds seeming to suck around him. There was no muscular twitching in there when her sex was already strained so tightly, but neither did there need to be as he groaned, thrusting and grinding, working more and more of his dick into her. Of course, she could not take as much as Oni did, the slut that she was, though there was still more to come, delight unlike anything else that they had ever felt before.

Squishy's pants filled the room, her pussy strained tight around him even as the lure of orgasm pulled and pulled at her. She tried not to let her mind wander, to be present, and yet every submissive teasing in her body drew her down and down and down, so gently so. There was nothing else for her, right where she wanted to be, grunting softly, breathlessly, panting through an open mouth.

"You're doing so well dear..."

Yes. Yes, she was. It was good that Akurah was the sort of partner that would coax her on, would gently please her, even with the size of his cock. Some of his length remained outside her but the feline could not think about that in a moment like that, her horns pressing back into the sofa, though the fabric would surely be ruined by the time they were all through with it.

That didn't matter. Nothing mattered other than the rampant drive of his cock into her. Her eyes opened, head turning, yet her heart leapt all the more to see Oni panting and heaving, her tits hanging down while her stomach and hips lay over the footstool. The hardness of her shaft could not be seen in such a position and she could have been just any other female at such a time, even though her tail was lifted, flagging, showing off the plush folds of her sex, how they dripped with a combination of his and her sexual fluids. No matter how much the fox moaned and slurred through swear after swear, her lust aching through the restriction of her bondage, there was no getting free of such a thing.

No, she was forced to watch, Squishy chuffing a weak laugh as the stag powered into her, divine in the smooth, long strokes of his cock. The cat tried to press her hind paws down into the sofa but there was not enough space for her knees to press up, trapping her in another way right where she wanted to be. Her sex tightened, something shifting and pulling in her gut, and she cried out breathlessly, licking her lips, though there was only one end to such a liaison as her slick sex welcomed him passionately again and again.

Squishy's scream of feline climax bounced off the walls, claws biting into him, a snarl on her lips. Yet that was not enough to stop Akurah from thrusting and humping, the stag breathless with lust and adoring every second of it. He heaved for breath, flanks shuddering, but there was no stopping when all was right there for him to take, balls throbbing as if the load of cum inside wanted to erupt forth all on its own.

Still, he had to thrust, taking her in smooth, powerful strokes that did not accurately convey his ownership of the forest, his dominance. Oni whimpered, drinking it all in, though her sex demanded something more of its own, leaking her juices, her entrance gaping a little less than it had before. She tightened up too quickly, her body returning to its natural state each time, though there was still too much at stake for her to relax.

No... The fox tensed, humping her hips, rocking and groaning, wriggling, trying to get out of her bondage. The metal of the cuffs dug in, even though it was only rope around her wrists, yet that manner of bondage forced her to pull her shoulder blades back too, trapping her further.

It was impossible, forcing her to listen helplessly to lewd stroke after stroke of his cock stretching the feline open, how the divine stag in rut grunted headily. He was close, she could tell that much, yet she would not get the pleasure of another load spilling into her pussy just yet as he powered in, the gleam of Squishy's arousal leaking out around the fat length of his shaft.

Akurah groaned, thrusts speeding up, but Squishy was ready for him as she cried out for more, yowling out her passion while he thrust and, finally, spent his second load. Hot spurts of seed were flowing forth before the stag even realised what was happening, pleasure hitting a moment later, pulsing through and powering over him in the best of ways. His tail twitched, trying to flag proudly, hindquarters firm with muscle even beneath his thick fur, stilling slowly, just so that his cock could send every drop of cum right where it belonged, her pussy welcoming it as both wanted it to.

And every drop sank in just where it was needed, even if the position of his length and the tight neck of her womb meant that drops squelched out around the length of his cock where they'd thought the seal of her pussy around it was too tight for that. Sex could be surprising, even as Oni whimpered and bore witness, hips grinding back, wishing too that she had a tail that could be forced into her own sex, to stretch out her own body.

Alas, it was not to me, not as Akurah tenderly dipped his large muzzle to Squishy's face, kissing her, soft laps of his tongue stroking and teasing, bathing her softly in lightening lust. Sex, even in breeding, did not always have to be rushed and forced, after all, not unless one wanted it, and there were most certainly different strokes for different folks, everyone taking their pleasure differently.

That was alright. That was what kept it interesting. And things were destined to be even more interesting as Akurah lifted his head, licking her taste off his lips and meeting Oni's desperate eyes.

"Can you take my length again, sweet vixen?"

He may have crooned but there was a twinkle in his eye betraying deeper passion, a tease of mischief, even as the last spurts of cum dribbled into the feline's pussy. Oni grunted.

"Come here and I'll show you what I can do, stud-stag!"

Akurah grinned. It was good to find someone to push back against him.

But both femfurs would be panting and exhausted, sprawled and dripping with his seed, by the time his breeding session was out.

The stag would make sure of it.

Double Penetration Whore

**Double Penetration Whore** ** ** ** ** Beau's head pounded, on his back, the beastly stallion under him, though the stag felt far too small, far too insignificant, in comparison to him. He had no muscle, barely anything at all, while...

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**Fear** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _ _ ** ** This should never have come. This was never my burden to bear. This was never my soul to take on, a tainted, dark semblance of something that, perhaps, once could...

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