Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 52

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#53 of Shattered Salvation

draft 1 of Book 4 in the Tristan Series, where The rescue of an old man turns into a race to find a virus that could wipe out all life in the universe

Tristan is back to his homebase... if only that meant his problems were over

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

or, you can buy the published book on many E-book reseller

or in print

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The ship shuddered as it landed, hard. Tristan shook his head to clear it and let out a jaw-cracking yawn. He reached for the injector but it was empty. He searched among the vials littered on the control panel, and then among those that had fallen to the floor. One of them had to still be filled. He couldn't have used all the stims already. There were all used up.

He threw the injector against the wall with a scream. He was so tired. He needed sleep, but he was always there, in his dreams.

He turned and bared his teeth at the human seated on one of the two intact chairs. The naked human. He'd done that to torture him, Tristan knew the truth. Alex had known what effect his body would have on him.

With a roar he launched himself out of the chair, hand high, claws out. This was it, he was going to get rid of him now.

He stood before Alex, hand still high, claws still out. His hand was shaking, but it didn't come down. With a yell of exasperation Tristan turned. Why couldn't he strike the human. What was so special about him?

Nothing. There was nothing special about him. Tristan spun and began striking before he saw Alex. Nothing could stop him this way. He was going to cave in that human's head and end his misery. His fist impacted the metal wall close enough to Alex's head he felt the hair flutter against his fur.

No, this was impossible. He didn't miss. He never missed. His fist should have gone through the humans' head, there should be blood, bones and brain matter all over it.

His fist left a dent in the wall when he pulled it away. There was blood there and on his fingers, but he didn't feel the pain, at least he didn't feel that pain.

"Why!" His scream reverberated in the small space. He didn't even know what he was asking. Why had Alex sought him out? Why couldn't he hurt him? Why was he haunting his dreams? He'd even dreamed of him in Cryo. Of their bodies pressing together. Of Tristan having no control over himself as Alex moved against him.

He couldn't allow him to come home with him. Tristan needed him out of his life. Tristan paced. Why couldn't he just leave? Why did he have to come with him?

He stopped. Yes, why? Why did he have to take Alex out of Cryo? He didn't. He could leave him here, looking perfect forever. He could lock the ship and no one would ever know, not even Alex.

He began pacing again, stepping over the debris littering the floor. What would he tell the people in town? They'd ask about Alex, they all liked him so much.

He growled, they had no business liking him, Alex was his, not theirs!

He'd thrown him away, that was all. He'd tell them he'd gotten tired of him. Except, was that something Tech would do? Tech lived here, not Tristan.

Why did he have to bother with masks? Why couldn't they just accept him for who he was?

He needed to calm down. He was Tristan, he was always calm. He thought things through. He kicked half a chair out of his way with a growl.

Tech was kind and caring. He wouldn't just set aside someone. Tech was Alex's friend, more than friend according to the town's people. They were a couple.

Tristan snarled.

Couples had falling outs, didn't they? Not all of them remained together. Yes, this was what had happened. He and Alex had had a falling out. Pain squeezed his heart at the idea of Alex leaving.

He screamed.

Alex wasn't leaving, he reminded himself. He was going to stay here forever. Never move. He would be perfect for all of eternity.

And it wasn't he who had the falling out with him, it was Tech. Something had happened, they'd argued, fought and he'd left. Argued over what? Coming back. Yes, Alex was a mercenary and he wasn't ready to give up the life. He'd wanted Tech to come with him, but Tech was a researcher. He had no interest in violence. He'd pleaded for Alex to return with him, but Alex had been the unreasonable one. He wouldn't hear reason. He'd abandoned Tech.

Yes, that was what had happened. Alex had walked out on Tech.

He felt better now. He was calm. He was Tristan wearing Tech's mask. Everything would be fine.

He exited the ship and quickly locked it, then rewired the panel to make it even more difficult for anyone to open it.

He wanted to close the hangar, but the ship wasn't completely in. He growled, why hadn't he made sure the ship was fully in? He'd have to go back in and reposition it. Except that meant being around Alex again.

Later. Once he'd found a way to purge himself of Alex's influence, then he'd come back and do a better job. The Port Master could wait a few days, it wasn't like there was a lot of traffic here.

He set out at a quick pace. He wanted to be back in his workshop. He wanted to focus on his research, drown any thought of Alex with it. He wanted to go back to his life before Alex, when everything was as it should be.

Halfway to the town he crossed path with the port master.

"Hey Tech, welcome b--"

"I'm fine," he snapped and kept on walking.

He saw him turn in his peripheral vision before he'd moved too far. He didn't care. He cursed himself mentally. But Tech would. Tech would take the time to talk, he was a friend. Except Tech was grieving. He'd been abandoned. That could explain his mood, couldn't it?

It must have been enough, because the Port Master didn't chase after him. Soon enough he reached the town and people came out of buildings to greet him. He managed to plaster a smile on his face, but it broke the moment someone asked about Alex. Where was he? Why wasn't he here? Was he taking care of the shuttle? Were they going to--"

"Leave me alone!" He barely kept himself from growling at them. Tech didn't growl. He also didn't usually yell, but he was hurt, abandoned. They'd understand that, wouldn't they?

He'd half hope to see fear on their face, but all he saw was concern. Concern for him, for his well being. He kept walking.

When others came to talk to him they were stopped. He heard the whispers pointing out Alex wasn't there, that Tech was in pain. Had he been dumped? Someone called Alex and asshole and Tristan almost stopped.

How dare they say such a thing about Alex?

He forced himself to walk. It didn't matter what they thought. Alex wasn't any of those things. He was strong, loyal, deadly. He'd cared enough to stick by Tristan through all the pain he'd put him through.

He wanted to scream.

He picked up his pace. He needed to be in his workshop. He needed to do something to stop thinking about Alex. Soon enough he was running. Running away from the town, the people in it, the concern on their face. He didn't need their sympathy. He didn't need anything or anyone. He was Tristan, he would survive this on his own.

His hands shook hard enough he had trouble disarming the security on his home. First the explosive and then the lock code. Then he was inside, door closed and panting hard.

He placed a hand on his chest and felt the metal diamond there and then Alex's image appeared before him. It was the plump version of him, from when he first seduced him. The hologram smiled at him and Tristan screamed.

He wrenched the diamond off his chest, the adhesive ripping his fur and flesh, but he didn't care. How dare he invade his workshop, it was his place, the one place he could be safe from the human.

He placed the bloody diamond on the closest table, picked up the half-assembled rifle next to it and used the butt to smash it to pieces. He kept hitting the spot where it had been until the rifle fell apart too.

He rested his hands on the table, panting. Now he was finally alone. He could relax. He was safe. Alex wouldn't get to him here. All he needed to do was focus on his research.

He looked around trying to remember what he'd been working on last. There was a lock, partially disassembled, pieces of a rifle. A few data chips. Those would be plans to some of the newer ships. Possible data on the lock. He could feel himself become calmer as he considered what to start with.

One of the terminals beeped. At a glance he saw it was the Port Master trying to contact him. Anger exploded, white hot. He felt himself grab the terminal, rip it out of its housing and smash it on the floor

"Leave me alone!"

Another of the terminal beeped and Tristan ran for it. Why wouldn't anyone leave him alone! He smashed that one too, and shut down the two others before they started beeping.

Silence again.

His breathing slowed. He sat down on the stool, rested his head in his hands. He needed to get to work, but he was so tired. The stims had worn out some time ago, but the adrenaline of dealing with the town had kept him going, then the run. Now his flash of anger.

He had more, Samalian strength ones. He should go get them. He would, but not right now. He was too tired. All he needed was to close his eyes for a few seconds, he'd be better after that.

He crossed his arms on the table and rested his head on them. A part of him knew he couldn't fall asleep, he had to get the stims, he had to remain awake, but the weeks without sleep were finally catching up to him.

He closed his eyes and the nightmare began. Alex touching him, caressing him. Forcing him to feel emotions he'd spent his life burying. He tried to scream himself awake, but the universe had him trapped.

He was at Alex's complete mercy, and the human showed him none.

Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 51

Tristan closed his eyes, the job was finally done. So why didn't he feel the satisfaction of a job well done? The reason was behind him; Alex. The job wasn't done while he was still alive. All he needed to do was turn and slash his throat...

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 50

What was going on with him? Alex wondered. Tristan could get angry, he could get violent, but always with a good reason. He shouldn't have snapped at Alex pointing out the obvious. At worse he should have said he didn't care. Again he wondered if...

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 49

Things clatter to the floor as Tristan searched through the cabinets. He'd already found the nutrient bars and was devouring is eighth, but he needed something to help him stay awake. It had been some time since he'd had a proper rest, and the virus...

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