Watch the skies: A Sabreverse short

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#2 of Sabreverse Shorts

I thought I would try a little something different, from an unearthly perspective.

Watch the skies

A Sabreverse short

If one were to watch the skies, one could see the myriad of stars that make up the canopy of the heavens. Billions of stars, with billions more worlds, some of which are not unlike our own. One such world in the depth of space is a blue-green world, which if discovered, would no doubt be given an unimaginative name of letters and numbers. To the simple people who live here, this world is called Dun'dara. The Dun'darens are a primitive people of tribes and petty kingdoms, a far cry from the more advanced ways of the domed city-states of earth. The Dun'darens are a thin and beautiful people, of a mammalian flavor, of marble like white skin with a slight purplish hue. Bipedal with four arms, a pair on each side of their torso. Most striking is their large black eyes, and a fine, silk like, black hair tucked behind their sharp elf like ears.

Deep in a forest of strange beasts and even stranger plant life rests a town that straddles a river, one of many countless across this world. It's lithe inhabitants carried on with their daily business, conversing with each other in their strange liquid sounding language. Dressed in scantly tight fitting silks, modesty was of little concern for the Dun'darens. Showing off the daring physique of the males, or the soft, jiggling curves of the females. The market was abuzz with activity as if this day was like any other, but for one young man named Dril this was a special day. He navigated through the mingling people to find his way to the great hall, a structure that acted as the center piece of every settlement. Their he will meet with the Matriarch and her Sisters, for today was Dril's day of ascension, the day a boy becomes a man.

Dril opened the heavy wooden doors by throwing his weight behind his four hands he pressed against the decorated carved surface. Right as he stepped into the cool torch lit reception he quickly came face to face with one of the Matriarch's Sisters. This was merely a title and they were not blood related. The Matriarchs were the political and spiritual leader of their settlements. The Sister smiled with her purple lips and brought her hands together in a greeting. "Welcome Dril, the Matriarch has been expecting you. Are you ready for your ascension?" Dril took a moment to look over the Sister. Beautiful as any other Dun'daren female wearing fine silken cloths, decorated with fine gold patterns. Two strips that connected from her neck down her body to a silken sash that covered and squeezed her barely covered breasts. A loin cloth dangled between her long naked legs that hid a fabric like thong. "Yes...yes I am, I have been waiting for this day for so long." The Sister smiled again. "Most men do, follow me."

Dril nodded and watched the Sister turn to lead the way, her near nakedness lured his eyes as he watched her swaying bare ass tucked behind a dangling cloth as she walked. Dril followed the sister down a short hallway which led to another well decorated door. The room beyond this door was large and round, adorned with couches under tapestries along the walls. In the center of this room was a water fountain that jetted cool liquid into the air, letting it fall into a small round pool at it's base. There was an open gap in the ceiling that allowed the suns and moons shine into the room to bathe an alter of gold and glittering sapphires of religious import. Dril was greeted by the other sisters who all smiled or gave some sort of acknowledgement, some slightly whispering to one another as they examined him. Dril's attention was immediately drawn to a throne like chair on the far side of the room, atop the Matriarch sat. She looked strikingly beautiful and powerful at the same time. She sat with her long naked legs crossed looking relaxed on her throne. She wore the same silken cloths as the others, that barely contained her large breasts. One thing that really separated the Matriarch from her sisters was the jewellery, a gold chain across her wide hips and ruby decorated necklace. Most notable was her head dress, her pointed ears poking out from the flaps of the head piece. A dark cloth came down over her eyes, in an act of symbolism to denote the blind fairness of her judgments.

"I am pleased you came Dril." The Matriarch spoke with a smile on her purple lips. "I have watched you grow into a fine man, and a strong warrior in your own right. Are you ready for your time of ascension?" Her deep womanly voice washed over him arousing his interest. Dril always loved hearing her speak on matters, it wasn't every day the Matriarch focused on any individual. He took a deep breath. "Yes Matriarch, I am ready, I have had dreams of this." He tried to make eye contact with the busty Matriarch on the throne but the blinds across her face made it a difficult and mysterious matter. The Matriarch rose from her throne with her wide hips cocked to one side and slowly walked over to him, her four arms swaying at her sides as she got real close. "Well I will try to live up to those dreams."

Dril suddenly found himself under attack from all sides as the Sisters closed in on him, running their many hands across his body, unlatching his bronze girdle letting it fall to the floor with a clang. Dril felt warm as the Sisters pressed their soft bodies against his and started licking and groping, making him excited while he watched the Matriarch with increased arousal. As the Sisters gave off soft moans of delight as they licked him making Dril let out a slight groan feeling a hand under the loose cloth hiding his growing cock. The Matriarch smiled as her lower hands ran up under her silken cloths, pulling them apart letting her big tits bounce free into the open.

Soft feminine moans filled the round chamber as Dril stood in the middle of small group of the women while the other Sisters watched from the couches. His head to one side as he kissed one of the Sisters passionately feeling her wet tongue in his mouth while squeezing her ass. To his other side another Sister licked his neck while he wrapped around her, rubbing a pair of fingers against the thin fabric blocking him from her moistening pussy underneath. The Matriarch squat in front of him, three of her hands pressed against him while the fourth grabbed the big cock she was sucking on, her big tits jiggling as she rocked her head to a pleasant rhythm. A third Sister was next to her, press her face in to lick his abs with soft moans of delight. Dril felt a strong pleasure shoot through his body making him groan with pleasure, one of his four arms reached out and grabbed the back of the Matriarch's head and slightly thrusting his hips into her welcoming mouth.

"Mmmmm mmmfff mmmfff mmfff ffffmmm mmmm!" The Matriarch's big tits started to bounce more, her hard dark purplish nipples flicking as her tits jiggled. Dril's hard cock slipped from her wet mouth springing up only prompting the Matriarch to moan with pleasure. "Haaaa!" Licking his long shaft from base to tip, only to quickly suck on the tip a couple times like a candy. The Matriarch straighten her back and started moving her head again with vigour, sucking the big cock in her mouth hungrily. Dril now couldn't control his hips, the sounds of moaning got louder as the room got hotter. He eagerly sucked on one of the Sister's tits, his other free hands finding something to squeeze or play with. Suddenly Dril threw his head back and groaned moving his hips feeling the Matriarch's hot tongue bring him to climax. The Matriarch felt the rush of hotness, but like a professional she locked her lush lips and used a hand to stroking the big cock she sucked on with more power. "Uuuhhhggg!" Dril bucked his hips as the Matriarch stroked and sucked the hot cum out of him, the cream started dripping from her lips before he stopped cumming. The Matriarch pulled her head back with a gasp and licked her cum covered lips with delight, a look of satisfaction could be seen even under her blindfolds as she finished drinking down the cum.

"Haa hhaa hhaa hhaaa aaaaahhhh!" The Matriarch moaned with pleasure, mounted on her throne and grasping the arm and head rests. Dril groaned thrusting into her, slapping against her well defined jiggling ass while her big tits bounced under her. The sisters pressed against him and rubbed his body as he did this, looking down watching his big cock slide inside the Matriarch's wet pussy, making her moan with every thrust into her. The wood of the throne creaked as the Matriarch moaned with pleasure, rocking from the hard thrusts into her from behind. "Hhaaa aaaahhh aaaaahh aaahh aahh nnaaaayyyaaa yes, just like that!" Dril felt driven by the Matriarch's encouragements, increasing his thrusts, slapping against her jiggling ass more forcefully.

Moaning, looking back at the warrior with her covered eyes she smiled feeling her wet pussy being fucked by the big cock. "Uuuuhhhh yes, yes, thats the way. Aaaahhhh! Give it to me and ascend!" She cried out between her squeals and moans of pleasure. As soon as Dril heard this command he gripped the Matriarch's wide hips firmly and started fucking her vigorously while she bounced and moaned on her throne. The blinded mistress of ceremonies gasped feeling her wet pussy getting fucked faster making her big tits bounced with excitement. Gripping the throne harder as she arched her back she gave a deep womanly moaned. Dril groaned feeling his climax coming again as he rapidly fucked the voluptuous Matriarch with everything he had. "Uuuuuhuhhhh!" He gave a couple final thrusts and came hard inside her making her squeal out with pleasure. Hot cum squirted from her pussy as pumped a couple more times filling the leader of the town. Finally the big cock pulled from the dripping pussy and bounced up and slapped against her ass, dripping cum onto her.

Dril laid back on a couch with the Matriarch and her sisters laying on and around him after a vigorous morning of ascension. Dril breathed heavily and sweated as he looked up at the big hole in the ceiling as the women cooed around him. Then the Matriarch got up and walked over to a chest beside her throne, as Dril watched her, he was still yet attracted greatly to the fine curves of her naked body. He was amazed that should could move around and find things with ease with the blinds over her eyes. After opening the chest she recovered a long object rolled up in a silk cloth. The wide hipped woman with big tits came back and sat on him, looking up at her she unwrapped the object, it was a war mace. A handle with curved neck that ended in a solid mass. The first weapon gifted to all new warriors.

"With this weapon, do you vow to defend the realms of Dun'dara and those who can't defend themselves?" Dril took a deep breath and spoke the words he had practised. "With this weapon, I swear to fulfill my duties as demanded, for the Jed'dak. May the Matriarch watch over me." The Matriarch curled her lips into a smile and leaned down to pass the mace to him. "As I will." She completed the ceremony.

Dril stepped out of the great hall holding his new mace and raised it into the air. "I have ascended!" The people who happened to be around gave him a quick disinterested glance and carried on with their own business. A lone merchant standing behind his shop table smiled and clapped his four hands together. "Yeaaaay!" Dril slowly lowered the mace and looked around feeling disenfranchised, he sort of expected this to be...more. He didn't know what he was expecting but his mind build up this day to be more special. It didn't dawn on him that he was not alone and this was a common enough coming of age ritual that was so routine there was no need for fanfare.

Suddenly he heard a loud boom from the sky that made everyone else in the market place stop and look up, breaking Dril's thoughts of self reflection. No one had ever heard such a thing before as the sound echoed across the skies. The people scanning the clouds came to an almost near panic, chatting themselves up and clutching symbols. Just as sudden as the great sound, a blazing fireball rushed through the sky over head and disappeared beyond the nearby forest making another loud boom, clearly something struck the ground. Everyone could even feel the ground vibrate under foot. Dril's big black eyes were wide with wonder as the people around him started saying this had something to do with the gods, did something displease them? After hearing this, Dril could only think about how this would reflect on his day of ascension, was this a bad or good omen?

As a newly minted man Dril felt like he had to do something, but what that was, he did not know. He followed his first instincts that came to the surface and started picking his way through the throng of people making eye contact with other like minded people. Clearly someone had to go see if this was sent by the gods, and what they meant by it. After a brief exchange of words and introductions the small party was off down the road to leave the town, each person baring a weapon of one type or another. The most common of coarse was their personal war mace. Twenty or so made their way down the dirt road and after a few hours of travel the suns dipped low on their journey. They stopped to make camp at the side of the road.

Around a couple fires the travelling companions relaxed and regaled each other with stories and speculations of the strange goings on. "I'm telling you, if this is something from the gods, we shouldn't be looking for it." A man scoffed at the very effort he himself was undertaking with the others. His name was Dran. "Then why come you fool?" The woman with a large wine sack sloshed it at him with the question. The man looked back at her with a raised nose. "When the stories are told of this, I want to be remembered as the voice of reason." Dril listened, not really wanted to give up his inexperience in such adventures, but had to ask. "Do you think it is bad, I mean, do you think fighting will be involved. Demons perhaps?" "Ha! I hope so!" The wine drinker proclaimed before taking another swill. Finally an older man with scares leaned forward letting his features be caught by the fire light. "I think you all are letting children stories over come you, Sho-val! We don't even know if the gods are involved. I'm old enough to remember stories or rocks that fall from the stars now and again. A prince will pay a nice some for the fabled star fire steel. That my friends, is what we will find, imagine what we could do with that money." "You think?" Dril leaned in to listen over the fire. "I like your thinking, now for the other people we will have to fight for it..." The wine drinker smiled, she clearly had a blood lust about her. "Get some sleep everyone-" The older one called out to the other camp fires. "-no doubt we will have a big day tomorrow."

The suns had risen anew and the party continued their journey, after several hours of travel it became clear no one really knew where this object from the sky landed. They were sticking to the dirt road that skirted the forest, but it surely didn't land in the forest, they were sure they would have seen signs of a fire. They had reached the sparsely populated area between towns used for farming and the locals were equally perplexed at the strange noises from the sky. One such farmer they stopped to speak to, claimed a rider from a distant village was rushing in a mad fury, stopped only for water and carrying a wild tale.

The rider claimed the people of his village investigated the strange object that fell from the stars, as it landed close enough to be the first people there. They found a large rock in beddedin the ground in the center of a large crater. Steam bellowed from it as the ground cooled the object, but said it was strange. Something that large should have cause far more damage, anyone who has seen the damage from a catapult would tell you, and this rock was massive, large enough to crush a dwelling. They waited until night to approach it when something attacked them. Many eyed demons crawled from the rock and fell upon the villagers with a mindless fury. It was such a surprise the village lost many of it's numbers to the creatures, womenbeing snatched up and carried away. They tried to fight back, but their skin is tough like a nobleman's armor. Finally they set fire to the fields to cover their retreat and the rider was sent to the fortress for help and to report what happened. The people of the village started to fortify, and that's all he knew.

"Sho-val! I knew there would be demons!" The oddly hostile woman gripped her mace with a squeeze." "Then we should turn back, let the army deal with it then." The same nay sayer from the night before interjected. "You fool, when the lords raise the banners for war, who do you think will fill the ranks of the army?" She fired back. The older man nodded. "We are already on our way, lets see if we meet up with others as courageous as we." Dril looked off into the distance down the road. Somewhere, down there,the gods were weaving the fates of many. "How long ago was this?" Dril asked the farmer. "He came by just after dawn, I was already working when he rushed up."

As the party continued on rout to fates unknown, there was a sudden delineation in the group, those looking for a fight, or knowledge of whats going on, walked with a renewed bounce in their step. The others who presumablyhad enough adventure for one day, walked more cautiously, watching the trees and examining every bush along the way. Only pride and honor drove them forward, and not back home at this point. Dril was deep in thought as they walked and his gaze happened to wander over to the hostile woman. Her powerful stride, firm looking ass hidden by a hanging cloth, her large breasts jiggled as she walked. Then he noticed she was looking right back at him. "You see something you like?" She said blatantly and in front of everyone. Dril smiled nervously. "Well...uuuhhh..." "Watch it boy, this one will eat you alive." The older man looked back from his leading position. "Mind your own business old manand watch for the demons." She barked at him then returned his attention to Dril. "The name is Bela, when the killing is done, perhaps you would be buying me a drink to celebrate, If I allow it." Dril laughed again and nodded not really sure if this was an invitation or an order, but she peaked his interest.

The party finally came to a cross roads where they could smell burning in the air. Black smoke rose down the road leading south, but a strange thunderous sound and rising dust came from the east. "Which way?, is something coming here?" One warrior yelled out. "Calm yourself and make ready, we wait until we know." The older man called out as the party of twenty oddDun'darens readied their weapons. Their apprehension was elated when a large group came down the conjoining road, riding Byrths. A bipedal lizard like animal that can run fast and used for transport and warfare. The riders wore a mixture of degrees of armor and all carried a lance, pointing sky ward like a moving forest. Their was some four hundred of them. The train of riders came up and with a signal came to a stop, the Byrths making hissing and barkingnoises. The lead rider strode up on her Byrth, scantly dressed, herpale skin covered in spiraling redwar paint, cloth coveredbreasts bouncing as the beast between her naked legs walked, her two lower hands gripping the saddle while the other hands gripped reins and lance. This was a battle sister, attache to war parties and armies from the Matriarchs, there to inspire or even lead if need be.

"Who goes there?" The older man stepped forward and spoke for the party and answer the challenge, four arms stretched out in a none hostile manner. "We are from Pra'na, traveling to see about this so called demon business." The lead rider nodded. "Then we travel the same path. We have brought extra mounts, to recruit along the way. Join us." The older man nodded. "Thank you battle sister, it will be an honor to fight by your side. What do you know?" The lead rider shook her head. "It's strange, after we got word we started on the move, but we have encountered so few refugees.It's as if what they flee isn't real." The nervous man leaned forward. "Or no one is getting away from the demons." This utterance causeda chatter of concern but the battle sisterput a stop to it. "Never mind that, these demons face warriors now, lets move!" With little effort the larger group absorbed the smaller one and they rode off down the road toward the burning smell and small plums of black smoke in the distance.

A gathering of people dug in at the foot of a wide hill over looking an expanding plain of tall grasses, as a town burned down the road, as some readied sharpened stakes into small mounds, a lone figure stood watching the burning village in the distance. Others readied large shields that could be braced with three arms, and hold a line of battle. "What are these beasts? Every time we kill one, three more take it's place." Another man strode up with a blue stained war mace in his grasp, blue, the blood of the demons. "This is the third village they have attacked. They are relentless and without reason." As they looked off to the burning villagescreams could be heard from this place, but suddenly a lone voice pierced the sounds of chaos. "Their coming! Their coming!" A voice echoedout as the group heard a man running through the field and readied their bows and other weapons.

The man in farmer'sgarb ran pell-mell through the tall grasses, breathing heavy having been running for so long. He could see the gathered defenders at the base of the hill and had to stop in fear of his heart giving out. With two hands on his knees and the others at his waist he leaned over gasping for a breath. "Oh gods.....oh gods." Suddenly the farmer heard the tall grasses rustle around him, along with the distinctive and strange clicking noises. He looked around in a panic with beads of sweat peppering his dusky face, that sound having been burned into his memory of horrible things. "OH GODS, THEIRCOMING NOW!"

The small group of defenders watched the distant man panic, running toward them when suddenly he was violently pulled into the grasses with a sudden and terrified scream. "Sho-val! Their here!" One man pointed. The one who seemed to be their leader raised his war mace and looked back to the others. "Drop your tools and ready arms!"

The tall grasses waved about disturbed when finally one of the star demons revealed itself, bursting from the grasses. A large hideous thing with six legs, many compound eyes and antennae bobbing about in front of it. Between a large pair of mandibles, slithering tendrils came from it's mouth and it gave off an alarming clicking and clacking noise. All protected by it's strange armored carapace. Where there is one, many more will follow, and as the lone star demon charged, many more burst from the tall grassesskittering across the field.

"Hunters!" The leader called out, makingseveral bow armed warriors come forward among the woodenstakes. "Nock arrows!" Each hunter using their third arm to fit an arrow to bow strings. The strange clicking noises rose even louder as the star demons rushed forward in a determined charge. "Loose!" Hunters drew bows together and with a snap of strings and reflex of bow limbs the arrows darted through the air in a mass across the field. To the annoyance and dismay of the defenders the arrows either ricocheted off of the armored carapace or shafts shattered on impact. Here and there a lone arrow struck home,lodging with force into one of the many eyes of the advancing creatures, making it cry out with a high pitched whine, but did little to deter the attacking star demons. The star demons closed the distance quickly as the hunters let loose as many arrows as they could before retreating, the creaturestried to pounce on them, but with their determined attack came an uncontrolled mess of impaling themselves on the wooden stakes.

The demonicblue blood flowed down the stakes as the defenders raised their maces and blades. "The Matriarchs watch over us, slay the demons!" The warriors raised a cry and charged, advancing among the blue blooded stakes and impaled demons, attacking. Hunters loosed arrows at close range in rapid succession, nocking and drawing with all four arms as quickly as possible. Heavy mace blows cracking the demon's armored carapace leaving imprints, shatteringlimbs with crushing blows. Large shields braced in the dirt and warriors pulled from the defense and swarmed, slashed and cut up, shedding Dun'daren green blood. The bladed legs of the star demons swirled, slashed and thrust, impaling soft bodies with a spray of green blood.

A star demon impaled on a stake slashed outscreeching, cutting the leader making him cry out before returning the attack with a blow from his mace, crushing it's head in a spray of blue blood. "Bastards! They care not for their own lives, what drives such hatred of others?" As the leader looked down his line of beleaguered warriors, one bloodied man pointed trying to yell over the din of battle. He climbed a dirt mount and stretched his neck to see. He could see his redoubt being surrounded by the star demons, but more worrisome was a large horde of the beingspouring down the road. The village was reduced and now they were moving on like locusts. "We can't stay here, but..., it's to late too run." The leader looked back up the hill contemplating a fighting retreat when he suddenly noticed a large body of moving spear points cresting the hill. "Sho-val..." the weary fighter gave a faint smile at the sight and sound of thundering raptor clawed feet.

At the top of the hill the large force of four hundred Byrth riders came to a stop from a signal given by the battle sister. A great ruckus among the riders rose as they finally got to see the star demons for themselves. Dril, being among the least armored of the force was near the back, he stood on the stirrups to try to see. He could hear the riders chattering among themselves around him. "Those are the demons?" "What are those things? They fight like animals." "They look like giant...joobas..." Dril looked over to Bela who rode beside him, she made a visible shutter and the look of hostility left her face. "What's wrong?" Bela looked back at him. "I hate Joobas, with their many legs, always crawling about it places they shouldn't be." Dril nodded understandably and for a moment Bela wasn't as scary as he once thought.

The battle sister leading this mounted force gave her own shudder after seeing the creatures for herself. If there was one thing the battle sister could take away from her experience in war, it was to attack hard and fast. Not to tickle the enemy with pricks, but to smash and rend. As much as it helps to throw an enemy into chaos and disorder, but also to stop her warriors from thinking too long about why they are there. Sometimes if a warrior has too much time to think, they may come to the conclusion that their life is more important then the cause. One time she watched half an army collapse because those fighters spent the better part of the day looking across the field to their enemy waiting for the signal to attack. They worked themselves up with concerns and ultimately were defeated by their own imagination of what could be.

"Warriors!" The battle sister called out drawing the attention of the fighters around her. "These are the star demons we have heard about. I do not know from where they came, but I know they were not sent by the gods, I see this now. The gods who gave us life, who gave us land and bounty would not fashion such abominations. If they share the same sky as the gods then they MUSTbe enemies. Those that make themselves enemies of the gods, surely make themselves enemies of their children." The riders listening, nodded and chattered lowly among themselves, spreading the word. "Now we attack with the fury of lance and steel and the gods atour backs. The Matriarchs watch over us! For ourpeople we ride! For the Jed'dak!" The Byrth riders raised their lances skyward and together gave a loud cry that pierce the din of battle below drawing the attention of the star demons.

As if without thought and wordless agreement, the star demons changed direction toward the new arrivals. The Byrth riders began a steady advance in kind, slowly picking up speed, the lizard beasts hissed and barked as they closed ranks, almost flank to flank. Dril was swept up in the excitement, yelling his heart out with the others, if there was a time to turn back, it was gone. The thunderous stampede of raptor clawed feet kicked up dust as the large mass of crying riders picked up speed and lowered their lances at full tilt. The fast packed mass charging like a flying phalanx down the hill as the star demons swarmed to challenge them. A moment of clarity fill the air, minds clear as water as all thought of reason was left behind at the top of the hill. A moment of intensityall boys dream of, and all mothers dread.

In that moment a million pounds of muscle, steel and carapace smashed into each other like violent tidal waves. The momentum of the Byrth carried lances drovethrough the invading creatures, killing the leading masses whole sale, shattering the carapaces of the star demons. The weight of the Byrth running over and plowing throughthe creature. When lances broke, maces and blades came out. The riders using the leverage of their height rained down deadly blows on the invaders. The riders fanned out to spread the carnage and let the unbroken lances to the rear, tilt and press the attack.

Dril tilted his lance and cried out, almost feeling like he lost control of his Byrth, the beast filled with it's own blood lust. Braced in his saddle the lance point ran one of the creatures through making it cry out. The first thing he had ever killed in anger, the creature curled around the lance as it died snapping the weapon in two. His Byrth turned violently knocking several star creatures aside and Dril brought his mace down on a creature's head, feeling it bust open with a spray of blue blood. The adrenaline kept the fear if death away from his mind but it did frighten him how easy it was to killand no time to dwell. Dril's Byrth found a star demon under foot and it sank a raptor talon into it before closing it's razor lined mouth on the creature's head.

The battle turned against the star demons rather quickly from the charge as the fighting swirled and shifted, pushing away from the hill. Bludgeoning claps and alien screeches mixed with battle cries and lizard barks.It was hard going however, the creature's lack of concern for their own safety had led to countless suicide attacks, the beasts just throwing themselves into the path of weapons or Byrth claws just to make an opening for another to attack. Byrthsdisemboweled with razor sharp demon legs, riders pulled from the backs of their beasts to be dispatched by the swarm. Despite out numbering the defenders the star demons were being driven back, at great cost to the Dun'darens who fought savagely against the demon's greater numbers.

A flash of razor sharp front legs cut the flank of Dril's Byrth making the lizard cry out and rear in pain throwing the young warrior from his mount. With a cry of surprise Dril hit the ground and rolled with a quick recovery. With a battle cry he braced a leg against a fallen Byrth and swung his mace hard into an attacking star demon, and with a spray of blue blood smashed it's head, killing it. With no time to think he spotted another attacking creature. Dril rushed and picked up a broken lance from the blood stained grass, bracing himself. The star demon lunged at him, catching itself on the broken lance giving Dril the space to swing his mace once again with a battle cry, killing it with repeated swift blows to the head.

Without warning or signal the star demons began to turn away, making their wild clicking noises they seemingly started to flee. As the Byrth riders and dismounted warriors pressed the attack a strange buzzing sound filled the air. The attention of all was drawn skyward as smaller flying demons with fat bodies began to dive bomb the Dun'darens, seemingly covering the retreat of their kin. With bladed legs they cleaved riders from mount causing the fighters to stop and try to fight them off. Dril ducked just in time, feeling the hot pain on his back as one of the flying creatures sliced him. "Graaaahhhh!" He cried out in pain and dove to the grass to dodge yet another attack. He looked up over his arms seeing Bela, still mounted on her Byrth swinging wildly, and he watched helplessly as two of the flying star demons grabbed her and pulled her into the air screaming. Bela's war mace slipped from her fingers and twirled through the air until it landed smack in the grass in front of him, embedding into the ground and just missing his head. "Bela!" He cried out only hearing her screams as they carried her away. The battle sister who had survived all of this swung her mace and smacked a flying one from the sky, only to be latched onto from behind, her war paint covered body lifted into the air as she cried out. Dril watched several other fighters being taken, unmistakably, all women.

By the time the flying ones retreated with their booty the survivors of the battle were bloodied and dazed. Of the four hundred riders, about one hundred and fifty were left fighting able, a heavy tole. Dril looked out on the aftermath and shuttered, seeing a once beautiful field of grasses and incandescent flowers turned into a grave yard, bodies littered the ground. Dun'darens, Byrths but many more of these strange star demons. The gods would be proud that their children were not cowards this day. Tired and dazed warriors picked their way through the bodies to find the wounded, calling out through parched lips, it was important to move as quickly as possible, before disease sets in, before the smell.

Dril picked his way across the littered field holding his and Bela's maces when he happened upon a couple warriors huddled together. They were tending the wounds of a familiar face, the old man from his party, who was cut up and resting against a dead Byrth. "Looks like you made it boy." Dril nodded. "...and you old man." Another familiar face showed up, the nay sayer, Dran. "I can't believe I survived that, that was madness what we just did." The old man looked down the road the demons retreated, clear markings on the ground showing their destructive path. "|Did you see what just happened, what sort of demon takes prisoners?" Dril also looked down the road. "I bet they are going back to where they fell, we should go after them." One of the riders poked his head up. "We would need fresh mounts and lances if we were to chance them again." The old man shook his head. "Hold, the riders are a vanguard, the main force from the fortress will be not far behind, we make camp so we can press the attack at dawn."

Dril looked down at Bela's mace and slowly shook his head. "I have a feeling that might be too late, I don't know why, but I need to follow them and find out what is going on, why they take prisoners. More importantly, you need to convince the main force to attack as soon as possible." The older man looked confused. "Where are you getting this?" "Didn't it feel strange how many of them there were? From the size of the rock that was described? I feel like time is of the essence." Dril pressed. The older man nodded. It was said the rock that fell from the sky was big enough to crush a dwelling, there was far to many of those things. "Fine, take who you can. I will pass on the plan as soon as they arrive." The nay sayer picked up a discarded shield from the ground and stood. "I Dran will come with you sir!" Dril's black eyes opened wide at the sound of the word sir. "Your pretty brave all of a sudden." Dran smiled. "If only to get to tell Bela I told her so." Dril shook his head with a smile, at least he too believed she is alive. "Let's go, any volunteers with us, we move out now!"

The battle that had took place had waned the day away as Dun'dara's twin suns started to dip beyond the horizon. Turning day light to a dusky orange and velvet. Dril's party of thirty or so warriors fallowed the clear path of destruction left behind by the star demons, speckled foot prints in the dug up soil that could have easily been four or five roads wide. They passed the burned out village only seeing skeletal remains behind, the bones scratched up as if chewed on. As night came the party lead by torch light continued, determined to hunt down the demon's to their nest. They passed a farm house, destroyed, live stock dead, the same tracks all around. It would seem wherever these star demons went, no more word came from those places. Who knew how far their destruction went, it seemed like they were working in a pattern away from their landing place, and it would only be a matter of time before they happened upon it.

Dril's party of warriors cut through a forested area following the path of prints. The natural glow of flowers highlighting the darkened path the demons left behind. Looking up they could see a clear burned path cut through the canopy of the forest that led to a rise of up turned soil that rose like a steep hill. This must be where the object from the sky fell, Dril thought to himself. As they got closer, Dril stopped the party and listened, in the distance they could hear the faint sound of the demon clicking and the soft feminine sounds of women, crying out, moaning and whining which did not sound like pain. They put out their torches and advanced.

Dril and Dran climbed the dirt hill ahead of the others to scout out the sounds and judge their odds. They found that the dirt hill was actually a ring that marked the boarder of a steep crater, a natural fortification of sorts. In the center the star rock that fell from the sky could be seen, cracked and pocked with holes like a strange house with alien dimensions, not built by math but nature. Other unearthed large rocks littered the crater, but what was transpiring in this place is what made the warrior's faces freeze in awe. Multitudes of Dun'daren women, being forced upon, mounted and bound as the strange demon's from the stars had their way with them.

The sounds of clicking and clacking mingled with the moans and squeals of pleasure, an orgy of armored carapace mounting soft flesh. Thick studded inseminators filling and thrusting into wet pussies, engulfed by welcoming mouths. Demonic bodies moving rhythmically with the bouncing jiggling bodies of the moaning women. Tits of all sizes bouncing with their moving bodies as moans and cries of pleasure escaped from purple lips. Bela was among them, on her back and stripped of her silken cloths, her long legs spread wide, trapped under one of the star demons.

"Aaaahh hhahaa hhaa haaa nnaaaa nnnaaa nnaaa nnnooo! Hhahaaaa!" Bela cried out with pleasure, she watched her big tits bounce in front of her. The abdomen of the creature over her thrust between her spread thighs, it's thick inseminator fucking her wet pussy. Driving deep and feeling it fill her insides, the head of the inseminator pushing against her cervix in a rhythmic fashion. Bela bound up and down on her back as she cried out, grasping the creature's legs with two of her hands while her other arms raised over her head. Her big tits heaving with hard nipples, feeling the pleasure pulsate through her body, unable to control her cried of delight.

Near Bela's moaning form, the battle sister with her war painted covered bodied moaned with pleasure with her. Her face and tits pressed into the ground as the star demon mounting her from behind. The battle sister's hips raised in the air as the creature fucked her vigorously, her soft ass jiggling with the thrusts filling her.

"Hhhhaaaa hhaa hhahaa hhaha hhaaa hhaaa!" Bela cried out loud, her big tits bouncing wildly and faster as the creature ravaged her increasing its assault on the female warrior. The star demon's abdomen rapidly slapped against her forcing her wild and fast bouncing on the ground. The thick inseminator throbbed inside her and unleashed it's final attack, flooding her uterus with hot demon cum making her cry out with pleasure feeling the hotness flow inside her. The demon cum flowed from her pussy as the thick inseminator slid out letting the hot cum flow freely.

The large creature crawled back and removed itself from over Bela as she panted. The warrior moaned feeling something inside her and she sat up and spread her legs feeling a pressure. A mixed feeling of terror and pleasure washed over her body as she watched the demon's spawn squeeze and push it's way from her cum dripping pussy. The pupae formless thing slid out, followed by two more as Bela arched her back and cried out with pleasure before falling back onto her back gasping for air between moans.

After seeing this Dril and Dran slid back down the slop a little to meet up with the others. "It's like they are using our women as brood mares for their kind..." Dril whispered. "It's diabolical, that's why there was so many of them. Those...those...demons!" Dran added. "What's the plan?" A warrior spoke up. Dril thought for a second, at the moment there didn't seem to be many of them, to many to win, but... "Distraction! We split into two groups, one with shields. We will faint an attack and draw them to us while the rest of you get the women out of there." "And then?" Dran leaned in. "Then... we pray the gods are with us this night." Dril gave his party a determined looked as he said this. A silent agreement fell across the gathered warriors as they nodded and prepared for their tasks.

"Nyyaaa hhhaa aaahhh!" A dun'daren woman cried out with pleasure, on hands and knees her tits bounced under her as the demon mounting her pumped it's abdomen, sliding it's thick inseminator in her wet pussy. "Foul beasts! Come and face us, and meet your end!" The star demon stopped it's thrusting and looked over seeing Dril and his shield bearers, the shields forming a strong semi-circle around the dual wielding mace warrior. The star demon hissed and pulled it's thick inseminator from the woman under it, making it flop about before retracting back into it's body. The other star demons joined in a rising clicking noise and started to swarm towards the intruders. Dril raised his maces. "Brace yourselves!"

The shield bearers grunted feeling the star demons smash and claw against the heavy shields, each one braced with three arms while they counter attacked with their mace arm. "Fall back to that rock, before we are encircled!" Dril called out as the shield bearers curved back and moved towards a large rock, putting their back to it. The strange buzzing was soon heard again. The smaller fatter demons crawled from the cracks and holes in the star rock and took to the skies. Dril attacked with his maces over the shield wall seeing this. "Shields!" The skilled warriors collapsed ranks even further so some were free to raise shields above their heads. The smaller star demons smacking off of the heavy barrier. The testudo like formation was pressed against the half berried rock so they couldn't be attacked from behind, maces swung from gaps to crack or cripple the pressing giant creatures.

While all this was going on, the second team stealthily slid into the crater to attend to the abandoned naked women. Some could walk on their own while others had to be carried. One of the star demons looked back seeing the rescuers in action and a group not engaged with Dril's team peeled away to attack the other. Five of the rescuers passed woman off to the others and yelled, charging and attacking the creatures. The fighting was desperate on both sides of the crater, maces cracked carapace and bladed legs slashed and stabbed, once again blue and green blood flowed.

Dril swung his maces, repeatedly smashing a demon. "Stay together!, stay together warriors!" A shield bearer struggled with his shield, a beast pulled on it. "I can't hold-" The shield yanked from his three handed grasp forcing him to fall forward and scream being swarmed outside the protection of the formation. A demon tried to force it's way inside but Dril turned and brought both maces down on it's head in consecutive blows. "Raaahhh!" The young warrior looked seeing most of the rescue effort climbing back out of the crater, hopefully saving as many as they could. Dril looked over the shields to see one of the creatures climbing over the others and make a leap at the formation. "In coming!"

Before the demon could make it, it was suddenly struck by what looked like a wooden cask falling from the sky. Dril watched as the demon hit the ground, the cask bursting and spraying a black liquid all over. Even more casks fell from the sky, as if lobbed from catapults and smashing all over the crater and the beasts. "Oil! Oil!" This could only mean one thing and Dril was quick to call it out. "Shields, close formation!" The warriors stopped fighting and closed in so tight no more gaps appeared between the shields. Just then a flurry of flaming arrows rained down, fires burst to life and glided across surfaces like the liquid it burned, even igniting the demons themselves. Dril and his team could hear the creatures screaming, cooking in their own armored carapaces. "Reinforcements are here, lets move!"

The heavy shields parted ways as the warriors burst out screaming battle cries and attacked the dazed and burning monsters. Maces smashed and demon blades slashed, but now in a more frantic manner. Dril looked around seeing the chaos, even seeing Dran, fighting off a flaming star demon with mace in hand, and flaming shield to guard. A hero's song in motion. Flying demons with burning wings, twisting in pain unable to take advantage of flight. It was the tight fighting that made the fire attack so devastating, it hadn't crossed Dril's mind that the army was prepared to sacrifice everyone to kill the creatures, but this didn't matter now.

However the young warrior looked through the flames and saw something terrifying. Bela had been left behind, the naked Bela pressed her back against the star rock watching the flaming carnage rage on around. Dril was tired and wanted the fighting to end, but he looked down at Bela's mace in his hand and took a deep breath. The young warrior in but a loin cloth and bronze girdle gave a tremendous war cry and ran through the fighting, with every ounce of strength he leapt through a wall of fire and landed on the other side among confused star demons. Maces flying with fury as blue blood sprayed the warrior fought his way to Bela. "We have to leave now, I came to get you!" Bela's breath fluttered, all blood lust left her a while ago. "My legs....I...I..."

With that Dril pushed one of his four arms between Bela thighs and lifted her naked form onto his shoulder as she yelped in amazement. The young warrior turned to face his enemy with his teeth baring in an animalistic manner. Dril advanced with a determined gate, newly ascended man, warrior of Pra'na, twin maces in hand and a naked maiden on his shoulder like the savage stories of old. Battle cries and bludgeoning claps met the star demon's that dare attack him as armored carapace cracked and blue blood sprayed. The monsters got their own cuts in shedding Dril's green insides only making him more furious to fight through them. "Dril look out!" Bela called from behind looking from beyond her raised hips, her big tits pressing against his hot back. Dril spun on his heels with both maces and smashed a demon's head in, yelling fiercely.

Soon the star demons felt that this fight was a loosing proposition, and once again, without warning or signal they started to break and flee from the crater. Dril hoofing it in the opposite direction meeting up with the others. Dran seeing this threw his flaming shield away and called back to the survivors. "Run away!"

The star demons skittered every which way they could in an effort to flee and continue the fight another day, as their nature demands. They crawled up the earthen walls of the crater to escape into the wild, only to be met with the war cries of many warriors. The forces from the fortress have arrived and encircled the nest of the star demons before raining fire into the pit. Those of the creatures that broke into the woods were chased down by Byrth riders. Great care was taken to be thorough with the slaughter of these strange beings that came from the sky and attacked without provocation.

Dril found himself in the forest with his party. He had let the naked Bela down from his shoulders as everyone showed the signs of exhaustion and battle fatigue. Bela was quick to wrap her four arms around Dril pressing her naked body against him. "You came for me, Dril, you're amazing. I owe you so much." Dril breathed heavily trying to catch his breath. "Well, it was really a group effort Bela." Bela looked to the guys around her. "I suppose I have much thanks to give." She smiled with a sense of levity and mischief, but mostly relief that she was safe once again." The scared older man ran up to the group with warriors trailing behind him.

"There you are, I was hopeful you would survive. I see you made good on the rescue." Dran nodded. "Mostly it would seem." The scared older man walked up to Dril and placed hands on his shoulder. "You did good my boy, there will be accolades and songs of this. Pra'na will be proud to have birthed such a warrior." Dril bowed his head slightly and looked to the blazing fire over the hill that led to the crater. "Those demons..." The older man nodded. "We will take care of them, it is time for you to rest." Bela squeezed her naked body against her savior and smiled. "Oh I'm sure I can help him with that, old man." Dril smiled back at her and ran his hands down her back. "Let's back to camp then." Dran looked flummoxed. "Well, what about me? I was there too, yeah know." Dril nodded in the direction of scores of naked women being tended to. "I think the heroes of the day will have their pick." Dran smiled and did what he could to correct his long black hair before waltzing over to see if he could 'help'.

Later that night Dril sat outside a tent, the naked Bela sleeping inside having displayed her gratitude to the young warrior before dozing off. He looked up at the canopy of the stars that shined and contemplated the infinite, the gods, the star demons. Where could they have come from? How many worlds could possibly be out there? Are they all like the demons? All Dril knew for sure was that there was a truer enemy among the stars and places the gods call home. While the kings of Dun'dara charge their warriors to watch the crossings and ports of their realms. Dril, warrior of Pra'na, newly minted but days ago, sat and watched. Watched the skies.

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