How She Feels

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#13 of A Night She Couldn't Resist

Thank you for reading! It's shorter as I initially wrote this when I was less experienced. 'All They Knew' is my most recent work.

There will still be two extra scenes posted.

Brooke has never been happier. She recently committed to her first genuine relationship while in her teen years, but once her boyfriend brings home a new pokémon-- a rather dominant midnight lycanroc that takes a certain liking to Brooke upon first sight, it quickly becomes a risky situation she has to make quick and constant decisions on.


Existing; complete stories:


(Male umbreon x fem trainer)

'Cassidy's Journey.'

(Male braixen x fem trainer.)

'All They Knew.'

(Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)

'Hidden Lifestyle'

^ Excluding 'Midnight' and 'Hidden Lifestyle,' all three works take place in the same universe.


All NSFW scenes:

Chapter 3: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

Chapter 7: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

Chapter 12: Brooke & Vix. M lycan x F human.

~ Non-canon:

Chapter 14: Pyro & Luma. M torracat x F alolan vulpy.

Chapter 15: Brooke & Vix & Pyro. M tycan x M torracat x F human.

Brooke pulled her skirt up and adjusted her clothing, then straightened the blanket on the bed and headed into the living room with Vix trailing behind her. Brooke let Luma out of her pokéball and woke Pyro from his catnap. "Hungry?" She grinned and went to open a few cabinets in the kitchen. "Here it is." Brooke grabbed the bag of chow and fed all three pokémon.

Luma finished her bowl last. She always ate delicately and took her time chewing. After she was done, she licked her lips and turned around-- and nearly bumped into Pyro.

He had been watching her eat and sat in front of her with full eyes.

Luma looked up at him. At first, she felt intimidated, but he reassured her by giving her cheek a gentle nudge.

Pyro wasn't trying to harass her, so he walked back into the living room afterward.

"Heh, he likes you a lot, Luma. Try playing hard to get." Brooke leaned down and rubbed her head.

Luma had never been in a situation like that. She glanced at Pyro, who was currently grooming himself by the couch.


In two more hours around 3 p.m., Parker returned. He didn't have his key, so he had to knock on the door and wait for Brooke to open it.

She didn't leave him waiting for long and tightly hugged him upon seeing him.

Parker returned it and rubbed her lower back. "Missed me? You look beautiful." As attractive as the day they met. He had to remind her on a regular basis.

"Mhm, and don't I always?" Brooke giggled and pulled him inside. "Pyro, Vix, and Luma are fed already."

"Are you?"

"No... I'll eat at work. You should sit." Brooke didn't want him doing anything. It was why she watched after his pokémon. "Oh, and here." Brooke handed him his house key.

"Thanks, Brookey. You're a huge help."


She stayed for another hour, snuggled up to Parker on the couch and casually chatting the time away. Brooke loved Parker a lot. The relationship between her and Vix wasn't a passionate one. There was no doubt it was wrong for her to have done anything with Vix in the first place, but she'd never fall in love with him. Was any of it worth it? Brooke couldn't say no. Would she ever fall into Vix's lust again? Brooke still couldn't say no. That was a work in progress.

Brooke closed Parker's front door and stepped onto the pavement while holding Luma. She still had time before the sun would set. Brooke wanted to be home before dark. "You wanna get a malasada? I'll get you two so you'll have one for later. You'll be home alone tonight."

"Vul!" Luma shot Brooke a look meaning nothing but a definite yes.

"Awe, you spoke!" Brooke grinned and couldn't help but gently squeeze her body, and they did just that. The store wasn't as packed as usual during the afternoon, so they only had to wait behind two people.

"Maybe I'll take you to Hau'oli soon," Brooke told her as they walked to her house. She watched Luma chew her snack while comfy in her hold. The warm, evening air brought happiness to them both.

Once they arrived, she brought Luma up to her room and yawned. Even after the nap she had today, Brooke still felt tired. She turned off the light, took off her skirt, and closed her window's curtains before lying in bed. She placed Luma on top of her stomach and traced her fingers down her furry back while Luma rested her chin on her paws.

What tomorrow held, Brooke wasn't sure. She felt lingering guilt in her chest from the days she spent with Vix. That would always be present, but he knew how to please a female. That and his dominant personality-- how he worked her, pulled Brooke in easily. She was beginning to question her faithfulness. Brooke wouldn't cheat with another human on Parker, but this couldn't be any better. Something about it just increased the pleasure received for her, shamefully.

She rested her arm over Luma's back, her eyes staring into darkness as they adjusted to the dim lighting. She'd rest with Luma for a bit, but Brooke couldn't fall asleep and risk being late for her shift.


"Luma... Luma, wake up. It's time to go." Luma opened her eyes and saw Brooke standing over her. She was already dressed. She wore the pink shirt chosen the night before and a short black skirt that cut off halfway down her upper thighs. While Luma...

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"Thanks again for taking me out, Parker." Brooke had just left the High Roller with him. "I'm glad you had a good time." He hugged Brooke with his right arm since she held Luma and a small white to-go box. They were heading in the direction of his...

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