The Last One

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#32 of Cassidy's Journey

Cassidy recently started her pokémon journey across the region of Kalos. The young hex maniac's end goal is to conquer the Elite Four using her four trained pokémon. While on her adventure, the teen falls into a deeper variation of love with her starter pokémon that she can communicate with telepathically: her braixen.


Existing; complete stories:

'A Night She Couldn't Resist.'

(Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.)


(Male umbreon x fem trainer.)

'All They Knew.'

(Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)

'Hidden Lifestyle.'

^ Excluding 'Midnight' and 'Hidden Lifestyle,' all three works take place in the same universe.


All NSFW scenes:

Chapter 8

Chapter 13

Chapter 15

Chapter 22

"Still hard to believe..." Cassidy heard muffled commotion outside the room from the crowd awaiting the next battle. She had minutes to prepare.

'I can... But I can't believe I'll be battling.'

She grinned. "I guess we'll have to believe in each other." Cassidy stood, straightening out her shirt. "I don't think you'll fight until our third battle... If we get that far. Wikstrom uses steel types."

"When we get that far," Fenny corrected.


In five minutes, after Cassidy gave a quick rundown to each of her pokémon as to who they'd be battling and what to expect, she heard a knock at the door, followed by it opening.

A male guard in a navy blue suit stood, eyeing Fenny and Cassidy. "Are you ready, ma'am? I'll escort you."

"Sure, thank you." She motioned Fenny to follow while following the guard's lead out the door. Cassidy's heart raced as she stepped down the hall. A part of her wanted to turn into the lobby and take a breather, as what she was walking into daunted her, but Cassidy wouldn't allow that to be an option.

Fenny felt her energy, but he chose to stay silent. She may need time alone in her head to calm down.

The guard stopped once they were at the gate, unlocking and opening it with a key. "Straight ahead."

Cassidy looked at Fenny. "Going to return you, for now, hun. I'll see you after the first battle."

He nodded. 'You won't need it, but... Good luck.'

She grinned a bit, taking his pokéball out of her pouch and returning Fenny. Cassidy slipped it inside and walked through the gates. Her eyes were greeted by hundreds of people everywhere she looked, and her ears were met with constant cheering and buzzing. Cassidy neared the stadium grounds with each step she took across the bridge, overwhelmed.

Malva stood on the field's east side. A young woman in a bright red skirt and white top stood at the field's center with a microphone in hand and a smile. Every screen displayed her.

Once Cassidy was on the field and making her way to the west side, she felt stage fright that had to be shaken. Her mind couldn't be cluttered. She stood on her end and held her hands, taking more timid glances at the excited audience.

"With both trainers on the field, the battle is ready to begin!" she spoke with enthusiasm, beginning brief introductions. "On your right, we have scorching fire-type specialist Elite Four Malva!" She pointed at her.

Every screen cut to Malva, and she waved at the audience members, inciting louder cheering than before.

"And on the left, taking on the Elite Four is newcomer and psychic-type trainer, Cassidy!"

Now Cassidy was on-screen-- tense. She grinned nervously, however, having to remind herself of where she was. The cheers for her weren't nearly as loud as when Malva was mentioned, but Cassidy didn't need it. She exhaled, drowned the audience out, and loosened herself to focus on the battle, her hand on her pouch.

"I wish both trainers luck! You may begin," the woman said before leaving the grounds via the bridge on the opposite side.

Malva took the first pokéball from her belt and wasted no time tossing her pyroar onto the field with a competitive smirk.

The pyroar stood tall, beyond ready for any opponent it had to handle. It had every right to its confidence, after all.

Cassidy would start with Añu. She was glad to have taught him rock tomb and slide. She took another breath and reached her quivering right hand inside her pouch. She stopped it and took a deep breath. Cassidy grabbed his pokéball, holding it firmly and brushing her index finger over its release while raising it. "You're up, Añu!"

Clearing Thoughts

Brooke opened her eyes as it turned evening. She must have fallen asleep soon after she lay in bed hours ago. She yawned and sat up while rubbing her eyes. Brooke heard her cellphone vibrate in her pocket, and once she pulled it out, saw Parker calling...

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Brooke's Curiosity

Two days passed since Brooke was last at Parker's house. They occasionally spoke over the phone throughout that time, and now she was there again. It was afternoon, and she watched him throw on jeans and a blue shirt while his torracat sat on her lap...

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