Deep Space Hunt (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a shiny! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload? Join my Telegram channel! - An anonymous commission. Ari is a bounty hunter, and he's managed to sneak onto the ship of his latest target, Falco Lombardi...

Ari was so close to his target.

The Floatzel was a bounty hunter, and he had managed to sneak his way onto and stow away on the ship of his latest target: the ace pilot Falco Lombardi. Ari had hidden on one of the pallets being loaded onto the Great Fox, and had been patiently waiting for the ship to take off...though, it wasn't exactly a comfortable arrangement in here! Ari was rather large and clunky, and his body had to contort itself into a very awkward position just to fit inside the box he was in, let alone stay in there for a few minutes to a few hours depending on how long it took for this damn thing to get off the ground.

Thankfully, the Floatzel wouldn't have to wait much longer. The world around him started to shake, machinery whirring and cargo sliding back and forth as the Great Fox undocked and started to fly out into the open air. After a few minutes to make sure that nobody was going to waltz into the cargo bay, Ari got to work, extending his arms and legs and throwing an Aqua Jet in there as well to weaken the wood around him...eventually, one of the panels fell off with a clatter, and Ari was free. Though he had made a bit more of a mess in the process than he probably would have liked matter. There wouldn't be anyone around to notice it, if the Floatzel had his way.

The Pokemon slipped out of the cargo bay and into the ship's hallways, thankful for the fact that the lighting in some of these hallways needed an upgrade. It allowed him to slink through the shadows undetected, though as he slowly made his way towards the cockpit, and to his target, the Pokemon slowly realized that there weren't many people that he actually needed to hide from. In fact, not a single person, at least not one that Ari could see or hear. Perhaps this was a solo mission or something...something that only made his job easier!

After a few minutes of some fairly-inefficient navigation through the many tunnels and hallways of the Great Fox, Ari made his way towards a singular, rather large door. A label off to the side read "cockpit", and as the Floatzel looked through the glass window, he saw the bird of his desires right behind the wheel...and, on his cellphone, but MOSTLY behind the wheel. The only problem for Ari was the fact that if Falco was truly the only person supposed to be on this ship, it would instantly give the game away if the pilot heard a door opening behind him while he was in the depths of space...clearly, Ari was going to have to get a little bit creative. It did seem like he would have a lot of time to figure out an answer, at the very least!

Ari waited around for quite a while, constantly moving from peeking into the glass window to peering over his shoulder in order to make sure that there wasn't anyone walking around that he had somehow missed...even though, if anyone like that saw him, he wouldn't really have much time to react before shit went down. But eventually, the Floatzel saw Falco pull out a pair of headphones, clamping them over his head and looking at his phone to apparently turn on some music. This would probably be the Floatzel's best shot at catching Falco off guard, so he quickly took advantage of it, opening the cockpit door in the quietest way that he possibly could and sneaking into the room, his heart pounding the whole time and his eyes trained on the back of the bird's head for even the slightest movement. This was by far the most brazen the Floatzel had ever been with a hunt, but it actually seemed to be working out so far. He had Falco right where he wanted him, completely unaware of his existence, entirely focused on something else.

Not wanting even the slightest noise to trip up the perfect situation he had set up, Ari took his time creeping up behind Falco, readying a Focus Punch that would be more than enough to knock the bird unconscious. He would have to act fast to turn on the ship's auto pilot to make sure that the thing didn't go down while its pilot was incapacitated, but otherwise, all that was left was to swing. The Floatzel brought his fist up, a powerful glow forming around his fingers before he went right for the jugular...


Fist made contact with feathers, a powerful thump being completely overshadowed by a blood-curdling scream from Falco as his whole body was pushed right out of his cockpit from the raw power of Ari's punch. The bird crumpled to the floor with a deafening slam, leaving the cockpit seat open for Ari to hop into and quickly turn on the auto pilot to avoid a very painful landing for the both of them. Then, once that was done, the Floatzel could start working on tying up the bird and collecting on that sweet, sweet bounty that had been put on Falco's head...


...that noise was not Ari's doing. A leg sweep had gone underneath his feet and took out the Floatzel from below, the sudden imbalance causing him to tip forward and smack his head against the console that he had just been mashing commands into! Ari had been so focused on setting up the autopilot that the Floatzel didn't notice that Falco had not quite been knocked out by the Focus Punch that he had delivered. It was certainly a hard hit, but the bird was left with just enough strength to get a leg sweep on his mysterious assailant before starting to slowly get back to his feet. The hit that Ari received wasn't as strong as the one he dished out, but it still took the Floatzel a second or two to get his bearings back, and by the time he did that, Falco had gotten back to his feet and was looming over the would-be bounty hunter...

"Agh...and just who are you, exactly? Going to come in here and give me a damn headache without even telling me your name?" Falco demanded of the battered Floatzel, Ari frantically reaching for one of the buttons on the panel before being cut short as Falco quickly whipped out a blaster and pointed it right at that hand. "Nuh-uh-uh, tough guy. Spill it. Why are you here?"

Ari sighed as he slowly took his hand away from the console, slumping back in the chair as he began to explain himself. "Do you know how many bounties are on your head? I figured you would be used to stuff like this by now."

Falco rolled his eyes, keeping the blaster firmly in his hand as he replied to the stunned Floatzel. "Yeeeah, but I do have to say, those guys usually catch me in the city or someplace out in the open. To get me right here in the cockpit of my own ship...that's something special. Shame you didn't follow through on the potential you had there..."

"All right, jackass. Way to rub it in. What are you going to do? Throw me out the space lock? Dump me off on the nearest backwater planet?"

"Mmm...nah. I think getting this close deserves something a little bit...special."

A wave of red light from the avian's blaster was the last thing that Ari saw before everything faded to black. And, honestly, if the Floatzel had time to think about it, he would have expected it to be the last thing that he would ever see...but, perhaps unfortunately for him, it wasn't. The failed bounty hunter came to sometime later, opening his eyes to realize that he was surrounded by darkness. On top of that, it felt like he was being smothered under a very thick blanket, his body still unable to move and a muggy heat surrounding his whole upper half of his body. The Floatzel tried his best to take a breath...but almost immediately coughed. The air down here was so warm and thick, and there was a strange, yet powerful, earthy odor that his body was not ready for! Perhaps the whole failed hunt was just a weird dream, and he was now in the terrifying realm of sleep paralysis...

Then, a voice came from above him. A voice he almost instantly recognized. "Ohh, waking up down there? I hope you don't mind that I, heh, repositioned a little bit.~" Even though the voice was strangely muffled, Ari still immediately realized it as that cocky bird! God, fuck, what had he done while the Floatzel was out? Ari started trying to move, but whatever was on top of him was so heavy that it wouldn't even budge a little bit! There was something that the Pokemon noticed in his strange scuffle, though. Whatever was on top of him, it felt strangely soft, almost...furry? Feathery?

Falco chuckled as he felt the Floatzel squirming around underneath him. Perhaps it was better that he didn't immediately know where he was, because right now? Right now, his face was being used as a little extra cushioning for the cockpit chair! While Ari was knocked out cold by the blaster shot (conveniently set to stun), Falco had taken a seat right down on his limp body, wiggling his rump back and forth until the Pokemon's snout was lodged firmly between his feathered cheeks. Of course, he had taken off his clothing beforehand, not only so that Ari could get a more intimate experience with his rear end, but also because this wasn't the end of his plans for the failed bounty hunter. No, perhaps unfortunately for the Floatzel, he had woken up right at the beginning of what Falco planned to do to him.

"MMmrrrRF!?" Ari suddenly cried out, finding it impossible to actually open his mouth wide enough to say anything intelligible! The Floatzel's arms were trapped at his sides as well; he had control of them past the elbow, but whenever he brought his arms around to push against the bird ass that was smothering him, he quickly realized that he just didn't have enough strength to make it budge even a little bit. The warmth and tightness was most concentrated around his snout, though, Falco's rump closing in on it from all sides as the bird put even more of his weight onto Ari's face. And, with how things were set up, there really was only one place for the Pokemon's snout to go as that rear end kept cranking up the pressure...


Ari flinched as he felt the tip of his nose suddenly press up against something wet and fleshy hidden between these cheeks; and, though the Floatzel was still a tiny bit lost as to what was happening up until now, it was pretty hard to misinterpret what that was. It was Falco's tight pucker, pressing up against Ari's snout and starting to slowly yawn open to allow it inside! "OHHh, yeah, there you go, buttfood..." the bird gasped out as he felt his tailhole start to swallow up Ari's snout, the tight flesh immediately muzzling the Floatzel and making it near impossible for him to even let out those muffled explanations! Falco kept up the pressure with his ass, grinding his rear all over to find a spot that allowed more of Ari's snout to gradually slip up inside of him; even though the Floatzel was very much using all of his limited strength to fight back.

Falco spent another moment or two making sure that he had all of Barney inside of his ass that he could before tensing up and clenching his hole tight, pulling a good few inches Ari's muzzle up inside of his rectum with a wet, loud *sshLRP*! The Floatzel started to panic as he felt the flesh creeping over his head and jaw, all that he was able to breathe being that thick musk he got an ample dose of earlier. With a good grip on the Pokemon secured, the bird started to lean back into his chair a little bit, his rump riding the top of Ari's head as he gradually continued to just work it in. "*Hff* you know, *hrrg* for someone who got so close to cashing in that bounty, you really aren't putting up much of a *hah* fight down there..." Falco commented as he noisily sucked up another few inches of Ari, his tight tailhole now squeezing around the Floatzel's throat as the Pokemon was plunged into a slimy, musky darkness with worrying quickness.

Even over the slimy, squelchy noises that surrounded the Floatzel, he could still hear Falco's teases and taunts with surprising clarity...though, he couldn't really do much about them! The tightness of the bird's bowels was just far too much for the Floatzel to fight back against, especially after just returning to consciousness, and so it was pretty trivial for Falco to just keep the rhythmic clenches going. Occasionally, the bird would hike his rear up just a bit to brace Ari's lower body against the chair, before gradually easing down onto his body like the Floatzel was a big, squirming buttplug...and, honestly, that description was pretty apt! Except, Ari didn't have a flared base, and Falco losing him inside his ass would definitely be intentional~

The bird reached for the autopilot and flicked it off, settling in against his chair once more and preparing to take flight even as he still had about half of the Floatzel to work into his guts! At this point, though, the bounty hunter's fate was pretty much sealed, and plus, his steadily-growing stomach was becoming a bit of a fidget toy for Falco to play around with during the boring parts of his trip...and this was a pretty routine route, all things considered, so the bird usually found himself getting bored more than a few times. Having a gravid, rotund belly to play around with as you cruised through the depths of space would ameliorate that...

And, of course, that stomach would only grow as he continued to squeeze and contract his muscles inward, each robust clench of his pucker sucking up another inch or so of the Floatzel's body. Ari was still conscious, but he was so thoroughly smothered both inside and outside of Falco's body that there really was nothing that he could do at this point, except weakly wiggle every now and again...though, honestly the predatory bird was just enjoying those struggles more than anything else! On top of that, they seemed to be helping Falco's innards move the Floatzel further along inside of him. The water weasel's legs were smooth and streamlined to help him move through the water efficiently, but that unfortunately came with the side effect of making it easier for the Pokemon to slip up into slick bird rumps!

Of course, Floatzels tended to be a little bit bottom heavy, but Falco had seemingly worked his way past that little obstacle without much issue! That was Ari's last lifeline, and there hadn't seemed to be even the slightest bit of a struggle or difficulty with it. So much so, that it had completely slipped Ari's mind until now...Falco had worked his ass over the widest part of the Floatzel's body, with tight clenches and wet slurps, and he hadn't even realized it until it was far too late. That...that was not good, to say the very least. Even what parts of his body were still outside of Falco's bowels were smothered under his thighs and rump, unable to move anywhere as the pilot nonchalantly continued his voyage like he didn't just fight off an attempt on his life, and then cram the offender up his rear end!

"Heh, feels like you're about done down there..." the cocky avian commented as he lifted his rear up from his cockpit once more, the only parts of Ari's body still in the outside world being the tips of his paws and those two tails. Falco's Pokemon-filled gut sagged far below his knees as he stood up, the bird having to support it with one hand to make sure that he didn't lose his balance while he worked on clenching up the last of the Pokemon! His gut wetly *blooOORrgl*d and *slrrrsh*d with every minute movement the bird made...hell, he could even feel his stomach swelling up underneath his wing-hands in real-time! He clenched his innards tight one more time, feeling the heavy weight beneath him start to shift up and inward until...


Falco's fat rear slammed back down onto the chair with a loud, deep *FWUMPH*, partially from the release of all that tension and partially from the extra weight that had just been pulled up inside his body! The bird quickly reached for the autopilot switch again, flicking it on so that he could give his full attention to the massive, bloated stomach that was now in his lap. The bird cradled and rubbed against it with both hands, feeling the thick weight inside gradually shifting around with every rippling movement of his innards, all working to bring the Floatzel to the pilots awaiting stomach. " know, I'd say that I cashed my own bounty in on you. Reward: one tasty Floatzel butt-toy~"

His gut weakly wiggled in protest to his teases. That's all it could do. That's all it would ever do.

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