One Man's Curse - Part Four

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#4 of One Man's Curse

Charlie's publicly diapered adventures continue as he learns a great deal more about the collie he met at the end of the previous chapter. :o

This story was written for TigerJames as their Patreon commission for May 2019. It contains magically induced watersports, diaper play, masturbation and M/M sex between consenting adults in a public place. :3

One Man's Curse... - Part Four

True to his word, the border collie sat quietly beside Charlie as the fox's mind reeled with excitement, with embarrassment and with curiosity about the dog in equal measure. There was no denying what Charlie had heard as the other man sat down next to him. It was utterly unmistakable. That rustling, crinkling sound which Charlie now could not stop thinking about had betrayed the fact that the collie too was wearing a diaper beneath his clothes, and in doing so it had made Charlie so very eager to know much, much more about the man who seemed so very concerned about him and his apparently frantic, panicked state.

It was hard to think clearly about his next move though, because as Charlie sat there next to the collie the real reason why he'd been so flustered by their recent collision continued to make itself abundantly clear. He trembled, he felt his toes curling and his tail quivering as hot urine poured forth from the tip of his own rigid cock, currently locked away not just within a diaper of his own, but an impossible, magical diaper which even now was proving its unnatural abilities to the fox. He had been urinating, flooding his diaper with hot piss for minutes upon minutes without pause, and yet there was no sign of the intense continued relief and the lingering need to keep on urinating letting up any time soon, nor was there any suggestion that the diaper itself was going to reach a point of saturation. Every time he thought about it, his cock throbbed, Charlie so turned on by the state in which he now found himself that not only was he rock hard and tenting the material of his diaper as well as the jeans beyond it, but every time his cock rubbed against the inside of the sodden diaper there was a split-second where Charlie was convinced that whether still urinating or not, he was going to cum from just how incredibly good it felt.

And of course, all of those feelings and all those thoughts were rushing through his head not in the privacy of his own home, but out in the middle of a public park, sitting under a quiet tree with the seemingly also diaper-wearing but otherwise unknown border collie resting close by, looking at him with rosy cheeks and wide open, gentle eyes.


As soon as Charlie heard his own voice ring out, cutting through the quiet which had been hanging over them like a veil from the moment the dog sat down next to him, his heart lurched with panic as his mind hurriedly begged him not to say anything that would give him away based solely on his hunch that this man was a kindred spirit as far as diaper-play was concerned.

"...what's your n-nhhh... name?"

He stammered slightly to conceal a moan of ecstasy as he shifted his bent knees ever so slightly to get more comfortable while still trying to hide his obvious erection or the fact that he was constantly, unstoppably wetting himself from the other man.

"Benjamin. But, call me Ben, or Benji, please."

The collie responded, clearly glad that someone had said something at last, but equally still visibly worried by Charlie's still shaky demeanour.

"Hi, Benji. I'm Cha-hahhhh.... Charlie..."

The fox shuddered, moaned in the midst of his introduction, and as he saw the border collie's eyes widen and an unmistakable heat rush into the other man's cheeks and ears as Benjamin recognised that aroused, longing moan for what it was, Charlie's mind panicked and begged him once again not to keep on talking... but this time utterly in vain.

"...I'm Charlie, a-and... I'm pissing in my diaper, r-rhhnhnhh... right fucking now..."

For a moment, Charlie saw pure panic enter Benjamin's eyes, and the collie stammered his own instinctive, nervous denial of any understanding about such things.

"You're what? I d-don't... I don't know what you're saying. I don't know w-what that..."

Yet even as the border collie tried to play it off as though he had no knowledge of diaper-play and thus no context for what Charlie had just said to him whatsoever, his eyes were getting wider and wider as the fox shifted position against the tree by which he was sitting. He kept himself hidden away from the rest of the park and its myriad other occupants, but turned so that he was facing Benjamin. The fox spread his legs so that the dog could see the sizeable tent in his jeans, and reached down to press a hand to that bulge, letting the diaper beneath the blue fabric rustle and squish as its dry, leakless exterior and its piss-soaked, infinitely absorbent interior work together to show themselves off.

Benjamin's denials trailed off into silence, and for a few seconds he just sat there beside the fox openly staring at his tented crotch, ears twitching as they rang with the sound of that unmistakably diaper-born rustling and wetness.


Then, he spoke once again. Not with shame or with disgust at the fox's revelation, but with dawning realisation not just about the truth of Charlie's words, but something much more than that.

"Wait. Charlie? There was a... I mean, I think. I didn't see you, I mean, I didn't notice you, but... there were a bunch of us there. I didn't get everyone's name. But, Charlie... were you at the party a couple of days ago?"

Charlie's eyes bulged. Benjamin didn't have to explain which party. He knew. Suddenly they both knew.

Their bumping into each other hadn't been an accident. It hadn't been a random happenstance. It was fate. It was destiny.

It was the diaper, drawing them together.

"Oh my god..."

Charlie whined bashfully as he squeezed his crotch and his rock hard cock yet again, shuddering, moaning as at long last the diaper's magic relented, and allowed him to stop actively wetting himself for a little while.

"Oh my god. Benji. The... the diaper. With..."

The border collie finished the fox's statement for him.

"...with the golden tabs. You picked it up?"

Charlie shook his head.

"No. I mean, I didn't mean to. It was in my bag. Wrapped up in paper. I thought someone had packed it there by mistake. I... I was just going to try it on, t-then if I found out who it belonged to, I'd buy them a new one. I never knew. I... I c-couldn't have..."

Benjamin held up his hands, and Charlie bashfully fell silent.

"Hey, it's okay. I... the diaper, it... it came to me the same way. One day it was just there. I didn't know what it was. What the writing on it meant. But, I put it on, and then..."

The collie's face flushed brighter still, and he looked at Charlie's panting face, his still straining crotch, but the no longer quite so glassy eyed look upon his face.

"It's amazing, isn't it? Really losing control like that. Not knowing when you're going to let go. How long it's going to last. Getting so horny, so worked up just by pissing yourself that you feel like you could cum at any second."

Everything they said was a whisper, still very much aware of the rather busy, bustling park all around them. But still Benjamin looked so excited, so overwhelmed with joy at having someone to share those feelings with that he seemed barely able to contain it. In fact, he seemed so desperately worked up by this recent revelation that as he sat before Charlie upon the grass the fox could see the border collie's own trousers beginning to tent, and he giggled bashfully, gleefully as they both glanced nervously around them before scooting closer together in the hidden shade of the tree.

"So, when the diaper went to me... what happened to you? A-are you still... still losing control, like I have been since I started wearing it? Coz, the amount this makes you go, I can't imagine a normal diaper handling even a fraction of it."

The fox had so many questions, so many things he wanted to say and to share with this man who just minutes ago had been a total stranger to him.

"No. When I looked in my bag after the party and it was gone, I... I realised that I hadn't actually lost control all night. I was so caught up in the party atmosphere, relaxing with people, letting myself go, having fun, that I never actually thought about what the diaper should have been doing to me. It had been with me for almost a year by then. It was just a part of my life. Maybe... maybe that was why it moved on. Maybe it felt like I was taking it for granted. Maybe I was. But, for the last couple of days, I've been... w-well, normal is a relative term. I've been in control of my bladder again. And, while I miss it? I'm just... I'm glad to know it's gone to someone else. That someone else is feeling the same incredible things I felt because of it. I always hoped I'd meet the person who had it before me, but I never did. I hoped I'd get to ask them about their experiences. If they knew anything more about its abilities, where it came from, what that writing on the front meant..."

His voice trailed off as he seemed to realise that he was rambling, and the border collie's face burned crimson as he raised his head slightly only to find Charlie's eyes lingering upon his with a hopeful, longing twinkle deep within them.

"You could share your experiences with me, i-if you want to..."

Charlie murmured, smiling softly as the collie's blush deepened, matching his own rosy-faced glow.

"Because, I... I'd really love to share this with someone. Someone who understands. Who... who knows how it feels, and who won't be weirded out by how much there can be. How much piss can get everywhere, if I'm not actually wearing the diaper when I... w-when it makes me let go."

Benjamin swallowed thickly. He shuddered where he was sitting beside the fox, and moaned under his breath.

"You want to share that with me? All of it?"

Charlie nodded. The collie moaned again, and boldly, shamelessly as he glanced around the sunlit park, he leaned forward to gently press his lips to Charlie's own, while subtly letting one of his hands come to rest upon the bulge of the fox's urine-swollen diaper and rock hard, still desperately needy cock. It was a good thing that he had kissed the fox in time with his wandering paw's contact though, because had he not, the strained grunt of ecstasy which escaped Charlie's muzzle a second or so later wouldn't have been nearly as muffled as it was by the presence of Benjamin's tongue. Nor indeed would the border collie's own gasp of delight have been muffled by the fox's lips when he felt Charlie's cock not just twitch in excitement beneath his affectionate, teasing touch, but begin to strain and to leap urgently up against the ever so slight and tender pressure he had applied.

He watched as Charlie's eyes glazed over, then rolled back until practically only the whites were showing. He listened and felt Charlie's hot, ragged breathing washing out against his own muzzle, and in pure elation Benjamin moaned quietly, but encouragingly to the fox as under that one teasing caress of his hand upon the other man's diapered crotch, he set loose the orgasm which had been building within Charlie's lust-stricken body and even more lustfully crazed mind from the moment he made the decision to take his delightfully incontinent bladder and leak-free diaper out into public.

"Oohh... ohh god..."

Their muzzles brushed together, tongues flicking forth as Benjamin's forehead came to rest against Charlie's own. The fox panted and whined through his orgasm as over and over again Benjamin squeezed and rubbed at the bulge of his diapered, now urgently throbbing, spurting cock. By the time he was done though, by the time Charlie was spent, one of his own hands had moved shakily forward to grasp the border collie's other paw. He clutched it, squeezed it tightly, and as the two of them sat there beneath the tree and smooched, and revelled in their awareness, their unabashed acceptance and delight of what they knew was getting both themselves and their new friend worked up to the extreme which Charlie had just expressed in no uncertain terms, the fox whispered one more longing plea to the man resting there with him.

"...please, come back home with me. And then... once we're alone. Once we're properly, actually alone..."

They both glanced around, faces burning hotter than ever as in the wake of those few lustful moments they had stolen together they remembered just how exposed and how very public their chosen venue for their meeting and their first moments of passion had truly been.

"...we can share everything, and... and more."

By Jeeves

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One Man's Curse - Part Three

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One Man's Curse... - Part Two

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One Man's Curse... - Part One

This story was written for TigerJames as their Patreon commission reward for February 2019. It contains M/Solo masturbation and watersports related diaper play involving a consenting adult male. **One Man's Curse... - Part One** Charlie had...

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