(~8~) To The Descent, Pt. 2 (FINALE)

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#15 of Star Fox: The Descent

It's here! The final chapter of Star Fox: The Descent has finally arrived as the sordid adventure of Fox and Krystal comes to an end right where it started years ago: in the clutches of a pair of sleazy lizards far off in space. I worked hard on this final installment, and I hope the effort shows! I wish everyone a pleasant reading!

Thumbnail Art- Krystalline Curves

For more stories check my gallery! I'll continue to upload here as well as to SoFurry.

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When they arrived back at the lobby leading to the Loka's office they both noticed that the secretaries had all vanished. Their two escorts left them at the elevator and when the doors slid shut behind them the pair were left alone in the empty room. Fox panned his eyes around and found the security cameras. They were alone, but not out of sight.

"It's become awfully quiet." Krystal told him, then let the back of her hand brush against his. He turned to look her way and smiled.

"Let's find ourselves some company, then." He replied and started walking with the vixen in tow at his side.

He reached the double doors and rapped his knuckles on the lacquered surface. It was just a gesture to make the occupants speak up. Or could they? The doors were probably sound proofed, and Fox wasn't quite sure how a knock on a door like that would work. A few moments later the door opened and on the other side was Kilroy. He wore a serious expression on his features, and behind him his brother looked positively sour.

"Take a sseat." Kilroy instructed them before leaving them at the door to return to his side of the desk. As he was seating himself Fox and Krystal each took the seats they'd been occupying not that long ago. He leaned back and noticed Krystal holding her hands in her lap. She'd not removed the bracelet, of course.

"Thank you for having us back so soon." She spoke up, and her tone was cordial. Fox was watching both brothers and noted that the pair had each looked to Krystal with only their eyes before nodding in reply.

Baccus leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. With a flick of his chin Kilroy adjusted his posture and pressed something on the underside of the desk. In the center of the table, which Fox had always assumed was nothing more than an imported Cornerian Oak desk, a portal slid open to reveal a hologram projector. It activated at Kilroy's command.

In front of them was now a flatscreen display of the cargo manifest for the Marionette. It was the same one that had been sent to the Great Fox. Kilroy propped an elbow on the arm of his chair and lifted his hand. Fox now noticed he was holding a small controller.

"The manifesst you were given iss not fake, McCloud. Everything you ssee on the lisst is contained within the Marionette. If anyone were to sstop the Marionette and ssearch it, they would find every item lissted here." The lizard began to explain. His thumb began to flex against the controller and the screen shifted from the manifest to a three-dimensional display of various pieces of machinery and hardware. All of it looked like items straight from the manifest.

"Is this to point out I was wrong to doubt you?" Fox asked, turning his head from one brother to the brother. When his eyes settled onto Baccus' there was a moment of tension before Baccus broke the gaze and again he flicked his chin back to his brother. Fox turned away from the petulant brother and back to the one with self-control.

"No. You were right to susspect that we were not being honesst." He replied and flexed his thumb again, and the display changed to a new graphic. Fox flexed his brow and struggled to make sense of what he was seeing. It was a large array of metallic boxes of varying size and appearance. He hazarded a guess that it was computer related, but computers are never this large. Even at the academy the powerful computers the instructors used to craft combat simulations were still no larger than a box of cereal.

"This looks like tech hardware." Fox said, opting to be vague with what he thought he was looking at.

"Some kind of computing hardware, Fox." Krystal added, which gave him some relief knowing that it wasn't just him coming to that conclusion. He nodded in reply to her, but never let his gaze shift away from the two lizards.

"You are correct, Maiden." Kilroy said before lowering his hand. The display of the computer hardware remained above the desk and slowly rotated. Kilroy lifted his hand again and gestured to the display.

"What you are looking at iss currently the most powerful computer in the Lylat Ssystem. Sspace Dynamics designed it at the requesst of the Cornerian Army, but they never commissioned the actual production of the computer. Insstead, the design wass then procured from Sspace Dynamics illegally, and then production began in ssecret on Fachina by the military's own R&D division." Kilroy began to explain, and Fox lifted an eyebrow.

"So, they stole it." Fox didn't ask, he made sure it was a statement of fact. Kilroy nodded back in agreement.

"They sstole it, and then built it themsselves. It iss complete and hidden amidsst the hardware lissted on the manifest. The Cornerians wanted to enssure that there would be as few paper trails ass possible between them and thiss computer. Our role to play was to use our connections and sshell companies to procure all the parts required in ssecret." He explained.

Fox considered all that but found it strange that a computer would cost 2 billion credits, but at the same time this was tech far beyond his understanding. No telling what it could have cost.

"All this for 2 billion?" He asked for his own clarity.

"Oh, no, far more than that. We're deeper in the hole than you can possibly imagine, Foxx McCloud." Baccus finally spoke up.

"And why is that?" Krystal asked. Baccus turned only his head to her, then looked back to his brother. Kilroy started flexing his thumb against the controller and the display flickered out before returning with a schematic taking its place. It looked like an elongated tuning fork with 4 arms instead two. Highly detailed and ribbed with metal struts for stability. It was like a kind of rib cage, but for a machine.

"Thiss. What you are transporting for uss, Fox, iss a targeting computer for what you ssee on the display." Kilroy told them. The display was slowly rotating and now Fox could begin to piece together the design. It was probably a railgun, but he had no way to know the size of it without something next to it for scale.

"A railgun?" He asked. Kilroy nodded.

"More than even that. The Cornerians have been using uss to complete a weaponss program for them. They are terrified of it being leaked to the public, and sso they they've come all the way to Belter Sol to make it a reality." He explained.

"This feels out of the ordinary for something General Pepper would authorize." Fox thought aloud. The General wasn't above exploring new avenues, but to work with 'criminals'? He had his doubts about that. Baccus replied with a curt laugh before his brother could say anything more.

"He doessn't know about thiss program, McCloud." The lizard replied, and Fox's attention peaked. So, the General didn't know?

"Only four partiess know about thiss, McCloud." Baccus interrupted. "Uss, a handful of Cornerian brass, our fabrication team, and now you."

A fabrication team? Building the actual gun. The targeting computer must have built on Fachina behind so much red tape and bureaucracy that General Pepper would never have known of its existence. Fox had a generally high level of trust for the Cornerian military, but this felt fishy.

"So, what is this gun, then?" Fox asked. "Why be so secretive about it?"

"This computer has sseveral decades of sstar charts built into its memory, as well as the most accurate assessment of every celestial body in the Lylat Ssystem. It can compute the gravitational pull of every planet, moon, and assteroid. The sstar charts are so detailed that it can even plot a pathway through an assteroid field if you give it enough data." Kilroy answered.

"When they tessted the prototype it was able to plot a trajectory from Venom's Bolse Defense Ssatellite to Corneria City in less than 30 minutess." Baccus then added.

"Wait, you mean a single straight shot at that range?" Fox asked. That was a staggering amount of distance for a railgun. A missile could easily make such a journey, but a bullet? That's an incredibly tight needle to thread!

"Why from Venom to Corneria?" Krystal asked. He glanced her way and saw a look of concern hovering over her features.

Baccus looked over to his brother, and the two shared a glance. Kilroy began to work the controller once more and the schematic faded from view only to be replaced with a single still image of what was clearly a warship under construction.

"Taken three days ago at our construction ssite. We've hidden it inside an assteroid everyone fliess past to get here. It ussed to be a mining operation before we emptied it of everything valuable. Now it'ss just an empty sshell with a drydock inside. This was taken ass a part of a progress report we'll be ssending to the Cornerians." Baccus told them both.

Fox frowned at the image. The ship looked trapped in a confused state of construction with much of its internal structure exposed. Chunks of completed hull were suspended in the nearby gantries and he could see traces of the rail gun intermixed with the ship's components. It looked to him like the railgun was to be the warship's main weapon with other defenses arrayed around the ship in a... familiar fashion.

"Why is the hull painted red?" Fox asked. He saw no insignias, but the color left him feeling uneasy, because the Cornerian military liked painting its ships grey and white.

"We haven't repainted the exterior yet. We are prioritizing the sship's completion over its aestheticss." Kilroy told him. "The lasst crew that worked on it had confused priorities."

"Had you not been ssuch an efficient killer, McCloud, it might have been finisshed in time to end the war for Andross." Baccus added with a smirk. Fox looked from him and back to the display. Something that could plot a bullet's course from Venom to Corneria in just under half an hour.

"Why do they want this finished?" Krystal asked them in a sober tone.

"Fear that ssomeone else might do it before they do." Baccus replied. "They want to grip the ssword themsselves before anyone else hass a chance to dangle it above their headss."

"Why do they fear a railgun so much when Andross had so many other weapons in his arsenal?" Fox asked. Kilroy worked the controller again and began to change the display from the ship to what now looked like a color image of black metal sphere. It almost looked like a giant ball bearing.

"Bigger than a taxi, but not by much. Each round will be painted with a light absorbing coating. No reflections. In sspace it will be invisible to the eye. The ssphere's interior maximizes stealth. No noise, low heat ssignature, and no energy ssignatures. It's just a very small assteroid flying through sspace amongst the trillions of others already there." Kilroy explained, then tapped his finger on the controller and the sphere began to open in the middle like a melon cut in half.

Fox knew what a bomb looked like.

"It'll survive reentry on most planetss. You don't even need to insstall an explossive if you want to hit a ssmall target. We think it can be accurate enough to hit a kitchen table if you gave the computer itss coordinates." He added.

"This is awful." Krystal replied grimly.

"Now imagine if they put a fission bomb inside." Baccus sneered. "Andross had a nassty imagination."

No wonder General Pepper didn't know. He'd never approve of something like this.

"Who is paying you to build it?" Fox asked. Kilroy looked to his brother, but Baccus only shook his head.

"We don't know the important names." Baccus answered. There was then a single buzz at his chest. He was being truthful, but Baccus continued. "We know they are from the Cornerian military and nothing else. The client iss real, the money iss real, and sso iss the ship. It'll prove exceedingly lucrative for uss."

"What are they paying you to assume so much risk?" Krystal asked them both. They both leaned back in their chairs. The pair of them wore smiles.

"We demanded certain... benefitss. Our sshell companies will receive relaxed sscrutiny, and any ship coming from Belter Sol will notice that customss enforcement iss much more lax. Including yours." Kilroy spoke.

"And I take it they are repaying you for all the expenses in building it?" Fox asked for clarity, and the two lizards nodded.

"Of course." Baccus replied.

"I know if I asked you to stop building it you would refuse." Fox pointed out, and to that they again nodded.

"Of course." Kilroy took his turn.

"Would it be possible for us to have a copy of the plans? So, we know how it was built?" Krystal inquired, and Fox tilted his gaze to her. Both brothers shifted and eyed each other.

"Not to build one for ourselves." She added. Fox caught on and nodded.

"It would be a failsafe should someone decide to use it as Andross had intended to." He told the brothers. If they knew how it was built, then they could find a way to take it out before it could cause too much damage.

Baccus laughed.

"You're already pusshing this to the very limit, McCloud." He told them both. His hand went up to trace the scar on his face as he shifted in his seat for comfort. The lizard looked thoughtful, but also playful. Bargaining now.

"You weren't ssupposed to know the truth. Only that it was machinery for uss. Nothing more. We went to you not only because of your sskill, but because your reputation precedes you. It made our client feel more comfortable knowing that the targeting ssystem would be in your care." Kilroy said, then added, "However, Baccus iss correct. You are reaching the very limitss of our flexibility."

"Fox." Krystal spoke up and he turned to find her watching him. She wanted his ear. He leaned toward her in his chair, and she sat up higher in her own and leaned herself over with her hand upraised to hide her lips as she whispered in his ear.

"Baccus is irritated, but in a better mood now than before. Kilroy is uncomfortable. Both are horny." She whispered, and he listened. "I can make them both fold."

He pulled his head away and gestured to her to give her his ear. The brothers both watched, and Fox caught them eying each other. Something about their knowing expressions left him feeling that they were suspecting the offer Krystal was suggesting, cliché as it was.

"Bed?" He kept it short, and she nodded. When she pulled away, she gave him a firm look of concern. Fox turned his eyes back to the brothers and shifted in his seat but didn't give anything away. He looked back to the vixen who was now easing back into her seat. Fox caught Krystal's gaze and steeled himself.

Everything felt so serious now. When the two of them had first set out in a taxi to find out what was going on, he'd never suspected that this would be the final outcome. They'd gone and walked right into an enormous plot. If everything was true, and by Krystal's empathy and instinct it appeared to be, then it would be an extremely good idea to get the plans from them. They needed to know how to kill that ship if, and maybe when, someone went rouge with it.

He looked to the brothers. Baccus wore the faintest of smiles bordering on a smirk, and Kilroy looked more pleasant. He couldn't see the discomfort Krystal had felt from them, but the pair knew how to wear a poker face when they needed to.

Fox suspected that the two of them would give them the plans. More than that Fox doubted that they had no problems with it. They just weren't going to give them up for free. Kilroy was right about them being at the limit and Fox's gamble had pushed them to the edge of what they'd cough up for him.

He looked back to Krystal. She was waiting for him to make his decision on what to do. He nodded to her, and then turned back to the Lokas. Leaning back in his seat he shifted and assumed a stronger posture, but also one that looked forgiving.

"I have, no, we both have to thank you for coming clean with us. I don't like everything that I've heard, but I'm glad that I did hear it. Better than being blindsided by it later." He began.

"Would have rather it happen under better circumstancess, Flyboy." Baccus replied.

"However, I really do want access to the plans for the ship and its weapon system." Fox continued past the lizard's remark.

"Ssomething we would be very reluctant to do, McCloud." Kilroy said, and held his hand up to his brother who looked like he was going to speak but kept his silence at the behest of his brother. "We've already given you an enormouss amount. You'll have to give uss ssomething back in return."

"If you won't give them up for me, then perhaps Krystal would do a better job of coercing them out of you both?" He said. Fox hid it well, but he was feeling a weird chill now that he'd said it so openly. Brazenly even. Krystal was at his side with knees together and hands in her lap. A subtle curve and twist to her torso. Pleasant and attractive. Bait.

Baccus was now grinning openly, and Kilroy did his best to suppress his own urge, but when he turned to his brother the façade broke a bit. When he turned back to Fox the grin was clearly there.

"Are your negotiating tacticss that fearsome, Maiden?" Kilroy asked Krystal directly. She smiled back at him sweetly and nodded as graciously as she knew to do.

"Normally, it's the two of you in charge. I think I can surprise you if you gave me a chance to talk you down." She told them both. Speaking of Baccus he was already standing, which irritated his brother.

"At leasst pretend we're bargaining, Baccus." He muttered, but Baccus was already moving to Krystal's side to offer her his hand.

"Maiden." He told her, and then flicked his eyes from her to Fox. Fox looked back and made himself smile. He wasn't quite sure what Krystal had planned himself, but he'd be finding out soon enough.

She reached up and accepted the lizard's hand and he helped her to stand. Baccus flashed a grin to his brother who was now standing himself. Fox stood last and watched as the lizard led her to the doorway that would lead to the 'game' room. The lizard wasn't hiding his eagerness, and the tent in the front of his business slacks was evidence of it. Kilroy was patient, and let Fox make it around the desk to the door before stepping up and taking his arm.

"I'm impresssed you grew a pair today, Foxx McCloud." He whispered before gesturing to the open doorway. Fox nodded to the lizard in reply, then accepted the invitation to pass through the door with Kilroy following close behind him.

The room hadn't changed much since he'd last seen it. The bar across from the door was as well stocked with liquor as Fox had remembered it, and there was a look of fresh cleaning about all the furniture. The sectional couches all had trails on the cushions from a vacuum, and the massive bed in the corner had its covers tucked tight under corners like they were at a hotel.

"Sso Maiden, do sshow uss your bargaining possture." Baccus said ahead of them as he moved toward the couches and took a seat for himself. His hand casually found its way to his groin where he began to idly rub a knuckle across his zipper. Kilroy touched Fox on the shoulder before stepping around him to approach the couches. Krystal stopped at the coffee table and stripped off her jacket before throwing it over the arm of one of the couches.

Kilroy seated himself across from his brother. She turned to Fox and watched him for a moment. He nodded to her with a smile he had to coax out of himself.

"I'm curious, too." He told her with confidence he was drumming up through sheer force of will. "Show me how fast you can take what I want from them."

Baccus barked out a laugh from his seat on the couch.

"Well, well, Flyboy. Let'ss ssee if sshe can take anything more than my cock." He sneered back and Krystal turned back to face Baccus directly before reaching up to the red choker she wore around her neck. With a snap it sagged loose in her hands.

"Do you have anything to drink?" She asked him. The lizard laughed again and looked over at his brother.

"We have all kindss of sspirits, Maiden, but I recall the lasst time we fed you alcohol it went right to your head." Kilroy added.

"I remember you two loved getting me drunk. What's the hardest liquor you got?" She asked them both. Fox was feeling nervous, but he saw her tail twitch in a way that belied the confidence in her own voice. She sounded confident, but there was a subtlety to her figure that led Fox to believe she feared she was about to bite off more than could be chewed.

Kilroy was grinning as he stood himself back up. His pants were tented as hard as his brother's were. Krystal and Fox both watch the lizard stepped up to the vixen before he reached up to catch her chin in his hand.

"Are you ssure you want to do that?" He asked her.

"Are you suggesting I don't know what I want?" She asked him back before reaching her own hand to pluck it off her chin.

"I think your bravado lackss backbone, Maiden." He told her, and her tail flicked. Fox heard the sound of a zipper pull. It wasn't from the lizard's pants, but from the vest Krystal wore. She shrugged it off and tossed it to wear her jacket rested. From behind her he could just barely see the sides of her breasts as she filled out the white tank top she'd worn.

"Fix me a drink or I'll be sucking those plans out of your brother all night." She told him curtly and started walking to Baccus. The seated lizard laughed at his brother.

"Do what sshe wantss. Let her have her way." He said as Krystal then knelt in front of him. Fox watched her until she was starting to undo the lizard's pants, then he turned toward Kilroy who had paused to eye Krystal from behind with a smile. He saw him watching and smirked before turning away at last to make for the bar. He gestured for Fox to come along with him.

He stood and followed and when they reached the bar Fox's ears perked at the sound of a wet smacking, and he looked back toward the couch see Baccus looking down at the vixen whose head was now bobbing over the end of his enormous cock. She was being serious about giving them what they wanted so that he could get those plans. There was a clink of glass against wood and his attention returned to the bar.

"Sshould I bring her a glasss, or sshove the whole bottle in her, McCloud?" The lizard asked with a smile. He'd produced a pair of scotch glasses.

"I'm sure she's expecting a glass." He replied. The goannan turned to the shelves of alcohol and reached up to run his finger across the wood until he came to a stop at a honey hued bottle. The tear drop bottle was brought to the counter where he poured one of the glasses halfway before filling the second one almost to the very top.

He drank the first one like it was a shot and finished it with a smack and an inhale.

"40 yearss old. Ssavenau Whisskey. Can't buy thiss anymore." Kilroy said and refilled the glass. The bottle had been about three quarters full when he'd brought it down from the shelf.

"Why's that?" Fox asked.

"The disstillery that made it went up in ssmoke during the invassion of Corneria. Collateral damage." The lizard replied and passed the glass to him. Fox took it up and smelled it. The scene of a smooth warm liquor filled his nose before he touched it to his lips. The first sip confirmed the heat and with his swallow that followed he could feel its smoothness. It was a strong liquor. He only drank half the glass. Fox wasn't prepared to down it like Kilroy had done.

"You approve?" He asked Fox.

"It's good, but she doesn't know the difference between good and bad booze, Kilroy." He replied, and the lizard chuckled. Kilroy turned back to the shelves and produced another one whose cork was still sealed with unbroken wax.

"Then we'll have her taste trassh before diamondss." He said and dug a claw into the wax before ripping it off in a chunk. Fox recognized the bottle. It was a normal bottle of whiskey, but probably tasted like 'trash' to anyone who was familiar with better drinks.

"She'll wonder what's taking us so long." He volunteered, and as if magic both of them heard the vixen gag from her kneeling position. Fox glanced over and saw Baccus was giving Krystal his full attention as he shoved her head down roughly into his lap. A smug grin touched the corners of his mouth as his lips parted in a shallow pant.

"I think her prioritiess are elssewhere." He replied. Fox's attention was again pulled back to the bar as Kilroy started making noise with the counter. With him standing on the other side of the bar Fox could see where the lizard's hands were, but he was now opening a drawer and fishing through it with the sound of rattling plastic and metal.

Kilroy pulled his hand from the drawer with a narrow plastic tube between his fingers. He looked to Fox and gave the tube a shake. It sounded like pills rattling, which left Fox frowning.

"Have you ever tried Sin?" He asked, and Fox's brow furled.

"Can't say I'm religious enough to know the difference at times." He replied. Kilroy laughed and popped the tube open and sat the cap on the counter. He shook the tube and let several small pills fall into the palm of his free hand. Each pill looked like an egg polished to a shine but was only the size of one of his fingernails.

"It'ss illegal in mosst placess. Can get a persson into trouble real eassy if they don't know what they're doing." The lizard replied and counted out two pills and sat them on the counter. Fox eyed them with a continued frown.

"Are you planning on taking those yourself?" He asked. Kilroy smirked and sat another pair of pills on the counter before lifting a single pill and placing it on his tongue. Fox watched as Kilroy closed his mouth and poured himself a glass of the cheap whisky before taking a swallow to wash the pill down.

"Goannanss can only take one pill. Mammalss like you can take two." He explained. "Thiss iss from a homemade batch fresh from Belter Sol."

"I think we'll be fine without the drug, Kilroy." Fox replied.

"The Maiden over there iss doing her part, but what about you?" He asked, and Fox maintained his sour look. "You impresssed me today. The Flyboy sshowed ssome sspine. You really got under Baccus' sskin deeper than I thought you could ever manage."

There was a loud gag and Fox looked over to see Baccus standing up now and lifting Krystal's head along with his crotch as his hips continued to rock against her muzzle.

"I was pushed too far. I pushed back." He replied with his eyes lingering over his woman throating the big lizard before finally looking back over to the other one.

"We've been keeping you far from the action, McCloud. I want to ssee if you can impresss me again. Take them." Fox listened and his eyes were drawn back down to the counter with a tap of the lizard's claws. He looked at the two pills and concentrated. What did they even do, and why was the lizard wanting him to take them? So, he could impress him, he said, and what would that entail?

Another glance toward Krystal revealed Baccus was taking advantage of his new elevated position by throating the vixen from head to balls. She was clinging to the fabric covering his thighs as her throat gagged and slurped over the thick pillar being force fed to her. The moment lingered as Fox watched until the Goannan yanked himself from her maw with a wet pop. She coughed only once but collected herself quickly so that by the time the lizard slapped his cock over the bridge of her muzzle she was ready again. Fox could see she wasn't missing a beat and had already begun to lick the lizard's balls.

"What'ss the matter? Afraid of sshowing up your woman?" Kilroy said with a laugh, and Fox scoffed. As if that was the sort of action Fox knew to give. His own cock was already stirring in his pants, but even at full mast he knew he couldn't hope to ever show up the brothers. Anything he could do they could do better, and he knew that well since they'd so thoroughly proven it before.

"What do they do?" Fox asked.

"It'ss a cocktail that boostss sstamina and libido. You'll lasst longer. On a woman like our Maiden she'd outlast all three of uss. Could eassily earn thosse planss for you with a tirelesss body like herss." He replied.

"They're safe?" He asked.

"Don't take more than two and be prepared for a sstronger than normal hangover tomorrow morning." He replied again. Fox looked down at the pills all neatly laid out. Increased stamina and libido. Maybe he could use that to his advantage if what he was saying was true. Kilroy had already taken one for himself, and he could take a dose and see what he could do. If Fox felt ok using them on himself then perhaps he could pull her aside and ask her if she wanted to try. Again, if Kilroy was being truthful then she would outlast them all.

No, why even bother. She'd agree. Both of them had stepped into this room fully aware of what they were going to do. This little sex pill only added a minor wrinkle to an already ruined bedsheet. What was one more?

He reached out to the first pair of pills with a good measure of hesitation in his hand. The closer his fingertips got to the things the more he found himself second guessing his decision. Kilroy's smug expression didn't help. Fox eyed the lizard as he lifted the pills and popped them both into his mouth, then with a mouthful of whiskey he washed them both down.

"Now I get to ssee how you fare. Think you'll impresss me, McCloud?" He asked.

"I'm humble enough to admit when another man has a bigger gun." Fox replied and looked away from the taller reptile. Krystal had disposed of her top and was now pressing her chest up against Baccus' crotch. His enormous cock was trapped between her breasts and she was vigorously stroking him through her valley. Fox watched as she worked her legs like she was doing an ongoing rep of squats. How long could she keep that up? Not long enough to pop his cork, he wagered. Her stamina wasn't awful, but as the lizards had demonstrated clearly enough already, they tended to wear her down limp and had no qualms with using her as a ragdoll.

A hand touched his shoulder, and he popped his attention back to Kilroy who was now nudging him away from the bar. Fox looked down at his glass and stared at the amber liquid. He lifted the glass, tossed the contents down his throat and finished it in one go before smacking his lips from the drink's bite.

"Don't ssell yourself sshort, McCloud. There's more to a man than hiss inches." He told him. Fox left his glass on the counter and allowed himself to be herded by the lizard closer to the couch and the action on the other side of it. Krystal had grown tired of squatting, and Baccus had gotten tired of only having her tits around his dick.

Fox was impressed by the strength of the coffee table's legs. The table didn't look like it was about to give out anytime soon even though the big lizard had the vixen twisted like a pretzel on it so he could pile drive his cock in her cunt. Fox had never seen her get fucked in a position like this one before.

Both her legs yanked up over her head and crossed behind her neck like a yoga position, and Baccus was there fucking her with heavy solid thrust from above like he was trying to flatten her like a machine press. His drool was dripping over her body as she squirmed and grunted under him. She reached out and grabbed the lizard's neck and pulled him in and they kissed.

It wasn't that she was ignoring Fox, but that she was completely absorbed in the moment now. He'd have to say something to get her attention. Kilroy grabbed him by the elbow.

"If you want to join uss for real thiss time, then you're going to have to prove to me you're worth the rissk." The lizard whispered from behind Fox. He turned his head and saw the expression waiting for him on the lizard's face wasn't wry or smug, but serious.

"Baccus' would be a brute if he handled thiss converssation. I'm being gentle. You're assking uss to risk a great deal if it was discovered those planss got leaked." He continued.

"I'm offended you'd think I'd break the trust I've worked so hard to cultivate." He replied.

"Cultivate, but not fortify." Kilroy replied.

"Promisse uss that nothing will leak passt your team'ss lipss." The lizard continued on. The rutting pair behind on the coffee table was oblivious to their exchange, and Fox's laugh was too quiet to catch anyone's attention.

"You have my word, Kilroy." He told him.

"Then prove it. All you've done in this room is let uss cuck you." The reptile replied, and Fox felt his ear go red with more than just the flush of alcohol. "You'll sstart feeling the pillss soon."

"What am I proving?" Fox asked before Kilroy took him by the arm and pulled him away from the couch. The lizard's head dipped close to his ear before given him a whisper.

Fox folded his ears back and his cheeks flushed as he listened.

"You did it once when I forced you to, but this time you're doing it on your own." He was told. Fox hesitated as the memory of having his head pressed down over the lizard's cock rose back up to his conscious mind. He grimaced.

"I think you mistook me for being gay, Kilroy." Fox replied and shook his arm free of the lizard's grip.

"You're ass sstraight as you need to be to keep that vixen hooked on your arm. Between me and Baccuss I'm the only one that likess you for more than jusst the money you make uss. A talented flyboy who's good with a control sstick is a handy man to have around, McCloud." Kilroy said low and stepped close.

Fox tried to take a step back, but Kilroy took him by both shoulders and roughly spun him around to face the large bed sitting across the room. The lizard's lips worked their way under his folded ear and whispered again.

"Pleasse, McCloud. Let me indulge myself, and you'll get whatever you want from uss about that sship." Kilroy growled low and deep so that it was almost a purr and Fox felt his face burning pinker by the second, and it wasn't the alcohol making him feel warm now. The pills must be working like Kilroy had said, but he was also burning bright red from what he was being asked to do. He was already stirring stiff and tight in his pants.

"That's why you gave me the pills." He replied, and to that Kilroy just chuckled.

"All they're doing iss helping me sskip through the prologue. Will you do it?" He asked again and squeezed Fox's shoulders. His ears perked up at the sound of Krystal screaming Baccus' name. He turned sharply and looked over his shoulder and watched as the vixen was now thrashing under the bigger lizard as she was overtaken by her climax. Baccus was leaning back and looking down at her with the smuggest look on his face as he rocked his body into hers to milk her orgasm out for as long as he could.

"Don't worry. We'll join back up with them after I'm done with you." He growled again. Fox blushed and repeated that last comment in his head. He shivered and felt the lizard nudge him forward. Fox walked, and the closer they got to the bed the harder his cock was getting. It had to be the pills.

When they got there Kilroy stepped around him and stood at the edge of the bed. Still fully clad in his suit there was a noticeable bulge in his pants now. Fox stood still at the idea of what he was now being asked to do as Kilroy watched him, and his expression softened just before standing up again.

"I'll make it easy." He said and started undoing himself. Fox shivered again and as soon as the lizard's pants hit the foot to be kicked aside the fox had to swallow a mouthful of spit. He was feeling warmer and warmer, and the well-hung lizard stepped closer still and reached for him.

His hand took Fox by the scruff and he pulled him close and with steady pressure from that same hand Fox's knees were made to buckle until he dropped to kneel. That enormous cock he'd seen so many times was once again right in front of his face. Dripping and throbbing it looked like it was aching to be touched, and the pair of fat balls that hung under them were taut in their sac. Full.

Kilroy tugged at the back of his neck again and his nose hit the underside of the lizard's green barrel. He was pulled in deeper until his nose came to rest in the cradle between Kilroy's nuts. The entirety of his thick dick was now laid out over his muzzle and between his eyes. It was massive and feeling its weight resting over his face both intimidated and emasculated him.

"You've sseen her do it enough timess to know what to do." Kilroy said from above and let go of the back of his neck. Fox knew exactly what to do, but he'd never done it before! It hadn't counted when he was drunk and being made to take it. Now was so different, and his erection was getting uncomfortably hard in his pants as the pills amplified everything he was thinking and feeling.

The background noise of Krystal still getting speared full of dick was like music at a carnal carnival. The mental images of her being roughly fucked by Baccus was clear in his mind whether he liked it or not, and the aphrodisiac now surging through his veins was making it all the harder to dismiss.

Even the scent coming off from the lizard was becoming overpowering and he couldn't shake it out of his head. It was mostly hints of sweat and the linger aroma of sex that no doubt permeated every inch of the lecherous lizard's body, but there was also something more. A scent that no doubt came natural to the lizards, and the pills dissolving into his bloodstream didn't care if Fox had no interest in being attracted to what a real alpha male smelled like.

Alpha male? Fucking pills medicating him into wanting to drool! His conscious and rational mind knew what the pills were helping him to think, but his body didn't much care for that logic. It cared that sex was happening somewhere else in the room, and that very soon sex was going to happen to him. Fox could feel himself leaking in his pants even now.

"Come on, McCloud. Impresss me." The reptile again repeated himself. Fox grunted with frustration and stuck his tongue out. Like a flash of lightning, he tasted the combination of sweat and sex on the lizard's balls as his tongue made its first lap at the pent-up orbs before him. It didn't taste dirty or unwashed. It was more like no matter how much the stupid lizards bathed they couldn't escape the evidence of their overactive sex life.

"That'ss good. Use your handss." He was instructed. Fox retracted his tongue and tightened his jaw as he lifted both hands up to grab the massive thing. First, one hand and then followed by the other. Fox lifted the heavy cock off his face only to catch the first drop of slimy pre over the bridge of his muzzle before watching more of the clear liquid drool down the belly of his cock and over his own thumbs.

Fox shivered and leaned in with his eyes screwed shut. He knew what Krystal would do, and so he did that. Tongue out again and this time right between the big pair of nuts. Licking upward he followed the thick vein of Kilroy's urethra until the first driblet of precum met his tongue. Salty, potent, with an aftertaste oddly like cinnamon.

All he did was carry the dick in his hands as he lapped at the lizard's fat balls and cock. Kilroy reached down and grabbed Fox's hands and moved them down his cock to its base. He looked up in time to see the lizard reaching again, but for an ear this time. There was a gentle tug and Fox found himself being guided now by ear until he was forced to stare 'eye to eye' with Kilroy's incredible cock. He shivered again with nervous energy and pill induced arousal.

"Ssay 'ah', McCloud." Kilroy whispered while Fox hesitated, then screwed his eyes shut as tight as he could an opened his mouth wide as his hands tightened up around the base of Kilroy's cock. Another tug on his ear brought his head forward and suddenly his maw was full.

The enormous dick filled his mouth with the broad head pressed tight against the roof of his mouth. Fox gagged at first, but that began to fade as the lizard took him by both ears.

"That'ss good, Foxx." The lizard growled as he began to gently massage Fox by the ears. The soft attention hardly hid the fact that Kilroy was actively trying to push him further down his dick with the soft bumps of flesh that dotted the reptile's cock beginning to make themselves known.

He could feel them brushing up against his lips as they began to pop inside him one by one until he was again struggling to resist the urge to gag. One clawed hand left his ear and took his by the back of his neck where he was held firmly, but not painfully. Fox could feel his cock jump hard to attention as something wet splashed against the back of his throat to drain down into his gullet.

"Good, Flyboy." He heard the lizard growl as he was pushed even further down his dick with the bulbous head squeezing tight against the back of his throat. The hand on his ear tightened into a firm massage as his thumb and finger rubbed away gently at him with the hand behind his neck pulling Fox even deeper into the lizard's crotch.

The was an audible 'pop' when Kilroy's head breached the opening between his mouth and throat and began to slither down towards Fox's gut. He gagged hard, but Kilroy held his head still with a gentle pressure coming from his hips as he leaned forward. Deeper the cock sank as Fox continued to gag and choke on his fat cock until at last a pair of heavy nuts pressed against his chin with a wall of pale green resting just in front of his vision.

"Your turn." He was told as the hands left his ear and neck, so he was on his one in front of the lizard's prick. Fox yanked himself off the lizard's cock and coughed to regain his breath before rubbing at his cheek with a hand to clear away some stray tears the dick had milked out of him from the strain. He looked up to see the goannan had placed his hands on his hips and wore a pleased and eager expression on his snout.

He looked back down to the throbbing cock in front of him with its tip drooling a long stream of pre to the floor. This time he screwed his eyes shut and leaned forward with a mouth agape. He swallowed the first half of that dick without issue until it once again bumped into the back of his throat, but Fox just pressed harder.

Whatever reservations he had before were now being thrown away with the pill working through him head to toe. It didn't matter right now what he was doing so long as he was fulfilling the needs his own dick demanded of him, and sometime after that getting the plans he desperately wanted. Under his own power he forced himself further down until his snout was wrinkling against the wall of the lizard's stomach.

He felt Kilroy jerk inside him again with a fresh splash of pre spilling deep into his belly, and he pretended it was lube. If the lizard wanted to cum down his muzzle he'd go along with it, and his cock was eager to see it happen as he maintained his erection solidly through the rapid bobbing and gagging Fox was subjecting himself to.

"That'ss it! Like that." Kilroy cooed down at him with his broad hands coming back to Fox's head to reclaim his ears. His terrible attempt at giving a blowjob slowly improved under the gently guidance of the lizard's hands massaging his ears.

In the distance Baccus was bellowing out his first orgasm of what would surely be many, and along with him was the vixen's whorish cries of pleasure. She was now lost to her own pleasure, as she'd been many times before, and Fox consciously wondered if that would be him, too, later in the evening. Lost to the pleasure of a cock crammed balls deep inside him, but not deep within his muzzle.

He shuddered as precum at last erupted in a jet from his own eager tip to soak the front of his pants.

"F-Forgive my brevity, McCloud." Kilroy suddenly began to shiver in front of Fox as his hands flexed and tightened their grip on his ears, and then all at once the lizard was hilted to the balls in his throat once again.

"It'ss not often I get to play with maless." The reptile groaned and shut his eyes as he titled his head back to signal his oncoming climax. That same groan marked the moment when Fox was no longer in control of the blowjob's destination, as he was now at the mercy of a rapidly thrusting lizard hell bent of reaching his peak.

Gagging, choking, spitting slinging from his lips and across both of their legs, Fox was feeling his throat being adjusted and resized no differently than Krystal's had been not so long ago in her life. That first time she'd been spit roasted between the two green brutes returned to Fox's mind as he took his swing at being force fed a girthy male's cock.

Kilroy hissed and slammed his hips against Fox's muzzle with his nose pressed tight to his stomach and snout wrinkling uncomfortably from the pressure. The hiss lingered long and loud with the first jerk of his dick signaled the downpour to come. A rope of white hot spunk erupted straight down into Fox's belly to land with a thud that he could really feel, which was quickly followed by a second, and then a third. Each new rope was precipitated by a rough throb of his cock that flexed within his throat before dumping its load down into Fox.

The world grew darker and darker as the lack of air slowly tried to claim his senses, and just as Krystal had done many times herself, he felt his limbs going limp under the lizard's carnal assault.

And then suddenly he could breathe as the world of black and grey returned to full color with his periphery moving back to the furthest reaches of his vision. Fully conscious once more Fox felt the first rope of cum slam across his face before dripping down his muzzle with a second rope joining it, and then a third. So much cum was splattering his face there was no more room for it to go, and it began to coat his chest and lap.

"That wass good Foxx. That wass very good." Kilroy panted happily above him with his hands now easing their grip on his ears to return to a gentle massage. Fox had just received his first facial, and his dick was all the stiffer for it.

Fox was speechless, and the lizard took his silence as an invitation to grab him by the shoulders and haul him up to his feet so Kilroy could deliver a lurid lick to his chin that dragged across his cheek to gather up a mess of his own cum. With a tongue sloppy with his own seed, he pressed his lips to Fox's and forced a kiss that lingered for a while before he broke it off.

"Let'ss join the otherss, but you're overdressed. Sstrip." He said, and Fox merely nodded in confusion with his body being turned now by the lizard's hands on his shoulders until he saw Krystal writhing and convulsing in the lap of the other Loka. Her mouth was agape as she moaned and shuddered in climax.

Kilroy directed him to go over to them, and the lizard took a seat across from Baccuss with Fox awkwardly joining next to him as he awkwardly pulled off his cum stained attire.

"Got what you wanted?" His brother smirked.

"Almosst." Came the reply which left Fox blushing from the implications. His cock was still hard, and he dared not touch himself out of fear he'd bust a nut right then and there. "You going to sshare the maiden?"

Baccus chuckled and grabbed the blue vixen by her chin and twisted her around until she was looking at the two men across from her. Her expression was distant and unfocused, but when she saw Fox her face brightened, and with Baccus' help she dislodged herself off his enormous cock and stood up on trembling legs.

"Fah. Ox." She smiled at him with a slur to her speech as she slowly strode her way to him with hips that had a drunken, but heavenly sway, with a constant stream of cum oozing a line across the floor as she approached.

She collapsed over him and pressed her lips to his, and now he tasted the bite of a new flavor of cum that must have been Baccus' seed. Their kiss lasted only briefly because as soon as her tongue slipped into his mouth, she yanked her head back with her face showing a moment of clarity before returning back to her sex addled stupor.

"Fox!" Her smiled broadened and licked her tongue across his cum soaked cheek. "You 'inally joined meh!"

She kissed him again, but this time it was aggressive with her hands clawing at his chest and he could feel her teeth nipping at his tongue as she sucked on his digit until he was gasping out around her mouth for air. Next to them Kilroy was moving to stand himself up again, and as the pair of foxes kissed the big lizard assumed a position behind the vixen and grabbed her tail to hoist her ass up, which she dutifully aided by placing her knees on the edge of the couch and wrapped her arms around Fox's chest for support.

"Iss my turn to 'ave him now!" She told him happily before she gasped as the goannan hilted her cunt in one thrust. Her face was pressed to his own and he got to watch her eyes roll back in her head as the lizard began to pump into her with force. Behind her Fox could see Kilroy face to face and the reptile looked so pleased with himself.

The lizard reached out with a hand and grabbed her by the hair and made sure her face was pressed Fox's as he jackhammered her from behind like he hadn't just gotten often moments before. The reptile's sexual appetite was ravenous with the blue vixen beginning to wail excitedly as the Loka claimed her sodden hole from his brother's last load.

Fox slipped his arms around her middle and hugged her as tightly as she was to him, and he could feel the fur of her stomach brushing against the tip of his length with each of the lizard's thrusts. The more he fucked her the louder she got until she was positively moaning and shouting like a whore with her fingernails digging through the fur of his back to leave red trails on his skin.

She came again, and her drool was soaking into the fur of his cheek as she shuddered and quivered in his arms as the reptile pounded her through her orgasm and into the next one without giving her a single moment's pause. She went limp against him then with her noises falling silent as the fuses in her brain finally blew to leave her in a near comatose state.

"Lookss like sshe didn't need the pillss, right Flyboy?" Kilroy smirked down at Fox who could only clutch at the limp vixen tighter to keep her still as the lizard continued to work his pole in and out of her cunt. Her stomach was still rubbing against his length with each of his thrusts, and the quiet groans and grunting coming from her limp body egged his cock onward towards climax.

When he came it was like white light flashing before his eyes as his seed spilled across the vixen's fur to soak and blend into the matted mess that was already there. Fox, with his chest heaving, clutched at Krystal tightly as his face flushed under the steady gaze, and smirk, of the big lizard looking down at him from above.

He could still feel his balls twitching when Krystal roused herself back to some meager level of consciousness, and behind her Baccus was now standing up to retreat to the bar and its many choices of booze.

"Foxxx." She moaned his name and pressed her cheek to his with greater strength and need as she brought her hands up behind his shoulders.

She was so handsy and needy that she wasn't content with his touch alone, but she needed his taste and Fox could feel her nose pressing into the crook of his neck with her tongue lapping at his fur and teeth nipping at his skin, making him gasp.

"I think sshe likess you, Flyboy." The lizard chuckled and slowed his pace down to a rhythmic thudding that shook her body firmly, but not hard enough to bring her to another orgasm.

Baccuss returned with a bottle of liquor in one hand and two fresh glasses in the other. The brothers took their time pouring themselves a shot before tipping the alcohol back and letting it sizzle down their throats. To his credit Kilroy offered to pour Fox a shot, but he declined, and instead Baccus took the liberty to pull Krystal's head back by the hair until her mouth was hanging agape.

"Sshe could use a little more lubricant." The lizard said before putting the bottle to her lips and tipping its contents down her throat a little bit at a time so she could have a chance to swallow it. Even with the small pauses in the pour the liquor still leaked out from the sides of her mouth to stain her fur, and when Baccus was satisfied with the amount she'd been given he freed her head and let her fall back onto Fox with the smell of alcohol rich on her lips.

"Bring me one of the pillss." Kilroy spoke up as his brother left to return the bottle.

"I thought you ssaid sshe didn't need one." He replied.

"She doessn't. I want her to take one." Kilroy said, then turned his attention back to Fox. "Let'ss ssign a contract, Foxx."

A contract? Fox was struggling to think straight with the alcohol and sex drug soaked deeply into his system. Even though he'd just cum he was still rock hard with a nagging insistent need to get off still burning in his brain, and the vixen in his embrace was squirming and gnawing at his shoulder while making little noises of glee as the big lizard's piston continued to slowly stir up her insides.

"For?" Fox asked.

"We'll ssign over the planss to you and your crew. You already have the paperwork, Flyboy. Me and my brother merely have to ssign our namess." He said, but his words felt more like a foreshadowing of something other than a business deal.

Baccus returned again with something small in his hand, and lifted it to his brother to take, but instead Kilroy yanked his cock free of the squirming blue vixen.

"Take my place and plug it up her ass." He said, and Baccus happily took his brothers position behind the vixen and literally dropped the little white pill into her gaped asshole before plugging her full of his dick, no doubt shoving the small aphrodisiac all the way up her bowels where it would surely be dissolved for rapid absorption into her bloodstream.

"Ssurprised you're ssitting thiss out, Kilroy." Baccus questioned his brother, but his query was answered when the lizard grabbed Fox by the arm and pulled him up. At first Fox believed he was being swapped out so the brothers could both have at Krystal, but instead Kilroy slid himself behind him and kept the pair of foxes firmly trapped between him and his brother.

Still face to face with each other both foxes had nowhere to go but to each other as Baccus took hold of her hips and slammed his cock home in her ass while Kilroy did the same with his cock spearing between Fox's virgin thighs.

"Time for uss to ssign on the dotted line, McCloud. Are you ready?" Kilroy leaned in to hiss in Fox's ear. Krystal stirred against him and he felt her hands pulling away from his back to find his chest. Her fingers were trembling as she slid them up his chest to find his shoulders.

"Fah.. Fox!" She said, and they locked eyes with Kilroy's huge dick throbbing eagerly under Fox's cock and balls. Her pupils were fully dilated and there was a manic... need there.

"Let him!" She tightened her hands on his shoulders and shoved her mouth over his and they kissed. Cum and liquor overpowered the natural taste of her tongue as she fucked his throat with her skillful mouth.

"Yess, let me." Kilroy whispered into Fox. He tried to resist, but he couldn't deny how hard he was, how desperate he was for that next release, or that being trapped between his beautiful vixen and the sleazy green stud behind him hadn't already caused his tail to hike up his back even before Kilroy had a chance to verbalized his intentions.

Kilroy drug his cock back out from under Fox's groin, then let the girthy length spring up between the fox's ass cheeks. The closer his blunt tip got to his pucker the fatter and thicker his cock seemed to become with his heart beating faster and faster the nearer it got.

He couldn't believe what was happening, then Kilroy hitched his hips against his virgin pucker and for the first time in his life he finally understood what Krystal must have felt that first time they took her. The enormity of Kilroy's cock shoved apart his asshole like a brute battering open a doorway, and at first it stung, a sharp pain that made him wince into Krystal's manic kiss, but that pain faded quickly as the alcohol and drug helped ease him back to a place of pleasure.

With a labored hiss Kilroy sank himself deeper with Fox grunting into the vixen's mouth with each fresh inch of dick delivered until he found his eyes rolling back in his head.

It was difficult to think for himself anymore! His body was squirming and twitching, and there was so much fucking dick inside him it felt like his insides were being pushed aside to make room! Krystal popped off his muzzle with a smack and licked her tongue across his cheek.

"Fahx!" She cried happily, for the first time being distracted by Fox instead of a lizard even though Baccus was now drilling into her ass hard and fast. Her entire body was shaking against his own, but she had her eyes tightly glued to his own.

"I can fee-eel it!" She shouted and pressed their foreheads together. She stared into his eyes, those dilated pupils now like pools of blue water as he was sucked into them with Kilroy now bucking his hips, balls deep in his deflowered ass, with both brothers locked to their lovers with hands gripped tight to their hips.

Fox couldn't speak, his mind was in a different place, but he felt Krystal's hands grab him by the cheeks as she happily panted and moaned in front of him as she was roughly claimed by the green stud behind her. All Fox could feel in that moment was the soft heat of Krystal's body and the thunderbolts of pleasure echoing through his own as Kilroy fucked him loose.

The lizard was wasting no time in hollowing out the Flyboy's ass, as his eagerness was clearly showing. He was so pleased with himself that he'd finally claimed the Hero of the Lylat System that he didn't hold anything back. His previous slow and steady thrusts with Krystal had just been him edging himself, and now he was ready to destroy the Flyboy's ass and make it his property.

"Sso, iss he any good?" Baccus said over the growing noise of both foxes. Fox himself couldn't stop his mouth from falling open to let escape high pitched grunts and whines as he felt for the first time just how good it could feel to be broken in by a hung lizard.

"He'ss perfect! Just like hiss maiden!" He hissed and freed up one hand from Fox's hip to grab him by the back of the head. When he yanked Fox back Krystal leaned forward to follow him.

"Foxx!" she wailed before succumbing to another earth-shattering climax. When she recovered, she was drooling spit down her chin and clung to Fox even harder. The only thing keeping Fox somewhere close to reality was the intensity of her gaze as she clutched him tight.

"I- AH! You can feel it!" She continued. "Now you know!"

Fox did know, he could feel it, as the cock crammed up his backside, that bumpy leathery skin, the battering of his prostate. Every inch of that filthy lizard cock was sending wave after wave of pleasure signals up to his brain and he could hardly process them all with how fast they were storming his mind's beaches.

Krystal screamed, her last orgasm rolling into the next one, with her eyes finally fluttering and rolling back in her head. Her body convulsed against his, and then he felt himself begin to shudder. He squirmed, trembled, his cock suddenly throbbing uselessly as his balls had long since emptied themselves.

He exploded, but not with cum, but ecstasy. His vision warped out of focus as flashes of color filled his vision, first white, then yellow, red, white again, and all the while his body lost control. Fits of convulsions took him as Krystal wailed out in ecstasy of her own as her emphatic powers let her feel the explosive energy roiling through Fox's mind, throwing her into a feedback loop of pleasure as she experienced both his pleasure and her own in a mingling of minds.

Then Kilroy hissed, and over a foot of reality pulled Fox back from the brink as it twitched and throbbed inside him, sending a torrent of seed spilling forth into him until the pressure of it forced it to gurgle even deeper into him as Kilroy's cum struggled to find somewhere to escape to. As Kilroy seeded Fox, Baccus' joined his brother's chorus with a bellow of his own, and Krystal fainted as the pleasure became too much for her and she fell limp.

Fox caught her, but just barely, as the big lizard roughly jabbed his cock into her repeatedly as he drained his nuts to the last drop, growling and shouting his conquest while his brother's pillar slowly eased back from its peak, leaving a long trail of cum running down each of Fox's legs.

Once Baccus' was finished with her he pulled himself free and stepped away to collapse onto the couch behind him. Kilroy sat himself down, pulling Fox and Krystal both with him so the Flyboy's ass never left his lap, and the vixen was left a crumpled mess in Fox's arms.

"You've got a deal, Fox. We'll put the planss on a data sstick for you when you leave." Kilroy panted. He let go of Fox's head so he could plant both hands back down on his hips so he couldn't hope to leave the lizard's lap anytime soon. The lizard was still hard as a rock inside him, and one look down at his belly revealed just how enormous the Goannan, and his load, really was.

Krystal, too, was a mess of cum and spit, but at least she was unconscious and could possibly sleep off the alcohol and drugs. Fox was awake now, but only just.

"I'll hold you..." Fox managed to say between pants. "To that."


"Jeez Louise, Fox! You two look like shit." Falco said as soon as they walked into the mess hall. Fox had contacted ROB before they returned to the Great Fox and told him to assemble the crew there so they could review something very important. It had taken what was left of yesterday, and all night, for the foxes to recover from their ordeal with the Lokas, and they were still reeling physically and suffered some minor headaches from the booze and pills.

The Lokas had extended the courtesy of getting their women to wash their clothing while they were out cold, so at least their outfits were clean and sex free.

"Fox, what happened? You were AWOL for a while, and no one was saying anything when we reached out to them!" Slippy took his turn, and Peppy just looked at Fox and her both with a worried look.

"What happened, Fox?" The old hare finally said. Fox reached into his jacket pocket and produced the data stick and held it out to ROB who was nearby and waiting.

"ROB, I want you to put this on the big screen." Fox said, and ROB took the small device. He popped open a small port in his chest and inserted the stick before the giant display began to unroll down the side of the mess hall walls. Normally this would be reserved for movie night, but Fox wanted to show everyone in the highest resolution possible what he and Krystal had acquired.

The screen was blank for now, but Fox asked everyone to sit, and he gestured for Krystal to join them. Weary as he was, he moved around their table and towards the display.

"ROB, open the file and bring up the first slide." He said, and a moment later the image of the computer system appeared. There was a period of silence from the team, and when he turned toward them to look both Peppy and Slippy seemed to understand some of what they were looking like. Falco, however, was not impressed.

"So, what's this supposed to be?" The bird asked.

"A targeting computer. And this, next." He said with ROB shifting through the slides now as Fox explained to them what they were looking at with each member of the team expressing their own silent reaction to the news of what their next job was going to lead towards. As he spoke the words himself the more, he felt like he was descending into something bigger than just the Star Fox Team and the Brothers of Belter Sol. If the Cornerian military wanted to complete a weapon like this, then what else might they have planned, and why?

The day had only just begun, but only time would tell how it would end.

Romantic Purrsuits

The school year was off to a great start, and Abigail Cartwright had a plethora of wonderful little munchkins in her first-grade classroom this year. The 32 year old green anole had been teaching here at Mayberry Elementary for three years now and she...

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Hot Wives

"Oh my God, Rich!" The German Shepherd nearly shouted when she heard the lizard's voice pick up on the other end of the line. He'd only just answered and was now demanding she tell her what was wrong. Rachel felt trapped inside her patrol car even...

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Neko to Inu

"Ohay?, Kevin-san!" The Japanese Bobtail said as she sat down next to the golden retriever. They were both settling into their shared math class, but Professor Weber looked like he was running late again. He was very lackadaisical with his...

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