Pride goeth before a...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Pride

A big Horse cop rescues a Lion developer from gang members and decide to get a bit of pay back himself

Pride goeth before a...

Chapter 1

The Lion was as pure-blooded as they come, he moved with a muscular masculine power over the broken decaying concrete. But still there is a certain feline grace about him, that showed even through his two thousand dollar business suit. Over seven feet tall he is able to look over most other furs heads, his big amber eyes narrowed as he looked over the old building he'd purchased. His lips pull back a bit, revealing long fangs, his nostrils quivering lightly as he tastes the scents in the air. His round ears twitching and moving, feline senses always alert as his mind was lost in thought. Like his ancestors he's a hunter, but where they hunted dry African plains for food. Jeffery Leoheart hunted the real estate market, buying up cheap properties and rebuilding them, or building brand new building. This run down and derelict old apartment building was his latest acquisition, and the wealthy Lion was looking it over to decide if he was going to rebuild or demolish. He knew it was a bad neighborhood of course, and he normally would have had at least two others with him. His contractor and a workman, but he'd been so excited about this place he just couldn't wait. Now here he was in an old abandon building being surrounded by gang members, the roughly dressed Hyena's laughing as they circled in closer.

The gang had been squatting here for some time, the scents in the air telling him the things they got up to in here. He'd tried talking to them of course, but the young gang members had just made fun of him. The Lion had first tossed them money, but that had just seemed to make them want more. Next the Lion had offered his waist watch and jewelry which had done nothing, finally tasting the scent in the air. He had offered to let the younger males use him sexually, this made them laugh wildly at him. The Hyena's growing nastier and more abusive as the Lion crouched down slightly, his well manicured claws popping out. But they were far too filed down to be real weapons anymore, the big rich Lion was to civilized to allow his claws to grow out like his ancestors once did. The Hyenas had knives, lengths of pipe, and bats, quickly they took turn's darting in, hitting or slashing at their prey. Jeffery turning and twisting, swatting at them as they attacked, until a powerful blow from a baseball ball bat blasted the wind out of him. Dropping the big predator to his knees, he threw up his paws in a motion of surrender. "No stop..." 'Thwank' The wooden bat made a loud noise as the tip connected to the big felines brightly bleached teeth, smashing one big fang out forcing it into his mouth. A fountain of blood almost instantly followed, as that bright white fang was laying there on the Lions rough tongue. The stunned feline found himself laying on the dirty floor, as the gang kicked and beat him unmercifully. It was at that point the big Lion lost control of his bladder, hot piss suddenly soaking his underwear and the front of his trousers.

One of the Hyena's circled in, laughing in his cackling, high-pitched caw. "Hihihihihi... Kitty needs to get taken to the Pacification Center, I think... They'd have a field day with a proper volunteer..." The other Hyenas started to join him in their laughs, all of them echoing off of each other. Being Pacified was a massive insult for any predator, and one that wasn't often use since many male would fight to the death to prove they weren't Pacified. A few more kicks targeted the Lion's gut, turning bruised ribs to broken, then bringing fists down on him. "C'mon, Kitty-Cat. I thought you were one of those fuckin' Kings of the Jungle. Well, meet the kings of the Urban Jungle, bitch." The big one snarled and spat in the felines muzzle, kicking him hard again between the legs. Making the big Lion vomit up rank smelling bile onto the old rotting carpet, as a second and then third hard kick slammed into the big feline's testicles.

Jeffery lay there choking and gagging in pain, as the big Hyena taunted him and spat on his muzzle. The big rich Lion too frightened to reply, only the burning agony in his chest making him yowl in pain. He hear the zipper go down, glancing up he saw the semi hard organ pointed at his muzzle. And the was hit by the first hot splash of urine, it smelled foul and made him feel dirty and violated beyond belief.

There was a grunt behind them, and as they turned, the Lion saw a potential salvation. A Horse was standing there, wearing a dark, blue uniform, pistol raised and pointed at the gang. "Police... nobody move."

As that voice made him look up, relief flooding through the big Lion as he saw that dark blue uniform. "Thank god." Jeffery moaned weakly, as his eyes blurred as the big Lion lost consciousness for a moment. Still tasting the rank urine that had been spurted into his bloody mouth, the big feline making tiny mewling sounds as he slipped into unconsciousness.

The big Horse reached for the radio on his shoulder, triggering the mic an spoke quickly into it. "10-33, west central." The big Horse said simply, into his radio while covering the gang with his handgun. The Hyenas couldn't know he was requesting backup with that, and at the moment, the gun he was holding outranking the bats and pipes of the Hyenas. "You can move to the side, get down on your knees, and put your hands behind your head. Or I can start putting bullets into you for resisting arrest." His voice was deep, used to giving orders and commands, his expression was stoic in spite of the worry nagging in his gut. If they went for him, he might be able to drop a few, but probably not all. He trusted in their natural cowardice, years working on the streets had taught him more than a few things about this kind of encounters.

In the end, their fear won out... he read it in their eye's before they even started to move. One of them turned toward the wall, moving in that direction, as the others suddenly turned and bolted away towards the far stairwell. The one moving toward the wall took a second look at the Horse, and then bolted with them, which led to the Stallion shaking his head in anger, hurrying toward the Lion on the floor. "10-52." He called into his radio loudly, gun still up as he watched them vanish out the far door. "West central, 10-52, subject is male, Lion, looks to be in his early 40's... Beaten up pretty bad, broken ribs... maybe a busted leg. Be advised subjects are fleeing on foot toward Maple and Western." His voice was deep, stoic, and had an oddly calming effect as he looked down at the injured Lion. "Speak to me... Tell me your name." He said simply, trying to get the wounded fur's mind off his injuries and keep him awake.

Jeffery came to a few minutes later, as that deeply masculine voice was asked him to speak to him. "Thank you... thank you..." The big Lion repeated over and over again for a few moments, the feline looking up at that handsome equine muzzle. "My... my names Jeffery... Jeffery Leoheart." He stammered, subconsciously spitting out a fang onto the ground between the Horses huge hooves, watching the Horse's eyes widen as he recognized the name. "Yes that Jeffery Leoheart... and I'd like... like to... repay you for... for.." But then everything went black, he would wake up again in a few minutes as they were loading him into an ambulance.

The Horse cop listened to the name, and for the first time, his expression changed for a instant. His eyes widened in shock and his stomach fell as he digested that. Jeffery Leoheart... real estate executive and all around bastard. The fur who'd bought the house the Horse rented, raised rent up, and put him and his family out on the street. The fur who made the Horse's mares leaving him, when he couldn't make ends meet. The fur who'd ruined his fucking life, Jeffery Leoheart... 'That' Jeffery Leoheart.

The big Horse paused slightly, and for a moment, he hoped traffic was bad between there and the hospital. He wanted the ambulance to take its time... wanted the Lion to lay there and suffer. But then, the feline's eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out. The Police officer sighed slightly, looking down at the shiny white fang... it was a long one. He reached down, picking it up and sliding it into the pocket of his uniform trousers, then standing as his backup arrived at last. He pointed in the direction of the back of the building complex, and they rushed to chase after the gang as the ambulance drivers arrived, loading the big cat up on a stretcher and laying him out. Jeffery shifted slightly, and when he came to and grabbed the Horse's sleeve, the equine looked down at him coldly.

The big Horse looking down at him as they lifted him up, the feline reaching out to grip the horses sleeve. "I... I... mean it I want to... to reward you for... for saving my." The big Horse reached down laying a huge hand over the Lion's paw, and assured him that he was fine with any rewards the Lion liked. But urging him to let them take him to the hospital now, there would be plenty of time later to talk about things like rewards. "Very well... but would you stop by my penthouse at the top of Leoheart tower down town and tell my wives I'm alright. I don't want them hearing about this in the news media and worrying too much about me." The big Equine cop promising he would, as they finished loading Jeffery into the ambulance.

He listened to the feline talk, nodding to him as he was trained to do. He was going through the motions, just like he should business as usual. Nodding his head, speaking reassuringly, patting his other big paw. He agreed, and then he watched as they loaded the Lion into the back of the ambulance.

'Wives...' Just one of the things that bastard had taken from him, the big Horse thought bitterly. And for what? The house was torn down, and a new, gentrified economy housing stuck in its place... so fucking yuppies had somewhere to live 'out of the city.' He grunted slightly, stuffing his big three fingered hand in his pocket, rubbing over that smooth tooth. He drove his squad car to the building downtown, stepping out and looking up at the monstrous tower reaching up toward the skyline. A better part of town than he lived in now, a better scale of living than he could ever hope to have on a cop's salary. The difference between a male who worked to help his fellows and a male who climbed on their backs to get on top.

He headed to the front desk, showing his badge, and then getting escorted up in the private elevator by the building manager--a little Pug who was wringing his paws in worry about his job already. When the elevator stopped, the Horse stepped out, pressing the bell next to the door and taking a long, slow breath. 'Deliver the news and leave.' Pike thought to himself, even as the penthouse door opened and a pretty young Lioness stood there. 'Deliver the news and leave... just let this go. You can let this go.'

But as the door opened and he looked into the room beyond, he saw opulence, and in it, he saw a pretty Lioness. Couldn't be older than 20... his thumb pressed onto the fang slowly, feeling it pierce the skin as the young female look up at the Horse in his late thirties, worry suddenly written over his long muzzle.

Marlena looked up as the door opened, the young very pretty Lioness's dark yellow eye's rounding as she saw Terry the building manager and the big equine police fur. Terry the little Pug was looking very grave, something she had never seen before. Normally he was all smiles and witty jokes, as he talked to her and Jeffery's other wives. Standing up with that sleek feline grace, she hurried over to the door as the big handsome Horse stood there looking at her.

"Ma'am. I'm Officer Pike... Lawrence Pike. There's been an incident." He said slowly, it was the same speech he'd delivered a hundred times to the loved ones of hundreds of furs in the past.

She knew he was doing his best to be polite and professional, but he couldn't quite conceal his admiring eye. It was something the young Lioness was use to, most males reacted that way to her after all. Something she didn't do much to discourage, her husband was twice her age and very busy with work most of the time. She'd never actually cheated on him, but she had admitted to herself that was just because she'd never found anyone she wanted to do it with. "An incident Officer Pike?" She asked, finding herself taking the big Stallion's hand as he stood there towering over her.

"Your husband has been injured in a street attack." He continued fighting to control his own reacts, as the sexy young Lioness moved up closer to him while he spoke.

"Jeffery..." She exclaimed, the look on her muzzle not nearly matching the tone of her voice, and the horse very good at reading other furs muzzles saw it plainly. The corners of his soft mouth turning up very slightly, as he watched the Lioness clutch his big hand to her chest. He could feel a hard little nipple against his fingers, as the young Lioness called for Savra a second Lioness. Who was barely older than the first, he introduced himself to her as Marlena got on her cell phone calling Ta'karu and Dagmar the Lion's other two wives. Ta'kara was out of town, while Dagmar was out shopping in the city.

"What hospital did they take him too?" Savra asked, as the big Horse caught the scent of her... this one wasn't showing as much on her muzzle. But the Horse could smell her excitement, somehow this bad news was arousing her in some way.

The Horse frowned slightly at her reaction, puzzled as to why would they be so interested in their husband being injured. He could feel Marlena's heart as she clutched his paw, her eyes big and round and... somehow eager? Savra had a similar, strangeness about her, he shook his long narrow head slightly. He didn't understand these so-called apex predators. The way they reacted to weakness or injury as if it were some sort of massive change. As if they were eagerly awaiting a new Lion to show up in the hospital, finish their husband off, and take them away.

He had to wonder how much of it was purely genetic, bred into their minds through millennia of brutal evolution, but this was the modern age. There were no more tribal wars--no more sudden, brutally forced abdications.

But here they were, Lionesses their male attacked, injured, and beaten. One of them holding his paw tightly against her rising and falling bosom, and the other smelling of sexual eagerness. They had expectations, handed down from those long, long forgotten days, that their bodies were expressing even if their mouths and minds couldn't. They had heard the news.. the king had fallen and they were looking for a new king... a new male.

The big Horse swallowed once, pushing the thought from his mind... but his thumb twitched, teasing that nipple slightly, moving barely. "He's in St. Vincent's, ma'am." He said simply, trying to keep himself in line this was a part of his job after all. The Pug was there, and while his cock had dropped in his pants and snaked down the leg of his dark blue slacks, he kept himself professional. Letting one of them hold his paw, answering the other's questions plainly. "If you could, please contact Mr. Leoheart's other wives and let them know. I can take one of you to the hospital with me now, and I'm sure Mr..." He'd forgotten the Pug's name, so instead he just nodded towards him. "...will be happy to call a car for the others." He suggested, suddenly wondering what he was doing suggesting such a thing.

"Yes... yes of course I can do that." The little Pug agreed quickly, as the big Horse spoke about him calling a car for the Lioness's. Quickly he got on the phone, calling down to the main desk, as the two Lioness's spoke together softly.

'Why had he done that?' He didn't need to take one of them with him, the big Horse getting a naughty feeling. He realized he was thinking with his dick, eager for the sensation of a feline tongue exploring it, instead of his head. He had a career to consider, didn't he? Revenge--no matter how sweet--wasn't worth his job... right?

"St. Vincent's!" Savra choked, and it was clear she wasn't exactly thrilled to hear that... St. Vincent's was a cheap hospital in a lower class part of town. And it wasn't somewhere the young feline cared anything about going, even if it was to see her wounded husband. The young Lioness looked over at Marlena, as the other Lioness had finished calling those other two females. And was now looking back up at the big Stallion again, a slight blush on her nose as that big thumb teased her hard nipple. The look on her muzzle showing a bit of concealed excitement now, the Horse could read it... but knew someone less use to doing that kind of thing most likely couldn't. His wide slotted nostrils flaring slightly, as he picked up a second aroused scent now.

"Savra... would you wait here for Dag... and then Terry can have a town car bring you both over. I'll go with Officer Pike here... oh and if you could call Jeffery's lawyer and ask him to come over." She asked, the other young Lioness agreeing to do that... as Marlena grabbed her purse and followed the big Horse out to the elevator. As the doors closed she leaned against him, and the big cop knew she could feel his throbbing organ trapped inside those uniform trousers. "Were you the one who found him?" The young Lioness asked, as her firm round rump pressed against his leg, making his big organ trapped between them pulse harder.

"Yes... a gang of street toughs were beating him." The big Horse choked, knowing he was putting off a slightly aroused musk himself, he wondered if she had noticed it. She had certainly noticed his cock, he knew because he felt fingers trace the sides of it.

The elevator door opened, and the two of them moved out across the lobby and then out to his squad car. The big Horse opening the rear door for her, and couldn't help noticing a flash of panties as she sat down on the seat. Before the Lioness pulled her leg's inside, he closed the door and walked around the car shaking his long head. Before climbing into the driver's seat, and driving across town. The two of them making awkward small talk, until at last he pulled into the hospitals underground parking garage. He drove deep into the garage finding a empty deck and parking a long way from any other cars. The air inside the squad car was moist and thick, the scents of both their arousal heavy. Slowly the big Stallion climbed out and walked back, opening the rear door. Startled to find the sexy young Lioness stretched out on the back seat, her skirt hiked up and those panties laying on the floor board.

The Horse grunted slightly at the female, he had convinced himself that it was all just a show. It was a female around a male, and the female was distraught, which led to emotions... to strange feelings. The awkward drive, the strange conversation, the oddness of it all... he kept burying it, even the gropes to his cock through his pants. Professional, serious, genuine... he was a cop dammit. He was a cop with a career, with a future if he didn't fuck it up. And then he opened the back door, and he was cop with a needy, spread Lioness in the back seat of his squad car.

He stopped dead, looking inside in shock, slowly licking his lips nervously. And a moment later, he glanced around the lonely parking garage. It wasn't like he hadn't considered this... parking far away from other cars, keeping things quiet. Keeping them discrete, here it was... he had his opportunity. He could get his revenge on the rich asshole... fuck the wife of the fur who ruined his life. This was his moment... still he wasn't sure if he should take it.

"You know, a Horse is a lot more... challenging... to handle that a Lion, right?" He grunted, his voice deep, tinged with need, his desires on full display.

The young Lioness nodded up at him, parting her long sexy legs invitingly. "I like a challenge..." She purred, her own voice thick with desire, it was plain she wanted what he had to give.

"God damn..." The Horse muttered, running his paw over his head, then looking down at her again. He licked his lips, a nervous habit he was trying to break but stress always brought it out. "Fuck it." The big horny Stallion muttered, crawling in and unzipping his uniform pants.

The first thing the Lioness would notice was how much stronger, how much more absurdly potent, his scent became once his cock was out of his pants. It was the difference between hearing a birdcall and a rock concert. He slid forward, undoing the button on his pants, then tugging his cock out of them entirely. His long, mottled length wasn't entirely hard, and just because it pleased him to do so, he casually laid it along her stomach. He wanted her to see the full extent of what was going to be inside her, what she was going to be taking. Her eyes told him it was more of a challenge than she'd expected, which made him smirk. He slowly pulled back, pushing the wide, flat head of his cock at her snatch, grunting already at the task of getting it inside her.

If nothing else, he could take consolation in the fact that the Lion would never be able to enjoy her cunt the same way again when he was done.

Marlena looked down and that huge cock as it lay throbbing on her stomach, its huge blunt head like a fist. "Oho gods." She moaned in a whisper, as the big Stallion pulled it back and guided it down between her legs. And then she felt it hot and pulsing eagerly against her soft, wet sex, as the police officer looked down at her kind of smug and gloatingly. "Put it in me." The young Lioness moaned, the horse above her bucked his sleek powerful hip's and the head parted her lips. The sexy golden feline yowling loudly, as she felt it inside of her filling her like she'd never been filled before. The stud's fucker was huge ten times the size of her husband, those dark yellow eyes flew open wide... as more and more of that mighty cock pushed into her depths.

"Ammmm damn your soooooo." Marlena moaned, as he leaned down and cut her off with a strong kiss, his lip's soft and mobile. His breath hot and seemed to take her breath away, as his full length at last slid inside of her. And she knew without a doubt her tiny sex would never be the same, wrapping her legs around his big powerful torso. They kissed a moment longer as those big three fingered hands worked they way under her blouse. Cupping her pert breasts... squeezing and fondling them aggressively, as those powerful hip's began to move up and down. Pounding that massive fucker in and out of her slender predator body, ever as it shudder from a wave of mini orgasms.

"I'm not ever half way there yet." The big Horse snickered as he felt and then smelled her orgasms, having a tight pred pussy twitching and trembling on his huge cock really getting him excited. The big cop began to really rut then, his powerful body driving that huge organ in and out savagely. Making the pretty Lioness scream in pleasure, he covered her mouth with his own to muffle the sound. His tongue invading that open mouth, playing over those sharp predator teeth as he thought about the fact he had one of her husband's teeth in his pocket. He'd taken that as his own, and now he was taking the Lions wife as his own. This was turning out to be very sweet revenge on the bastard real estate developer, but it also made the big Horse hunger for more. He rutted her hard and faster for about fifteen minutes, until he finally blew a huge hot load inside of her. It had been a long time since he'd gotten to fuck, and the big Stallion hated masturbation because it just felt lonely somehow. So it was a truly massive, pent up load he spurted into the Lioness and as he pulled out leaving long strings of spunk on the back seat. He realized they would have to clean up, luckily he had wet wipes in the trunk of the patrol car. He'd bought them just because they had a scent masking enzyme, sometimes a guy gets dirty and smelly on duty. It took them about ten minutes to get themselves put back together, and then he took her up to her husband's private room in the hospital.

The big Lion was only semi-conscious, and looked much worse than the last time the Horse had seen him. His muzzle and mouth swollen and bruised, and there was large swollen knots all over his big golden furred body. There was a white binding around his chest to hold those broken ribs, luckily his leg was not broken. However his left knee had been dislocated, and was now swollen to twice it's normal sized. The big Lion opened one glazed looking eye, the other one swollen shut and smiled up at them. "Marlena baby." He groaned weakly, as the young Lioness moved over to sit on the edge of his bed, the big Horse couldn't help smirking knowing she had a load of his cum inside of her.

"Oh Jeffy what have they done to you?" The young Lioness gushed, as she reached one paw up laying it on his bruised cheek caressing it gently... it still made the Lion wince.

"Oh baby I'm so glad to see you." Jeffery moaned weakly, as she leaned in and kissed his nose very lightly. The big Lion's glazed eye wandered over to the Horse, and his muzzle split in a gape toothed smile. Pike felt a certain grim satisfaction knowing that missing fang was in his pocket, and his dick was still wet from the Lion's wives pussy. "And my rescuer... Officer Pike." He tried to make it sound like he already knew the Horses name, but the cop could tell he'd just read it off his name tag. "You my friend I still owe... but don't worry I will repay you." The big Lion promised weakly, and then his eye closed as he slipped into unconsciousness again. The doctor came in then, it was a little Weasel Pike knew at once. He'd caught him trading prescription pads to a prostitute for sex a few years ago, the Horse had let him go to keep from ruining the Weasels career.

The Horse nodded to the Weasel, looking down at him with a grin. The little guy swallowed slightly, but managed to put on a more serious face--less terrified--as he talked to the Lioness. Running down her husband's injuries, letting her know he'd be in the hospital for just a couple of days, just to be safe. Worries about internal bleeding and all that kind of things. Over her shoulder, the Horse looked at the Weasel, and then quietly shook his head no. He pointed up quickly with one thick thumb, behind the Lioness's back.

The Weasel frowned slightly, and then swallowed harder this time. "Or... um... actually it might be better that he stay even longer." He added awkwardly, looking into the Horses eyes questioningly. "Four or five days?" He unsure his eyebrows quirked up, the horse pointed up again. "A week, minimum." The small Weasel stammered, his ears turning nervously on his head.

The Horse nodded his long narrow head slowly, a faint smile on his wide expressive equine lip's. The Weasel flushed a bit and continued talking slowly. "He'll be out of the woods, though, pretty... pretty soon." He managed to finish, nerves cracking his voice already squeaky voice.

The Horse stepped forward, just behind the Lioness, and nodded to the Weasel. "What sort of medications do you have him on?" He asked, reaching down and running a finger along the hem of the Lioness's skirt, out of the Weasel's view. He slowly hiked it up, his expression not changing as he slid his hand against her bare ass--those panties still in the back of his patrol car. Before smoothly sliding it down, his middle finger moving between her legs smoothly, rubbing gently there as the doctor listed the medications and their purposes.

The Lioness was squirming and biting her lip as the doctor finished, and the Horse nodded slightly. "Thank you, Doctor. That'll be all. But stick around... we need to talk." He said, his voice was flat and deep, and in a moment, the doctor was quickly moving out of the room, closing the door behind him. As the door shut, the Horse grabbed the Lioness by the neck. He smoothly, gently, pushed her down, making her bend over the bed her husband was laying unconscious in, then pushed his finger into her snatch, slowly swirling it. She moaned, squirmed, and started dribbling left-over cum down her legs shortly. He tugged it out too soon for her to orgasm, though, the digit covered with his cum and her juices, chuckling softly.

He patted her ass, done fingering her, and nodded toward the bathroom in the room. "Go get yourself cleaned up before your sister-wives get here." He mentioned, his paw dripping as she groaned, moving toward the rest-room door.

Once she was safely inside, he turned to her husband, moving up the side of the bed. "You son of a bitch..." The big Horse muttered darkly, his dislike for the Lion intense in that moment. "I should have let you die, but I didn't. And now..." He licked his lips, as he thought about what he could do to the big pred... he could smell the opportunity. A Lion's harem went to his conqueror in the old days. But this time? It would belong to his savior, Pike was going to breed everyone of them he could Wreak those tight feline sex's, make it so they wouldn't even feel Jeffery's tiny feline fucker.

He raised his finger, sliding it past the unconscious Lion's lips, wiping Horse cum and wife quim over his tongue, then pulling it out. He wiped his paw on the bed, then moved to the foot of it, tugging out the nursing instructions. He flipped a page or two back, finding the checklist of procedures. He smirked, checking the box next to Catheterization. That would be fun and properly painful and humiliating for him, after all. And then, he flipped back a page to daily care, scribbling in 'Enema, 3x daily' in the box. If nothing else, he would get to fuck wives and cause the Lion some significant discomfort.

If he got caught, he'd be in trouble, but the worst that could happen would be the doctor correcting it... which is where the Weasel would come into things.

He heard the door to the bathroom open just as he slid the clipboard back into place, turning and looking at the Lioness as she stepped out, her face flush still. "T-they're on their way." She said, still holding her cell phone in one paw as he walked over towards him. "Tak is already on a flight. She'll be landing tonight..." She explained, sighing softly as her paw reached out for him, the Horse shifted slightly on his hooves.

"When does she land?" He asked her, with a faint smile on his wide expressive equine lip's. "I'll pick her up." The big Stallion volunteered calmly, already thinking about the other lioness he had saw back in the penthouse.

"She won't be getting in until ten 'o'clock." Marlena pointed out softly, as she walked over to the big Horse pressing her soft body against his side. His teasing having gotten her excited again it was plain, the big Horse did his best to ignore her. But soon his big, hot hands were gripping her ass-cheek, and fondling her breasts through her blouse. "She's coming in on the nine thirty TWA flight from aspen, terminal B 2." The young Lioness continued, as she looked up into the Horse's big dark eyes.

"I'll be off duty by then so... it'll be no problem for me to pick her up." The big Horse assured with a slight smirk, wondering if she would be as hot to trot as this Lioness was. Just then the big Lion groaned, his head wobbling as he regained consciousness. A odd look sliding across his bruised muzzle, and he began smacking his lip's loudly. Wondering what the strange salty taste was on his tongue, the faint scent of his wife in his nose. The big Horse smirking, as he watches the Lion swallow and lick his lip's swallowing again.

"Ammm... wha... Where? Oh Marlena..." The Lion mumbled, as the young Lioness pulled away from the big Horse and returned to her husband's bed side. She hurried over and sat on the edge of the bed, softly assuring him that she was there. Cooing and cuddling with him, in a way that made the Horse Cop sick. He hated the Lion intensely and would have liked nothing better than to tell the asshole he'd just banged his wife. Biting his lower lip the big Horse excused himself, walking out into the hall he spotted the Weasel. Slowly he walked over to the doctor, who was looking up big eyed for a moment and then stammered.

"We should go to my... my office I think." The big equine Cop nodded, following the smaller fur own the hospital hallway. Until at last they came to the doctors small drab office, he unlocked the door and they walked inside. Closing the door behind them, the Weasel moved around his desk and sat down as the Horse sat in the chair in front of the desk. "Ok... so what's this all about Pike?" The Weasel asked, maybe a bit more aggressively that he intended... but then he didn't like the fact the Horse had something on him. "Mr Leoheart is my patient... and I don't like being..." He started, but was cut off as the big horse smashed a big fist into his desk top glaring at him.

The Horse took a long shuddering breath, letting his anger go back inside where it belonged. Where he could stoke it and nurse it from the burning embers it had turned to... back into the bonfire it had been a few years ago. "The situation is incredibly simple." He said so quietly. the little Weasel had to lean forwards to hear him. "Leoheart belongs to me. And you're going to do whatever I say concerning him." He didn't say or else, but it was plain in his tone that there really was no choice.

The Weasel's face paled as he swallowed, sitting up straight for a moment, on the verge of protest. But the expression on the Horse's muzzle told him what the stakes were here. "T-this... this makes us even, right?" The Weasel said, clearly wanting to be out from under the baggage the cop had on him.

The Horse looked deep into his eyes, nodding very slowly he reassured blandly. "Completely." He agreed, watching the little doctors muzzle brightened in delight.

The Weasel shifted a little in his seat, he was still a twitchy little fucker it seemed. "A-alright. What... what do you want me to do?" He asked, at this point willing to do almost anything for the big Horse.

The Stallion smirked slightly, knowing he would get exactly what he wanted from the Weasel. "First things first... I added a few procedures to his chart. You're gonna make sure they get done. You understand me?" He asked coldly, not wanting the Weasel to think any of this made them friends.

The little Weasel doctor opened his muzzle to protest again, which annoyed the Horse. "B-but what if--?"

The big Stallion snorted angrily, and the doc understood that meant shut the fuck up. "You're going to make sure they get done." He repeated more firmly, leaving no room for the Weasel to protest or complain. "You understand me?"

The Weasel folded his short ears down on his head, then nodded slowly he understood. "Y-yeah... I'll make sure." He agreed weakly, wringing his small paws nervously as he looked up at the equine.

"Good." The Equine police fur grunted, letting a little pleasure show in his voice just to reassure the Doc. "Once you see them, you'll understand the next part. Next, you're going to make him undergo every humiliating test you can think of. Anything that'll make him blush, squirm, fume, or bitch, you're going to have done to him. His wife will sign off on whatever you ask... I can make sure of that." The stallion said flatly, heading off anymore protests.

The Weasel nodded his head, swallowing hard... but agreeing without complain. "F-fine... You're... pissed at him, then? Getting back at him?"

The Horse didn't nod, respond, or give any part of his motivation to the little Weasel. He simple continued with his instructions, his voice smooth and level. "Finally, you're gonna talk to your street contacts." He said, lifting a hand as the Weasel started to deny that he had anything to do with those furs anymore. "And you're gonna find a few dozen doses of Tailraiser."

The little Doctor's eyes widened in shock and surprise at that. Tailraiser was a drug, illegal, sometimes used by males who wanted to bottom... because it supposedly increased pleasure for anal sex. In reality, it just gave them a rush, made them a little horny, and lightly decreased sensitive so they could enjoy it more. The downside of it was that caused severe impotence, usually for days after a dose was taken. It had been made illegal after widespread use in nightclubs, prisons, and a few rape cases where the offender had used it to attempt to convince their subject they wanted what was happened to them. The doctor's expression told the big cop he knew what it was, what it was for, and how to get it.

"You... you want me to dose him?" He asked, even though it was plain that was exactly what the big equine cop wanted.

"Every day... until he goes home. On the day that he goes home, give him a double dose." The Stallion instructed, laughing softly as he thought about the Lion being impotent even if only temporarily.

"He... uhh... he must have really done something personal." The doctor observed, a shiver running down his spine as the big cop starred at him.

Pike didn't respond, he just starred at the Weasel darkly for a long silent moment. And then he just stood back up, rolling his shoulders and glancing at his watch, then to the doctor. "Start tonight." He ordered, not answering the question as he turned and walked out of the office, clopping down the hall smoothly.

He got the panties out of the backseat of his car, stuffing them in the glove box as a little trophy. Before he called the station, letting them know he was back on and heading into fill out his reports. It didn't take him long, since he'd only really had the one incident. He did the work, then glanced at his watch, getting up from his desk and heading toward the exit.

On his way out, his lieutenant--a tough looking old Boar--stuck his head out of his office, glancing at him. "Hey, Pike. Captain told me to put you up for a commendation. Leoheart apparently contributed to the campaign fund big time. You want it?" He asked plainly... the lieutenant, who'd known Pike for years now, knew the history there that the Captain didn't and couldn't. Pike shrugged his massive shoulders, and looked back over at the big Boar. "If it comes with a bonus, I'll take it." He muttered, making the big Boar laugh and nod his head money was money after all.

"Right... You need a little time off?" He asked, his gruff voice showing just a hint of emotion as he asked.

Pike stopped, considering that question for a long moment, was he going to do something. "Why would I?" He asked, even as he watched his lieutenant shrug his big round sloping shoulders.

"I figured with the circumstances..." The big Horse flicked his ear, and after a moment, he nodded his head slowly.

"If I could get a week, I'd really appreciate it." He said, doing his best to look thankful, as the Boar nodded a little.

"We'll do half vacation and half sick days. You got enough of those." The Boar said, before ducking back into his office.

Pike turned, walking slowly down the hall, thinking as he did that things were falling into place too easily. It was almost like it was destiny, now he had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to commit his crime. 'No.' He thought, angrily shaking his long narrow equine head that wasn't right at all. 'To correct his injustice.'

He moved out of the station, clopping down the steps and into his own car. He glanced at the clock on his radio, then pulled out, heading toward the airport to pick up his tormentor's first wife.


'Ta'karu Leoheart' The sign was printed in strong block letters, the big Horse who was holding it looking calm and assured. The well dressed Lioness was older, only about ten years younger that the middle aged Lion closer to the Horse's own age. If Marlena was pretty this sleek golden feline was stately, a real classy female as opposed to just eye candy. She walked slowly up to the big Stallion, looking him up and down as she approached. "Amm so your him... Huhuhu." She laughed in a low sexy voice that just dripped of arousal, and the Horse got the feeling Marlena had been singing his praises.

"Yes... I'm Officer Pike." He replied calm and professionally, just making the Lioness smirk slightly as he picked up her luggage. And led her through the busy airport and out to his personal car. Loading her luggage into his trunk, before opening the car door for her. She sat in the front seat carefully, no showing off panties for her... and yet the big Horse could smell the excitement on her. As he climbed into the driver's seat, she asked him to take her to the penthouse first so she could drop her things off. He drove back into the city, fighting traffic as they headed down town. "So... I want you to tell me exactly what happened to my husband." The Horse glanced at her muzzle, as he told her about finding the Lion on the ground getting beaten. Surprisingly she asked a lot of questions, about who was beating her husband. About the damage that had been done to him, about his reaction to the damage done. He told her about her husband's teeth getting knocked out, about the big Lion pissing himself and being urinated on. About how grateful he'd been to the big Horse who had saved him, about him promising all kinds of rewards.

Finally they pulled into Leoheart towers, the Horse unloading her luggage for her, and then she gripped his big hand. Asking if he would 'come up' stairs with her, for a short time while she freshened up. The big Horse feeling her heart racing as she pulled his hand against her chest, slowly his lip's rolled up into a smile. And he agreed to 'come up' , the way he said it clearly a flirt. She smiled back at him, turning the luggage over to the bell boy, they took the elevator up to the penthouse. The Stallion taking a seat on the big leather sofa, as the bell boy took the Lioness's luggage into her room. And then left to go back down stairs, leaving the two of them alone in the penthouse. The big Horse sitting back on the sofa, when he heard the Lioness call for him. But he didn't move, she called for him again this time he heard the need in her voice. His lip's twisting up into a big gloating smile, finally she came out into the living room. Wearing a big fluffy white bath robe, and nothing else he motioned for her to come to him.

The Horse was playing the right kind of hard-to-get for the feline, the kind that didn't rush. He wasn't some eager boy... but an older, controlled, matured male who would get his way. Though, if it hadn't been for Marlena earlier, he might have been jumping and racing to get what he was after... He was glad that she'd been so eager, it meant he was able to be relaxed and in control with someone else.

As she walked over and settled down, he casually put his arm around her, drawing her over next to his body. He rubbed slowly up her arm, up to her neck and shoulders. Working his huge hands against her body through the fabric and letting her get an idea of just how large he really was. "Aspen, hmm? You don't seem the type to bother with something as silly as skiing..." He mentioned, a small bit of amusement in his voice as he tugged the robe slightly, letting it fall off her shoulder and down her arm enough that he could rub his fingers against her short fur properly.

"I was relaxing... getting away..." She explained, which really was no explanation at all he thought ruefully.

The big Horse smirked, knowing he had to asked... and so he did. "Getting away from what? A husband who's more interested in accruing wealth then tending to the treasures he already has?" He questioned, and at the same time flirted with the sexy female predator.

The Lioness bit her lower lip, and the Horse felt her pressing more firmly against him. His other big three fingered hand crossed, reaching for the cloth belt of her robe. He tugged at it slowly, untying it as she watched and didn't protest at all. "Do you know what I thought? When I saw him lying there?" He asked her softly, enjoying this little seductive game enormously.

The Lioness shook her head slowly, shifting so that the shoulders of her robe were sliding down, supported only be her ample bosom.

"I thought... 'There lies a male looking for more... without having a clue what he has.'" The smiling Equine answered, it wasn't entirely a lie, of course. He'd really been thinking a multitude of other things. But at the moment, the most important thought was next to him.

Her breathing was quickening as her arousal grew the air strong with the scent of her. The oldest wife, the one who'd been with her mate the longest, seen herself slowly pushed further and further to the side of his affections as newer females continued to appear in their lives. The Horse tugged the cloth belt one last time, and the fabric came untied, the front of her robe parting as the cop slid his hand down her arm, over her side. "How about I treat you the way a female deserves to be treated, hmm?" He suggested, reading on her pretty muzzle that she was more than ready for that.

Already, she was scooting forward, letting the robe sink behind her. Her chest was larger than Marlena's, her shoulder broader and more stately. He liked her immediately, his cock throbbing harder within his trousers. Where Marlena's forwardness had been the sluttishness that brought out the teenager in him, Ta'karu had the mature womanliness that brought out the Stallion. He took her soft paw, bringing it to his lips. He kissed it once, then laid it in his lap, leaning back and rubbing her back slowly.

"Yes... I think I'd like that." Ta'karu breathed, the sexy Lioness was almost panting by he guided her big paw to his crotch. Those nimble fingers wasted no time unzipping his trousers, even as his big three fingers equine hand rubbed her naked back. The sleek feline's bright green eyes widening, as his saw his cock already dangling out of that dark sheath. So big and thick, yet it was nowhere near erect... the Horse's strong sexual musk waffling up to her nose. Making the mature Lioness lick her lips, leaning over she pulled his huge fucker out, and slowly began licking along its throbbing length.

The big Equine nickering softly in pleasure, as that rough predator tongue licked his hefty fuck meat. Pike was really enjoying this, he'd been thinking about it for hours. And now here he was with the rich Lioness's mouth going crazy on his hard cock, he doubted Jeffery had ever got this kind of eager treatment. The Lioness had looked so prim and proper at the airport, but with her mouth on his cock she was acting the total slut. "You like that, don't ya?" He snickered, as Ta'karu just moaned and licked his swiftly thickening erection more eagerly as he rose to full attention. Her pretty muzzle shiny now, as it was smeared with his slimy equine pre-cum that made him chuckle lewdly.

"Oh I like it." She confirmed huskily, as she climbed to her foot paws to stand before him gloriously naked. "But I think I'd like it even better inside of me." Reaching down she rubbed his full length with both her paws for a moment, until he reached over and grabbed her. Lifting her up over the big blunt flare of his mighty equine rut stick, and then lowering her onto it. Her sex was very very wet, and had obviously seen more use than Marlena's as it was much easier to get inside of. The Horse knew the Lion had a son, who was away at some high dollar boarding school. "Ohoooo yes... damn you're so big and hard. Ummmm yes that's it... that s what I need." The Lioness moaned as she slowly sank down his long cock, every inch sliding into her getting another moan or grunt of pleasure. "I haven't felt this good in ages." She admitted weakly, as her dripping sex came to rest against his sheath her strong body beginning to bounce up and down eager for the pleasure he had to give. "Gods... Oho gods... rut me stud, rut me brutally." She begged lustfully as the big cop lay back smirking widely, enjoy fucking the Lion's first wife all the more.

The big, powerful equine was impressed she'd handled all of him, but pleased at the same time. He'd not been quite this deep in a female since his mares left him a few years back. He closed his eyes, reaching his big, powerful three fingered hands out and rubbing over her hips. He squeezed at them, thumbs working against her as he continued to lay back and let her ride. He was doing just as he had before letting her do all the work, letting her work herself into a lather for him, then... Well.

He grinned, letting her rise and fall, rise and fall, until she was panting, both from the effort and the excitement. And then, he casually slid his hands from her hips to her shoulder, holding her in place, and rolling her over. The back of her neck pressed into the corner of the couch, and a moment later, her legs were sliding up along his sides. He put her paws against his shoulder, then look down at her. Brutally? He'd hold back... she didn't know what she was requesting, after all. But rut her? That was certainly in the cards.

The big Stallion started to roll his hips, angling himself into her and starting to give long, smooth thrusts from his powerful hips. Each one forced her body to contract slightly. She was already smaller than him, but rolled up in the corner like that made her seem practically tiny. He looked into her eyes, slowly starting to pick up his pace into a nice, firm breeding pattern. He thrust harder, faster, more forcefully each time, and as he started to force gasps and moans past her lips in addition to her previous lusty begging, he knew he was getting somewhere.

When she broke on his dick, he didn't stop or even slow down. The wetness soaked his sac, rolling down his fat nuts as they slapped her over and over. The Lioness squirmed, begged him to stop and let her recover, but he didn't. He picked up his speed, going faster than she thought him able to after such an effort, pushing himself into her hard and deep each time. His eyes stayed locked on hers as he told her that he knew. He knew Aspen was just an excuse to get away and get herself a little fun on the side. He knew that she was utterly dissatisfied with her husband and the way she'd been pushed aside as newer options came along. He knew she enjoyed the idea of her 'king' being replaced. He knew all of it. She squirmed, gritting her teeth and crying out a second time, and this time... he allowed himself to relish the feeling of her cunt flexing along his length as he pushed himself in, bottoming out entirely before he started to blow his load deep inside her. He paused, savoring the feeling of her wrapped around his flesh, then slowly leaned down.

He kissed her, hard and on the muzzle, his tongue demanding entrance and receiving it. He got his paws under her, lifting her up and holding her against his chest. He slowly pet her back as she did her best to recover, leaning into his chest with her arms and legs wrapped around him, close to tears from the sheer power of the orgasm that had just been fucked out of her. He slowly nuzzled her, more gently than she'd expected, and held her as she came down. And when she did, she leaned up, kissing his wide, flat nose before moving to his lips. They sat there on the couch, his dick still deep inside her, his cum running out of her and down his length, making out for nearly half an hour. The other side of foreplay. And when they finished, he leaned back, stroking her cheek.

"Why don't you get cleaned up." The big Horse said more than asked, as she looked up at him wide eyed. "I'll take you to see your husband." He could tell by the look on her muzzle, she is love that he had just fucked her and now had the gall to offer to take her to see her husband.

She looked at him, tilting her head, then smirked at him. A moment later, she grinned, nodding as she slowly slid off his barely softened cock. He didn't request that she take care of cleaning him as well. It seemed tacky to ask a woman like that to get her cum off his dick. But, she leaned down, doing it anyway. Her tongue worked up and down his length, taking just a few minutes to polish him, and then, she was moving toward the other room while he softened and tucked himself back into his pants.

He didn't bother trying to hide the cum and quim on the couch. The others apparently already knew what was happening, Ta'karu had been interested. Eager. Marlena had been the same, and the scent on Savra all but confirmed his next target.

When she walked back out, dressed in a sensible dress with her fur clean and dry, he was every bit the professional again. He held open the door for her, moving to the elevator, and when they were inside, he stuffed his paw into his pocket, feeling that tooth again. Maybe he'd make a necklace out of it... or, better yet, maybe he'd collect the set...

He led her back outside to his car, it was nothing impressive, but then, he didn't have anything he felt the need to compensate for. He put it in gear, and in a few minutes--pace aided by the lateness of the trip--they pulled up outside St. Vincent's.

The Horse hadn't bothered with the parking garage, this time of night there was plenty of above ground parking. And of course he'd gotten everything he wanted done, back in the Lion's multi-million dollar penthouse. That thought made him smirk, Jeffery getting attacked was about the best thing that had ever happened to the Horse. They made their way to the Lion's room, visiting hours were officially closed but this was Jeffery Leoheart. So no one said a word about the three Lioness's in his room, or the fact that a big equine had just brought in another one.

As they entered the Lioness's all clustered together, while Jeffery was complaining to the nurse. A fat older Cow, who was telling him it was all the doctor's orders as she shoved a plastic phallus shaped nozzle up the Lions tailhole. Jeffery might have been complaining, but the Horse couldn't help noticing that his hip's seemed to be riding that nozzle. Tail-raiser indeed the Horse thought with a snicker, thinking maybe the drug was well named after all. He watched the fun until the nurse was finished, and then the big Lion spotted him and called him over. "Officer Pike... I'm so glad you're here... I've heard you've been taking care of my girls." The big Lion tossed his head towards the cluster of Lioness's across the room, even as the Stallion grinned and answered.

"I've been doing my best." Both Marlena and Ta'karu looked up smiling as he said that, the looks on their pretty muzzle something of a give away the Horse thought. He wondered if the Lion could smell Ta'karu's scent on him, but Jeffery gave no sign of it if he did.

"And I'm grateful." The big Lion assured ironically, not know that the big equine cop was making a real cuck out of him. "I had my Attorney Brien buy this for you." He picked a box up off the stand beside the bed, pushing it into the Stallions huge hands. Pike opened it slowly, to see a huge gold Rolex that must have cost more than his car. "A small gift... the first of many rewards I plan to give you." Jeffery assured weakly, as he watched the Horse take the watch out and wrap it around his thick wrist. Tossing his old Timex into the waste basket beside the Lions bed, he didn't say thanks or even act like he cared much for the 'small gift'. The big Lion was smiling happily, as the four females came over and clustered around him. "Anyway I been thinking... what I need is a chief of security for my person." Jeffery grunted, as the big cow nurse returned this time to change out the catheter, making the big feline wince as she pulled the old one out. He then groaned in pain, as she threaded a new one up his urethra, that feline cock looking very small and limp. "I don't know why they have to change this damn thing every few hours." Jeffery complained, but the old Cow fed up with the Lion's belly aching just ignored him as she finished her work and left.

"Ammm so Dag and Savra really should get some rest." Marlena pointed out as her and Ta'karu shared a vague smirk, looking at the big horse who looked back at them emotionlessly. Even as he glanced over at the two other felines, Savra was staring at him like he was a piece of meat. While the other Lioness wasn't as interested in him it seemed, not that it mattered much the Stallion was fine with just banging three of Jeffery's wives.

"Officer Pike..." The Lion grunted, making the big Horse look down at him, there was still a pained look on his muzzle from having the catheter replaced. "Would you take Savra and Dagmar back home for me... I'd feel much better knowing you were looking after them." The Horse almost cracking a grin at, gods this was turning out to be so much fun. "In fact if your thinking about taking that security position... why don't you stay in our guest room tonight. If... you don't have to go home to your family."

"Yeah take us home... stud." Savra said so leadingly that Pike almost winced, the big Lion didn't seem to notice his young wife was flirting with the Horse.

"Sure... I'm fine with that. I don't have a family anymore... my wife divorced me a few years back." The Lion tried to look understand, like he knew how hard it was to be a cop.

The Horse nodded stoically as he led Savra and Dagmar out of the room, closing the door behind them. 'Head of Security.' Of course, he'd be happy to take that job... it put him in the perfect place to continue ruining the Lion's life. After all, it was one thing to humiliate him and fuck his wives while being given rewards. He glanced down at the watch, it was surprisingly hefty there on his wrist. But it was another to be close enough to really stick the knife in.

He led both of them out, apologizing for how long they'd been left there, then opened the doors for them to climb inside his old car... before driving back toward the penthouse. Savra was young... she had the same, sluttish eagerness that Marlena had in her eyes, though perhaps the fact that she'd been third had built it up even further. The other two had been immensely satisfied, each in their own way. Marlena looking for someone who made her feel as dirty as she wanted. Ta'karu for someone who made her feel as valued and cared for as she wanted. Savra, he could already tell, wanted someone that the other two wanted. It was motivated by jealousy as much as anything else. If she'd answered the door instead of Marlena, he might never have fucked any of them.

He stepped into the ostentatious building for the third time that day. The night guard stopped him, handed him a card, and told him that he could just swipe it to use the private elevator that Mr. Leoheart had installed. The Horse nodded, leading both females to it, then inside.

Savra looked ready to jump him right then and there, but Dagmar's quietness had her simply squirming as the Horse held the door open for them both, moving down to the penthouse door and opening it before gesturing them inside.

The scent of fucking immediately hit Savra, and the Horse saw her bite her lip, but Dagmar quietly moved through the living room, down the hall at the other end. Savra glanced toward her fleeing back, then back at Pike. "Sorry. Dag can be a bit of a stick in the mud. She's worried that she won't be properly taken care of anymore..." She explained, rolling her eyes as if she found that idea totally ridiculous and for her maybe it was.

The big Equine nodded slightly, then reached up and held Savra's cheek in his huge three fingered hand gently. "And what about you? Are you worried?" He asked softly, looking back maybe he was being too serious for her.

"Who me?" Savra asked, as if she was shocked that he was asking her anything... Pike getting the idea Jeffery hadn't married her for her mind. "I never worry about anything." The young Lioness's professed, and then a bratty look crossed her pretty feline muzzle. "Well... I guess there is one thing I worry about..." She grabbed his big three fingered hand, and pulled him down the hallway and into her bedroom.

"Oh and what is that?" The big Horse asked, as he allowed himself to be dragged along behind her... watching that sexy round rump sway.

"Getting my fair share." The young Lioness growled, as they moved into her bedroom and she closed the door behind them loudly. "Stay in our guest room tonight." She giggled trying to make her voice sound deep and masculine as she repeated Jeffery's words from earlier. Quickly the young feline shimmered out of her designer dress, and kicked it across the bedroom floor. Her lacy black panties which were reeking with sexual scent came off next, it hit the Stallions long slotted nostrils powerfully "I almost died when he said that." She flopping back on her big bed and giggling wickedly, spreading her legs to expose the small pink bud of her feline sex. "I almost told him you'd be spending the night in me!" It was plain that the young Lioness was very immature, especially compared to Ta'karu. This was almost like being over at his high school girl friend's house, while her parents were out of town. "You know he's not fucked me more than a dozen times since he mated me." Savra rolled her eyes, and the horse thought that this one needed lots of breeding. But unlike Ta'karu she wasn't old and confide enough to get some dick on the side, so she most likely had a bunch of toys. "He's always busy with work... I feel really sorry for Dag and Ta'k they almost never get any."

"Come on get it out..." The young Lioness's begged, and then sat up looking as if a naughty idea had just accursed to her."Oh... oh do you want me to do it? Is that it?" She jumped back up and walked over to him, kneeling down in front of him she unbuttoned his trousers. Sliding them down his long bent equine legs, the big horse standing there smirking down at her as she took his pants and underwear off. He slipped his own shirt off and stood before her completely naked, as she buried her pretty muzzle in his crotch kissing first his big balls. And then nuzzling his sheath, as that big cock slowly slithered out and dropped down between those thick thighs. "I hope you take that job... I want to get a lot of use out of this thing."

The Horse let her get his pants off. He kicked them to the side, thinking about what she'd said about Dagmar. He filed that away for later. Something about that one needed special attention, but at the moment, he was dealing with an entirely different kind of female, she was... childish. If it wasn't for the fact that he was utterly and completely intent on fucking his way through each of the Lion's wives, he might have ignored her and simply slept in the guest room. After all, two orgasm in a single day was plenty for most males. Hell, even Horses like himself, gone were the days when a Stallion needed to service twenty of more in a few days. Just because he could do so, didn't mean he always wanted to. He looked down at her, and after a moment, he reached down, tugging her head back from his dick. "No, I don't think you will." The big Equine cop snorted, licking his soft mobile lip's.

The Lioness looked up at him stunned, her muzzle gaping wide open. He might have slapped her, from the look on her pretty muzzle. "Get up." Pike ordered soft yet firmly, she starred at him unbelieving.

After a few moments, the woman--no, he corrected himself, the girl--rose to her feet paws. He reached out, taking her shocked muzzle in his big three fingered hand. "How old are you?" The Horse asked, wondering just what Jeffery was into with so young acting a wife.

"T-twenty-three." The Lioness replied, a bit unsteadily... she had never had a male stop her from pleasuring him before.

"And you've been married five years?" The big Horse asked shaking his head, smirking at the fact she was so young.

"Y-yeah..." She stammered, turning her ears down slightly as he shook his head.

"So, you married a man in his late thirties at eighteen years of age yourself..." The Horse said, chuckling and shaking his long narrow equine head back and forth. This was rich... he thought to himself darkly. The one who acted like a slut for him, was more mature than this one was. He took her wrist in his paw, moving over to the bed. He sat on the edge of it, and a moment later, he bent her over his lap. He put his paw in the small of her back and held her there, over his lap, saying nothing even as his cock rose and pressed into her midsection. He looked down at her as she turned her gaze up to him, saying nothing, and when she opened her muzzle, his paw rose, falling on her ass in a firm spank.

She squeaked loudly, frowning at the sudden pain in her rump. "H-hey--" She started, only for the Horse to spank her again more roughly. Her eyes bulged from their sockets for a moment, and then, she started to squirm. He pressed firmly against her back for a moment, and when she didn't stop, he swatted her a third time. She lay there, over his knees panting, silently fuming then. He waited, and after she was still, his paw slid between her legs. He softly, slowly rubbed at her outer lips, feeling the wetness there. It was stronger than it had been when he started, he realized with a grin.

She moaned softly, and then, he heard her mutter. "About time..."

His paw moved from her cunt into the air, and he spanked her again, making her squeak, her tail lashing around before she bit her lip. "S-sorry..." She stammered... her voice full of need and a ting of submission.

He slowly rubbed and massaged her backside, then dropped his fingers again. He gently teased her cunt again, Smoothly stroking along her legs, giving her slow, paced pleasure. He knew that, somewhere in this room, there was a box of dildos that she'd spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on at this point. He could tell by the way she demanded pleasure, as if it were due to her. Marlena had asked for it, presenting herself, and Ta'karu had been a slow, patient session of rough coupling, but Savra had demanded dick.

The first lesson: he was not her toy. Toys got broken, discarded, throw away when one gets bored with them. None of that would happen to him... this was establishing that fact. She wasn't in control of this pleasure, he was and it was him who would decide when and if she got to cum.

"A girl that age doesn't marry a male that age unless there's something specific she wants..." The Horse observed, his voice deep and slow as he traced her body with his big hot hands. "It could have been money, but if it was, you'd dress more like the other two... Have more jewelry, a more expensive bedroom. All this? It was bought all at once, together... a suite." He pointed out, chuckling slightly as she squirmed a little. "So, if you don't care about money... about being taken care of." He smirked, thinking back to what she had said before... how Dagmar was worried.. but she wasn't. "...then my money says... a brat like you was looking for one thing." He said, slowly sliding a thick finger into her hot leaking sex, feeling it quiver and grip.

"P-please?" She stammered panting for breath, squeaking softly as that thick finger pushed inside of her body.

The Horse shushed her softly, stroking the side of her pretty muzzle. "No reason to be like that." He chose his next words carefully, knowing that if he was wrong, this would all backfire. If he was right, he had her exactly where he wanted her. "Tell Daddy what you want."

She mewled softly, as his thick finger twitched inside her cunt growing even wetter. "Please, h-help me cum..." The young Lioness murmured softly, and he could hear the longing in that soft voice.

The Horse chuckled softly, but not unkindly, slowly moving his finger in her. It wasn't as thick as the toys she was used to, he could tell that at once. It didn't vibrate or hit every spot perfectly or twist like a tornado in her snatch, but she was gripping him for dear life as he worked her slowly. Steadily fingering her as she started to ooze and drip around his digit, the sexy Lioness was biting her lip, panting.

His cock was throbbing against her stomach, but he'd already resolved himself--she wasn't getting it tonight. He'd make her earn it... force her to behave like she should. He slowly, steadily worked his finger, and after a few minutes, she squeaked, rhythmically squeezing his over and over. He slowly pulled his finger free, then started to stoke her back and rump, letting her lay there over his lap. Somewhere between humiliated and painfully aroused.

After a few moments, she quietly lashed her tail, and he chuckled leeringly. Pike reached down, picking her up and standing, then turning to lay her in bed. He moved over her, kissing her forehead as she squirmed under him. "The next time you want me, you can ask." He told her in no uncertain terms, being firm but not unkind. "Be polite, and if you're good, I'll give you a cock that makes your toys look like your husband."

She blushed, then laughed in a soft, low, husky voice that spoke of satisfaction. A moment later, she was wrapping her arms around his neck, squeezing him, then sliding back down to the bed. He rubbed her cheek, and she pulled the blankets over herself, sighing softly as the Horse chuckled, turning and walking out of the room. He stepped in the hall, and as he did, he glanced down the hall at Dagmar's door. The second wife... the last one he needed to nail to complete the set to have cuckolded the big rich Lion utterly. He tucked his dick away as it flagged finally, moving to the living room and looking over the Lion's life. As he did, he decided that he couldn't just ruin it like he had planned. He had to take it.


Pike awoke the next morning to the buzzing of his cell, rolling over in the king size bed. He paused a moment to look around, this room sure wasn't the drab surrounding he was use to. The fact of the matter was his whole apartment wasn't this big, the big Horse snorted at that thought as he picked up the phone and answered. "Yeah?" He grunted, and then heard the silky voice on the other end, it was Ta'karu calling to ask a favor. "Erik is coming home on the train today, Blanders are letting him start his spring break a few days early because of Jeffery's injuries." The Lioness explained, the big Horse frowned this would complicate his plans a bit. But he agreed to pick the boy up at noon, that gave him a few hours to kill. So he got up and walked into the room's private bath, to take a quick shower when Savra came bouncing into the room.

"Need someone to wash your back daddy?" She asked, he knew where this was going of course, and so agreed that she could help only if she did as she was told. "Yes sir." The pretty young Lioness agreed, stripping off the pink teddy and panties she was wearing. The shower stall was big enough for five or six furs at least, so just the two of them left plenty of room. Pike ducked his big body under the hot water getting good and wet, before handing the soap back to Savra.

"Ok lather me up." He ordered, the Lioness soaped up her paws and began rubbing them over the fur of his broad back slowly. It was plain from the look on her muzzle, she was enjoying touching his thickly muscled body. He just stood there silently letting her wash his back and mane, and then told her to go all the way down. Slowly she worked her way down over his big round equine ass and tail, down the backs of his legs all the way to his hooves.

The big Horse turned around then, and ordered her to do his front as well. Since she was already kneeling she started at his hooves and worked her way up his legs, by this time his long cock had dropped out of its sheath. Playfully he made it flex and lift up smacking against her chest, the feline looked like it was taking all her will power not to reach out and grab that thick fucker. When she got up to his waist, he reminded her not to forget about his cock and balls.

The young Lioness practically pounced in that big organ, soaping it up with glee her soft soapy paws cleaning it better that it had been cleaned in years. Before moving down to his big dangling sack, she lavished as much love on it as she had his cock. Until his told her to move on up, reluctantly she moved up to his belly and then chest.

Taking down the removable shower head Pike rinsed himself off, deciding that Savra had done her work well. He took the soap from her and then dropped it on the tile floor of the shower stall. "Pick it up." Looking up at him in delight, the young feline turned presenting her rump to him as she bent over. The big Horse licked his lips and then reached down pulling her tail to the side, exposing that tiny pink flower. His long thick cock by now fully erection eager for the pleasure of that hot rut tunnel, spreading her legs a bit wider he set his huge head against those lip's. They were almost burning hot on his flare, slowly he worked that big organ into her making the feline yowl softly.

It took some time, and in the end he could only get a little over half his mighty rut stick inside of that tiny pussy. But that was enough for him to enjoy the hell out of it, slowly he worked his hip's back and forth in short deep thrusts. While Savra braced herself against the stall wall, squealing and yowling loudly as he fucked her. His massive organ stretching that tiny sex well past its limits, not that its owner seemed to mind at all. Savra was in heaven riding the massive malehood of her new daddy, he rutted her slow and easy until they both had their fun. And then made her wash his junk a second time, before smacking her on her ass and sending her off.

When he went to get dressed he found his clothing gone, in their place was a dozen three piece suits and a note. He picked it up and reading it quickly, his clothes had been taken to be laundered. The suits were another gift from Jeffery, it also said that a tailor would be stopping by later to get exact measurements. He tried on one of the suites and it fit better than most of his clothes already, smirking the big equine checked his Rolex. It was almost time to pick up the boy, so he went down to the lobby his car had been brought around from the parking lot. Climbing in he drove up town to the train station, waiting for the upstate limited to come in. It was late of course, it seemed they couldn't get trains to run on time anymore.


Taken for a ride on the Bus...

Taken for a ride on the Bus... The big sleek Tiger boarded the city bus, at the beginning of the line downtown, he was forlorn and a little tipsy. Another strike out at the local bars, another stern bouncer kicking him out, and not a single testicle...

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It's a lock... Chap 3

It's a lock... Chap 3 Jerome awoke with a start... looking around the dimly lit room in confusion for a long moment until he recognized Eli's bedroom. Glancing over at the clock on the Alpaca's bedside table, the big Horse saw that it was early...

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Hooves in the city of Nodd...

Part 2 Gripping the leash Midnight pulled his pet to his hooves, guiding him around the room and towards the exit. Strolling back out onto the streets, they walked along drawing many more interested stares. Both of them feeling the eyes on them, soon...

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