Diana's Lover: Beginning

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#9 of Standalone Stories

The origin of Diana's Lover. See what led up to this loving mother-son relationship.


Diana lay in bed as the gray of dawn turned to golden sunlight. With her son Jackson spooned to her back, she recalled with a smile on her muzzle how their relationship son began.

Like most things, it all started with innocent intent. The divorce took a tool on her and her son Jackson. The young male spent weeks depressed, asking why his father didn't love him anymore. He'd lay in his bed crying when it was time to sleep. The sound of his sobs broke her heart too and the femme began having him spend the night in her bed to ease his loneliness. Diana was lonely as well and he filled that companionship need in her.

As her son came to terms with his father's absence, the sleeping arrangement remained. Neither was in any hurry to alter the setup. In fact, it served to deepen the bond between mother and son. The pair now shared most things; eating, sleeping, bathing, and recreational activities.

As Jackson grew older, he began spending more time in his own bed at night. Diana found the lack of nighttime companionship was difficult adaptation. Several times a week, she'd request he sleep in her bed and Jackson didn't object or resist. He seemed happy to snuggle up next to her and dropped off to sleep in seconds.

As the years passed, Diana saw that the young male was changing. Those changes were much more obvious when he entered puberty. Neither of them considered the consequences of the physical changes he was undergoing. That is, until thing changed.

Part I

Diana awoke during the night to an odd yet familiar sensation. Jackson was spooned to her, his breathing regular and deep as he slept. She felt pressure along her lower back. When her son shifted in his sleep, she realized that he had an erection pressed to her lower back. It must have emerged from the loose fly of her son's underwear.

What to do? She considered waking him and sending the young male to his own bed. However, that seemed a bad idea to the femme. Her son didn't need the shame and embarrassment of banishment for something he couldn't control. And, Diana had asked him to sleep with her so this was her fault.

Jackson had always slept well and was hard to rouse for school which helped her decide. She opened a space between them to allowed the young male a bit of privacy.

Her mistake, if she wanted to label it as such, was that Diana didn't stop asking him to share her bed. She'd gotten so used to his companionship that the femme didn't want to lose it. A nighttime erection didn't bother her and left alone; Jackson was none the wiser.

She avoided any uncomfortable bed situations regarding her son's developing body for almost a year with avoidance. If she rose early, she left him to wake up on his own. If he woke up before her, Jackson slipped out of bed. There were a few times she parted an eyelid to see him leaving her room with an erection sticking through the front of his underwear.

Their occasional sleeping arrangement continued. Jackson grew taller and filled out into young adulthood. When his voice deepened, she began noticing a physical resemblance to his father, who was a complete jerk but a good-looking complete jerk.

With another year of growth, Diana was sharing her bed with an adult male when Jackson assented to her requests. More than once, she'd looked at him and recalled the things his father could do to her. Even though the long-gone male was a jerk, his talents in bed were first rate. The femme understood that she was pushing her luck by having her son continue sleeping in her bed.

Sure enough, it wasn't much longer until Diana was awakened from a dream. Jackson was spooned against her back, thrusting in his sleep while in the throes of his own dream. His stiff penis slid between her thighs.

Diana resisted the urge to move to keep from waking her son. The feel of his stiff member moving through the fur of her legs wasn't unpleasant. She decided to let him continue, both to spare him any possible embarrassment and to leave him to his pleasurable dream.

Jackson mumbled something and must have moved because penis shaft caressed her panty-clad labia on each thrust. Diana couldn't help but feel electric thrill surge throughout her body as his erection stimulated her. She rolled her hips and bit her lip to keep from moaning as the top of her son's shaft rode against her clit.

A few moments later, the young male moaned and ejaculated. Warm dampness seeped into her fur and panties as his movements slowed to a stop. Jackson rolled onto his back, pulling his penis free of her legs. Diana lay still and concentrated on the warm dampness he left. The odor of semen filled her nose and aroused heat in her belly. The femme placed trembling fingers into the sticky mixture. She gathered as much of it by touch as possible.

The obvious course of action was to slip out of bed and clean up in the bathroom. However, when she brought the hand from under the bedsheets, the odor of semen and male musk caused a flush of heat in her belly, chest, and cheeks. Unable to resist, she brought the with Jackson's cum to her muzzle. The odor was stronger and she sniffed it, light at first and then drawing a lungful of breath through her nose. Diana squirmed her hips as her mature body grew aroused and responded to the young males' scent.

Now excited and curious, her tongue slipped between parted lips and sampled the sticky fluid. Another ripple of excitement coursed through her body at the familiar taste of male seed. He tasted good! Without a trace of hesitation, Diana licked her fingers clean before sucking on them, savoring the salty flavor on her tongue before swallowing it down. Warm sticky heat flared between her legs like a fire doused with gasoline.

It was hard for Diana to get back to sleep because of the urge to masturbate and relieve the excitement she felt. In the morning, she awoke early, still excited and noted the tented bedsheets over her son's abdomen. It was a sight she'd grown used to but with last night's emission, took on new meaning. Diana slipped out of bed and left Jackson to awake on his own.

Her hand still smelled of him and the hard dry spot between her legs even more so. Diana was growing aroused and shut herself in the bathroom. A small vibrator was hidden in her makeup kit under the sink. She thumbed it to life and applied it to her aching clit.

"Ah, yeah," she breathed as she shuddered with the contact. Practiced movements of the humming device and her heightened arousal led Diana to a hip-bucking orgasm in moments. She jammed a washcloth between her teeth to keep from screaming aloud.

After his nocturnal emission, Diana avoided asking Jackson to share her bed for several weeks. She recalled the enjoyment she'd gotten from eating his cum and how it surprised and excited her. Understanding what she felt and how to proceed afterward took time to figure out. Diana used the opportunity to study her son during that time, again noting how much he now resembled his father. The physical changes, the sound of his voice, and his personality triggered sensations and emotions in her that made Diana realize that Jackson was an attractive male and that wasn't just a mother's opinion of her son.

Diana asked Jackson's opinion on girls, dating, and sex. Not direct, no that was too obvious. She'd lead into it by asking about school, his friends, or something innocuous, and then lead into relationship questions by an indirect route. Their close relationship made the discussions easy and frank.

To her surprise, Jackson had bedded just two girls. Despite his bond with Diana, he was a bit shy and awkward with girls in his age group. There was an easy fix for that situation; she began giving him tips on girls and dating.

He came home from a date a couple weeks later with a huge smile on his face and gave his mother a hug that lifted her feet from the floor. Diana didn't have to ask to know that he'd gotten laid&emdash;she could smell the female's scent on him along with the odor of sex and their musks. Her body responded to the sexual mixture with a bloom of heat in her crotch.

After some polite conversation about his date, the mature femme excused herself. The arousal from the scents and sexual odors from her son and his girlfriend has simmered until the mature female needed release. She masturbated in the bathroom using just her fingers. Diana was amazed at how wet she'd gotten from the scents from her son. When an intense clitoral climax exploded in her belly, Diana bit her lower lip to keep from screaming with pleasure. Her entire body shook with the intensity of climax and both legs felt rubbery. She used both hands on the bathroom counter to support herself as she recovered, breathing heavy with her head down.

The next morning, after sleeping in his own bed, Jackson was on top of the world.

"Mom, your advice about girls was the best!"

Diana smiled at him over her coffee. "I'm glad it helped you out."

He nodded, a smile on his muzzle. "Did it ever!" He cleared his throat. "It was much better than before!"

"Sex is like that when everything works out."

Part II

Diana should have stopped asking Jackson to share her bed. That was the smart thing to do. It was the prudent thing to do. However, neither smart or prudent gave her intense orgasms as she experienced while masturbating while recalling how good Jackson smelled with the odor of sex all over him. An urge Diana couldn't resist kept forcing her to push the limits of their relationship.

With Jackson getting laid more often, Diana began looking forward to the excitement the smells he brought home would provide. Each time she masturbated to the excitement of the smells on him, Diana moved closer to crossing an important boundary.

She crossed it on a weekend. Jackson had done a lot of yard work and by early evening, was feeling the effects of a week at school followed by a day of physical labor.

When Diana noted his head nodding while watching a movie together, she asked, "Jackson, would you mind sleeping with me tonight?"

He looked at her with tired eyes and yawned. "Sure, mom. I'm worn out so if you don't mind, I'll change and hit the sack."

"You go ahead. I'll join you in a bit."

Diana turned off the television and finished some household chores while Jackson went to bed. The young male would no doubt be in a deep sleep when she got into bed which is what the mature femme wanted.

The sleepwear she'd chosen was in the bathroom. Her current clothing went into the hamper for washing. She slipped her legs into a pair of crotchless panties and lifted the thin waistband to her hips. A long sleeping shirt went on next, falling to mid-thigh. She turned off the light before opening the bedroom door.

Jackson was on his side facing away as she eased into bed next to him. A trembling excitement kept Diana from an easy entry into sleep.

She awoke after midnight according to the clock on the nightstand. Jackson was spooned against her back and the familiar feel of his penis between Diana's legs let her know he was dreaming. With careful movements, she rolled her hips to expose her sex to his thrusting member while hiking the shirt to her waist. With a lift of her leg, his cock moved higher. With light fingertip pressure, she guided his glans into her wet slit with a soft sigh from her muzzle.

The young male gave a soft moan as he pushed himself into his mother's body while in the throes of dream sex.

Diana bit her lip to keep from moaning herself. The feel of an excited male moving into her body brought back pleasant memories.

Jackson' thrusts remained slow and steady. She'd half-expected him to go at a faster pace. Perhaps he was more relaxed having sex in his dreams.

Despite the languid pace, dream arousal proved more potent than real life. The sex lasted for a minute or so before warmth filled her belly as Jackson ejaculated with a soft sigh. He remained inside her until his penis went limp.

Diana remained still until he rolled away and withdrew from her some minutes later.

The femme eased out of bed. Still the deep sleeper, Jackson hadn't moved. She went to the bathroom. She stood before the mirror and lifted the shirt. She gazed low in the mirror and spread her legs. Thick drops of semen fell from her wet labia before a large dollop slid free of her body. It landed with a quiet wet plop on the tile floor. The smell filled the room and the familiar flush of arousal warmed parts of the mature female's body. Then she cleaned herself and the floor with a washcloth and returned to bed.

The next morning, Diana awoke but remained in bed with her son, eyeing the mounded bedsheets over his waist. She'd reached this decision days ago and was more certain of it after taking Jackson's penis into her body during the night. Her heart beat faster whenever she considered what she was going to happen when he awoke.

Part III

A while later, Jackson stirred.

"Good morning, baby," she said in a soft voice. She lay on her side watching him.

His eyelids fluttered and his gaze fixed on her face. "'Morning, mom."

Jackson's eyes widened as he realized that he was sporting a towering erection. "God, I'm sorry!" he blurted and started to roll onto his side to hide his arousal.

Diana stopped him with a firm hand on his shoulder, pressing him back to the mattress. "I've seen a morning erection before, Jackson. There's no need for embarrassment."

"Well, I am!" His ears flattened to his head as he tried to roll over again.

His mother applied more pressure to his shoulder and placed a leg over his for good measure.

Diana avoided raising her leg to caress his testicles and kept her tone light. "What happened to €˜Good morning'? I said that it's nothing to worry about so why not relax?"

His struggles eased but his expression was wary.

"Okay then," she said with a smile. Diana loosened the pressure of her hand. When Jackson remained still, she caressed his pectoral muscle. "See? The world didn't end. Isn't this better?"

He still regarded her with a wary look. His ears returned to a normal position. "I guess."

She glanced at the mounded sheets before returning her gaze to his. "Jackson, you're an adult male. Your body is showing that it's ready for sexual activity."

"Mom, it's kind of weird to have you looking at my morning wood."

Diana laughed. "I've seen hard cocks before. And I appreciate one as much as the next female." Her eyes remained on his and she let and easy smile grace her muzzle. "It's not the first time I've seen you with a morning erection."

"I can't believe we're having this conversation."

"Honey, we talk about sex, girls, and dating. Why not this?"

He squeezed his eyes shut. "Why start today?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's time we acknowledge some things. You get erections. Big deal. That doesn't bother me but not being honest with you about it does."

"I could take talking to you about erections but having you look at mine is a little disconcerting." He sighed and closed his eyes.

Diana laughed. "All I can see is a lump in the sheets. Look honey, I've seen more hard dicks thank you think. I'm not surprised or shocked that my son has erections. A morning erection at your age is a sure sign that everything is normal."

He cracked one eyelid open to look at his mother. "It really doesn't bother you?"

Diana shook her head. "Not even a little and I'll prove it. Can I ask you a favor?"

Jackson nodded and opened the other eye. "Okay, yeah."

"Show it to me."

Surprise, horror, and disbelief appeared in his expression. "What?"

"I want to see your penis."

"Mom," he said with a wary look in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I won't faint or freak out at the sight of it. And I've seen it before if you want to nit-pick."

"Ha-ha. It's not funny; I was little then."

"And you're bigger now," she said with a grin. "So's your penis."

They regarded each other for several moments.

"Jackson, it's just to show so you that I'm okay with it and you should be too."

A big sigh escaped his muzzle. "I can't believe I'm doing this." He tossed the covers back. Without the resistance of the fabric to keep it upright, the stiff penis fell atop his flat belly, pulsing with excitement.

Diana reached for it.

Alarm showed in Jackson's eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I can't get a good look at it laying there like a fallen log, can I?"

He flinched as she grasped the base of his shaft and lifted his member upright.

"It's been a while since I've had one in my hand," she observed, gazing at the vertical member. "Nice."

"Mom, I­&emdash;"

"Ssh, honey," she soothed. "I won't hurt you."

He wasn't thinking that at all. Jackson's body remained taut, ready to bolt, but he lay still while his mother examined his penis.

She saw the thick vein emerge from his sheath, continued along the top of his member a bit, and curved around the side as it decreased in width. "Real nice," she murmured and winked. She gave a light squeeze with her fingers. "Hard as a rock, too." Diana's hand rose along his member. "Good length. I'll bet your girlfriends like this between their legs."

Jackson swallowed as his mother explored his throbbing penis. Despite his misgivings about the situation, having her hand on his dick felt nice. "Thanks?"

She released his shaft and reached lower. "You have a nice set of balls to match your pole."

His eyes widened as her fingers rolled each heavy orb with deft touches to gage their size and weight.

"I like big balls on a male."

Jackson's cock throbbed and felt tight with arousal. "Mmm," he mumbled. "Wait, what?"

His physical response didn't escape Diana's notice. Her fingers tugged at his testicles and gave them light squeezes and caresses. "Does that feel good?"

"Yeah," he admitted with a quick nod.

She grinned and released his balls. Then she gripped the base of his shaft again. "Do you like this?" she asked in a low voice as her hand stroked his member.

The young male didn't want to lie to his mother. Her expression was happy. He gave another nod.

"I thought so," she said, her voice even softer. She stroked the throbbing shaft with a slow rise and fall of her arm. With a sidelong glance at her son to check his reaction, she asked. "Can I keep going?"

He swallowed. Having a femme stroke his cock felt better than doing it himself. The shock of watching his mom play with his dick felt unreal but was less so as she continued masturbating him. "Yeah. If you want."

"Thank you, honey." Her gaze returned to the hard penis within her grasp. "Do your girlfriends give you hand jobs?"

"Yeah, but they're too rough&emdash;not like what you're doing." After a pause, he said, "You know how to please a male."

Diana smiled and gave a nod. "I've done this before." For several moments, she stroked his erection with slow steady movements of her arm.

Jackson's eyes caught the sway of her breasts under the shirt. From the way they moved, she wasn't wearing a bra. The points under the fabric indicated nipples firm with excitement. The young male began to see her as a desirable sexual partner instead of his mother.

The look on her face prompted Diana to ask. "Should I stop?"

The word €˜yes' was what he felt he should say but Jackson said, "No. Keep going."

"I thought so." She stroked his a few more times and then paused on the upstroke, using her fingertips to explore his glans, smearing her son's oozing pre-seminal fluid on the firm flesh. "You're excited."

The smell of it made the femme's heart race as her arousal increased.

"Yeah. I can't help it."

"Oh, you don't have to," she said in a soothing voice.

"That feels good," he ventured when she resumed stroking his shaft.

"I'm enjoying this, too."

Thoughts of putting a stop to what his mother was doing faded from Jackson's mind. The expression he saw on his mother's face was nothing he'd ever seen before. What she was doing to his cock felt too good to have her stop now.

"Such a nice cock," Diana murmured in a soft voice as her hand moved on her son's shaft.

Jackson relaxed further under his mother's attentions. He began to sigh and moan from the sensations she provided with her hand. "Mom, that feels great," he said in a soft, happy voice.

Diana smiled. "It always feels better when someone else does it. I like doing this for you."

Time seemed to stand still for Jackson as his mother masturbated him. Soft sighs and moans escaped his parted lips for ten minutes as she worked his cock with practiced ease. He'd never lasted this long with a hand job before.

Sometime later, he said, "Mom, maybe you should stop," as a familiar sensation alerted him to an impending ejaculation.

Her hand slowed. Diana regarded him with a knowing look. "Are you close to cumming?"

He nodded.

Diana smiled. "I want you to cum, sweetie."

He wasn't shocked by her statement. Somehow, he had known soon some time agon that she was going to take him to climax. "It'll make a mess," he warned

Diana nodded agreement. "We can take precautions." She released his prick. "Now I want you to relax and let me take care of everything, okay?"

He nodded, thinking she was going to apply a condom to him and finish him off. A familiar ache deep in his balls indicated his need for release.

Diana repositioned herself and leaned over his midsection. When she reached for Jackson's throbbing cock, Jackson said, "Mom, what are&emdash;"

The rest of his words were lost as her open mouth covered the head of his prick. Diana's soft lips encircled her son's shaft just behind the glans. Her hand resumed stroking him.

The young male stared. His mother was sucking his cock and jerking him off! Into her mouth! He was too shocked for words.

When Diana's tongue caressed his cock head, Jackson blurted, "Ah, god mom, that feels so good!"

"Mph," she murmured. Her tongue flicked at his leaking slit to sample his pre-seminal fluid before slipping over the surface of his cock head.

The male's body trembled with excitement. His hips lifted and Diana allowed more of his shaft to slip between her lips.

Jackson was unable to keep from pumping the hard shaft into his mother's mouth. The sensations from her mouth, tongue, and hand were amazing.

Diana's head began to bob with small movements.

The young male was wide eyed as his mom fellated him.

Her grip tightened and stroked his shaft with steady movements. At the same time, she tongued the head of Jackson's dick and applied enough suction to hollow her cheeks.

The young male couldn't withstand the visual and sensory pleasures. "Mom! I'm going to cum!"

Her hand sped up.

He rose onto his elbows to get a better view. "I'm cumming!" he cried as semen filled his mother's mouth.

She fought the gag reflex as the thick mass hit the back of her throat. Diana swallowed the hot salty liquid down and kept pumping his cock.

Another spurt of cum coated her tongue. "Mmm," she murmured to show him her enjoyment. He groaned and rewarded her with third generous spurt of cum. Young males produced copious amounts of semen, she recalled as the warm liquid moved down her throat.

"Oh, mom," Jackson sighed as her strokes lightened and slowed. He lay back on the bed.

He son jumped when her tongue caressed his sensitive glans. She coaxed several weaker surges of cum into her mouth. Then she let go of his shaft and held him in place with her mouth. Diana's tongue cleaned semen from his softening head.

Her jaws parted to let his limp penis fall atop Jackson's belly. Diana smiled. "Did you enjoy that?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I enjoyed it a lot."

The mature femme stretched out next to her son. "I'm glad I could please you." She gave him a brief kiss on the lips. "If you want me to do this again for you, just ask."

He stared at her. "Are you serious?"

She nodded and held up a finger. "Yes. But there's a condition."

"What is it?"

"This is our secret. Nobody can know what we do together because they won't understand how close we are. Can you keep this a secret for me?"

He agreed without hesitation and nodded. "Yeah. I can keep it a secret. I promise."

She gazed into his eyes for a moment and then gave him a firm lingering kiss on the lips.

"What was that for?"

She placed her muzzle next to his ear and whispered. "That's for letting me suck your cock."

The surprised look on his face caused her to chuckle.

Part IV

Jackson was more than receptive to further requests to share his mother's bed. They all started the same, with actual sleep with the mornings reserved for masturbation and sucking of his morning erection. School was in session so his mother limited their time together to the weekends. He had the occasional date on Friday or Saturday night but Diana insisted he sleep with her afterward&emdash;requests he was happy to fulfill.

The male was content with their arrangement and didn't feel the need to push for more. The oddity of having his mother play with his cock and suck him off didn't last long. By the third time, he no longer felt any initial discomfort.

Their personal relationship altered in subtle ways. He grew much more comfortable with his mother, as she did with him. Their discussions on sex and relationships delved into more intimate topics and provided valuable insights for his dating efforts. Jackson discussed each date with his mother afterward, confiding to her what the female did that he did or didn't like. Diana let him know where he could improve his efforts and interpersonal skills. It didn't take long for females to start asking him for dates once he applied his mother's teaching.

What Diana didn't reveal to her son was his penchant for nocturnal sexual encounters. As he gained experience with his females in his age group, his nighttime sex efforts reflected that. The excitement of her son's hard cock inside her was both forbidden fruit and guilty pleasure.

One morning, after a long session of sucking Jackson's cock, she kissed him. To her surprise, she felt his tongue slip along her lips. Her jaws parted and his tongue moved inside her mouth as he placed both hands on the sides of Diana's head to hold her in place. The thrill of deep kissing Jackson lit a fire in her belly and her hips squirmed as they engaged in this new activity.

"You're a great kisser, mom," he said while gazing into her eyes.

The mature femme felt a tingle throughout her body as she looked into his eyes. "Thanks, honey. You're good too."

"Thanks for everything you do for me. I really enjoy our time together."

She gave him a quick kiss. "I'm so glad to hear that, Jackson. I love our time together too."

"I feel a little guilty though."

"Why's that?"

"I seem to be getting all the benefits out of our arrangement."

Diana chuckled. "I like sucking your cock."

"Is that all? Don't you need anything from me?"

"Are you offering to take care of me like I take care of you?"

He nodded. "If you want me to, yeah." His hands released her head.

She considered his offer. "Okay." After another quick kiss, Diana rolled onto her side facing away from him. "Slide up behind me."

Jackson moved onto his side and spooned his mother. The feel of her body along his caused a weak throb in his limp penis.

"Just like that." Diana reached back and took his hand.

He let her drape his arm over her waist. Jackson's eyes widened as she placed his hand on her Mons. The warm mound filled his hand.

"I'll show you how you can take care of my needs," Diana said her voice thick with desire.


"I love it when a male holds me like this. It's so intimate and sensual."

"Yeah. You feel good," he murmured.

"Now, use your middle finger to reach down." When he complied, she said, "You feel that?"

There was a bulge under her panties where his fingertip was placed. He knew from experience that it was her clitoris. "Yeah," he breathed into her hair.

"Circle your finger over it. Light pressure and slow movements."

Jackson stroked his mother's hooded clit and felt her body tremble with a sudden surge of arousal. "Are you okay, mom?"

"Oh yeah," she answered in a soft voice. "Stroke me just like that."

She shuddered against him again as his finger circled the small nub.

"God, that feels so good." After a couple minutes, she asked in a voice thick with arousal. "Are you ready to make it better for me?"

"Anything for you, mom."

Diana smiled. "Okay. Push your hand under my panties." She waited for him to do so. "Hold me like before. When you're ready, go ahead and stroke my clit."

"You're so soft down there," Jackson said in a quiet voice. "You feel really good." After a few moments, he extended his middle finger. The feel of her clitoris under his fingertip caused his penis to harden against her lower back.

Diana's body trembled as her son stroked her sensitive flesh without a fabric barrier to dull the sensation. Her hips jerked as a bolt of intense arousal shot from her clit. "God!"

Jackson had never experienced a reaction that intense from a female. He lifted his finger from her clitoris. "Are you all right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, baby. I'm better than all right! Keep going."

His finger resumed circling. The odor of female sex thickened the air and caused his erection to throb harder. No doubt he was leaking pre-cum too.

"Is this getting you excited too?" she asked.

"Yeah. Your scent," he said. "It's making me so excited."

"Okay," she said a moment later. "Slide your hand down a little and drag your finger between my lips."

He was surprised at the wetness between her fleshy folds.

"Now, move that wet finger back to my clit and resume stroking me."

"It's slick," he observed.

"Light touches, baby," she reminded him and moaned when he altered his technique. "Yeah, just like that. I respond better to a soft touch on my clit."

The feel of his mother's sex filling his palm and under his finger combined with the earthy smell of her was taking Jackson to heights of arousal he'd never experienced before. "This feels great," he whispered.

"God, does it ever," Diana agreed.

Jackson continued stroking her clitoris. When he felt stickiness or friction, a quick dip between her wet labia replenished the lubrication of his fingertip. Soon, her hips began surging against his hand. Moments later, the surges were accompanied by bucking of her hips.

"Am I hurting you?"

Diana gave a quick shake of her head. "Not at all, baby. In fact, you're making me feel great! Oh, god! Yes!" she cried as her hips gave a strong jerk. "Don't stop! I'm close! Nng! Make me cum, baby!"

Jackson found it hard to maintain contact on his mother's clit while her hips surged and bucked but he did his best to keep stimulating her without getting too rough.

"Right there! Yes! Like that! Don't stop, I'm gonna cum!"

His finger circled fast on the slick aroused nub of flesh.

"Yes!" Diana shouted as her hips bucked twice in rapid succession. "Don't stop!"

Jackson continued his stroking, not sure of what was happening to his mother but content to follow her shouted direction.

"Ah!" she moaned, long and loud as her body curled forward around his hand. "Yes! Oh, god yes!" Diana's hips bucked again. Her cries became moans of delight.

"Okay," she gasped after several more jerks and moans. "You can stop now."

His finger lifted. Diana's body trembled against him and her breathing was ragged for several moments until it steadied and her trembling subsided.

"Oh wow," she said a tired voice. "I haven't cum like that in years."

He smiled. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I loved every second of it."

As his mother trembled and let her breathing steady, Jackson brought his hand to his muzzle. His mother's odor was strong and caused his erection to feel tight with renewed arousal. She smelled different than the females he'd been with. Something told him that Diana smelled better and was more sexually desirable than what he'd experienced with other females. He licked her moisture from his fingertip, savoring the earthy smell and taste of his mother's body.

Part VI

Jackson continued dating. Diana enjoyed the self-confidence he'd developed and the stories of his conquests. He also showed no inclination to stop sleeping with her despite the number of girls he dated. Diana obtained some pleasure in that because she'd grown to enjoy their morning sexual fun. With his urges for vaginal sex satisfied by females he dated, the occurrences of nocturnal sex with her began to decrease. She found herself missing that aspect of their unspoken relationship.

As her son continued maturing, his body changes were more gradual. Jackson now stood taller than her and had filled out with muscles. She found herself enjoying the maturation of his sexual attributes even more. His penis lengthened a big and he gained in girth as well. Diana experienced a pleasant stretch in her jaw muscles when she sucked him off.

Diana felt that it was time to see if he wanted to take their relationship to new heights.

One morning after their mutual masturbation session, she lay beside him, her fingers tracing circles in the fur of his muscular belly. "Jackson," she said into his ear. He had a smile on his muzzle, his eyes closed as he relaxed.

His eyelids parted halfway. "Yeah?"

She turned his muzzle with her fingers so their gazes met. "Would you like to fuck me?"

His eyes were wide open now. He stared at his mother for several seconds. "What? Now?"

It wasn't a rejection. Diana smiled. "I was thinking of next weekend but we can do it now if you like."

Suspicion drew his brows together. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh, no," she said with an easy smile. "I just thought that since you're at full maturity, you might want to do more with me. I've been thinking of it quite a bit for the past few weeks." What an understatement &emdash; It occupied most of her waking thoughts.

He exhaled a long breath. "To tell the truth, I've thought about it too," he admitted. "But I thought you were fine with what we'd been doing. I didn't think it was worth risking our current relationship by bringing it up."

"I love what we do," she reassured him. "And if you want to keep doing just that, I won't bring this up again. I wanted to wait until you matured and got some experience with other females before asking you this question." Her fingers traced the outline of his sheath opening. "I thought that I could please you in every way and deepen our relationship." She dropped her eyes. "Sometimes I want to get mounted by a hot male and experience what your girlfriends do."

Jackson's penis slid out of his sheath. "I've thought about what it would be like to have sex with you, mom. I'm surprised you were thinking the same thing about me. Pleased, but surprised."

"I'm leaving the choice to you, Jackson. If you want me that way, I want you to take me."

His eyes locked onto hers. "I want you, mom. In every way a male can have a female."

Gazing into his earnest eyes, Diana felt her spine tingle with excitement. She inserted her finger into his sheath and stroked the underside of his semi-erect shaft. "Do you want me now?"

He took her wrist in his hand and lifted until her finger was out of his sheath. "Yeah. More than I can say," he said in a lusty growl. "But I want our first time to be more than just a spur of the moment decision."

She kissed him. "What do you have in mind?"

Jackson released her wrist. "Is next Saturday night okay?"

She nodded. "Sure."

"Wear something sexy to bed," he said and kissed her.

Saturday Night

Jackson took his mother to dinner. It was unexpected and the restaurant was a step above their usual dining out experience. Diana felt as if she were on a date. Surprising enough, she felt the same as any other date she'd had &emdash; butterflies and wondering what he thought of her.

At home afterward, Diana led Jackson to her bedroom.

"I like how that dress looks on you, mom."

"I haven't worn this one in a while," she said over her shoulder.

"It makes your ass look fantastic," he added.

Diana laughed. "Does it, really?"

He groped her ass. "Yeah, it does!"

"Wait until you see what I've got for later." She turned and pulled him further into the room. Then Diana began unbuttoning his shirt.

When she removed it from his shoulders, the young male took her shoulders in his hands and pulled his mother closer. When his head moved toward hers, Diana's muzzle lifted and parted her lips.

They exchanged a deep lingering kiss.

When his hands rested on her rump and pulled Diana's hips to his, she moaned into his mouth. The firm bulge against her belly indicated his growing arousal.

"Let me finish undressing you," she said when their muzzles parted.

Jackson released her and Diana soon had him stripped of all clothing. Her eyes examined not her son, but an attractive young male. Her body grew warm as sexual arousal increased blood flow to her erogenous areas.

She turned. "Can you unzip my dress?"

"With pleasure." Jackson kissed her neck and pulled the zipper down with one hand.

The mature femme shimmied her hips and the dress fell away. She wore just a bra, panties, and high heels.

"Damn," her son said, his eyes moving up and down her body several times. "You're sexier than I imagined!" His penis stiffened to full throbbing hardness as he gazed at her.

Diana laughed. "Just wait until I return. Why don't you have a seat on the bed while I slip into something sexier?"

She went to the bathroom at a slow walk, her hips swaying with each step. When the door closed, Diana removed the bra and panties put on the lingerie she'd picked up a few days before. A quick check of her reflection in the mirror led her to adjust her hair with both hands. After a double check and adjustment of the new panties, she stepped into the bedroom.

Jackson sat on the bed with his back to the headboard. His eyes went wide when he saw what his mother was wearing. "Wow, that is sexier."

"How do I look?" She held both arms out a bit and turned in place.

Diana wore a sheer black nightie that cascaded from her bare breasts while revealing everything underneath. The hem swirled around her hips. She wore matching lace-tripped sheer panties were just large enough to cover her Mons. In back, the material disappeared between her ass cheeks and emerged under her tail where it joined the thin waistband.

The young male swallowed several times, closed his mouth, and said, "You look great." His eyes were fastened on the sight of Diana's breasts swaying beneath the gauzy fabric. "Better than great, in fact."

She grinned and moved toward the bed. "I thought you might like this instead of seeing me in an old tee shirt. She eyed the throbbing erection he sported. "Does it make you more excited to see me dressed like this?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

She slipped her feet out of the shoes and got onto the bed. Then she straddled his lap to sit on his thighs.

Jackson found the position intimate and sensual. The warmth of his mother's thighs and crotch warmed his lap and thighs. His erection rested against her left leg.

Diana took one of his hands and placed it on a soft breast. "Touch me. As much as you want, anywhere you want."

He lifted the other hand to her chest. "You have great boobs," he said, hefting her breasts with his palms.

She chuckled. "Thanks."

"I mean they're awesome," Jackson said. "Big and round."

"Is that how you like them?"

"Yeah. I love big tits."

"It's a good thing I've got big tits then," she said with a smile.

His fingertips caressed the stiff flesh of Diana's nipples. She sighed and arched her back. "Yeah, that feels nice." She grinned. "Give them a little pinch."

He brought his fingertips together.

"Yeah," she murmured.

Seeing her reaction, Jackson kept his grip on her nipples and pulled, tenting the areolas.

"Ah, yes," she sighed and then grinned as she watched his hands. "It's nice to have a male appreciate my boobs again."

"They're awesome." He let go of her nipples and the flesh sprang back into place. Jackson slipped his hands to the sides and pressed, accentuating her cleavage. Then he returned his gaze to her face.

"You look like you want to ask me something," she said noting his expression.

Jackson nodded. "Can I lick them?"

"You can touch me any way you like," she replied, lifting the hem of the nightie to expose her breasts. "Go ahead. Suck on my tits, sweetie."

Jackson leaned forward and licked an erect nipple. He could smell her fur and found the mixture of perfume and her natural scent exciting. Diana shuddered at the warm wet contact of his tongue. He licked again, more comfortable in his actions. His tongue moved slow across her flesh and then swirled atop the nipple and areola for a moment. Then he moved to the second breast and repeated the action.

"Mmm," she murmured. "You're good at this."

"I love licking a girl's tits," Jackson mumbled. Then his lips parted, covering the dusky areola. He applied suction, drawing Diana's nipple forward where his teeth caught it.

When her son's tongue flicked at her trapped nipple, the mature femme's back arched, pressing her breast to his muzzle. "Suck my tits, baby," Diana cooed. She was reminded of him nursing as a baby, one of the first bonding experiences they'd shared. Suckling a baby had been painful at times with bites and tender nipples but him sucking on her breasts now was an arousing and welcom sexual experience.

Jackson released her nipple and like before, repeated the actions on the other one. Diana cradled his head in both hands as she savored the attention he lavished upon her body. "I love having you suck my tits, honey. It makes me hot and horny."

Jackson reached for her waist. "Mmm," he murmured, his mouth still on her nipple, and drew his mother closer.

After sucking her breasts, Jackson covered each one with kisses. Then he kissed his way to her upper chest, then her neck, and then her soft lips.

Diana looped her arms about his neck and drew her son close, pushing her tongue into his mouth.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, baby." She gave him a quick kiss. "I promised you a special night," she said and then straddled his legs. Her son's erection was pressed to her lower belly. "Take me like you take your girlfriends."

"Are you sure?"

Diana nodded. "Yeah."

Jackson's heart hammered in his chest.

She noted the pause. "Having second thoughts?"

His head shook. "No. I'm just a little nervous."

"Take off my nightie," she said.

He pulled up her garment with shaking hands. Diana lifted both arms and let him remove it. She was clad in just the small panties.

"Am I sexy?" she asked.

He nodded. "Hell, yes!"

She chuckled and took his hands, placing them on her hips.

Jackson moved his hands to caress his mother's ass. "You feel good."

"My butt's too big," she said.

"I like your butt."

He slipped his fingers into the cleft of her ass and ran them up and down the curve her Diana's rump under the lush tail. "You have a great ass."

She grinned and rocked her hips, making her crotch ride over the base of his erection with the movement. "I want this big cock inside me, sweetie."

His member throbbed in response to the warmth and friction of her body. "I want you so bad," he murmured before lifting a breast and sucking an erect nipple.

Diana waiting until his mouth was free of her breast before she moved higher onto his legs. The femme ground her crotch onto on the male's erection trapped underneath her. "I want you too, honey. I need a hard cock inside me." She grinned and looked into his eyes. "I want your hard cock inside me"

Jackson nodded. Diana rose onto her knees and he guided his stiff member under her crotch as she pulled her panties aside.

"Oh, damn," he said as his glans slipped between his mother's wet labia. "That feels good."

"Come on, baby," Diana said in a husky voice. "Don't tease me."

He pushed his penis toward her rear, feeling the pressure on his cock head increase. Thanks to her lubrication, his flesh slid across hers with no friction. The pressure released as warmth enveloped Jackson's glans.

"Oh, god," he murmured, savoring the feel of his mother's vaginal opening. His belly trembled with excitement.

With a sigh, Diana relaxed her thighs and sank onto his shaft.

The feel of her warm wet flesh gripping his shaft while moving onto him made Jackson shudder. "Mom, you feel incredible on me!"

Diana moaned as her rump settled atop his thighs. Her muzzle lifted, eyes closed, as she concentrated on the feel of Jackson's shaft buried to the hilt in her belly. "God, yes," she said with a broad smile. After several moments to enjoy the sensation, her muzzle lowered and she gazed into his eyes.

The mature femme she rose onto her knees and then sank onto him once more.

"Oh, god," he breathed while watching her ride his prick. "You're sexy, mom."

She grinned. "Relax and let me do all the work for now."

He nodded and leaned back against the headboard. "You're beautiful," he said.

"Thank you."

"No, I mean it," he said. "I've never told you how hot you are."

Diana smiled. "You can tell me whenever you like now." She traced the muscles of his chest with her fingers. "It's turning me on riding your dick while you watch."

"I'm pretty turned on by this too," he replied. Jackson caressed her thighs, feeling her muscles flex under the glossy fur. "It's nice to relax and let a female ride me."

"It is," she agreed. "Oh, honey, I can't tell you how good this feels for me."

"If it's half as good as I feel, it's probably fantastic."

She nodded. "You have a great cock for fucking. It's just the right size to fill me up and hit all the right spots."

He grinned. "Thanks."

She lifted an eyebrow. "Feeling a little more relaxed now?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

Diana rode her son until her legs began to tire. "Do you want to take over?"

Jackson smiled and nodded. "Yeah."

She lifted herself off his shaft. It glistened with her wetness and fell across his thigh. "Where do you want me?"

"Lie on your back."

"Okay." Diana moved off his legs and reclined on the bed.

Jackson moved between her outstretched legs and gazed upon her body for a moment, a smile spreading across the young male's muzzle. "Let's get these panties off." He reached for the waistband and tugged.

Her rump lifted as he removed the panties from her hips. Her butt settled onto the bed and both legs lifted. He removed the underwear and stroked her long legs with his hands before parting them and lowering both to the bed. His mother's sex was exposed, perfuming the air with her musk. A sniff flooded his nose with her odor and pheromones, making his turgid member feel tight as it throbbed with increased arousal.

To her surprise, he lay her outstretched legs. He smiled and lowered his muzzle to her crotch.

She hissed as his tongue licked her aroused clitoris with a long sensual lap. Diana's back arched as she moaned. "Oh, wow!"

"You taste good too," he murmured as the taste and smell of her combined in his mouth and nose. Jackson caressed her clitoris with his tongue.

"Nng! Oh, baby, that feels wonderful!"

He needed no more encouragement than that. His tongue caressed, flicked, prodded, teased, and lapped at her aroused nub in a relentless attack that had Diana's hips squirming in moments. She kept up a constant stream of encouraging moans and thrusts of her hips.

Diana achieved three climaxes from Jackson's oral talents. He sat on his haunches and gazed at her with a smile while lapping his wet muzzle fur.

"Wow," she breathed. "Oh, wow, that was fantastic." She smiled. "Promise that you'll do that for me again."

He nodded. "Sure. But first, I want to finish what we started earlier."

Her gaze fell to his leaking erection. "I should be good and wet for you."

Jackson used a hand to guide his glans to her wet swollen labia. The musky odor of his mother filled his nostrils where her fluids had soaked his muzzle fur. The urge to ram himself into her was rising and he struggled to keep his focus. He took a deep breath to calm himself. Then he probed for and found her vaginal opening with his cock head.

"Mmm, baby," Diana cooed as her flesh parted to admit him.

His hips moved. Jackson's shaft slid into Diana without resistance. "Damn," he said in a quiet voice. His balls rested against her rump. He leaned forward at the waist and rested his weight on both hands beside her chest. The femme embraced his midsection with her legs.

His hips rose and fell and settled into a steady rhythm in moments.

"God, mom, you feel incredible!" he groaned.

"Fuck me, honey," Diana said. "Give me everything you have."

He nodded. His hips began thrusting harder.

"Mmm, yeah!" she moaned in response to his movements.

"You like it this way?"

She nodded. "Yeah!"

"You're so sexy, mom. I can't believe how good this feels!"

"Give me that big dick, sweetie! Make me your female!"

Jackson lost himself in the methodical movements and sensations of sex. Her moans and words of encouragement aroused him in a way no girlfriend ever did. The odor of their sex acted like an aphrodisiac, heightening their arousal.

"I'm going to cum," he warned when the familiar sensations registered in his penis.

Diana pushed her hand to her lower belly and began masturbating. "Cum inside me!"

"Are you sure you can't get pregnant?"

That had been an issue in prior days between them because Diana never revealed that he'd done so in his sleep several times. She nodded. "Positive. I'm on birth control. Now fill me with cum!"

"Okay." Jackson thrust his penis into her with forceful thrusts of his hips. His balls slapped her ass hard each time, making them tingle. "Almost there," he grunted. His shoulders trembled from the effort of supporting his torso.

Diana's fingers moved even faster. "I'm cumming!" she yelled. Jackson's pelvis held hers to the bed as she wailed with an intense orgasm.

Her legs tightened around him. "Fuck!" he exclaimed as her vaginal walls squeezed his shaft. As the young male withdrew and slid into that fleshy grip, semen jetting from his glans.

She screamed again with another climax. Jackson kept thrusting his cock into her increasingly slick pussy. It seemed that his aching balls were sending gallons of cum into her belly.

Diana removed her hand and placed reached for his head. The gazed into each other's eyes as Jackson pumped the last of his cum into his mother.

When her legs released him, the male pulled his softening penis free of her body and lay beside Diana.

Both breathed heavy from the exertion and thrill of climax.

"My body is numb," Diana murmured.

"Is that good or bad?"

"Good. Very good. I like this feeling."

"That was the best sex I've ever had," he said. There was amazement in his voice.

"Same here. That was something else."

Sunday Morning

Jackson was awake when Diana opened her eyes. The change in her breathing and the movement of her head alerted him to her changed state. "'Morning, mom," he said from behind her

"'Morning, sweetie," she replied after a yawn. The firm mass between her legs proved to be his erection. "Ready for more, I see," she said with a chuckle and squeeze of her legs.

"I was waiting for you to wake up," he replied. "I've been thinking of last night while I waited."

"Did that make you excited?"

He grinned. "I was excited when I woke up. Thinking of you and what we did last night got me more excited. And now that you're awake, I can't wait." Jackson lifted Diana's upper leg and guided it back to lay atop his. Then he guided his stiff prick to his mother's crotch.

Diana adjusted her hips to allow him entry from behind. She smiled as his cock head spread her sore labia. The familiar sensation of a penis parting her flesh brought a sigh to her lips. He gave her a few tentative thrusts with the head of his prick. "Fuck me, Jackson."

Jackson pushed more cock inside her warm snatch. "Damn, mom, your pussy feels even better this morning."

"It's going to feel better once I'm wet and you're driving that dick into my cunt. Fuck me like you own my pussy."

"I like it when you talk dirty," he said into her ear. He reached over her side and squeezed a breast. He drove his stiff member deeper. "Is this what you want?"

"More, baby. Give me all your cock!"

Jackson's hips smacked into Diana's rump with the force of his final thrust. He grinned. "Like this?"

"Ah! Just like that!"

"Fucking you is amazing," he said in a husky voice as his hips began moving. "I can't get enough of your pussy, mom."

"Oh, yeah," Diana grunted. "I love your hard cock, baby. God, yes, ooh, now I'm getting wet!"

The friction along his shaft decreased as his mother grew excited. "Play with yourself," he told her.

"Yes, baby," she agreed and began masturbating.

Jackson felt her hips jerk as his mother rubbed her clit. As she grew excited, her body gripped and released him as sudden bursts of pleasure spread from her aroused clitoris.

A couple minutes later, Diana gave a strangled cry and he felt her vagina squeeze tight on his thrusting shaft. "One more," he said. "Cum again on me."

She gave a quick nod of her head and in moments was wailing as her body jerked and trembled with a strong orgasm.

"That's enough," Jackson said.

"Okay," she said in a husky voice.

The young male slowed his movements and stopped. "Time to change positions," he said and pulled out of her. "Lie on your back."

When Diana moved to the new position. Jackson knelt between her parted legs, a grin on his muzzle. With a hand on the base of his shaft, he dragged his glans through the wet lips of his mother's crotch. "Mmm, you look and smell good," he said while gazing at her sex.

Her eyes remained on her son's glistening prick. He slid the underside of his slick glans over her clitoris.

Diana's body jerked as he stimulated her sensitive flesh. "Fuck!"

With a grin, Jackson rubbed her clit with his cock until Diana climaxed again which only took moments. He removed his prick and inserted himself into her warm slit and slid into his mother until his balls rested on her ass.

"You know how to get a girl going," Diana said.

"It's all because of your tips." He smiled and began moving with practiced ease.

Diana asked, "You like this position, don't you?"

He nodded. "I want to look into your eyes as we fuck," he said. "This is the best position for that."

Diana felt a tingle along the length of her spine as Jackson's hips pushed his stiff penis into willing body while gazing into her eyes. She found it heightened her enjoyment. "Watching you fuck me is hot."

He grinned and gave his mother several firm thrusts. "I love watching a girl's expression as we fuck."

"This is so fucking hot," Diana murmured, keeping her gaze on his.

Jackson settled into a steady rhythm within moments. "I want to do this with you more often. I don't want to wait for weekends."

She smiled and gave him a brief nod. "Me too. I want more of this." He gave her a forceful thrust, widening Diana's eyes. "Unh! Drive it in, baby! Make me feel your cock inside me!"

Jackson started using stronger movements using his back and hip muscles. As his balls slapped her ass, the jolt he felt each time was delicious pain that heightened the young male's excitement. "You feel so fucking good on my dick," he grunted. "Nobody else compares to you."

"Unh, thank you, sweetie." Her legs rose and clasped his trim waist, allowing her son to penetrate deeper. "Nng! Yeah! Give me your hard cock!"

Jackson's penis felt like an iron rod, the skin tight from his aroused state. It was a new experience for him to experience this level of excitement and the young male attributed it to the nature of the relationship between them. Sliding into his mother's snug wet opening was a distinct experience that felt better than any sex with other females. Watching the expression on her face register the sensations he gave her just excited him further. He felt as if he could fuck for days.

Even virile young males have limits to their stamina. Jackson remained in the missionary position until his shoulders trembled with strain and fatigue. His dangling balls ached where they slapped his mother's ass on each thrust. Diana had masturbated to several orgasms already and he wanted the sweet release of filling her pussy with cum.

He lost track of how long it had taken to near climax but at long last it was close. "I'm going to cum!" he grunted.

The mature femme smiled and caressed her son's muzzle with a sex-scented hand. "I want it! Give it to me, baby!"

The smell of her sex flooded Jackson's nose, causing his penis to harden until it hurt. He drove himself into her with the hardest thrusts he could manage.

"Fuck!" He cried as his balls sent a surge of semen deep into his mother's belly. "Oh, fuck yeah!" his hips continued working as his balls sent spurts of cum from his cock tip on each thrust. The slick warmth of semen surrounded his shaft. He continued thrusting until he had nothing left.

He lowered his muzzle to Diana's and gave her a long deep kiss.

"Thanks for the great fuck," she said, when his muzzle lifted from hers. She smiled at him.

"I should be thanking you," he replied. After another kiss, he withdrew from her and lay on his back. his arms trembled with from the exertion of supporting his torso for so long.

Diana moved onto her side and guided Jackson's muzzle to hers. "I like your idea of sleeping in my bed from here on. Let's start tonight."

He nodded in agreement. "Okay."

She gave him another kiss. "I want to share my bed with a virile male. Do you understand?"

He gazed into her warm brown eyes. Post-sexual fatigue fogged his brain. "I think so."

"Treat me like a you would a girlfriend. Or a wife," Diana explained. "I want you to do it. I'll treat you like my boyfriend."

"Or husband?"

A smile spread across her muzzle. "Fair enough. Yeah. I'll do for you what I'd do for a husband &emdash; in bed or otherwise."

"Deal." He took her head in his hand and pulled her muzzle closer. Their lips brushed as he spoke. "I love you, mom."

A Daughter's Love

## Early Years My dad is my rock. When mom died, he dealt with his grief while reassuring me that we'd get through it together. And we did. He was there when my crying jags lasted for hours. He was at every school event and activity. Sometimes he...

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Substitute Party Date Part II

## Waking up with Mom James awoke to the powerful smells of sex and the musks of his mother and himself. His eyes widened as he remembered what they had done the night before. His already stiff member throbbed as the mental and sensory imagery filled...

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Substitute Party Date

## Plans Gone Awry "Shit!" James Wells spat as he gave his phone a disgusted look. His mother looked up from her book at the outburst. "What's the matter, James?" "Beth bailed on the party tonight," he spat. "Party?" his mother asked showing...

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