The Cavern's Curse

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#7 of Min the Monster Lover

On the advice of another of her monstrous lovers Min explores a submarine cave, only to find that it contains a secret beyond its hidden treasures. :3

This vignette was written for Kio Redsen as part of my themed Patreon request day for November 2019. This month's theme was "Plundering booty" and the story contains sexual acts including breath-play between a lady and a monster, both consenting adults. :3

The Cavern's Curse

Min slid her goggles up to rest upon her forehead, and pulled the breathing apparatus of her scuba gear out of her muzzle. The clouded leopard purred loudly as her wrist mounted torch shone around the damp interior of the cavern, laden with stalactites and stalagmites all except for one area; a path leading out of the water and deeper into the cave itself. There were benefits to being a friend of monsters. Benefits to having access to a world beyond that of so called 'normal' anthros. Benefits such as making love to a being of pure shadow who then, in gratitude for your tenderness and passion, furnished you with a map that led to some long lost treasure. Forgotten by all mortal memories and unrecorded by anthro hands, but not forgotten by the shadows. Never forgotten by the inhabitants of the world's secret underbelly.

Now Min was here, and as she pulled off her flippers to allow herself easier movement on land and tucked them under her arm, she began to move along the path where centuries prior the ancient stalagmites had been hacked away from the floor to form a relatively smooth, clear surface. On the way she passed by several more pools of dark water, even her torch light not sufficient to reveal whether they were just puddles or perhaps more entrances to this cavern from other underwater coastal caves like the one through which she had swam. The scenery remained relatively unchanged though for almost five minutes, until Min rounded a sharp bend in the cavern's rocky terrain where the type of rock seemed to shift in texture and colour. The walls glimmered here with little crystals embedded in a much darker substrate, and at the back of the cavern, its length terminating not long after the transition, Min gasped in awe at what she saw awaiting her.

Upon a platform of that same black, crystal studded stone resting in the centre of a moat-like ring of water, was a mountain of treasure. Gold coins, old cups whose metal was tarnished but whose red and green gemstones glittered with enduring beauty, several small chests whose wood was corroded by age enough to reveal more coinage spilling out of one, and some golden bars resting in another. This wasn't merely the treasure of one pirate's haul, it looked like a ship Captain's entire career's worth of plunder. And yet whoever that person might have been, they seemed to have died without ever returning to make use of their booty.

Min could make use of it, though. She had no desire for riches. No desire to be wealthy to the absolutely insane degree that claiming all of this wealth for herself would have achieved. But, by declaring it, by offering it up to museums and various other institutes as an exhibit or collection for research on who might have owned it in the past, she could earn academic acclaim and no doubt enough money to clear her student loans and probably buy her a house, too. Enough to set her up for life, and to allow her to pursue the career she'd always wanted... while still leaving time for her to enjoy her extra-curricular pursuits of venturing forth into the world's dark places in search of monsters to meet.

Setting her oxygen tank down at the outside edge of the ring of water, putting her flippers and goggles down beside it so that it was just her in her skin tight diving suit, Min extended a foot, and splashed at the water to check its depth. Sure enough, it was only an inch or so deep. She giggled, and stepped out into the ring of water. Another step, then another, and another, and she was across. She knelt at the edge of that raised platform upon which the treasure was mounted, and giggled in wonder at just how much stuff there was. How she was going to even begin choosing which bits to take with her as examples of what else lay within, she didn't know. Whether to take different things from different areas, or lots of one thing to prove that it wasn't just her having gathered a bunch of different stuff from the internet as some sort of hoax, she didn't know. Eventually though Min decided her best bet was to take a wide sample of the various different coins and gems, so after unhooking a small waterproof bag from her belt and picking a selection of maybe twenty coins and a dozen gems of different colours, sizes and shapes, min fastened the bag, tied it to her belt before hooking it in place with a second strap to ensure its safety, then rose to her feet, turned, and stepped back across the ring of water.

She shrieked, but only for a moment as her foot went into the water, and splashed down into its dark, suddenly far deeper depths. She had no time to windmill her arms or catch herself, no chance to restore balance as she walked with complete confidence into what had just a few minutes ago been only inch deep water, and toppled face first into it. She was a strong swimmer of course, so after the shock of her senses initially betraying her with what she'd sworn she'd known to be true before, Min was able to rise to the surface, catch her breath, and strike out the short distance to the opposite edge of the moat.

At least, that was her plan. Before she could kick out even once to propel herself through the water though, the clouded leopard felt something grab her ankle. A cold, slimy but tight grip of long, slender fingers with sharp points at each tip, which dragged her under the surface before Min could even draw a fresh breath to scream.

Under the water, with her torch still shining from her wrist, Min flailed and panicked for a few moments before her light caught the face of what was responsible for dragging her into the deep in its beam. Her eyes bulged in the surprisingly clear water as she saw a half anthropoid, half fish like face with silvery blue scales, razor sharp teeth, and bulging fish-like eyes. Wisps of whitish blue hair rose from its head, and its slender body rife with fins and webbed spines bore no clothes, allowing Min to catch sight of a pair of balls and a currently flaccid, though still not entirely unimpressive penis.

Immediately, though her lungs were still burning and her heart was racing with instinctual fear, Min felt more at ease. Falling into a pool in a cave and drowning, that was terrifying. The idea of being grabbed by some unknown person and attacked for this treasure, that scared Min to her wits end. But... this wasn't an accident, and it wasn't a person being malicious and murderous. It was a monster. It was some sort of angler-fish, anthro hybrid monster. A mer-creature not of fantasy, but of nightmares for most of the world. And apparently, it was one of the few monsters Min had encountered since her reputation began to spread who judging by its continued attempts to claw at her diving suit and drag her down, didn't yet recognise who she was.

The clouded leopard stopped struggling, and as she felt the monster's claws tearing gashes in her diving suit, cold water meeting her fur and flesh beneath it bracingly, she was dragged further down until they were almost face to face. Under the water, with her light shining in its face, the monster snarled at her silently, gills flaring as it did the underwater equivalent of roaring. Normally Min would have wanted to move more slowly, to introduce herself and tell the monster that it didn't have to play through it's entire act for her benefit. But with her lungs ablaze with the need to breath and bubbles emitting from the fish creature's mouth as it snarled at her, Min knew what she had to do.

She wrapped her arms around its shoulders, raised a playful eyebrow at the monster as it stopped roaring and stared at her, frozen for a moment in total confusion at what that look meant, then lunged forward beneath the water, and pressed her mouth to its own toothy maw.

Only as they were making out, Min's lungs swiftly flooded with oxygen as the creature's gills kept working and it growled its fishy breath into her muzzle, did the monster recognise who it was dealing with. Min's arms around its neck meant that a part of her torch's light was now illuminating her own face, and as soon as it saw her, the monster clearly figured out who it had in its clutches. After all, there were only a few faces in the whole of mortalkind that were known throughout the collective consciousness of the underworld. Only a few identities that were worth knowing amongst the billions of anthros which existed only to be terrified by the monsters' presence, to keep their fearful instincts sharp so that they could better survive their short lives, fraught with dangers predominantly of their own making.

It saw the face before it. It saw the twinkling eyes of Min the Monster Lover as she kissed its toothy maw with gleeful enthusiasm, and as with the cursed treasure on her belt Min and the Guardian of the Cursed Cavern sank deeper into the darkness, its knife-like fingers tore open the crotch of Min's diving suit while Min's torch-free hand reached down, and hungrily grasped the monster's suddenly twitching, swelling cock.

Floating, sinking, spinning in an infinitely deep abyss of dark water, a plume of bubbles poured from Min's muzzle as she sank down onto the monster's cock soon after while his clawed hands wrapped around her back and began to tear the remaining fabric of her dive-suit off of her. Min thrashed and flailed and bucked against the monster's cock, eight rock hard but slippery inches driving her wild until she absolutely couldn't wait a second longer, and only then did she lunge forward and press her lips to her lover's own for another injection of blessed oxygen once again. She knew how dangerous it was to be so deep underwater, so utterly reliant on this monster for her continued living, but each time she pulled away from him and continued to buck, writhe against and ride him as her silent screams hurriedly forced the air from her lungs, that wild, desperate need for air pushed her pleasure to ever greater heights.

Min was so overwhelmed by everything she was feeling, not just by being with a monster so deliciously and unexpectedly as was so often the case on her first time with a new one, but thanks to the added thrill of her complete reliance on the monster to breath, that it barely took a solid minute of being repeatedly impaled upon its cock before the clouded leopard dug her claws into the creature's scaled shoulders, and let loose a silent, bubbling roar as she began to cum. The monster's thrusts continued regardless though, perhaps scarcely noticing her orgasm, perhaps not even caring one way or the other. Four more times the clouded leopard had to lunge at the monster and kiss him deeply to catch her breath before he unloaded within her, and as his incredibly hot, almost searing cum painted her insides, it was Min's turn not to react, though only because just seconds before she'd crashed over the edge into her second orgasm.

Of course, unbound by mortal limitations, the monster did not stop. It didn't stop cumming in her, and it didn't stop thrusting. Its juices continued to flood Min until the icy cold of the water all around her was replaced by a heat that she swore was intense enough to vaporise the water surrounding her. Her whole body blazed as she was filled to capacity with the monster's cum, and even as a third, then a fourth orgasm crashed through her she shrieked and gurgled through the water all the more giddily as caught in the glimmering, flashing light of her wrist mounted torch she saw streaks of the monster's seed rippling through the dark water, overflowing and spilling out into the endless abyss through which they were still so giddily, shamelessly sinking.

There came a point where Min almost began to fear for her safety, not directly because of the monster but because she was cumming so hard and so frequently at its behest that she could barely maintain a seal between their lips long enough to draw breath before another scream ripped its way from her throat. She grabbed at its head, holding it tighter against hers to try and force the seal to persist for another breath or two, but in that moment the monster's hands raked down her sides, and caught the belt which was basically the only portions of her now shredded, all but absent dive suit remaining intact.

Not only did it slice the belt though, but the monster's knife-like digits cut cleanly through the fabric pouch containing Min's plundered loot. She didn't care about the money of course. She didn't care about the wealth tumbling into the darkness as pleasure coursed through her body, but to Min's horror as soon as the last coin tumbled from the purse, no longer in her possession in any meaningful way...


Still cumming, still spasming and thrashing as though underwater with the monster's cock still buried deep inside her, Min wailed as in an instant she found herself lying on her back in a puddle of a moat barely an inch deep, with the mountain of treasure to her right and the pathway that had led her here to her left. Gasping, trembling, moaning as she reached between her legs and felt liberal quantities of the monster's cum still dripping from her pussy, proof that it had been real rather than some arcane security precaution all within her own head, Min rode out that orgasm for all it was worth as with her free paw she scrabbled at the water within range, hoping to find a deeper spot, or to feel a hand reaching up to grasp her own. When finally she began to come down from that lengthy, blissful high though, she didn't collapse back into the shallow water spent and overwhelmed. She barely even took any time to draw in a few breaths of relatively fresh air.

Instead, she looked at the pile of treasure close by, and giggled as she put together what had happened with relative ease. The fact that the monster had claimed her once she removed the treasure from its resting place and kept it for herself, and that she had been freed as soon as the treasure was no longer on her person. She trembled in anticipation as she pulled herself upright once again, crawled the brief distance to the treasure mound, and reached out for it with a breathless, giddy moan.

"We... we weren't finished..."

She gasped as she plucked a single gold coin from the small mountain, and tucked it tight under the wrist-strap of her torch, between it and her furred flesh.

No sooner had she done so, Min shrieked in joy as the rock upon which she was kneeling simply ceased to be, and she found herself splashing down into deep, dark water all over again, and felt a strong, clawed hand grasp tight at her left ankle.

Eventually, she'd give back the treasure. Eventually she'd surrender her loot and leave the cavern empty handed. But, for now... she was more than happy to endure the punishment for her greed, and to allow herself to be cursed over, and over, and over again in any way her latest, monstrous lover saw fit.

By Jeeves

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