Billy's New Nanny
A man escapes to a new life out in the country, but while he enjoys his new way of life- he is quite lonesome. His farm seems cursed with the presence of a stubborn billy goat, but the goat seems to have inadvertently fixed his problem of being lonely.
(MtF TF goat)
David went to greet the delivery guy early morning. He was really starting to get the hang of country living this past year, and was glad he moved out here. Crushed under the weight of modern capitalism, David snapped from stress and sold basically everything to buy a barely standing house out in the country. Over a year and a half he started to fix it up into a nice little place, and got a horse to ride into the city so he did not have to worry about gas prices skyrocketing constantly. Out here it was always calm. Well... almost always. As David reached out to take the package they both heard the sudden clattering of rapid hoof movement just before a grey blur ripped the box out of the mail man's hands and tossed it to the ground.
David sighed and said it was fine, tipping the delivery man a bit more for almost having his fingers broke by the animal leaping through the air at him. Baphomet was a pale grey billy goat living on David's land. He technically did not belong to David, he just showed up one day and remained looming around. David tried to figure out where he came from but never could, so he just started to feed the goat and let it sleep in the small barn with his horse. David learned the hard way what goats are like to have around. They are almost impossible to train- goats follow goat logic, and nothing you say or do will convince them otherwise. If they don't like something, they will not hesitate to let you know. Baphomet likely did not like David receiving things from outside because it could take attention away from him, so he smashed it away.
As calm as life off the grid was for David, it was also lonesome. He was bisexual, so you would think he had more options for lovers than most, but that only applied if he had any human contact at all... which generally he did not. When he did go into the city it was to get supplies. He had no formal job now, but still plenty of work to keep his food supply growing and keep his land in shape. Or keep Baphoment in line. He was often jealous of his dog Cerberus's ability to just curl up and lick himself whenever he wanted. It was closer to sex than David was getting. One day though, he caught sight of something he never expected to see- his horse Ixion was about to get mounted by Baphomet! The damn goat had gotten horny himself, and used a stack of hay to climb up and try to scoot his way up the giant muscular horse rump! Ixion clearly had no protests, his own massive pink and black mottled meat pillar was hanging lazily below him, fully out of its sheath. David was stunned at the sight at first, his brain struggling to comprehend a goat and stallion mating. With a frustrated grunt he yelled at Baphomet to cut it out. He had to go over and grab the billy goat by the gruff of its neck and drag it down. He then shifted the stack of hay to be three tall instead of two on the bottom and one on top, so the goat could not use it as stairs again. Again, Ixion did not seem to really give a damn either way, but Baphomet was clearly upset, and cracked David in the shins with a quick smash of his horns before grunting and trotting off in a huff. That would leave a bruise. Damn freeloader goat.
David found himself spacing out trying to wrap up his chores for the day, thinking about the odd sight of the two male animals with their dicks out. His horse was about to get more sex than he has gotten in a year, and he wasn't even looking for it. And that damn goat needs to learn he can't just wander around doing whatever he pleases, whenever he wants! He groaned at the erection in his pants, bent at an awkward angle. Why couldn't some sexy stranger randomly mount him? He had to reach into his pants to shift his erection to a comfortable angle, but the moment he bent over slightly to do it, Baphomet took his change to ram him in the ass! David flew head first at the fence grabbing onto the lower of the two horizontal planks to stop himself from falling flat on the ground and Baphomet bit into his pants and yanked them down his legs! David bent his legs to get his knees on the ground and lift himself up, again yelling at the goat to behave for once in its life, but was again ignored. Baphomet's bright pink shaft once again in view as he thrust into the surprised David. It hooked its front hooves around his hips and started thrusting into him right away, rather than working up to speed. David was going to protest but it seemed sort of too late now. Baphomet was already in him, he was already penetrated by a goat whether Baphomet got off now or not. There was also the fact the goat seemed very good at fucking- his narrow cock bopping David's prostate, causing bursts of pleasure to explode in him with every thrust. His own dick was only half mast now because of the shock, but still dripped pre from the pleasure. He missed sex... maybe this was fine. He did sort of need this. No one else ever had to know he did it with a goat. David hit his peak quickly, cumming onto the ground, though the goat continued to spark pleasure as it continued towards its own peak, having more sexual stamina. Baphomet gazed intently at David's backside as he climaxed and his tail bone started to grow out a bit. The human did not notice at all because the pleasure of his orgasm overtook his other thoughts. Baphomet eventually came into him, bleating loudly in triumph over the human who always tried to tell him what to do. When the goat came though, the distended tailbone on the human quickly bloomed into a triangular tuft of fur... a goat tail.
Before David caught his breath and his thoughts settled back down, Baphomet pranced off out of sight. As disgusted as David was at having just been fucked by a goat, it did feel amazing, and it felt so good to finally properly get off again after so long. He sat against the fence, with his pants around his ankles, catching his breath and taking in the afterglow of orgasm. The sky was turning orange now in dusk. He did not even realise he was gawking at Ixion's huge dick swinging around under him lazily. When he did though, it was because his own erection returned in full force. Damn that stallion's cock was tremendous. Poor Ixion had been worked up by that damn Baphomet, but left hanging. Maybe... David could help him? It seemed cruel just leaving him like that. Such a glorious cock needed to be properly worshiped. David's pupils became oddly shaped as they started to stretch horizontal and his mind fixated on the thick cock dangling in the open. He went over to the horse and crouched below, petting his side a few times so he did not startle the big guy just suddenly grabbing his dick. He clould barely get his hand all the way around it, if the horse actually tried to fuck him it would absolutely annihilate his ass. Stallions do not get off from pleasuring the shaft like humans though- to coax it out you can gently fondle the balls, once it is out the glans and to a lesser extent the medial ring were where you needed to focus your efforts. David cupped his hand on the broad head of the phallus, and then grabbed it around the medial ring, using gentle pulsing squeezes on it. Ixion nickered in approval, taking a few awkward mini steps back and forth, causing his heavy balls to swing around. He clearly wanted something to actually mount, but David was far too small. Smaller than he should be. His clothes were slightly loose on him. David inhaled the scent of the stallion's massive tool and his pupils continued to stretch horizontal as his thoughts devolved to nothing but cock. He switched positions to squat in front of the huge cock, cupping the balls with one outstretched arm, grabbing the medial ring with his other, and placing his mouth over as much of the head as he could fit. As soon as the stiff rubbery flesh entered his mouth he came a second time without even touching himself, catching him by surprise and causing him to fall to one knee. It did not take much sucking to cause the glans to double in width as it flared giantly and exploded cum into David's mouth and he swallowed it all without even thinking. That was the last thing he remembered from that day.
David woke the next day after a night of wild dreams of beastly sex. His actual dreams were forgotten the moment he woke up, and his blowjob on Ixion was a blur in his memory, making him wonder if that had been a dream. His pupils were back to normal now, though he did still have a goat tail and was slightly smaller... neither of which he actually noticed. What he did notice though was his raging erection. Figuring it would get his heart pumping so it was as good as any way to wake up, he started masturbating. He imagined all the hot men and women he had crushes on over the years, but kept imagining Baphomet's grunts and bleating when he had sex yesterday as well unintentionally. In his fantasizing he failed to notice his pubic hair changing, becoming softer and thicker, spreading over his balls more to become a layer of fur. His ears stretched out a bit, becoming almost leaf shaped but not quite there yet. His mind kept ping-ponging between trying to imagine sexy humans and unintentionally picturing Baphomet as he approached orgasm, and his pupils stretched sideways again. His fingers and toes started to get really stiff and cramped feeling. He finally climaxed and his pupils returned to normal, though the rest of the alterations remained. He had to get a shower to clean up and start the day. He could not remember returning to the house at all last night, or if he had even finished all his chores before the damn goat interrupted him.
When he went downstairs his brow immediately hardened again. The front door was wide open, a few flies had gotten into the house because of it, and Baphomet was in front of an open fridge licking milk off the floor beside a carton he knocked down and stepped on to get the fluid out. David was so out of it when he returned to the house last night he never fully closed the door, and of course the damn goat took full advantage of the opportunity. How he got the fridge open was anyone's guess.
"Damnit Baphomet! What a damn mess! You are not supposed to come in here... though I guess I was the one who left the door open. I can see why you would want to come in here and check it out, I guess." His face went red. "A-and... about yesterday. That was bad! But... I have to admit, you are a pretty good fucker."
Baphomet raised his head up as if he was actually listening for once.
"Maybe the next time I get desperate for a lover I can just ask you, hahaha..." His laugh was nervous, not quite believing the words coming out of his own mouth.
Baphomet's pink pillar started to peek out of his sheath slightly and the goat dashed to him quickly.
"W-woah, not now! I didn't mean literally... ah, down Baphomet!"
Baphomet stood on his hind legs trying to knock David off balance, getting the human to stagger back to the wall at the foot of the stairs up to his bedroom. Baphomet nipped the edge of his pants and fell back to all fours- because David was slightly smaller the pants came off easily, even though they were still fully done up! His half erect dick flopped into full view of the goat. Even if he was really turned on and not filled with confused feelings, he doubted it could get fully erect after he masturbated only twenty minutes ago. The goat surprised him again, half-standing, placing his front hooves onto David's knees and gently took his dick into its mouth. It did not look at his junk though- Baphomet seemed to be looking straight into his eyes... which was a bit odd and unnerving. The goat gently sucked the cock, but if anything it seemed to lose strength and soften more. It felt good, and David was doubting the situation less and less, but for some reason his dick seemed to go the opposite direction. His pupils started to stretch horizontal again and as horny as he felt, his penis was completely limp now! Baphomet took it out and nudged it with his nose as if trying to see if it had any life left in it, but no. David did not know why it was limp, he was very horny! Not wanting the goat to leave him like this, he got down on his hands and knees trying to indicate he wanted more, even if his junk did not show it. Baphomet took the hint immediately and mounted him without question. It felt just as good as the day before, even though he was not as pent up. Maybe even better than last night... now that he was not in a panic trying to resist it. Maybe this was how they bonded, and finally stopped butting heads? As dirty as the act was, David could not deny the stubborn goat was a damn fine fucker. Enraptured by the feelings of the goat pounding him, David did not notice his body starting to get smaller again. His ears fully became leaf shaped and moved unconsciously toward sounds. Two pale spots of skin formed on his forehead and swelled out a bit as the bone below them grew. His moans sounded a bit more like Baphomet's. His cock started to dribble cum weakly from having the prostate pounded, even if the dick itself remained flaccid, and as it leaked the penis itself started to shrink a bit, becoming still weaker. Two black spots formed on his crotch looking like moles as the goat came into him again. Baphomet did not linger this time either, happily trotting out of the house, his hooves clicking on the kitchen floor as he left, and David remained panting on the floor for some time. His fingers barely moved and felt so stiff now, his nails thick and black... didn't he clean them in the shower? His pupils reverted to ovals- not quite all the way back to normal.
He felt so strange. He needed to figure out why Baphomet acted this way, and try to make himself an ally of the goat. He was apparently a legendary lover, and someone David wanted to befriend, but Baphomet was always acting in defiance. David pulled his pants up, finally noticing something off when they were barely able to stay on. His clothes were really baggy for some reason, but he had other things to figure out right now that were more important. He went to his computer to look up goat habits to try and figure this defiant creature out. Out in the sticks, the internet connection was horrendous, so looking up information was about all his PC was capable of. When he looked that up though, it almost immediately lead him to goat mating habits specifically. His brain started to get tunnel vision though, one hand reaching down to his still slumbering penis under his pants as the other started to look up goat penis and goat sex. Since it was educational, even sites that normally had nothing sexual allowed on it, still hosted videos of this.
His penis felt so soft and small for some reason, even though he was once again so damn horny. Touching it though, his wrist rubbed the two mole-like bumps on his crotch and the skin around them started to puff up and out, swelling up. His butt felt empty and wanted more Baphomet in it, so he half sat up and reached past his withered junk to finger his butt, but stopped at his taint. It felt really good for some reason to press in on his taint. And the skin there had an unusual amount of give to it. He watched videos of goats fucking, unknowingly whispering bleats along with them as he fondled the soft flesh behind his genitals. With soft pops the swelling bone in his forehead finally ruptured the skin without blood- since the blood drained out from those spots as the bone stretched it. Two tiny nub horns now stood from his head, but again he was far too distracted with what he was doing to notice them growing in, and they were out of his visible range. It felt so good to press in on himself there, and he was so, so horny but still his dick was unmoved. So... weak, and useless. He did not need it to get fucked by Baphomet anyway, so he did not particularly care if it withered anyway. And it did. It slowly started to shrink even more, and so did his balls. His eyes shot open in fear a moment as he felt the skin break where he was pressing and rubbing, thinking he had somehow hurt himself, even though there was no pain. He shivered at the good feeling of touching the insides of this new opening though. His pupils started to stretch out again, and concerns about his changes once again were overridden. He thrust his fingers into this new opening and it involuntarily clenched in pleasure, compressing his fingers to the point where the blood flow was cut to them. When he slid it back out though, his fingers still felt numb from being partially crushed. He raised his hand up to realize... there was no hand there. He could not feel his fingers because he did not have any- there was a small cloven hoof where his hand was! And juice on it! The opening was sodden with slightly salty, viscous liquid. He used the hand he did still have to touch the hoof, feeling the odd pre-like liquid to try and figure it out, but his brain was barely working at the moment through hormones so the odds of him deducing it were slim. As the liquid was spread to his hand though, it started to undergo the same changes! The fingers fused together as the nails grew together and got larger and larger. The pinky and thumb receded into dew claws as the nail overtook them entirely. Rather than be terrified that he wound no longer have any hands in a matter of moments, his mind recognized the shape of goat hooves and immediately started to fantasize about goat sex again, completely spacing out of what was actually happening. As if encouraged by his train of thought his feet started to crack and pop and turn to hooves as well. His entire body started to shrink even more, and his penis and balls became absolutely tiny and underdeveloped- no longer able to achieve erection at all. The opening he created though continued to grow and deepend, and the folds of flesh lining it thickened and became pillowy. What had been mere mole-like dots on his crotch were fat cones of flesh, and two large mounds of fat forming below them, rising like dough in an oven, like a pair of boobs, only on his crotch. No longer having hands he thrust his hips forward and back, rubbing the newly grown pussy against the seat of the chair, soaking the surface with its juices as he softly bleated like a goat, bracing his new hooves on the table. He watched the goats having sex and imagined that was him and Baphomet. Him? Her? Her.
She looked down in frustration at her useless clothing. None of it even remotely fit! Why was she wearing any of it anyway! The shirt draped off her arms, barely making contact with her actual torso at all because of the difference in size. The pants were on only because it was pinned between David and the seat. The moment she tried to stand they would fall away. Her boobs were getting really big, and jiggly. So round and soft! Baphomet will LOVE these! Baphomet will... fill these with milk. As they swelled still larger, the two mounds were revealed to be attached to each other- not breasts, but an udder. David slid off the chair awkwardly, knocking it over in the process. He wanted to show Baphomet her new udder! Its so big, he won't be able to resist. She should grow even bigger for him! As soon as her hooves all hit the ground it almost looked like her arms and legs broke, and let out loud snaps. In actuality though, they were changing shape, and the impact had only woken that change up. The structure and proportions was changing to be more goat. The fur that had started in her crotch spread up her underside, not touching the udder of course. Fur spread up her spine and across her thighs from her tail. As it approached her head eventually, her human hair started to fall out. Her horns got even longer and larger, thickening as they pushed out farther. Her penis felt so tiny and worthless... like she could not feel it at all. She tried to look at it but her huge tits completely covered the view- heck they took up almost all the space between her legs. In actuality, she did not really have a penis at all anymore to be able to feel. The balls were yanked into her to devolve into ovaries, while the scrotum flesh was pulled into the labia to become one and the same. The penis itself became weaker and smaller, losing shape till it was an oddly large clitoris. Her udder started to press on her legs, as if trying to spread them for her. Its surface so smooth and taught, the huge cone shaped teats demanding to be sucked. Her nose became broader and flatter, but also seemed to stretch farther down and somewhat merge with her upper lips, becoming a bit triangular. David's hooves clicked on the floor as she hurried out the still open door to find Baphomet.
Her heart skipped a beat in a bit of panic when she found him! Being a real stud he was already getting his rocks off on another beast! Baphomet had worked up the dog Cerberus and then lifted himself up with Cerberus' shoulders, sticking his dick in the dog's mouth for a blowjob, having been inspired with his last encounter with David.
David's pupils tightened, becoming rounder again. "You d-daaahm goat. Leeeaaahve thaah daahg aaahlone!" The pupils stretched back horizontal. "Faaahck meeee, nat dahg!"
As she spoke her neck kept stretching longer, making it very hard to speak human words. Why was she speaking human anyway? Baphoment did not speak human. She had to laugh at herself internally for being such a weird goat. She was lucky such a strong, normal goat like Baphomet was willing to breed her still. This was his land she was on after all, he was the dominant male here, he even subdued all the other males. Seeing a female goat, Baphomet immediately pulled off Cerberus and trotted over to her. David's pussy tightened in anticipation, causing her clit to tighten and shrink to a normal size- erasing any evidence it had ever been a penis. Baphomet already wet his cock in a mouth though, and wanted to finish, so he jumped up and placed his hooves down on her shoulders as he thrust his cock into her mouth instead. She was surprised by the sudden face fucking, but relaxed almost immediately and started to work her tongue around his shaft. Having been worked up though, Cerberus was not pleased at being ditched and walked around behind her, quickly taking David by surprise and mounting her from behind, slamming his cock into her new pussy. The feeling was explosive, not only was the pussy sensitive already by default, but this one had literally just grown in and had never been used for anything before this moment. Her udder rocked back and forth from the force of the two beasts spit roasting her. Blood rushed to her head with adrenaline of being fucked by these strong males and the blood pressure in her head started to stretch her face out. With soft clicks from her jaw, it stretched longer and longer as her teeth all flattened. Baphomet's cock fit better and better into her much longer mouth. Her mind started to go blank as Baphomet literally fucked her brains out. No longer able to form complex thoughts even when she wasn't enraptured by hormones. Every last trace of a human stretched and deformed to that of a goat, erasing any evidence this nanny goat had ever been the human David. Even Cerberus was unable to recognize by scent that he was fucking his former master. He thought it was just a new goat. For a moment she thought how she was now completely goat, which then lead her to wonder what she was changing from, if she was only just now fully a goat? In that moment her pupils shivered, as if trying to change shape but failing to. With the next thrust in, the two males once again distracted any line of thought she had to sex and the glorious cocks ravaging her. Both males came at the same time, shoving into her from either end, causing her to scrunch up her body between them and felt her insides stretch out with their hot sticky love.
Baphomet dismounted, chuckling internally at the blank look on the face of the nanny goat he just fucked, still connected to his dick with a thin strand of cum. This damn goat better behave on his new farm.