Across The Bar (Vore Story)

Story by mzmm on SoFurry

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This story was released 3 days early for my Patrons! Wanna see all my stories early, see WIPs and play early versions of my games, along with other cool benefits? Check out my Patreon!Like my writing? Want to support my work? Buy me a shiny! | Want to get a notification whenever I upload? Join my Telegram channel!


A commission done for lokoko. Byron's normal day of drinks after work becomes a lot more interesting when he meets Claus...

"There really is nothing like a nice, cold drink after work."

Byron said those words as he was talking to a friend of his, the two of them having just gotten off of work on Friday afternoon. It was tradition at this point for the whole group of people that he worked with to stop by the local bar and have a few drinks together before going their separate ways for the weekend. And throughout the weeks and weeks and weeks that Byron had been doing this, he had come to know the bar's typical Friday clientele quite well, enough that any new person tended to stick out. And today, there was most certainly somebody standing out from the crowd who had caught the corgi's eye...

A rather tall, buff-looking green dragon, and even though he was all the way on the other side of the bar, Byron could tell that he just had this energy that was starting to pull him in. The corgi kept his eyes on that dragon as he slowly filtered from friend to friend, gradually making his way over to him over the course of about 15 minutes or so. Eventually, he saw that the dragon was alone for a moment or two, and Byron took that as the perfect time to slot himself right in. "Hey! New around here?" the corgi asked, taking a sip from his drink while he waited for the dragon to notice him and respond. Before he even said a word though, Byron was immediately captivated by something. A truly wonderful smell, like the finest cologne he could imagine...damn, this guy smelled good! At first he was just looking to potentially meet a new friend, but if he was as...interesting as he smelled, maybe he would be hanging around this bar for a bit longer than he initially thought.

The dragon took a moment to notice what Byron said, the dragon turning towards the corgi with his face lighting up a bit at the prospect of somebody new to talk to. "Oh! I suppose you could say that. The name's Claus. And you are..." the dragon responded, putting one elbow on the bar and swishing around the glass in his hand as he waited for Byron's response. The corgi had come over here with quite a bit of confidence, but there was something about Claus that just oozed a suave sort of aesthetic. It was almost intimidating to Byron, in a way! But it was *very* attractive, as well. Yeah. He was definitely going to be chatting up this dragon for a little while.

After exchanging their names, the two of them sat down together, embarking on a journey of small talk. Throughout their conversation about their work and their hobbies, though, Byron started to feel like Claus was dropping a few hints that he wanted to go somewhere else. And, honestly, the bar was starting to get a little bit crowded, and Claus was starting to drop hints like putting his hand on Byron's leg and the like. Normally Byron wouldn't be this open to someone so quickly, but there...there was just something about Claus.

And that's how the two of them ended up in the bathroom together. The corgi and dragon had made their way through the crowd into the restroom, quickly pulling off into an unoccupied stall to become a little more...intimate. Byron wrapped his arms around Claus as the dragon sat down on the closed toilet, the corgi sidling up against his chisled figure and taking a deep, luxurious sniff of that enticing smell that had brought him here in the first place. "Oh, so eager..." Claus commented as he watched Byron do this, feeling the dog's shaft starting to grind up against his thigh...but the dragon wasn't just looking for a quick fuck out of the corgi. He wanted more, and those intoxicating pheromones that he was emitting were going to help him accomplish that!

The two of them didn't say much as they entwined together, choosing to let their bodies do the bulk of the work in maneuvering around each other and eventually allowing their lips to meet. Byron closed his eyes as he felt Claus's muzzle starting to press up against his own, the corgi relaxing and allowing the dragon's forked tongue to slip between his own lips and start to explore the inside of his mouth. Byron eagerly slipped his tongue into the dragon's mouth as well, but it was clear that Claus was in control at the moment. He started to growl and shift a little bit in his seat while pulling Byron in closer, something in the dragon's pants starting to rub and grind up against Byron's abdomen...fuck, this was all going a lot faster than Byron had initially thought it would! And yet, he was more than okay with it. More than okay with letting the dragon guide him, to do with him whatever he saw fit. Claus was just so damn attractive, he smelled so good, and he was making Byron absolutely swoon with everything he did...

So, when Claus continued to press and push his tongue even deeper into Byron's mouth, the corgi paid it no mind. He encouraged it, even, moaning as he felt the dragon continued to press and push against him, feeling the dragon's lips even starting to slip over his muzzle from how deep he was trying to go! And he welcomed that sensation, taking another breath of those pheromones to remind himself just how much he was enjoying this. The corgi's own shaft was continuing to tent up in his pants, rubbing up against the bulge in Claus's shorts and eliciting a growl from the dragon that rang right in Byron's ear and sent a shiver down the corgi's spine...god, that was so fucking hot!

Claus eventually pulled his snout away from Byron's, the dragon ending the long smooch before smacking his lips just a few inches away from Byron's face. "You know, you taste pretty good, honestly..." the dragon said, his voice continuing to make Byron shiver even though what was actually being said to him was rather weird! And, yeah, in any other circumstance it would have been a strange comment, but in this moment it only made Byron's heart race even faster. "Y-you think so?" the corgi nervously asked, squirming

around a little bit as Claus continued to hold him tight, pulling the corgi even closer and letting his warm breath wash over Byron's face. "Yeah, I do. And, you know, I skipped lunch today. But I think I have a nice dinner right in front of me~"

Those were the last words that Claus said before he started to slowly open his mouth wide, far wider than Byron thought was even possible for a dragon! Claus slowly started to stand up a little bit inside of the stall, looming over Byron as drool dribbled down onto the corgi's face! He could see every last detail of the dragon's mouth, his sharp teeth, the thick, undulating tongue, the drool strands between his sharp teeth, the dark void at the back of his throat...and, instead of being disgusted by it, Byron found it all to be...strangely inviting. Especially as the dragon's warm breath continued to wash over his face, making the corgi realize just how cold it was in this stall. Mmh...the bit of booze he had was starting to make him feel pretty drowsy as well. Creeping thoughts of just giving himself up to Claus started to enter his mind, the corgi completely dazed by the comfort he was experiencing and, above all else, that absolutely wonderful smell. It still filled his lungs and his brain up to the brim...

Claus's musk had hypnotic properties, and the dragon was using them right now to get Byron to practically insert himself into his mouth! The dragon's tongue made contact with the corgi's chin a few moments later, Claus's gut rumbling with hunger as he got a taste of the dog's flavor...not the tastiest meal he ever had, but it would have to do for now! The dragon continued to work his jaws down over the corgi's snout and head, Byron slowly being immersed into the hot, wet, slimy chamber that was the dragon's mouth. And the corgi was absolutely loving every minute of it, judging from the bulge in his pants that was continuing to grind against Claus's midsection!

A few more neck movements and a bit of lifting the corgi up off of his lap, and Byron's nose was pressing right against the back of the dragon's throat, Claus's uvula resting right on the tip of Byron's snout! The corgi was still completely entranced by Claus, entirely uncaring of the fact that he was about to disappear into his throat and eventually be curled up inside of his stomach...and, even if he was truly aware of it, he probably would have welcomed the idea in his suggestive state. Claus continued to slowly lift the corgi up as his throat dilated, the dragon really putting all of his impressive muscles to use before a powerful, satisfying *hGLRNK* made his job a little bit easier! Byron's entire head was swallowed down in that one gulp, his cute little bobtail wagging as Claus continued to heft him up and guzzle him down, the dragon taking greedy and quick gulps one after another now that he had a good amount of leverage on his meal.

And in only a few moments, Claus had swallowed up nearly half of Byron, the corgi feeling quite a squeeze deep inside of the dragon's throat as all those toned muscles clenched and squeezed inward on him! That pressure helped to work him deeper faster though, and the corgi felt his nose pressing up against the entrance to the dragon's stomach and only another few seconds time...his fur was matted with thick slime, the flesh around him constantly undulating and pushing him deeper into Claus's body...and it was at this point that wonderful smell was starting to wear off just a tiny bit. Not enough for Byron to start freaking out or anything, but enough for him to vaguely realize that something was a bit off about the situation he was currently in. Unfortunately for the corgi, though, he was a bit too deep inside of Claus's body for that realization to do him any good!

Claus's tongue rolled out of the corner of his mouth as the dragon swallowed again, that powerful gulp pushing Byron's head right through the opening to the dragon's stomach and immersing the corgi inside of an all-new, even more active environment! Slime dribbled off of the pulsating walls that clenched inward on Byron's body, a thick soup that smelled faintly of alcohol sloshing around at the bottom of the chamber, a soup that Byron was almost immediately dunked into as the sphincter rudely pushed him inside. Only the corgi's soft toe beans stuck out of Claus's mouth at this point, and even those were steadily disappearing between the dragon's lips as he continued to work them down. One clawed finger pushed against one of Byron's toes, sliding the corgi's feet right to the back of Claus's mouth...and then, with one final *glrk*, the corgi was completely trapped.

Claus's powerful throat muscles made sure the rest of Byron was stored away in the dragon's belly post-haste, the cream-colored scales on his stomach starting to spread open a little bit with just how much was stuffed inside of his gut now! Satisfied, and with most of the corgi now completely packed away, the dragon rested his back on the wall of the bathroom stall, rubbing and groping over his engorged stomach. "AAAAaawwwhh, yeah...much better than anything I could get around here, probably." Claus commented, a wet belch rumbling up out of his mouth as Byron squirmed and wriggled around absent-mindedly inside of him, still trying to feel out the world around him and figure out what the heck had happened!

The dragon's teasing words surrounded Byron on all sides, the corgi curled up into a very awkward and uncomfortable ball by the constant pressure and squeezing inward of Claus's stomach walls...and, on top of that, the dragon's abs were certainly pressing inward on Byron as well, making the whole experience even more intense! The corgi was trying his best to keep his sensitive nose out of the thick pool of alcoholic sludge sitting at the bottom of Claus's stomach, but there was only so much he could do with so little room. And the room that he did have was quickly being squeezed and sloshed away by those unyielding belly walls...!

Byron had started to scrape and press against his confines now, the dog whimpering in confusion as the hypnotic properties of Claus's musk continued to wear off. "Claus? W-where am I?" he stammered out eventually, his words just loud enough for Claus to hear them through his thick scales and skin. Claus chuckled a little bit at those words, rubbing over his gut a few times to comfort the corgi inside as he slowly started to get back to his feet...his belly hung low to the ground with how much weight was inside of it, almost causing the dragon to fall over! "Oh, Byron. As soon as I got a taste, I just couldn't help myself. Don't worry, my belly will treat you right, for sure~"

Claus's words were accentuated by a wet *ggWWrrrrshhh* that shook the stomach around Byron as Claus walked out of the bathroom stall, the corgi faintly able to hear the conversation and music of the bar around him; it sounded so far away, though! He couldn't believe he had been eaten; in fact, he didn't even know such a thing was possible, but here he was. And he was already feeling so tired and worn out by the whole experience, that he just sort of had to hope that Claus would take care of him while he was in such an obviously vulnerable position!

The dragon's fat, squirming stomach got quite a few rubs and pokes from various bar patrons as Claus made his way out, receiving much more attention than when he first arrived at this place! And the dragon certainly appreciated all the love, but it was time for him to head home where he could be a little bit more...intimate with his new friend. The dragon let a raucous, loud *uuUUAAARrrrp!* echo into the night as he stepped into the cold, already feeling quite a bit sleepy himself as he hopped into his car and prepared for the drive home...

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