Roadie Chapter 10: Newfound Confidence

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#11 of Roadie

Working as a waiter in a stripclub, Felix never considered actually dancing in it. Even with his rather feminine form. But with new confidence comes new ideas, and maybe just a little push from a fellow coworker.

Rather than do a standalone Valentines' story, I decided to publish this story featuring one of my favorite couples to write today. I hope you all enjoy it!

Felix Rose belongs to Jerimiah Chase

Tiffany Star belongs to me.

It didn't stop with the clothes.

Felix's newfound sense of confidence continued to rise. Where once he would walk with a low hunch in a shirt two sizes too large with baggy cargo pants to hide his feminine form, now he walked with proper posture in clothes that fit him. Of course, the clothes were from the feminine side of clothing stores, but the pink leopard still had a small masculine edge with them. Like a tomboy in tight jeans rather than a guy straining in them. He barely even noticed his cage anymore as he walked, no longer concerned if it bulged against his crotch.

He started going to the gym more. Becky, his once bully now friend, had been taking him to boxing classes at his request. Felix had asked the bear for better tips on how to stand his ground against people so that he wouldn't quiver at the first threat. While hitting a boxing bag wasn't his idea, learning the stances helped. And the leopard found that he was pretty light on his feet.

Tiffany didn't know. He wasn't sure if she needed to. While their lives were entangled, each had their own separate moments to deal with. She had her band, her part-time job, and her workout schedules to keep up. Felix on the other hand had community college, his waitstaff gig, and now this new exercise regimen. They still found time for each other, and he grew to cherish those moments all the more. But outside of them, he knew he had to grow more comfortable with himself when she wasn't around.

Clad in his tight Rouge Rug uniform shirt and hotpants, Felix deftly dodged the subtle grabby hands of the strip club's patrons. Club goers were always handsy, and the skilled ones would grab outside of the bouncer's eyes. They were smart enough to avoid long touches, sometimes simply gaslighting their victims that it must have been the wind. Felix figured it was better to duck and weave while carrying drinks than to report to Cyko. Not that his boss couldn't deal with it, he just didn't want to bother the hedgehog.

"I got orders for a Tawnya, a Hemmingway, and an angry Kentuckian." Felix placed the platter of empty drinks at the counter. Cyko arched his brow. The dark-furred hedgehog's face was normally hard to read with the mood lighting, but Felix could note the confusion. He shrugged, "Yeah, I don't know why they'd want that drink this time of year. I just work here."

Cyko sighed, "A Moscow Mule, a Mojito, and a sour bourbon. Coming right up." While his boss started mixing, Felix eyed around his workplace and breathed it in. Sweat, perfume, cheap liquor, and even cheaper cologne filled the air. Strobe lights kept the poor color carpeting hidden, making everything only look like it was wreathed in a shade of purple. Metal stools with leather seats were covered in asses of varying furs, from the elephant in the back with a hundred dollar bill in his trunk, to the tiny mouse upfront with his eyes glued on the caribou giving him special attention on the pole.

With net stockings and black booties, she slowly hung from the pole and let gravity spin her. With grace she locked her legs around and hung, winking to her customer as her breasts hung free, nipples hidden by black tape. Felix never paid much mind to the strippers at the club. He knew they were hot, the leopard just never bothered to understand why guys came here. Especially with the internet giving them the privacy they wanted.

But they didn't want privacy. Felix noted the mouse's eyes, transfixed by the performance. He wanted her, but couldn't touch her. She carried an aura about her, where even as she shook her ass before him, the control was still hers. Lecherous gazes peered her way, but they didn't stop her, didn't phase her.

A small part of him was jealous. Even with his new presence of mind, Felix couldn't see himself dancing before an audience. Yet he felt his barbs brush against the walls of his cage at the thought.

The snap of Cyko's fingers brought him back to reality, "Oi, got your drinks," He said, pointing out to the tray. Felix nodded, taking the tray before looking back to the caribou and asking him, "How does she do it?"

The hedgehog looked out onto the stage, "Dream? Practice I imagine. Draws in a good crowd." He smiled, almost snickering at something.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, on her first day she took a nun outfit because it was the most covering thing we had. Now she's out there with tassels. Really shows how experience changed her." Felix looked out to Isabelle, trying to imagine the brazen caribou hiding herself behind the stripper nun outfit they had. He couldn't. "You know, if I didn't know any better I'd say from all that staring, you might be a bit interested in going up there."

"M-Me?" He stammered, shaking his head. "No way. I mean, I can't just-"

"Why not?" Cyko prodded, "Amateur night is coming up. Give it some thought, now stop daddling or else the drinks get warm. Chop chop." Not wanting to cause a fuss, Felix got back to work.


Reaching 4 AM, Felix felt a wave of relief as closing time was almost upon him. Becky was busy 'gently' tossing out the last stragglers, who would no doubt wander into the morning without much care. Why else would they stay in a strip club this late, or maybe early in this case. The leopard sighed and cradled his head, the work paid well but it was starting to become an extra pain on his sleep schedule.

Go home, sleep till two, have classes at three, then a few hours until he started his shift all over again. With a yawn, Felix blocked that imagery out of his mind as he started cleaning up the discarded cups and glasses laid about, as well as a few forgotten loose bits of clothing. While not officially in his job, the pink leopard figured it best to help out where he could.

With the lights filling out the room, he noticed a gleam from the poles on stage. Against his better judgment, he stepped up to them, putting his tray holding garbage down and wrapping his fingers tight around the cool metal. Closing his eyes, he let the world around him seep away. A single chair entered his mind's eye, and in the blackness of the void his girlfriend walked in.

Tiffany stood naked, her cock hanging loose from her crotch and her mohawk styled high. She smiled, taking the seat before him with her legs spread. In that moment, Felix's waitstaff uniform was gone, replaced with the lingerie she'd had him wear on his first visit to her apartment. Leaning one leg against the pole and clasping his hand tight, he let gravity swerve his body before the buff shark. She leaned back into the leather chair, letting her cock raise on its own.

He wanted it. The barbs of his cock brushed against his cage, desperate for the attention his ass attained. Raising his leg, Felix exposed that twitching metal prison. Pre dripped, all because of her. Tiffany gripped her cock with a strong hand, pumping slowly at the display. Pride took him with the knowledge that she wanted him. He crawled down, lusciously puffing out his chest as he grabbed her hand. Guiding it up to his neck, he made it clear to her what he wanted.

A soft whistle shattered his dream. Hugging the bar, his heart leapt against his ribcage as he surveyed the room, eyes narrowing down at the caribou from before. Dressed in an overcoat and long purple skirt, the dancer smirked at his fluster. "You're pretty dexterous. Even for a kitty."

"H-How long were you-"

"Long enough to see you grinding against the middle pole. Could have taken a picture if I wanted." Taking the seat directly under the pole, Dream crossed her legs and cradled her chin, "You know, you'd make a pretty good dancer."

"Me?" Felix shook his head. "No, I can't. Even if I wanted to, the crowd-"

"The crowd is the best part," She said, leaning back into her seat, "A bunch of guys looking, captivated by you, but unable to touch. You dance, shake your ass, but still hold all the power. Nothing better than knowing that erection is 'cause of you. On purpose, anyway."

There was some truth to that. Felix would be a hypocrite to deny it from the daydream he just had. But that was for his girlfriend, and he'd rather do it just for her. "I're not wrong. But I don't think I could do it in front of a bunch of people."

"Have you ever tried?"


"Would you like to?" She pointed to a poster on the wall. Felix squinted, it was impossible to see in the dark, but with the lights on he the amateur night Cyko spoke of was being held next week. "With the right practice, you could knock everyone else out of the park. Maybe use the five hundred dollar prize to get someone special something spectacular."

He blinked upon hearing the prize. Five hundred dollars? Of course he could get Tiffany a gift, maybe a new set of weights, but that extra money could go to his rent or school supplies, leaving him with some extra spending cash. Felix's mind went ablaze at what he could buy with it. New D&D books, a gaming console, or maybe put it to his savings for a better computer. Dream, as if reading his mind, nodded along with him. "So, you interested?"

"Where do we start?"

Felix's schedule tightened in the coming week. For two to three hours a day, he practiced with Dream or Isabelle as she preferred to be called off stage. The caribou had a pole in her apartment for practice, as well as a wardrobe that didn't seem to fit her salary. "Some guys get so lost that they slip in a fifty or a hundred with the ones," She'd explain, making the pink leopard further question if he was in the right line of work.

It started with basics and stretches. Being a cat, Felix had a slight advantage over most people, but Isabelle had him beat in flexibility thanks to her experience. Pole dancing took a lot more out of him than he expected, acting like a second aerobic exercise. Some days he had to skip the boxing class with Becky just so his muscles could heal.

Tiffany was excited when she heard, but had little to say on it. She'd been getting busier as of late anyway, with practices becoming more frequent for a new show or something. The shark was usually too tired from working out or band practice to go into detail in text. He wanted to be there for her, maybe even give her sore back muscles an amateur back rub. Time didn't agree with either of them.

"And give me a strut." Isabelle clapped, tapping her hoof against the floor with the beat. Felix stepped forward in the tall black heels, careful not to slip and break his ankle. He'd been uncomfortable with them at first, but the caribou told him they'd boost his chances. Why she even had heels, or several sets for that matter, was a mystery, but he'd take his chances.

"I'd say you're a natural, but then why would you have needed me?" She chuckled, leaning back he could note how tight her cyan leotard hugged her. Briefly he wondered how it would look on his girlfriend, that tight spandex forming around the shark's muscles and bulging around her crotch. He blushed, looking down to hide his fluster. "Aww, is the pink pussy nervous?"

"Please stop calling me that."

"But it's so fun to say," She chuckled, brushing the concern away, "But fine. You've gotten good enough that I won't call you by your cutesy nickname."

"Nickname? Who else calls me that?"

"Most of the girls backstage," She said, eyeing him with confusion, "You didn't know?"

"No! Why would I?"

She shrugged, "Eh, I figured word would get out. Some girls just notice how your ass steals-"

He covered his ears, "Don't wanna hear it."

Laughing, the caribou stepped over and slapped his ass. "Ok, ok. So," She leaned in, hands on his shoulders and whispered, "Ready for tomorrow night?"

"I...y-yeah," he mumbled with a nod.

"Doesn't sound like it," She said, circling around to look him in the eyes. Isabelle had an almost motherly feel to her as the caribou guilted out Felix's concerns. "What's worrying you?"

"Well, I could trip and break an ankle. Or something could slip out. Then there's the option that I might not be liked on stage. Granted it's a co-ed ni-"

Isabelle pressed a finger to his lips, "Shh..." she whispered, hugging him close and burying his face against her chest. "When new girls get scared, I tell them that it's not about making their customers happy on the first night. Sure, that gives you cash, but those that come here don't just want an ass in their face. They want to see someone flaunting their body. And boy, you have a frame to kill for."

Knowing she meant well, Felix nodded with a sigh and packed up. Like always, the bus was crowded enough to make him wish he could afford a car, but thankfully no one looked over to bother him, or at least he didn't perceive it as such. The world became a lot smaller when he stood up straight. Staring into the faded reflection from the window, the leopard pulled out his phone to call Tiffany.

"Hey cutie," She answered, no doubt smiling on her end, "How's my favorite kitty?"

The leopard's face turned redder at the remark, "Good. How's my favorite shark?"

"Aren't I the only shark you know?"

"It'd still be true if you weren't the only one," He chuckled. Her laugh on the other end made him feel comfortable, like he'd fallen into a cloud. "So, you gonna be at the show tomorrow?"

"Of course I will. Nervous?"

"A bit," He nodded to his reflection, "You being there helps, but I'm afraid I might give up at the last second."

"You won't."

He blinked, "Is that an order...mistress?" The leopard purred. He didn't normally bring up their titles outside the bedroom, but not seeing her for so long had him more feisty than usual. There's only so much a dildo and his imagination can do.

A sultry laugh echoed from her end, "No. It's a prediction. Do you wanna know why?"

"Enlighten me."

"Because you're a brave boi, Felix." Her pleasant voice hooked into him, "I know that you're a scaredy cat on the surface. But you've gone against that ever since I met you. You're more courageous than you think."

"If that were true, why do I feel like I'm gonna faint half the time?" He jested dismissively. As right as she was, Felix couldn't help feel undeserving of the praise.

"Because courage isn't a lack of fear, honey. It's being afraid but doing it anyway. Now I gotta go, practice is picking back up." Blowing a kiss, Tiffany cooed, "Love you."

"Love you too..." Felix said, hanging up and staring back at his faint reflection. He'd heard that explanation of courage before, but did he really deserve it? People did things he struggled with all the time without any worry. Did that make them brave, or normal? Sighing softly, the leopard rested his head against the glass and drifted, taking solace in knowing someone else thought so highly of him.

She wasn't the only one, and in his own way, Felix knew it was selfish to only take her opinion. But for now, he took that happiness and melted with it.


"Are the heels necessary?" Felix asked, staring at the black platform heels Dream was strapping to his feet. Even though he'd practiced with them, their addition to his ensemble felt a bit extra. Already he wore black lace thigh-highs and elbow-length gloves, with a black thong hiding his cage and a black brassiere over his chest. The leopard expected to go with something a little more masculine with his debut, so just the thong should have been enough. Or some booty shorts, suspenders, and a fireman's hat.

"Hey, you did well with these heels." Dream locked in the final strap against his ankle, "And you wanna win, right? So best give it your all."

He did, but his concerns didn't waiver. Especially when she pulled out the collar and leash. "What's that for?"

"Oh a little niche play." Dream shrugged, "Amateurs are given a lot of leeway, outside of going up there naked." Felix looked around to see her point. It was true that many of the newbies here dressed in not only provocative designs, but thematic as well. A lamb went on as a shepherd, a dalmatian as a firefighter, then there was the police rabbit.

All women. In fact, Felix didn't see any other guys. A realization slowly dawned on him. "Hey...Isabelle, where are the guys?" The leopard asked, already expecting that he knew the answer.

"None showed," the caribou said casually as she tied the cheap collar around his neck.

"What do you mean none showed?!"

"Well this ain't a gay strip club, So I guess most guys figured they'd be at a disadvantage if they tried tonight."

"You tricked me."

She jabbed a finger against his chest, "I did no such thing, kitten. I said you'd have a good shot at winning and I still do." Before he could retaliate, he heard the call for a dancer named 'Blush'. Dream grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged the leopard to the stage. "Come on, that's your stage name."

"No!" Felix struggled but Dream was stronger than she looked, "You can't-" She pushed him through the curtains before he could finish. Blinding lights focused in on him, exposing his feminine form to the group of eyes in the way. Adjusting to it, the pink leopard was met with half a house of customers, more than they usually got outside of special parties.

He froze. The DJ played something that vaguely hit rock & roll but he couldn't find the courage to move forward or the fear to run away. Scanning the crowd, he saw guys with looks of confusion or disgust. Then he saw her.

Tiffany stood in the back, her face blank and staring out onto the stage. A blush slowly grew across her face, made more apparent as his eyes adjusted to the lights. He couldn't see below her chest, not with everyone in the way, but the leopard imagined how tight her jeans must have felt.

His barbs scratched against the walls of his cage. With a heavy and lustful breath, he sauntered his way to the metal pole, shaking his hips for everyone to see. Holding his leash in one hand, he twirled it with grace before reaching the pole and wrapping it around. The DJ played 'Bad Girlfriend' as he hooked his heel against the pole and spun, exposing his feminine form to everyone watching.

Confusion still rocked their faces, but the disgust vanished. Grinding his crotch against the pole, Felix dragged his tongue across the metal. Tiffany's rod was on his mind, and his tongue was on everyone else's. Their confused glares, the sexual questions they asked themselves, they empowered every little thrust he made. Crouching down to the rhino before him, Felix spread his legs, exposing the tiny bulge his cage made in the black thong. Finger at his lip, he shushed the rhino who watched with a wide blush.

Yes...Blush. The perfect name. Not just because of his special fur, but for the looks everyone gave him. They were his, and for this wonderful few minutes he soaked it all in without terror crawling up his spine.

At the song's end, he unwrapped his leash and continued to twirl it on his way backstage, shaking his ass for everyone to see. Before closing the curtains, Felix gave one final slap to his audience. Silence followed, a deafening quiet that cracked his soul.

Then cheers. The curtain hid their faces, but he swore over half the crowd cheered for him. Euphoria hit him like a brick wall, though Dream's self-justifying gaze brought back his own frustrations.

"Now, now, now," The caribou said, raising her hand in defense of his glare, "I'm sure you're mad. But listen to that crowd." She raised her ear to the murmurs behind the curtain, "They loved you. You're a shoo-in to win."

"You still could have told me."

"And see you chicken out? Oh please, kitten, we all know what a waste that'd be. In fact," A shadow came over her as she spoke. Felix blinked, looking up to see a familiar figure standing behind her. Amber eyes gazed down at him, with a blushing face and heavy breathing. "I think you ow-"

Tiffany slowly but firmly put her hand on the caribou's shoulder. She leaned down and whispered, "Excuse me, but I would like to talk with my boyfriend." As polite as she worded it, both Dream and Felix could feel a threat emanating off of her. The caribou nervously laughed it off, twisting around and walking away to give them privacy. Felix stood in the shark's shadow, eyes focusing on her muscles tensing before rolling down to her crotch. She smiled, "Nice choice of music, cutie."

"I didn't pick the song," Felix blushed, his ears furling at the sight of her. The cage felt all the tighter with her approach. The shark's strong hand softly curled at his chin, pointing him up to meet her.

"Well, I found it rather fun. Though I'm wondering if I can get a more personal show later. Maybe place?"

A smile crept across his lips. Taking her hand, Felix rested his cheek into her palm and whispered aloud, "How about here? I know a few private rooms." Tiffany froze, her smile cracking in delight. Without warning she grabbed Felix and hoisted him into her arms, rushing forward without direction. "Tiff. Tiff! To the right."

"S-sorry," She panted with a mixture of anxiety and excitement, "You just...well I got a little jealous seeing how everyone looked at you back there."

"Why's that?" He smirked, hugging her neck to whisper, "After all, I'm all yours." Tiffany's squeal of delight tingled his spine. Following his directions, they reached one of the VIP rooms. Pulling back the curtain revealed a single stripper pole and three black leather chairs. Putting him down, she pressed her lips against his only to meet his hand.

"Not yet," He said, pointing to the chair, "Sit."

"Oh, is my precious boi giving orders now?"

"We're in the VIP room, love. I want to give you the proper experience."

Giving a sharp-toothed smile, Tiffany lounged over to the leather chair, lazily sitting at it with her legs open and pulling away her vest. He saw her rod straining inside her green cargo pants, and it would remain there until he let it out. Twirling his leash, Felix took to the pole and crouched, spreading his legs to expose the bulge of his cage. Smiling, he pulled his thong aside, revealing the metal prison she had full control over. Pre dripped from the confines, but he wasn't ready to let her have him just yet.

No. With the face she made, Felix knew he had to egg her on.

Strutting around the little stage, he unhooked the bra hugging his chest, exposing his tightening nipples atop the leopard's flat chest. Swaying his ass outward, Felix pressed his finger against the cloth between him and his pucker, slowly circling it before the flustered shark. "Like what you see?" He asked in a hushed whisper.

She reached for her zipper, "Oh you know it-" Felix shook his finger. Kneeling down, he crawled off the stage and across the carpeted floor to her, reaching up and batting her hand away from the zipper. Holding the metal tab between his fingers, he pulled down. Already he could smell her flesh, the blood pumping into that strong third leg. Licking his lips, he reached for it, slipping past her boxers to pull out the shark's erection.

Holding it with both hands, Felix dragged his rough tongue sensually up the rigid shaft. Her moans and her taste had him shivering in delight, combined with the own pleasured struggles of his caged cock. Reaching its head, he wrapped his mouth around and tasted her pre. Inch by inch he went down her, pumping with a free hand each time. Nightly practice with his roommate's spare dildos had helped him suppress his gag reflex, something the corgi would know doubt love to tease him on.

Felix stared up to her when his lips touched her base. Tiffany breathed slowly, pacing herself as his saliva and tongue lathered her. If he could smile, Felix would be ear to ear at his girlfriend's fluster. They both knew their roles, but taking the initiative put an extra little spark in it all. One hand slowly cupped her hanging balls, massaging them while the other reached under, rubbing against the lips of her tight pussy.

"F-Fuck..." she muttered through gritted teeth, fingers digging into the armrests. Pulling back, Felix exposed his soft smile to the muscular shark. He pushed his finger deeper, feeling the folds close around it. He'd been lucky enough to fuck it once, and he wouldn't mind it again. But that's not what the leopard wanted tonight.

Withdrawing his hand, Felix crawled up his girlfriend's muscular form, dragging the loose leash up with him. Their lips met, tongues tangling as he rested the crack of his ass against her cock. "Ready for the main course?"

Her hands grabbed his ass, spreading his cheeks wide. "Oh, you know I am, my pretty boi," she whispered back. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a small bottle of lube and poured some against his pucker. The cold slimy texture sent shivers up his spine, biting his lip softly as a finger pushed in. "You know, before I met you I never carried lube around."

"Is that a complaint, or an observation?"

She kissed him as her answer. Holding her shoulders for support, Felix guided his lubed hole toward her cock. They welcomed each other slowly, with every inch helped by gravity inside of Tiffany's own push. He braced her stomach, feeling those amazonian abdominals under her breasts as he slid deeper and deeper, mewling when she brushed against his prostate.

Their lips parted as he reached her base, his balls against her crotch while the fat shark cock filled him. Bracing the armrests, Felix pushed himself up and let gravity take him back down, slowly bouncing against her. The lock on his cage clicked with every movement. The DJ's music echoed in the distance, muffled by the cheers of everyone watching the latest act. The only thing keeping them private was the curtains to the VIP room. Too much noise and they'd be discovered. That fear pushed him harder, bouncing faster against her cock and panting louder.

She thrusted into him. Felix nearly fell backward, but she reached out and grabbed his collar. Pulling him in, she silenced him with a forceful kiss that wrestled against his tongue as they fucked in sync with one another. He was at the edge, every push into him seeming to bring him right over that dam but never enough. Just a little more, that's all he needed to-

Tiffany dug her fingers into his back and bit her lips, suppressing her moans as her crouch lurched upward and filled into him. He shuddered in her pulse, both from the cock inside him and the heartbeat pressed against his chest. They held each other without knowledge of time, his pleasured flood slowly receded against the uncracked dam. He wanted more, needed more, but the leopard felt a small tinge of pride in making her cum first.

"Did you like the VIP experience?" He whispered, cage twitching desperately with every breath she made.

Tiffany nodded, loosening her fingers and wrapping her arms tighter. "Yeah. Never seen you so forward before."

"It's..." he sighed a breath of relief, "It's a lot of work, honestly."

"Tell me about it." They both chuckled. Tiffany pulled out, leaving Felix's ass empty and wanting more. "I've gotta be the luckiest herm on the planet right now."

"Well we didn't get caught, so there's probably some truth to that." He leaned up, looking down on his girlfriend's lustful smirk. "Would it be rude of me to ask for more? I didn't get to cum."

She tilted her head, giving the question some deep thought. Smiling at his pout, she shook her head, "Well you've only gotten to come from your prostate once so far. It makes sense that it isn't sensitive enough yet. I suppose we should work to fix that."

"So, round two? My place?" Felix stepped off, but she pulled him back with the leash.

"My place," Tiffany murred, "Your ceiling is too short for me."

Sneaking back between the crowd, Felix returned the stage outfit and put his casual clothes back on. "Where are you going?" Dream asked, walking in on the two of them backstage. Tiffany smiled at seeing her, but that faded when she saw Felix's frown.

"We're just leaving," He said, closing his locker.

"Yeah, I can see that." The Caribou leaned against another locker, "But don't you wanna stay for the winner announcement? After all, you probably did the best."

"I don't-" Felix paused, looking back to Tiffany's curious gaze. He sighed, knowing that the winning five hundred dollars would be great, but the leopard wasn't sure if he was willing to be Blush for it all.

Tiffany held him close, glaring down at the caribou. "He's fine. Just tell his boss to wire it to him if he wins."


Dream sighed as she watched the final dancer exit the stage. She still believed she didn't trick Felix, but with how he and his girlfriend looked at, the caribou couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Cyko put a glass next to her at the counter. "Bourbon, on the house."

"What's the occasion?" She asked, looking bemused at the beverage beside her.

"It's a thanks." The hedgehog shrugged, pulling out an empty glass to clean on reflex.

"A thanks?" Dream grabbed the glass, swirling its contents as she watched the bartender and club owner clean, "For what?"

"For pushing Felix onto the stage. He did well tonight."

"Oh..." She smiled, taking a sip and letting the strong vanilla and oak flavor down her throat. "The kitten has been a lot cuter recently. I guess that girl of his is why?"

Cyko nodded, "You'd need to be blind to not see how his eyes light up around her."

"As do hers with him." She took another swig, letting the ice clatter as she put the glass down. "So, how'd he do in the contest?"

"If it were up to me, he'd be in first place. You saw how all the johns looked at him. Plenty were questioning themselves."


He sighed, scratching his head spines, "But the big titted vixen got the most votes. He's a runner up though, so he'll get the second prize."

"There's a second prize?"

Cyko nodded, putting the glass away, "Gift card."

She blinked. "Gift card? To what?"

"Outback." He gave a quick glare to silence any chuckle from Dream. "It ain't mine. Some wanker passed it along to me like it'd pay off his tab."

"He must have been begging for a beating."

"Oh he was begging alright, trouble is that Becky wasn't listening."

Roadie Chapter 11: The Show

She couldn't shake him from her mind. Even as she laid about her bed, scrolling through her laptop for new drum solos to practice or shows to watch, Tiffany had Felix stuck in her thoughts. As her boyfriend, he always lived rent free up there, but...

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