The Defeated Cat
#5 of Flavor Text
Mallory couldn't BELIEVE this was happening. She was the savior of the furs, the hero in the fight against the dragons! This wasn't supposed to happen. Not to her.
Yet here she was, chained to the bed of the bastard she had fought so many times. The big boss of them all, Samael towered over her, making her feel weak for the first time in her life. It wasn't fair, he hadn't even beaten her in a fight, just used a hostage to force her to give up! If it had been anyone else but Amber she would have fought him anyways, but he had taken the one person who could get her to give in.
And now there were so many cameras staring her down, dragons the world over watching her via the internet. Seeing her at his mercy, the costume and symbol of her power in tatters. If she could just fight him, just get free she would reduce him to ash once and for all.
She knew that wouldn't happen though. Knew that he still had Amber anyways. Knew that if he did end up cumming inside that she would lose her powers. So all she could do was impotently rage and pull at her chains as if this time they might give way when they hadn't before.
This couldn't be how her story ended. She'd figure something out before he came inside her! And hopefully, hopefully that thing would come before he figured out just how much this whole thing was turning her on.
For now though, for now she could only hiss at him, snarl and show her teeth and pretend that the smug bastard should still be afraid of her. She was a hero after all, she couldn't lose!
Art by Skyvo, based on a long-running RP of mine with Macabre-Dragon! View his character's side of the story here, or read on for our poor beleaguered heroine's perspective.