The Cistern: Part 4

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#31 of Transformation Stories

Day three of Trevor's time as a sewer rat in the Cistern

Sighing in delight Toilet let his head lean back against the wall of the shower, the hot water thundering down over his fur, washing his fur clean of piss and cum. It had been a wild day, after his willing show where he had lain down and pissed all over himself Sewer had kept them both busy.

The smaller golden rat had been chained up in the middle of the room, a hood over his head with a built in gag making him blind and deaf. He'd then spent most of the day being teased, toyed with, humped and toyed with. Sewer had him stand there and piss himself, doused in that amazing shower of hot fresh piss and ploughed on camera for everyone to see.

He'd been let down to eat and drink and have a few hours of downtime before going back on duty for the evening show! And what a show it had been, sealed in a skin-tight latex suit that had slowly been filled with piss throughout the night. Apparently over the course of the evening the club's guests were encouraged to use the urinals which had filtered their piss through pipes and into his suit! It had been humiliating, hot and left him squirming and panting, desperate to cum but unable to touch himself in his latex covering.

The evening had ended with the suit being opened whilst he was suspended over Sewer. All that collected piss that he had been stewing in and soaked the bigger rat who had then sucked him off! His Master hadn't drunk though, pulling off at the last second so that everyone watching could see him splash his seed down into the drain. It had been intense but so good and after cleaning up he had slept like a log; only to be woken up with by his master dragging him out into the Cistern. Lying face down Sewer had slid his dick inside of him, emptied a nights worth of piss into his rump and then squelching and leaking and dripping Toilet had been fucked right there and then. It had been hot, sticky, messy, filthy and he had loved every moment of it, crouched on all fours, hard dick hanging low as he fired jets of sticky rat cum down into the drain as he was banged hard from behind, rump sloshing with piss.

After that they'd had a lazy morning, then he'd done as Sewer had requested, there had been no pressure, no orders, just a suggestion of what he should do. Today he'd pissed into a tank that had been lowered out of the ceiling. With the amount he had been made to drink and his body's odd biology he'd filled the tank then hoisted it back into the ceiling. It had then been connected to a shower head and Sewer had handed him a pull chain. It had been humiliating but also oh so hot knowing that all he had to do was pull that chain It had dumped his own piss over his body. He'd done it though, pulling the cord as he knelt and rubbed the resulting flow of warm rat piss it into his fur, before pawing off.

Apparently there was a good market for Toilet doing things to himself willingly without being ordered to. As much of a market as Sewer dominating him. Of course there was a market for Sewer doing stuff to himself as well, despite his Master being in charge he was as much a sewer rat as Toilet was. For now though there was a warm hot shower and time to himself to relax and drink and restock his body ready for the show! Apparently the MC, the mysterious figure who ran the club upstairs had something special planned for them tonight. Apparently it was a special night, a VIP night like when he had been transformed from mouse to rat live on tv for their viewing pleasure. That however was all Master Sewer had told him, apparently he'd find out everything he needed to know later.

Stepping out of the shower, water running through his wet fur Toilet stepped into the dryer and stood there, letting the jets of hot air turn his sleek, wet pelt into sleek and dry. Once clean and fluffy he took a moment to run some brushes through his fur, rub down his long, naked pink tail and put his anklets and wristbands back on. After he was done he went searching for his Master and found him sprawled out on his stomach in the nest, typing on the computer built into the wall. He glanced around, running a pink paw through his thick crest of hair and grinned at Toilet.

"Looking nice, ready? MC says everything is prepped upstairs so it's time for us to get ready."

"Yes Master," Toilet said with a squirm, feeling his sheath drawing back as his dick started to thicken. He had no idea what was going to happen to him but just knowing something was, it was enough to make him squirm.

Sewer beckoned with one finger and led Toilet into the small alcove just off the main room where he kept all the gear. He hummed, a soft squeaking sound under his breath as he searched around through the boxes and racks and then lifted a flowing mass of bronze latex down off a hangar. He considered it for a moment, holding it up toward Toilet then nodded and handed it over.

"Put this on," he ordered with a grin, then sat down on a trunk, idly stroking his sheath, clearly intending to watch the other rat get dressed. Toilet blushed, ears burning red as he unzipped the latex outfit and started to slide his legs into the soft, slippery interior.

The suit had attached feet, which his hairless pink rat feet fitted into perfectly, stretching the squeaky, shiny material around his paws until the latex could be pulled up along his legs. It was smooth and tight, clinging to his body like a second skin, flattening his sleek rodent pelt against his body as it was pulled into place. Once it reached his crotch he was stopped by Sewer. The bigger rat reached down and locked something metallic around his sheath and balls. The Chastity cage clicked shut and Toilet whimpered as he realised he'd still be able to piss, leak pre but not get properly hard. Sewer just grinned at him and tucked Toilet's balls into the moulded, gripping, tight latex pouch designed for them and then helped the smaller rat pull the suit up over his navel, stomach and chest.

The front was smooth, sleek latex in that dark bronze tone, the zipper was on the back and he had to hunch his shoulders and squirm a bit to wriggling his hands into the suit. It was a lot like the one he had worn yesterday, except this material wasn't designed to stretch and balloon and fill with liquid.

More importantly it had built in gloves, his fingers were soon snug inside the tight latex covering and the remaining item was the built in hood. The whole thing was designed to go up and over his face and Sewer left off stroking his half hard cock to walk over and help pull it over Toilet's face. The muzzle was more like a gas-mask, with a large filter system that clicked and wheezed as he breathed in and out. Lenses fitted across his eyes allowed him to see out as the hood cling tightly to his face, covering his ears and hair. Sewer started on the zips, helping to secure the smaller rat's tail inside the sheath designed for it and then pulled the zips together and with a faint click locked Toilet inside.

Turning toward the mirror Toilet lifted his hands and brushed the slick, squeaky material over his face. He squeaked and squirked with every move he made and his whole body gleamed with that polished, smooth rubber. He had literally been reduced to nothing more than a rubber rat, besides his eyes no fur, no skin could be seen and the gasmask meant he couldn't even really open his mouth properly!

"You look good," Sewer murmured, running his paws down Toilet's back then hugging him, "I think you are ready for tonight now.... Come with me."

The smaller rat knew he was blushing, the suit squeaked with every step, his sheath was trapped, his cock trying to grow hard but trapped by the latex covering. There were also straps and rings on the whole thing so it was clearly designed to tie him down. It was just the sort of outfit he had always dreamed of being locked into, thinking about it he had even suggested it on his application to join Sewer in the Cistern.

Distracted by thinking about it and just enjoying the sleek, squeaky feel of the rubber brushing over his body Toilet wasn't really paying attention. He looked up startled as Sewer led them into the locker room with the shower. He had been expecting to be tied up in the centre of the cistern.

On the other side of the shower there was a panel and the bigger rat placed his large pink paw on it and waited as it was scanned. A moment later the tiled wall sunk in and slid aside revealing a dark room on the other side.

"What... where are we going? I thought we had to stay locked in here until the end?"

"This isn't an exit," Sewer rumbled, the large naked rat in his jagged jacket pulled his pet through the opening into the space beyond.

It wasn't a big space, only about 2 feet wide, meaning it barely had enough space for the pair of them. Sewer guided Toilet to the middle of the room and pushed him down onto his knees and set about strapping him down. There seemed to be a whole host of straps, buckles and clips attached to the floor and the big blonde rat was using them all to secure Toilet in place. First his legs were strapped down, trapping him in a kneeling position before the smaller rat's arms were pulled back and attached to his legs and the floor.

This left him in a very embarrassing position, knees spread apart, body leant back, exposing his crotch and stomach. His head was tilted back so he was looking up and latches, locks and straps were used to tie him into position. Sewer then pulled something down from the ceiling, a segmented pipe that was fixed to one side of his gas-mask which left Toilet breathing in through the tube and out the other side of the mask as the valves did their job.

"What..." Toilet tried to ask but his voice was muffled and he gasped, breath coming easily through the mask. He squirmed a bit and tried to tug at his bonds but he was well and truly stuck. He couldn't even get properly hard trapped in that cage as he was, the whole situation was a massive turn on. Sewer stepped back, examining his handiwork and nodded in satisfaction then the rat leant down and unzipped the covering over his cock. The latex peeled back exposing his caged sheath and balls for anyone to see.

Trevor... Toilet, felt his breath catch as he waited to see what would happen next! He had been expecting everything down there to be exposed when he saw the zips whilst getting dressed but Sewer had given him no hints, no clues or instructions as to what was to happen next.

"I'll see you in a few hours," Sewer said and grinning stepped back through that opening in the wall and it slid shut with a thump. The room was dimly lit, quiet, the only sound the hiss and click of the valves on his gas mask! Toilet squirmed, tugging at his bonds then gasped in surprise as a screen lit up opposite him.

It was showing a live feed of his body, trussed up in this bronze latex, tied down, trapped... it must be the feed being fed up to the club above! Which meant it was about to begin!

He gasped and bucked, letting out a deep muffled moan as a pipe in the ceiling let through a stream of piss! It splashed down over his latex body, sliding over the smooth material to pool under. Just as that stream trailed off another started, pouring out of another pipe! Toilet groaned and squirmed in his restraints, his cock straining against the cage as several more streams joined that first one! By the end of the first ten or so minutes he was kneeling in a small pool of urine that wasn't going away!

The view on the screen remained the same, capturing him squirming and wriggling and then words flashed up over it. "Target Reached! FIRST DELUGE!"

Every pipe turned on at once and Toilet gasped inside his mask as that torrential rain of warm piss sprayed down over his body! It just kept coming, but unlike out in the cistern there was no open drain in here! It kept on pooling around him and by the time the deluge ended the level of piss was halfway up his legs.

The screen flashed with new words, "Next Donation Target: £2000" followed by a scrolling list of donations and what they would get you! Minor Deluge, Urinal Access, Add to Deluge Tank... the list went on! All suggested donations seemingly adding to how much piss would pour down into this tank and coat Toilet!

It was clear it was some sort of charity night and Toilet was in for an evening of being the centre of attention! The patrons goal clearly to fill the tank and leave the latex glad rat floating, buried in piss! Toilet squirmed and moaned as more sedate rushes of piss poured out of the pipes, people clearly using the urinals to add their own fresh piss to the machine created volume he was stewing in!

As time ticked by the piss kept on flowing, pouring over his sleek shiny bodysuit, he even added his own bladder to the mix. Sewer had made sure he was full before any of this started and told him he'd know when to release. This apparently caused a rush of donations as shortly after he'd pissed himself live on camera, his urine pouring out of that cage the next deluge target was reached. It was humiliating, he could not escape and as the piss poured down over his body the level crept up, covering his legs!

He was going to be buried, trapped, the centerpiece of the club's filthy piss filled night! He was bound, masked, trapped... and if their unseen patrons upstairs were on form he was going to be under-piss long before the night was over! Pre oozed out of the cage as his trapped cock tried to get hard and he squirmed, wishing he could feel the warm piss over his fur but against his tight latex clad legs was good for now, there would be more. Tied down as he was it wasn't like he could go anywhere, he was on display, he was Toilet


The Cistern: Part 5

Toilet squirmed as his master fixed the clips to his wristbands, chaining him in place against the mesh floor of the Cistern. He was down on all fours, palms flat against the plastic coated grill that kept them out of the drain itself. The yellow rat's...

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The Cistern: Part 3

Crossing the cistern Toilet headed toward the alcove that served as their kitchen. He'd had a long shower, cleaned his fur and then dried off, now his yellow fur was tidy, sleek and ready for whatever his master had in store for him next. It felt...

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The Cistern: Part 2

Orel stretched out in the nest and watched with a soft grin as Toilet Rat slept curled up next to him. In this body he really was Sewer Rat, he refused to answer to his name even if he thought about it in the privacy of his own head. The same went for...

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