
Story by Esd Studios on SoFurry

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#2 of Metal Mouth Saga

Another shameless repost in place of new content, 1st month of the year, and I fail my own law by one night purely due to procrastination. Don't get me wrong writing and all that's fun as fuck but posting? It's nothing more than an annoyance, I have a slop folder full of finished shorts ready for post, think I could be bothered? LOL. So, to make up for this egregious offense, you get 3 this month, Halloween story I whiffed, HARRRD on next Monday, something bigger the following Mon/tues or the 14th. This goes up 1st because I've found new webbing outside of my door, now to draw him out. He speaks, grasping the new strands of webbing plucking a familiar thump C'mon cocksucker.


by E.S.D.

"Knock knock knock." Three rapturous thunks echoed drawing a dragon to his front door, flicking the knob with a yank saw his old friend Rec1u53, a rather feral in form arachnid hybrid, somewhere between a brown recluse and bird eater with an abdomen resembling a golden silk orb weaver in shape baring a mutt of tropical colors, although mostly tan all over his abdomen sporting a rather eye-catching shade of deep sky blue with a crimson lava lamp fluid pattern down the middle underside.

"SPOODER!!!" The dragon half barked, quickly stepping to bro-hug his old friend who raised his foremost abdomen wrapping two long segmented legs covered in swathes of feeler hairs that pricked the softer, more sensitive membrane of his wings,

"Heheh hey Zeke, how ya been sky rat?" Zeke shivered, Rec1u53 making sure to brush drag each arm digging several dozen hairs underneath his friend's scales.

"AaaaaaAAaaah ook bug man." Words bearing quite the noticeable shiver, retaliating by bear-hugging his grip and lifting all of the arachnid's eight legs off the pavement making them flail.

"Ack, alright, Fuck!" Kicking and wriggling, limbs frantically trying to find solid ground.

"S'what you get, Fucker." Returning the spider to the earth with a smirk, turning to lead him in house, claws waving from behind, proceeding down toward the basement. Stairs descending maybe eight feet or so to a white tile landing and two doors, one leading to the garage and the other a cubed style basement completely finished with carpet and all set up to be a complete man cave. Large flat screen with several gaming consoles ranging from old to new hooked up through adaptors, a C section couch split in the middle with two larger than life bean bags effectively dividing the area into 2 dedicated sections. The second was set up in quite the odd fashion as a part personal studio with a desktop, lighting rig, mic, a green screen against one wall, a small bookshelf filled with autobiographies, how-to's, and philosophy lining the sidewall to ... what one could only call a personal shrine adorning the opposite. Tall mirror attached to an old smooth as glass ebony knight stand, adorned with a neoprene mask hung up towards the top, various candles of different colors, an offering plate sitting next to a Baphomet statue, the whole setup of course topped off by the black mini fridge strategically placed in the corner.

"Woh..." Was all that escaped his pedipalps while taking in the view,

"You've done well for yourself I see." The arachnid spoke while Zeke retrieved and cracked two cold'n heavy brews,

"Yeahhhhh and I went through hell to get it but definitely worth every minute." Zeke scoffed handing the spider a cold one,

"Cheers man." The dragon held his beer up toward Rec1u53 with a warm smile,

"Cheers broseph." Both bottles met with an enthused clink and the two friends chased after the night with a fervor of friendship rekindled by pure chance, soon the clock pointed to three and twelve with both of them slurring their speech coupled to a sway in their walk, sitting around enjoying old music vids from the 90's offering Beavis and Butthead-esque commentary from the comfy pair of love sacs cradling the drunks.

"Hey man, wheresh your pissher?" Rec1u53 asked, fumbling several times trying to raise himself up out of the bag, Ezekiel raised his beer pointing towards the garage door.

"Out in the garage and hey! I don't know how you spider fuckersh do it or whatever but don't piss all over my floor, fucker." He spoke pointing from the garage to waving a claw over Rec1u53's anatomy gesturing sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah." The spider trodded off to take care of business, returning a bit later standing next to Zeke's bag in a pause as the dragon raised a fresh full brown bottle for him.

"Well how'd it go?" Ezekiel asked playfully to which the spider perked up with a shit-eating smile, if fangs could form one that is.

"Man, I pissed ALL OVER your floor." Zeke smirked slugging the arachnid, charlie horsing a leg that immediately reeled back.

"Jokes on you, I've got seven more to shtand on byiatch!" Rec1u53 taunted as scales stumbled and swung but still stood up while the arachnid raised himself up on the back 4 legs quickly losing balance, toppling back over himself landing flat on the basement floor, beer still held upright and stable.

"Hah! Saved it! Uhhhhh...." Rec1u53 celebrated his victory over gravity's attempt at making him party fowl although quickly found himself unable to do much more than flail his limbs wildly, trying every motion to flip himself upright while not spilling his beer.

"Ohhh my~ Seems I have a rather large spider trapped in my basement... whatever shall I do with it?" Zeke smirked, eyes darting to track the seven free limbs flailing eventually transfixing to the pattern on Rec1u53's underside, kneeling down to run alone ring claw up his crimson trail. Spooder froze only briefly then going completely slack at the sensation,

"Ooohhhhhh I don't even care, that feels sooo goood." Lost in the grip of inebriation, his friends claw tracing up and down, not really even thinking where he was rubbing as it was more of a softer pelt of hairs down there, tracing . . . slowly tracing back and forth, the patterns outline where crimson met blue.

"Should I..... catch and release?" Head cocking slightly, teasing with a focus on giving the most devilish sensation via sharpened upright claw tip, noting the nerve triggering spots.

"No..." Eyes averting skywards as he searched for words, coming back to the helpless bug toothy grin bared, flicking a full swallow from the bottle back, Zeke slowly perched himself over Rec1u53, claws and knees finding footholds to stand over the arachnid.

"Should I.... smash it?" Brow snapping with the query, wings splaying themselves fully in a similar tone,

"I'll SMASH YOU!" Rec1u53 barked back, six legs clamping around Zeke's backside while two more pushed rolling the spider topside, segmented limbs finding the necessary spots to pin the dragon's wings and limbs.

"Who's the prey now bitch?" Ezekiel's face afflicted itself with a crazed grin, fully enjoying this challenge, answering with a long slow rolling hiss as smoke and spark grew from the back of his muzzle. Rec1u53 twiddled his pedipalps watching the glow form against his eyes, snapping quickly with both fangs unfolding and pressing a point under the scales near the top of Zeke's sternum, vaguely able to feel a pulse. Zeke froze only momentarily, a fevered hiss and flurried motion came from the dragon as he pressed up into the fangs at his very neck, pressing as hard as the throbbing erection restrained by denim drove him too, all while clumsily flailing his camo shorts half off. Hypodermic ends hunting upward from Zeke's pectorals, tips prying underneath scales as they danced along feeling out the fleshy hide underneath for a stronger beat. Working up over the collar bone, Rec1u53 seemed to find his mark with each fang tip firmly wedged on either side of the neck, hollow points poised and drooling a paralytic concoction right over his friend's racing pulse. T'was at this point Zeke knew he'd fucked up, where the dragon's arms snapped up between two legs on either side of Spider's abdomen, legs hooking up around the bulbous thorax, tail dropped out of the way with tip wagging back and forth between a pair of spinnerets, teasing him at the slick and slimy of it's base.

"Do it .. ack!" Zeke spoke, immediately choking with Rec1u53 effortlessly sinking to the hilt, hooking under his collar bone firmly pierced and locked in place. Coughing up spurts of crimson trying to gasp for air, jugular veins flooding his tracheal airway around the chitinous ebony intruders adding their own clear fluid to the copper flavored wave.

"Go deep!" Barely managing two words, choking up another misting fountain of crimson and venom, hips raising enough to give Rec1u53 his weight, ass hanging perfectly for that arachnid's sopping moist tip to grind right up against Zeke's eager bullseye. Thorax thrusting, driving the slick appendage inward splaying the dragons tail and plundering his loot cave, feeling that greased girth begin to press all the right spots just as the venom kicked in. All feeling draining from every inch of scale, replaced with a numbing warmth that radiated from his core mixing with the crest of an alcoholic high to give a traveling pins and needles sensation, migrating to different parts of the body. Rec1u53 hissed and bucked, fangs chewing to stay in place while his piece of fuck meat hung limp under him by fang and cock, really laying into Zeke's ass with cephalothorax feverishly pounding away, posterior hairs flicking off unable to cling on against the thrusting seven-inch member flaring unto awaiting bowels, clamping down as best they could, body working as an ancillary vessel for spider milking. Parties getting after one another in a drunken forceful stupor eventually collapsing in their own paint pallet, crimson mixing with white drooling from worn orifice and throbbing member.


Rec1u53 awoke, head pounding at first in a tizzy then a flurried panic as the haze cleared remembering how he'd fang fucked his friend, pedipalps unfolding to check Zeke's neck for a pulse, fang tips lifting several scales and finding a steady pulse to the arachnids immediate relief, almost collapsing on the hunk of scales he'd crashed on. Ezekiel stirred, immediately swallowing hard at a sore throat and shuffling with a sore tail, shifting under the arachnids weight, vision searching for something of interest before returning back to the dark safety of his eyelids, arms reaching up briefly to feel Spooders sides, testing his alertness.

"Spider did we?!" Zeke blurted out, coming to the pounding dull realization plaguing him.

"Yeah....." Spider echoed back, the two pausing, resting their chests together in a shared hungover ache, trying to not do much more than breathe, Rec1u53 being the first to speak.

"Regret it?" The tentative ask was poised and out there.

"Not at all." The dragon answered, arms snaking up to hold Spooders abdomen between the joints, weight pulling against the scaled chest, sense of calm washing over the scene. All six of Rec1u53's eyes rolling in their sockets, swimming between sunken fleshy eyelid and head panging sun, landing on a crinkled black vinyl coffin case tucked off in the dark of a corner.

"Hey...... wassat?" The object grabbed his attention and wouldn't let go, Zeke's face almost clenching together in the bothered effort of head craning to catch an inverted view of his lower shelf and guitar case.

"That?.... That's my bass man, c'mon," Pausing to resume eyelid viewing,

". . . you should recognize it." Lips smacking the savory flavor of all night open maw musty mouth dried by basement air stirred with last night's waning booze. Rec1u53's pedipalps twiddled in time with the cognitive gears shaking in an attempt to crank over one notch, screeching as they inevitably snapped loose and sprung forward spraying sparks giving light to the rampant void in his head.

"Hey, ever think about getting the band back together? Like back in the day?" All 6 eyes falling from the case to Ezekiel's face watching to gauge his reaction.

"Man... every time a good song comes on that gets me singing along I think of us playin again." Quite the noticeably deep smile wore itself on the dragon's toothy mantle causing Rec1u53 a pause cranking his gears once more.

"Ya know. . I kept up with the boys, every one of 'em." Two claws moving to scratch the scaled bridge of his nose, slowly sitting up forcing Spooder to backpedal off, bloodshot eyes flicking open rolling around their sockets, vision clearing to a new sharpened focus.

"You get the rabbit, I'll get the goat.." Zeke trailed off a grin flush with feverish passion and enthusiasm abound as bright possibilities clouding his mind.

"And the bird? He's the only one of us who's put himself together, might be hard to ask him to give all that up and play dive bars with us again." Rec1u53 paused after posing his words.

"That maybe a concerted group effort then." Answering not knowing how, but confident they could swing the bird back to rampant degeneracy with them.

"Hell yeah! We're getting the band back together!" Spooder grabbed two warm half-empty beers, offering one in a colloquial form of brotherhood and contract to the massive endeavor they were undertaking, signed and sealed was their deal with soured rotgut grinding its stain down their gullets.

"Hell yeah we are."

As Gay as the South is Red

As Gay as the South is Red by Ezekiel S.D. Dennis, a 19 yr old donkey had his parents house to himself for the day, giving the perfect opportunity to try something he'd always wanted to, he'd seen several ads of a rather endowed Clydesdale sucking...

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