Borderlands - Skag Gully RP (trilogy)

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Borderlands

Written by leotodrius and Trainsgochoochoo

Borderlands is copyright Gearbox Software and 2k Games.

Ain't no rest for the wicked. I hadn't expected this RP series to take off so much but I have to admit, it's a lot of fun. Original characters, borrowed setting, homages and eroticism.

This was one of the last RP's I wrote. It's also a fair bit older than many stories I have on this site. It was written at the time of the "Zombie Island of Doctor Ned" expansion for the original borderlands Game.


Borderlands: Ambush at Skag Gully

Co-written by Leo_Todrius and Nyan-ko

With gentle wind the dust blew across the gully, whipping between rock outcroppings, scraping away at the ancient stone. The sky was fading steadily into evening, purples and oranges filling the sky, the gentle pulse of wind turbines spinning in the distance. The soft hum of an outrunner wasn't out of place, headlights shining along the gully paths, the cool wind blowing over the skin of the only occupant. Loki had only been on the planet for a few months but he was starting to rack up a bit of a reputation... Then again on Pandora any body count or wallet could earn a reputation. The figure relished the cool breeze on his skin after the hot days, although he knew the first stage of madness must have been starting to set in. The heat almost seemed... comfortable.

In the fading light Loki's sea blue outrunner was looking ever more indigo, contrasting with the teal short sleeved leather duster that left his stomach exposed, brown armor pieces covering his shoulders and chest, dark black straps and wrist cuffs wrapped around his arms. His dark pants were bound with several straps holding extra ammunition although two heavy repeater pistols rested on his hips and another sat on the passenger seat of the car. Skag Gully was a dangerous place, even after the demise of Nine Toes... But Loki had a mission. He reached up, running a hand along the dark brown chinstrap beard that complimented his shaggy brown hair, a teal band wrapped around his head. In the fading day light of Pandora, a lone figure hid nestled in the rocky outcroppings by the dirtbare road.

The obscured figure whispered something, and then a low growling was heard as several pairs of glowing yellow eyes appeared along the outcroppings. As the blue outlander drove by, one creature leaped in front of the vehicle, the skag being crushed underneath with a loud crunch of bones breaking and flesh tearing away. Another one leaped onto the hood and rammed the small windshield, long cracks running along the window as it snarled and drooled onto the glass. Loki sneered gently, swerving off the path to try and strafe any more Skags intending to lunge at him, his trusty repeater in his hand. The windshield was shot out and took the skag on the hood with it, Loki veering once more to let the shards of glass and the skag slide off to the side. He looked around, trying to beware any other surprises. Another skag jumped onto the outlander, clawing through the blown out windshield at the driver inside. Three more skags hopped onto the outlander, yellowed fangs and claws tearing away at the door and roof, one forcing it's fat body through a hole and landing on the passenger seat.

"So much for that..." Loki muttered, pulling out a grenade. He dropped it into the foot well of the runner before he lunged out of the vehicle and over a short cliff, the runner continuing on out of control for some distance before it erupted into flame. Loki rolled carefully to get rid of his excess momentum although he came to a stop dangerously close to a skag pile, the scent rancid even in the cooling evening air. Loki sprung back up, two repeater pistols at the ready as he turned around, trying to figure out which way to hike to pick up more transportation. As the driver of the vehicle was getting up, a rather hefty magnum was pushed against the back of his head. The dry click of the hammer being pulled back echoed loudly through the canyon road. "Easy now, stranger, put down the pieces." A surprisingly soft, although commanding, voice echoed from behind the stranger. The assailant was small, but his well-toned chest and muscular arms suggested that he was no pushover. The worn, dark brown leather pauldron on his right shoulder looked soaked in blood of different colours, and the straps that kept it in place crossed over a scarred and toned chest.

He shifted his stance, and his short chainmail kilt clinked softly, worn leather combat boots grinding under dirt and sand. His right eye was covered in a patch, but several deep, white scars ran down his cheek, leading up to the patched eye. His other eye was a sky blue, and two barbells pierced his eyebrow above it. His long, black hair was tied back in a messy ponytail, bangs still covering the scarred right side of his face. Snake-bites and a labret pierced his lips, and his ears were riddled with rings and studs, the lobes stretched by a two gauge ring in each one. His perk nipples both had a ring on them, and deep scars riddled his chest and abs. He was, overall, an unusual mix of masculine power, and boyish charm, and his sky blue eye twinkled softly with a mischevious look.

Loki sneered gently at having been caught so off guard. It wasn't like a fortune hunter to lay such an ambush... but it wasn't like a bandit to be so personable. Most people on Pandora shot first and never asked questions. Loki slowly lowered the repeater pistols in his hand to the ground, looking around. Was it an opportunity this man seized, or had he managed to get some level of control over the skags? A few people crazy enough to attempt it had managed to partially domesticate skag pets, but an attack force? Loki turned his head slowly, getting a partial look at his captor. The man's appearence raised more questions than it answered. Lars chuckled and kept the hand-cannon pointed at his target.

"That's it, nice and slow now." He leaned against a rock, the gun still aimed at his target, and a skag came up and nuzzled his boot-clad leg. He patted the creatures' head, and it almost seemed to pant. Well, as much as a wasteland scavenger can pant. "You had a nice ride, sorry about what happened to it." The bandit almost seemed to eye where the outlander had gone off the side of the cliff in a forlorn manner. "I was hoping to salvage it. Either way, you know the drill I bet, hand over any valuables, weapons, odd knick-knacks that have more importance than they should in the long run, etcetera..." Lars almost seemed bored of the whole sordid affair, and his blue eye looked up and down the treasure hunter, an almost hungry look in his eye. 'This should be fun...' he mused to himself.

Loki moved to unfasten his belt, setting it down, moving to his next one. As he set it down he closed his eyes, raising his head as much as he could before there was a blinding flash from beneath him, radiating outwards. Loki rolled suddenly before he sprung to his feet, running erratically, bringing his last weapon up to try and see his captor, his eyes throbbing as his vision struggled to clear. Lars grunted and covered his eyes as the flash blinded his good eye.

"Fuck!" He said, his skags whimpering and hiding from the flash. Lars vision cleared slightly and he spun around, firing a random shot in what looked like the treasure hunters' direction, aiming for his upper leg. His eye burned, and the crack of thunder could be heard as the slug careened in the direction Lars had shot at Loki muttered, ducking down, moving behind a rock outcropping. He ducked down, getting as low as he could, controlling his breathing. The fortune hunter was starting to think his luck had changed when he suddenly felt hot, thick saliva dripping down onto his shoulder and neck. Loki sighed gently. The skag on the rock above the treasure hunter growled, and tackled him. It pinned him to the ground and howled, Lars hearing it and stumbling towards his pet. "Ahh, there you are. Nice try, now come on!" He clicked his teeth, and the skag got off of the treasure hunter, but staying very close to him.

Lars pointed his magnum at the treasure hunter, nodding for him to get up. "Come on, up and at'em mate." The skag growled at the treasure hunter loudly, more appearing and growling. Loki sighed, this time dropping his last weapon and taking off more straps... Knives, grenades, he'd been well armed but soon he was defenseless. It was a lawless land but Loki knew he had nothing left to lose, he could only embrace the sheer chance of chaos to save him. Lars eyed up the now defenceless traveller, and chuckled. Keeping his gun aimed at the traveller, Lars began to frisk him, patting him down for any more weapons, but giving him a lewd squeeze of his crotch, the bandit feeling up the treasure hunter roughly.

"Mmm, this seems to be the only thing you're packing. Now move it!" Lars pushed his prey forward, and kept the magnum pointed at his back, the scarred and well-built youth leading the treasure hunter deep into the valley, skags all around them, but not attacking.

"Quite the posse you have..." Loki muttered, the twenty five year old man eyeing the creatures, "Even Nine Toes didn't have this many pets. Mind if I asked how you manage?" Loki asked. There were pups, whelps, adults... Even spitters littering the gully around them... all mysteriously still, watching. Loki felt a chill run down his spine and not just from the aded pressure of a partial arousal in his tight pants.

Lars chuckled.

"Well, it wasn't easy that's for sure. All of these scars are from my pets. Took roughly five years or so to get them to listen to me. Lost my eye, a rib, and a chunk of my leg, but it was worth it. My pets listen to every command I give." He whistled, and several adult skags walked behind them, tongue lolling out of their muzzles. "They can do all sorts of tricks too." Lars could feel his shaft hardening at the kinds of tricks his pets can do, but he held it off, waiting. "Name's Lars by the way, sorry again about wrecking your outlander, she really was a beauty."

"Loki... and yes she was..." Loki replied, "So... five years... You're out here for the long haul. Not a vault hunter, not a fortune hunter..." Loki trailed off, "You aren't collecting food for your friends, are you?" he murmured. Lars chuckled.

"No, they can find food fine, I do this sort of shit for fun." They had reached a cave, and rancid smelling skag piles littered the entrance. Growling could be heard from inside. "Home sweet home..." Lars said ironically, holstering his magnum. The youth chuckled and walked ahead, lighting a torch near the dark entrance. The cave was deep, and a shack could barely be seen in the dark. A skag poked Loki in the rear, urging him onwards. Loki had to admit, coming to Pandora had been an adventure and it was that adventure he craved more than treasure. He was starting to wonder if this mysterious man in the wastelands with an army of skags was worth the loss of a runner and some of his best gear. If he lived to tell the tale Loki decided it would be well worth those loses. Loki didn't put up much of a fight, moving after Lars, even debating reaching out to pat one of the Skags but he decided against it for the moment. He was rather fond of his eyes still. The Skags seemed wary of the newcomer, and they growled at him. Lars simply raised a hand, and they fell silent.

"Now now, my pets, is that how you treat a guest?" They seemed to whimper at the chastisment, and they slinked out of the cave, save for a skag that looked as scarred as Lars did. It rubbed it's head against Lars, and he petted it lovingly. "Oh, this is Roxy. He was the first skag I tamed. Say hello." It padded over to Loki, and nosed the treasure hunters' hand, looking for a pet. Loki gave a gentle grin despite himself before he gently rubbed his hand over the skag's head, noting the seams in its muzzle. It reminded him of home a bit... Loki was almost lost in the moment petting the skag head before he took a breath and looked back to Lars.

"So... now what?" Loki asked gnetly. Lars just grinned.

"Well, you see, I have lots of companians but, well it gets lonely here in Skag valley." Roxy pushed Loki closer to Lars' shack, the door held open by the Skag trainer. "C'mon in, it smells slightly better than the cave." He chuckled softly. From his position, Lars' short kilt had hitched up a bit, and more scars riddled his toned thigh.

"I don't know, the smell grows on you." Loki said sarchastically although as he thought about it, it didn't seem as bad. He shuddered at the thought before moving into the shack, looking around. Had he lost a car and been ambushed to be some settler's new friend? There were certainly worse things. Loki's eyes drifted to Lars' legs, looking at his kilt line. He caught himself and looked back to the shack again.

Lars chuckled, having caught Loki staring at his kilt-line. He urged the treasure hunter into the shack. Roxy making sure he was inside.

"Wait out here." Lars instructed the skag, and it sat down obediently, panting a bit. Inside the dimly lit shack was what you would expect from a settler's shack. The roof was low, and it was warmed mostly by body heat it seemed. It became comfortable warm quickly with two people inside, and Lars sat on his bed. It was large and seemed to be made of fur and blankets, covering about half of the surface area of the floor. There was a hot plate, a fridge, and a security locker on the other side. "Well, what do you think?" Lars asked, tugging off his pauldron. His right arm was scarred up even more than the rest of his body, most of the toned arm was riddled with scars of varying severity, the largest being a huge gash on his bicep.

"Not bad... A lot better than bandit camps... No skulls on pikes... When the winter season returns in a few years you'll be well above the water line... Prime real estate." Loki said, looking around for somewhere to sit, selecting the security locker so he could face Lars, his legs splayed to either side of him as he sat on the low box. Lars quite enjoyed the stance that Loki had chosen, and his scarred thighs were spread apart slightly, the faintest glimpse of his leather thong visible.

"So, what brings you to Pandora, may I ask?" The skag trainer said casually, taking off his weapon holsters and placing them on the bed, stretching his toned body out, several joints popping loudly.

Loki looked Lars over, relaxing at the reduced threat.

"I came for adventure, for life... To see what was out here. Rumors of alien tech, wild animals... It was cheaper than other destinations." Loki smirked gently, "You? Were you born here or did you come on your own?" Lars simply nodded.

"I was born here, parents were killed shortly after. I grew up in a little homestead, then when I was about fifteen or so, that got razed by Nine-toe's men. I've been living in the Skag Valley ever since. It was hard, but as you can see I make do." He chuckled and tugged his boots off. Lars' legs were in no better shape than the rest of his body, and what looked like a poor skin graft rested on his right thigh. He rubbed the wound idly, looking at Loki. "Roxy was the easiest to train, really. He seemed to fancy me from the start, even though he took the chunk out of me." He chuckled and got up, opening the fridge and pulling out a freeze-dried ration. He tossed one to Loki and kept one for himself. "Taste like shit, but try finding fresh food in the valley."

"I know what you mean, I had some ration paste in the runner..." Loki smirked, tearing the top of the ration pack open, sniffing at it. Lars' words echoed in Loki's mind, the skag fancying him... Loki supressed a blush as his leather pants tightened, bulging visually as the dim light contorted over the material, "Maybe I could bring you some supplies... help spruce up the place." Loki offered hopefully, hoping it wouldn't seem like a ploy to get away. Lars chuckled and eyed Loki, smiling a bit, revealing that his incisors were sharpened to points. He patted the spot next to him on the bed.

"It's way more comfortable than the locker." He said coyly, noticing the blush and the erection in Loki's pants. Loki's eyes widened as he saw the sharp teeth. Loki had no idea why but... he got even more aroused. Lars was a dangerous fellow but that danger... Loki got up almost as if hypnotized by the young man, moving over. He slowly settled down onto the bed next to the pierced boy, nibbling gently on the rations. Lars chuckled.

"Hmmm, I don't really need to spruce the place up." He finished his ration and tossed the wrapper on the floor. His scarred hand landed on Loki's thigh, seemingly by accident, but the hand never left. Instead it squeezed Lokis' thigh gently. "You say you came here for danger right?" He asked, his sky-blue eye bright.

"Yeah... and adventure..." Loki replied, breathing deeply, eyes gazing at Lars. He couldn't believe he was doing this, thinking this... This 'boy' had ambushed him with an army of skags, sharpened his own teeth... And yet... Loki felt his heart racing. Lars ran his hand higher up, poking at the edge of the treasure hunters' pants. He pulled it down slightly and rubbed Lokis' hipbone. He edged closer, his sharpened teeth exposed as he smiled.

"Well, what's more dangerous or adventurous than an insane, half feral settler who lives and plays with skags?" He chuckled and blew a hot breath against Lokis' neck, scraping his sharp teeth against the soft flesh. Loki's eyes fluttered shut as he moaned softly at the breath, shuddering at the teeth. His leather audibly groaned as it tightened again. The bearded fortune hunter turned, hazel eyes gleaming in the dim light. He looked to Lars for a long moment before he leaned closly, pressing his lips to Lars' roughened ones, Loki's tongue sliding over those lips before pushing between them experimentally. Lars smiled and parted his lips, giving Loki access to his mouth.

His teeth lightly scraped Lokis' tongue, and the smaller youth slid onto Lokis' lap, his bare ass rubbing against the creaking leather as Lars' thong became slightly uncomfortable, a large bulge pushing his kilt upwards. He wrapped his toned arms around the treasure hunters' body, pulling him close as he bit and pulled on Lokis' tongue gently, breaking the kiss and panting. Loki moaned deeply, heart racing, so very turned on by the display. The heat, the pressure, the danger, the sharpness, the piercings. Loki began humping against Lars, moving to suck on and play with the boy's piercings, practically drooling. After some grinding and rubbing, one of Loki's hands slipped around to caress Lars' bare ass, the other moving up the chainmail kilt, searching for a way to unhook the thong. Lars chuckled and let the treasure hunter play with his piercings.

"There's one more of those you haven't seen yet." He said teasingly, rubbing his bulge against Lokis' body. He reached behind him and undid his kilt, tossing it aside. He helped Loki in unhooking the latch at the back of the thong, and he pulled it off. A thick, cut cock flopped onto Lokis' chest, a silver prince albert gracing the tip. He smeared his thick, foot long cock against Lokis' chest, growling in a skag-like manner.

"I see growing up feral hasn't done you any harm..." Loki moaned, wrapping his hand around Lars' huge shaft. Loki's cool ring on his finger added an extra bit of stimulation as the fortune hunter's hand started moving up and down Lars' cock, squeezing it gently as Loki leaned in for another kiss, kissing the growling boy more forcefully. Loki was quite turned on, his thumb playing with the ring in the tip of the boy's cock. Lars groaned, kissing the treasure hunter as musky pre splashed against Lokis' chest and stomach. He ground his plump balls against Lokis' lap, an excess of Lars saliva draining into Lokis' mouth. Loki loved how animal Lars was, it turned him on so much. Loki gulped down the stranger's saliva as if it was his life blood, reaching down to unfasten his own pants. Soon Lars' foot long, pre leaking cock was brushing against Loki's, nestling against the fur around the fortune hunter's groin. Loki humped Lars desperatly although he knew before long he'd be craving to fuck the wild boy raw.

Lars groaned and frotted with Loki, kissing him passionately. His own crotch looked devoid of hair, save for a small black treasure trail that ran from his naval down to the base of his cock. Lars growled and broke the kiss, biting at Lokis' neck and shoulder, tugging his vest off. Loki grunted as Lars bit him, loving it. Loki felt the wildness filling him and he started stripping quickly, tossing his clothes to the floor, moving to make sure Lars was naked before pushing the boy back on the bed. Loki gave Lars a deep kiss, sucking on his lip before he lifted Lars' legs, letting them rest against the fortune hunter's shoulders as he moved, his cock starting to graze between Lars' ass cheeks. The feral youth growled and whimpered, grinding his plump cheeks against Lokis' cock, his own pierced rod leaking copious amounts of pre onto Lars' toned stomach and chest. His scarred body seemed to glisten with pre and sweat. His long hair had come undone of its' hairband, and now was splayed out over the bed, going down to Lars' round ass. He gripped the blankets and ground hard against Lokis' cock, smearing pre all over his ass, which was also, oddly, covered in scars, although they looked more like scratches than anything else.

"Gods, I want you to be my pet." Loki practically growled, panting hard before he thrust, spearing into Lars. He ground tightly before pulling back, thrusting in again, building up speed and momentum. He was fluid in his movements, powerful but also gentle. It was somewhat different to what Lars was used to... Loki also rivaled some of the larger skags for size. Loki panted hard, one hand holding onto Lars' hip, the other collecting some of Lars' precum on his fingers. Loki brought his fingers up, sucking the juice down. Lars cried out loudly, Roxy getting up and looking at the shack oddly. It grunted and got up, nosing the door open to see his master...mating with the stranger. The skrag sniggered and padded in, licking at Lars' hand.

"Oh...he-heunfhey there bud!" He petted Roxy gently, and the skrag licked at his hand. "Y-you waungwanna joing in?" The skrag nooded and hopped onto the bed, licking at Lars' cock excitedly, lapping up the pre.

Lars was surprisingly loose, and his hole's lips were supple and squeezed at Lokis' cock like satin. He moaned as his cock spurted pre over his pet, the scrags' own cock slipping out of his sheath. It strongly resembled a canine cock, but it had barbs running around the tip, and the knot was signifigantly larger. Loki caught himself gazing at the Skag's cock before a drop of drool fell onto Lars' belly. Loki couldn't help himself. Lars and the Skags, they were all so sexy... The creatures that had hunted him for so long. Loki kept fucking Lars hard, grinding like mad but one hand moved to Roxy's cock, curling around the slimy length, starting to work it back and forth gently, fondling the barbs gently. Roxy whimpered as he felt a hand around his cock, and an even thicker, more musky pre shot over Lars, flooding his nostrils. He bucked his head back in ecstacy, and his eyepatch fell loose, falling off to reveal his scarred right eye. It was almost fully sealed, and the skin on and around his eyelids was a pale, milky white, like the scars on his face. He groaned and writhed, his cock shooting pre up in small arcs that splatted against his chest, mixing with Roxys' pre and running down his toned chest. The tongue on his cock, the rod of flesh in his ass, Lars had never felt so good.

He cried out as his swollen balls slapped against his taint, a small ring hanging off of the skin between his ass and his balls. Upon seeing Roxy so happy and the hidden ring in Lars, Loki was losing it. He moaned in wild abandon, practically a howl as his precum started spraying into Lars' ass, spreading such warmth into him. Loki was quite close to the edge but he didn't stop jerking off Roxy, working the Skag up as much as he was working on Lars. Sweat beaded across Loki's face and chest, his body shaking with the force of the thrusts. Lars could feel his climax rushing, but he held it back, wanting to prolong this amazing feeling as much as he could. Roxy wasn't so well mannered, though, and howled as thick, off-white skag seed sprayed over Lars, coating his master in the pungent cum. It ran down Lars' sides and pooled in his naval, coating his upper body and face.

The smell was strong and overpowering, and Roxy whimpered as he rode out his orgasm, the shack quickly smelling like sex and skag. That smell, those sounds, Lars' moans and breaths... Loki felt like he'd lost it, he wanted to soak in that smell, to embody it. He fucked Lars for all he was worth, nearly bending the boy in half with a few powerful thrusts before at long last Loki howled, tipping his head to the roof of the shack as his body shook, his thick hot cum flowing into Lars deeply. Lars howled as well, his own seed spraying over his body, hitting his hair and running down his body. His stomach swelled slightly as he felt Lokis' cum fill him, and he growled as he got up, grabbing the treasure hunters' shoulder and kissing him hotly, sweat and cum running down the feral youths' body and pooling into his bed.

"Oh god Loki, stay with me, please!" Lars begged.

"We'll stay together, I promise..." Loki murmured. He gently let Lars' legs down and moved around, rolling Lars onto his side, Loki sliding along the boy's back without ever leaving his ass. The fortune hunter slid his arms around Lars to hold him close, giving his soaked cock a nice, long stroke before cuddling against him.

Lars held onto Loki tightly, mumbling before he fell asleep, his exhausted and scarred body resting against Loki. Roxy panted happily and curled up at the foot of the bed, licking his cock as it slipped back into his sheath.

** Borderlands: Dawn in Skag Gully**

Co-writen by Leo_Todrius and Nyan-ko

Early morning in Skag Gully was quiet and calm as always. Even the wind had not yet risen from its slumber, the air turbines of the Arid badlands laying silent. The gully was filled with long shadows and a rich violet light that almost seemed pink, the earliest vestiges of daylight. Despite the limited breezes the shock of red from the bladeflower plants swayed ever so softly. To the trained ear the earliest stirrings of morning life echoed through the gully, the countless skags waking up for the day. Lars snapped up in his bed, pulling his fur blanket tight around him. Sweat soaked his body, and his long ebony hair clung to his body. He was about to reach for his magnum, and then he remembered it was just a dream. He shook his head and shifted slightly, feeling something cold and slimy running down his thigh. He looked over at Loki, fast asleep next to him, and smiled gently, leaning down to kiss the treasure hunters' cheek softly, a soft pink blush on his hardened cheeks. He got up and left the blankets behind. His thick softie rested on his thighs, and he could feel a familiar urge in his bladder. Roxy grunted a bit and shifted, laying half on Loki. Lars stepped out, looking around the dimly lit cave and relaxing, an amber stream running out of his pierced cock and arcing in the cave before splashing to the ground. After emptying his bladder, Lars stepped back into his shack and sat on the edge of the bed, watching Loki sleep.

Long minutes seemed to pass in the silence but Loki seemed to smile gently despite it all, seeming quite at home in the shack in the cave. With Lars out of the bed though Roxy's body spent several minutes sliding ever so slowly down one side before the Skag pushed unevenly on Loki's chest. He murmured, eyes opening slowly. He blinked as if confused but then he remembered it wasn't a dream, it had actually happened. His brown hair and beard were mussed up from bed, making him quite the sight. Loki blinked again, looking to the end of the bed.

"Lars... Good morning." he murmured gently.

Lars smiled gently, a gentle look in his good eye. Through his scar, the milky blue of his eye could be seen. "Morning." He said, crawling back into the bed and facing Loki. The youth was nose-to-nose with Loki, and he could smell the sex on their bodies still. "So...I take it you like it here?" Lars said quietly, worried that Loki would just leave him like everyone else had. Lars' nightmare came back to him, and he lowered his eyes a bit.

"More than I ever thought... And if I'm not going to wake up skag chow then I doubt I could think of a better place to set up camp... It's out of the way, no bandits in these parts anymore..." Loki said, "Although... I don't think I'll be a very good home body, I'll still want to go out and look for treasure or fame or fortune or just something to do but... you could come with me, and then we could come back here." Loki offered gently. Lars' eye lit up when Loki said that he wanted to stay with him, but it dulled softly when he mentioned leaving the valley. "You mean...leave the valley?" Lars looked away from Loki, apprehension in his sky blue eye.

"I...I don't like going outside the gully. There are rumors elsewhere of a madman that is half-skag, half-man, and well, it's easy for them to pick me out because of how skags act around me..." Lars got up and turned away from Loki, sighing softly. "It's safe here...the things I love can't be harmed in the valley anymore, not since Nine-Toes and his men were dealt with..." Loki saw the worry and sadness in Lars' eyes.

"No one looks twice at fortune hunters... They even pay them less attention after the Vault turned out to be some sort of strange hoax... We're all weird. There was this one guy that served two tours of duty on Prometheus, the planet that revolutionized humanity... and then he came here, to Pandora of all places! And there are other fortune hunters that are good with animals..." Loki said softly, taking a breath, "But I won't make you come with me if you don't want to... and I do promise that I'll come back." Lars turned to face Loki again, and stared at him gently.

"I...I don't want to be alone...ever...I...I just met you last night but...I don't want to leave you, ever Loki..." Lars leaned in and gripped Lokis' arm softly. Underneath the scarred and battle-hardened body, Lars was still a scared child, and he wanted someone to take care of him like the people in the settlement did before they were killed. "I...I'll go with you Loki...I can't bear to be alone again, and the though of losing you..." Loki pulled Lars to him, rubbing his arms over Lars' back. Loki had to admit, as strange as it was... Lars felt right in his arms... Not to mention that having such a fearsome looking cohort made him feel even more prideful. Loki nuzzled agaisnt Lars, keeping him tight in his arms for a long while.

"Hey, if we're together there isn't anything we couldn't do... And since we'll always come back here we'll be safe, and if it ever gets too rough for us we'll just hole up here and not head out. Alright?" Loki asked. Lars looked up at Loki, and tears were falling from his eye. Loki felt so right, holding Lars in such a gentle way. It was something a skag could never do, and Lars was more grateful than anything that Loki had crashed into his life. He nodded gently and leaned up, kissing Loki softly, tenderly, his rough lips brushing against Lokis' in an intimate gesture of love and trust. Loki smiled despite the kiss, wrapping his arms around Lars, leaning back on the bed to pull the youthful skag tamer on top of him. Loki slid his tongue into Lars' mouth, sliding it around playfully as they embraced.

Lars let out a soft groan, letting Loki explore his mouth with his tongue. Despite how great it felt, Lars wished that Lokis' tongue was longer, slimier...He pushed the thought of his head and reminded himself that Loki wasn't a skag, and cared about Lars more than any skag could. In Loki's arm, Lars felt safe and warm and secure. He broke the kiss and panted softly, tongue hanging out of his mouth slightly. "But we'll never get out if we keep this up." He chuckled a bit and nuzzled Loki, trying to keep his semi-hard cock from getting any harder.

"I suppose our first stop would be to pick up my gear that got dumped. Those Vladof repeaters were hard to come by... and such a nice shade of orange... Once we get back out of the Gully we can pick up a Runner outside of Fyrestone, go for a nice drive." Loki offered, reaching up to caress Lars' cheek, thumb caressing the soft flesh. Lars smiled and nodded gently, blushing at the tender hand on his cheek.

"My skags can help you find them. I'll grab your clothes." Lars got off the bed and leaned over, making sure that his round ass waved in Lokis' eyesight. The skag trainer smirked at the teasing show he was giving, his plump balls hanging low between his legs. He picked up Lokis' things and got up, turning with a smile and a soft flush on his cheeks. "Here." He said softly, handing Loki his clothing. Loki gazed at Lars with a long lusty grin.

"Are... you sure we should get going?" Loki murmured, licking his lips, his cock half hard at the show. Lars blushed, his cock stiffening more.

"Err...I...we can leave later in the day. It's still only dawn." Lars smiled and crawled onto the bed, his prince albert poking Lokis' cock gently, the bead on it running up his length. Lars leaned forward slowly, kissing Loki softly, a rough hand resting on the treasure hunters' thigh. He squeezed it affirmingly, and flicked his tongue against Lokis' lips gently, his hardening cock sliding up his chest.

Loki once again was overcome with how big Lars had grown. He was a true man... and yet Lars wanted to be HIS man... Loki's cock soon sprung to full attention. The bearded fortune hunter moved his hand to curl around Lars' large shaft, starting to thrust up and down, squeezing it gently, thumb smearing his juices over the tip. Loki once again couldn't get the image of the Skags having their way with Lars out of his mind but it almost seemed to turn him on more. The skags were so animal, so verile... He'd respected them as an enemy, but now they were a friend... Possibly more if Lars was any indication.

Lars groaned softly, his cock drooling out pre quickly as his long, thick shaft quickly became drenched in the slimy fluid. Roxy looked up at the two, having finally woke up. He saw the situation and became instantly hard, his thick, bulging cock sprining fully out of his sheath. He hopped onto the bed and flicked his long tongue out, wrapping it around Lokis' cock and squeezing softly, the whip-like appendage going around Lokis' cock from base to tip. The narrow tip of Roxys' tongue massaged Lokis' head, Lokis' cock quickly becoming covered in slimy skag spit.

"What the... the... Oh..." Loki muttered, eyes going from shock to heaven as he surrendered to the sensation. He moaned and started panting, thrusting against that whip of a tongue despite not accomplishing anything. His own precum started leaking across the Skag's tongue, titilating his taste buds. Loki looked to Lars before pushing him onto his back, leaning down. Soon Lars felt Loki's wide human tongue slathering up his length, circling the piercing in the tip before Loki's lips began to part to take more of the shaft in.

Lars let out a soft moan, his cock spurting spre onto Lokis' lips. He spread his thighs wide, his cock drooling into the treasure hunters' mouth. Roxys' tongue found Lokis' slit, and he pushed the tip of his whip-like appendage into it slightly, Skag drool running through Lokis' urethra. The tongue was velvety soft, obviously it had been groomed for this sort of thing. Lars, meanwhile, was gripping the sheets as his heavy balls churned, cum sloshing inside of them. Loki felt as if his body was on fire with a lust unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Even the night prior didn't feel as intense and they had just started. Loki moaned deeply before he began slurping and sucking, taking inch after inch of Lar's cock into his mouth, tongue sliding all over it, playing with the piercing and the slit before massaging underneath. Loki's cock pulsed in time with his heart, the sensation quite clear on Roxy's tongue. Loki was starting to writhe, the Skag able to pick up his weak human pharamones.

Roxy pushed his tongue in deeper, feeding skag spit straight into his balls. The saliva had an effect on Lokis' balls, and they swelled outwards a bit, the saliva mixing with his cum, making it more potent. Roxy was humping at air, and Lars reached for the thick cock. He squeezed it softly and played with the tip, running it along his hand as the skag drooled. Thick, potent spit fell on Lars' face and he groaned, slurping it up greedily as his cock throbbed in Lokis' mouth.

Loki was shuddering gently, almost feeling drunk with the lust, swaying gently. His shaft felt as if it was working in the wrong direction, taking saliva and even a skag tongue down deeper inside him... but he felt so horny, hornier than any time in his whole life. His cock ached with how hard it was and he felt so very full. Loki moaned hard around Lars' cock, vibrations moving down the sensitive shaft... the huge sensitive shaft. Loki's head moved up and down so quick but finally it dove down tight against Lars' groin, Loki's face nuzzled the flesh there, Lars' large cock sloping into the back of Loki's throat. The three were certainly the epitome of pleasures of the flesh.

Lars cried out, gripping the sheets as his cock pulsed hard, a shot of cum hitting Lokis' throat and sliding downwards. Roxy growled and humped his masters hand, pre spurting onto his face. The skag worked his tongue in and out of Lokis' cock, pulling out and rubbing against the swollen shaft. Loki's cock felt so used, so full, so hard, so rough, so loose... and he hadn't even cum yet... but he was getting pretty close. Loki sucked Lars' cock for all it was worth as he shuddered. Loki knew he had to fuck something although for a brief moment he wasn't sure whether to go for Lars' ass, his mouth, or even turn his attentions to Roxy. He just needed to fuck so bad. Lars pulled his cock out of Lokis' mouth, and slid downwards. Roxy slipped his tongue off of Lokis' cock, and Lars pushed it into his loose hole, the cum from last night working as excellent lube. He groaned loudly as he worked that huge cock into him, feeling so full and wanted. He locked lips with Loki, rubbing his tongue against the treasure hunter as he based him.

Loki let out almost a growl of pleasure as he started thrusting wildly into Lars, sliding back and forth, deeper and deeper. He moaned hard, moving to kiss and suck at Lars' neck. It was such a unique sensation, two human lips sucking on the flesh, even bringing blood to the surface as Loki marked his lover. Lars moaned loudert and loader, his body writhing against Lokis'. Roxy ran out and howled, several skag running off with him as they felt the primal urge to hunt. All around the lovers, the howling of skags could be heard as they ran out of the cave, eager to feed. "Hear that? My-my pets are off..." Lars let out a loud yip of pleasure as his prostate was rammed by Lokis' cock. His neck felt gloriously sensitive, and a dark red mark graced the flesh where Loki sucked at. Lars kissed the fortune hunter passionately, almost forgetting he was human as the insatiable need to be one with his mate overtook his mind. Lars belonged to Loki, and that's how it is, how it should have been, and how it always should be.

Loki rammed that prostate over and over again, kissing Lars with more intimacy than he had shown in his life... His arms moved to hold Lars as Loki thrust particularly deep, grinding against the prostate. Loki started to grind, staying dep in Lars, doing anything to stimulate him more. Loki moaned and cooed into his lover's lips, feeling his orgasm coming ever closer. Lars groaned softly. Words could not describe the pleasure that he was feeling. Lars felt whole, like a part of his life had suddenly snapped into place, and it should always have been like this. Just him, Loki and the skags. Lars' insides tightened around Lokis' cock as he came for the second time that day, his seed spraying over his chest, sweat mixing with the hot seed.

"I...I love you..." Lars blurted out, bright red from exertion and emberassment.

"Oh Lars, I Loaaaah!" Loki shuddered and moaned as his cock pulsed deep in his lover, a hot rush flood of thick potent cum pouring into Lars, warming him from the inside. Loki panted hard before finally regaining enough capacity to talk, "I love you so much..." He muttered, laying his head against Lars' shoulder. Lars arched his back, groaning as his stomach stretched slightly, the warm cum filling him up. He kissed Loki softly, nuzzling him gently.

"We should get cleaned up..." Lars Giggled. It had been years since he had done that. There was no room for levity in the wastelands. But here, in his valley, with the one person on Pandora he loved, Lars could feel that levity return. He smiled gently, holding Loki tightly, "Please...don't ever leave me..." He said in a choked whisper, kissing his lovers forehead softly.

"Why would I ever leave you? I finally found a home." Loki murmured gently with love in his voice and his eyes as he smiled to Lars with such love.

** Borderlands - Incident in the Dahl Headlands**

Co-written by Leo_Todrius and Nyan-ko

Once more dusk had crossed Pandora, the cool wind refreshing on Loki as he drove his new outrunner along the Arid Badlands, the sky such a rich purple. Loki almost felt as if he was back to his old self... Dressed to kill, literally, and riding a tricked out runner... But so much had changed for the fortune hunter. He had a home now on Pandora, some place to go back to... And he had a love. Lars had actually come with him to adventure. Loki hadn't planned such a fitting adventure but one had fallen into his laps, a bounty board mission about an illegal Skag fighting ring in the Dahl Headlands. Given his new respect for Skags Loki simply couldn't let that go... As unruly as life was on Pandora, the only reason to kill was for self defense or the defensive of others. Gambling wasn't in the headlines. Loki gave Lars a gentle grin. In the distance came the pulsing lights of the pylons marking the end to the Arid Badlands, the Dahl headlands just ahead. Lars smiled at his lover, pushing his unruly raven hair out of his face.

"I've never left the badlands you know..." Lars said nervously, snaking his hand into Loki's for assurance. The Skag tamer was wearing his usual leather paldron and short kilt, a leather thong on underneath it, and rough combat boots. Lars didn't like being this far from his Skags, but he knew that the Alpha's would take care of his children. Lars sighed again, looking out of the window. "What are the headlands like?" He finally asked, his free hand resting on his revolver.

"Well... Wide open, even wider than the badlands... There used to be a creature called Skagzilla... he made the alphas look like pups. There are more runners... A race track... A power station... It's a bit more lived in than the badlands." Loki said. The gate opened for them and they moved past the barrier and hills. Just on the other side of the gate was a small outpost running up onto a hill to the left but Loki bypassed it, heading right out into the wilderness. In the distance Lars could see more settlements, a few vehicle jumps, pipes. Along the horizon a column of purple light rose into the heavens, spilling out into a swirling mass in the atmosphere. Loki turned, heading to the coordinates they had been given for their mission, "Do you think we should try going in under cover or as we are?" Loki asked.

"Ohhh...shame that it only used to live here..." He thought about how truly glorious this Skagzilla must have been, and almost shed a tear for the fallen Skag. "We should try and sneak in, not raise too much attention. If it's more lived in, then that must mean more bandits, so we should hijack one of their vehicles and clothing. Get as close as we can before we tear their little fighting ring apart." As Lars said this, cold malice creeped into his normally soft voice. The thought of his brethren being used as cheap amusement infuriated, and it was the reason he was so eager to break up the Skag fighting ring.

"I actually have two masks in my pack... and some ungodly chaps... and some extra spike things. Never knew when they would come in handy. Not sure if my hair is right but we can say we're from out of town, the trash coast or something far away." Loki said, knowing this was hard for Lars. He hoped he could keep his mind off of it at least partially. Loki spotted their destination... A fence cordoned off a cave, a raised platform running to it. It had once been the home of Skagzilla, repurposed into something else. Lights had been put around the perimeter and a smaller fence had been set up inside to separate the spectators from the Skags. Loki pulled off behind a rock outcropping so they could get themselves ready. Lars nodded gently, and shook his head clear. He couldn't let this become personal, but it was so hard to not do...He sighed and stepped out of the vehicle, stretching and tugging off his pauldron and kilt, leaving them in the outrunner. He stood in his thong, pierced nipples glinting in the dusk light, and leaned into the vehicle.

"Can you pass me the chaps hun?" He asked, raven hair hanging over his face. Loki dug through his pack before pulling the chaps out. He moved over up behind Lars, pressing his groin to his lover's ass, rubbing just a bit before he kissed his shoulders, leaving the chaps. Loki moved over and started to change as well, keeping the leather guard but not the under shirt, exposing a lot of his own skin. After all, bandits often showed a lot of skin. Loki turned to watch Lars dress. Lars let out a soft groan and rubbed up against Loki's crotch. "Mmm....after the mission babe..." He said, trying to hide the fact his cock was now semi-hard. He bent over, his plump, round ass exposed as he tugged the chaps on. Turns out they were assless, but Lars didn't mind, and just smiled at Loki, re-holstering his revolver. He looked at the beautiful form of Loki and smiled. " do I look?" He asked sheepishly, his bare ass cool in the air.

"Like I'll have to fend everyone off from taking my hot lover." Loki smirked, "I think some of these piercings are Maliwan self piercers... I cleaned them off but I never bothered to try them out. Think it'd be worth an extra minute to have you put them on me for credibility?" Loki asked, "Or should we just get in?" Lars smiled and stepped forward, kissing Loki gently.

"Just sit back and let me take care of making you look badass. Where do you want them?" He asked, resting a rough hand on Loki's chest and leading him to sit on the hood of the outlander. He nibbled at Loki's neck softly, rubbing his chest as he did so.

"You're the piercing expert... What's sexiest?" Loki asked, grinning. Lars smiled and tweaked at Loki's nipples, rubbing them until they became hard and erect.

"I've always liked nipple piercings..." He said softly, kissing the perk nubs as he took one of the rings out, positioning the needle behind Loki's nubs, close to the chest. "Okay, take a deep breath..." He said quietly, sliding the needle through quickly and pulling the ring through the hole. In seconds, Loki had both his nipples pierced, and they were now puffy and stood out deliciously. "Mmm....looks awesome." Lars murred to himself, flicking one of the new rings. Loki moaned, eyes closing. Maliwan made some great products and this was one of them, the ring much heavier than people started with naturally. Loki gave Lars a kiss, offering up his other nipple excitedly. It was easy to see he was getting quite hard but Loki was a professional, he'd be able to get to the task at hand. Lars slid up, kissing Loki gently as he rubbed his ears. "Let's do something about this, huh?" He asked rhetorically, pushing another needle through the top of Loki's ear, giving him a helix piercing. He rubbed at Loki's clothed bulge, slipping down. "Want a souvenir here as well?" He asked, kissing the bulging crotch.

"As much as I know that'll come into play... Maybe after the mission, then I can fuck you with it." Loki whispered. He reached into his back and pulled out one of the masks, slipping it on. After a moment the blue lights snapped on in the eyes, air passing through the filter over the mouth. Loki pulled out a bottle of gel and poured it onto his hand, working it into his dark hair. With a bit of effort he worked it up into a fauhawk around the strap, "How do I look?" Loki asked through the mask. Lars hid a Giggle and kissed the mask.

"Like a proper bandit." He said, simply tying his unruly hair back. He reached in and grabbed a mask, putting it on. "Alright, let's go!" He said, his voice slightly metallic from the mask. Loki tried out a bit of a strut, heading along towards the entrance. He had plenty of money to flash around to win over the hearts of the gamblers but the end result one way or another was likely going to be the same. Few would be walking out of the den of animal cruelty. Loki moved up to the door where a bruiser stood, ready to show anyone away that shouldn't have been there. Lars followed his lover, trying to emulate his Swagger. The smaller male tried to keep his hand off of his revolver, to look like he was a real bandit. It was hard, and all the while, Lars could only think of the poor Skags being used by the bandits inside. He gritted his teeth behind the mask and strode up with Loki, the blue eyes of his mask hiding his own. "We're here for a show." He said gruffly, self-hate boiling inside of him for just saying that.

"Cover charge?" The brusier grunted. Loki pulled out a wad of cash and stuffed it into the Bruiser's hands before entering. The place had been turned into a real shrine to the illegal sport. Pictures were hung of Skagzilla in his prime. Merchants were selling stolen arms to the bandits, vending machines had been broken open to get at the materializers. Bandits of all colors and creeds moved about but it seemed that the 'show' had not yet started. From the cave at the far end of the clearing came a man with real swagger. He was tall, at least six feet tall. The eyes on his mask were a very unusual purple. His orange prisoner pants had been dyed reddish brown, the color of dried blood.

"Are you all ready for the games... to begin?!" he called out, his voice echoing through speakers. A cheer broke out from the audience, Loki and Lars one of the few that didn't call out, "Now you might be askin' yurself... Why such a hefty fee to get in? Well, this ain't any ordinary show... no, no!" The bandit called out, chuckling. Lars hissed quietly at the man, grabbing Loki's hand hard and squeezing, quelling his rage. He was thankful for the mask, for it muffled his growls to an almost inaudible level, and his rage-contorted face. He whispered to Loki with a barely contained anger.

"We're getting those Skags out." And nodded a bit, keeping his free hand off of his revolver for the time being. 'I wonder what he means by ain't no ordinary show...' Lars mused.

"Anyone can have a Skag fight, sure it's good for a bit of a riot... But life is cheap and cheap don't last." the announcer said, "So we went to the stock exchange for life and death, Jacobs cove!" He bellowed. Loki's body went stiff. Jacob's Cove had been put under heavy quarantine. Stories of strange creatures and the dead walking and even trees had come out of that place. The announcer lifted up in his hand numerous objects that looked like insta-health vials, but instead of the usual colors the capsules were a deep, sickly green color. Even the cases seemed a bit different, the metal imprinted with the wood grain that Jacob's was famous for, "These Skags are special Skags now babies and gentlemen, the most elite of the elite..." he said, stepping to the side. Out of the cave strutted a huge Skag, larger than any Lars had ever seen before although not quite as big as Skagzilla had once been. The spikes jutting out of its back were extra long and sharp, it's claws longer. The armor on its head and back were a rare black and its skin was an unusual color, almost purple. Dark saliva dripped from its maw as it moved, eyes glimmering with hints of blue. Lars looked at the Skag with big eyes.

"Wh...what have they done to you..." He said softly, gripping Loki's hand tightly. It was monstrous...unnatural. No Skag should look like that. Lars could feel the pain that it must have gone through wash over him, and he felt his knees go weak.

"And today's competition..." The announcer added. A smaller Skag moved out, boasting a similar build although he seemed to be colored in red and orange hues. The announcer moved over, bringing the injector to the new Skag. It shuddered, putting its legs wide. What came next was a surprise to Lars, a pleasured moan from the Skag. The rest of the bandits couldn't make out the noise but he could. It's muscles bulged, its claws lengthened, its eyes gleamed brighter. The purple Skag started growling, digging at the ground. It was as if it was jealous of the attention the other was receiving. Lars blinked, and leaned in to Loki.

"They seem to enjoy whatever is happening to them..." He said quietly, wondering what exactly they were injecting into the Skag. He gulped and looked at Loki, waiting for the signal to move. Loki gave a gentle nod to Lars before heading away from him, moving to the unattended arms shop. He pulled out a few timed grenades and dropped them behind the counter. He'd already taken the liberty of programming some transfusion grenades to recognize not only Lars and himself but also any Skag species as ally. Lars slipped through the crowd, getting as close as he could to the announcer. He rested his hand on the butt of his revolver, clicking the hammer back slowly. He looked at Loki and nodded gently, not taking his eyes off of his lover. Loki gave a nod and suddenly an explosion ripped through the arms, making them inaccessible. The transfusion grenades went off, white energy swirling through the crowd, grunts and screams coming out as people dropped. The energy moved into Lars, Loki and the Skags, making them feel alive and fully of health.

Lars pulled his revolver out and shot a round right into the announcers head, killing him instantly as the vials clattered to the ground, not breaking. He emptied the revolver into the crowd, reloading quickly as he tossed a grenade into the crowd, the explosive device landing right next to the entrance, exploding loudly as the entrance was sealed off temporarily be debris. Bullets started heading in all directions as Bandits got out their own weapons. A bullet hit Loki in the leg and Lars in the shoulder but their shields glimmered at the spot of impact, keeping them uninjured. One of the bruisers collected the fallen vials from Jacob's cove, running at the attackers with a roar. Lars leaped back, but couldn't avoid the bruiser jammed a needle into the Skag trainer's leg, he shouted loudly and emptied his clip into the bruiser's face, but not before he managed to jam another needle into Loki's thigh. Lars finished up the remaining bandits and ran to his lover.

"Are you alright!" He shouted loudly, grabbing Loki gently. Loki emptied his clips, knocking down the rest of the bandits. Suddenly a wave of heat and tingling moved up Lars' leg, his heart starting to race faster and faster, his chest starting to pound. Loki cried out in surprise, falling to his knees.

"Crap... We weren't careful enough..." Loki muttered, cursing the shields for letting needles through even though it was the only way for insta-health's to be delivered. Lars shook Loki.

"Baby, what's wrong?!" He asked, as he said this, Loki could feel a heat travelling up his back, then down his chest, the warmth flooding his body as his back tingled, his skin darkening slightly.

"I think we might be the big show now..." Loki muttered. The two Skags in the arena had hopped over the fence, sniffing at all the dead bandits, "Sorry... I was kind of sloppy this time..." Loki said, groaning. Lars' heart was almost pounding painfully in his chest. Soon Lars' mouth felt different, his saliva coming faster, much more quickly. The skin on his back was feeling a bit tougher. Lars swallowed down some of the saliva, it felt warm. His mouth felt very hot, and he let his tongue hang out. Loki's skin continued to darken, becoming rougher as a new organ grew inside of Loki's body, connecting to his esophagus and a thick, potent syrup ran up it, flooding his mouth. Lars clutched at his chest, falling back as Loki's skin on his back ripped, small spikes pushing out of the hardening skin.

Loki moaned and groaned, panting inside the mask before the speaker shorted out. Soon the air filter started dissolving, the mask cracked and fell off of Loki's face. He fell onto his side, writhing as the spikes emerged from his back. Lars meanwhile was experiencing changes of his own. Growing spines started to emerge from his back as well, curving slightly. Lars' fingers and toes ached as the nails grew thicker, darker, curling, growing sharper. His body felt as if it was on fire, and yet... it felt oh so right. Soon Lars' thong started to groan, the leather getting pushed to its limit. An amazingly strong sensation started spreading through Lars' cock, likely the same one that had made the Skags moan so wildly.

Lars moaned and humped his pants, falling to his knees and clutching at his sides. He tossed the mask off and let his tongue hang free, hot saliva running down his face and chin. The spikes on Loki's back grew longer and thicker, the skin of his back hardening to an armor-like carapace. Ridges on his shoulders stuck out as his skin hardened more, a strong pulsing beating through his crotch as his balls and cock swelled outwards and upwards, thick skin forming over his glans as his cock began to change inside, dull barbs forming on the glans as it tapered out, sliding out of his sheath and making his pants groan. Loki let out a wild roar of pleasure as he used his newly grown claws to shred his clothing, letting it fall from him. Lars looked over to see Loki on his hands and knees, the back of a Skag, the claws of a Skag... The treasure hunter had a thick sheath, huge balls and now a cock becoming more Skag by the minute was sliding out of it, soaked in his slimy bodily juices. Loki opened his mouth, his tongue having gained several inches.

Lars soon felt more changes sweeping him as his thong burst, his own sheath exposed. It was huge, going up to his navel and as his transforming cock slid out it stretched even further, barbs dotting around the head of the glans. In Lars' mouth more barbs formed behind his sharpened teeth. Lars felt that heat inside of him coming to the brim before a ring of flame moved out from his body, catching scraps of paper and debris on fire. Lars roared as his body lit on fire, burning every scrap of clothing off of him. Loki's body pumped up as muscled grew under the hardened skin, his cock reaching three feet and stopping, a thick knot at his base and his cock bright red and leaking precum. Lars crawled over to his lover, and he suckled on the tongue, his long hair falling down his spiked back in a wild mane.

"You look...glorious..." Lars cooed, nuzzling his transforming lover. Loki said nothing but clawed hands grabbed Lars' head as Loki pushed their lips together. A huge torrent of thick, sweet syrup filed Lars' mouth suddenly, forcing down into his stomach. Lars suddenly felt as if he was floating above the world, wrapped up in love. His body however seemed to react quite differently. Lars' cock started dripping; his nipples grew so very hard... Lars, like Loki had grown a gigantic Skag cock, the pierced ring seeming almost miniscule in the pointed, barbed shaft. Loki broke the kiss, green goo dripping down both of their faces, collecting in Loki's beard. Loki reached up, running a clawed hand through Lars' mane, admiring it. Lars blinked as Loki's eyes became feral, and he slurped up more of the delicious syrup, moaning as his massive cock drooled pre. He frowned and undid his prince albert, tossing it aside.

"I'll need a bigger gauge now." He said teasingly, holding Loki lovingly as their cocks rubbed together, the barbs tugging on each other. Lars rubbed his hard nipples, and squeezed them, murring loudly. He looked his lover over, and raised his body temperature; the air steaming as Lars kissed Loki passionately, rubbing those wicked spikes.

"Oh yeah, that's it... Oh yes!" Loki hissed, trying not to drool uncontrollably. He turned his head to look at Lars, grinning with such lust before a long, Skag whip tongue emerged from Loki's mouth, pushing into Lars'. Loki growled happily, turned on more than he had ever been in his life. The mutated Skags in the Arena were soon moaning as well, putting their differences aside by mounting each other. Loki and Lars could soon smell the Skag scent, the lust and sex... and realized they were making the very same scents now.

Lars looked at his body, and then groaned, sucking on that whip-like tongue, wrapping his own around it as he rubbed his hole against Loki's massive cock, moaning as a clear, slick fluid leaked out of his hole, drooling down Loki's cock and greasing it up. Loki gave such a devious grin, so turned on. He kissed Lars again, flooding his mouth with sweet pleasure inducing sticky gooey saliva once more, hoping if he flooded Lars with it that his lover would be even more goo filled. Loki raked his claws over Lars' toughened skin as they kissed. Loki knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for long. Lars swallowed down the goo, his stomach bulging out slightly from the contents being added to it. He wrapped his scaley arms around Loki and ground down on his tip, slipping it into his gaping and slick hole, still not wide enough to take it fully.

"Looks'll have to loosen me up some more..." Lars groaned, licking his slimy tongue up and down Loki's chest.

"Or just assert my dominance..." Loki said, grinning a wicked grin. He moaned hard, turned on so much by Lars' temporarily bulged belly. He shuddered and moaned, spraying thick precum into Lars' ass. It almost felt cool compared to his own body. Loki started gyrating his hips, trying to wedge deeper and deeper into his lover, the sensations so much stronger than they had ever been... Having a Skag cock was truly a blessing. Lars moaned as the preseed heated inside of him, almost boiling as his stomach puffed out more. Lars ground his hips down, taking Loki up to the knot. He ground his soft lips against that glorious knot. He slid his tongue down Loki's throat, saliva oozing down it into his lover's body.

Loki let out a surprising animalistic hiss before swallowing Lars' tongue deep, Lars feeling it start to tingle inside of Loki. Loki's clawed hands grabbed Lars' hips and soon he was starting to thrust in and out of Lars, his long shaft picking up speed, the thrusts growing ever wilder. Loki was in heaven. Suddenly a huge, rough tongue wrapped around Lars' cock and a low level electric charge entered it, tingling the flesh, setting off all his nerves. The purple Skag was drooling messily, eyes buzzing with electricity. Lars shrieked as the electricity ran through him, making him spray copious amounts of thick seed all over the two. It got in their hair, on their chests, their face, their arms. His cock sputtered and spewed forth cum almost too hot to touch, but it left a tingling sensation on the pair as Lars slammed down, forcing the thick knot into his ass, stretched to his limits, and squealed again. The red Skag bounded over, noticing his friend had found more Skags to play with. Loki grunted as Lars and he had their torsos pushed apart, the red Skag crawling between them above where Loki was locked into Lars' ass. Soon a dripping burning hot orange cock was pushing at Lars' lips, the scent and flavor spicy and alluring.

Lars murred and swallowed the red hot cock greedily, forcing his mouth wide open as he suckled on the cock, sliding his tongue deep down the Skag's piss-slit and massaging his insides. He growled as he forced the Skag on his lap down on his large cock, the orange Skag screeching as he was speared by it. Lars rutted with Loki roughly, growling as he swallowed more of the cock in his mouth, taking the knot into his throat. Soon Lars was being filled in both ends with delicious sticky cum and his muscles bulged gently, his spike stretching just a bit more. His body seemed to be throbbing with this unholy mixture of science and life... But Loki certainly wasn't complaining, clinging to his lover and the red interloper before he was offered a purple cock to suck down, eagerly doing so. Lars groaned as his stomach swelled more, looking like he was pregnant now as his distended belly sloshed with seed. He came hard into the Skag, groaning as the purple cock in Loki's mouth sputtered thick ropes of seed down his throat, making his own muscles bulge more, gain more definition. Lars pulled the cock out of his mouth, cum drooling down his chin, and pushed the Skag aside, sliding his whip-like tongue into the purple Skag's rear, working his prostate roughly.

As Lars' tongue moved around he soon realized these mutant Skags had multiple prostates, each sensitive. The purple Skag let out a roar echoing into the hills at the pleasure Lars gave him, force feeding Loki an incredible amount of cum he gulped down, grunting as his muscles ached and throbbed, swelling larger. Lars groaned, rubbing each prostate roughly, milking more seed as Loki swelled underneath him, becoming a hulking, beautiful mix of man and Skag, his cock swelling larger in Lars' abused hole. Lars himself was starting to look like a proper bitch in heat, his stomach swollen with thick cum , and he groaned loudly, his coarse hair rubbing his back. Loki howled around the purple cock, his shoulders growing somewhat disproportionately wide, making him look as though he'd be deadly on his feet or on all fours equally. The orange Skag had laid down by Lars' side, exhausted by the long day while the purple Skag was still quite involved in multiple ends of fun with its' saviors.

Lars pulled his tongue out of the purple Skag's ass, and replaced it with his cock, humping up hard as his cock leaked thick seed inside of him. Lars' belly kept filling with cum, and his stomach was now disproportionately large. The smaller Skag-hybrid growled contentedly, milking his lover for all the cum he was worth. It seemed as though every single little detail about Lars made Loki cum even harder, combined with Loki making himself cum as he realized how wonderful his body was. They had become monsters... amazing, blessed monsters. Loki was sure if he had felt that much pleasure without the changes he would have died hours ago. A clawed hand gently caressed Lars' bloated stomach, feeling so proud. Lars smiled at his lover, and kissed his sweaty cheek.

"I feel amazing Loki..." Lars murmured, pulling the Skag off of his cock with a wet plop, kissing Loki tenderly, his bloated stomach pressed against his lover as continued to swell, hanging low over his waist, his cock almost disappearing under the girth.

"I think... we can go back to Skag Gully now as kings..." Loki murmured, kissing Lars so deeply, sucking on his lips. Lars simply nodded, rubbing his swollen gut lovingly.

"Yes...we'll feed our subjects the mixture inside of me...and they'll become ours fully...we can spread this glorious mutation across Pandora, maybe the whole galaxy, know knows." Lars nuzzled his king, kissing him deeply as he pulled up and off of Loki's cock, the knot plopping wetly out of him. Surprisingly, his gaping ass gave up none of the potent seed in his belly, despite the fact Loki could easily shove his arm up the entrance now. Loki started drooling thick green slime as he debated that very possibility before electing to get up and follow Lars. The two mutant Skags stretched their legs before trotting after obediently. Lars stepped forward, holding his belly gently, using his lover as a crutch for now. He walked forward on tottering feet, before being able to carry his new weight, walking slowly as he wrapped his fingers around Loki's, holding his glorious king lovingly. "Let's go home..." Lars murmured, kissing Loki gently.

Chronicles of a Dog-Lover - Part 2

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Chronicles of a Dog Lover - Extreme Warning

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Green Horizon - 1- Broken Silence

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