Neither One Thing, Nor the Other

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Neither One Thing, Nor the Other

Chapter 2

By William W. Kelso

I woke slowly, taking my time; I was just too comfortable to do otherwise. Comfortable and happy, very happy. I gently nuzzled and licked Squig's snout, she was so very beautiful, my love, my mate. It had all been so very sudden, but so perfect and right. I'd been alone for so long, but never again. She woke up as I 'kissed' her, and with a happy hiss returned my affections. Her green sapphire eyes glowed in the dimness of the burrow like stars, so beautiful.

"Good morning my love." I hissed, and rubbed my snout against hers, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you." She said. She shuddered at how close she had come to a truly horrible and lingering death, if not for him. But her shudder turned to one of pleasure as he kept nuzzling her affectionately, and she remembered how he had fought for her, with total disregard for his own life. Yes, her mate was not only wonderful, but brave. Being what she was she was almost entirely recovered from the effects of the slurgs's poison, and realized she was starving. The battle, poison, and oh-so-wonderful mating had used up a lot of energy.

"I'm hungry, I said, and we'd better check on Leander too. She must wonder what's been going on in here. Of course, if she heard us..."

"If she heard us then I'm sure she knows, Squig said in amusement, I'm afraid we were quite, um, vocal at times. What you did to me..." And she shuddered from the memory of how he'd felt inside of her as she accepted him, and he made her his mate.

Leander was indeed worried, though she felt everything was probably fine. She knew what the two drakes had been doing, and while she felt happy for them as both had been so lonely, still she was a little jealous as well. Now she watched as first the Black Dragon crawled out of the much too small appearing entrance to the den, followed by the slightly smaller Green Dragoness. They both stretched and arched their backs, and shook themselves, and she giggled a little as they kind of looked like scaly dogs.

"Good morning you two, she said, or should I say afternoon? Are you OK Squig, you certainly had a rough time of it.

"In more ways than one." Squig said, and hissed in amusement as her mate dipped his head in the drake version of a blush. "But I've never been better, never." She added as she rubbed Drack's neck affectionately with her snout.

"Well, I for one have been busy, Leander said. Are you hungry?" And indicated a sizeable pile of still flopping fish that lay on the bank, at which sight the drake's hissed appreciatively.

"You are a good fisherman, or fisherwoman." Squig said, impressed. Drack wasn't so thrilled as fish wasn't his favorite food, but still fresh fish was much better than nothing. Squig; whose main diet was fish, quickly boned the fish and she and Drack swallowed the fresh fillets whole and raw, with smacks of satisfaction. Leander had already eaten and enjoyed watching the two drakes eat. They were both her good friends, in fact the only real friends she had.

Drack, though he looked it, was not a true dragon. He was Hugon, or Dragoman, a darkling to be exact. Half human, half dragon, a crossbreed, the result of an unnatural mating between human and drake brought about by dark and twisted magic. But in his drake form he was indistinguishable from a normal dragon, except for his size. Squig was a true drake, but a knucker or swamp-dragon, the runts of the species. Though full grown as well she was slightly smaller than he was. Being a Black Dragon he was built for combat with thick heavy scales, horns & spines, and deadly fangs and claws. She on the other hand was slimmer, her scales much finer, had only two horns, and her fangs were finer and more needle shaped; better for catching fish and smaller game. But while her fangs and claws were deadly, her main defense was her caustic spit which was made up of phlegm and stomach acids, it was thick and sticky, almost impossible to wipe off, and would dissolve even another drake's scales. So despite their relatively small sizes compared to most full grown drakes they were still deadly predators, and more than a match for anything except their larger brethren. But even a full grown drake would hesitate to take on a knucker, one well aimed glob of their caustic spit could easily blind you.

Leander owed much too both drakes, Drack had saved her life at the risk of his own, almost dying in the process. He seemed to have a penchant for rescuing ladies in distress, scaly or otherwise. He was a brave and noble beast, certainly not what one would expect of the average darkling. Squig had been a gracious and kind host, and had saved Drack's life as well. Since Leander's uncle & aunt had been killed in the attack from which Drack had saved her she had lived in the swamp with them, she had nowhere else to go. She knew Drack sometimes took on a more 'human' form and visited towns and associated with humans, but so far she had only seen him in his full drake form. He seemed to prefer it, and she couldn't blame him, he was a beautiful beast.

After they finished eating Squig decided to go for a swim to wash off the last of the dried mucus and poison from the slurg, but Drack wasn't interested. He could swim, but blacks were mountain drakes, and he preferred not to get himself wet if he could avoid it. Rain was one thing, but actually jumping into a large body of water? No thanks. Giving up on convincing him otherwise she dove into a nearby pool and disappeared.

I watched as my mate dove into the water, and then turned my attention back to Leander.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" I hissed.

"Yes, she is. Leander said, I'm happy for you, both of you."

"Thank you, I replied. I certainly never expected this to happen, to find a mate; usually drakes want to have even less to do with me then humans. Present company excluded of course. Leander, I have made up my mind to stay in this form, to stay with Squig and live as a drake. I can be happy like this, and I may never take on my 'human' form again. What of yourself? Have you any plans?"

"Well, not really, Leander mused. I have very little in the way of options I'm afraid. I am more educated then most women, but that may be more of a hindrance then a real help. I hope to maybe find a position on a noble's household, or maybe marry a craftsman or other professional. If worst comes to worst I can always get a job as a barmaid."

"I'm sorry your choices are so limited, I said, and as for being a barmaid, well, I certainly hope not. But you know, maybe I could be of some help there. In the last war with the horde I came to the attention of the Duke, and he might be willing to grant me a favor. If I can arrange a position for you in his household, and not as a scullery maid or drudge, would you be interested? He is a decent man and would not abuse you."

Leander felt her hopes rise, "Yes! She said, that would be wonderful! I can read and write, and also know my numbers; my uncle let me keep his books for him. I would make a good teacher for children, or a scribe. You would really be willing to do that for me?"

"It would be my privilege, I replied, you cared for me when you could have left me to die, introduced me to my mate, and have treated me as an individual rather then something to be despised and hated. You have no idea how much that means to me, so it is the least I can do."

"I would be eternally grateful." Leander said softly.

"Then consider it done! I said, but now, how to go about it? The Duke's estate and castle are quite some distance from here, over the mountains, and while Squig and I could easily fly that distance you cannot; it is a shame humans don't have wings, you don't know what you're missing. Plus you are too heavy for us to carry any distance, so we will have to travel mainly by ground so as to stay with you. You certainly cannot travel alone; it would be dangerous enough for a man, let alone a beautiful woman."

"Well, Leander said, I'm not entirely helpless, but I agree. And do you really think I'm, well, beautiful?"

"Oh yes, I said, don't forget I am half human, so I can appreciate a beautiful woman far more than a true drake. And you are beautiful in more than just your physical form, I can see that too."

"What do you look like, I mean, when you're human?" Leander asked almost shyly.

"You would be disappointed I'm afraid, I replied, I really look more like a large lizard then a human. I can get my facial features close enough that I can pass for a rather ugly man if I wear clothes, but otherwise there is no doubt as to what I am. Usually though I keep my form more reptilian as it's easier that way and I can still fly, that is if I am around those who know my true nature. I'll take on a more human form part of the time while we're traveling."

"What of Squig, Leander asked, it might look, well, rather odd if two humans were seen traveling in the company of a dragoness."

"That's a problem, I must admit, I replied. I haven't asked her if she'd be willing to leave the swamp, it's her home. But understand this, if she won't then I will stay with her as she is my mate, but I will leave long enough to keep my promise to you. But I hope she will agree to move to a warmer and more...hospitable location. Her kind of drake tend to dwell in the great swamps south of here, I was surprised to see one so far north."

"I would hate to separate you two, Leander said, especially since you just had your, um, honeymoon. Do you think she'd be upset if you left for awhile?"

"I certainly hope not", I said. The mere idea of upsetting my mate was something I found disturbing; all I wanted was for her to be happy. And the thought of being away from her; even for a short time, was also disturbing. I knew so long as I was with her I would be happy, nothing else could give me that kind of happiness. Know I finally knew what people meant when they said 'soul mates'. It was so much more than just a physical relationship, but that part was very nice too.

We both looked up as Squig suddenly exited the nearby pool with hardly a ripple she was so graceful. She gave herself a shake, making Leander squeal; and me hiss in amusement, as she was splattered with drops of water.

"Sorry Leander." Squig said, as Drack greeted her with a nuzzle and lick.

"It's OK, Leander giggled, I need a bath anyway!"

"Yes, you do!" I said, I couldn't help it. Then endured the "How rude!" and "I'm not that bad!" as the two females ganged up on me.

"So, said Squig, what have you two been up to while I was gone?"

I looked at Leander and she gave me a weak smile, so I told Squig what we had tentatively discussed. My mate listened attentively, and then sat back on her haunches with a serious look on her snout. I waited for her answer anxiously, my tail twitching, a nervous habit of mine.

Leave my swamp? Squig thought in distress, but did not entirely dismiss the notion outright. It was the only home she really remembered, but it was far from perfect. Plus she didn't care for the cold winters even thought she could survive them with no problem. Drakes did not really hibernate, but like many reptiles after a large meal could sleep for days or weeks before needing to eat again. But by far the worst had been the loneliness, but that was over, she thought, as she looked at her wonderful mate. She knew he would stay with her if she chose to stay, but still, it would be nice to find another swamp with some fellow knuckers. And they did have to see to Leander, she had grown fond of the human female and wanted to make sure she was looked after. Like all drakes she could see the goodness in the girl, and was attracted to it. She thought about it for awhile, then; then coming to a decision, said,

"Very well, I guess it would be better if we found a new home, at least where it's warmer. I can hide as we travel if we encounter people, being fairly small it's not that difficult, we knuckers are good at hiding. How far is it to the Duke's castle?"

"By air only a day or two, but by foot it will take much longer. I replied, and another problem is how to make the journey with no funds, and I have no clothes to wear. Were it but Squig and I that would be no problem, but I will need to enter human cities and associate with them, which will be much easier in my more human form. We will also need to acquire a few things before we can start on our journey."

"I have some money, Leander said, but I must admit it's not much. Still, it is better than nothing."

"You're right, I said, but it is totally insufficient. It would at best buy us two nights in a decent Inn, due to the war the prices are high everywhere and most money has been devalued considerably. Especially the new coinage as it has been debased; even the gold coins have hardly any gold in them anymore. The old coinage is worth far more, but is carefully hoarded."

Leander gave an amused smile, "You know it's funny in a way, here I am talking with two dragons about money, and neither has a hoard!"

I hissed in amusement; that was true! Squig didn't have one because she didn't really care; of all the drakes only knuckers did not have the fascination for treasure that plagues their larger brethren, and mine had been lost in the last town I'd 'visited'. And thinking about that I said,

" We need to pay a visit, or at least Leander and I do, to that town I left just before we met. I left behind a sizeable amount of money, but I have no doubt it is long gone. But more important is the Duke's Letter of Introduction, it would open many doors for us and remove many obstacles. It is of no use to any but myself, and if there is a chance I can recover it it's worth the effort. I can even use it to draw funds from Royal banks as it includes a monthly pension."

"How did you get such a letter? Leander asked, I know you fought in the war."

"I was in a rather unusual unit, I said, it was comprised of non-humans for the most part. Other intelligent races; and things like me. In addition to myself; and my sister, a few other darklings who had escaped from the slavery of serving the dark lady were joined together. We were used mainly as scouts and messengers, and to gather intelligence on the horde's movements. Being what we were we could pass for soldiers of the horde easily, and what we found out was instrumental in defeating the horde during the last campaign. In reward we received Letters of Introduction attesting to our services to the kingdom. Basically they informed any who read them we were trusted and held in high regard, and were to be assisted and aided. They also provided a monthly pension which could be collected at any Royal Bank or military post. It wasn't much, but enough to live on if you were frugal. "

"Couldn't someone else use the letter, claim to be you?"

I smiled, my fangs glinting, "The letter includes a description of the holder, and I doubt there are very many Black Dragon darklings running around, at least on this side of the border."

"Do you have any idea where the letter might be now?" Leander asked, which was a very good question indeed.

"None, I replied, but I do know one person that might at least have an idea. It is his actions that reduced me to these circumstances. Leander, if you can, I want you to find a man named Roger Crofter. He may very well have my letter, or know of its probable whereabouts. I'd also like to have a with him."

We had to be careful how we did this, I would take on a more human form, but since I had no clothes could not go out in public; even at night, as my tail and low ridge down my back would give me away, not to mention my scales. So we decided Leander would locate Crofter, and then lure him to a 'private' location where we could have our little 'talk'. I intended him no harm, but I was hoping my appearance would loosen his tongue if he knew anything. I can be rather intimidating. We also needed to obtain some clothes for me one way or another; and some provisions as well. Squig and I could live off the land with relative ease, but Leander would need food and other staples not readily available in the wild, salt being one. We talked it over and tried to anticipate any possible developments including anything that could go wrong, then set out on our mission. At least Leander and I did, for now Squig would remain at the swamp since it was not that far from the town, which I'd found was called Mayville, and was the major frontier town of the Duchy of Lesser Branden. I had no idea why it was called Lesser Branden as there was no Greater Branden, or at least not any more.

Leander entered the town during the day, blending in with a group of other travelers. Being a woman she received less scrutiny then a lone man would have gotten, and if they wondered why she was traveling alone in these dangerous times no one voiced the question. From her good quality clothing it was obvious she was not a streetwalker or camp follower, so she was not accosted by the guards. I had told her the name of the Inn in which I'd had my altercation with Crofter and the locals, 'The Happy Pig'. I had given her as detailed description of him as I could. Big, much larger than the local populace as he was from up north, straw colored hair, most likely wearing the uniform; or partial uniform, of an archer, and might also be drunk or mooching for free drinks. If she had to she could ask for him by name; she could pass for a relative due to her own rather large frame. She was by no means fat, but was taller and more 'filled out' then most local women. Enough so that she turned heads on a regular basis.

Leander took a room as a local hostel run by a religious sects Woman's Charity; the fact she gave a 'donation' getting her a private room with a real bed. She was under no obligation to pay of course, but her 'donation' was greatly appreciated. She put on the least best of her rather limited wardrobe, and set out in search of one Roger Crofter. She didn't find him at 'The Happy Pig', but did learn of his whereabouts. He seemed to have 'moved down' in the world. His haunt of choice was now a real dive called 'The Empty Purse', which was just one step away from the gutter, and it was debatable as to which was the better. She entered the poorly lit establishment, and wrinkled her nose at the smell. Sour beer, sour bodies, vomit, greasy smoke, and greasy food. A few 'patrons' raised their heads, and then turned back to the silent contemplation of their lot in life. One or two eyed her a bit longer, but once it was evident she wasn't a 'working girl', soon lost interest. Except for one mousy little man who openly leered at her from the concealment of a booth, one did not see such a good looking woman in the 'Purse' very often.

Leander got the attention of one of the barmaids; or sluts as no difference in the 'Purse', by grabbing her arm. The woman protested at first, until she saw the silver piece in Leander's palm. "Roger Crofter, where?" Leander asked. The barmaid palmed the silver piece; hoping the barkeep and pimp hadn't noticed, and said, "That one? He's in the corner booth by the hearth, but he ain't got no money if that's what you're after. Old Gus would throw him out on his ear if he didn't act as a bouncer on occasion. You his wife or something, eh?" When Leander didn't answer the barmaid just sniffed and went on her way. "Be that way, then!" she muttered, but Leander ignored her. Leander got a good look at Crofter, and wasn't impressed. He was almost passed out, slumped in the corner of the booth staring with blank bleary eyes, a flagon of spilled sour beer on the table in front of him. Drunk, she thought. Well, now that she knew where he was it was time to let Drack know, and plan their next move. So she left, and once outside took a deep breath of the somewhat better smelling air. She and Drack had agreed to meet in the alley behind 'The Happy Pig' at certain times, and she just had time to make it for the next appointed time. She didn't see the small figure that slipped out of the door of the 'Purse' and followed her, keeping to the shadows.

I passed over the town walls in a long glide to prevent an alert guard from hearing the sound of my wings, and dropped onto the roof of a large warehouse in a gentle quiet landing. I folded my wings and took on my most human form, which in the dark might pass for human if I stayed out of the light. At least I now had no wings and my tail was much shorter and I could tuck it between my legs. I carefully made my way to "The Happy Pig", and found a hiding spot in the loft of the stable. Leander found me later and reported she thought she knew where to find Crofter, but I wasn't that familiar with the town, so we agreed she'd meet me back here if she found him. After she left I burrowed down in the straw to hide until she returned at the next appointed meeting time. When the time came I crawled out of the straw, brushed myself off, and sat in the shadows inside the croft's upper window and waited, having a good view of the alley. And sure enough here she came. I started to go to meet her, but paused when I noticed furtive movement behind her, she was being followed. Being half dragon I have my mother's races night vision, and I could see well enough in the gloom. It was a smaller figure, and it moved with calculated intent. Leander was being stalked.

He had watched the woman ever since she'd entered the 'Purse', and quickly decided she would be easy prey. His tactics were simple, and had worked time and time again. A quick blow to stun her, skirt up, cock in, a fast fuck, and then a knife across the throat, no witnesses. Or if it was in a more isolated area he could take his time and enjoy himself more. She was moving a little faster than he had hoped though, her stride was much longer then his, but he was catching up. He doubted he'd be interrupted considering the time and where they were. It was foolish of a pretty woman to be out and about at night in this part of town anyway, so she'd pay the price.

One advantage in having mostly black scales for skin is you're hard to see in the dark if you're naked, so no one saw me as I dropped from the croft's window onto a pile of hay and dashed across the alley. Not even Leander saw me and I passed not far in front of her. I don't think the would-be assailant saw me either, even after I sank my fangs into his throat and shook him like a dog shaking a rat. For my size I'm much stronger then a similar sized human; and I was larger than him to start. It wasn't much of a fight. I waited until he stopped twitching, and then concealed him quietly in a pile of garbage where he'd feel right at home. I hope the rats enjoyed their meal. I'd seen the club he was carrying and smelled his lust, and had no doubt what he had intended for Leander, so I had no qualms about taking his life. Maybe it was the dragon in me, but I can kill without remorse if I think it's justified. I would lose no sleep over the fate of the would-be rapist. I also had no qualms in taking his regular meager funds, we needed every copper we could get. The way I looked at it I'd done the world a favor.

When Drack suddenly materialized at her side Leander almost screamed, she'd never seen someone who could most so fast and quietly in near pitch dark. One second she was alone, the next he was standing next to her with a finger to his lips.

"Drack! You startled me, next time how about a little warning! You almost made me scream, and it might have attracted attention!" She scolded.

"Not in this part of town, I replied. Or if it did it would be the kind you wouldn't want. But fair enough, next time I'll give a soft hiss to let you know I'm skulking about."

"What's that on your face?" Leander asked, noticing that Drack's face was wet, the liquid glistening in the moonlight.

"That? I said. Its blood, I had to kill a large rat."

"Ugh, Leander said, must have been a big one, you're drenched!"

"Yes, it was." I hissed, but I didn't tell her it had been a two legged rat. So far we'd done quite well, so I didn't want to upset her. "Did you have any luck?"

"Yes, Leander said, I found Crofter, drunk as a skunk in a horrible place called

'The Empty Purse', it's over near the warehouse district. Last I saw him he was in the corner booth by the fireplace, and from his condition I would doubt he was going anywhere anytime soon, I think he lives there."

I knew the place, even though I hadn't gone inside. It catered to the lowest of the low, the worst of the worst. But still something like me would have been noticed as I still didn't have any clothes. Being nude in my near human form didn't bother me as the only sign of my sex was a fold in the tough leathery hide between my legs, for all practical purposes from a human point of view I was genderless. But unless I was in the company of those who knew me I didn't dare go out in public without being fully clothed including gloves and hood. So just walking into the 'Purse' in my 'nude' form would raise eyebrows even in that place.

"Can you get him outside?" I asked.

Leander smiled, and said, "I believe I can, a 'friend' gave me an idea."

I wondered what she meant, but she didn't elaborate.

"Roger, you good for nothing lout! Leander screamed at the large nearly comatose man, thought I wouldn't find you, did you?? You drunken pig, you're a disgrace, did you know that? My mother was right about you! Now you're coming with me, the children need a father even though I'd just as soon throw you down a well!"

Roger raised his head in confusion, or more confusion than normal. Huh, whaz? He thought, Gods his head hurt! He tried to protest as strong arms lifted him up, the men laughing as they 'helped' him to the door, the shrill sounds making his head pound even more.

"You good for nothing small brained ignorant piece of offal! Leander screamed, just you wait till I get you home! You'll wish you'd never been born!"

"She's his wife, the barmaid told another drunk, I knew it!"

The 'gentlemen' who had helped her gave slightly unsteady bows after they heaved Roger; none to gently, into a rather large mud puddle in the unpaved street in front of the 'The Empty Purse'. They even raised a weak cheer when Leander threw a silver piece to the barmaid, and said, "Set them up on me!" It had been a welcome, if brief, diversion from their usually boring nights of drunken self-scrutiny. No sooner did the door close then a dark shadow left the cover of other dark shadows, threw the man over its shoulder, and disappeared back into the shadows, followed closely by Leander.

"Not much to look at, is he?" Leander said, as she looked down at the now sleeping man who was snoring.

"He does appear to have come down a bit in the world since I saw him last." I said truthfully. Last time I'd seen him he'd been relatively clean and despite drinking hadn't been a drunk. Now he stank and his old archers uniform was little more than rags. I searched him distastefully, but other than his clothes he had nothing on him, there was no sign of the Duke's letter. "Well, I said, it would appear he doesn't have it, and I doubt we'll get anything out of him for awhile, he's drunk as a goblin. I'll tie him up and then escort you back to the hostel, and then spend the night here to keep an eye on him. We'll have our little talk as soon as he's reasonably sober."

After making sure Leander got safely to her lodgings I returned to the old abandoned warehouse I'd chosen as my base of operations. It wasn't necessary for her to be present during the 'questioning'. He was still passed out, and hadn't stirred since I'd tied him to a beam. I knew my knots; he wasn't going anywhere unless I wanted him too. I scrambled up in the overhead rafters, and draping myself across one fell asleep. Like many reptiles my sleep is often more of a heavy doze, and if anyone entered the warehouse I'd know it. I still got plenty of rest though; I'd learned to sleep in even much less hospitable surroundings. Being what I am that's a necessity of life.

The drunken man didn't do much during the rest of the night, other them mumble unintelligibly a few times. I hadn't gagged him as I didn't want him to suffocate if he became ill during the night. He might be a drunk, but he didn't deserve to choke on his own vomit. Sometime after the sun came up he finally started to shows signs of coming to, so I dropped from the beam and stuffed an old rag in his mouth. It was doubtful any yelling on his part would bring help, but better safe than sorry. Next I took a bucket of water I had set aside; for this very purpose, and doused him with it. The result was about what I had expected.

Roger came too with a sudden painful awareness as ice cold water was poured over his head. At first he thought he was back at 'The Empty Purse' receiving his usual morning 'bath' from Old Gus, but when he realized his mouth had something stuffed in it and he couldn't move he realized he probably wasn't, not even Old Gus would tie him up. With a moan he shook his head, and looked around. It was pretty dim, but he could make out someone standing in front of him. No, someTHING! No man ever had long sharp black claws like that, or equally black scales. He gave a muffled whimper, where WAS he?? Had he died, was this the nether world?? Was this some devil that would be tormenting his damned soul?

As it became obvious the man was awake I crouched down and looked him in the face, having taken on a more draconic form for the occasion. A snout full of fangs could be most useful in getting results when questioning someone.

"Hello Roger, remember me? I hissed. You repaid my kindness in buying you a drink by bringing down the locals on my head when all I wanted was a drink, a meal, and a warm bed to sleep in. Instead I was chased into the cold night like an animal, having to leave behind my worldly possessions. Possessions that I want back, NOW!"

I watched as confusion, recognition, remembrance, fear, then somewhat to my surprise, resignation, washed over his face. He hung his head and mumbled something. I lifted his head up by the hair, and said,

"What's that Roger, I can't hear you, you've got your mouth full. Tell you what, if you promise not to yell I'll take out the gag and we can have a nice little chat. What say you?"

When he nodded I pulled the rag out, but kept it handy just in case. Then I waited while he sucked in several deep breaths, giving him to catch his breath and wake up a little more. Finally he said,

"You...! I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Look Roger, I hissed, I can't blame you for freaking out a little, I must admit I do not exactly instill confidence in humans. And as I'm sure all my money has long been spent for drink all I will ask is if you have the letter that was in the leather tube, or know of its whereabouts."

"Aye, and aye, he replied. I do indeed know of its whereabouts. I do not have much in the way of reading, but even I could tell it was a Letter of Introduction. Please believe that after I realized you were not an enemy scout I was enraged at myself for my callous act. I tried to find you for a few days, but had no luck, and not knowing where you might be gave up. But yes, I still have your letter."

"Good, I hissed, now where IS it?"

"Hidden in an old abandoned building that myself and some other homeless men sometimes use for shelter. It is well concealed and safe, I assure you."

"Very well, I said, now tell me where, and if it is indeed there then I will let you go and be done with this place."

"Where are we?" He asked, looking around. When I told him he replied, "Good, the building is but two streets over. It is the only one with an upper story and loading dock in the front. What you want is hidden under a floorboard with a knothole in the floor of the closet in the back room of the first floor. You'll have to tear it up; I nailed the board back down."

"Very well, I said as I stuffed the rag back in his mouth. This will keep you from making a nuisance of yourself, and if you are telling the truth I will return and let you go, if not, well, we will see..." However the threat was empty as I had no real intention of harming him.

It was there; exactly where he had said, but to my surprise there was more then I was expecting. Not only was the letter there, but also my pack, clothes, other supplies, and my 'hoard', and not a copper was missing. In addition to the Letter of Introduction there were also letters of credit as well, totaling over 1500 gold pieces on paper, and 15 gold, fifty silver in actual coin, plus assorted copper and other coins. Not a great treasure, but still respectful. I was somewhat shocked to say the least.

When I reached the warehouse Roger just looked at me was set my pack down and got dressed in my extra set of traveling clothes. Then I pulled out the gag, and said,

"You spoke the truth, but I must admit I am somewhat puzzled. Why did you not take the money? From your looks I had the impression you'd long used up every last copper."

"When I realized you were a fellow veteran, Roger said, and had been with the army at Shallow River I realized what a grave injustice I had done. I am no saint, but I will never take advantage of a fellow soldier. I remember the part the Scouts played in the battle, had they not seen that move by the enemy in time to send reinforcements my unit would most likely have been overrun and destroyed. So I kept your belongings intact, hoping to someday find you, but I must admit not exactly under these, er, circumstances."

I quickly cut his bindings and helped him to stand up. He grimaced as he flexed his arms and legs. I had made sure not to tie the ropes too tight and cut off the flow of blood, but he still must have been badly cramped. I gave him a drink from the water remaining in the bucket, and he eagerly drank every drop.

"Thank you, he gasped as he finished the water. Well, he said, I must say I've spent more comfortable nights, but to be truthful I've also spent worse. I apologize again for my affront, and am glad you have your property back."

"As am I, I replied, but I must admit I had not expected to get back everything like this, and I appreciate your honesty. Like I said, I cannot blame you for your initial reaction; I realize my...brethren are not welcome in human towns."

"Hmph, Roger said, those foul things are NOT your brethren. Would you take my hand in apology, and no harm intended?"

"Gladly, I said, and no harm done. In a way I owe you."

When he raised a curious eyebrow I explained to him what had transpired since last we'd 'met', about Leander and Squig. I don't think he quite believe me at first, but accepted it without question. I didn't tell him what Squig was though, only that she was another 'lady'.

"I have heard about the bandit band, he said, they sometimes send one of their number into town to recruit. The local authorities have been meaning to mount an expedition against them, but are scared to leave the town poorly defended. In addition to the bandits there are also remnants of the dark horde operating in the area. Farms and holding have been destroyed, with no survivors, but the signs are there. They have not the coin to hire a large enough force to do anything other than hold the larger villages and towns. The war may be over, but not the fighting. The Royal troops are spread way too thin to be of much help either. The war may be over, but not the fighting. I fear the army was disbanded much too early."

"What about you Roger, what will you do now?" I asked.

"I had hoped to find employ with the town guard, or perhaps as a mercenary, he said. I have nothing left, my village was totally destroyed during the war, and I have no idea if anyone I knew is even still alive. I am a good archer, but there are many good archers also seeking employ. My pay is long gone, but Old Gus lets me sleep at the 'Purse' in exchange for a little muscle in dealing with rowdy customers. I would like to seek employ elsewhere, but cannot even afford to leave his place."

"Had you taken my money you would have been able to travel just about anywhere, and not be forced to live in a booth." I said.

"It was not mine to take." He answered.

"Roger, I said, you told me you served with the 'The Duke's Own Foresters', can you not rejoin the unit?"

"Alas the unit was disbanded after the war was 'over'. I think if the Duke had realized how bad things would still be today he might have done otherwise."

"Well, I said, there is always the Duke's Household Guard, or the border regiments. I am traveling to see the Duke on a matter of my own, why not come with me and we will see what happens? I'm sure he can find someplace for a seasoned veteran."

Roger seemed a little surprised, "Truly, after what I did?" He said.

"As I said, forgiven and forgotten. I could use the company, and truth be told your bow might come in handy as we will be escorting two ladies."

He suddenly looked crestfallen, "I have no bow, he sighed, I sold it to get money for food and drink, and I have only what you see."

"Well then, I said, we will have to buy it back then, won't we? And I won't take no for an answer. And I do not know about you, but all this skulking about and dragging your carcass all over town has made me hungry. What say we find a decent meal?"

Roger directed us to a small Inn that had some of the best food I'd had in quite some time. It was plain fare, but the portions were generous and the food was of good quality. We stuffed our faces, and I had the proprietor make up a bundle for Leander. A big tip got an extra loaf of fresh bread thrown in 'on the house'. With both of us feeling much better now our next stop was the used armor and weapons shop that had bought Roger's bow and quiver of arrows. We bought them back; with Roger yelling about highway robbery to the completely unimpressed old one armed soldier who ran the place, but he threw in a new rain cover. Roger was quite happy as he handled the well used bow; like an old lover he knew every inch of it intimately. And he grudgingly admitted that it had been kept in 'top condition'. As we left the shop he said,

"Thank you Drack, I never thought to see my old bow again. It and I have been through a lot together. I swear I will pay you back."

"There is no rush", I said, knowing that to refuse would be an insult. "Now we must go to the hostel and pick up Leander, she must think you've done me in and escaped by now. But, um, before we do perhaps a visit to a barber, and some new clothes?"

Roger looked at his near rags, and pulled at his greasy unkempt hair in dismay. "I had not realized how I look! He exclaimed in self disgust, but I cannot ask any more of you."

"Oh, believe me, I said, it's not just for you my friend, you reek. I do not want Leander to run in terror holding her nose if I introduce you like this."

Roger chuckled, "Well, I can see your point, and would most certainly not wish to offend a lady. Very well then, a barber it is!"

An hour later Roger was a different man, a hot bath and trim had truly worked wonders, as well as a new set of good quality used clothes. Pants, shirt, vest, jerkin; with removable sleeves for colder weather, and a combination hood and cloak. Plus a good serviceable belt, pack, and belt pouch. His old boots were still in good repair, so would do for now. And he looked much younger as well; I had thought him much older. I also bought a good set of extra clothes for myself, seeing as how I had to sometimes leave in a hurry it was always good to have an extra set on hand. I almost bought two good oak staffs with iron tips, one for myself and one for Leander as I knew she knew how to use one, having once given me a good whack on the head with her old one; which had been lost. Then it was time to meet Leander and plan our next course of action considering the new developments.

"Leander, I said, may I introduce Roger Crofter, he will be accompanying us on our trip. Things turned out...differently than I expected. John, this is Leander..." And I suddenly realized, I didn't know her last name! "I'm...I'm sorry Leander, but I don't know your last name!" I ended in embarrassment.

She laughed, and said, "That is because you've never asked. But is Taylor, but please just call me Leander. But, is this the thief of which you spoke? He certainly doesn't look the same."

"He is not a thief, I spoke as Roger bristled, it turns out he was...watching my property for me until I could return to claim it after our...unfortunate misunderstanding."

"I thought he threw you to the crowd?" She said.

"As I said, a misunderstanding, I repeated, and all is forgiven. He is a veteran soldier and will be a valuable addition to our small party. I also plan on asking a favor of the Duke on his behalf."

"Well then, Leander said, well met Roger, welcome to our happy little band. Have you told him about Squig yet?"

"Well, I said, not exactly. He knows about her, but not our, um, relationship, or that she is, um, well, you know."

Roger, who had been dying to break in, finally said, "Yes Drack, you said two ladies, I see only one. And what kind of name is Squig for a lady, anyway?"

I tried to signal Leander to be quiet, but she giggled, and said, "It's a horrible name for a lady, but a good one for a dragoness."

"A WHAT!?!" Roger blurted, causing other occupants of the Inn to look our way in irritation at the loud outburst.

I rested my head in my hands while Leander said, "A dragoness, you know, a female dragon. Scales, wings, big sharp teeth, eats knights and children."

"She does NOT eat knights and children, I hissed in horror; she is quite a gentle soul!"

Roger was just staring with his mouth open, looking from one of us to the other. "A dragoness?" he muttered.

"A knucker, I said, a small dragon. She is not one of the armored behemoths that you are thinking of. She my mate."

"Your WHAT!?!" Roger blurted, drawing more irate stares from other patrons.

"My mate Roger, I hissed quietly, remember what I am! You have seen my true form."

Leander giggled, and when we looked at her, she said, "You should see the looks on your faces!" And giggled again, which set both of us off. After the hilarity had calmed down somewhat, which took awhile, we got more serious.

"We need to leave soon, Roger said, winter is almost upon us, and it will not be a good time to travel when the snows start. But since we are going south to the Duke's holdings we may be able t outrun the worst of it, but we must get over the mountain passes as soon a possible."

"Then we will leave in the morning, I said. Leander will stay here for the night, and we will find Roger suitable lodgings. Then you two can meet in the morning and buy supplies. I do not recommend buying a horse or mule for packing, they, um, will not care much for my, or Squig's company, and would be hard to control. I can carry as much as a horse or mule anyway, and I'm sure Squig wouldn't mind helping. I will return to the swamp tonight to let Squig know our plans, and after you buy the supplies meet us at the first crossroads. Now since it's getting late I'll take my leave."

Leander watched as Drack left, and then turned her attention back to Roger. He was a large man with a fair complexion and the dirty blonde hair of a northerner, and other then being a bit on the heavy side was good looking in a rugged way. She thought he had a nice smile, genuine and honest. So they talked for awhile as it was early yet.

I climbed to the top of one of the warehouses, and stripping carefully folded my clothes and put them in the pack. It had specially designed extra; and longer, straps so I could wear it in my true form. As my tail pushed out and my wings burst from my back I gave a groan of pleasure, that always felt so good! It was like taking off clothes that had been too tight. I stretched my wings one at a time to limber them up and get the kinks out, crouched, and launched myself into the crisp night air. I did a loop as I flew over the wall; it felt so good to be in the air again. And then I eagerly flapped my way to where I knew my mate would be waiting, my beautiful, perfect mate.

Squig sat up as she saw a dark form pass over the moon, then settled back down in disappointment when she realized it was a hunting owl. She missed him so much, and he'd only been gone for a two days and a night. But still, she did miss him; it had all been so wonderful and sudden. She still found it hard to believe she had been so lucky to find such a brave and worthy mate. She whipped her tail back and forth slowly, waiting for her love to return to her.

And as I approached I called, a loud hissing shriek to let her know I was coming, and it was answered immediately. She had climbed to the top of the outcrop with the cave where we'd first met, and was waiting for me as I landed. Hissing affectionately we rubbed our snouts and licked one another, twining our tongues together, and I rubbed her neck with my head. Then rearing up I hugged her, which caught her by surprise. It's not something drakes normally do, it was a human greeting.

Squig hissed in happiness as her mate greeted her, his eyes glowing in the dim light of the partial moon. They rubbed snouts and 'kissed', but he caught her by surprise when he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her close to his chest. She wasn't sure what to think at first, but decided she liked the feel of his scales against hers, his strong arms around her, and he wrapped his neck around hers and nibbled at her horns, which made her hiss as it tickled. Then he pulled back, still holding her, and gently rubbed his snout against hers hissing in affection.

"I missed you terribly my love. " I hissed, and licked her slick scaly snout affectionately.

Squig licked Drack back, and said, "I missed you too my love, it was all I could do not to come looking for you. Why did you grab me like that? Tell me, how is Leander, did you retrieve what you were looking for?"

I had visions of Squig sticking her head into buildings and asking people if they'd seen her mate. Now THAT would have been interesting! I thought, with a hiss of amusement.

"I'm sorry my love, I said, it's called a 'hug', it is how humans greet someone they hold dear. And Leander is well; she misses you, and yes, I did retrieve what I had hoped, but much more as well. And we will have another with us on our journey." And I told her what had happened.

"Well, at least he sounds like a decent person. Squig said, and I'm sure Leander will appreciate the company of a fellow human."

"Yes, I agreed, there is that. And he is a good man, honest to a fault. This is rare in any species."

"Indeed, Squig said, I fear our own kind are greedy beasts, I doubt we would have returned such a substantial treasure."

"No, I said, you are right, most likely the original owner would have been killed as well. Oh, and I told Roger you wouldn't eat him, promise?"

Squig gave a hiss of indignation, "I do NOT eat humans!" Then realizing Drack was just funning with her gave him a smack with her tail, and said, "You're horrible!" When he 'hugged' her again, she decided, that yes, she liked this human form of showing affection.

I hissed in amusement at her reaction, and hissed louder when she gave me a gentle smack with her tail, then hugged her again and ran my snout up and down her sleek neck, my rougher scales rasping against her finer ones. The feeling was wonderful and she started doing the same as we wrapped and un-wrapped our necks, our hisses slowly becoming deeper and urgent. With a soft snarl I nipped the back of her neck and she shuddered in pleasure, her scent changing as she responded to my caresses, my own lust growing in response to her own sensual touches. So beautiful, so perfect, and mine, I thought as I hissed in lust, my penis sliding from my cloaca. I pulled back and gave a deep hiss, and she hissed back, backing away, and as I circled behind her she crouched, and lifting her tail presented herself for me, my eyes drawn to the dark red lips of her sex visible through her softened and spread cloaca. So very, very beautiful.

Squig hissed in growing pleasure as her mate kept stroking and rubbing against her neck, his tongue licking over her gently as he nipped and nibbled at her, the feeling making her tremble in response. He was so gentle, so attentive to her needs, so very male, so strong. How she loved him, her wonderful mate. When their mutual need peaked he pulled away from her, and gave a deep hissing snarl, and she crouched submissively as he circled behind her, unable to deny him what he wanted, what she wanted, more than anything else. She lifted her tail for him, her sex swollen and eager.

I wanted to mount her right away, but held myself back. I wanted to give her as much pleasure as I could, which was perhaps my human half manifesting itself despite my intense bestial lust. Had I been a normal dragon I would most likely have mounted her and serviced her quickly and brutally, but I wasn't. She gave a deep hiss of lust and moaned for me, and I pressed my snout to her sex and began to lick and tongue that wonderful wet opening, her juices sweet and tart. She gave a deep guttural moan, and whipped her tail over my head, squealing in pleasure as I explored her sex with my long forked tongue.

Squig bellowed in pleasure, ohhhh, what was he doing!?! Why hadn't he mounted her yet?? But it felt so good!!! She squealed in ecstasy as his tongue slid deeply into her sex, the slick warm organ feeling absolutely wonderful as it stroked and caressed her velvety smooth vaginal muscles, the touch unbelievably pleasurable and stimulating. She bucked her hips, giving deep grunts of pleasure, snapping her jaws in ecstasy. She had never heard of anything like this, did other dragons do this to their mates?? It didn't seem...normal somehow, but she howled as his tongue slid even deeper into her, but ohhhh, it felt so GOOD! Don't stop my love, she thought, as waves of pleasure washed over her from her quivering and incredibly stimulated sex, don't stop!!

Finally I couldn't stand it any longer, and the human part of me faded as my drake heritage took over, and with a roar of lust I mounted my mate, darting my head forward and biting the back of her head to pin her, make her submit to my desires. And I serviced her with strong rapid thrusts, and we both climaxed quickly as our lust was so great, our mutual arousal incredible, our need undeniable. And when I poured my seed into her I released her neck and threw my head back in a bellowing roar of utter ecstasy, and she threw her own head back and her bellow was as loud as mine. And I had tears of joy in my eyes as we roared our love to the night.

Squig shrieked when he finally mounted her, whipping her tail around and over to one side before coiling it around his own tail as his weight settled on her back to help make his penetration even easier and deeper. Then she moaned and hissed as he took her, hard and fast, the pleasure intense and almost unbearable. And when they climaxed she shrieked and bellowed her release, announcing to the world her pleasure and that she had been well and truly mated.

After that our next several coupling were longer and more 'tender', though I did not pleasure her orally again; that is until she asked for it, and then not for nearly as long as the first time. I was amazed at how demanding she was, and was proud I was able to satisfy my mate and leave her spent and happy with my services. And afterwards we lay side by side with our tails wrapped around one another, a wing spread over her to keep off a gentle drizzling rain, until we both feel asleep in contentment, my neck draped over her neck, my head resting next to hers.

The next morning was clear except for some ground fog, and after I woke up and gave Squig an affectionate nuzzle I climbed to top of the outcrop and roared in happiness, and she joined in. It was just something I felt I needed to do, and it felt right. That fact that I probably scared everything within five miles didn't even occur to me.

Roger and Leander froze as they heard the loud roars from just down the road, and he looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Do you think...?"

Leander smiled, and said, "Oh yes, I'm sure. They um, do that a lot."

As Squig and I walked out of the woods to greet them, Roger said, "My, you're um, larger then I remember."

I was in my full natural form, about twenty five feet long from my snout to the tip of my tail. A full grown Black Dragon would normally be closer to sixty. Squig was around twenty feet, about normal for a female knucker. Like I said, they're the runts of the species. And when he'd seen me the first time I hadn't taken on my full dragon form as otherwise it would have been harder to escape from the Inn. Size in closed in areas can be a disadvantage.

"So are you." I hissed.

"Well, I have to admit I have put on a few pounds since I got out of the army." Roger admitted.

"Roger, this is Squig, I hissed, my...mate."

Roger gave a little bow, and said, "She's pretty. It's nice to meet you Lady Squig."

Squig hissed in amusement, "Why thank you good sir, and please, just Squig."

Poor Roger was loaded down like a pack mule, and Leander also carried a large bundle, so we divided up the baggage between myself and Squig; which she didn't mind, and for the rest of the journey we'd be pack dragons. It didn't bother me any, I hardly noticed the weight. I decided to stay in my true from for now, I could carry more that way and it would be more likely to help deter any unwanted attention. Being a dragon does have its advantages, the bandits usually leave you alone unless they're really stupid ones.

Now that introductions were over we set out on our way. It seemed a little strange to be walking any great distances, but Squig didn't seem to mind and I didn't as long as she was next to me, plus I was more used to it, at least in human form. We let Leander and Roger walk in front; Roger some distance in front to keep an eye out, so they could set the pace. Otherwise we'd have left them behind without realizing it. We of course went on all fours, though we can use our front paws as hands for walking we're quadrupeds. Every now and then I'd brush my tail against Squig, or she'd do the same to me. It was nice. We must have been a rather odd sight, two dragons, a woman humming songs, and an archer leading the way. What few fellow travelers we encountered left the road to us and disappeared into the forest fairly quickly, not that I could blame them. And if there were any bandits about they didn't fall into the stupid category.

About five miles from the town we came to a farmstead that had been burned and looted; fairly recently as the ashes were still smoldering. I figured maybe a day ago, two at most. Roger concurred, and he found evidence it was stragglers or deserters from one of the armies. It hadn't been one sided, there were a couple of blood trails. I hoped none of the women had survived, being taken captive would have been far worse than a quick death, at least with the horde. The horde, being largely beasts or darklings, had only one use for a human female, and being raped to death was a horrible way to die. And it was amazing how long it could take, some women lasted days. We didn't mention that to Leander though. I took off for a quick scout flight, but the woods were dense and I saw no evidence of any forces lurking in the area. Once they stripped an area they usually moved on.

"This is awful close to the town, Roger said, they're getting bolder. And this was a large party."

"Aye, I said, at this rate they'll destroy all the local farms and the town will starve, it's virtually under siege. When we reach the Duke we'll have to let him know how bad things are getting. It will take at least a regiment or more of regulars to clean them out if they're from the horde, not to mention the bandits."

"There is a Royal garrison at the fort guarding the entrance to the mountain passes, we can leave word there. They may be able to send help, or can at least notify the Duke by courier about the situation. The sooner he knows the better." Roger said.

"A good thought, we can make a brief detour to let them know, or may encounter a patrol before then."

"No offense my scaly friend, Roger said, but if we do encounter a patrol what will you do? I mean, I know you are a friend, but they may act first and to Hell with the consequences."

"A good point, I hissed thoughtfully. Well, if we seem them first Squig and I will make ourselves scarce. If not let us hope they will listen to reason, my Letter should be of use. Seeing us in the company of humans should at least make then hesitate before doing anything rash. And if the commander of the fort is still Sir Larson then he knows me, I used to bring him dispatches."

Further on we saw more evidence of the activity of raiders and bandits. Burned farmhouses, a sacked Inn, sacked convoy of wagons, and plenty of signs of large bodies of men and animals on the move, with no way to tell if they were friend or foe. Roger called my attention to tracks that crossed the road at one point where the surface had been wet from rain. I looked at the mixture of tracks, some not unlike my own, others of mammalian paws, mixed in with human.

"Darklings or beasts, I said, a large number. Lizards and lupines; maybe a few cats, from the looks of it. This is not good. They could be a threat even to Squig and myself, especially if any are Dragomen."

Squig hissed worriedly, "We can always fly away if need be, but what of Leander and Roger?"

I knew I could carry a human a short distance, but also knew Squig most likely couldn't. Not that it made a difference; we would never abandon our friends. But still, even a large force would hesitate to attack two dragons, even small ones. We are quite...terrible in combat. Even a fully armored human is no match for a drake, our agility and natural weapons and armor make us natural killing machines and once engaged show no mercy. When a drake fights it is with cool logic and intent to kill its opponent, we do not panic, that is a human failing. The worse it gets, the calmer we are. But we slowed the pace of our travel, and stuck more to the edges of the road to make a quick dash into cover easier; in these thick woods even a drake could disappear in short order, but nothing happened the rest of that day.

As evening approached we moved deep into the woods until we found a kind of dip in the ground surrounded by large boulders and trees. It would allow for a small fire with little danger of it being seen even fairly close up, and the thick canopy would disperse what little smoke there was. I was thankful that winter had yet to arrive, though the nights were chilly. I went on a long scouting flight, and other then a small band of humans who left the road as soon as they saw me I saw nothing of worry in our vicinity, so we were most likely safe for the night. We of course kept watch though, Squig and I taking turns. Roger wanted to take a turn, but when I pointed out that drakes sleep less and can see in the dark he finally gave up and rolled up in his bedroll next to Leander and the banked fire. We took turns perching on the highest boulder, and the night passed peacefully. So far as I know we had no nocturnal visitors other than a couple of curious raccoons who beat a hasty retreat as soon as they caught our scent. They knew if a dragon was around it was a good idea to clear out.

We had our first run in with raiders the next day. As signs of activity had kept increasing Roger had taken to carrying his bow strung and in a ready position, and he suddenly stopped, drew and fired, almost too quick to follow he was so fast. Squig and Leander stopped, and I ran up to him.

"What was it?" I hissed.

"It was, Roger said, an enemy scout."

And he pointed at a large tree, and running my gaze up the trunk I could see a form sitting on a branch, well concealed behind leaves. I zoomed my binocular vision in close, and saw the small slim form was pinned to the tree by an arrow in its furry chest. It was definitely dead. And it was a darkling, a human/feline hybrid with dark brown fur. One of the ones used mainly as scouts due to their natural ability to move swiftly and silently, and remain unseen. This one must have gotten careless.

"You have a good eye, and that was a fair shot." I said.

"It moved, I think it was surprised by the sight of you and Squig, perchance it thought you were 'friends'." Roger said.

I climbed the tree, easy enough with claws like mine, and pried the limp form loose. I carried it back down and we examined it. It's now sightless feline eyes stared at us, surprise fixed in them. It was naked except for a harness with a long dagger and its own small bow and arrows, which I gave to Leander. It was female. Leander said sadly.

"It looks almost like a child, and the poor thing is skin and bones. Do they not feed them?"

"In the horde you eat what you can, when you can, and darkling's pretty much have to fare on their own, almost always having to fight over food, I said. We learned that quickly in the pits. The smaller darklings fare the worst, its one incentive for them to go on raids. And make no mistake, it's a full grown beast, and would cheerfully have ripped your throat out. Do not grieve for it, it is better off dead."

"Aye, said Roger, I have seen what they do to prisoners, the ones they don't eat that is. Being what they are they do not consider human meat to be cannibalism, and when you are near starving much of the time I can see how that would remove all manner of inhibitions. When ones stomach is empty they are not picky as to what fills it."

While we dug a hole to conceal the body Leander kneeled down next to it and closed its staring eyes; tears in her own, probably the only act of compassion and kindness it had ever known. When we buried it she even said a brief prayer, as I've said, I can see the good in her.

Five days later, after having avoided two large groups of raiders by the simple act of running away, we reached the start of the road leading to the mountain passes. If they missed their scout they must have assumed she deserterted or met her fate as none came looking so far as we knew. And a great shock awaited us, or at least myself and Roger. We had been expecting to encounter patrols of Royal troops long before then; they usually made regular sweeps of the road and the immediate vicinities. But we had seen no signs of other then raiders. At the base of the steep road grade leading to the fortress looming at the top we took cover in the woods, and I went on a quick scouting flight. As I circled the fortress I slowly dropped lower, and lower, finally landing on the battlements. It was abandoned, I was the only occupant. Some of the wooden buildings had been burned, but from the looks it was done after the garrison had left, probably by raiders or bandits who came to steal what they could. It had been stripped, the armory and storerooms bare of all but debris. And in the barracks and living quarters only a few pieces of worthless furniture remained. No sign of a fight, they had just up and left, the gates standing open and drawbridge down. But it made no sense, the fort had been occupied for hundreds of years as it guarded the major passes, it was insanity to leave it without a garrison, and even a small number of well trained troops could hold it until reinforcements arrived. Frankly I would have been less shocked had it fallen to an attack.

I flew back to the rest to let them know what I had found, and Roger frowned. "Well, he said, that would certainly explain the boldness of the raiders and bandits, without the threat of Royal troops there is little to inhibit them, the local town guards certainly aren't up to the task on their own. But the Duke would never allow this, something is very wrong. My question is this, do we proceed, or do we return to Mayville and winter there? At least we would be safe within its walls."

We talked it over or some time, but finally agreed to continue. There was no real guarantee Mayville would remain safe much longer, and with the outlying countryside largely devastated a famine was a very real possibility. While it would not much affect Squig and myself as we could leave to hunt anytime; another advantage of having wings, it would be a definite danger to Roger and Leander. Plus I wasn't sure how we would be welcomed, what with two drakes in our party. So we continued our trek.

Above the elevation of the fort there were only scattered trees so visibility was good, and we made good time since we could see much further ahead. The disadvantage was it would be harder for myself and Squig to hide if need be. So when we spotted the band of riders approaching it was too late. Roger fell back to one side with an arrow ready, and Leander got her own bow ready as well. It had shorter range then Rogers, but she was deadly accurate. Squig and I dropped our packs and sat on our haunches and waited to see what the riders would do.

The riders slowed down and spread out as they approached. Soldiers, I thought, or soldiers turned to banditry. I couldn't determine who they were from the assortment of armor and weaponry, but definitely not horde troops. They were all human for one thing. I moved in front of Squig; though she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but it was instinct, the need to protect my mate. The riders stopped just out of bow range, but I'll bet Roger would have surprised them if he'd had to make a shot. A few mounted bowmen dismounted and moved a little closer with their own bows at the ready, and two armored riders stuck their lances in the ground, and then slowly approached. It was a sign they wished to talk. Well enough, I thought, they' not rash fools.

"Who are you, and what are those beasts?" One called when they were close enough. Naturally he addressed Roger, a woman and what appeared to be animals didn't rate that kind of attention.

"I am Roger, and these beasts are drakes, talk to the Black Dragon, Roger called back, he leads our party."

That caused a bit of disconcertion, and the two riders talked in hushed voices for a few seconds. Then the one that had spoken called out,

"Very well, um, Dragon, who are you and what to you want?"

"I could ask you the same, I replied, but it is a fair question. My name is Drack, and my party and I are on the way to see the Duke. We have no quarrel with you or any others we may encounter, and mean no one any harm."

The rider thought about what I'd said for a minute, then replied, "We are on patrol from the Duke's Army, but he is not at his castle, there is civil war in the kingdom, the old king was assassinated and his son and a contender vie for the throne. The majority of the Army is with the Duke campaigning on behalf of the rightful King, Sir William, the Duke's firstborn. We are trying to keep the passes open until the snows seal them."

Civil War, I thought! Well, that would explain a lot. Such as why the frontier garrisons had been stripped, and no Royal Army aid had been forthcoming to deal with the bandits and dark horde remnants. And who would dare question Sir William, Prince of Caldron, as the heir? He had no male siblings, only sisters.

"This is grave news indeed, I answered, and who dares to question Sir William's legitimacy?"

"His uncle, Sir Thomas, Earl of Glaide. He claims Sir William is a bastard and his mother was a servant girl. He even claims the boy had his father murdered, poisoned, but no one knows who performed the foul deed, or how. It is of course preposterous, but he has many followers. But we digress, tell me, what kind of business could two, um, drakes have with the Duke of the Western Marches?"

"It is personal business, I replied, but I served under his command in the Corp of Scouts during the last war. I have a Letter of Introduction from the Duke as proof, should you care to see it."

They did, so the second rider approached and took the Letter from Roger, who took it from me first, as I doubted the man's horse would tolerate letting him get close enough to me. He took it back to the first rider, who read it carefully, then brought it back.

"Well then, well met Drack, the first rider said, you and your party may pass in peace. But be careful, these are dangerous times. And should you encounter supporters of Earl Thomas I am not sure how they would view a Letter from a supporter of Sir William."

"We have just come from Mayville, I said, and as you say these are dangerous times. We saw evidence of large bands of well organized raiders, both from the horde and soldiers turned to banditry. This is not a good time for a Civil War. Should word get out the fort at the entrance to the passes is abandoned the raiders will take advantage of that opportunity, they may even venture over the mountains and into the center of the Dukedom."

"I agree, the rider said, and there is no good time for a Civil War. Already several large battles have been fought, but the results were inconclusive. We just don't have to troops to garrison the fort right now, my men and I are just here to hopefully be able to provide adequate warning if a large party of raiders do move up the passes. We are too few to stop them I'm afraid, we number less than a hundred, and are mostly formerly retired soldiers or local militia, all the best troops are on campaign with the Duke."

"Well then, good luck, I replied. When we find the Duke we'll let him know of the precarious situation here, and hopefully convince him to send reinforcements, even if it is only more militia. Even militia could hold the fort with the help of some veterans and good officers."

As we passed the patrol they moved off the road to give their horses plenty of space as far away from the dragons as possible, which was smart. Equines and drakes do not get along well seeing as one usually ends up inside the other. Drakes consider horse flesh to be fine cuisine; I think it's quite tasty myself. But other than eying us nervously there was no incident of any kind. I wished the patrol well; I did not envy their task. They were far too few, and chances were any bandits or horde remnants they encountered would be better equipped and just as well trained, if not better.

We made it through the passes just ahead of the first major storm of the season, and within days the mountains were impassable. As we descended from the passes a light dusting of snow covered our backs. So at least the kingdom had until the start of spring to worry about raiders. And hopefully by then this stupid civil war would be over and the frontier holdings and towns could be reinforced with Royal troops. In the meantime they were on their own.

The End



My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to "The Seeker" series and basically introduces two new characters, a most unusual pair of friends and lovers. Sorry, no Yiff in this one! Absolution By William W. Kelso Gnik was a...

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The Ultimate Pleasure

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! The Ultimate Pleasure By William W. Kelso I was bored to tears, which was the entire problem. And I HATED being bored with a passion. I finished fucking my partner; having a nice orgasm, and then pulled...

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The Treasure of the Shark

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! The Treasure of the Shark By William W. Kelso She raised her head and listened to the sounds of drunken revelry coming from the main chamber. She knew she was dying, the weeks of abuse at the hands of...

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