Wild Experiment 5 - A Transformative Experience

Story by TikTikKobold on SoFurry

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#36 of Sonic the Hedgehog

The experiment Cien-Se is running on Eclipse has gone beyond all control. Now, Tik Tik is throwing in some of her magic, and the three will never be the same!

This is a collab/trade with ECLIPSE????S0DA. It's been really fun to work on this, and I'm super stoked with how the cover turned out. I just hope you enjoy the story that goes long with it!

If you're interested in doing a trade with me, you can let me know. If you want to see more of my stories, consider checking out my Patreon or my Commission Information. You can get in contact me via my Discord Server: Adventures of Tik Tik????, and if you love her design, check out GarasGiftGallery on Etsy for Tik Tik stickers and other goodies.

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Tik Tik approaches Cian-Se. The kobold mage places her hand over the scientist Echidna's forehead, and the mystic's eyes roll back as energies swirl around the two of them. Eclipse sits back, the were-echidna watching as the spell brings its grasp over the scientist.

The kobold pulls away, and she steps back, holding her hands out while keeping her gaze upon the other woman, a smile quirking over her snout.

"W... what did...?" Cian-Se begins, but she curls up, grabbing her sides, her shoulders lurching, growls rising up from her body.

Eclipse scrambles to his feet and grabs onto her. "Whoa, Doc, are you okay?" He snaps over at Tik Tik. "What did you-"

A shaggy arm attached to a large hand with sharp nails grabs onto Eclipse's shoulder, and the newly transformed were echidna scientist pushes Eclipse up against a tree. When she looms over him, she grins wide with a sawtooth smile. "Ooh... now, this... this is an experiment," she growls.

Eclipse stares up at the transformed Cian-Se, first in bewilderment, but then in a glad sneer. He grabs onto her muscled hips and pulls her down, locking her sex in place, shoving his huge dick up inside of her.

She rolls her head back, howling out to the not-quite-night sky. She bounces on top of Eclipse's cock, her strong abs distorting from the size of the dick filling her.

Eclipse fucks her, thrusting his hips upwards with his practiced style and natural raw power. He fills her and keeps a sustained pace the moment he finds her screaming out louder for him.

"Don't let her have all the fun," comes a growl from behind Cian-Se. Both were-echidnas glance away from their lusty haze to see the kobold transformed herself into a shapely winged dragon. The dragon Tik steps up to the two lovers and lowers herself, spreading her slit in front of Eclipse's face. "You can show Tik Tik how skilled in other parts." She says.

Eclipse nods and runs his tongue up along that sex. Tik Tik groans, shuddering and placing her hands upon Cian-Se's shoulders for support. The transformed ladies get into a groove, rolling over the Were-Echidna before they stare at each other for a moment and then, finally, press together in a sustained kiss.

Eclipse's thrusting and pounding don't stop. The were-echidna is a monster and a machine, and the two women wind up screaming in pleasure. But, between the two, it is Cian-Se who comes first, filled with Eclipse's Dark Gaia seed. In the throes of passion, she poofs back to her natural state, falling off his cock and laying sprawled on the ground.

With that distraction out of the way, Eclipse wrestles the dragon down. He throws her to the ground on her back. He then lines up his shot and fills her once more, fucking the dragon this time without that protective charm. When she stretches, she really feels it, and she lets him know with the throes of passion in her voice, crying out his name, begging, demanding for more!

Eclipse and Tik Tik thrust so hard that by the time she poofs back to her smaller form, laying beside Cian-Se, the two left an indentation in the dirt.

Eclipse stands over the two women, hunched over, breathing deep breaths. He looks to one, and then the other, both smiling, both struck dumb by the power of dick. His transformation is less instantaneous, but as his cock deflates in the afterglow, so too, does he return to his original size.

Eclipse slips back against the tree, rubbing the back of his neck and staring off towards the sky. "Fuck..." he sighs. "I... I haven't fucked that hard in... well, forever.

Tik Tik stirs, holding out her hand and producing from her supplies a letter. "Here," the kobold says. "Tik Tik have to go, but maybe we see each other again?"

Eclipse looks over the note. "What is this?"

"Dimensional Anchor," Tik Tik responds. "Special charm. Even if Tik Tik and Eclipse no meet again, another version of Tik Tik and Eclipse might. And that make Tik Tik happy."

Eclipse nods and folds the paper, placing it safely under his hat. "I'll take good care of it, Tik Tik. See ya."

The small kobold smiles, gathers up her things, and disappears.

It takes some time, but Cian-Se pushes herself back up, groaning. "Ugh... wh... what happened? Wait... where did that wizard go?

"Tell me you had that all recorded," the were-echidna says.

"Of course I did," Cian-Se says, finding her glasses and sliding them back on her face. She inputs some data on her tablet but slides up against Eclipse as she engrosses herself in the information.

Eclipse drapes his arm over her shoulder, holding her in close. "Nice. Well, I'm obligated to tell you that you need to join the Sex Worker's union if you're ever going to publish that."

Cian-Se stops her typing and buries her face in her hand. "Oh, Aurora... we totally just shot a porno, didn't we?"

"Sure did," Eclipse says, tapping the brim of his beanie, feeling the slip of paper. "And it was out of this world..."

Wild Experiment 4 - Moon Magic Transformation!

Tik Tik glances up and down along Eclipse's body, focusing her gaze upon his enormous cock. She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and makes some motions in the air. Meanwhile, Cian-Se watches, sitting back and enjoying the reprieve. Tik...

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Wild Experiment 3 - Cian-Se's Ride

Tik Tik lets out a little happy chirp. "Tik Tik wizard. Tik Tik search for big magic energy, but TIk Tik find something better--something sexy!" Cian-Se folds her arms over her chest, huffing. "A wizard?" she scoffs. "There's no need for your kind...

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Two fighters of equal skill find themselves entwined in a vertical sixty-nine. The larger lioness lays with her shoulders against the mat and her face full of vampire pussy. The Bloody Battler uses her supernatural strength to hold onto the furry...

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