To Protect and Serve - Part Three

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#3 of To Protect and Serve

In the wake of Nick's growth spurt, he and Judy explore the new abilities of which the fox is suddenly capable. :3

This story was written for Drewbermeister as part of their top tier Patreon reward for the month of November 2018. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, growth and size-play related sexiness in the world of Zootopia. :3

To Protect and Serve - Part Three

Though Judy really did want nothing more than to remain wrapped around Nick's newly enlarged and strengthened body, somehow her concern and care for the fox overwhelmed her intense and unabashedly erotic longing for him. Thus, when Nick's cock began to soften and Judy was faced with the choice between letting it continue to do so or attempting to rouse the fox's passions anew, she chose the former. She scrambled up his now almost six foot tall body as he cradled her against the shower room's wall, and pressed a hand against one of the shower valves, squealing in shock and laughter as briefly ice cold water flooded down over both of them, shocking their systems back to alertness while also dispelling them of any lingering arousal. Soon the water flowed warmer and more soothingly, and Judy rubbed her hands against Nick's broad and powerful chest, blushing as she made a token effort of cleaning him while the water flowed down over his body and swept away some of the intensely scented muskiness of his sweat and cum, further freeing her from temptation as it did so. Nick didn't speak at all, just running his hands gently over Judy's back and occasionally leaning forward to lick her wet, rosy-cheeked face, and indeed he remained almost entirely silent until they were done with the shower, padding back into the adjoining locker room and towelling themselves dry before gathering up and putting on their clothes.

Or rather, until Judy put on her clothes... and he found himself holding within his newly enlarged, far stronger paws the fabric which had once been his own, but now was closer to fitting Judy than himself.

Thankfully, there were always spare uniforms of varying sizes hanging around the ZPD headquarters, so it didn't take long for Judy to track down a somewhat warn uniform belonging to Leiutenant Leominster. Carefully she helped Nick into the lion's uniform, blushing and feeling her toes curl down against the tiled floor below them as she pulled the uniform's shirt tight over Nick's bulging bicep muscles and buttoned it over his fur clad but tangibly taut abs. Only then, as she stood upon the bench and aided the somewhat blankly staring fox in getting dressed, did Nick speak.

"I... feel strange, Carrots."

Her eyes widened immediately with concern.

"Bad, strange? Don't worry, Nick. We'll go find Bogo, get him to call the doctors back right now."

The fox frowned for a moment, then shook his head.

"No. Not...bad. Just strange. I feel strong, and fast, and... healthy. I feel like... well..."

He looked as though he was struggling to find the words to describe how he was feeling, but smiled as he glanced down and saw the large wooden bench upon which Judy was standing to be able to regard him at an even slightly similar eye-level. Bending forward, he reached out his strong arms and grabbed at the bench's underside. Judy's eyes widened as a moment later she heard the creaking of metal rivets where that section of the bench was attached to those on either side, and she dropped to all fours, clinging to the wooden frame of the bench as sure enough those fastenings were wrenched loose, and Nick lifted the whole thing with what seemed to be relative ease up and over his head, taking Judy along for the ride.

"Oh god, Nick."

Judy gasped as she glanced down from where she was straddling the bench, peering over its edge at the fox who appeared rather proud of himself as he hoisted her aloft and saw the awed expression on her face.

"Carrots, I... I feel like I can do anything. Like nothing could stop me. And, I don't know, that scares me a little."

He set the bench back down, and blushed as Judy slowly scrambled back to her feet, looking up at him with her wide violet eyes in wonder, in awe, and with the same adoring sincerity that neither one of them could help but show off to one another when their eyes met.


Judy murmured.

" you want to do anything? To use your new strength and size in ways that would hurt someone? That would hurt me?"

A strangled yelp escaped the fox, and he dropped to his knees. He pressed his head forward, bumping it into Judy's chest not forcefully, but so gently even with his vastly increased strength that the rabbit felt obligated to wrap her hands around his head and pull him in tighter against her. With another whimper, Nick shook his head. Judy stroked his ears, and smiled softly as she whispered to him.

"Of course you don't. Because you're you. Dumb fox. You're still you. Still Nicolas Piberius Wilde. Still the man I love, and the man I know wouldn't hurt a fly... unless it tried to land on his jumbo pop."

She felt Nick chuckle against her, and giggled as he pulled back, his much larger face beaming as he gently nuzzled against her, nose to nose.

"I mean, I do still really like jumbo pops..."

Beaming, the rabbit nodded and stroked Nick's cheeks with her hands, hands that now seemed even more tiny and dextrous in comparison to the fox's own.

"See? That proves it."

She smirked teasingly.

"You're still you, Nick. And I believe in your heart, in your conscience. You know what's right and wrong. What's good and just in the world. And... no matter how big or small, how strong or weak you are physically, I know that you'll keep doing your best for Zootopia and all its people."

Smiling more confidently now, as though he was starting to believe what Judy was saying, Nick nodded. He paused after a moment though, and made one addition to the rabbit's statement before continuing.

"But... especially you, Judy. I'll always do my best, always be my best, for you."

The rabbit beamed, and she reached up on her tiptoes in order to wrap her arms around Nick's thickened neck, only to place her feet against his chest and practically climb the fox in order to kiss him upon the lips. She did so eagerly, and Nick responded with a happy growl, his hands cupping Judy's backside as they re-acquainted themselves with how to kiss given the now somewhat different proportions of their muzzles, but gleefully, hungrily so. Before long in fact they were making out as passionately and giddily as they ever had before, and as Judy felt Nick holding her with such ease in his strong arms and squeezing, rubbing at her rump through the fabric of her own clothes, she lamented the fact that she really did want him to go and see the doctors before anything else happened. Otherwise, she was almost certain that clothes would have started to come off all over again, and that with a clear head she would finally have gotten to see the massive cock which until now she had really only felt fully grown at its new, enhanced size.

Somehow, she managed to convince herself and Nick to part not only lips, but almost entirely from one another's touch. She led the huge, muscular fox by the hand out of the locker room and began to pad back through the interior of the ZPD headquarters with him, and before long they were walking through corridors past wide-eyed co-workers, before finally reaching Bogo's office.

Needless to say, when the Chief laid eyes upon Nick, the fox and rabbit soon found themselves behind a locked door once more. Phone calls were made, and until the doctors returned with their anonymous agent associate alongside them all that Nick and Judy could do was sit on the couch in Bogo's office as the water buffalo paced up and down in front of them, looking at the fox whose physique now came close... though still not quite as tall or thick in the upper body... to himself, and switching between murmurs urging the doctors to arrive swiftly, and others of wondrous disbelief that their serum had actually delivered the miraculous, seemingly impossible results that it had promised, albeit on something of an extremely delayed schedule.

They arrived, and after that the remainder of the evening was taken up by tests. Nick and Judy told the two doctors almost everything about what had been happening when the change began, omitting of course the fact that they had been fucking at the time not because they were ashamed of doing so, but because they simply didn't wish to get in trouble for behaving so inappropriately while still on ZPD premises, even if they had no longer been on duty. They did go so far as to say they'd been making out, and that they'd gone into the locker room to find new clothes for Nick, but nothing more.

Before long, needles came out and blood was drawn. Lights were flashed in Nick's eyes, audio frequencies played to him as the doctors tried to figure out whether anything in particular had triggered Nick's growth or if it had simply been a delayed reaction to the supposedly fast-acting serum they had injected him with earlier that day. The fox took it all in his stride though, and with Judy's hand barely leaving his for more than a few seconds at a time he sat calmly, patiently as he and Judy answered a myriad of questions and his body was poked, prodded and measured from every conceivable angle.

The end result though, well after midnight with Judy asleep against one of Nick's huge biceps and Bogo dozing at his desk, was an almost simultaneous shrug from the two doctors. Frankly they had no idea what had caused the delay, nor what had caused Nick's sudden responsiveness to the serum. However, from all their tests it seemed that the substance had now had precisely its intended effect upon the fox, and thus with Bogo and of course Nick's own consent they would move things on to the next stage of experimentation.

"Rest up tonight, and... tomorrow, perhaps we could meet you back here, use the ZPD gymnasium to run some tests on your muscle density, your actual strength and stamina in this new form."

Doctor Messer glanced hopefully at Chief Bogo, who snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Oh by all means. Not only are you taking two of my best officers off the streets with your experiment, but now you want to co-opt yet more of our workplace."

The skunk agent raised an eyebrow behind her sunglasses, and Nick swore he almost caught the vaguest hint of a smile from the unknown, classified figure. Clearly she was as weary of having to deal with these doctors as Bogo was, but also like the chief of police she recognised that they were vital to this process. Thus she settled back into the corner where she was standing as the water buffalo sighed and waved a hand at the two doctors.

"Really, though. Fine. I'll draw up some signage saying the gym is off limits tomorrow. But please, try to be as quick as possible. I don't like keeping my teams in the dark about things, and I don't want Wilde here treated as some sort of medical curiosity. He's still a cop. A damn good one, though it pains me to have him hear me say it. He should be out on the street helping people, not running on a hamster wheel while you study him."

Nick's shit-eating grin lit up the room, and as his and Bogo's eyes met he wordlessly ensured that the water buffalo knew just how often he would remind him of those words in the days, months, and years to come. He cleared his throat a moment later though, and nodded in agreement with his boss.

"The Chief is right. I really would prefer to be back on patrol. But, I'll run your tests for you tomorrow. Does that mean I can go home now, though?"

The two doctors looked nervously at one another, then the agent. The okapi shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Officer Wilde. We really would like to say yes, but... we'd really prefer if you stayed here overnight, to minimise exposure to any outside variables which might..."

Bogo rose from behind his desk with a snort.

"Now hold on. You can't put Wilde through all this, then tell him he's not even allowed to go home to sleep. He's a volunteer, not a prisoner."

Judy jumped slightly, roused from her slumber by the water buffalo's raised voice and looking around nervously, momentarily disoriented by her fatigue. Looking down at her, and wrapping a large arm around her for comfort and reassurance, Nick frowned and cleared his throat loudly.

"It's fine."

The chief frowned, and the doctors looked at the fox curiously. He shrugged, and continued.

"Look, I don't want to cause a fuss, and frankly I've slept on the couches here in the break-room after pulling a double shift to cover for someone or after some big event or incident. If you want me to sleep here, I'll sleep here. Just... please, let me go now. Let us go now."

He gestured at the now awake but still obviously tired rabbit beside him.

"It's been a long day, and we're tired. I'll cooperate with you completely in the morning. But for now... please, I'd really like it if we could just go to sleep without having to debate how, why and where."

Barely five minutes later, Nick and Judy were curled up on one of the fold-out couch beds in one of the quieter break rooms, a do not disturb sign hanging on the door. They curled up, still dressed for the most part beneath one of the thin blankets which could be given to low risk suspects to wrap around them if they got cold while in a cell, and cuddled. At the best of times prior to Nick's change Judy had always been the little spoon, but now she barely felt like she qualified as a spoon at all, merely a sugar-cube upon Nick's far larger tablespoon. She giggled and sighed happily as Nick licked her ears and kissed the back of her neck as he always did before bed, but neither one of them tried to be affectionate beyond that. Most days sure, they'd fuck after getting into bed, and perhaps on another occasion they might even have fooled around a little here despite knowing that an officer on the night shift could miss the sign and just stroll in here at any moment. But Nick had been sincere in saying that they were both rather tired after their long day, thus the two of them were genuinely content to just lie there together and drift off to sleep. To sink into slumber all too aware of Nick's far greater size and the changes that could potentially bring to their lives for however long they remained, but not scared. Not afraid of what that meant, at least not for them.

They lay in one another's arms as comfortable, as safe and as content as ever, and when sleep claimed them, they slept soundly until morning came.


The following morning, Nick showed Bogo, the doctors and the ever present agent exactly what his newly grown, enhanced body could do.

In the ZPD gym, normally bustling with conversation between off duty colleagues and ringing with the sounds of various machines and the clanking of metal weights being lifted and pulled, Nick alone worked out as the scientists observed, Bogo and the agent sat back in wide eyed awe, and Judy... well, to be honest Judy just sat as still and silent as possible, not wanting to draw anyone's attention in case they recognised how flushed her face was, how much her ears and nose and tail were twitching, and the way her toes were curling in excitement as she watched the shirtless, muscular fox lifting a fully loaded bar-bell weight in each hand, huffing and growling with exertion but able to do so not just once or twice in succession, but fifty... sixty... seventy... soon a full hundred times without pause.

She watched the fox sweat and pant but never once stop to take a breather as Nick ran a marathon distance upon a running machine in what the doctors seemed to think was a Zootopian record for a canid, and she squeezed her thighs together in almost tangible desperation as Nick stepped out onto the mattresses used for yoga classes and self-defence training, only to perform several acts of acrobatic prowess at the doctors instruction which not only had she never seen him successfully achieve before, but Nick claimed he had never even attempted prior to now.

Finally it seemed as though the doctors had gotten all the information they needed, or at least all that they felt able to currently process in a reasonable amount of time. They thanked Nick once again, and seemed as though they were about to turn and leave when Bogo cleared his throat.

"Excuse me. Aren't you forgetting something?"

The doctors and the skunk agent who had taken up step silently beside them looked around, and the water buffalo snorted in frustration as he gestured towards Nick.

"I don't know how many times I have to say this. This fox is a valued police officer. A member of my team, not a laboratory subject. Are you going to tell me whether or not I can place him back on active duty, or do we really have to wait for all your tests to be processed before I can actually let this man do his job?"

Doctor M'baza blushed and looked to her colleague for a moment, sighing as he subtly shrugged.

"Everything was perfectly normal with his psychological profile yesterday, and everything seems normal here. Well, normal in terms of behaviour and control of his abilities. Honestly, there's no protocol for how to handle a situation like this. Obviously we wouldn't allow an officer out on the streets if he had been exposed to any form of street drugs, but... experimental as this serum is, there are no signs of any side effects, and your department was granted this exception by... w-well, by the agency that our friend here represents."

The skunk nodded her head from behind her shades. The okapi continued.

"All of which is to say... there's no reason that I or doctor Messer can see which should keep Officer Wilde from his duties, providing he shows the same restraint and understanding of his newfound size and strength that any one of your larger and more powerful members of staff would also display."

Bogo straightened up proudly.

"If he did not possess that understanding, he wouldn't be a member of my team. Every one of the officers under my command understands their responsibilities, and are trained from day one to consider the consequences of their actions when they are on duty. Isn't that right, Wilde?"

Nick glanced over from where he was currently sitting on the ground, lifting the entire bench-press machine, frame and all, with one hand in an attempt to provide himself with an extra challenge beyond its maximum weight capacity.

"Yes Sir."

He nodded sincerely, before glancing over to where Judy was still sitting close by, staring adoringly and awe struck at him as his shirtless form rippled with every motion of his new and powerful muscles.

"Besides, Judy... that is Officer Hopps, will keep me in check. Won't you, Carrots?"

Cheeks reddening as she felt more pairs of eyes falling upon her while she continued to lust after her partner, Judy cleared her throat and nodded. She looked first to Bogo, then to the doctors, then finally back at Nick himself with a warm smile.


Chief Bogo snorted in satisfaction, and stepped towards the doctors with arms outstretched, ushering them out before they could think of anything else to ask of the fox.

"Good, that's settled then. Hopps. Wilde. You'll start an afternoon patrol of Sahara Square at thirteen-hundred hours. That gives you just over an hour to get ready. Wilde, I'd suggest a shower. You may be strong as ten foxes right now, but... well, you smell like them, too. Any problems, radio me immediately."

Springing to his feet with a single agile motion, rolling onto his back and propelling himself forward and upright like a practised athlete, Nick nodded and saluted. Judy did likewise, though her gaze was still fixated upon Nick's body. Then they were alone. Alone again in a section of the ZPD headquarters marked as off limits to everyone but them, and before Nick could even turn towards the showers, he gasped and chuckled softly as a furry grey missile launched itself at him and was suddenly wrapping her legs around his waist, while burying her face in his chest.


Judy gurgled as she inhaled heavily, drinking in the results of his exercise, the sweat, the scent of his exertion not pungent in a bad way, but rich and earthy and so very intensely Nick.

"I've been waiting to do that all morning."

She giggled as she pulled her head back some fifteen or twenty seconds later, blushing as she looked up to Nick's face only to see him staring down at her with a playful spark lingering behind his eyes.

"I know. Good lord, Carrots. I didn't know you were so into muscly guys."

Judy's eyes widened, and she gasped, playfully punching Nick on one huge, swollen arm.

"Hey! What? I am not!"

Nick cocked an eyebrow.

"C'mon, Judy. You've been practically dripping on that bench you were sitting on all morning staring at me. Don't deny it."

The rabbit's face burned crimson as she squirmed where she was clinging to the fox, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of agreeing but even now able to feel the dampness of her underwear clinging to her pussy. She took a breath, swallowed her pride, and told him the truth.

"I... it has nothing to do with muscly guys. It's you, Nick. Big, strong, muscular you. You know how you make me feel. What you do to that part of me deep down that still wants my nose to start twitching every time I hear a predator suspect snarl or roar, no matter how much I consciously know that I'm the one in the position of authority and that I'm smart and fast enough to control almost any situation. You make me feel safe, Nick. You make me feel small and ten feet tall all at once because of how you protect me and support me... and you make me glad to feel that way whether we're out on patrol together, or if I'm curled up in your arms at night."

She ran a hand through his chest, kissed him there once again, and took another deep breath of his rich scent.

"And now... now this. You're bigger. Stronger. And, it makes me feel stronger too, knowing not just that you're there to support me with your new strength, but that I can be here for you. To support you while you get used to it. Stronger, and safer, and... well... more in love with you than ever."

Nick said nothing for a short while, just put both arms around Judy, one cradling her back and the other her rear end so that she no longer had to cling to him quite so tightly of her own accord. Eventually though he sighed in joyous satisfaction, and craned his neck down to kiss the bunny on her head, a head which compared to that same time yesterday seemed so much smaller and more delicate than it had been before.

"I'm lucky to have you, Carrots."

Nick murmured, feeling Judy tremble in delight against him, smiling warmly down at her face still buried in his chest, and chuckling as he sought to lighten the sincere emotion of that statement. He squeezed her ass in his hand.

"And your cute tush, too. Now, c'mon. Like Bogo said, no matter how much you like it we should really shower before we head out on patrol."

Judy blushed and nodded without removing her face from Nick's chest for even a moment. She tensed up against him just a few seconds later though as the fox began to carry her across the gym to its adjoining lockers and shower block, and bashfully whimpered to her partner and lover.

"Wait... we?"

Nick chuckled.

"Caught that, huh?"

The rabbit shuddered happily against the fox.

"Nick, we... we don't have the best track record of staying on our best behaviour when we take showers together."

Again the fox laughed, though this time there was a definite raspiness, a slight growling intensity to his mirth.

"Mmm... noticed that, did you? C'mon, Carrots. You can't tell me that you expect me to see you getting hot and bothered all morning, and not want to do something about it. We don't have to fuck. Just... just let me eat you out. Let my big, sharp teeth nibble at that juicy burrow of yours. I'm bigger than I was before, after all, and we've only been eating snacks since yesterday lunchtime. Surely my appetite has grown too. Don't you wanna help out a hungry fox?"

Another growl emphasised that second to last word, and Nick felt Judy quake in his embrace as he carried her into the locker room before setting her gently down on the ground, her legs trembling for a moment as though about to give way without his support.

Sure enough, just as she had imagined a mere instant before, when Judy looked up, Nick's teeth were bared and his eyes wild with playful excitement.

"You wanna run, don't you Carrots? Just like at home the other day. Only... this time, I'll give you a head start. I'll actually let you scamper away, before I catch you."

Judy whimpered.

"Ooh Nick. Dammit, I... I kinda have to, don't I? Or... or I'm gonna be so fucking horny all afternoon, I'll end up humping you in the patrol car."

The fox snarled happily at that suggestion, and once again Judy's legs almost collapsed beneath her as Nick teasingly murmured a single word, harking back to past occasions when their professional partnership had been undercut by their love and desire for one another.


Judy giggled, nodded, and took a step back from Nick as he began to pull down the sweat pants he had worn for his exercise regiment, once again borrowed from one of the more suitably sized members of the ZPD. Her heart skipped a beat as he pulled down the underwear beneath it too, and for the first time since feeling it growing between her legs yesterday afternoon, she saw Nick's cock swelling rapidly before her eyes. It was big. Not just big like how Nick was big now, but... bigger proportionally than it had been before. His balls were too, so much so in fact she was wondering how she hadn't noticed them against the outline of Nick's clothes.

"Five, Carrots."

Her head span as she looked at the naked fox while he sank down onto all fours before her, licking his lips and already panting in excitement.

"Four. You gonna run, Judy?"

She tried to put two and two together, to realise that there was something she was really meant to be doing right then. But all she could do was stare at Nick's cock as even now it remained visible, throbbing, slapping up against his stomach as the fox flexed his muscles and Judy swore they seemed fuller, larger than ever.

" Three!"

Nick roared savagely in what almost sounded like a sincere warning of impending danger, and finally kicked Judy's brain into gear with another rush of fight or flight instinct mingled as always with her utter trust and adoration for the fox. She turned, tail twitching, and dropped to all fours of her own accord as she bolted away, darting around one set of lockers, then another, heading for the far side of the space and a particular hiding spot she knew might confound and further excite the fox as part of their little hunting role-play. All the while she heard Nick continuing to count down, not giving her much time of course but definitely drawing each count out far beyond a single second, ensuring that she still had time to make this chase last more than a few moments.


Judy wished she'd stripped off her own uniform, feeling her panties getting wetter and wetter by the instant.


She heard another echoing snarl ring out, and for a moment considered simply dropping her pants right there, leaving herself ass up, pussy presented, for Nick to find her and pounce upon her, beginning to breed her roughly right there and then.

Before long though she heard the slapping of hands and feet against the tile of the locker room floor, and a surge of giddy, erotically charged panic ran through the most primitive reaches of her mind. She shrieked uncontrollably in fright and excitement, and bolted forward once again as Nick came barrelling around the corner, joining the same aisle of the locker room at its far end rather than going down and across as she had. He saw her before she could dart out of sight though, their eyes locking for a single instant before Judy was on the move again, and with another snarl and a fresh slapping of paw-pads against floor, Judy knew he was after her.

For more than a minute the rabbit led the fox on a merry chase around and around the locker room, circumventing his every attempt to use the layout of the room to get closer to her and constantly ensuring she had a route to her means of escape. Finally though as he started to gain ground on her naturally, Judy whimpering as she realised that even with his much larger size he was faster than her too as well as merely stronger, the rabbit had no choice but to deploy her master plan. She raced back to the rear of the room with Nick hot on her heels, and dived down a gap in the rear bank of lockers which to most of the ZPDs mammals would have barely been an arm's width wide, but to Judy was just big enough for her to sneak down into.

She giggled and squirmed as Nick stuffed his snout down the gap, or rather tried to before realising it was now too large to even get a tiny bit of the way in, and peered back as she wiggled her way deeper and deeper into the space, watching him try to reach in with an arm but again finding himself too large, too bulky to get to her.

"Guess size isn't everything, huh, scary fox?"

She giggled playfully, finally reaching down behind herself, grasping at the fabric of her lower garments and tugging them down, underwear and leggings at the same time to effectively moon her ass at Nick. Leaning forward, she lifted her tail and blushed as she further teased and tormented the man she loved by flashing her no doubt visibly damp pussy to him, moaning back at him all the while.

"Bet you wish you could reach me. This would be all yours to eat, to fuck, to do whatever you want... if only you could get to me. If only you weren't so big and bulky and... Nick?"

Looking back over her shoulder once again as she rocked her hips and considered reaching a hand between her legs to rub her clit in an even more overtly teasing show, Judy whimpered as she realised that Nick was no longer there. She could hear him snuffling and growling close by, but he was no longer present at the opening of the hole. Was he trying to get her to come closer and peek out, only to grab her? Was he trying to play the dumb predator and seek out another way in when there clearly wasn't one, or...

Judy's mind went blank, and all her hypotheses went with them as she heard a creak, then a grinding of metal, and then... then the entire row of lockers behind which she was crouched began to move.

"Ooh god..."

Judy felt a spray of hot arousal flood out over the fingertips resting by her clit as she realised what was happening, and her body reacted with the only way that felt right and natural at the time. She was frozen, unable to move, nowhere to run as she watched the lockers being not just pulled away from the wall but lifted up off the ground at the same time, and when Nick began to turn them onto their sides, allowing him to lift the entire block of eight lockers clean up over his head, all that the rabbit could do was gurgle in wonder and pure, unbridled arousal.

He was bigger.

He was getting bigger, even now. At that moment Nick had to have been over seven feet tall, and though the growth was subtle as his body grew taller, his muscles thicker and his cock longer with every throb, there was no denying that it was happening.

"You forgot..."

Nick grinned with a deep, rumbling growl, either unaware or unconcerned by the fact that the serum he had taken which was meant to only be a small and temporary dose was inducing an entire second round of growth to his already supernaturally strong body.

"...bunnies can burrow, but foxes can dig them right back out again."

He hefted the lockers across the corridor which would have served as Judy's escape route, had she wished to keep on running. Despite his colossal strength though, he didn't set the lockers down with force enough to crumple them or to break the tiled floor below. He set them down with a gentle purpose, before turning his eyes and his now free hands back towards the rabbit. Nick licked his lips as he saw Judy standing there, staring at him in awe, and with a passionate growl he reached down between his legs, grabbed his still throbbing, still growing cock, and stroked it within one powerful, meaty paw.

"Remember what the doctors said yesterday, Judy? About how... aah... how I must be the most placid, chilled out predator in the world not to be producing the kinds of hormones that would make the serum work? Well... what if they were right?"

Judy blinked, and stared at the fox in hunger and confusion all rolled into one as he spoke to her about science while masturbating his unnaturally large cock with a serum enhanced, beautifully muscular arm. Nick chuckled at her reaction, and took a step towards the rabbit, licking his lips when rather than backing away against the wall she stumbled a step towards him too, shuffling awkwardly along with her leggings and panties around her knees.

"What if I have a partner, a friend, a lover who makes me so completely and totally at peace with myself and my most base instincts, I only get truly worked up when I know that she wants me to. I only feel the need to open up that side of myself, that savage, predatory part of my brain and all the chemicals it controls, when it will make her happy."

The rabbit's eyes bulged. She thought back to yesterday, to when Nick had grown. While they'd been having sex, yes. But more than that. While she'd been teasing him, coaxing him into being rough with her. To fucking her harder, like the serum was already working. Like he was a wild animal utterly out of control. She had practically begged him to open up his primal side to her then, just as she had here with their little hunting role-play. And both times... she trembled in delight, in wonder. Both times, Nick had grown. Both times he had unleashed the very core of his instinctive self primarily because he knew that she would get off on him doing so, and had triggered the serum within him to become active as a result.

Judy stumbled forward into Nick's powerful arms, and wailed as she buried her face in his stomach, as far up as she could reach while her own arms wrapped around the throbbing length of his cock, almost twice its original length. Twice the size of the feet she had until recently loved to wrap around the entirety of his erection with her toes wriggling against his sensitive tip while the heels caressed his knot. In return, he slipped a finger between her legs. Just one finger, but still enough to practically fill her up as it slid inside. She shrieked again, trying to wrap her arms around his waist only to realise that he was now too big, too vast in size for her hands to connect. Her thighs clamped down around his powerful hand, and her whole body turned to liquid fire, to sweet molten magma as despite her attempts to hold him steady Nick's finger began to move, to wriggle, explore and probe at depths only his cock had been able to reach before now, but with a dexterity that only a finger could provide.

"Ooohhhh, Nick... please, slow down. Oh god, I'm... a-aahhhh, you're gonna make me cum!"

The fox laughed as Judy whimpered into the fluff of his stomach, his fur so soft but the flesh beneath it rock hard with muscle.

"I know I am. That's kinda the point of fingering you, Carrots."

Whimpering in excitement and frustration all rolled into one, Judy pulled her head back and glared up at the far larger fox.

"You know what I mean, dumb fox!"

She pouted even as she shuddered in absolute bliss.

"I... ah, I want to cum with you."

Nick raised an eyebrow.


The rabbit trembled at the deep intensity of the fox's voice. She whimpered in helpless curiosity. Nick grinned, and began to rub at her innermost reaches with the pad of his fingertip, chuckling as Judy's legs finally did give out when he murmured at her once again.

"What makes you think I'm only gonna make you cum once before our patrol?"

What followed was, for the rabbit at least, something of a blur. A series of recollections almost observed from outside herself, as though the sheer pleasure of the experience was causing her to astrally project like her soul was preparing to ascend to a state of pure nirvana.

It began with Nick's finger. With her body sagging, her arms gripping at his straining cock and the fox's powerful body looming over her tenderly, clutching her with his free arm to keep her vaguely upright as his single digit worked sweet magic on her pussy, and drove her to her first climax even as he tenderly teased the fact that it wasn't going to be her last. She squealed and thrashed around astride the male's single digit with he rubbed and tapped at places Judy didn't know existed inside herself, until before she knew it she was being gently lowered to the cool floor of the locker room itself, and found a huge set of jaws suddenly nibbling at the tips of her toes while strong hands peeled her leggings and panties the rest of the way off at last. Once her legs were bare, the teeth advanced, nipping at her ankles, her calves, her knees, her thighs, and then... then the pleasure began all over again, her body still trembling, her chest still heaving from her first orgasm's draining influence, and yet her nether regions and her very heart not just responding pleasantly to the renewed stimulation, but even more desperate for it than the first time around.

The rabbit squealed and blushed as Nick's powerful hands grabbed her feet, and for the first time in their relationship was able to overpower the muscles of her legs with his grasp alone. He spread her legs apart, wider, wider, shamelessly and lewdly until the bunny was practically performing the splits where she lay, and his tongue attacked her with a relentless fury more intense than many of the fuckings Judy had received in her life before meeting and falling head over heels for this fox. His tongue was easily as big and powerful as his cock had been the last time they'd fucked, but once again much like Nick's finger it excelled at mobility and striking out at particular spots within Judy in a way his cock even at that colossal size had been unable to achieve. Judy had almost never been embarrassed by the fact that she was prone to rather regular and copious ejaculations, especially not once she learned how much Nick loved to make them happen, but even she felt herself whimpering in humiliation at just how hard, just how much she was squirting as Nick gave new reality to the phrase eating out.

His jaws upper jaw was resting upon her belly, and his lower jaw reaching up far enough to hold her puff of a tail within its toothy grip. For that reason Judy was hyper aware of the fact that every gush of ejaculate she let loose was flooding right into Nick's mouth. Not down his chin, not over his muzzle, not dribbling down his knot and dripping off his balls. He was hungrily drinking it all down, eyes bulging, gurgling loudly and joyously with every gulp. And when she came, doing so with such force and volume that her juices finally did began to overflow out of the fox's massive maw, Judy screamed in bliss and shameful delight as Nick simply clamped his lips down to form a tight seal around her crotch, and began to loudly, unabashedly slurp and suck at Judy's convulsing, gushing pussy like someone trying to draw every last drop of soda from a glass with a straw.

When her second orgasm ended, Judy fell limp for just a moment, quivering, giggling in almost entirely mindless lust as her body twitched like it was short-circuiting, only every wriggle of her toes or ears was accompanied by an aftershock of pleasure. She couldn't cum again. Not right that second, anyway, but before long as she dragged herself to her knees she knew what she could do. What she had to do.

She pushed Nick back, giggling as the huge and vastly more powerful fox let her shove him around like she was still the one in charge. She scrambled up onto his stomach, marvelling and whimpering in delight at the fact she could literally sit upon his belly like a seat it was so broad and firm, and with Nick watching her all the while, resting upon his elbows with his sharp eyes peering down the length of his torso, Judy reached out her feet towards the cock now twice their length.

"ohh, Nick..."

Spent as she might have felt, Judy almost came spontaneously the first moment her feet met with that enormous cock, so much bigger than what she had explored so many times in the past but still so tangibly and unmistakably Nick's cock as soon as she touched it. She nibbled on her bottom lip as she rubbed his huge shaft from base to tip with her footpaws, seeing them in profile right next to one another truly driving home just how much larger Nick had gotten even more than the fact she was sitting on what was really only a portion of his stomach perfectly comfortably in the process of doing so. She giggled and moaned back as from behind her Nick began to huff, to whine and growl as she pleasured him, and further tremors of excitement ran through the rabbit as she slipped her paws all the way down to the base of his shaft, and used her toes to squeeze his immense knot, massaging and rubbing all over it just as she had always loved to do, but now with so much more ground to cover with her relatively smaller feet.

It wasn't long before pre-cum was dribbling liberally down Nick's cock, and a few spurts were even launching up into the air and coming deliciously close to raining down upon the rabbit. That was when an idea crossed Judy's mind. An idea so lewd and wonderful that once again she swore she almost climaxed merely from conceiving such a potently erotic thought.

"Nick, can you... could you sit up a bit, so I can lean against your chest?"

Judy asked, and with a happy growl Nick obliged, shuffling his powerful body to lean against the set of lockers next to the ones he had lifted cleanly out of place. With a giggle of glee, Judy did lean back against his now slightly more upright torso, and shuffled her rear end just a little further down towards his crotch. She eyeballed the distance, but felt fairly certain in her convictions, and sure enough she was soon able to put her plan in motion. Her feet rubbed and squeezed at the base of Nick's cock, and at the same time she reached out with her hands, wrapping them around the pointed tip of the fox's canid shaft and squeezing, caressing, doing everything she could to make Nick feel good. For a minute or so she simply pleasured him like that, before slowly and steadily Judy began to pull back on his cock a little. To draw it closer and closer to her body, so that each time he let loose a string of pre-cum it hit Judy square in the chest, then the diaphragm, then the stomach, and then...

"Oh. Oh, Judy..."

Before Nick realised what she was doing, Judy had his cock pinned down by her hands and feet as she massaged it, while all of a sudden its tip was resting between her legs, rubbing against her pussy as her footpaws tended to its knot and her hands now to the shaft.

"Judy, you're... aahh, god, I'm gonna cum."

The bunny moaned, grinned, and peered back over her shoulder to catch her lover's eyes.

"I know you are. That's kinda the point of me jerking you off, slick."

She squeezed his knot harder. She rubbed his length faster. Nick whined. Nick yelped. Nick's cock drooled and dribbled cum over Judy's pussy until her clit was throbbing and her head was spinning.

Then, with a howl of passionate gratitude, Nick began to paint her. Not just to drizzle her belly with a few streaks of cum or to send his seed trickling down the slit of her pussy as it oozed forth, but to cum on and across Judy so abundantly that she swore she didn't understand where it was all coming from, or how it was possible for a cock to cum so much, so fast. Needless to say the rabbit was shrieking and whimpering in bliss alongside him within seconds as the second or third spurt of his shaft hammered into her clit with a surprising amount of pressure, like a shower-head set to the most perfect pulse setting. She was still whimpering when his climax abated too, even though it had lasted a good ten or fifteen seconds beyond the duration of her own. Cumming or not, the erotic intensity of being coated from face to crotch by Nick's cum was utterly fantastic. In fact, it was so perfectly wonderful that even after Nick had stopped cumming, Judy laid herself down flat against him in the hopes that he would forget about what they were supposed to be doing after that. In the hope that Bogo and Nick and everyone else would just forget that they were meant to be on duty in what had to be just ten or fifteen minutes time by now, and that they would just let her lie there, covered in her lover's cum, until its rich, salty scent had entirely infused into her fur.

Unfortunately for Judy, Nick didn't forget, and soon he was carrying her cradled with ease in his arms to the showers themselves. Washing off his sweat and their shared juices for the third time in as many days, and the second time in as many at work.

Then, after a little time rooting around in lockers for a rhino sized set of clothing, Nick and Judy slipped out of the locker room and out of the gym, into the ZPD complex itself.

Eyes widened.

People gasped and stared and nodded to direct colleagues' attention towards the huge, muscular fox walking alongside the very familiar figure of Officer Hopps. But all their collective gazes did nothing to slow Nick and Judy down as they headed to the front desk to check out and begin their patrol, and in the hopes that Chief Bogo wouldn't come out and notice that Nick was easily over eight feet tall now, they hurriedly made their exit out onto the streets of Zootopia soon afterwards. After all, if Bogo saw them he would undeniably want to call back the doctors and have them run yet more tests. But all that Nick and Judy wanted was to get back to work. To do their jobs protecting the citizens of Zootopia from crime, and... if they were perfectly honest, to give Nick a chance to use these powers of his for something more than sex, before they wore off as the doctors had at least suggested they were meant to.

Just one patrol. Just one afternoon to let Nick make use of his super-powered body. Surely that wasn't so bad.

After all, what could possibly happen in just one afternoon?

By Jeeves

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To Protect and Serve - Part Four

This story was written for Drewbermeister as part of their top tier Patreon reward for the month of December 2018. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, growth and size-play related sexiness in the world of Zootopia. :3 **To Protect and...

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To Protect and Serve - Part Two

This story was written for Drewbermeister as part of their top tier Patreon reward for the month of November 2018. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, growth and size-play related sexiness in the world of Zootopia. :3 **To Protect and...

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To Protect and Serve - Part One

This story was written for Drewbermeister as part of their top tier Patreon reward for the month of November 2018. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and the precursor to some size-play related sexiness in the world of Zootopia. :3 ...

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