Chapter 25" Upon the exit , the Sages missing in action
#25 of Roen Olver Series
After returning from their trip through time. ROen and Alex are worried about Alex's parents who've seen to gone missing.
Chapter 25" Upon the exit , the Sages missing in action
summary: After returning from their trip through time. ROen and Alex are worried about Alex's parents who've seen to gone missing.
In the kitchen we find Roe and Alex sitting at the kitchen table a can of root beer in his hand, Alex drinking cola. Connor and Ace sleeping under the table back in kanine form. The TV in the living room on low , the light flickering through the doorway to the kitchen. "Did your mom text you when there getting home?" ROen asks as he finishs his can of soda. "No nothing and that's not like them." Alex replies, as he pulls out his iPhone and shoots off a text to his mom and then to his dad a second later. ALex waits for a few minutes with no responds from neither his mom or dad. "Nothing, and that's really not like 'em, Roe."
?Let me text my folks maybe a D-IT- (dog in training) is at the office." Roe says, as he too shoots a text to his dad, the reply coming back that he to hadn't heard from the Sages all day. ROen then texting his mom with the same question, with the reply also being a no on his mom's part.
"Maybe their in town with no Signal?" Roe contemplates aloud to Alex, by this time both Connor and Ace where awake, awaken by the worry in the air. "Let me call Abs, maybe she's heard something." Alex says, as he calls Abby questioning her on anything about his parents. "Sorry Alex, nothing to report." ALex then hangs up with Abby, worry filling his voice.
From in the livingroom comes the sound of shattering glass, as the four run in, finding a rock with paper wrapped around it, held in place by a rubberband, Alex unwrapping it and reading it.
Hi there fairy boy, by now you've figured it out, that your parents are missing and we have them. Come to the old warehouse on the edge of town, and bring your fairy toy too. Don't call the cops either.
Alex crumbles the note in his hand, "They have mom and dad, ROe. THey want to meet at the old warehouse at the edge of town."
"That's fine, let's morph and take them out." Roen responds, flicking his wrist, his morpher appearing, ALex doing the same his own morpher appearing on his wrist. Now outside , Connor and Ace with them in kanine forms; they summon their wolfcycles and head to the old warehouse on the edge of town.
The rumbling of the wolf cycles is heard as they approach The dilapidated buildings, once cotton warehouses crumbling as time goes on. Roen and Alex dismount , Connor and Ace jumpping out of the side cars, their gemstones changing them to Anthro form, clothes appearing as their change finishes.
"So those birdbrains have mom and dad?" Ace asks, a low growl in his throat, Connor's own growl joining Ace's. "Screw the ranger lmits , it's Gundam fighting time!"
"Yeah I agree." Power down! as ROen demorphes , and then switching to his Gundam fight form. "Rise WolfPride gundam!~" As Roen snaps his fingers, the snap echoing far and wide, the Eyes of the Gundam's Wolf form glowing in the dark forest farther outside of town, then awakening , standing up and then with top speed running to ROe and the others. The running footsteps rumbul the ground as the wolf gets closer and closer to Roen. It Jumps from the edge of the forest landing in front of Roe and the others. "Wolfpride Gundam, transform!" Roe activing the gundam for battle, and then jumping into the air
landing on to the hand Of the Gundam. and Quickly jumped into the cockpit , as The onboard computers came to life. The skin tight liquid suit started to form around Roen as the Mobile trace system begin it's bio scans. "Mobile trace system checking brain waves, blood pressure, pulse,, restoration ,, temperature,, metabolism,. All Green." With a exhale of breath the suit finished forming around Roe, as he warmmed up himself And the Gundam Checking the System and Suits responses.
"Gundam fight single received." a electronic voice says.
Gundam fight all set! READY?! GO!" A voice, that. Oddly sounds like a referee shouts out.
From the warehouse Rises the rebuilt Chimera Gundam already striking at the wolfpride gundam , ROe takes a Fighting stance , hoping To Not destroy anything unrepairable. As he settles, the hum of A Beam -saber just passes his head, The proximity alert sounded around him. As heJumped back out Of the way, drawing his own. Beam-saber to. Defend himself.
"Hi ROe, do you Regret turning me down now?" came the voice of Patrick at the controls of the Chimera Gundam.
"Ah shit!" ROe cursed as he sped forward striking out with his beam-saber, connecting with Chimera Gundam. The form melting at the strike, the 3 headed form splits up into its individual parts, surrounding WolfPride Gundam, all attacking at once, sending WolfPride to the ground. ROen being thrown around in the cockpit, ROe stands, the Gundam mirroring his actions. "What a cheat," ROen says to himself, Alex's image popping up on the viewscreen: "Looks like Kaimira has some new tricks."
"Yeah looks like it, if I could switch to the zords I would." ROen said back, firing his Vulcan guns from the head following up with his beam-saber again then striking with the claws on his hands, scratching a large couch Mark in the armor of the now reformed Kaimira.
"Let's finish this Patrick," ROen says as he readies for his final attack, "This hand of mine is burning red, its loud howls grip tells me to defeat you."
The burning of the heat feels overwhelming, with the Energy wolf claws forming on Roe's hand. "HOwling Wolf... ....... strike!!"
As Roe feels his hand grabbing his opponents head. Cutting through , with small explosions under his clawed hand.
"And NoW...The end!" As before the wolf claw strike cuts the head of the Kaimira Gundam off, the unit falling to the ground, All the while, Jonathan from the warehouse cursing ROen, ALex and the dogs for winning again.
"Guess they haven't learn, huh?" Alex asks aloud, "Guess not, let's go save mom and dad now." Ace says as he , Connor and Alex insta morphing . WolfPride Gundam kneeling down, ROen jumpping out from the great height about 10 stories up, and insta morphing joining the others and making their way into the warehouse.
In the crumbling building, not a sound is heard but dripping water from the old piping , the 4 rangers walking through the building their blasters ready for a sudden attack. After searching for what seems like hours a large spot light comes on, pointing at them, blinding Ace, Connor and Alex, ROen being unaffected by the blinding light. The 3 rangers shielding there eyes with their arms in front of their faces. "Argh..." Alex growls out, his photophobia at 100% annoyance, even with the helmets visor dimming the light to slightly tolerable levels,Connor and Ace in the same boat as Alex. "High powered light I take it?" Roen asks, having felt the heat of the light shining down on them. "Yeah." ALex grits out in reply.
Roen aims his blaster, the targetting system automaticly locking on and queuing him when it was okay to fire, his blaster bolt destroying the High powered spotlight. The 3 blinded Rangers heave a sigh of relief, "Thanks babe that was killing my eyes." ALex says as they continue searching the old warehouse.
Sometime later the 4 rangers come upon a large door, the handles wrapped in chains and sealed with a padlock. "Well this doesn't look suspicious." Alex says with sarcasm, firing at the padlock, the blaster bolts scorching it but not breaking Huh? maybe its " Adamantium or Vibranium?"
"With everything we've seen, why the hell not?" Roen says, as Connor and Ace lean in to Inspect the chain and lock.
:That's not going anywhere, sorry." Connor apologizes regret in his voice , Ace fingers the chain, retracting his helmet for a moment and then taking a bit in his mouth and biting down on it and then howling in pain his teeth almost shaddering, Dropping the chain and his helmet dropping back into place.
From above them laughter comes, the sound filling the room, hissing from airvents forshadowing the gas filling the room. As the 4 are knocked out the gas getting pass the bio filters in their helmets.
Sometime later;
"Hey Roe wake up! - No Roe listen -, wake up." As Roe is slapped on the cheek ROe groaning out unintelligible words .
"Damn it! That gas did a number on him." Ace says to Connor, "Yeah Alex isn't doing any better." Connor replies as he looks Alex over, checking his pulse and breathing.
"Wonder why wee weren't affected?" Ace wonders aloud,
"No idea, our unique genetic make up, maybe." Connor looking over at Ace.
His concerned growing as neither of their partners were coming around. Ace brings his morpher up and radios Abby at base.
"Hey Abs we have a situation, both Roe and Alex are out cold."
The sound of crackaling static fills his ears as he releases the button waiting on a responds, the sound persisting ,singaling the comlinks were dead. with no singal being transmitted.
Ace knitts his eyebrows with frustration from within the helmet.
"Nothing from Abby, I take it." Connor asks, cradling ROe in his arms.
"Yep! Nothing , the coms are being blocked I know Patrick scuttled back like the rat he is with Jonny and James, so maybe we should hide Alex and Roe and go looking for them." Ace gettingmore confident with the idea, Connor sighs "Yeah that's a idea, but their unconscious what if the gruesome threesome double back on us and get ROe and Alex."
Ace heaves a sigh then , "Didn't think a bout that." Ace moves over to Alex looking at his partner reaching out his hand to place it on ALex's Demorphed forehead brushing back his hair that was in his eyes, the scars around the sockets from Jonny's attack at WolfMoore's still visible. all these months later,
As Connor was cradling ROen his fingers brushing over the upper studs in one ear and then to the small hinged earrings and then doing the same with the matching twin set on his other ear, the faded cobalt blue shining in the dimmly lit room where they woke earlier.
"Ok Ace, back to action!" Connor says with determination, the Energy of the Morphing Grid causing both Connor and Ace's suits to shine. With new determination The two remaining Rangers continue their search for Jonathan and his crew, with time passing Connor and Ace find themselves facing the three in a stand off.
"I never did bite you as pay back that first time for hurting ROe and Alex." Connor says his tone angry , with Ace just going in for the attack discarding his time for a hero's monologue,slashing at Jonathan then turning and attacking the other two. The hilt of his wolf shadow saber getting slammed into Patrick's jaw, spinning and landing a hammer fist to James' chin knocking him to the ground, Connor using the power of the grid to jump and then slash at Jonathan, who draws a blade from the ether striking back at Connor.
"Stupid mutt." Jonathan shouts as he blocks a blade slash the attack nearly missing a sideways strike at his eyes.
"It would be sweet carma if that would have landed." Connor thinks to himself blocking a double attack from Patrick an James. The two kanine are back to back the gruesome threesome surrounding them, beams of Energy crackling around the two rangers trapping them from all sides.
"Damn, Looks like we're done for hun, got any tricks up your sleeve for this?" Connor asks as the circle of Energy gets closer, "NOthing," Connor replies, dread in his voice.
"Then we're screwed." Ace says back, all hope fading.
Back with Roen and Alex the two starting to wake from the affects from the gas both of them waking fully with a start both gasping as Alex looks around, Roen reaching out his hands to feel for the boys and then Alex.
"You okay Alex?" Roe asks aloud waiting on a answer,
"Yeah I'm ok, I feel like the boys need are help." ALex replies back flicking his wrist for his morpher, ROen doing the same, the two insta-morphing and running to find Connor and Ace with the gruesome threesome having them trapped in the ever smaller circle of Energy.
Roen and Alex both fire their blasters breaking James' concentration, the Energy fading, Connor and Ace heaving sighs of releaf.
"Looking like you two could use some help." ALex says joining Ace, ROen joining next to Connor. "How about we finish the gruesome threesome." ROen encourages, "
Form Wolf Pride canon! Lunar q, Wolf morpher, Wolf Shadow sabers .... Combin!"
The merged weapon forms As Alex and Roen stand, with Ace and Connor kneeling , supporting the heavy Canon,
"Wolf spirits merge...Ready?... FIRE!" WIth the shout, the canon fires at the gruesome threesome with a final shout the Monsters falls, and then explodes, the remains falling to the ground in pieces..
With the gruesome threesome dealt with for now, ROen, Alex and Connor and Ace Finally find Alex's parents tied up and gagged in a backroom tears filling Alex's mom's eyes as she looks at the purple Wolf Ranger, THe silver howling Wolf standing off to the side, letting ALex help his parrents, the twin shadow wolves melting into the darkness. Once free the police are called, not before the rangers making their escape , mrs. Sage hugging her husband as the police arrive, soon taking statements and after a long night Alex's parents getting home, finding Alex and Roen cuddled on the couch both fallen asleep , Connor, Ace and Moose looking at them sleepily the credits of the movie just finishing.