Hypnovember 21 - Snap

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#21 of Hypno Stories

While hosting a party, a tiger discovers the beat he really dances to.

All characters are 18+


A rupture of sound ripped through the air, right into the tiger's brain. He nearly lost hold of his solo cup as his body slouched. The party was rowdy, Lester's house packed to bursting. Yet, the sounds of his friends and drunken mayhem seemed so far away. His head rattled from the echo of that snap. He glanced this way and that for the source. For some reason the feline felt he couldn't settle down until he found whatever made that noise.


His fur stood on end. His ears perked like antennae, pointing him toward the snapper. Lester felt a startling lack of self control as his footpaws pivoted. He walked towards the garage. He seemed to remember locking that door to keep his shadier friends away from his car. However, that same door was now open a crack. Curiosity bubbled inside his head as well as caution. He stopped in his tracks. Did someone break in?


He stepped on something wet on his way inside, solo cup forgotten and leaking beer onto his carpet. He didn't even consider the mess. The tug of the snap on his mind made his knees weak and his mind forgetful. His body wobbled. He wanted to move forward but he was so confused. The call of the snap continued to bounce around inside his skull--bewildered him. As such his steps were drunken and wonky like he didn't understand how to walk.

"Here boy! Come here!"

Lester's brow furrowed and his nose wrinkled. A touch of lucidity returned. He threw the door open, snarling at whoever that smooth tenor belonged to. A red dragon, thick and heavy leaned on his car. He wore a confident grin as well as a set of yellow fins atop his head that flowed backwards along his long neck. What drew Lester's eye the most was that he had his full, fat, black cock whipped out of his jeans, erect as a flagpole. He stroked that length up and down between his index finger and his thumb.

"Dude!" Lester shouted. "This ain't that kinda--"


His body lurched forward. The fur on his neck tingled. He opened his mouth to retort. "Dude cut-cut that shit--"

"Here boy." The dragon whistled, his oddly high pitched voice weedly and condescending. "Come here pup!"

"I'm a tiger you f--"


He fell to his knees. When his kneecaps met the concrete floor, his eyes rolled up. The feeling was electric. Dropping to the floor was like sinking into a hot bath or under the covers at the end of an exhausting day. The groan that left his lips was genuine and booming, bringing a smile to his lips. "Ohhhhh, uh dude...what're you--"

"Come on boy! Yup! Almost there!" The dragon's claws tousled the mop of hair between his ears. The tiger wanted to growl but all that came out was an exhilarated whimper. He reached up to brush off the dragon's hands, but found with horror that all his hands could do was push the dragon's palm deeper into his cheek. His head automatically nuzzled into those smooth scales. The dragon's touch felt special and needed in a way he couldn't describe.

"Gh...uh...dude...wait--stop touching me--I...I can't stop--"

"Shhhh, bad puppy!" Unfathomable guilt washed through the tiger. His ears fell back and his posture slouched. He felt heartbroken, destitute for no reason other than this dragon's disapproval. A need to correct this imbalance riddled him, removing the party, the inappropriate flirting, and everything else from his consciousness.


"Where should those paws be?"

Lester tilted his swimming head. A flinch wracked him as he watched those fingers come up. "Wait! Wait! Wait!"


Paws on the floor.

His eyes rolled back. Ecstasy released in a flood between his ears. His jaw went wonderfully limp. He felt an urge to stick his tongue out, but even with such wonderful sensations, he would never do something as humiliating--


Pant, pant, pant. Happy.


"I uh--"



"But...I just...I did I..." Panic filled the tiger. What had he done wrong? He looked up at the dragon whose lips were pursed and whose eyes pierced him with expectation. "I don't under--"


"Speak pup!"



"ARF!" Lester's eyes crossed. His tongue dripped from his mouth. His tail wagged--that was new! Exciting! Happy! Happy tiger--


Happy puppy!


"WOOF! ARF! ARF ARF!" They came unbidden now. The striped puppy wiggled his rump in the air, lowering himself down on his front paws. He gazed up at his owner with the dumbest, happiest grin of his life. He nuzzled the dragon's thigh, eyes locked on that cock. Drool poured from between his teeth as he looked upon his owner's length, hungry.

"Gooooooood boooooooooy!"

There it was. The magic words. "WOOF! WOOF! AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The tiger puppy howled, unable to help himself. On his hands and knees he did three full circles before sitting. Unimaginable joy filled him. He panted heavily, hoping he would get his treat.

"Who wants a treat?" cooed the dragon as his claw reached underneath Lester's hoodie, tugging on the collar around his neck. "Whoooooooooooooooo wants his treat?"

"ARF!" The tiger puppy nodded, licking his lips and unable to tear his eyes away from his favourite bone.

"Gooooooo get it boy!"

Lester bounded towards his owner. Without reservation, he lapped, licked and assaulted that draconic length with his tongue. He didn't quite understand the concept of swallowing and sucking, so licking was all he had. Pre flicked over his nose and face, marking him with delicious musk as the dragon's cock bounced back and forth against his face. His owner's hands rubbed over his ears. His soft voice whispered gentle praise into the puppy's stupid brain.

"So this is your place, huh pup?" The dragon lounged against the car and settled in. He grunted. Fiercely he sandwiched the tiger's face between one hand and his smelly cock. The tiger's tongue stuck out between his lips while his body relaxed, utterly safe. "I mean, that's your place right there with your face in my crotch. But also, this house ain't half bad. I'm going to enjoy owning it. You'll have to stop inviting your friends. Dogs don't read or write invitations after all. Ohhhhhh, yeah good boy. We'll still have parties of course. Got a few pups who can be just as well-trained as you if I have twenty-four hour access to them."

The tiger pup understood maybe every other word. Once upon a time, if he had managed not to listen to this stranger talk at the bar for too long, he might have still owned his house, his car, and his bank account. Had he had more resistance, he might have stopped himself telling the stranger where he lived. He might have realized his spare key had gone missing. Of course, what-if's like that didn't suit a pup. No, pups just enjoyed their bones, chased balls, came when called, and wagged their tails.

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