Hypnovember 18 - Monster

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#18 of Hypno Stories

All characters are 18+

A set of flashy, intricate graphics pan in from the top of the screen. The words 'Breaking News' are gradually formed in a bold, block font. A seam cuts through the logo, opening like a door to reveal the newscaster: a fox with a twirling moustache. His name fades onscreen in the bottom left corner, 'Clancy Morgrave.' "Breaking news coming in from the San Francisco coast. As you may know from our previous broadcast, the giant meteor that landed in the pacific ocean, constructed of many elements scientists have yet to quantify showed signs of movement earlier today. In a shocking turn of event, as a team of helicopters extracted the celestial stone from the ocean, the meteor began to tremble and shake. We've gotten word that a living creature has, amazingly, 'hatched' from the meteor. This creature began to rapidly grow in size and is currently making its way towards the city, which is in the middle of an evacuation. We go now to our reporter on the scene, Tai Shax. Tai?"

Yet more cheesy, distracting graphics flash across the scene pulling in with them a hillside view of the overcast San Francisco skyline with a background shot of the Golden Gate bridge slammed with traffic as citizens attempt to escape. In the center of the shot stands a racoon in a fine, pressed suit, clutching tight to the microphone in his hands. His fur bristles amongst a fierce wind that he must shout over.

"Thank you Clancy. As you can see, we've got residents in their cars, ignoring evacuation orders as the national guard is telling us that this creature is starting to crest the horizon and growing larger every second. We have the Golden Gate bridge behind me here completely backed up. Some folks are abandoning their cars and running on foot--which is just making the whole thing worse. If we can pan the camera here--yup that's it Ted--we can see over there that black lump in the middle of the ocean! Now that's not an island or a mountain in the distance. That IS the creature. You can see it swerving back and forth, apparently with its fins. And if you can see those gray dots--those are the naval ships getting into position to launch a strike at the creature. Our team is ready to report as long as we need to--"

The sound of an explosion peaks the microphones. In the distance, plumes of flame burst up from the black mass. A shockwave nearly sends the on-site reporter off his feet. He rights himself, thick black hair tousled from the gale. The camera quakes, turning back to the raccoon.

The screen shifts to a picture-in-picture view, the fox in the newsroom sliding back into frame in the bottom right corner. "Tai, is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah it looks like we're all fine here. We have a chopper circling on shore right now. Oh--their video cameras have apparently been damaged in the wave but they have a visual with some DSLR's. It appears the creature is undamaged. It's moving! Apparently some kind of appendage is rising up from the sea--some sort of attachment on its forehead. It's glowing. The navy is gearing up weapons--we're just going to pan back over there now--" The raccoon gestures to the cameraman, but the frame doesn't move. "We're just gonna--" Stiffly, Tai juts his head to emphasize his point, currently being ignored by the cameraman. As he does so, the many dots on the streets in the background trying to flee from the creature begin to freeze in place. Behind the raccoon and beyond his notice, the tiny crowds cease their escape. The sounds of horns honking and screaming quiet. A city in chaos becomes peaceful and still. "Ted. Ted! Ted, pan the camera!"

"Everything all right over there, Tai?"

The raccoon rights himself. "Yes we're--we're fine. Just can't seem to--" He waves his hand to the folks behind the camera. "We seem to be having technical difficulties. But here, I'll just--" Behind the raccoon, the citizens begins a slow march in unison. They stalk, step by step, towards the coast. "Adjust this myself." As Tai reaches for the camera, a polar bear with a tee shirt and a backwards baseball cap comes into frame. With a slow, unsteady gait and a blank face, the bear slips his arms underneath the raccoon's lifting him up into the air. "Ted! Ted what the hell are you doing?"

The bear drools, jaw slack, eyes glassy. He drags the smaller reporter out of frame. Down in the streets, you could be mistaken, but they appear to be removing their clothes.

The fox looks aghast. "Um, our team on scene seems to be having trouble. Can we um. Can we get in contact with them?"

The camera begins to pan. Before another word leaves the shark's mouth, you finally see the monster's full form. Standing tall at sixty or even eighty feet tall you see a creature that looked almost like an orca, but with no eyes, its forehead sculpting smoothly into a blue scaled snout. The creature's six, township-sized arms spread wide as if readying for an embrace. Weirdly enough, your vision is NOT drawn to the tanker sized cock dangling between its legs. Instead, another appendage captivates you. The creature has an appendage dangling from its forehead with a glowing, pendulum-like tip emitting a calming ethereal light. Like an angler fish's lure, it dangles and pulses brighter than the creature itself. The light catches the eye and doesn't release. You are drawn to the screen, no longer in horror but in fascination. On the edges of the screen, you see the polar bear face the raccoon towards the beautiful being before you. Immediately the fight goes out of him.

Without shame, in your peripheral, you see the fox shamelessly start to rub his own bulge, jaw slack, eyes seeming to take on the same ethereal light as the creature's light hits him and you can see why.

"CESTAX NORES BWCKEL!" You hear in your mind. "CASTO CRFGT MAHOGA." You already begin to take your clothes off. Across the world, all who witness this broadcast join you, standing off and removing their garments. You see the polar bear on screen tear a hole in the raccoon's pants, lining up his cock with the rodent's rump. Sailors on the naval ship leap off to get closer to their new deity. "GEXCVGA MNRESX!"

You understand. Eyes full of blue light, you march out of your house to make the long walk to San Francisco, no matter how far away. Fucking every hole you see along the way.

Hypnovember 19 - Hacked

(This story is a sequel to my 5th Hypnovember Story: Visor. More zonked capes abound!) "I think he might have gone this way!" said one of the heroes in the pack, a tabby cat with a visor alight with green, blue and turquoise rings that...

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Hypnovember 17 - Drone

Byron was pretty sure he found the right bar an hour ago. Unfortunately, without realizing, he mistakenly typed 'St.' instead of 'Ave.' into his GPS. He could have discovered this information when he arrived if he hadn't broken the first bar stool he...

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Hypnovember 16 - Memory

"Well, how do you feel?" "Nah man, I don't see it," said Coco. The equine athlete adjusted the baseball cap that fit snug around his noggin. He scooped a long portion of his creamy white mane through the hole in the back...

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