Uncatchable: Raichu

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#7 of Uncatchable

A trainer decides to take a shortcut to the next town to get ahead of his rival and despite the many warnings against that path continues forward. He'd find himself completely unprepared though as the path itself was difficult to walk and the pokemon around being tougher than any he'd ever seen up to now.

Go to my patreon or ko-fi if you'd like to support me. Will be figuring out things to do with the tiers on my patreon once I get into the groove of things again, don't want to overload myself right away. Any support is appreciated. <3https://www.patreon.com/ookitsuhttps://ko-fi.com/ookitsu

There was a long journey ahead for Jack to the next town but he was taking a shortcut so he should be able to get to the next gym before his friend and get ahead of them. It was recommended for new trainers to stick to the route but having gotten a few badges already, the hare was feeling confident. Maybe a bit too confident as the hike up the rough mostly unused path was exhausting. A few signs along the way warned of dangerous pokemon and that if your pokemon faint you should run like hell.

When the sun started to set Jack looked around for some cover and found a cave. Sending his charmander in ahead of him to scout out the area to luckily find nothing. His repels had kept him safe from any encounters with wild pokemon so far but tomorrow he'd need to double his pace and cover as much ground as possible before he ran out. Spraying one of his repel bottles around the entrance to keep any wild pokemon at bay while he set up camp in the cave. His trusty charmander helped start a fire while he got the rest set up so that they could eat and stay warm for the night. Jack got a little startled a couple times throughout the night, hearing what he could only guess to be either a lycanroc or houndoom howling in the distance. Flashes of light could be seen among the trees and cries of battle echoing through the otherwise quiet forest sporadically throughout the night. Some closer than others, making the hare and his charmander stand on edge thinking there might be a fight coming their way.

By the time morning came, Jack and the charmander had gotten very little sleep and his plan for a faster second day wasn't looking so good. This wasn't as much of an issue for the charmander as at least he could sleep in his pokeball while Jack made some progress over the mountain. After a couple more hours of jogging he'd sit down next to a big tree and set his backpack down besides him to eat a quick treat. Though he was a bit careless and didn't reapply the repel recently and at least one pokemon was closing in on him. He realized this too late though as a large jolteon suddenly bolted out from behind a tree but rather than attack him, snatched his bag and disappeared. Going into a panic as he now had no supplies, leaving him with only a phone that couldn't get any signal and his charmander, his other pokemon lost with his backpack.

Over the next hour he'd have to fight several pokemon and barely be able to run away from a few. Coming over a ridge, he hoped to see any sign of civilization but there was nothing but forest for miles. Unable to access his map due to there being no signal he started to wonder if it'd be better to head back the way he came or press forward. His mind was soon made up for him as a noise could be heard behind him, making the hare dash forward. Running himself almost to the point of exhaustion before stopping in a calmer and more tranquil part of the forest. Thinking he might be near the safer route if it wound along this way.

Hearing some ruffling leaves behind him, Jack let his charmander out once more and hoped he'd have enough in him for one more fight. Feeling too tired to make a break for it quite yet while he watched nervously at the tree line and bushes. His charmander being the first to spot the wild pokemon but wasn't fast enough to react as the pokemon charged at them in a bright electrical charge. Jack watched as his charmander got carried away by the attacking pokemon and revealed itself to be a raichu.

His attention was mainly on his charmander though as the fire type was already halfway down the raichu's throat. A bit horrified and stunned at what was happening in front of him. His charmander having stood in front of him not even a second ago had been chomped down on as the raichu ran by. Panicking as he then saw that raichu start to swallow his flailing pokemon's legs and tail down. Flailing around for his charmander's pokeball and dropping it in the process. Jack then watched as his pokemon's legs vanished past the large raichu's lips, leaving only the flailing, flaming tip of that tail outside those jaws. Finally grabbing hold of the pokeball as he watched that tail get slurped down, light from the flame visible through the raichu's neck. He tried recalling his charmander but it was too late, the pokeball couldn't find it's target and the return failed. The trainer would continue to try over and over while scooting away from the raichu, trying to plead with anyone that might hear him if there was even a higher power that could hear him in the first place.

Having to give up on his pokemon, Jack got up and started to run away from the raichu. He was sad and scared about what happened to his beloved partner but there was nothing he could do for them now. Jack didn't make it very far though before he felt that raichu knock him down with an electric tackle to his back. The raichu's size became more clear to him as he felt that belly smush up against his back, feeling his charmander squirming within as well as the heat he was producing inside. Looking back, Jack could see that raichu's face looming high above as they slurped over their own muzzle. Part of him was in denial, hoping this was some sort of bad dream and that he'd wake up in bed at the inn.

Starting to squirm frantically underneath the raichu who was easily twice his size, wanting to fight and free himself to escape. Not wanting to end up like his charmander who he could already feel was moving less with each passing second and the heat of their flame was dying down. The gurgling groans of the belly on his back making it even more apparent that his charmander's fate had already been decided and would be nothing but raichu pudge soon.

He'd soon feel a shocking jolt through all of his body as the raichu worked on paralyzing him. Having already been near exhaustion as is, Jack's squirming died down considerably and part of him started to accept his fate as that raichu kept him firmly pinned underneath them. Confused emotionally as he was overwhelmed with feelings of sadness, anger, fear and hopelessness. Jack had to feel the last of his charmander's struggles and flame disappear within that raichu. Knowing he was likely next on this raichu's menu and he was powerless to stop them. Even as the raichu started to lift themself off of him, he thought at least he'd be able to be with his pokemon as part of this raichu.

Pretty much accepting his fate at this point as he felt that thick tail wrap itself around his waist and chest. Closing his eyes as he waited for what was to come and braced himself for the slimy depths of the raichu's throat. Instead he felt soft, squishy fluff against his face and when he opened his eyes once more the hare realized he was being pressed up against this raichu's ass. This reignited his squirming but the tail coiled around his body as well as the shock to his nervous system weakened his movements greatly. Making muffled complaints as his muzzle was smothered between the pokemon's butt cheeks and his nose pressed against the anus.

He could never fully brace himself for this as the hole seemed to spread open so easily over his muzzle, clamping his mouth shut even more. Watching as his vision went from being filled with yellow and white fuzz to complete darkness as his entire head popped inside the pokemon's ass. His struggles seemed to do nothing except make the raichu moan and sit down over more of his body. Jack's shoulders and chest experienced a bit of discomfort as that tight ass squeezed tightly over them in order to stuff more of him inside. Feeling that tail practically slither further down his body whenever the ass approached whatever it was coiling over before. Whenever it did so he'd feel the tail loosen it's tight coiling grip around him briefly before squeezing tightly around him once more.

Outside the raichu was enjoying his second meal of the day. The charmander had been a nice appetizer but this trainer would surely fill both his desires and stomach by the time he was done with him. Raichu's shaft was already fully hard and pressed up against that swelling gut of his, holding back on an orgasm until he claimed the last of his prey. Pressing his ass further down over the hare, claiming their belly and hips by the time he touched the ground. Lifting himself up once more, keeping his tail coiled over those legs as he fell over and raised his ass into the air as high as he could. Loosening his grip around the legs just enough to feel his prey kick and trash about some more as gravity and his clenching tugged them deeper.

Muffled whimpers and groans of displeasure escaped the hare's muzzle while he endured the clenching over the upper half of his body. Completely in flight mode which gave him a huge surge of energy as his body fought to free itself from danger as much as he physically could. This only pleasured the raichu though as he could hear the moaning and pleasurable groans reverberate through the flesh. Despite knowing this, Jack could do nothing but continue to struggle as much as possible with the slimmest hope it might help. With each clench his struggles died down though as the right flesh inside restricted his movements. Squirming still even as he lost all hope as his paws were squeezed between the cheeks then taken inside with one last clench.

With that last clench to seal him inside came a powerful squeeze came over his entire body as the raichu hit their climax. Feeling like the very air in his body was getting completely squeezed out repeatedly over the next few minutes. Jack fought to stay awake and fight through it but towards the end the hare had lost all of his energy and the lack of air caused him to pass out. His body getting tugged ever deeper into the pokemon's rear over the next couple of hours before being deposited inside their stomach. There he'd come to a little, waking to the gurgling groans of the raichu's belly. Weakly pushing out against the stomach walls as he fought to stay awake. Feeling himself painlessly melt into a gooey substance as his body started to lose it's solid structure, eventually sinking into the goopy mess he was becoming and sloshing in that stomach.

Meanwhile the raichu was kneading over their swollen gut, enjoying both his meal and the orgasm they gave him earlier. Once the hare had been melted down completely, he could feel his body start to absorb all the nutrients and redistribute the charmander and hare throughout his body. Unsurprisingly most of it seemed to have gone to his ass with the rest adding to his belly. The raichu had to work hard to keep up his soft and squishy figure but luckily there was always a weak trainer and their pokemon daring to travel through the forest.

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