Hypnovember 3 - Stage

Story by FelineSleepy on SoFurry

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#3 of Hypno Stories

All characters featured are 18+

Andres had never been to the carnival. Such a thing always seemed more like a small-town activity, not for city folk like him. He hadn't come to the circus today, either. Clutched between the elephant's sausage fingers was a ticket for the newest superhero flick. Mindless action to take his mind off the world. However, when he walked through the door, he found he had instead entered the big top of a carnival.

"Hey buddy. Want to move along?" said a voice behind him.

His giant ears flopped over his face sheepishly. At nine feet tall and massive even for his species, he took up most of the entryway. He scooped his popcorn bag under one arm and, embarrassed, made his way to the stands. He climbed the steps next to the wooden bleachers and took a random seat three rows up. His sinewy arms balanced the popcorn bag on his round stomach while he got a better look at his surroundings. He could feel a draft from the seams in the tent. The tent itself was expansive, almost like a stadium. How could all this be hiding in a movie theater? Even the smell had changed from that buttery popcorn scent to a wild, musty odour--like a farm. Andres slumped in his seat. He hadn't asked for this. All he wanted to do was enjoy a night away from home, unbothered by thoughts of his recent breakup.

He didn't have time to consider it further. As other patrons filed in, the lights dimmed. Despite the oddness of the situation, Andres felt his heart race. Smoke machines filled the shadowy tent with an ethereal atmosphere. A spotlight burst to life--center stage. The smoke swirled and twisted within that spotlight. As if the smoke were a cape he wore, a figure appeared in a flourish, a lion. With a flick of the lion's wrist, the smoke was banished from his spotlight. Accentuating his lean, toned body was an open bright red ringmaster's waistcoat, revealing his thick pectorals and washboard abs. Black boots, black pants black rings, and a black top hat adorned his body. Peculiarly enough, while the ringmaster slowly spun around to address his public, the hat always seemed to conceal the lion's eyes. His auburn mane splayed out either side of his head, coming together underneath his chin in a stylish braid.

Heat rushed to Andres' cheeks. He like many others clapped at the fantastic entrance. Whatever trick he used to pull that off was as invisible to the elephant as the air he breathed. Maybe he overreacted and this show wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome ter the Cirque de Terres de l'Ombre!" A thick Irish accent reverberated through the theatre. The crowd erupted into cheers. Andres looked left, right, then joined in too, a smile forming underneath his trunk.

"Thank ye all for joinin' us! I'm Blake, yer ringmaster, sorcerer supreme, and all-around modest guy!" Chuckles echoed through the tent. "We have a wonderful show planned for ye tonight! First! Allow me to demonstrate the power entertainment has on the soul to heal and delight! Fer yer viewing pleasure, I require a volunteer."

Blake pivoted towards Andres. His head snapped right towards the elephant. Andres' heart skipped a beat. He saw the ringmaster grin and somehow knew that he put on that smile just for him. The ringmaster's hat tilted upwards. Andres felt, like a black hole, a calling--a pull to see what was beneath the hat--

"Up!" Andres' head snapped up. His face flushed red. He was onstage! The elephant's ears covered his face, a nervous tick he couldn't suppress in that moment.

"Wh-When did--" the massive elephant squeaked as demure as a mouse.

"Aww, bless. He's shy, everyone! Let's give him a hand!" Blake bellowed to the crowd.

The crowd roared. The moment those cheers reached his big ears, the elephant stood up straight. Pride filled his chest. He put his hands on his hips and on a big smile on his face for his adoring public.

"There we go! How ye feel now, Andres?"

"Uh, great!" Andres said, projecting his voice with surprising ease. "Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!"

"Excellent. Now, look down!"

Andres did as bidden. He saw his usual clothes. A bejewelled purple and gold trimmed vest, white speedo that left little of his hefty package to the imagination, and glitter all over his tough grey skin. His feet were bare, as was normal.

"Uh, I hate to point out a flaw in the show, but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at?"

He heard chuckles from around the theater, no doubt at this ringmaster's expense for the bungled act.

Blake chuckled too. "Haha, my mistake, boyo. Thought something seemed off, but I suppose I was wrong. Now, have you ever been hypnotized before?"

"Um, no, I don't think so?" Andres said. More giggles from the crowd. "I-I wouldn't be opposed to trying, though."

"Would ye mind terribly if I gave it a shot, boyo?" The lion's presence filled Andres with a pleasant warmth. He had never had so many eyes on him, but also had never felt more at home. A deep sense of belonging enveloped him.

"I...I think that could be fun! I've never been part of a show like this..."

"You'll do fine, Andres," Blake said. He snapped his fingers and Andres jumped when he saw a hand emerge from the lion's shadow. The perfect dark grey imitation of Blake's hand passed an ornate onyx cane to the lion. With a flourish, he used the cane to cup the elephant's back and ushered him to turn around. "Now, please, turn your eyes over here."

"Okay, if you say so--" Andres said. He turned according to the ringmaster's touch.

Instantly, his posture slackened, his muscles unwound, and his jaw went limp as he caught sight of what Blake wanted to show him. Spinning languidly was a cheesy old-timey black and white spiral wheel. By all means, it shouldn't have been such a spectacular sight, but as the simple little spiral spun before his eyes, Andres was spellbound. His head lolled. His stature wobbled.

"As you can see folks," Blake said. His Ringmaster's voice was like sweet nectar in his ears. "You best not look too close, otherwise you too could be enraptured by the power of hypnosis!"

A snap of fingers. Sweet sleep.

Andres blinked as the lights came into focus. He was still there onstage, still balancing atop the multicolored beach ball. He wobbled a bit but kept his balance with perfect skill.

"So," Andres jumped. He landed back on the beach ball on his other foot and posed for the crowd who whooped, gasped, and cheered. "What did you want me to do?"

"My boy--sorry. What did ye say your name was, lad?" Blake said.

"The Gargantuan Gale Guru, acrobat extraordinaire!" Andres said with a smirk. He looked to the audience and gave a dubious look, pointing to Blake as if to tell them to 'look at this idiot, forgetting my name.' To his delight, they did indeed chortle.

"Haha, my mistake. And how many years have you been part of My troupe, Guru?"

"Six years now. Delighting audiences around the world!"

"Tell me, Guru, have I ever hypnotized you before?"

"Ha!" The guru took a body builder's pose and flexed. He rolled the ball along in a circle around the Ringmaster, stopping on a dime with arms outstretched. "You've tried, but you've never succeeded! The Guru is too strong of will."

Blake snapped and he started to squat dance on the ball. It just seemed the thing to do.

"Of course, of course. Would you mind--just one more attempt? I'll bet you, in front of all these wonderful people, that I might manage to crack that iron will of yours?"

"You can try! Your efforts please the Guru!"

"What do you think folks? Should I try?"

The crowd whooped and hollered their affirmative. And before Andres could unleash another boast, the lion was in front of him. He felt the feline's slender finger press against his forehead and the world began to spin.


The Guru squat low and began to flap his arms like a chicken. "BAWK! BAWK BAWK BAWK!"

The crowd cheered. As they should. They adored him as he deserved to be adored. As a performer extraordinaire, his tenure needed no introduction. Before him, he saw his Ringmaster clap to a beat only he could hear. He happily did the chicken dance for a solid minute before a snap made his body shoot up. The elephant saluted, heart bursting with gratification as his Ringmaster addressed him.

"The Gargantuan Gale Guru, everyone! Guru, can you imagine being happier than you are right now?"

"No sir!" he shouted like a soldier in the army.

"How long have you been in My troupe, Guru?"

"SIX YEARS!" his voice bellowed, so proud of his service under the Ringmaster.

"And how long will you be staying?"

"AS LONG AS I'M ABLE!" said the Guru from the heart.

"Attaboy. Go hit the showers," Blake said. The Guru felt a smack upon his rump. He made one final bow and leapt atop his beach ball, rolling it all the way to the carnival's backstage area.

The Guru couldn't get the smile on his face. Another successful performance. Blake seemed so proud of him. His Ringmaster loved him as did his troupe. He never wanted to go anywhere else.

Hypnovember 4 - Psychic

The elevator slowly scaled up the skyscraper's length at a glacial pace. The lion brushed some dust off his charcoal suit which clung tight to his lean form. Already he wasn't impressed with the cleanliness of the place. He felt a buzzing in his...

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Hypnovember 1 - Instant

Once again, you find yourself in the wee hours of the morning, staring at your phone, eyes so heavy but unable to sleep. You thunk your head into the pillow. You pray the force of the impact will calm the endless chain of thoughts in your brain....

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A Dragonite's Presence

So I've been really into Poke Porn lately. And as you might know I'm also a huge advocate of hypnosis/mind control. And I've also taken to writing at 3am when I'm stupid tired and nothing makes sense. Here's the result: * * * "So no way...

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