Another World (2020)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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Two out of their comfort zones in living in another country find solace in each other at the end of the day.

Another World

by Skipai © 2020

Every evening the thick smog that hung about the city, thick with soot that billowed out from the chimneys of the buildings, the various noisy vehicles that moved about along the pebbled street while honking their horns at the slower carts that were pulled along by the strong anthropomorphic horses that gasped due to the pollution in the air.

The loud horn sounded as the sound of various beasts started to head out from the dark soot covered building as Xu stepped out from the workhouse, the panda looked like a black bear as the large hand paw wiped away the dirt from his face as a large tiger patted his back. "Coming to the pub?" Xan asked as he looked at the panda with a toothy grin.

"Move along up front!" The sound of a fox yelled as Xan turned his head back to look at the vulpine and snorted, but he and Xu made their way down the steps into the courtyard. The panda coughed as he spat out dark black spit, he spoke in his native tongue. "Why did we come here again?"

The tiger walked along as he spoke in the same language. "You know why, to get freedom and to get rich." Xan laughed as he held the panda close to him. "What a load of lies that was, get rich. We are paid less than we did at the farm back home. At least the air was cleaner than here."

Xu wrinkled his nose as they walked along the street and the panda nodded. "They're so disgusting. Xan, I want to go home." The tiger sighed as he led the panda into the nearby building as the two males stepped into the pub.

The pub was basic, dirty and dull with various dull candles about the place, the chairs, stools and tables were made of wood that had not been touched bar to be cut into shape and nailed together. Xan led Xu to one of the tables and he saw the panda sit down as he coughed. "I'll get the first-round in." The panda nodded his head as he took off his cap and placed it down onto the table, the small cloud of soot dust rose from it.

Xan returned as the large, muscled tiger sat down on the other chair as it creaked to the weight and slowly, he pushed one of the metal jugs towards the panda. Xu took hold of it and took a gulp, the large mouth moved about as the panda swirled the contents around and then swallowed with a look of disgust and quickly gulped more of the warm ale down his gullet.

By the time he finished, he lowered his tankard down with a look of disgust. "How do the-" The panda spoke in his native tongue but was cut off as another fox at the bar turned around and yelled. "Stop speaking that, talk properly."

Xan drank a bit of the ale himself and swallowed. "Don't worry about it." The tiger spoke slowly with the words as he thought of what to say. "It is fine."

Xu took a large inhale of breath and he released it. "Yes, your right." The panda took another sip of the warm ale, the male forced it down as the foul taste went down his throat, the panda fought against the urge to throw back up until it passed and he sighed as the liquid helped to clear his throat for the first time that day.

"So, how's the wife?" Xan asked as the tiger sipped his ale slowly, the tiger glared back at the fox as he glanced over Xu's shoulder and returned his gaze back to his friend. Xu smiled softly. "Tired like we are, working away at the clothes factory." The panda drank a bit more of the ale as he continued. "We're trying to save but you know, the landlord takes most of what we make."

Xan nodded as he smiled. "We best get back to her then." The tiger got up as Xu nodded and got up himself as the two began to make their way out of the pub while being watched very closely by the bartender, the fox who scowled at them.

The two stood as a horse and cart rolled past them, the topless male horse grunted as the two well-dressed badgers sat in the contained carriage. Xu placed a hand paw over his face as the two males crossed the road and began to make their way down to where the slums were.

Neither male spoke as they mingled about with the others that were about in the street. Various groups stood around small tables as betting was being done. The two males walked past as one ferret began to fight against a rat as dice flew into the air, followed by the sound of coins until a huge racket sounded, then the sound of whistled came into the air as both Xan and Xu made their way along the path as several large sheep dogs ran past in full uniform, sticks already out.

When they arrived at the street, the fog had cleared, the two males panted heavily from the walk up the hill as they came to the door and Xan knocked on the wooden door as Xu had placed a hand paw on the brick wall as he coughed, spitting out as the black spit landed onto the pavement below.

The door creaked open as the female panda smiled at Xan and then the smiled faded as she looked at Xu and frowned. "Come in, come in. I'll get something to drink." Xan smiled and he helped Xu into the home as the male panda smiled as he was led to a chair and he slowly sat down as his wife came back with a worried look and handed over a mug.

Coughing, Xu took a few sips of the ale which was cool, and he sighed. Chuen looked at Xan with a frown. "We can't keep on doing this, it's going to kill him." Xu lifted up a hand as he swallowed the contents in his mouth but Chuen frown made him drink more ale from the mug as her glare moved back to the tiger who was taller than her.

"What am I going to do?" Xan said, the tiger frowned back. "Magic up a spell to blow away all this pollution?" Chuen looked at him and then sighed as she moved around to place both of her hands on her husband's shoulders. "I'm sorry, it's just I don't want to see him die?" A few tears welled up in her eyes as Xan frown softened as he moved to sit in one of the other chairs. "I know, I know. We were all lied to. How much have we managed to save up so far?"

Chuen slowly let go of Xu as she moved to sitting down again. "Barely enough for one of us, the property owner keeps taking most of the wage. Maybe we should let Xu go fir-"

"No!" Xu said as he spoke loudly, and both turned to face him. The panda coughed as he spat onto the floor. "I'm not leaving anyone behind." Chuen began to speak. "But-" Xu frowned as he continued. "We're in this together, I would not feel right leaving you two here in this hell."

Chuen saw Xan get up as he placed a few more coins onto the table. "All I can give right now; I got another job to get to this evening." Xu turned to look at him questionably, but the tiger ignored him. "I'll be around tomorrow, at least it's a day off for once being Sunday."

Both pandas sighed and spoke at the same time. "Church then." They rolled their eyes as the tiger smiled. "I'll excuse you two, you need rest tomorrow. I'll see you after the service and bring something along for the midday meal." Xan dipped his head as Chuen came over and dipped her head back at him. "Thank you." The tiger smiled. "See you tomorrow." And then he moved towards the front door, opened it, and then left.

Xu looked at Chuen who turned around with concern in her eyes. "I'm fine." He said as he swallowed the rest of the ale and sighed. The panda patted the seat next to him and slowly he saw her come over and sat down on the other chair as he reached over with his large hand paw and patted hers. "It'll work out, I have hope."

Chuen smiled softly and turned to face him before she gave him a kiss on his cheek, then wiped her lips with her paw. "Okay, we need to get you a bath, I'll go get one ready, try not to get the place too dirty as you undress. Then some broth and bed." Chuen gave a soft smile as she finished that sentence and Xu smiled back as she walked off into the other room.

As Xu got up, the male panda sighed as he began to undress his clothes slowly, the braces were unbuttoned as he sighed with the release of pressure on his shoulders, the panda slowly unbuttoned the shirt as the black dust fell to the ground.

The sound of the dirt covered shoes fell to the floor as the panda looked at the socks, another hole or two had formed and he slowly pulled off the fabric as if trying to not make the whole thing fall to bits. Xu finally stood there naked as he made his way into the other room and saw Chuen pouring another jug of hot water into the metal bowl in the middle of the room.

The stone floor was cold as Xu made his way over to the metal bathtub and slowly, he stepped inside it as he lowered himself down into the warm water and sighed. All the sensation of his body started to change as the weight of the day's work began to melt away and slowly the male panda leant back against the wall of the tub.

Another splash of water came from the jug as it clanked against the stone and then Xu felt the warm hand paws from his wife rest on his shoulder. The male panda sighed as he felt the strong fingers began to knead over the muscles. "Mm, that's nice." Xu said in his native tongue, the sound from Chuen came to his ears as she began to sing softly, the soft tones of the native words filled his head as the male panda relaxed in the tub, the steam from the water began to clean his nostrils and with that the first time that day his head began to clear from all that pollution.

Xu began to clean himself as Chuen rubbed at his shoulders, the male panda smiled as he spoke. "I love you." The sensation of the hands on his shoulders squeezed a bit more as Chuen rested her forehead on the back of her husband's head and replied. "I know, I love you too." Xu sighed and he reached up and behind as his hand paw brushed over the side of her head. "I'm sorry, I'm really trying." Chuen rubbed her head against the palm of the hand paw. "I know, we do what we have to."

Xu felt her move and then he saw her move to the side, and she knelt as he saw her look at him, those soft golden eyes and Xu felt his insides melt. He reached and took her hand as he smiled softly. "We'll get through this; we'll get back home again." Xu leant down and kissed the back of Chuen's hand and looked up at her with sad eyes. "I am sorry for making us leave our homeland."

When Chuen removed her hand from his, Xu looked down but the sensation of the two hands from the female panda touched his cheeks and slowly they helped his head back up as she looked into his eyes. "Stop that, you're not to blame. I can't blame you, you're my life." Chuen leant forwards and kissed Xu softly on the lips. "As long as you're here, we're in this together."

Both pressed their foreheads together and hugged as the two remained silently, just the water moved about in the metal tub as both pandas heard their breaths as the air slipped in and out of their nostrils. Slowly Xu began to get up as Chuen pulled away and got up. She turned around, grabbed a rough towel, and held it out to him as he smiled and began to dry himself as he stepped out from the tub. "Let's go to bed." Xu said as he looked at Chuen. "I'll eat first thing in the morning."

With a candle in hand, Xu walked ahead as Chuen stepped behind him, the two slowly walked into the dark bedroom and with the faint glow of the flame Xu walked over to the other side of the room and started to light up several other candles as the faint glow of the room came to push the dark away. Chuen sat down on the edge of the bed as she watched Xu walk slowly about the bed with towel around his waist, the female started to undress as the bed made a noise from behind her as the larger panda slowly sat down on the edge. The towel was tossed onto the floor as it made a soft flump against the wooden floorboards.

As he laid there, Xu watched as Chuen slowly undressed and then climbed into the bed, the mattress was uncomfortable as the covers came over them both and slowly she turned around to face him and smiled. The two shuffled closer together as they looked into each other eyes and sighed happily.

Xu brushed Chuen's hair with his claws, the male panda smiled softly at her as he leant closer and slowly they kissed, the sensation of being hungry vanished as he felt the touch of his wife's lips press against his own, then the soft touch of her hand paw sliding along his side.

Slowly, the springs made more noise as the two began to caress each other, the two lovers slowly forgot about the horrors of the day that had happened as they enjoyed the scent and touch of each other, the way they kissed. Xu felt his shaft swell up as it started to slide up between them, his hips slowly started to moved up and down as his round belly slid along the smooth chubby stomach of Chuen who responded by pressing her lips harder against her husband.

Every time either opened their eyes, they could see the orange glow from the flame on the candle shimmer over the eyeball, the pupils softly stared while they continued to move their handpass.

Xu felt Chuen slip a hand paw between them as he gasped into the kiss he was busy giving her when the fingers from her hand touched his sensitive hard shaft, the cock slowly moved to where her wet slit as the head started to slip into the soft skinned folds and he pushed as the member sunk into the hot embrace.

Chuen rolled over as Xu slowly shifted until he was on top and the male panda smiled down at her before he started to shift his hips as his shaft slipped in and out as he lowered his head back down again and kissed deeply once more. The sound of the springs creaked as the male panda thrusts pushed her downwards as the thin wooden headboard slammed into the wall.

A loud bang came from the wall but Xu and Chuen ignored it as she moaned loudly as the sensation of that shaft continued to rub along her stretched out pussy, the male panted heavily as Xu heard the harsh breaths from the lungs crackled.

Chuen reached up and dug her claws into the back of the male panda as she grunted and continued to look at her lover's eyes as they stared lovingly back at each other. The sound of their lovemaking was loud as the male panda thrusted down hard and quick now as he grunted loudly.

The sound from someone knocking on the wall as they yelled were ignored by the two as all they could see was each other, their scents filled their minds, the way they felt each other as their bodies hot and lustful, rubbed over as the sensation of that cock and pussy connected them. Chuen cried out in native tongue. "More, that's it." Xu rolled his hips so that his shaft slipped in at different angles as he lowered his body again before he wrapped his strong muscled arms around her.

The deep gasps that came from the male as both felt their chests beat from their increased heartrate, the sound of the female panted along with the male as he wheezed slightly, then coughed. His body shook as Chuen hugged the male tightly, tears welling up in her eyes as she held her husband, her mate close.

Xu felt his dick throb and then with a loud gasp, the panda grunted as his penis swelled before it spat out his thick gooey load of spunk into her. Chuen rubbed the male that was now lying on top of her softly as she nibbled on the ear closest to her, whispering soft noises, no words as Xu listened to the soft sounds while his penis throbbed and made his body shake from the climax.

When Xu finally rolled off from Chuen, the large panda flopped onto the mattress as the springs cried out noisily and she slowly moved over to snuggle into him from the side, her hand paw rested on his chest as her fingers splayed out to rub the fur gently. Xu continued to breathe heavily as she rested her head on the chest and listened, her face looked away from his own, just his wet dripping cock in front of her, the stench of her own juices and the thick gooey white cum the hung from the tip. But she listened to the harsh sounds from within the chest and her face turned to one of concern as her hand rubbed the soft belly.

There she remained as the male slowly drifted off to sleep, the penis slowly softened as it fell against his lower belly, Chuen just laid there and listened to the slowing of the heart and then the sound of the male softly snoring. That's when she lifted her head up and looked down at her mate, the soft smile formed on her lips as she leant down and gave a soft kiss on Xu's forehead and slowly as she pulled the sheet around them both, the female snuggled up alongside the male and with an arm about his broad chest. She stayed like that for a while, then slowly got up as she started to blow out the candles, the room getting darker as each one flickered out until one remained and then even that died as Chuen moved on the bed again in the dark as she laid against the warm body of her mate, laid her head on his broad shoulder and then slid an arm about him. It was not long after that while she listened to him breathe, she succumbed to the warm hug of unconsciousness as sleep overwhelmed her.

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