Uncatchable) Salazzle

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#6 of Uncatchable

You find yourself in need of a fire type pokemon and know there should be a powerful one atop the mountain but you may be a little over your head.

Meant to post this here when I did on FA but forgot to do so. Anyways enjoy!

Also go to my patreon or ko-fi if you'd like to support me. Will be figuring out things to do with the tiers on my patreon once I get into the groove of things again, don't want to overload myself right away. Any support is appreciated. <3https://www.patreon.com/ookitsuhttps://ko-fi.com/ookitsu

Your rival had beaten you rather badly in your last match with their venusaur wiping most of your team with grass and poison moves. You knew you couldn't let it happen again and headed up the burning mountain in search of a fire type. Along the way to the top your water type pokemon were able to easily deal with the salandite and the various other weaker pokemon. Though your own pokemon were starting to get tired as you neared the peak but you knew it was going to be worth it in the end. Soon your rival's venusaur won't know what hit them when you get whatever fire type ruled the top of this mountain.

As you neared the peak you started to notice a sweet scent in the air overtake the smell of scorched rocks. It was pleasant to say the least and made you feel relaxed. The other thing you noticed were all the salandites either watching you from a distance or running towards the peak with some berries, other food or various items. Strangely none of them made a move on you unlike the ones further down the mountain. It had to have been a salazzle from what you've heard about them from the people in the town at the base of the mountain. Though they seemed too superstitious about it, claiming the salazzle must be behind so many trainers disappearing. In the end it was just a pokemon and like any other they could be caught and tamed. Plus if it was as powerful as they claim then your rival wouldn't stand a chance.

The scent only got stronger the closer you got to the peak but also started to make you lose focus on your task. You started to wonder why you were coming up here again before slapping your face to snap out of whatever was making your thoughts so hazy. This only helped for so long though as your thoughts soon switched completely from your task to just needing to see her. A smell this sweet had to be coming from a female after all and you needed her for something, you just weren't sure why or what yet.

Coming over the last ridge of the mountain you saw her, a salazzle unlike any other and all you knew was that you had to be hers. You had seen one before in a gym battle but that one was tiny compared to the salazzle before you now. Figuring she had to be at least nine feet tall though it was hard to tell exactly with her laying on their side. She soon noticed you standing there and beckoned you over to her side. This was certainly unusual and not something you had expected but she seemed so alluring and inviting that you couldn't say no. Walking up close to her you truly got a sense of just how big she was compared to you.

Her long tail wrapping its way around behind you before nudging you forward and against her belly. Staring deeply into her eyes as she rubbed a few of her fingers gently along your head. You felt safe and relaxed around her, you didn't know why you just did. Not even paying attention to or realizing a few salandites had come up to you and started robbing you of your belongings starting with your pokemon. It wasn't long until you had nothing left but the clothes on your body left in your possession. Though that certainly wouldn't last long as she slipped a finger under your shirt and lifted it some, motioning for you to take it off. It definitely was way too hot up here for your clothes, and the heat coming off of her body certainly didn't help things. Taking your shirt off willingly followed by the rest after she pointed at them out as well. Covering yourself up with your hands once you were fully naked. Your modesty certainly seemed to amuse her a little as she tapped over her snout as she pondered what to do with you.

It wasn't long before you felt her tail wrap itself around your waist and effortlessly lift you up in the air. Trying your best not to wiggle in her tail's grasp while she moves you from her side to above her as she laid down on her back and then setting you down between her legs onto the thick base of her tail. Watching as her right hand came down and spread her pussy apart. Not entirely sure what she wanted you to do but she soon gave you a good idea of exactly what she wanted as the tip of her tail pushed your head down towards it. You shook your head breaking out of the trance for only a moment wondering why you felt the need to do this before her scent overpowered your senses once more. Pressing your face down against her feminine lips, nuzzling into them and even giving her a slurp as deep as you could go.

This wasn't deep enough though apparently as you then felt her hand on the back of your head, pressing down on it until it disappeared entirely inside of her. Feeling the soft silky smooth flesh around your head, you panicked for a moment thinking you messed up somehow before hearing her moan in delight. Putting two and two together you figured this must be what she wanted and that it must be safe as you seemed fine and felt no discomfort. Pressing forward on your own now, tucking in your shoulders as much as you can while nuzzling ever deeper inside her. This felt right to you as your shoulders, chest and belly started to slip inside while your head pressed past the tight barrier to her womb.

The salazzle's insides squeezed over you rather tightly as she groaned in pleasure from feeling you disappear into her. Each squeezing flex of her body helping pull you alongside your own efforts. Once you were in up to your hips, you started to have a hard time pushing yourself in as you couldn't get enough leverage in your position. Luckily you weren't the only one to notice as the salandites seemed ready for this as you could feel their smaller hands grab your legs and start to push you inside of her. She certainly seemed to love all the sensations your body was giving her as you rubbed along every sensitive inch of flesh inside. Rubbing tenderly over your form as it started to curl up inside and stretch out her lithe figure.

It wouldn't be long between the efforts of your wiggling to get deeper inside, her body tugging on yours and the salandites pushing on your legs before only your feet were left sticking out. Feeling the smaller pokemon's hand pull away as you worked on tugging the last of your body inside, desiring nothing but the warmth and safety of her womb. The salazzle hit her climax right as you tugged the last of your body inside, soaking her thighs, tail and part of one of the salandites that remained between his mistress's legs. During the climax you could feel her womb tighten around you, making you have to curl up even tighter inside. Hardly able to move around once her body relaxed as you started to feel tired, it was a long journey up the mountain after all and you felt comfy inside of this pokemon's womb. You tried to fight the urge to sleep but as you felt her hands rub tenderly over your form, you succumb to your desire to sleep.

Over the course of the night the salazzle's belly would shrink down, having converted some of your mass to her own, gaining a little bit of height. That wasn't necessarily the end for you though as she converted the rest of your mass into a salandite and put you in an egg to lay later that morning. She could always do with more salandites to serve her after all and there are no shortage of trainers eager to come up the mountain.

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