
Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#5 of Fae's Flash Fiction

Here we are again, another little bite-sized piece of fiction for you all. This one actually kinda got away from me a bit, since I've never written tentacle stuff before. It was interesting for me, and I hope it's enjoyable for you all, too!

  • Faoric Unit 4629

Fae's Flash Fiction - Compatibility

Light. Sudden, brilliant, blindingly bright light shone down over the bewildered vulpine as his eyes shot open. The light washed over him but seemed to touch absolutely nothing else, and nothing else came into view as the fox's gaze shifted around him. He was illuminated; all else was shadow. He tried to lift an arm, to twist his body, but found himself immobile. The fox was trapped, barely able to even move his head. He began to panic briefly as he felt himself attached to nothing, and vertigo swept through him as he looked down into the inky black below. No clothing, no tether, nothing to support him... yet he floated in the air, suspended by some invisible force. Panic faded as curiosity took over.

A soft hum lit up the room - is it even a room? he wondered to himself as he searched out the source of the sound - and another light began to shine. It swept over a familiar sight, a completely naked lupine male just barely out of reach. Another hum, another light, and the fox caught sight of a rabbit male lit up. Then a leopard. Raccoon. Otter. One after another, countless species. All male. All naked. All suspended in the air, sheathed in light. He heard a few whimpers, a few panicked cries as they became aware of their limited surroundings.

All fell silent when the voice came, though. "Instruction: be calm," it said, and the mechanical - though feminine - tones echoed throughout what sounded to be a very large chamber. "No harm will come to you from us. Warning: attempts to free yourselves will result in self-harm. Remain still during the scanning process. Rejected candidates will be returned safely."

The voice fell silent, and left the fox to look around himself as he considered the mechanical words. He needn't have considered them for long; one by one, the lights supporting the various males around him began to shift. Beams of red criss-crossed through each male's light, and passed right through their bodies. The result was the same for each one. The light would change and shift from white to green, the mechanical female voice would state, "Result: incompatible," and then the male within the light would shimmer and vanish from sight.

The fox was the last one in the room when the beams passed through his body. They swept up and down, pierced him completely and painlessly, and covered every inch of his form. He sighed when the beams vanished, and looked up as he waited for his light to turn green. It didn't.

Instead, it turned to a soft blue. "Result: preliminary compatibility match," the voice said, and the fox would have stiffened at the words if he'd been remotely capable. "Scan reveals bioform category six, subform three hundred sixty-nine. Native designation: Vulpine. Intelligence scan result: sentient. Sentience is recorded as category two. Queries of subject designated Vulpine will be answered prior to phase two of the process."

"Who are you?" the fox asked, as he looked up towards the light source above him. He amazed himself at how steady he kept his voice through the question. "What do you want?"

"Answer: I am Automated Unit 492 of the Kisthari Starfleet. Long-range scans of your world indicated intelligent forms of biological life. This unit was dispatched to gather samples of your peoples for the purpose of discerning genetic compatibility. Congratulations. Your biosignature results in a preliminary match with Kisthari biology. Phase two will commence with your permission: this unit is not programmed to disobey the wishes of sentient beings. Scans of your body have determined your species' concept of pain. No phases of my function will result in any form of pain inflicted upon you."

The mechanical voice was devoid of any real tone as it spoke, and the fox hardly felt like 'congratulations' were in order. "What is phase two?" he asked.

"Answer: extraction of specific DNA samples. Phase two will be analyzed for final compatibility before proceeding further. Obligated query: does this unit have the permission of subject designated Vulpine to proceed, and would subject designated Vulpine prefer an organic or mechanical collection?"

"Yes, and... organic." The words came out of the fox's muzzle before he even considered the question, but even as he spoke he decided it sounded the better option of the two. Being poked and prodded at by a doctor sounded like a better process than it being done by a machine.

"Selection chosen: Organic. Organic Collection Organism activated. Stand by." Almost as soon as the words began to echo, a hint of movement began to stir in the dark beneath the vulpine. He glanced down as a tingle of fear wound its way through him, before he remembered the mechanical voice's assurance that it would not cause him any pain. It was only a small comfort though, as he began to hear something bubbling away beneath him.

He didn't need to glance down; what was below came to him. It was gelatinous and slick, and it shone in the light that held the fox aloft. Its form was blue, darker than that of the light itself, about as thick as his arm and possessed of a rounded tip. The fox blinked at it, as curiosity once again overrode his concern for his own safety. Ostensibly, this was the Organic Collection Organism... or at least a part of it.

A second and third gooey growth rose up out of the darkness, each about the same size as the first. He gasped as he felt the two newcomers each curl around one of his footpaws; the goo was cold. He felt his flesh tingle at the touch of it though, and he himself grew warmer beneath the wet, thick feel of those lengths. The growth before him began to lower itself again, and his eyes tracked its every move.

"Explanation : the OCO method of collection is derived from a vat-grown, amorphous creature of Kisthari design," the mechanical voice explained, as the two appendages curled around the vulpine's footpaws began to slide up his legs further. "Powered by a form of internal cold fusion, the creature exists in a semi-aware state. It is little more than an organic machine, which my systems direct to achieve our goals. Due to its simultaneous semi-solid and solid nature, you may feel some slight, momentary discomfort in approximately ten seconds."

The two lengths wrapped around the fox's legs began to blend into themselves, and he quickly found those legs encased within the goo's form. The goo continued to rise up each leg, and he found them spread slightly apart as they reached his knees. There they stopped, as the first growth hovered just barely above his belly.

Then the machine voice's words kicked in, and the vulpine realized his ten seconds were up. He gasped again, and he would have arched his back were he capable of it. His tail shot up and twitched as he felt a sudden, new pressure against his backside, equally as cold as the touch of the semi-solid goo that surrounded his lower legs. Unlike that goo, the touch was that of something solid, and he groaned as he felt his tailhole spread slowly out around its unseen intruder. "Uhh... mmrrf... I..."

"Explanation: stimulation of internal pleasure centers commencing," replied the voice, answering the vulpine's unspoken question. The length behind him - about as thick as two of the fox's fingers pressed together and cold as the rest of the OCO's form - continued to worm and wriggle its way slowly into him as the voice continued. "Subject designated Vulpine may momentarily experience intense pleasure. For ease of collection, hormonal treatments unique to subject designated Vulpine's biology have been synthesized and administered through the subject's contact with the Organic Collection Organism. Effects should become noticeable in a matter of seconds."

The fox felt it happen the moment the length invading his backside reached his prostate. The tip of the OCO's growth almost melted away against that little spot as the fox shivered in his invisible restraints, and he squeezed his eyes shut and moaned heavily as he felt the appendage inside him form itself completely around that point. Pleasure lit up from it, and it spread like wildfire through his body to each and every nerve. His sheath twitched and shook, and his malehood began to slide into the cool air faster than he'd ever felt it before.

"Warning: collection will begin momentarily. Stand by for direct stimulation." As soon as he heard the words, the fox moaned once more as he felt the cold of that first length press forward and against his rapidly growing shaft's tip. He opened his eyes and glanced down, and watched as his malehood vanished into the middle of that gooey appendage. The cold that wrapped around his shaft came with an intense tingle that only added to the fire surging through his body, and the goo continued along his malehood until it reached his sheath.

Meanwhile, the growth pressed up into his rump pulsed and prodded, throbbing against his squeezing inner walls. It was almost like the cold, gooey creature melted through his body, as if it were wrapping itself completely around his prostate rather than just pressuring it from inside him. The pulses and pushes of that growth came from all sides, more intense than anything that the fox had experienced before in his life. It set him trembling hard enough to even shake him in his unseen bonds.

The pleasure couldn't last, no matter how hard he tried. The cold around his shaft somehow made his malehood burn hotter, and the 'synthetic hormones' that the voice had mentioned were driving him mad with lust. The need to cum flared through his mind over and over and over again, as the growth his shaft was sheathed inside wriggled and squirmed and squeezed down around him. It vibrated and shook and rubbed along him in a way that nothing ever had before, and the fox knew he could spend the rest of his life trying to experience it again as he rocketed towards his peak.

He couldn't slow down, he couldn't stop, and didn't want to even if he could. Pleasure doubled then tripled, magnified over and over again as he shook at the edge. Then, as the gooey length curled around his shaft squeezed down and locked tightly around his knot, the fox lost himself completely in the creature's grip. He howled out in pleasure as his control vanished, and he shook against the empty air as his shaft pulses and spat one thick, hot shot of his seed into the creature after another. Had he been able to open his eyes, he might have seen each pulse of his fluids sucked down rapidly, to vanish into the darkness below. But he couldn't, so slaved to the pleasure was he.

When he finally came down from that high, he found himself still held tightly by the OCO's appendages. His eyes opened, and the light around him had changed once again. It was no longer a soft blue; it had shifted to a bright violet. In the light, it was even easier to see the lengths of the creature below him. If he hadn't felt it himself, the fox might wonder if he'd climaxed at all. "Is... was that... I mean, did I..."

"Analysis complete on DNA sample," interrupted the mechanical voice again. "Processing of sample extracted from subject designated Vulpine has revealed sufficient genetic compatibility. Result: subject designated Vulpine is compatible with Kisthari biology. Extrapolation: further extraction of core DNA - natively designated seminal fluid - is required for the Kisthari people." The mechanical voice paused briefly while that sank in. "Subject designated Vulpine will, with permission, be secured within this Unit's hull and brought to the Kisthari. Further sessions with the Organic Collection Organism will begin once subject designated Vulpine is rested. Accepting this, shall a course be laid into my navigational systems?"

A grin spread across the fox's face as he leaned his head back against the invisible force that held him still. The answer was quick, simple, and impossible to argue against.


And there it is, another piece of flash-fiction... though not quite as 'flash' as I'd hoped. Leave comments, score, fav, cum, all that good stuff! Let me know what you thought, and that you enjoyed! Catch you all next time!


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